6 Games That Are Better If You Just Never Finish Them

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the final part of a game should feel triumphant the heroic payoff to your struggles and sacrifices like when you make it through a whole Domino's without sharing a single slice no but occasionally a game doesn't get the memo that the final mission is supposed to leave you with a sense of fulfillment and instead presents a conclusion that leaves you weirdly worse off than you were before here are the final missions you'll be happier than ever attempting along the way beware planet-sized spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now listen Jack Norlin get on this horse get out of here go find place to hide you're coming with this pot I'll catch up we all love a good tale of redemption none is quite so powerful as that of John Marston in Red Dead Redemption our favorite cowboy who wasn't in Toy Story goes off to his old gang members at the behest of government officials from the Bureau of Investigation who have his family bill I've come for you Bill Williamson come out here right now go away now John don't make me kill you he's on a mission to change his ways for the good of his wife and child and as you see the story unfold you get to know the real master a good man trying to escape the folly of his youth my daughter informs me you're here on some secret mission to remove some undesirables from the County something like that I'm grateful for the hospitality sir so it's lovely when he finally gets reunited with his family and they all live happily ever after I said they all live happily ever after happily ever after okay okay no they didn't truth is after some tranquil missions of getting cows for your farm and being all Little House on the Prairie you have that happiness ripped away and stamped on by the people who promised they'd leave John alone pop what do they walk I don't know son whatever it is yeah it ends here oh look how many there are they're gonna kill us Earth Day no I ain't gonna let that happen Marsten being the sometimes wonderful husband and father that he is since his wife and son away in a scene that will break your heart harder than 1-hundred Mufasa is all dying at once keep riding and don't look back and don't be worried about me here now get going you stay out of trouble John ain't no trouble Abigail ain't no trouble I love you now go get a no trouble John then your hopes of a happy ending for Marcin are literally shot down as these bastards kill him with more bullets than in John wick 3 the wick and the dead but you think this is Johnny boy he can't be taken down by the man he's gonna be fine sadly all your hopes are dashed when you suddenly find yourself in the driving seat of his useless son Jack in whose body you are now permanently locked because John is dead forever and if you want to continue exploring the open world you'll have to do it three years later as Jack who is mean to his horse looks like a jerk and has an annoying whiny voice so the moral of Red Dead Redemption is the same as for my childhood dog Buster don't let him go and live on a farm nominally I'm broke the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of the martyrs slain because of the Word of God 5x5 is all about mastering your environments become the ultimate predator in a wilderness that includes peaches the killer lion from the moment you first flee the clutches of cult leader and prophet of doom Joseph seed at the start of the game you're on a slow but certain climb to the top of the food chain as you become more familiar with the art of woodland living you'll accrue weaponry survival skills and even animal allies like a modern-day Davy Crockett albeit one who can have a bear called cheeseburger rip out ur throat on command Far Cry five story progresses as you master all three regions of the sprawling Hoke County taking down Joseph seeds unpleasant family members and saving your kidnapped police colleagues along the way becoming a stronger and more feared wilderness warrior then when all his siblings are deader than disco a weeping Joseph will appear to you and invite you to a final showdown in a cutscene it's impossible to pay attention to because all you want to do is offer him a tissue would you like a never mind thing is though there's no rush to head to Joseph's compound for that final confrontation and at this point you've become a true master of the wild capable of RAM bowing your way through any cult stronghold better yet you've rescued your friends and hamstrung the sinister Joseph seed if you're smart you'll continue to play in the open world that you've dominated and never head to that final mission because what happens next is oh buckle up folks when you start the final mission Joseph firstly manages to somehow recapture all your mates despite the whole point of the game so far being to make them safe seriously these idiots are as easy to capture as a drowsy bumblebee you have the choice to fight Joseph or surrender if you do the latter you'll get the bad ending where you drive off with your friends but a song you've been psychologically conditioned to respond to comes on the radio and it's heavily implied you slaughter your friends in a violent rage [Music] yeah and the good ending requires so much air quotes around the word good that I've had to call in help the good ending thanks guys resisting Joseph triggers a bizarre fight in which you must pump your own friends full of bullets and then revive them before you finally bring Joseph to heal and I heard a great voice from the temple state of the Angels go your ways and pour from the vials at which point the world explodes in nuclear fire and yes you are hearing that right is finished child [Music] turns out the unhinged Joseph was apparently right about that whole end-of-the-world deal and you watch as the wilderness that you tamed erupts in irradiated fire leaving nothing behind except a sense that you should have put down the controller half an hour ago it's not all bad at least we didn't have to actually see cheeseburger melt in a nuclear fire just picture it really really vividly I found some folks who actually liked being shot at permission to come aboard Shepard you might think that being a guardian of the galaxy is all about cool Sony Walkmans and sexy green aliens but after Commander Shepard and he or she will tell you that it's bloody hard work and it never ends also the aliens are blue I like your outfit also that is to say the work never ends if you play your cards right if you've never played Mass Effect 3 here's how to play Mass Effect 3 one play nearly all of Mass Effect 3 then to install the dlc known as mass effect 3 Citadel's 3 play that instead of completing matte effect 3 in this way there's no faffing around with the game's possible canonical endings each of which offer various degrees of bittersweet heroism resolving your beef with synthetic life-forms and disregarding the nuanced journey of difficult decisions you took to reach that end point you have altered the variables in one ending you do get to shoot an ancient holographic child in the face but that's neither here nor there [Music] the cycle continues hooray agency with the outside extra method however you bypass the proper endings called destruction control and synthesis in favor of the ending called bugger this for a lark I'm off to party on the Citadel for the uninitiated the acceptable dlc is a delightful bonus chatter that swaps the galaxy menacing doom and gloom for a right old knees up with all your favorite characters who aren't yet dead and as his good and proper it delivers on to shepherd his or her final karmic reward nice please it turns out this final reward is not immortality or creating a new kind of DNA by fusing their life force with the crucible but actually is the kind of lavishly baller space station apartment in which Jay Z might live if he were cryogenically preserved into the 22nd century and God willing he will be hey you got some coconut water or something like that I need some electrolytes damn it's kind of warm in it man you got a death wish for some am I supposed to kill you now oh no bro not me no they say there's no honor amongst thieves but I know my partner in crime and II would never betray me for that fun but that old saying would go some way to explaining the plot of grand theft auto 5 a sprawling story set in a giant open world that you can explore from the point of view of three separate characters leapfrog in between the mines of Franklin Michael and Trevor like a spy satellite on a bungee cord by the time you approach GTA 5's end game you'll have become emotionally invested in all three of these variably lovable roads and never more so but when you pull the biggest score of all an incredible heist that sees you fleeing the union depository with enough gold to sink a continent before flying away to live on an island called best friends island where trevor opens a tiki bar and everyone helps renovate it in my head because i can't deal with the actual ending so long as you ignore Franklin's mission marker after that big heist you can make believe whatever ending to GTA 5 you like or just keep all three characters preserved at that point in the story like bugs in amber getting up to wild mischief across the map and never facing the consequences of their criminal actions which is advisable to be honest because when Franklin goes home he's told he must choose to kill either Trevor or Michael or option C try not to kill anyone an option the game calls death wish that sounds like it could kill everyone and that would be so typical of Rockstar I guess you could argue that killing Michaels the lesser of Evil's and maybe it won't actually kill him [Music] Europe if you choose to kill Trevor or Michael the game fully kills them and your trio of open-world explorers is down to two permanently yo f you see my dad we've seen him for a while G's can job I didn't choose death wish solder breath of the wild was a massive success in which you unlocked the mysteries of Hyrule and became a master chef in order to make friends with this local dog [Music] we call him poor Dan Ramsey plus the game never gets old as the frequent rise of the Blood Moon lets your enemy Ganon respawn all the enemies you had already taken care of around the world in the spirits of monster sleep returned oh man I just tidied that up so when you finally get to fight calamity Ganon you'd think that destroying him will stop the Blood Moon freeing Hyrule from this cycle of violence and destruction however after going through the rigmarole of getting all the Guardians building up your strengths to get the Master Sword and finally dealing with the massive monster that's trying to destroy the world the reward is being sent back to just before you start at the final battle despite the fact that you did beat Ganon you can still see his swirly powerfully redness engulfing hyrule castle mocking you we can only assume that this is because Nintendo wanted you to keep playing but had no fictional explanation for constantly spawning moblins so in effect you can stop playing the game before fighting him and you'd still have the same result only without the gnawing feeling that Ganon never gets his comeuppance and with fewer broken swords and as anyone who has played broken sword five the Serpent's curse can tell you you can always do with fewer broken swords I'm sure you want to do this mustard I've got to ban can be a bit Moody sure but he does have a military chic ensemble that is totally on point literally because of the years Batman is determined to make Gotham safe so in the final Arkham game Arkham Knight even after the big finale of saving himself from the Joker and Gotham from the Scarecrow he's not done you were there at the beginning and now you get to see how it ends Bruce has made it his job to clean up all of Gotham so players are encouraged to finish off all of the side quests locking up the most wanted criminals in order to unlock the real ending Gotham still needs Batman for one last night and then prepare the nightfall protocol nightfall protocol now does that mean he's going to retire The Dark Knight in order to live out his well-earned retirement as Bruce Wayne yeah instead what actually happens is the bat symbol lap symbolically breaks as a sign that Batman's work is done before GCPD take to the streets to clean up the rest of the mess left by Gotham's worst residents then Bruce returns to a surrounded by reporters Wayne Manor unmasked before walking slowly into the house and well this happens and well that's the end of that Batman and Alfred go boom Commissioner Gordon looks sad and wistful and you're left with a cryptic hallucination about some kind of fiery monster stalking the criminals of Gotham instead of answering your questions this ending raises even more is Commissioner Gordon using Scarecrow's fear toxin how's Batman really broken his one rule of not killing anyone by blowing up Wayne Manor with Alfred in it with all these unsolved mysteries it's hard not to think that things would have been better if you'd have kept Batman alive forever we've got them nearly free of crime and everyone knowing at last that Bruce Wayne was the hero that did it all well well would you Adam and Eve Bruce bloody weighted bat I mean the cornerstone of enjoying a Batman game is having an alive Batman is the one thing you may have everyone in here fooled with your little Bruce Wayne charade but not me Batman you'll never fool me sorry those are some of the games that basically you shouldn't finish you should just put the controller down and just walk away and make up your own ending in your head and pretend that's what happened we think that john marston if we went to that farm and he found a spaceship and he went to space and became the first cowboy in space but certainly not the last that's the ending that we're sticking with and we hope that rock star will honor it in Red Dead Redemption - speaking of which why not check out this video from outside Xbox which is all about things you will do in the sequel to that game and down here there's another video from us which is about stealth takedowns that were super unselfie and if you enjoyed these there's every chance that you like the videos make in future so why not click on the subscribe orb thank you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 2,187,505
Rating: 4.8395085 out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption, red dead redemption ending, red dead redemption gameplay, rdr2, rdr, red dead redemption 2, mass effect 3, me3 gameplay, far cry 5 ending, fc5, gta5, gta 5 ending, endings, breath of the wild gameplay, zelda botw, calamity ganon, botw ending, arkham knight ending, knightfall ending, batman, outsidextra, outside xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, ellen rose, luke westaway, mike channell, jane douglas, andy farrant
Id: SRvsx3iuxjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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