7 Glitches That Became Beloved Features

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The problem with nuclear deterrent is that it assumes both sides are rational. Suffice it to say that Civilization incarnation of Gandhi is not this!

Great video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EaterOfCleanSocks 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
we all make mistakes like in 1929 when a young nerd discovered that a petri dish full of germs he'd accidentally left uncovered had grown a bunch of gross mold only that nerd was Alexander Fleming and that gross mold was the basis for penicillin the life-saving first-ever antibiotic washing-up damn I really thought I was gonna work what I'm saying is sometimes what initially looks like a mistake turns out to be a really good thing so it goes with video games when a glitch occasionally evolved into a popular or at least hilarious feature don't believe me fine see for yourself in these seven glitches that eventually became beloved features and some of our favorite games what man really and Alexander Fleming never had to do the washing up we'd had to you would have had enough time to invent penicillin woody and then where would he be that's right oh man this mug is gross is all full of penicillin who left this here was it new Alexander Fleming I have the hardest life in the world it's all thanks to you Fleming ruined it ruined everything oh sweet fighter to Krim how'd we do five six wounded sheep no dead that's what I like to hear let the throw Cutters finish up then break out the casks in Dragon Age Inquisition well hard mercenary leader iron ball has a second-in-command by the name of critius understandably shortened to creme what can I do for you after iron bull joins forces with you his lieutenant follow suit and when this Merc is an outworking you'll find creme hanging out in your Inquisition fortress at skyhold at the tavern Inquisitor it's got a good ring to it we're happy to be here your worship you need anything let me know but creme appears to be the fidgety sort you know the kind of person who can't sit still or sit properly at all Inquisitor this is thanks to a glitch that led to Chrome's unorthodox approach to chair sitting your worship this bug didn't go unnoticed and then along came Dragon Age Inquisition DLC trespasser [Music] developer Bioware knows there's nothing that can't be fixed with romance herbal characters and so by way of ingame explanation for the animation snafu they linked cremes curious aversion to conventional chair usage with an adorable and previously secret crush on married n the bard from the tavern bard from the tavern not since 2016 when they got a new landlord your with the charges are you not I've seen you in the sky hole tavern where I sing the story goes that cremes bizarre chair habits stem from fancying married n and/or the chair standing was to give creme a better view of her I mean creme maybe go up to her and try talking to her oh yes I love your songs sometimes I'd sit up on the chair to take a better look at your songs oh no crime Lambie back to the chair [Music] in the very first civilization game the leader of the Indian civilization is Mahatma Gandhi famous for his philosophy of nonviolent protest but dropping a nuclear bomb on your enemy's head is pretty much the biggest act of violence we can think of maybe forcing someone to listen to an entire jeremy clarkson audio book it's a close-run thing owing to a bug in the first civilization game around the middle of a playthrough Gandhi would turn from a peace loving cooperative world leader into a total diplomatic nightmare constantly demanding money threatening you and failing to listen to reason [Music] much like a parking attendant they were put in charge of a global superpower I swear to God I was only gone 15 minutes it turns out this was a result of a bug Gandy's starting stat for aggression was one because in real life he was a peaceful leader but then if he adopted democracy which most civilizations do at some point his aggression was reduced by two this being finicky videogame code an aggression level of minus one wasn't possible so it looped back around to an Incredible Hulk like aggression level of 255 you wouldn't like me when I'm Gandhi the usual result was that he'd demand increasing amounts of money you wouldn't be able to afford it and he declared nuclear war all without ever putting on a shirt amazingly this glitch actually became part of his personality in later editions of civilization including the most recent one civilization 6 because I guess everyone secretly loved new capi Gandhi my attempts to avoid violence have failed an eye for an eye only makes the world blind pretty strange behavior for someone famous for advocating non-violence though of course there is the theory of nuclear deterrence in which the presence of nuclear weapons on both sides actually maintains peace someone should tell Gandhi that only works if you don't use them Space Invaders tells the story of an invading alien force of weird octopus ships that is so non-threatening the earth only bothers to send out one weirdly shaped gun to stop them but although the alien horde initially seems pretty lame the more often you kill the faster they start to move until you're left with the final space invader well I think anyone who's ever played space invaders can agree can absolutely do one the cheating little speedy bastard it seems obvious to our space residents of the 21st century their video games to get harder the longer you play them for but this wasn't at all obvious too early game designers and in fact this feature of space invaders came about as a result of a glitch during the programming of the game space invaders designer Tommy Hiro Nishikado discovered that the processes he was working with rendered the graphics for the alien invaders faster when there were fewer of them on screen so they would start to speed up as more and more of them were destroyed rather than fix this so that the invaders stayed at a constant speed Misha Cardo kept this feature in the game and in the process accidentally invented difficulty curves in video games which in a way means that he's also responsible for the Ornstein and small boss fight in Dark Souls sorry Tommy Hiro you're off the Christmas card list for a fun kid-friendly blocky sandbox game Minecraft sure is full of horrifying nightmare monsters there are zombies Enderman gasps and withers but for sheer pant wetting terror none of the monsters in Minecraft can beat the creeper a kind of tottering unhappy zombie that follows you around hissing until it gets close enough to explode and kill you so it might surprise you to find out that the horrible hissing deadly creeper started out as a harmless oinking Pig this is a creature not usually known for chasing people down and detonating in their faces let us know if we're way off base here pig farmers when designing the game minecraft creator notch accidentally created a pig model where he mixed up the length and height of the pigs body resulting in a tall thin creature with four small legs clustered at the bottom [Music] rather than deleting the mistake and maybe also burning the computer he was working on just to be sure not to leaned into the mistake coloring the new creation and earring green making it super aggressive and apparently packing it full of Dynamite's because why not oh yeah that's why not all my beloved structures these days the Grand Theft Auto series is an entertainment juggernaut so hugely successful that it's able to force you to play an unskipable yoga minigame and still make over six billion dollars in revenue be present please your lunch your work yes just ten more minutes to go then it's back to the fun sometimes it is good to just slow down and reflect on I'll come on one of these buttons must be skip mission but this huge series had humble beginnings back in 1995 as a generic racing game from Scottish developer DMA design called race and chase that was set to feature cops that pulled the player over for driving too fast Grayson Chase spent over four years in development thanks in part to the fact that it just wasn't very fun to play however all that changed thanks to a route-finding bug which made the police far far more aggressive than they were originally intended to be the bug resulted in them trying to drive through people which led to them smashing into players trying to force them off the road or slamming them into walls and other objects obviously test has found this way more exciting than just racing around the city micromachined style and this fed into a greater move towards crime based gameplay with players taking on jobs for crime lords running over pedestrians and running around in the street machine gunning innocent people which you'll recognize as the three core pillars of the Grand Theft Auto series today a quick name change later and Grand Theft Auto hits shop shelves in 1997 to the delight of gamers and the horror of broadsheet newspapers everywhere and remains to this day the only Grand Theft Auto game with playable female characters in the main story maybe that was a bug as well who knows [Applause] let's rock in the real world juggling is a lame party trick that never impressed anyone so I don't know why I even bother why did I even go on that course in The Devil May Cry series on the other hand juggling is a hallmark of the intense over-the-top action game combat we know and love and occasionally manage to pull off [Music] this juggling involves launching enemies into the air with one attack and keeping them up their ages with yet more attacks and unlike the kind of rubbish juggling you find clowns doing in circuses for babies the juggling and Devil May Cry is outrageous and stylish watch like Dante himself and unlike circuses and babies see that's a party trick now legend has it that this iconic devil may cry combat mechanic was born from a glitch in an entirely other video game that other video game being on a moosh of warlords the PlayStation 2 samurai action-adventure during an Onimusha play test game designer Hideki Kamiya found enemies could be hurled into the air and kept aloft by slashing them over and over this unintended but extremely cool button was cut from Onimusha but Kamiya who knew a good thing when he saw it and was the director of Devil May Cry 1 made it the foundation of Dante's aerobatic demon fighting 700 pounds down the drain well that will learn to drive can someone give me a little time you walk juggler [Music] combos in which you string together a series of attacks that leave your opponent unable to counter them I set a cornerstone to fighting games that it's almost impossible to imagine a time before you could watch a genetically engineered Raptor hit someone 76 times without pausing for breath [Applause] hey that could have happened the fossil records are unclear and yet combos weren't always a thing as you'll realize if you go back and play the original Street Fighter and try to do anything other than very slowly shuffle towards your opponent and gently place your foot on their shin [Music] combos are in actual fact a happy accident arising from a tiny bug in Street Fighter 2 that was discovered on the game's bonus stage in which you kick some guys car to pieces for a while the game's lead producer Nora Takapuna mizu discovered that extra attacks were possible if he could nail some extremely precise timing but figured that it was so difficult to pull off that hardly anyone would be able to take advantage of it I mean who would have the time and energy for that so he left it in the game and immediately people started taking advantage of it because of course they did the beauty of combos was that the initial hit temporarily immobilized your opponent allowing you to follow up with successive attacks though they were powerless to guard against not only did this give a competitive advantage to skilled players but it also looked super cool and as a result combos became an integral part of future fighting games to the point where the killer instinct series has he pulling off strings of attacks almost 200 moves launched and by extension the attack in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 in which deadpool hits you with his own ultra combo meter for which thank you right thank you very much watching this video about glitches that became beloved features in games but if you want to watch more videos from us up here is one from us which is about video game gimmicks they were too beautiful for this world they're too far advances of their time and they just sort didn't work and so they never appeared in any other games and down here is a video from outside extra which is about the times when you would load up her an old save and not really know what was going on and sort wandered around going anyway it's very good very funny used to watch it
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 4,232,135
Rating: 4.7643666 out of 5
Keywords: 7 things, list, outsidexbox, top 7, top 10, top 5, best glitches, worst glitches, funny glitches, civilization gandhi nuclear, civilization gandhi nukes, civilization gandhi aggressive, space invaders glitch, space invaders, grand theft auto, street fighter 2 combos, street fighter 2 combo glitch, street fighter 2, gta, dragon age inquisition krem, dragon age inquisition krem and maryden, bug, devil may cry juggling, devil may cry, minecraft creepers
Id: QXlBYDbIubs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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