7 Embarrassing Bugs Games Embraced with Excellent Results

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a cool trick for when you make an embarrassing mistake is to claim you did it on purpose like earlier in this sentence when I said porpoise instead of purpose which was actually a subtle reminder that we should protect the planet's ocean life one group that knows this trick only too well is video game developers who sometimes miss an embarrassing mistake in their game only to later embrace the mistake turning it into a feature or referencing it lovingly in their sequels so with that in mind here are 7 times games companies took the lemons of failure and made failure lemonade enjoy fighting game Mortal Kombat was a gigantic hit in the 90s thanks in part to its level of shocking violence exemplified by fatalities finishing moves in which your fighter would kill their opponent in horrible gory detail or as horrible and gory detail as arcade machines could manage in 1992 the color P these ranged from sub-zero pulling out an opponent's spine I think an Kano pulling out his opponents okay pretty sure that's a heart like 90% sure one of our favorites though was the fatality belonging to Johnny Cage the arrogant Hollywood star of terrible action movies who is inexplicably wearing cycling shorts and ballet pumps in Johnny's fatality he winds up an uppercut so powerful that it literally decapitates his bested foe a solemn ending of a human life that Johnny respectfully acknowledges by putting on sunglasses and doing a fist pump there was a mistake in the game however that made it into the final version where if he performed the button combination required for Johnny's fatality twice in quick succession you could do it twice in a row punching two heads off your opponent's shoulders be quick enough and you could even do it up to three times but this weird glitch only worked on four fighters scorpion sub-zero Kano and weirdly Johnny himself I guess even he doesn't like Johnny's movies [Music] however rather than trying to fix this mistake the developers leaned into it hard in the sequel Mortal Kombat 2 in which Johnny Cage had a secret second fatality in which he would uppercut three heads out of his opponents neck holes in rapid succession it's even referenced in the most recent Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat 11 with Johnny having a secret brutality that mimics the original and a fatality in which it seems he's still having trouble getting it right uppercut take 2 it's been 28 years Johnny I'm pretty sure this is on you at this point if you know a little about us here at outside xbox and what we're all about then you know we know as much about American football as a teabag knows about differential calculus alright so Mike do you understand how to make a touchdown no not at all you understand what is a touchdown no if there's one thing we understand even less than American football it is the long-running American football video game series Madden NFL I'm calling a kick or punch play control player with all that said I am confident of two things one the ball is a prolate spheroid and two American footballers tend to be quite large I'm transforming into something I never knew I could become that was our first clue that something had gone awry when six years back in Madden NFL 15 the likeness of Cleveland Browns rookie linebacker Christian Kirksey appeared in game to be a teeny tiny Pope's eyes sportsmen instead of a full-scale footballer in real life at the time footballer Christian Kirksey was 6 foot 2 inches tall and 235 pounds in madden ultimate team within the tennessee titans solo challenge Kirksey jogged onto the field at just over a foot high thanks to a glitch that polygon reported as a typographical error yes it seems someone somewhere entered Kurt's his height has one foot two instead of six foot two though this somewhat reduced his effectiveness as a linebacker it boosted his adorability by 500% and at the end of the day isn't that what football is really all about it isn't wow I really don't know football instead of immediately patching the glitch out of existence the developers realized that they had accidentally created something wonderful and owned their mistake for one glorious weekend EA promoted the hashtag tiny Titan and enlisted the help of real-life Christian Kirksey himself it was a pretty good sport about having five feet locked off his height hey no matter how small I am I can get to the play and I can make a tackle ea invited players to enjoy the world's littlest footballer for themselves with this inspirational trailer no matter how small you are at big dreams a live B now we know three things about football [Music] Final Fantasy 6 was a 1994 Snares game that unlike Final Fantasy 7 hasn't received a big-budget remake which is a shame because if there's one thing we need to see with all new animation and in pin-sharp 4k resolution it's a dude suplexing a train which is something that happens in Final Fantasy 6 but was not supposed to be something that happens in Final Fantasy 6 [Music] for context Final Fantasy 6 updated the medieval feel of the previous Final Fantasy games with a steampunk setting and you know what that means cogs steam cogs and yes trains also cogs the training question is a boss you encountered during the game known as the Phantom Train an undead ghost train that ferries souls to the afterlife and the ones to have a fight with you despite being presumably very easy to avoid by you know moving away from the rails The Phantom train is a powerful boss and will attack you with its special moves diabolic whistle something called evil toot and acid rain the thing that the Phantom Train is best remembered for however is the fact that it was vulnerable to the character save in suplex move this is a pro wrestling technique where you grab your opponent hoist them into the air and slam them back down onto the ground pretty straightforward to do on a human being less so on a moving eight car passenger train and yet here we are [Music] as also as this is it wasn't supposed to be possible Final Fantasy 6 has a hidden stat for flying or heavy enemies that makes them immune to being suplex by luckily for us someone forgot that this should also apply to trains while it was undoubtedly a mistake saving being able to suplex trains was such a hit with fans that even in later versions of the game where other bugs had been fixed this one stayed put [Music] square enix even acknowledge the fandoms fondness for unlikely suplexes in their next game Final Fantasy 7 where Tifa was given the meteor drive limit break a vertical suplex that could be used on any enemy regardless of size [Music] that doesn't mean trains get off lightly in Final Fantasy 7 though man what is this series having its trains there's an old saying that goes golf is a good walk spoiled well in a golf videogame you don't even get to walk anywhere that didn't seem to stop the Tiger Woods PGA Tour Series of golf games getting massive popularity in the 2000s and early 2010's when there was enough appetite for a new golf game every single year for a period of 16 years but games take a long time to develop properly with such a metronomic release schedule mistakes and glitches were bound to slip in in Tiger Woods PGA Tour o 8 the so called Jesus shot discovered it named by a YouTube user called Levin a 225 was one such glitch see oh my god I'm not super up on the Bible but did Jesus also sink the shot for par even a man of Tiger Woods enormous skill is going to struggle to play a shot from the surface of a water hazard in real life but publisher EAS or the funny side producing a live-action recreation with the real Tiger Woods replicating the glitch great more ammunition for people who think we're living in the matrix EA even went a step further making a bonus challenge in the 2010 edition of Tiger Woods in which you had to recreate the shot as seen in the commercial and unlock an achievement called Levin a t25 named after the person who originally found the glitch a fun addition but not half as much fun as watching Tiger himself keeping a straight face as he talks about the shot we're in the heart was as a good shot convinced about these golf video games though apparently the driving in the game is something to do with hitting the ball and nothing to do with an impromptu golf cart race across the back nine not for me the briefcase is one of the many tools at your disposal and hitman 2 and now it's better than happening if you know a little about us here at outside Xbox and what we're all about then you know we love hitman like agent 47 loves to make ominous puns so what's good everything's to die for mr. Knox if there was anything that could make us stand age in 47 harder than we already do it was the addition of a throwing weapon that wasn't so much terrifyingly deadly as it was a briefcase when hitman 2 came out in 2018 it included an unassuming looking briefcase such as one might use to carry documents and small items or Club a target upside the head agent 47 could also hurl this briefcase at his target from a distance which is when it became apparent that this was no ordinary business bag a bug in the game cause this briefcase when thrown to fly steadily and inexorably towards its target following them even around corners until it smacked them powerfully around the head the results were of course extremely amusing but this was after all a programming mistake so hitman 2 studio io interactive dutifully fixed this bug about 4 months after the game came out then responding we assumed two impassioned pleas from fans of the homing briefcase the developers changed tack and embraced their accidentally awesome goof by restoring the original case just as unstoppable as ever the heat-seeking hitman briefcase was added back into the game as the executive briefcase mark 2 not only did the developers reinstate the tenacious throwing weapon but its throwing speed was also and I quote tweaked for maximum style now that's why I got into this business that in the puns [Music] the name dial implies a certain subtlety so we're not sure why Capcom chose that name for the character with that hairdo that's not to say guile isn't capable of sneakiness in the hands of the right player as a charged character most of his special moves involves secretly charging up a move only to unleash it at the perfect moment which would have been half a second later than I just did it guile sneakiest move of although was an entirely unintentional addition that only exists in the very first arcade version of Street Fighter 2 the so called handcuff glitch was performed by executing the input for a flash kick but hitting the pair of buttons that would normally activate a throw the result was that the other player ended up locked in place as if they're wearing a pair of invisible handcuffs brilliant you're probably thinking time to whale on my hapless immobilized foe for an easy victories only none of your attacks work anymore and also your opponent is stuck to you like day-old chewing gum ever heard of personal space Ken jeez in fact when the timer for the match runs out you don't win even if you have more health left the game just sort of locks up with Geils piercing blue eyes staring accusingly at you the only solution is to reset the game or fall in love reset I guess capcom fixed the issue in a later version of the arcade machine but the handcuffed bug became legend there's a reference to it in one of Geils wind quotes and Street Fighter Alpha 3 that's totally baffling if you've never heard of this pledge sure there's also a moment in Chumley's Street Fighter 4 prologue movie where guile shows up with a pair of handcuffs which implies he just carries them around in his combat trousers in case of emergencies why don't you use B ironically it was god-awful tie-in game to god-awful movies fruit fights the movie the game that had the best tribute adding an official handcuffed move to Geils abilities pull it off and it locks the opponent in an actual visible pair of handcuffs for a few seconds sort of appropriate because pretty much every other aspect of this game was an absolute crime I'm sad to say that at this point the game does not crash on you and you do have to continue playing it sorry [Music] in defiance of how things work in the real world in the Mario games wolfing down unidentified brightly colored mushrooms it's generally a good thing not always though as throughout the series there have been several freaky fungi that have a negative effect on the titular plumber including the mini mushroom which shrinks him down to tiny size or the poison mushroom which well is a far more accurate representation of the effects of eating random mushrooms off the floor the strangest mushroom of all however is the aptly named weird mushroom from Super Mario maker a spindly gross mushroom that when touched turns you into a spindly gross Mario well technically these long arms and legs are much more human proportions for Mario to have it just looks super weird especially with his bow legged stance and gangly running style this lanky Mario can jump higher has less tractional surfaces and of course is basically unbearable to look at folks wondering why on earth lovely Nintendo would do this to us their loyal fans might be relieved to discover that it wasn't actually on purpose according to Mario designer Takashi Tezuka a coding mistake led to Mario's proportions being out of whack and rather than abandoning the project burning down the studio and salting the earth they liked the way it looked so much that they decided to embrace it and keep it in the game so for some reason there was a bug where we're instead of turning into a Super Mario we had this strange skinny Mario come up and it was so strange and funny that we decided to work this bug back into the spec you'll notice these strange skinny Mario tesca shows us here is much less strange and skinny than the weird Mario that we got in the final version of the game which means that Nintendo actively made him more unsettling between this Nintendo presentation at e3 2014 and the games released in September 2015 the weird mushroom apparently has a 1 in 10 chance of showing up whenever you put a regular super mushroom into a level or you can unlock it as a permanent fixture in your creative arsenal by finishing the game's Nintendo World Championships courses so you can be weird Mario all you want the amount I want is zero thanks Nintendo that's your lot friends thank you for watching this video from outside Xbox I've been Janne and these have been seven embarrassing mistakes that were excellently embraced by the developers and publishers responsible for those games thanks for watching and before you go can I interest you in another video from outside Xbox like this one you're looking at on screen right now and if not if you're not into that then hold on a second how about this video on screen right now from outside extra and if you don't know Luke and Ellen then you should go on introduce ourselves now tell them I said hi
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,569,553
Rating: 4.9006352 out of 5
Keywords: andy farrant, jane douglas, bugs, glitches, funny bugs, funny glitches, game bugs, game glitches, worst bugs, video games, johnny cage, head punch, triple, double, fatality, mortal kombat, tiny titan, madden, madden glitches, madden nfl 15, chris kirksey, madden ultimate team, mut, ff6, final fantasy vi, sabin, suplex, tiger woods, jesus shot, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, hitman, homing briefcase, hitman 2, guile's handcuffs, street fighter bug, mario maker, uppercut, weird bug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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