7 Humiliating Game Overs We Caused by Being Stupid

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like literally everyone who plays games when we get a game over we will concoct some elaborate fiction as to why it wasn't actually our fault such as here where this is clearly rockstars fault for not providing me with a horse who can fly sometimes though game overs are 100% justified because we were being stupid and tried to do something stupid and then the game said that was stupid you're dead now here are seven times Rico's cumulating game overs by doing something unbelievably foolish enjoy Jill Kris you're alive of course I'm alive Jill there's something big going down and I don't think we're part of the equation I have to get you out of here in our experience in the Resident Evil game safety procedures are pretty lacks in the laboratories of the umbrella corporation what with all the science accidents and virus outbreaks and escaped prototype bioweapons so when something is so dangerous that umbrella has gone out of its way to warn you about it it's probably worth paying attention so you don't end up having to break out the giant substation powered by a weapon killing railgun in fact not heating such warnings leads to hands-down the most embarrassing way to die in the Resident Evil remake that isn't being eaten whole by a big shot clever girl later on in the game you find yourself in umbrellas secret lab underneath the Spencer mansion which is accessed via a secret elevator hidden in a fountain which must be an absolute nightmare for the staff if they want to pop out and run some errands during their lunch break parts of the lab Oh without power so it's up to you to restore that power by powering up the power machine in the power station look I'm not a power scientist I just plug stuff into other stuff luckily that's all you have to do to fix the problem find a fuel cap so you'll fill it with nitro compound by which the game means nitroglycerin and then plug that into the console in the power room the hitch is that nitroglycerin is notoriously unstable and as the game wants you even so much as breaking into a light jog could be enough to jostle it sufficiently to make it explode but have you seen how slow Jill's default walk is I would literally rather die than have to put up with that [Music] which is good because that's exactly what happens if you try to run man that's embarrassing if anyone asks I was eaten whole by a big shark I am looking for the lighthouse keeper hello mr. twinsies I don't know where he is mr. twinsen little big adventure too was a 1997 action-adventure game that cast you as hero twinsen who is trying to figure out why the weather is acting strangely maybe the weather wizard will know the Capon teddy bear Oni hey you could help me beat it up I guess there's no way of knowing the aim of the game is to travel across the world of twin son you heard me fighting enemies solving puzzles and befriending the different species who make twins on their home including Sphere people anthropomorphic elephants and rabbit folk don't hesitate to educate you so little big adventure 2 featured a unique control method whereby twinsen had four different behavior modes that you could switch between depending on what you were trying to do these were normal sporty aggressive and discrete which coincidentally enough was the original Spice Girls lineup before it changed when they got famous these modes could be switched between at any time meaning you could run through towns sneak around enemies and yes become aggressive and beat up literally anyone in the entire game most of the time this would land you in hot water but it was nothing you couldn't deal with if you were stupid enough to try beating up the kids in the town school however it was a whole different story dirty Beast although as you can see with that song they really leave you little choice brute I'll tell my big brother and he'll beat you up while I laugh and that'll show you there are four kids in this class each apparently with their own big brother and if you decide to punch them each will explain calmly just how absolutely Rex you're going to get by their older sibling which is the sort of thing kids say at school over time only here it's absolutely true as you'll find out when you try to the school and are immediately and calmly taken apart by a patient queue of older brothers who've all lined up to beat you senseless [Music] [Applause] I can't help but feel this is partially our fault a nightmare it was not just a horrible nightmare how didn't kill anyone I wasn't dreaming it all really happened if you didn't play Auto weirdo David caters creepy interactive movie Fahrenheit or Indigo Prophecy to which the name exactly translates in America then don't worry it's pretty simple to get your head around the world has been subjected to a new ice age caused by magic spirit mediums are real and do you play as a murderer on the run who was at one point killed by falling off a roller coaster though he is later mystically resurrected you know classic stuff anyway near the start of the game you're playing as said murderer Lucas when he wakes up the day after the murder in question and your job is to make him feel better because Mondays am i right there's a bunch of stuff to do around the apartment like taking a shower drinking some water and you know hiding the evidence of the grisly murder you committed all of which will improve your so-called mental state by a small percentage change the sheets later two of the options available to you are to take some painkillers and to have a drink of alcohol that should help my migraine notice reads don't take with alcohol both are fine options by themselves but if you choose to do both get ready for a game over because that is a really unwise combination both in real life and in the games of water weirdo david cage [Music] still we know mystical resurrection is a thing in this game so surely that'll kick in any moment I'll never know what happened huh guess that only works if you fall off a rollercoaster [Music] unless you've pissed someone off in an Edgar Allan Poe story it's usually pretty easy to avoid getting in tune did an underground vault take Fallout New Vegas for example where you can get locked underground for the rest of time but only if you're stupid and accidentally do it to yourself in the Dead Money DLC for the Sin City spin-off to the post-apocalyptic RPG series you accept an invitation to the grand opening of a new casino known as the sierra madre only to be captured and wake up wearing an explosive collar that if you step out of line will give you a worse headache than the one you'd usually have after a night out in Vegas the goal of the DLC is to confront father elijah the rogue brotherhood of steel scribe and professional jerk weirdo who set this whole situation up in the first place when you do finally confront elijah in the vault of the sierra madre casino you're given the option to fight him but not before checking out the vault itself which is set up to do two things one store gold and two Intune people for all eternity who wronged the sinclair the casinos original founder as such you'd think you'd want to be pretty careful around with the vault security controls on accounts of how one false move could leave you in prison forever underneath the sierra madre or you could just open the file on the computer titled Sinclair's personal accounts and see what happens I mean how bad could it be very bad turns out as you've just activated a trap meant for Sinclair's love rival and are now trapped here forever with plenty of time to think about what a dumbass you are The Courier lured by the promise of the Sierra Madre could not escape once inside the vault the casino did not let go when the courier finally passed away the casino created a new hologram to walk with the other ghosts that filled its casino a horrible way to go that you wouldn't wish on anyone of course it's a different story if you do it to Elijah that's just poetic justice I can't help but feel a pang of regret though for all that gold I had to leave behind in the vault because I was over encumbered wake up you're burning daylight said the helicopter to pick you up it's just a few tests don't forget to wear your suit 2017 spray is a beautiful thought-provoking shooter that explores themes of identity and unreliable memories while also giving you the ability to turn into a mug and roll around the place which is exactly as much fun as you'd always imagined it would be to get to those parts of the game however you have to get out of the game's initial opening sequence in which Morgan you wakes up in their apartment and attempts to go to the first day of their new job at the Transtar corporation sure it's easy to get distracted looking around Morgan's apartment reading things fiddling with objects and seeing exactly how much of Morgan's furniture you can take out of their apartment and load into the buildings one working elevator but at least that's all happening on your own time and there is no public permanent record of your inability to take our Kane's thoughtful masterpiece seriously that is unless you somehow managed to kill yourself during this introductory scene thanks to a lapse of judgment that this is deadly as it is deeply stupid considering that the scuttling spidery aliens haven't even shown up yet getting yourself killed on the way from your apartment to the roof is pretty embarrassing especially considering that to do it you have to clamber onto the nose of the helicopter that's supposed to be taking you to work and then walk into the rotor blades to decapitate yourself [Music] and there's an achievement for it so now everyone who looks at your gamer card knows that you managed to kill yourself in a stupid way before the game had even got going probably for the best though you really need to have your wits about you if you're gonna be able to control a coffee cup the original rise of the Triad released in 1994 was an early and influential first-person shooter that included such innovations as enemies baking for their lives bullet holes and the ability to turn into a dog the game got a reboot in 2013 that didn't receive quite as warmer reception as the original but did include a spectacularly ill-advised way to kill yourself and the entire population of Los Angeles at the same time so that's good news I mean for the purposes of this list not the fictional inhabitants of the games Los Angeles super bad news for them the plot of the game sees you playing as a member of a spec ops unit trying to stop the terrorist organization known as the Triad cult from destroying Los Angeles with a giant bomb after blasting your way through the secret island that's housing the cults you finally end up in the lair of the cults leader Ellis Goro who is a magic floating monk who can shoot lasers out of his hands I don't know guys that's pretty impressive maybe this cult is onto something anyway ello Scutaro slayer is all set up for his evil deeds including the launch console for his big la destroying bomb complete with big red button now common sense would say that it's probably a pretty stupid idea to press that button on the other hand you could just go for it and see what happens why not what's the worst that could happen [Music] oh that's I guess that's the worst that could happen you'll also unlock an achievement called you suck just in case you were in any doubt as to how much of a bad move this was you know what achievement that's fair man the new kid who's trying to play with the Cuban ultimate destruction [Music] for a story that is ostensibly about some school kids trying to find a missing cat South Park the fractured but whole sure includes a bunch of horrible and bizarre ways for you to die top of the list though has to be this next example which not only kills you but destroys the planet and the entire Milky Way galaxy do not touch that that device can blot the entire Milky Way galaxy Jesus right that's what I said this harmless-looking Rubik's Cube in Cartman's basement is actually something called the cube of ultimate destruction a cosmically powerful artifacts that lives up to its name by being able to destroy entire galaxies if it's disturbed mentally when you've got something that dangerous in your possession you want to make sure it's adequately protected which is why it's been placed under a bell jar on a rickety stool there is a siren on top of it though which doesn't do anything if you give it a whack each time you notch the cube Cartman will give you a warning about what will happen if you don't stop and to be fair you really have to put some effort into knocking it about but if you persevere you can actually dislodge the cube at which point the thing that everyone warns you would happen happens obviously [Music] sure okay we feel pretty stupid now but at least we get to listen to the fractured but whole GAMEOVER song so you know every cloud [Music] when you're on [Music] they you ever those were some of the humiliating game overs we've caused by being stupid in video games got anymore favorites we missed annoyed we missed out all of near automata let us know in the comments below and don't forget to Like and subscribe for more videos like this from outside Xbox and thank you for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 663,230
Rating: 4.9396076 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, 7 things, funny, funny moments, list, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, countdown, game over, game overs, embarrassing, resident evil, hd remaster, nitro, explode, running, run, little big adventure 2, big brother, fahrenheit, indigo prophecy, alcohol, fallout new vegas, dead money, dlc, father elijah, sierra madre, vault, prey, no show, helicopter, achievement, rise of the triad, bad ending, cube of ultimate destruction, south park, the fractured but whole
Id: -Ph8Bi14Iik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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