7 Worst Launch Titles of All Time That Are Best Left Forgotten

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with the Xbox one series X and the PS 5 on the horizon we're already starting to get excited about hot new launch titles like maybe bio mutants and I guess Gears of War 5 is the bone back together then should I take a picture for your scrapbooks but although the launch lineups for the next generation of consoles might not seem super exciting just yet things could always be worse take for example these seven games that ideally rather than being launched alongside consoles would instead be launched into the Sun so we never have to play or think about them ever again enjoy that stupid cow every night she jumps over the moon and dances in my cornfield I can't sleep at night Trek do me a favor and pass some gas on her when she's out dancing that'll teach her a lesson I'm on my way Shrek explain lest we forget the early noughties were plagued by shoddy movie tie-in games that took your enjoyable cinema experience and said hey wouldn't you like to experience that again but at home for more money with worse graphics and none of the original actors I know what a great deal a great deal of sadness the year 2001 for example hailed the arrival of both Microsoft's original Xbox and the DreamWorks CGI comedy Shrek so a banner year for great big ugly green things no shade though because the original Xbox was a groundbreaking console and the original Shrek gave us what Mike Myers confidently assured us was a fine Scottish accent where these two icons came together however is where the problem occurred and that problem was Trek the game trick something terrible's happened of course we all remember the movie ends with the wedding of Shrek and Princess Fiona accompanied by a deeply moving Smash Mouth soundtrack that we cannot and will not reproduce here the game picks up right after that revealing that Princess Fiona was then immediately kidnapped by a heretofore unknown magical super villain Merlin has captured Princess Fiona but you can rescue her by going on a quest so instead of enjoying his swamp honeymoon Shrek must venture forth and complete a bunch of quests by which I mean scurry around lamping we tell creatures with his Rock'em Sock'em punching arms the action felt loose and disconnected the levels were pokey and unpolished and in place of blockbuster production value and celebrity voice acting there were buckets of jank and no voice acting a except for the magical storybook of exposition because it's cheaper than cutscenes the gingerbread man anxiously hobbled over to shrek so went tricks mission to retrieve his bride doing good deeds like capturing evil fairies fighting vampire bats and farting on a cow for humor reasons let this serve as a stern warning against a return to the dark days of movie tie-in games eternal vigilance is the price of freedom from this whole deal have you ever asked yourself how good of a fighter my what my best friend me would have Pamela a street fight or simply healthy urge to punch someone in the face and a fighter within the game do you remember Kinect it was a kind of ominous black oblong you plugged into your Xbox that was constantly tracking your skeleton and could read your pulse by using infrared beams to look at your blood so weird it wasn't more popular [Music] [Applause] goodnight [Music] the original connects was for the xbox360 but his successor the upgraded Kinect 2.0 was intended to be a major part of the Xbox one system we're bringing a new Kinect sensor paired with every Xbox one which puts you at the center of your entertainment as such the Xbox one needed Kinect only video games in order to make the prospect of having an always-on surveillance device in your living room that was constantly scrutinizing your family's bones sound like you know fun enter fighter within from Ubisoft a one-on-one fighting game with a cast of tough and flamboyant characters an arsenal of bone-crunching martial arts moves and one of the worst control systems in videogame history the power of the new Kinect turns the promising [Music] okay sure revolutionary to really make the case for Kinect fighter within was designed to be controlled entirely by motion in theory that meant when you throw a punch your character will throw a corresponding punch in the game as we can see from the trailers that seem to be pitching the game as the perfect way to work out the murderous rage we apparently all feel towards our closest friends frames laughing how the movie ends maybe that's just the people who works on fighting within in practice as anyone who's ever played a motion control game will tell you this meant flailing wildly around in your living room while something almost entirely unrelated happens on the screen sometimes involving punches sometimes involving kicks and sometimes involving you stopping playing fighter with in unplugging the Kinect and burying it in a lead-lined box somewhere where I couldn't see your blood anymore mostly that last one if I'm honest August 16 2013 international peacekeeping force headquarters Auckland control picks up an urgent message from undercover agent Franco Fukuzawa at the South Pole observation base of the giant by Floss group the message reads situation critical Kinmen must be stopped repeat Jim must be stopped in 1995 the Sony PlayStation's new fangled ability to throw textured polygons around the screen like confetti at a wedding brought with it the promise of true 3d first-person shooters launch window title collect the DNA imperative was the first one to the party and like the first one to show up at a party it was tragically uncool forget the varied environments and fast-paced action of doom which would land on ps1 several months later or 1999's Medal of Honor which was arguably the console's most technically advanced fps instead Killick the DNA imperative was a slow and repetitive shooter that seemed to take place in an unending network of boring corridors like setting a game in terminal 4 at LAX [Music] what's imperative is that you don't play this game we're not sure whether the story which sees you piloting a lumbering mech suit was the plan from the beginning or whether it was retrofitted in to help excuse the clumsy controls which were about as responsive as me napping after a burrito speaking of the plot it's completely bananas eventually it's revealed that Killick of the title refers to an ancient extraterrestrial that implausibly is the common ancestor for everyone on earth but whose DNA turns people into giant gross insects you may have won today's battle but now so I'm supposed to believe I'm related to this actually on second thought that does look a bit like my uncle Steve think it's the eyes tally-hawk is pretty cute for an older egg skater he's not that old and he's not an ex caterer either but you do think he's cute huh you didn't say he wasn't cute oh you're so in love with Tony Hawk hello the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series is on my Mount Rushmore of beloved game franchises it's probably the Roosevelt maybe even the Lincoln on a good day [Music] so when I heard there was going to be a Tony Hawk game in the launch lineup for the Nintendo Wii I was optimistic and then I played it and then I was sad and have you ever tried being sad on a skateboard it's almost impossible the game in question was Tony Hawk's downhill jam and I know what you're thinking this is a Wii game and here comes yet another rant about how motion controls suck would that it were friends would that it were in fact it's because Tony Hawk's downhill Jam was a racing game gone was the trick based combo centric exploration heavy gameplay of the main games on the Tony Hawk series and in its place we got Tony and pals careening helplessly down hills in what looked remarkably like footage from a PSA about the dangers of skateboarding you know I left my kidney in San Francisco without you mean your heart no I do mean my kidney it was back in 99 they were never able to find him sure you could still trick off things and grind rails but with the relentless pace and the way the Wiimote controller has only two buttons meaning there's a lot of doubling up of commands and the fact that you're trying to steer by tilting the Wiimote doing anything with precision is going to be tricky as you pinball off walls and railings barely in control of what's going on okay there was some moaning about the controls take that off if you had on your bingo card [Music] much of the joy of tony hawk games lies in the exploration of the various open-world levels and tony hawk's downhill jan not only took all the exploratory fun out of the series but made the levels it did have flash by in a 45 second blur as you barrel down a hill towards the finish line [Applause] [Music] downhill jam still has fans to this day but to this Tony Hawk fan is potentially the lowest point for series that to be honest has a lot of worthy candidates for that dubious accolade you can do all the basic skateboard maneuvers flip the skateboard and push like you're skateboarding you can grab the skateboard to turn the skateboard Tony Hawk ride you're lucky you weren't a launch title [Music] back in 2006 when Nintendo launched its innovative motion based console the Nintendo Wii we had only two questions question 1 what's up with that name question 2 no really what's up with that name we would like to take the third question when we got around to it was will there be cool grown-up games on the Nintendo Wii beyond the wholesome first party joy of Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and Wii Sports [Applause] the answer was sort of if you count Red Steel which we don't because it sucked Red Steel was ostensibly an action game that combined both shooting and swordplay in a high-octane crime drama in actuality Red Steel was a bad game that combines rubbish controls and terrible acting in a cringy yakuza b-movie thank you Scott a fan though it's damaging Kimora's I thought we got rid of them a long time ago the story goes that you are Scott the former bodyguard and present fiance of me you Sato she turns out to be the daughter of a crime lord and you turn out to be not a good bodyguard hence your girlfriend gets kidnapped by gangsters and you spend the game pursuing her abductors with all the Wiimote waggling you can muster Joo was a time has a finery come with the Wiimote and we nunchuck combo you can shoot people or slice people but not at the same time for God's sake be reasonable only the game can decide when it's time to use the awkward first person shooting controls and when it's time to use the awkward first person sodding controls let this plate become an extension of your hand the key thing is that both were as intuitive as a cookbook written in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs [Music] Red Steel was trying so painfully hard to make you a cool proto John wick action hero that you almost feel embarrassed on its behalf when partway through a duel you and your opponent get too close to a wall so you both politely stop fighting and shuffle back to the center of the room red Steel's cool factor couldn't even be salvaged by how the motion-sensitive Wiimote let you turn your gun sideways and shoot which as we all know is the coolest angle at which to shoot a gun yeah [Music] hi the original Sony Playstation which launched in North America and Europe in 1995 was hugely exciting despite his lackluster launch lineup that included sludge instant non classics as total eclipse turbo and whatever the hell a battle arena toshinden was I don't know you tell me [Music] still no idea worst of the bunch though was Street Fighter : the movie : the game which was a bad game based on a bad movie based on a good game [Music] you win instead of Lee large colorful sprites featured in the actual Street Fighter games SF TM t VG featured digitized actors Mortal Kombat style and instead of fun complex and rewarding gameplay it featured jerky animations game breaking slowdown and awkward combat yeah tell that to these controls Ryu since this ps1 launch game was based on these Street Fighter movie that meant all the game characters were depicted as their movie incarnations and scammy was Kylie Minogue and Blanca was I guess some kind of half walk clown it also included exciting new stages for you to fight in including a rat-infested hospital room and next to a van how do they come up with these things you've gotta wonder why anyone thought this game was necessary you do know there was already a Street Fighter 2 game out there PlayStation it's called Street Fighter 2 it was great you should play sometime some of you believe your system is the most advanced in the universe let's review the numbers Sega Genesis is 16 bits 3do is 32 bits the Atari Jaguar is 64 bits which is more advanced Clifford hmm the 64 bit Atari Jaguar launched in 1993 and was vastly less impressive than the 32 bit Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn that launched a year later thus single-handedly killing off the tradition for using the number of bits a console has a shorthand for how powerful it was not even an optional cd-rom drive that made the console look like Darth Vader's toilet to could save it I know hard to believe it didn't help that when the atari jaguar arrived on November 23rd 1993 the launch lineup was a rather underwhelming two games one that came bundled with every console was a space shooter called cyber morph [Music] good job the other game Trevor McFerrin the crescent galaxy was also a space shooter but don't worry you'd only have to wait until December to do some more shooting in space in radan or failing that until the following April 4 tempest mm which I mean that looks a lot like a space shooter to me maybe someone hires petit re was just terrified of alien invasion titles it was present Galaxy that was the worst offender though the game was a side-scrolling shooter featuring pre-rendered 3d graphics and starring a humanoid actual Jaguar called Trevor McPhee which is a bit like me being called Mike MOOC skin just because skin is a thing I'm covered in we're prepared to believe that the colorful pre-rendered graphics looked impressive for the time what we're not prepared to believe is that you can blame the 1990s for the sluggish controls tedious shooting and complete absence of any music whatsoever it would be a realistic depiction of the airless vacuum of space if it weren't for the awful sound effects endure an hour or so of tedious side-scrolling shooting and you'd come up against the final boss what we can only assume are the phases of the game developers trapped in a transparent space prison a bit like General Zod off of Superman presumably they were imprisoned there for their many crimes well one crime Trevor McFerrin the Crescent galaxy hey thanks watching this video about the worst launch titles of all time that are best left forgotten but what will be the worst launch title of the upcoming console generation why don't we all speculate now in the comments what fun that'll be and if you're looking for something more to watch then why not check out show of the week so on screen right now it's a weekly live show we do on Wednesday afternoons where we get together we talk about gaming news what we've been playing we read your YouTube comments is a lot of fun and also if you check out what's on screen right now that is outside extras show of the weekend there's a similar kind of thing but lots of games and arts challenges and lots of fun stuff a really good way to spend spend an hour or two with your internet friends outside Xbox and outside extras so check that out and we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 731,272
Rating: 4.9063306 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, launch titles, launch games, worst games, worst launch titles, worst launch games, worst console launches, console launch, funny, funny moments, shrek the game, shrek xbox, trevor mcfur, atari jaguar, original xbox, tony hawk's downhill jam, red steel, wii, kileak, street fighter the movie the game, street fighter movie game, ps1, psone, playstation, original playstation, fighter within, kinect, worst kinect game
Id: oGdx6sPXzc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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