7 Guilt-Free Hitman Kills Where Someone Else Did It For You

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if you're a good assassin you can make it look like you weren't even involved when your target pops their clogs two targets remaining a tragic hilarious accident if you're a truly great assassin however you can arrange it so that you genuinely aren't involved and someone else does your dirty work for you throughout the new hitman trilogy there are plenty of opportunities for agent 47 to manipulate trick or convince other people into killing his targets for him which is great because they do all the hard work and you still get paid here are seven of our favorites enjoy pacing for god's sake why don't we get any kind of explanation is bloody rude that's what it is making us come here to play [Music] as anyone who's played hitman 3's standout dartmoor mission death in the family will know the level is based around a murder mystery and if you choke out a detective in some bushes and then put on his weird hat you can solve this mystery yourself and discover who killed the brother of your target alexa carlisle results and discretion are my speciality by the time you've investigated all of the carlisle estates spoken to the family members and uncovered all the clues hidden in the magnificent old house smart detectives will come to their conclusion that the culprit is emma carlisle the wife of alexa's son who used a plant-based poison and intends to strike again her target being alexa this time your niece emmer carlisle murdered your brother zachary if you're paying attention you might realize that this is actually good news because all it takes is for you to accuse someone else like say the butler the butler mr fernsby killed zachary and to fix the broken poison making machine in the greenhouse broken lab equipment it looks like it was recently used though and emma will be perfectly set up to carry on with her murderous plans dosing lady alex's drink with an extremely unhealthy dose of it has to be said very fast-acting poison [Music] time to get the file on arthur edwards and your hands are clean well i mean apart from that butler who is probably right now getting arrested for murder i'm sure he understands well well it appears we have a rival assassin in mumbai and he's training his sights on darwood rangan poke around hitman 2's mumbai level and you might stumble across the kashmirian he's another contract killer who has apparently been hired to kill the same target that you're after darwin rangan the bollywood film producer last seen in our previous video being blown into space by a big fan [Music] darwin is confirmed killed sadly the kashmiri and is something of a second-rate hitman choosing the boring old sniper rifle over say an exploding golf ball or feeding his victims into a wood chipper also he doesn't seem to know how to adjust a sniper rifle scope which you'd think would be day one of hitman school but whatever agent 47 is here to help he set up a sniper nest in a tower above a stairwell in the local chale it appears he's targeting the luxury apartment belonging to darwood rangan but has encountered a problem perhaps you can assist him sadly fixing the kashmiri and scope isn't enough to get him to kill rangan for you you also have to move rangan into position so he's standing directly where the rifle is pointing which come on dude would you like me to carry the bullet over there as well and hammer it into his forehead with a mallet i guarantee a perfect execution anyway this is achieved by as i'm sure you've probably guessed dressing up as an artist and convincing rangan to move into position by a big window where with every possible obstacle to him doing his job removed the kashmiri and finally puts in a bit of effort and adds a nice splash of red to this canvas can you look up a bit thank you that shot came from the trolls it looks like the kashmiri and finally got a clear line of fire agent 47 by comparison probably took painting lessons just in case he ever had to pose as an artist while in pursuit of a target i mean how else do you explain this masterpiece honestly next level no no you did it market you brown nose what are you doing here uh jordan my boy fancy seeing you here one of the sweetest ways of eliminating a target without getting your hands dirty in hitman is to get one of your targets to off the other one a feat you can achieve in hitman's bangkok mission club 27 your targets in this mission are corrupt lawyer ken morgan and scumbag rockstar jordan cross who are not fond of each other but who the game will keep apart which isn't hard because this hotel is absolutely massive disguise yourself as the exterminator however and you can convince the manager to clear out jordan's studio forcing his crew to wait down in the lobby while the bug spraying takes place very well i'll make the call but i'm warning you no slip-ups especially not with young master cross on his way down at the same time if you dress as hotel staff you can let ken morgan know that his suite is ready and escort him there personally via a route that goes directly past jordan cross wait wait at this point the two will kick off an argument which continues in morgan's hotel suite and which you can just sit back and enjoy until cross flips out and shoves morgan out of the window to his death in the immaculately manicured gardens below [Music] target down now onto jordan cross and seeing as how we're here already it would be rude not to get the two for one deal on offer here both targets down now head towards an exit see that's the thing about these fancy hotels they cost more but the service inconvenience is so worth it mr smith a pleasure do you have the trigger right here sir thank you another opportunity to have one target kill the other one crops up and hit mantu's miami level although this one is considerably worse as a it isn't intentional on the part of the proxy murderer and b it's his own daughter he's killing i will leave you to prepare stashed away in the racetrack security office is a car bomb that you can borrow for yourself i'm sure no one will miss it along with the car bomb you'll also find a note from one of your targets robert knox requesting the bomb be installed on the car of moses lee the racing rival of his daughter and your other target sierra knox of course if you want you can ignore this note entirely and instead install the bomb on sierra's car while posing as a member of her pit crew yet another job that agent 47 is flawlessly instantly good at somehow [Applause] obviously you could just detonate the bomb yourself but for real unnecessary cruelty it's much better to call robert knox to tell him that you planted the bomb on the other car the special component has been installed in the car and is ready for activation and then meet up to hand him the detonator and watch as he car bombs his own daughter oh here he comes target down next up robert knox poor guy he's gonna have to live with that for the rest of his life luckily that is only about 11 seconds both targets down well done 47. huh rich scratch their asses too when they think nobody's watching don't be crude pay attention yates wants us on high alert we've been at this for months ever since the one percent killings began nothing's gonna happen i know but when you start thinking like that that's what it does usually the security measures in place on hitman levels to stop you from murdering your targets are pretty easy to spot on account of how their special forces guys arm to the teeth with automatic weapons hitman 3's mendoza level however has another trick up its sleeve namely a sniper team who are on site to eliminate any threat to the wealthy villages and partygoers like for example this extremely threatening watermelon take the shot target is down over an example there of the target acquisition method for this sniper team which involves the spotter scanning a target with their camera and then signaling to the team via an earpiece an absolutely foolproof method as long as no one just wanders up while their back is turned and helps themselves to one of the earpieces okay falcon i have a target request standing by for visual id use your camera over anyway once you're equipped with earpiece you can then scan your target tamara vidal and once you've cleared a line of sights by removing her bodyguards the snipers are free to take their shot which it has to be said absolutely launches tamara in an undeniably hilarious manner take the shot over it can't target down it feels different up close yeah welcome to my world diana i had to do this all the time it's a good thing you're wearing a black dress hi it's the spatter mr yates has always stayed in the brownstone in brooklyn this climate never did agree with him madam seems happy to have him around more none of them are built for country life also on mendoza if you want to get the double on other people killing your targets for you then be sure to head into the villa and make a b-line for the safe in the wine cellar in there you will find a dossier of incriminating evidence that proves your second target don archibald yates purposefully ruined his wife's diplomatic career in order to be able to win a legal case he was working on at the time tragically she somehow finds out about this ma'am i recovered this intel it concerns yourself and mr yates i think you ought to take a look as you can imagine she's not super happy about it and if you let things play out her and her husband will get into a row that ends with her punting him off a balcony saving you the effort and keeping your hands as clean as the getaway she's clearly about to make with 10 million dollars of don yates's money i need 10 million in cash alex from milton fitzpatrick's buenos aires office good for her 1979 jasmine knight the soviet spy november 1978 edith van wharton that tobacco widow drove over a cliff april 1978 lebron no no no no no no it can't be for those who prefer the hands-off approach to murdering your target eric soders on hitman's hokkaido level there are several options to keep you busy from messing with medicines to eating a donor heart into a bin [Music] if you're really keen to remain uninvolved however then you can convince the hospital's chief surgeon to do the job for you by grabbing a comprehensive list of the people's sodas has killed on a handy usb drive and then popping it into the surgeon's computer why the hell did is someone trying to tell me eric soldiers murdered my father at this point the surgeon will realize that sodas killed his father and get understandably upset although crucially not upset enough to actually go through with killing the man he's supposed to be saving i need to be professional even if this is true i can't act no for that you need to get him cranked up on a bunch of cheap speed you found in a soda so i'm in cupboard trying to save put a noose around my father's neck and kicked away the chair killed him for money then it's open season on eric sodas baby and you just have to sit back and watch the surgeon rewrite the hippocratic oath to involve a bit about murdering jerks with a big spider robot there seriously right you bastard this is for my father to be fair the hippocratic oath doesn't specifically mention not using spider robots so i think we're good to be honest i'm not sure what to feel about this one those were some hitman kills from the new hitman trilogy in which someone else did the hard work for you did we miss your favorite proxy kill let us know in the comments and remember to like subscribe and hit the bell icon for lots more hitman from outside xbox thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 3,521,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, hitman, hitman 2, hitman 3, world of assassination, proxy kill, emma carlisle, dartmoor, poison, kashmirian, dawood rangan, sniper, miami, robert knox, sierra knox, accident, car, bangkok, jordan cross, ken morgan, window, push, argument, mendoza, tamara vidal, target, earpiece, don archibald yates, wife, balcony, erich soders, hokkaido, surgeon, kill list, funny, weird, secret, easter eggs, proxy, kills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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