7 Easter Eggs That Reveal Lost Characters

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over the course of a game being made its characters will be evolved and improved before the developers settle on a final perfect design it's like how the early versions of me had less good hair and a different accent sometimes these early iterations of game characters are lost and forgotten forever like my teenage haircuts hopefully but sometimes these abandoned character designs are sneakily immortalized as sly little Easter eggs to commemorate what might have been join us now on a delicious Easter egg hunt for the video game Easter eggs that reveal lost versions of our favorite characters who are spoilers for these games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 60-seconds Jack okay if there's one thing that time travel TV shows slash videogame quantum break had going for it it was star power there was Mary or Pippin lieutenant hard-ass from the wire and of course Aiden Gillen doing one of his wonderful and very real accents what is the corridor location where the machine is situated in that time Swedish may be rounding out the cast was Canadian actor Shawn Ashmore as main character Jack Joyce a guy who discovers that he can manipulate time and that his old friend Paul serene is up to some shady stuff and also has become Swedish maybe shut up and bringing in Jack didn't always look like this however in the very first trailer for quantum break from e3 2013 Jack had an entirely different face and voice mostly because he was played by an entirely different actor doctor you're the only one who can fix this as the villain went on the actor Sean Dury was replaced by a more box office friendly Sean but that doesn't mean he didn't turn up in the Finnish game as we can see here in the game's opening cutscene in which he appears as a cab driver who dropped Shawn Ashmore off so that he can go on his exciting adventure across time hey thanks no problem damn remedy that's cold still the developers made it up to the actor by giving him a pretty major role in their next game control in which he plays the main character his brother your villain Faden sister he's talking in the third person hang in there Sean hurry we're getting there slowly three more games and you'll be the protagonists this isn't what I was expecting it's why the collar surprised dumbass quit squirming tattooing is a human custom that's been around for millennia and used for myriad purposes sometimes decorative sometimes symbolic and sometimes like in my case - remind me to buy some milk well I couldn't find a pen for the character of Jack from Mass Effect 2 tattoos have all these meanings and more which is why she's absolutely covered in them except her face because even a telekinetic super criminal has to draw the line somewhere you do this a lot early on you trying to cover up the Cerberus crap hard to keep your hands steady while you're doing yourself though when you first meet Jack's bringing her from a turian prison ship you find she has an extra powerful human biotic who has had her rough tumble history inked all over her body or at least all the parts of her body you can see which is most of them Jax tattoos record her early days as a secret science experiment her time spent in space prison and related her life as a member of a violent space gang speaking of that these faces tattooed on Jack's arm are comically those of her murdered fellow gang members memorialized as cool skin art so says the official art book but at the same time they happened to be various faces from concept art for the character of Jack herself as shared here in a blog post by Mass Effect 2 concept artist Matt Rhodes so these tattoos also represents how art at happy squad member might have looked had the designers picked a different path which means technically Jack has had her own face tattooed on her body which who does that not me as far as you know [Music] as we all now know the perfect expression of Hideo Kojima's vision for videogames is Norman Reedus weighing on a mushroom nothing it was a long road to get there though and there were some bumps in that road along the way such as the ill-fated silent Hills quiet breathing through her skin and of course the character of ridin who debuted in Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty intended to be a younger more attractive character to appeal to a wider audience ride ins prettyboy good looks along with the fact that he spends a not inconsiderable portion of the game running around naked put off plenty of the players who just wanted to play another game as the gruff grouchy Solid Snake amazing how you walk around like that snake been waiting long be honest though we should consider ourselves lucky designer Yoji Shinkawa x' original design providin was reportedly of a creepy weirdo who crawled on all fours like spider-man and to quote MGS 2 production background notes like to lick bird doo-doo I did wonder why there all those seagulls around so that's why you changed my codename right never want to let a good idea go to waste Kojima held on to the design and revisited it in Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater where the creepy weirdo with the unusual dietary preferences resurfaced as the fear the gross spider soldier of the Cobra units it is time I'm I'm good thanks still you can see why they might have decided that this wouldn't go down well with female audiences looking for a new video game crush that's what left Claire it's so nice to see you how are you doing that helicopter just came out of nowhere I'm in one piece I'm guessing you don't have a key in one of those fancy pockets unfortunately no but how are you doing the Resident Evil 2 remake updated these survival horror classic in a number of ways improving the graphics tweaking the puzzles and making it possible to install ridiculous mods that ruin all the carefully built tension Oh actually I think that's scarier than the original another thing it added was some extra costumes for Claire and Leon available as downloadable content there was a sheriff's outfit early on military gear for Claire and new outfits for both characters but the final bonus outfit for Claire was known as the elder Walker outfit which might have been confusing for those without an in-depth knowledge of Resident Evil 2's development history see this outfit is actually an Easter Egg referencing the very first version of Resident Evil 2 that went into development now known as biohazard 1.5 in this version of the game there were two characters to pick from Leon s Kennedy who we all know and love and Elsa Walker a 19 year old college student and motorcycle racer who would have spent the whole game in a set of motorcycle leathers that now that I think about it probably would provide pretty decent protection from being munched on by a zombie Santa like this Elza as development went on biohazard 1.5 was scrapped in favor of what would go on to become Resident Evil 2 an Elder became Claire Redfield the younger sister of the first games Chris Redfield that being said Claire retained most of elzar's backstory as well as her motorcycle just not her common sense as she switched the heavy-duty leathers for a sleeveless denim vest and some shorts I think that's bad sweet Thomas the Tank Engine shows up will you stop it who are you oh sure it's easy to design an iconic heroine from a sky city in an alternate universe do you you can't just take a doe-eyed Disney Princess chop off one pinky finger and stick her in a tower you know have you even considered whether she's wearing a jacket or not I didn't think so in fact when the makers of BioShock Infinite were drawing up the character of Elizabeth that was exactly the kind of question that kept them at their desks late into the night I imagine for real though it was crucial to nail the visual design of the companion character with whom you'd be spending most of the game since you'd be seeing a lot more of her than the player character Booker who I guess had brown hair and a face nailed it anyway Liz was the emotional core of the game and needed her outfit to be on point while she was ripping the space-time continuum a new one [Music] [Music] [Applause] and so over the protracted course of development of that game naturally her appearance was tweaked and refined you can see one earlier variant of Elizabeth's design in this BioShock Infinite demo which is don't freak out nearly ten years old I've got an idea whatever you're doing do it fast [Music] when the game came out in 2013 Elizabeth had shed the jacket had had her hair done and so on to take on the canonical look of Liz as we remember her so looks like they call you the fall Shepherd then you the lamb let's not call each other that but then when things go off in the twist finale of the game that early version of Elizabeth gets a cameo alongside several of her alternate universe sisters never are you sisters if you're from parallel universes or twins wait why isn't is always a girl in every universe if Rosalyn Liu Tessa's alternate universe twin is a boy what does it all mean anyone I want to talk about fire shock infinite sum or yes in 2019 [Music] 20:18 sea of thieves from studio rare finally let players live out their piratical dreams if said dreams mostly involved being the victim of other better pirates turns out though that that wasn't rares first attempt at making a pirate game like you might guess from the way it's designed I'm just angry I'm bad at sword fights no rez first attempt at a pirate game came way back in the late 1990s with a prototype for a snez game known as project dream this project dream had started out as a fantasy RPG before changing into a piratey adventure as development switched to the n64 in dream you were to play as a young man called Edson who got mixed up with a group of pirates led by the game's main villain a dastardly Buccaneer known as captain black I unfortunately for the captain but fortunately for everyone else as development continued rare decided that Edson was boring and swapped him out for a bear named banjo who was previously a supporting character they also streamlined the game significantly getting rid of the pirate theme and focusing on making a fun quirky platformer game instead which I mean it kind of worked out for them with the game that finally released 1998's banjo kazooie for the n64 selling nearly 2 million copies but that wasn't the last we'd see of abandoned antagonist Captain black I portraits of Captain black eye can be spotted in banjo kazooie's mad monster mansion stage but the biggest Easter egg of all is his appearance in banjo tooie where he can be found propping up the bar in the Jolly Rogers lagoon level here black eye is little more than a belligerent drunk but if you bother him enough he'll regale you with tales of how he used to be in a game but his glory was stolen by a bear bear didn't you say uh-huh I think he's had enough well we're here don't worry about saying goodbye I'm sure we'll be doing this all again soon enough hmm get off my bus creating concepts are four characters takes ages and sometimes it doesn't even get used case in point this concept art I drew for a new take on Mickey Mouse which took me all of two x' day and all I got was a cease and desist letter from the Walt Disney Corporation the point is smart people know to never let any of that hard work go to waste as we see in the original Borderlands where several characters in the game are based on early unused designs for the playable vault hunters first off is Reaver a bandit leader and the target in the mission two wrongs make a right Riva is based on the original design for the hunter class vault hunter Mordecai a fact you might be able to guess on account of how they share the same taste in headgear [Music] then there's the character of dr. Z the wasteland physician who doles out some of the games early missions something about that haircut just screams soldier class to me and wouldn't you know it Zed's design derives from an early version of the soldier vault hunter Roland thanks for opening her up again the name said now I keep the med vendors around here up and running finally there's Borderlands main villain commandant steel a siren who surprise surprise started life is the design for the siren vault hunter Lilith as we can see here in the game's initial announce feature in magazine Game Informer the contents are the evolved are rightfully the property of the Atlas College but you I guess we should just be grateful that they have so much good concept art to recycle although they surely must be running low at this point all I'm saying is if the final boss of Borderlands 4 is just a stick figure with a big gun I won't be surprised although gearbox if you'd like to use this Mickey Mouse my rates are very reasonable dis do you being very uncool about it Firestone who is getting off the bus thanks for watching this video about the early versions of game characters that were snuck into the actual finished games as Easter eggs we hope you enjoyed it maybe was interesting maybe you learned something if you'd like to learn more things about video games and why not check out this video from us that Xbox which is about all the safe houses that became unsafe houses and maybe this video from outside extra might teach you a thing or two and it is about something also very worthwhile mmm don't know what it is because they didn't check but there's a headline probably read the thumbnail can read
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 815,707
Rating: 4.9281573 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, best, funny, easter egg, easter eggs, secret, secrets, character, designs, concept art, early version, quantum break, jack joyce, paul serene, jack, mass effect 2, tattoos, fear, raiden, claire redfield, elza walker, resident evil 2, metal gear solid 2, snake eater, elizabeth, bioshock infinite, demo, captain blackeye, banjo tooie, banjo kazooie, dream, Dr. Zed, Reaver, Commandant Steele, borderlands
Id: MGrEPkAo_84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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