7 Fake Game Overs That Had Us Totally Fooled

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Wasn’t there a video like this before or are oxboxtra videos taking up too much space in my mind palace?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Zer01704 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
a true game over is when you've messed up so badly the game ends giving you a valuable moment to reflect on your failure yep i see what i did there a fake game over is when some sneaky video game makes us think it's all over when it's not toying with our expectations preying on our fears and subverting the conventions of the medium itself so of course metal gear solid is the master of this meta trickery as previously discussed but metal gear isn't the only game in town when it comes to fake game overs consider these seven times the game gave us a fake out ending and we fell for it like the suckers we are also we wear spoilers for the following [Music] look somehow this hostile force this hiss that works somehow the hiss managed to infiltrate the building without any warning and just like that my name for it is official in control there are two main things you're fighting the first is the hiss a supernatural force that has invaded your office taken over certain aspects of the building and its stuff and the second is the urge to just spend all your time floating around the place hurling chunks of masonry at people instead of doing any actual missions [Applause] managed to stave off the second one however and there's a good chance you'll make it to the end of control's story in which your character jessie faden loses her protection against the corrupting influence of the hiss and is taken over by its malevolent force which to be honest about 30 things bleaker and weirder than this happen every half hour in control normally we wouldn't be worrying but as soon as this cutscene finishes the credits start to roll through time the thunder song distorts you [Music] happiness so i guess that was the ending i mean remedy the studio that made control are also the folks behind max payne and alan wake and those weren't exactly what you'd call upbeat games so i guess they're going for the downer ending on purpose that said there's something about these credits that's a bit weird like langston being played by leave leave also being the game director and the northlight manager being someone called baby baby baby yeah i mean that is possibly a very popular name in finland i'd have to check [Music] it quickly becomes apparent that these credits are yet another example of the pervasive influence of the hiss which has managed to get inside the game's credits now and in fact this isn't game over at all but rather the beginning of the end game in which jesse will finally drive the hiss out of the world for goods or continue to float around the place hurling chunks of masonry at people depends on if it's me playing or not medusa hello there pit and you too palutely here to crash my homecoming party uh this really doesn't look like much of a party i'm no scholar of ancient greek mythology but what i learned from kid icarus uprising for the nintendo 3ds is that icarus was an angel called pit medusa was the goddess of darkness and evil wizards would turn people into fried shrimp it's a tempura wizard a temporary wizard if he deprives you keep your distance one bite and you'll be finished history is fascinating given medusa's status as the powerful nemesis of palutena goddess of light who you serve as pit it's a reasonable assumption that all snakes for hair here is the big boss of the game so it'll finally meet again she's huge and given this chapter being called medusa's final battle we can hardly be blamed for rocking up to this seemingly climactic showdown with medusa thinking the end of the game might be within striking distance listen well are you demons of the other world in the name of the goddess palutena the defender of all that is good those who hide in the darkness will be made to face the light that's our excuse for how one epic underworld boss battle spent angelically strafing this colossal gorgon goddess later we were convinced that we'd done it game over good job us you did it gosh we thought smugly as medusa crumbled to dust and the underworld filled with light we must be pretty darn good at kill icarus uprising also gosh isn't kid icarus uprising kind of a short game how long was that three hours that's definitely the end of the game though because look here come the credits why would credits lie to a person we did it we really did it congratulations i know it wasn't always easy if all the cheery congratulations made you suspicious though well done to you and your mistrustful instincts because of course it's all a wait just ruse second huh did you hear something i said wait just a second you've got to be hearing things hades who's hades the true master of the underworld yep turns out there's loads of game left and your true adversary is the bigger badder more sarcastic underworld boss hades so this little angel took down big bad medusa all by himself what an accomplishment for goodness you should put this on your resume all right hades no need to rub it in see you in six hours hammer down jack or you won't make it to vegas in the top 150. oh and jack yeah no casinos never crossed my mind the plot of neither speed the run involves an illegal cross america street race that your character jack rorke is keen to take part in because of the street race part and that the police are keen to stop because of the illegal part yeah this is definitely some kind of straight race roll back up as soon as you can be that multiple units already as such your biggest threat during the races isn't the other racers or even crashing headfirst into a wall it's the police because if they catch up to you you're busted and it's race over no more illegal street racing for you young man code for a racer in custody that's apart from in this one mission which takes place in fabulous las vegas nevada where you're trying to get out of town while being aggressively pursued by the lvmpd who have set up roadblocks everywhere and sent out their best stunt driving drift units to try and bring you to justice unfortunately for you at one point the roadblocks upgrade from easily smashable barriers to actual parked squad cars and the cutscene triggers with your car skidding to a halt and the familiar busted symbol appears on screen to let you know you've failed the mission this was the point at which we put down the controller and went to refill the cheeto bowl but more fool us because in this instance it's not game over and need for speed the run takes its name quite literally as the game continues because you have to actually run away from the cops escaping on foot via a series of quick time events so it's not actually game over unless you're terrible at quick time events [Music] being mario or luigi is thirsty work i expect what with all the running and jumping and go-kart driving so you can understand them wanting to stop for a drink now and again that said i'm not sure i'd recommend drinking directly from an ornamental fountain an option presented to them in 3ds rpg mario and luigi dream team not least because in my experience fountain water is about 30 dead pigeons and 40 loose change that was a terrible day in the park those instincts are proven right because as soon as the bros sip from the tainted water of this fountain starts to get weird as described by some extremely descriptive text mario and luigi drink the water fall asleep and are awoken by a wonderful smell and then absolutely lose their minds in a giant pile of mushrooms clearly someone at nintendo wanted to get some use out of their creative writing degree this being a mario game the mushrooms then caused mario luigi to grow to unimaginable size we're told at which point they begin to merge with the very earth itself as they essentially become mushroom deities nature gods that fuel the beating heart of the world you can see why they normally stick to just the one all this is obviously going to make it pretty hard to go back to running around and jumping on turtle's heads and so sensibly the game declares itself over [Music] seems pretty convincing to me guess i'll have to reload and just not drink from the cursed fountain so that i don't become a living earth elemental which i know sounds chill but is really going to cause issues for the mario kart and smash bros franchises down the line [Music] except actually this was all a dream see it turns out the fountain water is fine it fully restores your hp with only the minor side effects of making you pass out and experience incredibly vivid nightmares [Laughter] [Music] so feel free to stop by whenever you need a health boost and don't mind a prolonged sequence in which i don't know you exist across all points of time simultaneously but are unable to warn anyone or do anything to avert tragedy you know mario stuff [Music] in donkey kong country on the snes you play as the titular ape as he pursues a regal lizard named king k rool and his group of bad guys called the kremlings who have snuck in and stolen donkey's prized banana horde [Music] what is k rool even doing do lizards even eat bananas anyway suspicious motives aside donkey and his sidekick diddy have to platform their way across the world jumping on enemies riding in mine carts and being shot out of barrels until they finally come face to face with king k rool himself on board his pirate ship the gangplank galleon so wait is he a king or a pirate really k-rool you've got to get yourself together my guy [Music] anyway a boss fight ensues and this being a platformer from the 1990s all you need to do is jump on king k rool's head a few times and he's done for and you can celebrate your active regicide with a round of applause and a hearty thumbs up in fact k-rool has barely hit the deck before the credits are rolling which may seem anti-climactic but bear in mind this was 1994 when the word congratulations appearing on the screen was considered a satisfying ending and while it seems like this ending is legit a closer look at the credits reveals that they are claiming that the game was developed in its entirety by the kremlings which doesn't sound right but one of the credits ever lied all right at least several other times in this video alone [Music] turns out that wasn't the ending after all and that king k rule still has some fight left in him until he is again killed by your overpowering ape strength and you get the real ending in which bananas feature heavily [Applause] back where they belong you know what they say you come at the kong you best not miss one masterpiece is enough in many ways 2003's resident evil outbreak is an unusual resident evil game with its eight playable characters episodic scenarios and online cooperative gameplay thanks in other ways resident evil outbreak is very much business as usual in that another umbrella scientist has gone and made another unstoppable monster for reasons that made sense only to him you're going to play with my ultimate creation the creation on this occasion is thanatos a 12 foot tall tyrant in speedos hey something's wrong in the final scenario of the game it's your boy thanatos who relentlessly pursues your chosen survivor around raccoon city university like a zombified doctor manhattan [Music] so we assumed the game was building towards some big decisive battle with thanatos who would have to be defeated before we could hop on the helicopter out of town sure enough as we tried to flee raccoon city fanny boy caught up with us again for a final desperate battle where as is tradition we turned the tide with a last minute rocket launcher now we thought we can take that hard one victory along with the poignant music has our characters run to the chopper to signal the end of the game time to kick back and read some credits nice one oritaka for namitsu [Music] except uh-oh no not really because suddenly thanatos is back stronger and angrier and more wearing speedos than ever save me narataka for me too that's your q for a second big decisive battle with thanatos where ideally you hit him with a dose of anti-t virus drug known as daylight to properly end the game which just goes to show you're never safe until you're literally on the helicopter out of town and probably not even then but i wonder if it's really over well at least we survived thank god my dude why would you even say something like that now look what's happening [Music] just shapes and beats is a rhythm action bullet hell game designed for people who can use their mind to slow down time like in the matrix i mean i assume that's the only way you're getting through some of these levels you control a small blue square who is at the mercy of various deadly pink things that will ferociously attack you in time to a selection of songs which have the unique distinction of being both very good and sounding like a malfunctioning dot matrix printer being kicked apart by an angry robot [Music] those with the reaction speed of a caffeinated hummingbird who are able to make it to the end of the game have one more obstacle to face before they can call themselves a master of just shapes and beats the game's final boss a warped smiley face wearing a crown and armed with about a million spiked balls and deadly bullets [Music] no matter how good you are at avoiding the tessellating hail of bullets you find yourself in the middle of there comes a point in this boss fight where you can't help but be driven towards these smiley faces no longer smiley mouth at which point it crunches you up like a game day nacho platter and its curtains for your little blue square now given my skill level at this kind of game i think i can be forgiven for thinking that this is actually game over and that i managed to screw it up somehow it wouldn't be the first time but wait what's this it's not over we've got a second chance a second chance to carry on and take the fight back to the face who oh he's oh he's back oh dear yes in a rare example of the lesser spotted double fake out game over you get killed a second time by the final boss before luckily being resurrected by the ghost of a helicopter and a pirate ship and a cat i think is what's going on here [Music] so it all had to happen for story reasons as did the other six and a half thousand times i died while playing this game i assume [Music] that is unfortunately the end of the video no really no fake outs it's the end but what a great opportunity to hit the like button if you enjoyed it and consider subscribing and hitting the little bell notification icon to be notified every time we make a video now it may be the end of the video but it doesn't mean you have to stop watching outside xbox and outside extra videos because we've got some videos up here for you to watch for your enjoyment so hope you like those and we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 659,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, fake, game overs, game over, fake out, control, ending, credits, credit, hiss, fake credits, kid icarus uprising, pit, hades, medusa, palatena, need for speed, the run, busted, las vegas, mario and luigi, mario, luigi, dream team, donkey kong country, snes, king k rool, boss fight, resident evil outbreak, thanatos, tyrant, just shapes and beats, till the end, final boss, list, top 10, top 5, funny, countdown
Id: PDNCIXsunz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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