7 Times You Made the Game Much Harder by Accident

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for the most part the difficulty levels in video games are clearly signposted usually with helpful descriptive names [Music] yes thank you Wolfenstein - on occasion though we managed to stumble across an unofficial hard mode that will although never advertised as some kind of alternative in difficulty setting unexpectedly make your life several degrees harder consider these times we made a game significantly more difficult for ourselves by accident and beware of minor plot spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what is that I'll go and check okay Jill and I will stay in the hall in case of an emergency at the start of the original Resident Evil you're given the choice to play as either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine this is a tough decision because up to this point your only knowledge of them comes from the games live-action intro alpha team is flying around the forest zone situated in Northwest Raccoon City where we're searching for the helicopter of our compatriots Bravo Team is there a charlie team as well can I be one of them just going off appearances you might think that picking Chris Redfield is going to give you an easier time of it on account of how burly chris is built like a triangle that's taken up powerlifting but in actual fact by picking Chris in both the original Resident Evil and the remake you're making the game much harder for yourself and not just because it's harder to fit through doors for a start and in defiance of all logic Chris can actually carry fewer items than Jill Valentine Jill can tote 8 items around with her whereas Chris is limited to six proving once and for all of those biceps are just personal trainer show muscle as anyone who's come across a crucial item with a full inventory in a Resident Evil game will tell you the more inventory slots the better as this will save you tons of backtracking to item boxes there is also the fact that early in the game Jill is given a lockpick meaning that she can pick simple locks such as drawers whenever she comes across them Jill here is a lockpick Chris meanwhile needs to find single-use old keys lying around if he wants to open these locks this puts him at another disadvantage because said locks usually guard goodies such as ammo health and ink ribbons with these disadvantages you'd expect Chris to be better at combat to even things out but although Chris can take more hits its Jill who gets the game's most useful weapon the grenade launcher later in the game it's also Jill who had the foresight to bring a gun to this mission where as Chris starts with only a knife did you forget your gun Chris is there a gun set on a desk somewhere in the Raccoon City Police Department with a post-it note stuck to it saying remember gun honestly wouldn't surprise me Jill's greatest advantage however is how she's near constantly accompanied by Barry Burton the world's most useful videogame companion when Barry's not saving you from sealing traps and enabling you to completely bypass the puzzle to get the shotgun Oh Barry that was too close you were almost a jiggle sandwich he is straight up just doing boss fights for you so you don't have to waste any of your precious health or ammunition nice do you do other games Barry I'm having trouble with Ornstein and smile in Dark Souls can of phys it's sure to yellow and mellow those things it's yours yeah thanks Barry you're the best [Music] no game does sexy vampires like vampire the masquerade bloodlines this is a game where you can literally flirt your way out of life-and-death situations I can't even flirt my way to a free pint all I get is asked to leave the pub the other thing bloodlines does really well is deeply unsexy vampires you know the ones that look like a bat had a baby with the lead singer rode off metal bat hey no face only a mother who is also a bat could love what's more if you choose to play as a member of the nos rotten clan you're in effect activating an unofficial hardmode Nosferatu vampires look so spectacularly horrifying that they can't walk the streets without immediately alerting the entire world to the existence of vampires which means you instead have to navigate the underground sewer system like a sort of creepy fifth ninja turtle I'm gonna face like that the artist you'll be named after is Picasso you can't even really nip up topside for a quick bite to replenish your blood supply like vampires from the other clans instead you'll have to catch rats and suck them dry like a little furry juice box how are you gonna look Master Splinter in the eye after that so yes creating a nostril to your character makes the game world considerably more difficult to negotiate and because your maximum seduction level is capped at zero for the entire game all that lovely flirting is right off the table ah man I just realized I should probably stop wearing this to the pub [Music] [Music] some things in life are easier for intelligent people one crossword puzzles to holding conversations in nuclear waste lands accordingly life itself gets generally easier or harder according to your intelligence at least in the Fallout games if you decide when making your fallout character you're going to sacrifice all your intelligence points so you can hit the bad things real good you might sink your special points into strength and agility for instance leaving you with an intelligence stat of zero if that's the case then look out bloody fine job making it through the defences made and rather impressed toss me your name well no Mina Mina how did a total [ __ ] such as yourself get past my defenses you're highly agile muscular hero with the lowest possible intelligence rating will find themselves barely able to string a few words together like me on four hours sleep no not that I want the computer chip no the chip just give me the chip you might be left with no more than a handful of in eloquent dialogue options struggling to make yourself understood by your fellow wasteland survivors so yeah have fun picking your way through a subtle tricky conversation with that going on you're wearing a vault suit I never imagined I would meet an inhabitant of another vault this vault 13 where is it located that must be your IQ on your jumpsuit I'm not a vault number as it post-apocalyptic life wasn't hard enough now I can't even enjoy a simple crossword puzzle four down four letters not smart je ane you remember connect right it's that hunk of plastic that added 80 quid to the cost of your xbox one blocked the remote control sensor at the bottom of your television and now makes a really excellent doorstop back when alien isolation was released though every single Xbox one came with a Kinect so adding some Kinect features to the game didn't seem quite as much like an incredible waste of everyone's time I'm still smarting over that 80 quid that's like two whole games still we paid for the thing and we were going to use it damn it plus some of the Kinect features in alien isolation are actually pretty handy for example you can use it to physically lean in order to peek around corners thus exposing as little of your delicious flesh as possible to the 9 foot space monster stomping around the place there weren't any other motion controls but that's fine because all you'd be doing is this where things got harder than a granite statue of Jason Statham is with the option to activate sound detection this feature uses the Kinect array of microphones to alert the in-game alien to any noises that occur in the real world the idea is that if you're so terrified by the sight of the alien that you let out a little real-life whimper then the alien will hear you and come and eat your face off [Music] just suppress all your emotions and work it out 20 years later in therapy that's what I do of course some players will be brave enough to remain completely silent throughout the problem is that the game can't recognize the difference between the sound of a scream and say a text message alert or the dog barking to be let out or a bit of nervous wind although I suppose that one's fair game either way all this means it's entirely possible to die in alien isolation when your mum shouts up to us whether you want potato waffles or turkey dinosaurs for dinner which makes it officially the most embarrassing death in the entire alien universe since that idiot first shoved his face right inside a creepy looking horror egg I mean really a wise woman once said in place of a dark do you have a queen not bad but beautiful and terrible as the door and I think we can all identify with that that same elf woman also said that even the smallest person can change the course of the future and she was right but presumably when Galadriel says smallest person she draws the line at tiny hobbits and not even tinier chickens because a chicken is going to have a really hard time changing the course of the future no matter how heroic it is could I take a moment of your time see in Lord of the Rings online you can access so called chicken play in which you play as a level 1 chicken and not like a figurative cowardly chicken but like an actual literal feathery chicken as a chicken however you will discover your powers are ridiculously limited within the bucolic confines of the Shire this is fine and good but your chickens specific quests will take you much further afield to places where middle-earth meanest enemies can kill you with a single hit and all you can do is play dead and find worms so yeah good luck with not winding up someone else's winner winner chicken dinner oh come on that's not fair Frodo had a whole fellowship looking after him and a mithril vest if you stick with chicken mode on the other hand what you get for risking your feathery neck is a cloak with a chicken on it that lets you make clucking sounds I don't know to me that seems like a poultry reward you don't need us to tell you that the Dark Soul series is legendarily difficult you've been on the internet since 2011 you know that the word get is to be immediately followed by the word good even though neither of those are proper words it's therefore likely you don't want to make Dark Souls 2 any harder than it already is or if you do you want to do it in the usual obvious way by choosing a deprived character with a rubbish weapon and merely some skimpy underwear to protect them [Music] you seem to have confused praising the Sun with sunbathing easy mistake to make in Doc's holes to the company of champions is a covenant that can be joined early in the game in the hub area medulla by nearly in front of this rock and selecting the answer yes three times this is something it's entirely possible to do without really appreciating what joining the company of Champions entails sure the description is slightly intimidating explaining that the journey ahead will be arduous but then this is Dark Souls 2 which means we're veterans fresh off completing the whole of Dark Souls 1 most of Dark Souls 1 we got frightened by unseen in småland switch the game off for six months at any rate arduous is a hilariously understated term for the Dark Souls 2 death march that follows when you join this covenant company of champions reduces the amount of damage you dish out increases the amount of damage you receive and deactivates the enemy despawning system that made commuting around dark souls to far less stressful than in the original oh and if you are planning on relying on the game's co-op summoning features to get through the now even more nightmarish bosses that option has been deactivated as well yes the only person with whom you'll be cooperating is your funeral planner okay well scratch Dark Souls 2 may be unseen and smile have calmed down by now see they get to cooperate so unfair the dorm guard they think they can stop us but we will find them doing the right thing can be kind of tough like handing in a wallet full of cash you found or not leaving a Japanese cat cafe with a trenchcoat full of kittens that one especially and choosing to do the right thing in Skyrim's Dawnguard lands you with an even greater penalty than a lifetime ban from the city of tokyo they'll come around one day see in this vampire themes dlc you're offered the choice between becoming an anti-vampire Dawnguard crusader or becoming an evil vampire lord perhaps you still need convincing behold the power make your choice naturally the temptation is to offer up your neck with a complimentary side of curly fries to the guys who will make you an all-powerful vampire whose benefits include but are not limited to a 50-point boost to health stamina & magicka the ability to hover and the power to transform into a swarm of bats the power on the other hand what does a new dawn guard recruit get as part of his or her welcome pack a crappy crossbow which requires you to constantly conserve ammunition I'm glad we're finally taking the fight to those monsters you know what doesn't need ammunition for insulin vampire claws just maybe booked in for a mani every few weeks keep those things on fleek and the worst part of all this doing the right thing is that eventually you have to agree to become a vampire anyway because story meaning that you wasted hours struggling through the game as a Dawnguard chump you become the very thing you've sworn to destroy I don't know how the dawn guard will react look that's worse than the time they made me return all those kittens which I did hey they chose me all right elder scrolls will be mine and the tyranny the son that was a video about the times we accidentally activated a sort of unofficial hardmode but let's make your next viewing option easy for you up here we've got a video from us about times you can complete the game without killing anybody and down here we have a video from outside extra about the toughest bosses who deserve a promotion we think thanks for watching like and subscribe up at the subscribe orb and we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 5,723,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: list, top 10, top 7, 7 things, top 5, 5 things, countdown, funny, funny moments, lord of the rings online, lord of the rings online chicken play, resident evil chris redfield harder, fallout zero intelligence, fallout, fallout intelligence 0, dark souls 2 company of champions, vampire the masquerade nosferatu, vampire the masquerade, alien isolation kinect, alien isolation, alien isolation sound, skyrim dawnguard dlc, skyrim dawnguard or vampires, skyrim vampires
Id: k28fnz2_fEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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