7 Harsh But Funny Punishments for Cheating in Games

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I would high five Jane, but social distancing.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Sogeking79 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Titanfall one is genuinely the most karmic, well deserved fate that can befall any cheater.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EaterOfCleanSocks 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
there's a wise old latin principle that goes kolp a poner par esto which I just pronounced perfectly and means let the punishment fit the crime no one understands this ancient Roman maxim better than the following video games as proven by how they punish players who have committed the crime of cheating at them the punishments may seem pretty harsh but they're also very funny which in our book makes this the perfect system of criminal justice yes another reason were apparently not allowed to become crime-fighting vigilantes but when Batman does it it's fine anyway the where spoilers ahead for the following games and he's not even funny so what is Batman get to dress up like a bat and fight crime when he doesn't even tell jokes or anything like that he died and made him Batman probably I guess his parents died have made it Batman but that doesn't mean that he's allowed to do stuff and I'm not why just because he's rich that seems unfair in this society that we have I think it should be ways fairer is if I be Batman sternly work for a company in a big building where he was employee number four to seven employ a number for two sevens job was simple he sat at his desk in room four to seven and he pushed buttons on the keyboard the Stanley parable is a game that features no combat no health bar no fiddly platforming so it's not exactly a prime candidate for cheating instead you can simply proceed to one of the 16 possible endings by making choices along the way there are no wrong answers it would be like cheating on a multiple-choice personality quiz which is only acceptable if you end up in Hufflepuff being based on the source engine that powered half-life 2 there was still a debug console in the Stanley parable though and you could use the same command to activate server cheats as in valves game sv cheats 1 the results are just a little bit different though you just tried to activate server cheats which of course runs the risk of breaking the entire game you've got no respect for the strict order of scripted narrative events and I just can't have that yeah you don't see gordon freeman getting told off by a disembodied voice when he uses the give all weapons cheat cheat in the Stanley parable sees you sent to the serious room with it's very serious table where you're sentenced to stay for 100 billion trillion years to think about what you've done I'm subjecting you to the most serious punishment I can think of 100 billion trillion years standing here in the serious room perhaps after that we can talk about the severity of your actions and whether you've learned anything feels like I could do all the thinking I need to do about this in just the one trillion years cheese again and you're teleported back to the serious room again and your sentence gets increased to a whopping infinity years which seems a little extreme for just two little treats again the point of this story is to convey how serious I feel this cheating issue is and I'm sure you'll agree with me once you fulfilled your new punishment infinity years in the serious room still plenty of time to work out which member of BTS I belong with j-hope I don't think so I'm changing that [Music] the most fun thing about Slenderman is how he stalks you relentlessly like a pale skinny terminator wait did I say the most fun I meant the most terrifying that's the most terrifying thing about Slenderman along with how he looks and how it sounds and his whole deal you're familiar with his work that yes thank you Slendy always listening and if you thought Slender Man supernatural stalking was limited to the confines of the actual environment over the video game in which he exists then friend you are wrong a van Slendy speechless face this horrible discovery was made by cheaters playing slender the arrival who tried to evade the Slenderman by glitching themselves outside the boundaries of the game with enough jumping and grinding against the geometry that borders the level a cheater can work their way into an off-limits area that was never intended for players to visit at last they think to themselves I have placed myself beyond the power of Slenderman and therefore I have won the game now all that remains is to live out my days in this mostly featureless wasteland beyond the edge of the play space haha only having detected the cheater glitching their way out of bounds the always reasonable Slenderman takes it upon himself to punish the trespasser personally with a serious fine and a stern warning only kidding he kills them instantly yikes looks like slender man's punishments are as disproportionate as his arms and legs I'm only joking of course we're all friends here Thunder man don't kill me if you're not familiar with the 1994 game heretic imagine dune guy took a break from chainsaw and demons and went on a laughing weekend it was based on the same engine as doom was published by dooms publisher in software and featured the same fast paced combat and colored key collection you remember from doom but instead was set in a medieval fantasy world I mean don't do that on your laughing weekend obviously heretic borrowed a lot from doom so you might reasonably expect to be able to use the same cheat codes to unlock all the weapons or activate god mode either that or you just end up typing them anyway by a muscle memory big mistake the cheat code for god mode in heretic was quicken but if you instead typed in iddqd which is the god mode cheat in doom this happened it feels like I was just killed by a vengeful god if that counts similarly typing idk FA which in doom would give you weapons keys and ammo instead strips you of all those things leaving you punking baddies with your rubbish wooden staff I feel like you're punishing me because of how similar your game is to do muriatic although in heretics defense it did have some cheats that doom didn't have [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay I take it back all is forgiven this cheat code rules kneel before me avatar master right before we had the immersive 3d worlds of the Elder Scrolls games the Ultima series ruled the fantasy role-playing roost Luke they were good for the time all right Ultima seven released in 1992 was another expansive fantasy RPG that's are you traveling to the realm of Britannia via a mystical portal that you found in the woods near your house [Music] Chellis the only thing I found in the woods when I was younger was the odd dead rabbit as you'd expect from an Ultima game Ultima 7 crafted a vast involving world and allowed you to explore such fantasy locales as the Isle of Deeds the fens of the Dead and our favorite the bog of desolation could be a bleak marshland could be the toilet in some student accommodation who can say Ultima 7 was generally pretty tolerant of you cheating start the game using specific parameters and you'd have access to a cheat menu that allowed you to power up your avatar steal items from NPCs and teleport around the map they must really want me to cheat if they made a whole menu to facilitate cheating teleport to a specific set of coordinates though and you'd be called a thieving scoundrel bastard by Lord British the in-game representation of game developer Richard Garriott Lord British finds you guilty of the crime of cheating before sentencing you to fiery death and even if you somehow survived he's also wiped out all the other characters in the game but not before he has a massive go at you for showing the results of your cheating to a friend [Music] or maybe even a few hundred thousand friends if Richard Gary asks with Playstation access in the Metal Gear Solid series versatile mainstay character revolver ocelot has worn many hats sometimes he's your professional rival sometimes he's your deadly nemesis sometimes he's your dog sitter and sometimes he's wearing a sweet beret hats occasionally like in the original Metal Gear Solid revolver ocelot is both your loathed enemy and an electrocution enthusiast among the Mujahideen guerrillas I was known and feared as shalosh Aska more like revolver talks a lot come on all right high five no high fives I'm right there in this scenario revolver ocelot intends to zap you Solid Snake with electricity like a car with a flat battery only instead of trying to get you to start on a cold morning he's trying to get you to divulge Intel and betray your allies you know torture to resist this torture and prevent snake from being electric to death you had to hammer a single button really really fast of course you could always cheat this punishing segment and save your dainty digit the pain by using a controller with a so-called auto fire feature and let it do the hammering for you or could you no no you couldn't with a fourth wall breaking metal warning Ocelot told you not cheat or he'd know about it don't even think about using art or fire around no and if you thought he was bluffing you thought wrong dead wrong it also a lot since you were using one of those turbo controllers the game would disregard the input and let you die resulting in a stone-cold game over and off the lot getting in trouble for getting carried away again you didn't care that being said the game's ability to detect auto fire being deployed was less than fully accurate meaning there was always a chance you might get away with it whoever said cheaters never prosper clearly failed to account for this very specific instance if only we'd known at the time to be honest cheaters I'm not sure how much more help you feel you need with the video game titanfall your character can bull run parkour and double jump with the speed and grace of an Olympic gymnast there's a gun that will literally aim for you and every 5 minutes or so you can call a giant robot suit down out of the sky but apparently even after all this assistance things were still too hard for some titanfall players particularly on PC where they were using hacks to do things like shoot through walls automatically fire if someone moved through their reticule and auto target enemies there's already a gun that does that remember keen to keep the online playing field level presumably so that they could land Titans on it develop a respawn activated their anti cheat countermeasures a few weeks after launch but instead of just banning cheaters this system operated slightly differently and that it put anyone detected to be cheating into a server together so that they all had to play against each other it's a great idea if only for the mental image of a bunch of bad sports toiling away in this digital dungeon as their various cheat programs automatically fight each other what's also fun is how much obvious delight respawn took in the whole process as evidenced by the statement they released when the system came online great news you get to keep playing titanfall less great news you only get to play with other cheaters you can play with other banned players and something that will resemble the Wimbledon of aimbot contests hopefully the aimbot cheats you paid for really is the best or these all cheater matches could be frustrating for you good luck maybe just try playing the game properly next time cheaters did you know there a giant robot suits they really make the whole thing a lot easier [Music] the Konami code is probably the most famous cheat of all time well part from a guy in the mean the famous button combination up up down down left right left right B a started off in the next edition of gradius but was popularized in the next port of notoriously tough side-scrolling shooter contra where it's offered 30 lives and was basically essential to getting anywhere in the game cheaters never prosper more like fair players never get past the first level of contra the Konami code became so famous that it's now pretty much ubiquitous appearing not just in multiple Konami games but in loads of other titles from other publishers over the last 30 or so years if you're playing a game it's worth tapping it in because there's a pretty good chance something interesting will happen [Music] occasionally though this power can be used for evil taking advantage of the fact that players will enter the code almost without thinking enter it into the menu screen of Super Monkey Ball jr. and it changes the title to the withering super nice try and if you enter a variation on it in the audio menu for waverace blue storm the race announcer switch is the one who relentlessly insults you you don't have an inferiority complex you're just superior it can be beause the cruelest one though even cooler than that is Gradius 3 a sequel to the game that originated the Konami code which does this when you enter the cheat fare players never get past the first level of contra but they do get to not explode in Gradius 3 sitting on writing these down you only have to Fox everything you do everything you say hey thanks for making it to the end of this video there's a secret cheat code to unlock more content from outside Xbox and outside extra what you do is you click on this video here to watch show of the week from us or the other cheats is to click on this video from outside extra and that's sure the weekend the secret to cheat so to keep into yourselves but you've discovered it well done there's a hundred points
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,199,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top 7, top 10, 10 things, funny, list, wtf, best, worst, slender the arrival, glitch, bug, slender man, konami code, heretic, the stanley parable, the serious room, serious room, god mode, ultima vii, metal gear solid, autofire, cheats, punishment, punish, cheaters, cheat code, funny moments, funny punishment, titanfall, gradius
Id: Jvsoqvr5tDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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