7 Times You Died But Then You Got Better

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now I'm no doctor but I would say that the most difficult medical condition to treat is being dead and yet it takes more than a nasty case of having died to keep these game heroes down they're much much too important to stay dead and thankfully can apparently be jump-started like a car with a flat battery join us now as we fondly remember the times that you died but then got better because he had too much to do please beware spoilers ahead for the following games Wolfenstein 2 Nightbreed the interactive movie I thought only I remember that one well drive is also good anyway lots of spoilers in the way yes well theft and destruction of public and private property aiding the enemy torture terrorism including nuclear both domestic and abroad and high treason for gruesome murders that number in the thousands you have been found guilty mr. William Joseph blaskowitz if there's one thing we've learned over the course of the Wolfenstein games it's that hero BJ Blazkowicz is extremely difficult to kill except for the times when we're actually in control of it they don't count just look at the end of Wolfenstein the new order BJ finishes the first game by setting off a nuke while lying right in the middle of the blast zone and yet somehow the beach survives with his eyebrows intact to appear in the sequel Wolfenstein to the new Colossus the bad news is your enemy Frau Engel is similarly resistant to mortality having somehow survived having a door ripped apart and being thrown off a cliff by a robot [Music] [Applause] if I stub my toe I'm out of action for a week so when BJ is captured and sentenced to execution during Wolfenstein the new Colossus it's anyone's guess who's going to come out of this with their heads still attached initially it looks like BJ is going to make a daring escape but it turns out this is all an idle daydream never mind all the times I died in the daydream definitely doesn't count so when BJ is led to the chopping block and has his head hacked off with a sword we're pretty sure we're deader than an aliens colonial Marines fan forum and that's before the head is dropped in a furnace on live television [Applause] huh I guess that's game over then nope BJ's falling head is rescued by his comrades and they have to rapidly stick it in a jar before he suffers total brain death pretty sure that was more than three seconds but sure after a brief spell learning what it's like to be a goldfish BJ is resurrected with a nifty cybernetic body so you can get on with completing the second half of the game I feel powerful you'll move triangle she'll be back in Wolfenstein 3 you are all traitors to the Empire you will be interrogated tortured you will give me the names of your friends [Music] Emanuel day it's possible you don't remember the ending to Star Wars The Force Unleashed because you were too busy owning wookies with the force to ever finish the first level [Music] more like let the wookie spin you know like what he says with the you know what I'm talking about Star Wars if you did manage to finish the Force Unleashed however you'll remember that the player-character star killer who is Darth Vader's secret apprentice dies at the end in the canonical ending from a nasty case of force lightning this is sad because star Kela had amazing cheekbones but also good because in death he became a martyr for the newly formed Rebel Alliance inspiring them in their battle against the evil empire also he had found love with Imperial pilot Juno Eclipse and was all very touching and sweet or as touching and sweet as someone being electrocuted to death by a monster faced space was it can be I guess that is until Star Wars The Force Unleashed to which picks up six months after the events of the first game and casts you again a star killer who it seems has walked it off you're alive oh this time the official explanation for this is that you're playing as an imperfect clone of star killer because Darth Vader was so thrilled with how the original one went he decided he wanted to give it a second go probably a mistake that one at least in the ending of the Force Unleashed to this star killer doesn't die instead he gets the fly off with Juno but uh-oh looks like they're being tailed by popular character Boba Fett's what a cliffhanger to end on what a setup for Force Unleashed 3 [Music] Kancil you say LucasArts closed down entirely you say I guess there is one thing in the universe more powerful than the force corporate downsizing the story of a hero has three parts are beginning a middle and an end in the beginning you put the hero up a tree in the middle you throw rocks at them at the end you get your hero out of the tree this structure holds true even for those few stories not about climbing trees or story set in the desolation of the fallout 3 wasteland where the trees tend to be hideous mutants I want you to go underground and destroy my heart no one is climbing that if you get the hero out of the tree and they're still alive it's a comedy if the hero is dead from rocks what you've got there is a tragedy and so we find the original ending of Fallout 3 in which the lone wanderer wanders into a lethal dose of ionizing radiation no folks don't even worry about it I'm going to heroically sacrifice myself for the good of the wasteland even if you're immune to radioactivity destinies yours dominates here would not rob you of that no no don't get up okay see what's so super about him if I'm honest anywho that's how you wound up canonically dead at the end of fallout three in a tragic and noble act of self-sacrifice that left you we have to assume more irradiated than Godzilla's left buttock and yet however deadly that seemed it was nothing that couldn't be cured by a little downloadable content and - fallout 3 DLC Broken Steel which upgraded your status from dead to in a two-week coma careful now careful don't move too quickly everything's fine you're safe you're in the Citadel yes apparently you would knocked unconscious in your would-be final act of heroism then taken to the Brotherhood of Steel's clinic in the Citadel for a nice long lie down and no other lasting ill effects I was starting to think you might never wake up despite assurances to the contrary this is such good and improbable news for you and they're now recovering wasteland that I might suspect you actually did die and this is all a beautiful dream you're having in your dying moments in the irradiated control chamber except if it was why are you dreaming that albino radscorpions are a thing yeah okay this is real back to work out yes I just lost the best friend I've ever had we all lost a friend and the world lost a hero you're Emma sunset overdrive it was the Xbox exclusive from insomniac games in which he played an insufferable wisecracking kid who parcours around a city a concept that is only acceptable when that insufferable wisecracking kid is spider-man as we all discovered in insomniac the next game hey Willie nice jumpsuit slimming PlayStation exclusive that one I know you've got the better end of that deal the plot of sunset overdrive centered on evil energy drink company Fisk Oh whose drink overcharged perks you up and helps you focus with the slight downside of turning you into a boil covered mutant known as an OD but helps you focus you say I do have a bunch of work needs finishing by the time you've reached the end of the game your war against fisk o has escalated to the point where your snarky dubstep enjoyer of a player character is writing a huge bottle of overcharge into their corporate headquarters for reasons which we swear make sense in the context of the story in the process though in the course of events that absolutely no one could possibly have predicted your hero smashes into the building Falls hundreds of feet to the ground below and then the building explodes crushing them with loads of rubble so that they died to death [Music] what follows is a beautiful tribute to your heroic deeds throughout the game as various NPCs you've helped on your journey gather to mourn their fallen friend and also a larper puts a crown on your foot then the credits roll and we all take a moment to think about how fleeting and precious life is in a surprisingly profound message for a game that up until this point head away there he is that's the ending are you serious whose idea was that yours or yours Oh bad move guys neogaf is gonna eat you alive you know what I deserve a better ending I got an idea okay rewai yeah your wisecracking character has decided that actually this ending is too depressing so they rewind time with a hit to four I mentioned power that really would have come in handy during the actual game itself then they come back to life which to be fair we had been doing for a while in a variety of wacky ways hey everybody who wants to get drunk on milk and crackers I don't know there's just something about this guy I don't like yeah I think there might be it if you thought interactive movies only arrived with the advent of full motion video then you have clearly underestimated what people in the 1990s were willing to describe as an interactive movie case in point is the brilliantly weird Nightbreed the interactive movie on the amiga you play as the movies hero Aaron Boone who has been having weird dreams about an underground city of monsters called Midian unfortunately at the start of the game Aaron's psychotherapist informs him that he suspects him of murder and is going to turn him in to the police and Aaron reacts in exactly the same way I do when I watch a documentary about the fire festival it wasn't even a private island you end up on the run from the police and heading towards the graveyard where Midian is located it's not exactly the warmest welcome though in that you're bitten by a gross monster you know I really imagined that when I got bit on the net by monster it'd be some sort of sexy vampire when you finally escaped the monster after a button-mashing chase you're confronted by the police and shot I estimate about 40 times yeah I think I'm dead guys calm down fortunately that bite on the neck means you're now Nightbreed death isn't the impediment it used to be you wake up on the mortuary slab and make a daring escape through the window back to your busy schedule of knife dodging fish avoidance and whatever the hell is going on here yeah that's the other face I pull watching a fire festival documentary the cabanas were disaster relief tents someone a whole chorus tell some I will cook over us [Music] family squabbles are one thing but when your family tradition is throwing each other into volcanoes maybe it's time to seek professional help that's the situation in the Mishima family of Tekken Fame the family's most notable members hey Hachi his son Kazuya and his grandson Jin can't go a single game without some attempted murder that's sure to make things awkward around the Christmas dinner table starting with Kazuya is ending in the original Tekken in which he Chuck's Heihachi off a cliff and then turns and grins at the camera like is in a soda commercial the Michener's have variously thrown family members into volcanoes [Music] throw them out of airplanes tied them to rockets [Music] throwing them into other volcanoes kick them into space punch them into dust I could go on okay one more blown up by golf balls [Applause] okay there's loads more of this each of which looks definitively lethal but none of which stops the mission as rocking back up in the next Tekken game none the worse for wear well it'll do more to remove some of these events mostly the space-based ones and possibly the one where hey [ __ ] becomes a bear a hand waved away as being non-canon but the volcano ones definitely are canon and form a key part of Tekken law which is why I'm so surprised to see Kazuya and Heihachi show up as playable characters and Tekken games these days because let me remind you they've both been chucks into active volcanoes and yet you'll notice that in the most recent Tekken Tekken 7 we're back to you guessed it hey Hachi and Kazuya having a fight in a volcano [Music] you'd think they'd have learned their lesson by now nice job cause he yeah hey Hachi I'll see you in Tekken eight Shepard did everything right more than we could have hoped for Commander Shepard uncovered the truth and still it's not enough miraculous technology is literally everywhere in the galaxy of mass effect in this far-flung future they've got faster than light travel telekinetic powers and skin tight spacesuits that keeps pace out without compromising on sex appeal imagine if the Apollo program had had those Jane I'm imagining if the Apollo program it had those the pinnacle of all this super high technology though is the Lazarus project [Music] at the start of Mass Effect 2 a surprise attack on the Normandy results in All Hands abandoning ship and Commander Shepard choking on a bunch of hard vacuum maybe the designers should have built those space suits a little bulkier after all no no no very well right while the Normandy is rendered into little more than a cloud of space debris Shepard is rendered into little more than what you get when a sausage falls through the barbecue grill into the fire [Music] that's Shepard deader than disco you might have thought wow Mass Effect who turned out to be a really short game you might have thought except you hadn't reckoned with the power of the aforementioned Lazarus project Lazarus is a mind-blowing ly expensive unprecedented system for reanimating a bunch of fleshy human chunks with cybernetic reconstruction like a less shiny Robocop the Lazarus project is brought to you by Cerberus the pro human paramilitary faction you might remember from such projects as being the bad guys in Mass Effect 1 they've named their resurrection technology Lazarus after a guy in the Bible Jesus brought back to life after four days which is a bit rich because it takes them two years to get Shepard back in business and still with a load of scars I never got a chance to say how much I appreciated what the Lazarus project did for me I just hope it was worth it still we mustn't grumble because otherwise Mass Effect II would have ended ten minutes in the Reapers would have hoovered up all the sentient life in the galaxy and I'd never have had that date with Gareth on the Citadel alright for carrion you're going yeah and don't worry I loaded it with practice logs for when you miss that was an easy one let you build up your confidence ah Wow I was dead there for a while but now I got better man I hope no one stole all my stuff while I was dead hey speaking of that segue that I just did there's a video up here that exact thing when video games stole all your stuff you should click on that but if you don't want to see that if you want to instead see me and Luke playing Ace Combat 7 with VR and check that out down here it's very confusing but neither of us throw up that's a guarantee like and subscribe also do that
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,031,480
Rating: 4.9369798 out of 5
Keywords: 7 things, outsidexbox, list, countdown, top 10, top 5, 5 things, 10 things, funny, funny moments, died, death, died but got better, fake, ending, wolfenstein 2, the new colossus, BJ Blazcowicz, frau engel, starkiller, star wars the force unleashed, darth vader, the force unleashed 2, nightbreed, aaron boone, midian, sunset overdrive, fake ending, fallout 3, broken steel, tekken, heihachi, kazuya, jin, jinpachi, mishima, volcano, rocket, space, commander shepard, mass effect 2, lazarus project
Id: 45CTM1lS_A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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