7 Hard Bosses You Can Beat Without Firing a Shot

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I don’t know how they could mention MGS3 without the secret way of beating the end. Save during the boss fight and advancing the clock a few days and the end dies of old age

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ken_NT 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
we all know why bosses in video games exist to finally give you a reason to use all your health potions and special weapons and grenades that you've been hoarding like an artillery obsessed squirrel might still need it all later though better not risk it but some bosses can be defeated without you having to engage in the whole sordid business of actually having to have a fight here are seven unforgettable times you could beat an intimidating boss without firing a shot enjoy em beware spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my fellow kindred my apologies for disrupting any business or interfering with prior engagements you may have had this evening vampires are by their very nature a patient stirs of the night who drained the blood of the innocent and where velvet when it's not even Christmas what we're saying is that vampires are scary and that they don't give a damn except that is when it comes to werewolves need a ride towards the end of vampire the masquerade bloodlines you leave the bright lights of Los Angeles behind to visit the secluded Griffith Observatory high in the hills outside the city you're there for a secret meeting with your fellow vampire nines Rodriguez the leader of the city's Anarch faction good to see you again kid things go sideways however when a suspicious fire flares up around the observatory and even brooding bad boy nines starts to get nervy I didn't hide out here because it was a nice view I did it because no one would come looking for me in these parts this is werewolf country well then I don't want to play the blame game nines but this is sort of when you yeah I'm scared of werewolves 500 pounds of hair and claw guns are useless and getting close to suicide it turns out that if vampires are scared of anything besides tanning beds its werewolves and if they're scared of werewolves you get the very strong impression that you the player ought to be also scared of werewolves it's leaving come on kid we got to get inside that building until it comes back with knives being crunched up by a werewolf off screen and the tram that is your only escape arriving in four minutes so begins a boss fight that is much more boss than it is fight the thing about this confrontation with a giant long-limbed lycanthrope is that like nine said getting up close is basically certain death so your only hope is to outrun this werewolf as it chases you terrifyingly for four minutes until you can flee in the least cool getaway vehicle possible which is to say a tram except there is actually one way you can defeat this feral boss and it can be done without firing off a single one of your vampiric powers if you reset the observatory power by throwing the switch on an outbuilding and then running back inside you can then lure the werewolf up to the big sliding doors off the observatory and you can then hit the pond that is the right time to catch the well wolf in the sliding doors and fatally crush this but who we hope didn't have a human family waiting for them back at home it's exactly like that bit in la-la-land only if ryan gosling were a werewolf and emma stone squished him in the sliding doors la-la-land one only six Oscars ask yourself why not seven the remake of the original Resident Evil introduced a bunch of new features such as an expanded story new enemies and better voice acting what about you oh don't worry I like the buddy system we have here I said better I didn't say good anyway in the time between the original Resident Evil's released in 1996 and the Gamecube remake in 2002 Capcom had clearly hired a whole bunch of Goths because the remake leaned into these spooky gothic horror angle hard new areas of the mansion included a gloomy crypt and a spooky cabin in the woods and new enemies included the horrifying crimson heads zombies with red skins SuperSpeed and personal space issues most terrifying of all the new additions to the remake however was Lisa Trevor who sounds like she wants to speak to your supervisor but looks like she wants to eat your supervisor Lisa was a young girl experimented on by umbrella as ever in the hopes of creating the ultimate biological weapon the result this time was wailing monstrosity who lives in a shack and wears dead women's faces as a mask which you've got to think probably wasn't what these shareholders were hoping for still though lisa is super strong practically invincible and it must be said justifiably in a really bad mood she's also standing between you and the way out of this nightmare horror mansion so you're going to have to do something about that the problem is thanks to her mutations she's practically invulnerable to gunfire and this being a Resident Evil game you're probably only carrying three bullets to begin with however you can't beat this bastard hard bio weapon without firing a single shot by instead remembering the old Resident Evil motto if in doubt fiddle about with a statue push these stone sculptures attached to chains off the ledges in Lisa's boss room and it'll cause the lid to come off this stone sarcophagus which conveniently contains Lisa's mother's bones there's probably something in these stars rules of engagement that prohibits bringing someone's mother's remains into the fight but you can't argue it's not effective as the site of her mom's skull causes Lisa to stop fighting and then just eat herself into a massive pit while cradling the creepy cranium and there we go tough boss fight done and no more death and was absolutely necessary man the shareholders are not gonna be happy about this from which she never awakens he has been nurtured by to be Bob at the very end of Silent Hill you face the boss known as the Incubus a manifestation of the old God worshiped by silent hill's hard-working local cult huh what the Incubus is a kind of gigantic winged horned naked goat looking demon that makes always accompanied by a constant tortured electronic screaming because frankly it's the end of the game and Silent Hill doesn't want to come away not having done every single thing in its power to upset you also issues demonic lightning like I said upsetting as you might expect of a gigantic winged horned naked goat looking demon that is the final boss of Silent Hill despite is as much a stern challenge as it is a terrifying ordeal but for those of us who anticipate losing the ability to move and think much less fire guns in the face of this ultimate terror there is a blessed loophole if you arrive at this final Silent Hill boss fight having completely run out of ammo perhaps because you emptied it all into a convenient wall who can say then Silent Hill will notice the pitiful clicking of your various empty weapons here is where Silent Hill says in an uncharacteristic act of generosity don't worry friend we've got you because it doesn't want you stuck here for the rest of eternity unable to finish the game because you brought an empty gun so Silent Hill silently kills off its final boss and you ostensibly win said boss fight without firing a shot that was great I wonder if resident evil is so generous no is the answer ceaseless discharge is one of the most famous enemies in Dark Souls thanks to its name which is less intimidating Dark Souls boss and more thing you furtively Google because you're too embarrassed to go to the doctor and yet ceaseless discharge is a real thing that someone named a boss in Dark Souls and players who want to take it on can find it hanging out in the demon ruins looking a lot like someone turned a crab upside down and set it on fire CD is actually pretty chill and will only attack you if you attack it first or if you loot the set of armor from a nearby corpse like so if you do either you'd better be ready for a tough fight because as you can see here within four seconds of the boss fight starting it's already knocked off two-thirds of our health with a single attack now plenty of strategy guides online will tell you that the best tactic for fighting cease master D is to avoid his melee attack with a roll while being out of range of his fire breaths so you can land a counter-attack but as you can see from this footage there is another way of doing things that involves a lot more running away if you run back to the gates where you came in this crabby lava boy will crab walk after you before rather embarrassingly absolutely stacking it on some pillars all you have to do now is gently product in the hand it's using to hang on with and mr. sea discharge will go plummeting to its death in the Lhari depths below and we've barely had to lift a finger looks like you're discharged just ceased nope still sounds weird there's a Xena windy shoot me rookie the tagline to the movie alien vs. predator was whoever wins we lose it wasn't until we saw the movie that we realized we refers to the cinema going audience who all lost 115 minutes of their life what did you say this room is caused sacrificial chamber ne vs. predator games on the other hand have been pretty great the first one pitted aliens predators and colonial Marines against each other and was the best shooter on the legendarily unsuccessful Atari Jaguar which is a bit like being the best alpine skier on a remote desert island 2010's rebooted aliens vs. predator on the Xbox 360 and ps3 was the same idea only prettier or uglier depending on how you look at it the marine campaign doesn't hang around dumping you straight into a colony overrun by aliens and in only the second mission refinery you face off against the most terrifying creature in the aliens universe namely the nightmarish alien queen that's how they make Easter eggs too you know so you can send be yours you probably don't want them anymore the Queen is a fearsome boss monster and you might reasonably worry that it's going to take nothing less than a nuke from orbit's to defeat her after all she's about three times as tall as a normal alien and has more teeth than the Tooth Fairy we do have a couple of bits of good news for you though firstly the alien queen stays fixed in place so she's not gonna be spidering around the room chasing you secondly a bit like your pet cat queenie has found the warmest coziest place to plunk herself a giant industrial furnace don't pretend your cat isn't also plotting your death in any normal game this would be the point where you unleash all of your firepower on her royal scariness but in this boss encounter you never actually fire a single shot at the Queen you do have a shoot literally everything else in the room you'll shoot eggs you'll shoot facehuggers you'll shoot regular aliens you'll even shoot the two explosive canisters beside the alien queen but resolutely won't shoot the Queen herself instead you have to wait until it's time to ignite the furnace and cook this terrifying horror beast once and for all by pulling this lever no I said pull the lever easy mistake to make you might want to show that footage to your cat you know just in case it gets any ideas with its widespread critical acclaim dark washed out color palette and heavy emphasis on murdering dogs its software's quake was pretty much the last of us two of its day as a first-person shooter the gameplay of quake was pretty straightforward step 1 shoot anything that moves into our stops moving there is no step to this tried-and-true method will carry you through almost the entirety of quake as you face off against the otherworldly nightmares that make up this game's roster of boss monsters from the spider like war to the Yeti like shambleau who can absorb an entire hardware stores worth of ammunition before finally going down having bested all these behemoths you're probably wondering to yourself what quake has in store as his final boss Cthulhu 100 dogs some kind of robot spider with John Romero's head wrong on all counts sadly because quakes final boss is this Lovecraftian nightmare who looks a bit like someone asked HR Giger to design a salad fork for once shooting something over and over again is no help here because it has a staggering 40,000 hit points for reference the double heart Chandler who we just used all our ammo on had 600 hit points instead the key to defeating this boss lies in the spiked ball that's patrolling its boss room helpfully there's a teleporter on the other side of this room that will teleport you to wherever the spiked ball is at the time all you need to do is wait until the ball passes through the boss then jump in the teleporter which could go one of two ways either we end up in its tummy being digested for all eternity or the universe realizes that two objects can't occupy the same space and it explodes let's watch okay that's a relief it's touch-and-go there for a second hey quake guy cheer up you won let's probably think about all this dogs he killed [Music] never one for subtlety in his character named his Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima named each of the Cobra units bosses in Metal Gear Solid 3 after the primary emotion they represent on the battlefield let us fight there's the fury who in his rage wants to set fire to the world then there's the pain who fires stinging Hornets at you [Music] and there's the fear who strikes fear into your heart by just sort of moving like a spider don't pretend like that's not enough it's the sorrow who is arguably the most interesting of these bosses this member of Cobra unit feels a deep sorrow on the battlefield owing to all the death he witnesses around him if he hates death so much why does he try so hard to kill me breathe in Metal Gear Solid 3 the sorrow is actually already dead and a ghost which is usually the end point of a boss fight not the start the fact that he has no corporeal form is the obvious reason that unloading the entirety of your ammunition supplying to him is not going to be an effective strategy instead of a stand-up fight you find yourself wading through an endless river somewhere in the afterlife while the sorrow breakdance is creepily in front of you for a dead guy he's got some moves [Music] in a neat twist the encounter gets tougher depending on how many soldiers you killed in the rest of the game up until this point every single enemy you offed comes up to you and tries to touch you with it's weird spooky ghost fingers reducing your health Matt I should have killed some good guys too to help me out here or at least an evil barista so I could get a coffee this is taking forever survive this slow plodding gauntlet and dodge the sorrows ghost tentacles for long enough and you'll eventually reach the sorrow himself for what you would assume would be the climactic final battle with this troublesome apparition only it turns out that you don't now get a tense battle to gradually whittle down the sorrows energy bar you don't even grab a Bible and perform some sort of field exorcism QTE the way you finally get rid of the sorrow for good and escape this purgatory once and for all is that he screams at you and you die how is it not this guy who's called the fear now I remember the spider thing however contrary to appearances you have actually won this boss battle in that snake is not dead because you have a revival pill and that's the last we see of the sorrow in the game just do remember to take the revival bill yeah [Music] thanks so much for watching this video about hard bosses you can beat without firing a single shot but if you got any suggestions of your own for favorites that we missed do let us know in the comments and if you watch more videos from outside Xbox and outside extra then why not check out our Oxfordshire D&D campaign we're running campaigns every two weeks at the moment there are a lot of fun I think you'll enjoy if you like D&D or if you want to see us play werewolf with the team from dice breaker the tabletop gaming websites then you can check that out on outside extra as well thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 660,376
Rating: 4.9238815 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, 7 things, funny, funny moments, list, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, countdown, jane douglas, andy farrant, hard, difficult, secret, easy, werewolf, vampire, vtmb, vampire the masquerade bloodlines, griffith observatory, lisa trevor, resident evil, remake, hd remaster, incubus, silent hill, ammo, ending, ceaseless discharge, dark souls, cheese, xenomorph queen, alien, aliens vs predator, shub-niggurath, final boss, quake, the sorrow, metal gear solid 3, bloodlines werewolf
Id: _0gu_OORNOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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