8 Embarrassing Game Overs We Caused By Being Dumb

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there's no shame in getting a game over from losing a tough battle or failing to complete a puzzle in time good strong alright maybe there is a little shame meanwhile there is a lot of shame in getting one of these embarrassing game overs where we manage to lose the game through stupidity ineptitude or on one memorable occasion pissing off a powerful vampire now enjoy our most shameful game overs and beware spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what are you doing I decided it would be wrong of me to hand over the notebook I'm good to call the police my morning is also for expect from gentleness memory if I were across wasn't one of the mansion owning elite there's no way she'd get away with the stuff she does robbing antiquities killing people killing dinosaurs great Mecca is a scientific find of the century nice archaeology Lara by the time we got to Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness however someone was clearly fed up with Lara's immunity to repercussions which is why if you do the wrong thing you can get a game over in which Lara Croft is actually arrested for one of her many many crimes this comes not a moment too soon either as Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness is the game in which the designers decided to make Lara darker and edgier as evidenced by how she's happy to snap the necks of numerous minimum-wage louvre security guards yeah that'll teach them to do their job it's not just murder Lara is into now go about things the wrong way and apparently burglary is also on the table because when tasked with retrieving the notebook of her mentor Verner von Croix from an old lady's apartment you're given two options one ask her nicely or to piss her off and end up having to Nick it I think you're better leave miss Croft what about the notebook I think not then I was unsure of you and so am I you have to be quick about it however because hanging around too long and that's when you'll get busted by those on Dom you have approximately a minute to search the apartment for the notebook and you'll get two warnings first the police cars will roll up outside the building and second you'll get a look at the officers stacking up outside the door ignore both of those and just moved around admiring the de corps and robbing vintage cognac and the inevitable happens holy man it's fine they're probably just the fashion police arresting her for wearing double denim it's an open-and-shut case do exactly as I say the cubicle across from you is empty the first matrix game enter the matrix start a sort of matrix B team who had minor roles in the second and third movies why do you do that do what check your guns you never know the later Matrix game path of neo on the other hand put you in the trenchcoat and Hot Topic goth boots of neo himself as the name suggests path of neo follows Neos pass through the movies which means it includes the iconic scene in which Morpheus offers neo a choice of two pills you take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe taking the blue pill would leave near within the matrix simulation taking the red pill we reject neo from the matrix like an unwanted USB stick so he could be rescued and joined the human resistance in the real world the choice is yours neo what about the third option don't accept candy from strange men no offense Morpheus anyway clearly you're supposed to follow the actual path of neo and accept the red pill in order to later develop the ability to dodge bullets and become mankind Saviour against the dastardly forces of Elrond from Lord of the Rings in a hurry to meet someone mr. Anderson but if you're dumb and contrary like us when you're given the choice you'll choose the blue pill and Morpheus does his whole I'm not angry I'm just disappointed thing perhaps I was wrong about you neo I'm sorry you won't be joining us yeah all right dad rather than a further six to eight hours of doing Neos boring office job this particular path ends with us getting a hard game over and booted right back to the main menu in our defense when Morpheus said taking the red pill meant we'd stay in Wonderland he didn't say that Wonderland would be a barren hellscape populated by horrible squid robots and where everyone looks like they haven't eaten in three weeks you save me save yourself look I stand by my decision which is why I'm subjecting you to the most serious punishment I can think of 100 billion trillion years standing here in the serious room perhaps after that we can talk about the severity of your actions and whether you've learned anything but until then serious room goo sometimes we all need a little helping hand with a video game that's why I'm paying a local urchin to complete Dark Souls for me he's got that hang on are you still using the Drake sword you look back and you do it properly honestly you can't get a staff these days even so you'd think twice before trying to use cheats especially in a game as meta and fourth wall breaking as the Stanley parable the bizarre conceptual office simulator in which an omnipresent narrator spends the whole game making you feel vaguely inferior the rastelli walls upstairs that meters in such old Stanley is quite a journey for the first daily real Stanley had never seen an image every custom it just Danny wood and his dust and you'd be right to think twice because it turns out they're trying to activate server cheats in the Stanley parable leads to you being sent to the naughty step or as it's known in the world of the Stanley parable the serious room sternly this is me being serious in fact this is my serious room it's where I come to be serious the name is no joke this is one serious room the walls are bare and gray it's lit by a single florescent strip light and the table the table is the most serious table that the narrator could find and believe me he looked it's possible I looked at over a thousand tables I honestly don't know the specific number isn't as important as the understanding that of all tables I looked at this one is the most serious that's serious dedication anyway for having the temerity to try and cheat you were given a stern lecture about how cheating is wrong and how you could have broken the game and then you're sentenced to infinity years in the serious room infinity years in the serious room I generally have trouble reading human emotions but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you're devastated by this crippling new punishment there's no way out of the serious room so you'll have to start the game all over again because and it's possible you picked up on this point the narrator is quite serious about not wanting you to cheat that's why you got the worst ending and believe me I will be laughing at every second of your inevitable life from the moment they didn't until the moment I say happily ever uh okay ii was ending [Music] manatees on the hardship in most games you spend your whole time trying to avoid doing what the body wants you to do that's sort of the point but in the original system shop technically you're trying to achieve exactly what evil supercomputer showdown is also trying to achieve which is the activation of a giant mining laser attached to the Citadel Space Station the difference is where shodhan wants to use it to obliterate earth and end human civilization you want to raise the station's shields first causing the laser to malfunction and explode either way though that laser is going off sooner or later and although academically we are fully on board with the plan to raise the shields and foil showdown sometimes the temptation to press a large red button with the words laser control underneath is just too much to resist I mean how much damage could it really cause oh so yes you destroy earth you get a game over where you're booted back to the title screen and worst of all receive an extremely smug email from Showdown thanking you for wiping out all of humanity yourself and saving her the trouble sure to escort you to the solo okay but show done did mention something about a celebration and if there's cake on there all the universes bakeries are on earth what have I done [Music] 1994 first-person-shooter rise of the Triad is a game that doesn't take itself too seriously after all this is a game in which one of the characters is called IP freely and where everyone wears seasonal hats if you play it on certain days you're kind of bad for those enemies now you know having to work Christmas make it to the game's final boss l oscuro however and you'll discover that it's not all fun and games in this fun game l Oscar O is the wacky leader of a doomsday cult only in this case it turns out you might actually have a point as he's able to fire bolts of magical energy at you and transform into a snake [Music] he also has some kind of deeply weird method of reproducing that involves gross eggs with his face on them something the game asks you to destroy if you can find the time while you're battling a terrifying snake monster with a human face [Music] I'm just saying on the priorities list it's not up there still defeat a los hero and you can bask in the satisfaction of a job well done and enjoy your hard-earned ending right up until the point where the game informs you that actually it's game over because you didn't destroy all of a los chorros la vie and one of them grew up to destroy the entire world 30 years later bad luck the credits then roll and an unseen voice tells you that you suck [Music] Hey what happened to the fun rise of the Triad all right you can forget me wearing my guinness thieves top hat for some patrick's day i'll just wear it on earth kinases birthday blooms day and the entire Rugby World Cup next year ask anyone who's tried to hold a conversation with a five year old and they'll tell you but someone asking too many questions can get annoying why because sooner or later you gonna run out of answers why because there's only so much you can say about certain topics a five-year-old or Mike why so yes it's quite an annoying habit which is why you probably shouldn't do it when you're talking to an ancient vicious supernaturally powerful vampire who could easily kill you in the blink of an eye bear in mind we're not talking about The Witcher 3 standard vampires here who are pretty easy to deal with if you don't mind a bit of bad language just 1358 no no we're talking about the unseen elder vampire from the blood and wine expansion who despite being possibly thousands of years old still doesn't like people wasting his time you were to speak not question speak oh guy cave I came out of I was that place questions more questions yep this Nosferatu looking dude is not messing around you'll get one warning after which asking another question unrelated to his interests gets you insta killed in the most embarrassing way possible for a professional monster hunter no no wait to be fair he's a Witcher not a vampire why all right that is it young man I'm Calista I work here for Admiral Havelock I'm sorry to intrude on your business but this is important I suspect you're going to kill the high overseer that wretched man dishonored Corvo attano is a man of honor well as much of a man of honor as someone who always wears a mask steals anything not nailed down and delivers unconscious women to their stalkers can be you'll never know how happy you've made me some day she'll learn to appreciate me after all she'll have her whole life so when you're exploring the hounds pits Parvin come across loyalist tinkerer Piero peeping through the keyhole at Callisto Curnow bathing it's entirely in character for Corvo to give him a stern lecture about not spying on people I couldn't bear it if she knew I know you're a man of honor and I also know that you can kill me at any time and for both of these reasons what is much less in character is for Corvo to do some peeping himself before barging into the bathroom clumsily hitting on Calista and then attempting to get into the bath himself fully clothed which is why you get an unbelievably embarrassing game over if you try and do exactly that [Music] yes according to the GAMEOVER screen the loyalist conspiracy is now dissolved due to irreconcilable hostilities which is a nice way of saying Corvo was kicked out for being a horrifying sex pest presumably Kalista also delivered some irreconcilable hostilities to his crotch on the way out you can't have much left in him I gave him three days tops if we fail he dies we lose our chance of revenge the very first mission in Metal Gear Solid 5 phantom pain that doesn't involve you staring at Kiefer Sutherland's but is the mission called phantom limbs in which you have to rescue Kazuhiro Miller from an Afghan military base but those nine years behind you and return his big boss it's our cars white at the start of the mission revolver ocelot gives you amongst other things a horse Casas sunglasses and a long long speech about your legend Casas predicaments and proper use of binoculars expect you become quite familiar with those binoculars as you plan your next move what you'll gather from this chat apart from the fact that Ocelot is super into binoculars is that time in this mission is of the essence Kaz is in a bad way and there's no time to waste if venom snake is to extract him to the safety of Diamond Dogs his mother base they do something to you right it's just bright as heart of course this is a video game which means that when someone says time is of the essence you've actually got as much time as you want to run around stealing rough diamonds smoking phantom cigars attaching stuff to balloons and seeing how far you can dolphin dive off of things eventually you'll decide that alright fine I'll go and rescue cars at which point you better hope that three in-game days haven't passed because if they have things are gonna play out a little differently to what you might expect haha cat I'm sorry that took a while but you should have seen this sweet dolphin dive I did Kaz Carson it's me I'm here to get you out god oh yeah turns out Ocelot wasn't kidding about time being of the essence and in the three days you spent mucking about in the wax in barracks it has died from the fact that he you know recently lost several limbs boss the targets dead were too late mission failed and you get an embarrassing game over for having that Kaz die and worst of all causing a time paradox awkward but hey at least I know how to use binoculars now so hey Ocelot it wasn't a complete waste of time yeah they not man I really wasn't paying attention now go let the legend come back to life so those were some of the most embarrassing ways that we've got game overs in games how embarrassing for us probably shouldn't bore them to your attentions because now we're embarrassed but if you want to learn more about video game game overs what's a few more videos for you here there's one up here from outside extra which about games you'll be a lot happier if you never do the final mission so never getting a game over down here is one from us which is about game over screens in old arcade games that were absolutely horrifying so enjoy that
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,282,693
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: list, countdown, 7 things, top 7, top 5, top 10, 10 things, 5 things, funny, game overs, embarrassing game overs, lara croft, tomb raider angel of darkness, arrested, police, bad ending, take blue pill, matrix, path of neo, alternate ending, stanley parable, serious room, cheats, system shock, shodan, destroy earth, rise of the triad, witcher 3, blood and wine, vampire, dishonored, callista curnow, peeping, keyhole, bath, metal gear solid 5, the phantom pain, kaz, fail, rescue, 3 days
Id: xVmCe3MCzjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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