7 April Fools' Jokes that Came True

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ah april fool's day that magical day of the year 100 of the things you read online can't be trusted rather than the usual 85 is capcom really hiring zombies will google actually let you talk to flowers who knows tulip is a breakthrough in human plant communication letting users around the world communicate with any tool what i do know is that the april fool's jokes attempted by video game makers this first of april might not remain laughably fictitious for long that's because on more than a few prior occasions game-related april fools gags have proved to be so cool intriguing or well-received that they went on to be converted into actual reality here are seven times that very thing happened and april fool's jokes came true enjoy why do we fight to protect home and family to preserve balance and bring harmony for my kind the true question is what is worth fighting for the makers of world of warcraft are well known for their creative april fool's pranks one year there was the wearable tinfoil hat for conspiracy theorists another year hailed a new way of evaluating how your in-game gear measures up to other people's known as the equipment potency equivalence number or ep then in 2008 there was a fake console game called molten core [Music] man old games always look worse than you remember don't they this tradition goes way back to the pre-world of warcraft days as we can see from blizzard's april fool's joke in 2002 when they claimed that a new fifth character race would be coming to warcraft 3 reign of chaos heroes arise to challenge fate and lead their brethren to battle this was the mighty pandaren empire who as you might have guessed from the name looked like big old pandas back in 2002 this was just a joke because panda's hilarious but fans who thought that this was actually a pretty good idea were vindicated when the pandarens returned in 2012 as part of world of warcraft fourth expansion mists of pandaria [Music] there's doubling down on a joke and then there's this which is at least sentupling down on the original joke crafting an elaborate backstory for these noble panda people letting players explore their mystical homeland and culture which is all the proof we need that given enough time any warcraft joke has the potential to become real don't worry we'll get that molten core game yet you mark my words [Music] yakuza games are known as open world crime sims but what they really are at their core are beat em up since ninety percent of what you do in those games is beat people up the other ten percent is [Music] to karaoke beating people up yakuza had solid combat controls embedded in a fighting system that let you switch between different styles plus use environmental attacks and cinematic finishing moves known as heat actions [Music] the system was it almost goes without saying based on real-time combat because anything else would be unworkably absurd that's what made this 2019 april fool's joke from the makers of yakuza so funny see they released a video that hilariously claimed the upcoming yakuza like a dragon would have turn-based party-based rpg style combat imagine a yak is a game with turn-based combat the very idea [Music] the problem was that the trailer made this supposedly ridiculous concept look totally awesome transforming a late night aggro street brawl into a spectacular confrontation straight out of an epic rpg with special moves [Music] and team up attacks the reception to this turn-based combat was so positive that it drove the yakuza leica dragon developers ryu gagatoku studios to actually retool the combat in their game and turn it into basically a jrpg this was a first for the series but a welcome one because rpg style summons mixed with yakuza's bizarre sense of humor is officially the best thing ever unless you're the person being assaulted by crawfish [Music] coming soon a brand new conan experience [Applause] conan cha-cha [Music] fun-com is the developer behind the popular online survival game conan exiles which is known for its brutal gritty tone and the fact that you can customize your barbarian wang so when the folks at funcom announced they would be teasing their new conan game fans of swords and loincloths were excited for more of the same unfortunately for them the date was april the 1 2019 and so what they got was a little bit different witness the blood spattering eye melting ultraviolet high res gore of the world of cone and the simerian barbarian like you've never seen before this was conan chop chop revealed as a cartoony hack and slash game packed with ridiculous features like 2 000 player multiplayer modes 12k 360 degree virtual reality and 9 billion randomly generated dungeons 9 billion randomly generated dungeons so random you may find your own soul trapped in a puppy from the future it seemed reasonable to assume that a conan game from the main conan developer that turns the famous barbarian into a cartoon man with sticks for arms and legs is an april fool and yet incredibly it turned out that this was actually a real game [Music] yes conan chop chop is an actual game the reveal on april fool's day was a marketing maneuver and although the real game doesn't have 2 000 player multiplayer or offer 12k support it does offer four player co-op epic boss fights and tons of loot [Music] early reaction to conan chop chop has been positive or at least much more positive than you'd expect from a game that has comic sans in its title i guess we'll find out for ourselves when it comes out as it still hasn't released yet it is real though unless this is the longest running april fools joke yet we can't rule it out i'm ready for you bring it on ah you should make an interesting opponent [Music] in the pre-internet 1990s video game urban legends spread like wildfire you could unlock the blood in the snare's version of mortal kombat there was a nude code for tomb raider there was a nude code for sonic the hedgehog he's already nude people think it through [Music] in the case of colossally popular fighting game street fighter 2 the most prominent urban myth concerned the arcade version of the game [Music] it claimed that you could fight an enigmatic character named sheng long the supposed karate sensei of street fighter stars ryu and ken this myth first arose from how ryu yells at his battered opponents that they must defeat sheng long to stand a chance [Music] everyone believed ryu here was yelling about a mysterious person by the name of shang long but he wasn't in fact the line about sheng long was just a mistranslation of ryu's original line in japanese about his dragon punch which made more sense because to be fair he is always banging on about that [Music] the myth about an elusive dude named shang long was then stoked by an april fool's joke in electronic gaming monthly which was a kind of video game magazine which was a kind of website printed on dead trees this joke article reported that players could access a bearded grey-haired karate master named sheng long by fulfilling some very specific demanding criteria the gaming public's belief in never before seen mystery man long was further reinforced by how the subsequent snares instruction manual for street fighter 2 actually did say that ryu and ken were trained by a man named shang long so at that point who could blame anyone for wishful thinking whole affair was an elaborate hoax born of a mistranslation but the enthusiastic response to the prospect of meeting ryu and ken's old sensei planted the seed for new character ghouken who would eventually join the street fighter series in street fighter iv ah you shall make an interesting opponent okay the name is different but he's an elderly martial artist who mentored ryu and ken and now is here to crush some jaws with his slow ass old man shaw yukins so you and i know what's really going on with him [Applause] at least now i can defeat sheng long and finally stand a chance or not [Music] the collective might of the first spherical armor division led the charge and have rolled out across her satellite since the dawn of time humankind has looked up at the moon hanging there in the sky and wondered what's it like up there what secrets does the moon hold is there life and could i drive a tank around blowing stuff up for fun okay maybe not that last one unless they happen to be part of the dev team for world of tanks the enormously popular free-to-play tank combat sim that in 2013 put out a post on their website announcing that they would be taking their tanks to the moon with a brand new lunar map for players to wreak havoc on wargaming conquers the moon the battle lines have been slipped from the earth's surface and now world of tanks players have become the first space tankers in history the announcement promised new moon gravity and physics alien spaceships and the option of telepathic communication between tank crews which all starts to sound a bit suspicious especially when you check the date and realize that this announcement went out on would you look at that april the 1st the world's lyingest holiday you don't even get the day off apparently though the world of tanks developers were really serious about the whole moon thing because two years later they added a new mode to the game named moon mayhem which included the previously promised lunar gravity as well as a new tank that came equipped with a laser cannon the unique is-8 ball command a unique spherical tank constructed from top secret blueprints confusingly this was also announced on april the 1st but actually came out for players on april the 3rd that said a day on the moon is about 30 earth days so actually that's pretty good going now i stand here before you what you see is a body 3d modeled to perfection a pair of legs configured to defy the rules of the engine arma 3 is a tactical sandbox shooter that prides itself on its gritty action and photo-realistic in-game territory it tells the story of us army soldier ben kerry and his survival behind enemy lines following a failed nato operation fire at that soldier soldier 75 meters left fire in the hole in other words it's not the kind of scenario that typically features go-karts unless the main villains turn out to be 15 year olds having a birthday party which i checked the armor wiki and they don't therefore it made for a perfect april fool's joke in 2014 when the announcement went out that developer bohemia interactive would be adding go-kart racing to their super serious military game april fool's day you've done it again [Applause] [Music] and yes they had done it again only here the it that they'd done was come up with a brilliant idea that everyone actually really wanted them to make into a real thing as a result the very next month drivable go-karts became arma 3's first paid dlc creating a kind of monstrous hybrid of mario kart and call of duty that i guarantee you only didn't exist already because activision and nintendo weren't able to come to an agreement over whether or not it was acceptable for mario to use an rpg to kill rival racers i say yes welcome to the future the year is 2007. nuclear war has nearly destroyed our planet now an evil presence seeks to enslave what's left of humanity fans of neon ninja stars and gravely voiceovers will surely remember far cry blood dragon the retro themed expansion for far cry 3 in which you play as a cyber commando voiced by michael bean hey i got one page we got nine foot on it it's sloan's bedtime and his blanket is six feet of my what they might not remember is that when blood dragon was first announced in 2013 most people thought the far cry blood dragon was far cry publisher ubisoft doing an april fool's joke that's because it was announced when else on april the 1st not only that far cry blood dragon was revealed with a video that looked less like an announcement trailer for dlc for one of the year's most popular games and more like something the team had knocked up in half an hour using adobe illustrator and an 80s title template while the trailer was short on details it was heavy on vibes with vhs stylings a heavy terminator-inspired bass line and more synths than kraftwerk's basement but this deliberately jokey trailer released on april fool's day turned out to be much more than a simple april fool's joke about a non-existent game it must have been pretty gratifying for ubisoft to witness the huge amount of positive feedback from people who wish the game were real but presumed it was a joke because then ubisoft got to announce that surprise far cry blood dragon actually was real in defiance of the teaser landing on april fool's day and it would be available to download in just over four weeks time on the 30th of april 2013. he's got the science [Music] he's got the firepower and he's got the robo balls that's a rex code guarantee thankfully blood dragon delivered on the promise of that original teaser by being the eight easiest thing that ever a teased just come back in one piece you got a wife and kid waiting for you rex if this don't work you tell them you tell them i died for my country tell her that yourself you hear me and also having giant neon dragons that shoot lasers out of their eyes which are obviously not a joking matter terrifying blood dragon this standalone title is available now so there you go those were seven april fool's day gags that ended up becoming real did we miss your favorite put your suggestion in the comments and for more videos like this subscribe to outside xbox or even better hit the bell icon on the bottom right of the screen to get a notification whenever we've got a new video thanks for watching and for more videos like this check out the videos on screen right now for more from us and our sister channel outside extra bye
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 768,632
Rating: 4.9405518 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, april fools, world of warcraft, warcraft 3, mists of panderia, panda, pandaren, joke, prank, gag, april, yakuza 7, turn based, combat, trailer, spoof, rpg, arma 3, karts, world of tanks, moon, moon mayhem, gouken, sheng long, street fighter, egm, far cry 3, blood dragon, dlc, conan, exiles, chop chop
Id: KCWtsTqLudo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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