7 Innocent Bystanders Who Were Screwed Over By You, The Hero

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they say you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs but it's equally true that you can't be a video game hero without ruining the lives of a few random bystanders at least that's the way it seems when you consider how these videogame heroes destroyed these people's homes livelihoods and skeletons whether for the greater good or just because they thought it would be a laugh Kratos here are seven of the most egregious examples enjoy Umbra where spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Clark there are lines we don't cross the world's changed sense metropolis no it hasn't you have begin by bow-bow-bow ski is a character from the DC Comics universe who is already having a bad time on account of being called by bow-bow-bow ski things are even worse than that however because Bebo owns the a so clubs bar this is a drinking establishment that would be a nice relaxed place to have a couple of drinks in if it weren't for the constant super-powered fistfights taking place there an injustice - for a starts these rowdy metahumans seemed dead set on trashing everything of value in the place smashing all of Bebo's quirky decor including his antique diving helmet TV and a jukebox that can't be worth less than 10 grand worst of all though is the structural damage when Superman or whoever punches people through the saloons original brick walls for 25% damage to his opponent and a four figure repair bill for poor old bibo make that five figures man that's a hefty bill bibo I hope you can sell enough beer to make up the shortfall ah oh well I guess the bar dream is over but hey this is metropolis there are probably plenty more jobs you can do there's a metro station next door maybe you can be a train driver okay maybe not a train driver we're looking for something to steal the sir I stole a pencil in elementary school and I've been regretting it ever since boy going work is kicking a bug Floyd Herbert is the closest thing the cast of grand theft auto v has to a nice person obviously he had to suffer before the events of grand theft auto 5 Floyd is doing pretty well for himself he lives in a nice apartment near Vespucci Beach is engaged to a successful lawyer called Debra and has a steady job at a shipyard then Trevor Phillips shows up pretty much at random because he knows Floyd's Juggalo cousin Wade come to visit you you're rude now get up off the floor and fix me up drink Trevor moves into Floyd's apartment and begin systematically destroying his life wrecking his furniture roping him into his criminal schemes and forming a disturbing relationship with his beloved teddy bear mr. raspberry jam whoa whoa now mr. raspberry jam he died a noble death bringing great joy to a lonely man you might argue that this relationship is good for Floyd as it makes him stand up for himself and finally become much more assertive my G damn cousin Trevor I thought we was family please just go and ruin somebody else's home furnishings which would be great if Trevor didn't then immediately kill him hey there Wade did you meet Deborah interesting lady I should probably go say hi why not let's go get in the car all right let's go have the time of our lives at least mr. raspberry jam survives yes it's as a hood ornament for Trevor's car but I mean when it's Trevor we're talking about you say what you can get mr. Dexter he shot at the camera in the elevator coming our way agent 47 is a man of very few words and 90% of those words are Diana or I your birthday clown I'm here well choose to you goofy this legendary assassin pays a high price for being legendarily tight-lipped it makes meeting new people very difficult and he can't make Alexa do anything but no one pays a higher price than the sushi delivery guy who agent 47 meets on his way up to the penthouse of the Blackwater park building in Chicago this delivery professional is having a really stressful day and some issues with his mom apparently these guys own problems 47 is what I'm saying and it's not like agent 47 doesn't already have innocent blood on his hands at least the way we play him but if he could just have spoken up this one time and told the delivery guy to step off a floor early this would never have happened now the innocent stressed-out delivery dude with the unresolved family conflict is splattered all over the walls of the elevator for one it's just a sushi game durian sushi miss Stockton did and for two someone's not getting their sushi dinner Jesus pick up the sushi and Sima Stockton gets it oh right right I forgot the other five-second rule which is if you work most of the blood spatter off within the first five seconds it's still good to eat yeah well you got a free hamburger so quit complaining [Music] it's a good idea not to get on the wrong side of Kratos from the God of War series on account of him having what could charitably be described as anger-management issues and also two massive swords of course that's easier said than done as apparently just having the shared nerve to be eaten by a Hydra when Kratos is fighting it is enough to get into the son of Sparta's bad books that's the position in which the sea captain from God of War finds himself in a series of events that must surely be in contention for the worst day anyone has ever had award firstly his ship is attacked by the Hydra which is already gonna give anyone a case of the Mondays then he gets swallowed by the Hydra at which point Kratos comes after him not to rescue him as the captain first thinks but to steal his key because he needs it for later thank you you came back I didn't come back yeah that'll teach you to get swallowed by a Hydra where I can see it you idiot if you think the worst is over for the sea captain just because he's been eaten by a mythical dragon monster think again because later in the game kratos finds himself falling into Hades and saving himself by grabbing on to the dangling legs of another doomed soul that doomed saw being of course the unlucky sea captain who he killed earlier naturally Kratos upon seeing the results of his actions immediately feels remorse and helps the captain up so they can escape together ha only joking he stabs him and throws him into hell for a laugh what go fool you won't drag me down to that cursing River there is a test that for me a boss pleaded again [Applause] at least that is surely it for the sea captain's misfortunes I mean after being eaten and thrown into hell Lisi doesn't have to worry about Kratos anymore am I wrong I am wrong the captain turns up again in God of War to where his soul is some enduring Kratos is fight with the Barbarian King so he can get killed by Kratos the second time just to rub it in Wow a tough break sea captain hey at least you've still got that worst day ever award am i right wait no I'm I'm just hearing that the award is actually going to Kratos for that day when he accidentally killed his entire family sorry sea captain yeah what do you want information then go bother the receptionist chrome boy instead of waste of my goddamn time you may well have completed a squeaky-clean pacifist playthrough of Deus Ex Human Revolution but you're Adam Jensen has been ruining life since well before you arrived on the scene yeah yeah hang on just a sec Jensen case in point his Jensen's former police colleague Wayne Hass currently a pencil-pushing desk sergeant at the precinct police station they still have pencils to push in the future right you know space pencils Wayne used to be a high achieving SWAT team member but he crashed out of that job and has been a guilt riddled painkiller addicted nervous wreck since he shot an Augmented teenager in the line of duty yeah I killed the kid he was augmented he was a threat that's what you do for the record Wayne any sentence that starts yeah I killed the kid it's gonna be a hard sell but the reason Hass was forced to shoot a child back then was because Adam Jensen refused a direct order to do exactly that passing the buck to Hass you were in command but when they told you to take the shot you refused still Wayne did you ever think how Adams life might have been ruined if he'd had to shoot a 15 year old so inconsiderate Hoss blames all his misfortune on Jensen and things don't improve much in human Revolution when Adam shows up at the police station asking Wayne if he can break into the morgue and steal something out of someone's skull I know it's a risk for you but I really do need to get into that morgue when police top find out Adam Jensen sweet talks his way past the desk sergeant poor old Wayne is out of yet another job thanks to his jerk former colleague they found out I let you into the morgue that's what happened they canned me this guy is never gonna get those wasted years of his life back of course but you can try and make amends by offering him a third job which is a cushy security position at serif industries in the world's most casual job interview corporate security there's more than being a cop or you could alternatively how are you gonna be security if you can't even secure your own head this job interview is over you followed me you need me here as anyone ever agreed with that statement in Mortal Kombat X Blanche is both the name of the old lady bystander found in the out world marketplace stage and also what you will do when you see what the immortal combatants do to her when fighting there that's because none of the fighters will think twice about picking up a little old lady who's just trying to get some shopping done and flinging her at their supernatural bodybuilder opponent for a frankly insulting amount of damage things are already probably pretty bad for her if she has to do her shopping at the Outworld market what with all the baking heat and terrifying monsters lying around the last thing she needs when she's just trying to pick up some fruit is for a lightning God to pick her up and chuck her at the star of ninja mime didn't even like that movie to Blanche is credit she doesn't let that put her off going back to the marketplace that's one tough old lady I'd watch it if I were you raped I reckon Blanche could give you a pretty stern telling off if pushed she wins wow that's that's more than I was expecting glance let me get that for you a few years ago this broken ass system marked me as a criminal risk linked me to something I didn't even do because it was probable ones in the system always in the system the amount of personal data that thing is collected is mind-blowing violating the public trust manipulating the stock markets the lies the fraud I say together we tear down the wall I've can be pretty worrying in these high-tech modern times but with the FBI agent watching you through your webcam and the instability of krypton currencies currencies yeah don't invest in kryptonite you guys it's unstable I mean it's quite rare though isn't it probably valuable maybe do anyway between you me and the FBI do watching you watch this YouTube video hi Greg the thing you should really be worrying about is some activist collective roaming the city in cool street wear and face masks you might wind up like this random innocent San Francisco citizen who gets identity theft adhere Oh Marcus Holloway when he hacks their bank account and drains their funds [Music] what the hell that was the money they were saving so they could go back to college finally get that qualification and at long last pursue their dream of becoming a dental hygienist I mean it seems likely but say goodbye to your dreams random citizen and whatever plans you had for your life savings because you've just been screwed over by a guy with a smart phone hey it could be worse he could have taken a photo of you vomiting with his smartphone and then uploaded it and made it go viral turning you into some kind of meme ruining your life that way see modern life technology seriously risky with you bitcoins and your block James what about me I don't even own any Krypton currency no way Wow can't believe we ruined all those people's days and lives and bone integrity feel bad now for doing that but if you want to make up the Karma there you can make our day by clicking on one of these other videos so up here we've got a video about nobodies who are the real hero so we're championing the stories of some of the little guys who that we didn't ruin their lives and down here we've got a video from outside extra about useless enemies that we can't believe killed us so when they all gang together they're actually quite dangerous so maybe don't go around ruining the lives of the all enemies in future just some advice thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,642,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny moments, jokes, outsidexbox, outside, xbox, top 10, top 5, list, 7 things, innocent bystanders, nobodies, hitman absolution, sushi guy, mortal kombat x, blanche, ace o clubs, injustice 2, bibbo, sea captain, boat captain, captain, god of war, hydra, hades, kratos, floyd herbert, gta 5, grand theft auto 5, trevor, trevor kills floyd, mr raspberry jam, sushi delivery guy, wayne haas, deus ex human revolution, adam jensen, watch dogs 2, marcus holloway, hacking
Id: m14Dxbua9Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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