5 Achievements that Only Mattered to Us

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My wife laughed so hard at me during this one. This is how I play every game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JohnRCash 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
most video games will tell you when you've done something to be proud of whether it's via achievements or trophies developers will offer up some kind of reward for doing something particularly hard in a game or going out of your way to try out a fun challenge or simply for picking up a bunch of stuff [Applause] you know what sometimes you have to make your own fun and we're sure we're not the only gamers who've set themselves a bizarre challenge in a game then pursued that goal with ruthless enthusiasm even though it didn't matter to anyone but us [Music] so we had outside extra and outside Xbox are here to share our greatest gaming achievements that only matter to us because we made them up but we did them that's the main thing well well cast your mind back if you will join me on a journey through the mists of time to when world of warcraft wasn't a new thing and now trust me the world was it was a really great place back when World of Warcraft was brand new and shiny you know had all the time in the world of warcraft to play it and that was when my friends I got really really really into World of Warcraft fishing which is potentially arguably the least exciting thing to do in any World of Warcraft otherwise I've never been fishing in real life and yet I must have spent I estimate 1,000 million hours fishing in World of Warcraft to reach what was at the time the level cap like the the skill cap I suppose which was level 300 I had 300 fishing powers I was power level 300 of fishing it means Andy I'm glad you asked because no don't go it means you can fish in all the really good places it's like you can only fit like some places you have to be really good at fishing to fishing so I went to a shara and I fished for golden pearls because I needed them for making my truth faith I needed them to make a really good pair of priests robes but also I got really into fishing as it as I saw standalone achievement I got really fixated on being the best and being really good be really efficient and really efficient at fishing like I could harvest for an hour and get some really good like gold but gold pearls are a very rare drop so you really gotta fish your heart out to get one golden pearl Andy do you think if I could get them out of a dragon's belly I would be fishing yes you could put them on your auction house so actually fishing is a very lucrative habían profession in world of warcraft and that's why it's my favorite unofficial achievement because this is the time before world of warcraft actually added achievements a later date achievements became a thing in world Warcraft but I was doing it od before there are any fishing achievements that you kids are all pursuing I see you more the coal kids trying to pick up World of Warcraft fishing achievements and I was doing it for the why was it for the honor and prestige of having level 350 I was back to my peers accepting he's in the room can I get golden pearls can I make them into true faith vestments for Arthur Morgan you remember James Bond bloodstone of course you don't of course you don't it's not golden-eyed the one James Bond game that anyone can remember bloodstone was a James Bond game that they insisted on making rather than just remaking Goldeneye and I had to play it for reasons the reasons being that I was employed on the video game magazine it had this mechanic which was I think stolen from borrowed from a it's been sell game called convictions for this our conviction and it essentially was a sort of marking excuse system where you built up your tokens to perform the mark and execute by Malay killing people it was a one hit Malay kill which is my favorite kind of Malay kill the problem was I'm not a patient man you might have noticed I like to basically take the path of least resistance through a video game and it turns out that in James Bond bloodstone the path of police resistance was just running up and Malay killing everyone so forget the mark and execute thing you just go up and hit your single button kills and you can you know run us way through all these baddie terrorists who I don't know what the plot was because all I was thinking about was Goldeneye and why I would rather be playing Goldeneye so anyway I'm running through this game and after a while I've basically just been Malay killing everyone I'm not shooting anyone it is a shooter technically I thought well let's see how far I can push this how far into the game can I get just by doing these Malay kills so this is how I played the game I sprinted directly to each enemy that I saw going the Malay kill and you had a few moments of invincibility while you went through them very painstakingly animated Krav Maga style murders that you could do [Music] so I would use that as a breather and then I would sprint to the next bad guy and do that and I honestly got I don't think I ever managed to complete the game entirely but I got so so close I mean I'm talking up to like the final level without ever shooting above it just running around punching people in the face slap is only yeah oh thanks I was playing James Bond bloodstone slappers only one view of me on facility spiritual sequel to slap is only on Goldeneye Jayne exactly that but yeah I played through the entire that game the only times I got a break with the odd like bad vehicle sections and try as I might I couldn't leap out of the car and Millea kill everyone in the vehicle stations it was not a great game yeah you're right I don't know if you could I can't recall but that would have been brilliant yeah it could have kept kept me on theme it's very very strange game in the end you end up chasing just stone around on a big bridge Nicole stop don't move hello James fancy meeting like this James Bond Joss Stone is what it was cause it got too hard it actually got too hard so we're talking about achievements here but I'm not very good at video games at least not when I play it make them artificially difficult myself obviously at the start is the easiest way to play the game but beyond the midpoint actually you're making things much hardly for yourself as you sprint into a hail of bullets trying to get your platonically pure malay only run through the game so yeah it started off a lot easier to do it that way it ended up a lot harder to do it that way but I am as stubborn as I am lazy so identified that this is the way I was gonna play the game and that no one was gonna stop me I'm so proud of myself you guys [Music] year is 1999 and a young Luke Westaway is beginning his Pokemon adventure because that was when pokemon red came him how I don't laugh James great influential game Ashley God Pokemon seriously everyone because I was the year that pokémon red and blue came out in Europe and yeah I was so hyped and so excited to start playing this game Pokemon that everyone have been talking about that I've been reading about in the magazines pokemon red you begin the game the very first thing that happens is that you must choose one of three starter Pokemon I chose Charmander because have you seen him he makes the other two look like absolute garbage so yeah I chose Charmander is obvious and then you're introduced to a fellow called Gary mother flippin oak [Music] boo is right so gary-oke is an early lesson for 90s children in nepotism because he's the grandson of Professor Oak and as such life is just handed to him on a platter and this begins with him choosing if you choose Charmander he chooses squirtle he always chooses the starter Pokemon that is like strong against against your starter Pokemon and so you have your first pokemon battle against Gary and I remember doing this this first fight my first pokemon battle either Charmander he had a squirtle I can't remember exactly who won that battle but I'm pretty sure that Gary did now that first battle is very easy to win so the only way that I would have lost that battle but I think I did is that like for those who don't know there are like two types of moves in Pokemon there's attack moves that sort of do damage and then there's stupid useless moves that you should get rid of immediately which are like status effect moves and every Pokemon that my pokemons your Charmander starts with one I think it's called growl which lowers squirtles attack stats and is pointless if squirtle is attacking you but you know I didn't know at the time that half of the moves in Pokemon would not worth bothering with so you know I was like oh what's this growl thing what's this scratch thing and before I knew it my Charmander was was down [Music] it was down and Gary had one he'd drawn first blood and that's when I vowed for some reason that I would defeat Gary oak at the end of the game with the first move that Charmander has at the start of the game which is a move called scratch it is as weak as it sounds you go like like that and it does a small amount of damage and so as I went through the game I kept this one move in charmander's which you know they're involved into Charmeleon and then eventually Charizard kept the scratch move even as more powerful moves came and I could have taught that Pokemon more powerful more useful attacks I kept scratch because I just had in mind but in the final battle when it's Charizard against Blastoise I would be like remember me Gary remember this and be like scratch and Blastoise would go down and that would be the last us Pokemon move I ever do in the game and Gary oak would say well Luke I was wrong you are the best pokemon trainer in the world this is back when Pokemon rivalries meant something because Gary oak is genuinely horrible and like he shows up many times in the game and he's incredibly rude and he just refuses form an emotional bond and respects his Pokemon and yet he's always one step ahead of you he's always just that bit stronger and then at the end of the game when you beat the Elite Four and you were like oh my gosh I did it I'm the pokémon champion it's like ah no wait guess who was just here five minutes ago Gary oak yeah he did it he beat you here and he's done it and he's won and you're like oh my gosh and that you know and you can never you could never quite get that back what you can do is you can beat Gary and make sure that his reign as pokémon champion of the whole world only lasted about two minutes and that's what it and I did it I defeated that Blastoise with that scratch move and there was absolutely no reward for doing so it made playing the game you know a fair amount more difficult but boy it felt good to have stuck to something you know as a kid to have set myself a goal and to have achieved it I think it was the greatest lesson I ever learned in my whole life this scratch move by the time you get to the end of the game is it any more powerful is it the same did you have to use it multiple times to kill the boss so as I remember it because I was like what I wanted to do was like do all my cool moves and then when Blastoise was really on the ropes deliver the coup de gras and be like remember this ah but I think what actually happened was like I got Blastoise down to a small amount of health and then was like remember this ah and Blastoise was fine and then had to like keep scratching keep going until you could see bone yeah yeah yeah it was so vivid in my imagination the animations were so primitive I basically had running in my head like a like a full blockbuster anime kind of like running in my mind with like it was amazing no video game will ever measure up to Pokemon in my mind yeah have some of that Gary [Music] so I like to play games stealthy one particular series that I really really love to play stealth ian is the Dishonored series and in both Dishonored 1 & 2 there's achievements for going through the game never having been seen and no knowing that you were there oh it's called ghost and I have the achievement in both those games so but this list is all about achievements that we made up and so my achievement is a slight twist on that in that I try to leave as little trace of any any sign that I was there as possible other than unconscious people also clean hands but this was to go through the game closing every safe door behind me that I unlocked [Music] because then they wouldn't immediately know that I'd broken and taken all of their stuff because ghost is like you're just never spotted and no one sees you and no one notices you but I was like that's not good enough I've got to add a level of difficulty to this it kind of mainly stemmed from the fact that I sort of do anyway to be neat and tidy like if I oh if if there is a game where I open a safe and it says close the safe I'm like yeah I'm often the same with doors but very particularly with safes and it actually sometimes when you find a game where you have to open a safe and there then isn't an option to close the safe I don't like it cause I want to make it neat and tidy like I like the fact that you know hey if someone does come in and works out that the safe has been broken into you will take them slightly marginally longer than it would have if I just left the door open because they're you know they have to spot that the codes see it's empty yeah that's what I want that's the perfect yeah yeah I kind of did it like unconsciously like like no not literally unconsciously but subconsciously I was kind of just closing safes and then there was a like kind of like narratively in my head I was like this makes more sense because like what are you the unconscious guard wakes something's like what's happened and oh everything safe still closed I'm sure it's fine [Music] and it just like adds that level of he never here he is there danger this is gonna escalate you also closing every door behind you as you go through it sometimes I do that's mainly because like I go to the draw and then shut it so that no one follows me in the barn that's why yeah it's polite knocking out everyone you meet it's very killing that's the - you haven't done it yeah I you know make everything neat tidy they never know I was there [Applause] who remembers grand theft all day for anyone what were who was the worst character in grand theft auto 4 C everyone thinks everyone thinks Roman is bad alright so thank you yeah Roman the stereotypical Italian pizza chef popular character Roman he was your cousin yo you played Nico Bellic who arrives in America and your cousin Roman is all like Oh cousin come and say with me in America I'm rich and no no I'm being sensitive he's like coming in with me and my big mansion I've got a great life and you get there and turns out he's rubbish and bad and so that is what planted the seed in me of hatred for Roman and then the seed was watered by the constant requests to go bowling and it bloomed into a full hate flower and though when I was in my downtime in Grand Theft Auto 4 when I wasn't on missions or going drinking with brucey whatever it is so got up tea I used to like torturing Roman in hilarious ways the game doesn't make it super easy for you to kill Roman because the game apparently it has affection for Roman for some reason but you can do things like you could pick up Roman in a car to go bowling and then you could speed down a pier and dive out of the car and the car would just land in the river and drown so that was one thing you could do or you could you know you could crash the car at high speed and something well you just run him down or shoot him or blow him up but I became obsessed with trying to kill Roman in the most spectacular way possible while still surviving that was the key because I had to watch his demise with my own eyes and not be involved myself so the thing that I was trying to do it took me a while to get it right was you would get a helicopter we go pick Roman up go bowling in the helicopter he's like Oh cousin yeah this war really coming up in the world cousin what with this helicopter like yeah that's right Roman just so you getting that helicopter and then we would you know fly fly across the city fly across the river as we were going across the river you could bail out of the helicopter now there weren't parachutes in grand theft auto 4 so the only way to survive jumping out of a helicopter which was the only flying vehicle in the game because the technology was a bit more limited the only way to survive was by landing in water so you had to get the trajectory exactly right it's not a y it's not a super wide river and especially when you're high up you can you can easily miss it and there's a lot of like boats and islands and things and there so you have to land exactly in the water otherwise you die the idea was to get over the river jump out of the helicopter land in the water and then be be swimming there in the water as you watched the helicopter just int and then that's that's the end of Roman but the thing was he didn't actually die he just you know got hurt and he went to the hospital and then he would call you and ask you to come and pick him up the hospital at which point he would then turn up again in a helicopter and not having learned anything from his previous experiences Roman would then climb into the helicopter and he could repeat the process over and over again but you know in the end I chose the the ending of grand theft auto 4 where Roman lives so in a way I guess I came to love yeah also I wouldn't've been able to do in the postgame if he'd he died at the end so that's why I needed him alive I was sweet it was it was so sweet there's honey sweet as he says you Bob fair in the river just watching the helicopter down into the into the buildings it was it's I mean it is pretty random there's basically no way of accurately judging it because of the way the games physics works and the way that you can't really look where you're going you have to sort of bail out of the helicopter without seeing where the river is because you got to be looking away at the time it's basically random chance so I would say it took me a good two or three hour play sessions is like properly nailing down where I could do it regularly and repeatedly because there was like certain obstacles like bridges and things you'd be like oh this is perfect then you'd land on a bridge you clip your head off the bridge and then I know now you're wasted and Roman thinks it was an accident the point is he needs to know you did it on purpose Oh for that I'm looking I'm not gonna say like massive but I would say that's a good heart that's a hundred years even right there 80 to 100 I would say say yeah so those are the achievements that we achieved even though they were utterly pointless completely put didn't even contribute to any gamerscore or nothing but you know what you know what the the achievement popped in here at least I felt a popping in here was that is that okay should I do I need to go to a hospital okay well well there's just time to wrap up the video let us know the achievements in games that you achieve the only matter to you in the comments and we would love to hear about the the sort of challenges and that you've made up for yourselves and if you did enjoy this then I think there is a very good chance that you will enjoy a show of the weekend which is our weekly show all of our video games it is great fun and you might also enjoy outside Xboxes show of the week which you can now catch live on a Wednesday or on demand if you if you don't a catch light if you want charm to the fact it's very entertaining and if you like this then do subscribe bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 821,604
Rating: 4.9416132 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, achievements, didn't matter, gta 4, gta iv, wow, world of warcraft, dishonored, dishonored 2, james bond, james bond blood stone, 007 blood stone, roman bellic
Id: jeqxPfRDHN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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