7 Fighting Game Joke Characters Who Are WAY Stronger Than They Look

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joke characters are a beloved fighting game tradition because it's always funny to see someone who's bad at fighting get totally annihilated by a much more skilled opponent unbalanced sometimes however these joke characters that should exist just to be punching bags for the better stronger characters turn out to be inexplicably competent unexpectedly strong and absolutely lethal in the right hands here are seven of our favorites bloody raw primal fury was a 2002 game for the gamecube that looks like a pretty standard 3d fighting game right up until the point where one of the fighters turns into an animal every fighter in bloody roar had what is known as a beast form and when transformed characters have access to extra moves deal more damage and can perform beast drives special animal themed ultra moves that can devastate their opponent's health bar [Music] [Applause] the beast forms that the different fighters can turn into range from the obvious lions and tigers to wolves chameleons and even rabbits although that's one rabbit i wouldn't want to try keeping it a hutch in my back garden [Music] one character however kronos wasn't so lucky with his beast form in that he turns into a penguin [Music] not a human-sized penguin or a heavily armored penguin with a knife for a beak but a regular-sized rockhopper penguin who attacks by slapping enemies with his flippers like he's trying to swat away a troublesome fly obviously your first instinct is that kronos is going to get absolutely destroyed after all he's a two-foot penguin armed with weak flippers and adorable little penguin feet in a fighting tournament with actual werewolves and lion men then you realize that being the size that he is kronos the penguin is incredibly difficult to actually hit most attacks will fly harmlessly over kronos's head and he can't be grabbed cutting off major offensive opportunities for his opponents plus although weak his fin slaps can interrupt combos and throw off their [Music] rhythm oh and his beast drive is not only super powerful but also super humiliating because it's a penguin doing it to you [Music] if all that wasn't enough kronos is the only character with a second much more impressive beast form a jacked up terrifying humanoid phoenix [Music] you think he'd lead with that but the fact that he spends most of his time beating you up as a penguin shows how little kronos respects you another worldwide fighting tournament yeah they didn't let me in the last one without a big star like me to get everyone pumped up i bet the crowd was bored out of their minds right jimmy not exactly introduced in the street fighter alpha series psycho style martial artist dan hibiki was originally conceived as a dig at the rival fighting game series art of fighting which capcom felt was ripping off street fighter and i mean for good reason look at this [Applause] so as an easter egg the street fighter team introduced a new fighter who had a ponytail like art of fighting's robert garcia a karate key like ryo sakazaki threw fireballs one-handed like both of those characters and was rubbish [Music] it would be like if mortal kombat introduced a new character called biu who did crappy dragon punches and was always wetting himself obviously for this to work as the savage parody it was intended to be dan had to be a rubbish joke character and indeed he was during the early part of his street fighting career special mention for his otokomichi hyper combo from marvel superheroes vs street fighter that reduces dan's health to one percent and does about as much damage as a regular punch [Music] by the time street fighter 4 came around though dan had become something of a fan favorite precisely because he was supposed to be a joke character it had become a point of pride to be able to beat people with dan something that it turns out was a lot easier to do in street fighter 4 than it had been in previous street fighter games this was thanks to various buffs a solidly mid-tier arsenal of moves and the addition of super and ultra combos that can do a serious amount of damage if you can get them to connect as you can see though dan is still a comedy idiot in terms of how he's presented which is where his real advantage lies because he's still perceived as a rubbish joke character when in fact he's just a lower mid-tier character players who start to lose to dan often start to panic that they're going to lose to dan for god's sake i mean look at him i'll make this quick and painless for you kid and that's when they make mistakes and when they make mistakes dan with his arsenal of taunts cheap shots and surprisingly devastating ultra combos is right there waiting and speaking of dan check this out [Music] in the capcom universe of fighting games it's not just dan who is attempting to make psycho-style martial arts a thing in rival school sequel project justice it's revealed that the character named chairperson a class captain who looks like she got halfway through getting dressed before having to flee a burning building learned psycho style karate by mail order booklets which explains why she is terrible in a game full of powerful brawlers nimble kickboxers and people armed with lethal sporting equipment chairperson is flat out unremarkable with weak attacks zero air specials and a burning figure attack that involves her giving her opponent a bola king [Music] you can definitely see dan's influence in her fighting particularly when she's getting her ass kicked but chairperson isn't as useless as she might initially appear see project justice is a team-based fighting game in which you choose three fighters to take into battle against your foes as with games such as marvel vs capcom you have a lead fighter and can swap fighters in and out as you choose but you could also call on your teammates temporarily for extra powerful team-up attacks many of these team-up attacks from other characters will give a boost to your fighter's health or to their so-called guts bar which is rival school's equivalent of a special meter however chairperson's team-up attack in which he pulls out a whiteboard and gives you an earnest lecture about what parts of the body to focus on is the only team up attack in the game that boosts both your health and restores four levels of your guts bar a massive bonus in the middle of a hard fight as such it's usually a good idea to have chairperson on your squad even if you don't plan on using her to fight just because of how useful she is to your other more competent characters missed opportunity to hit them with that whiteboard though that thing looks heavy [Music] divekick is a minimalist fighting game with only two buttons dive and kick oh i get the name now there aren't even any directional inputs you just need to jump and kick and do both those things with the right timing and positioning to allow you to kick your opponent in the head and win the round originally conceived as a jokey reference to the fact that doing dive kicks is an often abused tactic in competitive fighting games divekick also functions as a send-up of the fighting game community featuring references to games inside jokes and playable characters taken from big names in the competitive fighting game community one such character is jafaeli based on the real alex jabali organizer of florida's fighting game tournament named ceo jabali apparently has a reputation for self-promotion which translates to his character's head growing bigger every time he wins a round you'd think in a game where the aim is to kick your opponent in the head having a big head would be a disadvantage and most of the time you'd be right because by the time jafali reaches his fourth win there's only a small fragment of screen that isn't taken up by his gargantuan gourd [Music] also in divekick losing a round by getting kicked in the head as opposed to any other body part puts your character into a concussed state at the start of the next round which is a pretty big disadvantage add to this that jafali's kicks have terrible range and you can see why many consider him a joke character that being said jafaeli can charge his kicks to give them more range and they arc which can be confusing for people used to other characters straight lines plus his massive head makes him taller which means he jumps higher and in a game where you can only do two things one of which is jumping that's a pretty big deal most importantly though his specials can drain his opponent's special meter and freeze everything except the timer both of which can really mess with people's strategies i mean what strategy there is in a game with two buttons have you tried diving and kicking [Music] eternal champions was another post mortal kombat fighting series that featured buckets of gore and fatal finishing moves called overkills that really took their time getting the job done does this go on much longer i've just got a dentist appointment at 4. eternal champions 2 challenge from the dark side featured several joke animal characters but number as lethal as crispy the chicken who is literally a chicken sized chicken with all the powers of a chicken which is to say none as with chronos before him however it turns out that being a small bird is actually a big advantage in a fighting game because it's pretty much impossible for a normal sized character to hit crispy with their moves designed for normal sized people crispy on the other hand can hit normal sized people extremely easily thanks to his enormous vertical leap powerful peck and ferocious selection of kicks he's even got special moves such as being able to pelt his enemy with eggs from a distance or this move in which a farmer runs it with an axe and chops his head off [Music] not entirely sure what the benefit is but as an intimidation tactic you've got to admit it's pretty effective plus there's nothing more humiliating for a world-class martial artist than to lose a fight to a domesticated foul oh no wait losing a fight to a domesticated foul by being kicked into a big electric sign that's worse [Music] [Applause] who's crispy now it's me crispy the chicken tekken's dr gepetto bosconovich was a brilliant doctor and scientist up until he lost his daughter elisa then he went a bit strange and spent most of his time creating fighting lizards and kangaroos and also a robot version of his dead daughter with an exploding head he's also a playable character in several games including tekken 3 and at first glance is a textbook useless joke character round one fight fighting style on the tech and wiki is listed as panic fighting which isn't a great start and he seems to spend most of his time in fights flailing falling over or lying on the floor staring at the ceiling perhaps wondering how it all came to this same dr b while it is hard to learn how to control him properly dr b can be absolutely lethal thanks to his unpredictability because he's constantly falling over lying on the ground or scooching around the place on his butt it can make it very hard to figure out what dr b is going to do next and his hits aren't significantly weaker than anyone else's meaning he can still deal a ton of damage when he wants to [Music] plus his specials can be absolutely brutal in the right hands which is absolutely something you wouldn't expect from an elderly scientist who if his tekken 3 ending is to be believed isn't even very good at science [Music] jojo's bizarre adventure is one of the best-selling manga series of all time and has spawned countless books movies and video games one of these games is 1999's jojo's bizarre adventure heritage for the future a fighting game in which various immaculately dressed people battle each other using stands entities that they can summon to help them in battle that are also not coincidentally immaculately dressed [Music] one character you might be hesitant to pick however is the fighter named pet shop who is a bird has the lowest health in the game and commands the stand called horus an ice elemental horus is basically an old bird skeleton meaning he isn't wearing anything that could be considered high fashion although pet shop makes up for that somewhat with his fetching scarf and headpiece anyway dismiss pet shop at your peril yes he's a bird but the fact he can fly means that he can move freely in any direction around the entire screen hitting opponents wherever they are be it standing jumping or crouching [Music] he also has an incredible damage output and devastating supers that can be used anywhere on the screen thanks to his power of flight in fact pet shop is considered such a high-tier character that he's actually globally banned from tournament play because he's too good which is fair enough when you see stuff like this incidentally that's the third bird on this list something to bear in mind next time you go to the zoo anyway those things aren't to be trusted [Music] there you have it those are the fighting game joke characters who are way more deadly than they have any right to be have we missed your favorite joke character let us know in the comments below and like and subscribe for more videos like this from outside xbox thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,428,478
Rating: 4.9040217 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, list, countdown, weirdest fighting game characters, weird fighting game characters, funny, fighting games, 7 things, best characters, worst characters, weird fighting games, harmless, street fighter, joke character, joke, weak, dan, cronos, bloody roar, penguin, chairperson, rival schools, project justice, divekick, jefailey, crispy, chicken, bird, eternal champions 2, Dr. Bosconovitch, tekken, pet shop, jojo's bizarre adventure, heritage for the future
Id: 1SHpPN4M5tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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