7 Bad Guys Who Had a Point, Now I Think About It

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in a videogame it's easy to tell who the villain is they're the evil one with all the evil plans who's always being all evil sure whatever you please guy you were right like that but sometimes when you really think about it someone presented as a bad guy turns out to have a pretty good point after all actually here are seven video game villains who had a good point now that we think about it oh and beware spoilers for the following games imagine trying to run a small business in the city where Streets of Rage takes place the city is ruled with an iron fist by an evil crime syndicate the streets are overrun by punks and there's a terrible t-shirt shortage that means everyone is going around topless that's the situation barb on first boss of Streets of Rage 2 finds himself in bar bond owns a bar see nice place with exposed brickwork hardwood floors a couple of classy pool tables it's not much but it's all he has so when a giant pro wrestler or a woman in a pleather miniskirt or a rollerblading child or Cody from final fight walk in the front door and start smashing up all his furniture beating up his clientele and stealing his takings I think he's entitled to be pissed thing is bar bond does exactly the right thing he leaves the bar out the back entrance trying to avoid confrontation hoping that the lawless vigilantes trashing his bar will just take his apples and sacks of money with dollar signs on the side and just leave it's only once they follow him and corner him in an alley that he fights back what else was he gonna do call the police I think it's pretty obvious that in the world of Streets of Rage the way the police deals with the problem is firing a bazooka at it from three blocks away and they made him tear his best waistcoat not cool guys what are you doing here the war room is no place for a child leave now I'm here to stop you you can't kill those people in Fable 3 you don't exactly start off on the right foot with your brother king Logan within moments of the start of the game Logan forces you to choose between the execution of your childhood friend / sweetheart or a rabble of innocent peasants I will give you a choice who will be punished these strangers of this girl the sentence will be dipped it turns out this is just a taster of his generally tyrannical rule that includes high taxes child labor and straight-up slavery or crimes that pale in comparison to that facial hair it's a face not bikini line enough how dare you turn against me so yes Logan is a git but what you don't realize is the reason he's so hard on the people of Albion is that this is a war economy as king Logan is desperately trying to build an army to defend Albion from this charming fellow my people die the crueler as he's known is coming whether you like it or not and even when you assert Logan halfway through the game if you want to pay for the same army he was saving for you're going to have to make some dickish decisions break some promises to your people and give up your own giant Scrooge McDuck money room so tell me what are you willing to sacrifice to do the right thing remind me why I wanted to be queen again was it the call that I need to stop making decisions to become things based on how cool a hat you get so yes in hindsight given the choice between the crawler or king Logan being in charge we'd vote for Logan 2016 the sacrifices I had to make I did them to protect Albion taxes are higher but at least you're not in danger of being consumed by the creeping darkness can't argue with that as a political platform there's nothing left you're gone all gone tell you what I'll turn myself in as soon as you do the same yourself a criminal do you soup gadgets the sense of entitlement just another rich kid atoning for his fiscal sins Gotham City is fantastically spectacularly corrupt if there were a corruption Olympics Gotham would get the gold or it would just bribe and threaten the IOC officials until they got the gold regardless so political activist Lonnie Machin aka anarchy felt he had to do something to that end he planted bombs in three of Gotham's most corrupt institutions the merchant bank which was owned by black masks and used for money laundering the Gotham Casino which swindled Gotham citizens out of their hard-earned money and the GCPD full of corrupt cops on the take who controlled Gotham's streets through fear and intimidation okay now just to be absolutely clear we're not condoning planting bombs anywhere clearly Aniki went too far on that point and violence is never the answer and he even realizes that there's a way to make this work to show you that we share the same goals maybe I took things too far bombs in the threat I can learn from that but his point remains valid even if his methods aren't Gotham is massively corrupt and something needs to be done something more lasting than Gotham's richest man dressing up as a bat and punching muggers with electric gloves that cost more money than the same criminals will ever make in their entire criminal careers but Batman isn't interested in long-term solutions Aniki even offers to team up with the Batman giving Bruce the chance to chow his energies into something more positive I'd like to propose an alliance I think two of us could accomplish great things together see if you can guess what Batman's responses in fact Batman seems really keen on anarchy going to prison when he's fine with say Catwoman flipping around Gotham like she owns the place wonder what that's about I think you're so busy playing a hero you've forgotten what it's like for the rest of us I mean wow that's actually a really good point Aniki you didn't take me down because I broke the law no no no you took me down because you don't want the competition that's what this is really about isn't it let me ask you something you ever wonder if you're the reason the city's so messed up they probably bat earplugs I'm not listening la la la la la what is it the Templars truly seek order purpose Direction no more than that we spent years hating those dreadful Templars and then Haytham Kenway came along in Assassin's Creed 3 and was the first to make us think hey maybe these guys have a point that's partly because we spent the first 10 hours of the game playing as Haytham seeing things from his perspective and furthering his cause before we found out we were doing odd jobs for the guys who up until now with a series bad guys but why let a few power-crazed dictators ruin it for the rest of them old haste just wants peace and he reckons the best way to do it is with a few rules and regulations and always what do you have Thunderdome that's what that said we're not keen on some of his methods and he takes full advantage of the fact that it would be another 170 years or so until the Geneva Convention was drawn up I've told you everything now let me go of course also Haytham introduced mustachio jerk Charles Lee into the Templar order a man who stood directly in the way of American independence I'll burn that homestead of yours to the ground and Ruth the seven heads of your precious founding fathers in its flames but ask yourself this would British rule really have been that bad just think of all the fun you could have had been terribly sorry about everything know why you're welcome back anytime you like to summarize change is good embrace it your king is alone rejoice and you must stands like a sentinel way too bring it on now I know you're thinking are they really going to argue that pagan min had some good points okay jeopardy couldn't [ __ ] do much that pagan min it was the [ __ ] Duncan pass the one who's always stabbing people Oh find out what he knows yes well while it is clear that pavement is a violent tyrannical maniac as ever context is key before pagan arrived ki raat was a country torn apart by a civil war between the Royalists who supported the King and the Nationalists who wanted to overthrow the monarchy after a bloody political coup pagan min instead installed himself as the new leader of ki raat and immediately started to be undermined by a group known as the Golden Path now in judging mins regime we need to consider the alternatives the best solution for ki raat is a democracy where people are free to do as they wish but at the time of far cry for your two choices are mins regime which is heavy-handed yes and the golden path which can go one of two ways depending on who you side with if you sign with Sibel the golden path turns ki raat into a fundamentalist theocracy executing their former members for heresy and treason sins against the gods have only been washed away with blood there must be a cleansing for us to perform if you side with a meter the Golden Path turns kyrat into a totalitarian drug state using child soldiers to protect their drug fields please top this is a good thing your children will help cannot become a better place if you love Kira you will turn around go into your home's oh I will have you shot both of which are worse than pagan mins regime pagan min even realizes he shouldn't be in charge anymore at the end of the game he relinquished his power voluntarily and offers the kingdom of ki raat to protagonist AJ knowing that you'll do a better job of ruling because you're so great you do realize that you're just giving away your country right it's yours it's always been yours Kurata is yours I pulled you off the bus in the first place to pass it on to you plus he has an excellent taste in suits you got to give him props for that girl queen fire fire why are you here business set in a brutal and desperate world The Last of Us has more Shades of Grey than a paint chart with morally compromised good guys and ostensibly bad guys with a fair point I'm not about to kill the one man in this facility that might understand the weight of this choice so Marlene is about as close as the game gets to a final boss she's the leader of the fireflies a resistance group searching for a cure for the cordyceps brain infection that's turning people into angry cases of athlete's foot hang on if they try just whacking some chemist and cream on it you'd assume they have because it turns out the mutated version of the fungus inside Ellie's brain is the only way to develop a vaccine and save all of humanity and regrettably the surgeons can't operate without killing her once they remove it they'll be able to reverse-engineer a vaccine Marlene has the extremely difficult job of giving the doctors that go-ahead to kill a teenage girl for the good of all mankind but whatever it is you think you're going through right now there's nothing to what I have been through it's not like she wants to murder Ellie it's just that when you take someone's brain out of their skull and then pop it open to scrape out all the fungus inside they have a tendency to die there is no choice here meanwhile your character Joel decides this is a bad idea and he sure does kill a lot of other people in order to avoid killing the one person whose death would actually save humanity you just come after and felt this conflicted since they invented that delicious puppy ice cream well you don't you know that good thank you Frankenstein chewing his own monster actually mr. Jensen I prefer to think of myself as Daedalus watching helplessly as his child crashes into the sea Hugh Darrow from Deus Ex Human Revolution is the Nobel prize-winning father of mechanical augmentations he's also the guy who triggers the cataclysmic event late in the game using a software upgrade installed in most augmented people to send them into a violent rage this causes countless deaths widespread distrust of augmented people and the so called mechanical apartheid as seen in the upcoming Deus Ex mankind divided forgive me okay yes that looks bad but he had his reasons honestly see the original reason the software upgrade was secretly distributed to augmented people was as a means of control by the Illuminati when this is done the Illuminati won't be able to control men and women like you as they had planned from the inside out in effect all augmented people have been fitted with a kill switch as you will discover yourself if you get the software upgrade like an idiot with this Darrow had seen his humanity bettering technology perverted into another means of control by the powerful elite and he wanted to show the world that augmentation was getting out of hand and that mankind was better off without the ability to punch through walls okay the may have been a better way of doing that than by triggering an event that killed a bunch of people and the actual outcome of anti old prejudice and segregation was not what he had in mind if he hadn't done it though the Illuminati would have a secret augmented army of millions of brainwashed soldiers ready to do their bidding whenever they wanted afraid to die Daryl but just unwilling to face what you've done oh I know what I've done believe me I take no pleasure in it and yet you still did it I did what had to be done oh my God look at his triangle scarf Illuminati confirmed he was trying to warn us all along so those were seven times when the bad guy kind of had a good point when you think about it and if you sort of stretch your definition of bad guy and the things that they've done you can really justify quite a lot of stuff thanks for watching this like and subscribe if you enjoyed it and there's two videos here that I think you'd enjoy well YouTube thinks you'd enjoy this one because that's been chosen by an algorithm so who you to argue with an algorithm definitely not in the future when robot uprising happens and under me here is actually a playlist of videos of features like this one but not this one so why don't you check that out and see if you find something that you like there
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 7,271,714
Rating: 4.8621669 out of 5
Keywords: bad guys, baddies, enemies, bosses, best, worst, best bad guys, worst bad guys, villains, best villains, worst villains, list, outsidexbox, outside xbox, pagan min, amita, sabal, golden path, king logan, fable 3, haytham, assassin's creed 3, ac3, barbon, streets of rage 2, marlene, the last of us, TLOU, the last of us marlene, anarky, arkham origins, arkham origins anarky, hugh darrow, deus ex human revolution, dxhr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2016
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