City SO BROKEN I Needed 100's of Nursing Homes to Fix it in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to fix your city with me before here we are in the city of Zoar preform Wow this is a this is a name to pronounce - Tasha Omaha mem - EO completely butchered that name but what can you do 11% traffic this is gonna be a tough one don't forget if you enjoy this leave a like every like means I can have another sip of tea and yeah I need to keep fueled with tea otherwise I can't fix these cities so just take a look at this area here we can see got a nice oval about over here which I quite enjoy we have the highway coming up man the outside we have the highway coming down here and then some main road sort of going through the middle and you've got this highway coming through which isn't too bad but the traffic is really sort of in this area up here let's just see if we can maybe follow this traffic along and see where it goes sometimes doing this works sometimes following the traffic along doesn't work because everyone's going around this way because it ends up just going round in circles so yeah I'm following these ones following these ones these are coming on to here and getting all chopped - blocked because of that see this is like going around in the circle now some of them are some of them are coming down here but yeah and then these are all blocked up okay so it's just one of those things where we're gonna have to just sort of fix stuff as we get to it and see what we can do so let's have a look here now you've got interestingly enough this going straight through which yeah it's an interesting way of doing it let's just unpause things let the game run a bit and let's have a look how you've got your junction set up wow that's noisy my ear right so this is okay you've got this set out correctly people going through and not going through and all that sort of thing what is happened here oh I know what's happened to it yeah there was a couple of a couple of items that didn't load because they've been removed from the Steam Workshop looks like some above ground stations disappeared let's see if I've got those or something equivalent that I can put in instead I think most of your above metro is okay let's just have a quick look at what you've got by the way from mass transit and let's close that so what if you got you've got a couple of bus lines not really news you have a train line which is being used very well let's just have a look where that goes so that one goes up and down here and round there and round in the loop is that it oh it's a tram line I'm a complete idiot yeah there it is a tram line in that area okay metro lines we have quite a few hopefully they'll carry on working even though some of the stops are missing look at all these boats train line there we go we do have one train line which is in there possibly could do with some more train lines added we will see we will see AB then you've got no ferry lines no blimp lines and no monorail lines okay let's just take a look what's going on down here this is so busy look got so many people coming in to visit your city 200 not a week but that's good that there's this rose and the yeah tram and everything is working well right what I wanted to do is have a look around some of your roundabouts to see how they were set up so you've got all the giveaway signs you seem to have them set up okay so what I'm going to do is just go round and check all of those and then we'll see what else we can dive in to fix so offend a couple of your roundabouts you have set up like this with both of these enter the block junction things on you haven't turned off for cars that are coming onto the highway like that like that and that will help the roundabouts to move a lot smoother yeah most of them you've got South the correct way but just every now and again you've got one that isn't set up right and that could just cause an issue so it is really worth checking that just making sure you do it right even on a small roundabout that's sort of out of the way you really want to make sure you've got that lines just by fixing up those few roundabouts we're now up to 35% which isn't too bad got its big roundabout here that's causing a lot of issues yeah let's just take a look here so we only want people that are on the mound about to go through the block junctions there we go Taj is that one correct me yes I did yes I did we're gonna do the same here not that one and that one's fine and let's have a look at the giveaway signs all looks okay no not quite let's just do that there we go so hopefully that will go a little bit better and I just want to check where these trucks here are going so we can use the in-game tool here there's traffic routes and then we pick junctions and then we pick this road no troops Tommy wants so let's just take a look where most of these are going I normally turn off pedestrians cycles city service vehicles and private vehicles for now so it's the trucks public transport and cargo that's where they're basically just going everywhere all right fair enough fair enough so let's leave that one going let's have a look over here this these just yeah these just really don't work that way you can usually solve a few of the problems with some Lane mathematics I'm gonna whoops or opening the wrong thing I'm gonna do the lane mathematics and we're gonna see how we can go and missing the road thing here where's my oh it's up look that's why I'm clicking the wrong thing so we're gonna do a bit of Lane mathematics here you've seen it before I've run with it ever so quickly for those that don't three lanes coming off you can see that Lane there so straight on and light as one lanes going off we're down great that too and now we've got a dedicated right turn lane and then based that is the idea comes back on back to three goes off back to two comes on back to three and we can just do that on all sides of this thing and that will just help things move along and then every spots now we do Lane management slightly different thing and then every spot where the traffic comes back on again I'll show you on this example here there's not too many cars we tell them which lane to go in so they don't cross over and get in each other's way and then make sure there's a node in between which there is there's this node here so nobody stuck in the outside lane they can change lanes go off come back on and you want to do that on every side so there be four five eight points where you need to do this on every road one two you know is wherever they join so I'm gonna just do that on here so while I'm doing this let me just tell you a funny thing that happened yesterday my wife's been doing a little bit of DIY around the place there we go look stop them getting in each other's way so that's four go in that direction then we do the other direction it's been do a little bit of DIY and she's wanting to strip all the old paint off of some door frames so she needs to paint some stuff off and our carpets gonna be redone at some point in our hallway so she's cutting away bits of the carpet around the walls and around the door frames just to make it easier before we get a nice wooden floor put in and she accidentally cut straight through our cable for the Internet yes she's just a normal sort of telephone lying cable but without going into all the boring details it was the way that it had been set up by the BT engineer and she actually did check she checked and looked and it was quite hidden there we go look at that that's gonna start clearing up a lot quicker these guys are doing some hokey bulkiness in there too good has so much traffic let's just watch that a minute and that should start going down and yeah and that's totally cut leading to new house so what is that truck doing look okay there we go thank you keep moving so that was a bit of a bummer so got the BT engineer coming in but I managed to war between us myself and the wife we managed to there's no leeway in this cable we couldn't just rip the cable out and replace it because of the way it's all put together a BT engineers gonna have to do it no room to put plugs and stuff in look at that moving up freely once the backlog is gone that's gonna start humming but we managed to strip all the ends of the cables just about have enough room to twist them together and then stick them together with some sticky tape it's the happiest thing I've ever seen in my life and we've got like a little kitchen bowl over the top because it's like white by a doorway where we go through into our lounge look it's cleared and yeah nobody can touch the holy holy bowl of the Internet's we called it because someone locks it and place a cable yeah we're gonna have no internet so if a bummer and look because that's cleared up this is cleared up and that's gonna help this start clearing up that's gonna help these guys start going I'm just wondering here you've gone you got two lanes but you've got three lanes coming down here we could probably help these guys out what are we up to 67% that is fantastic anoles as always d spawning is turned off which is just great sixty-eight percent this is gonna be a good one I'm gonna change this to three lanes both ways because there's so much traffic I mean it probably would only need actually three lanes going up and two lanes coming down but we'll go with this it might just mean a bit of maneuvering of your stuff over here and then we shall upgrade this road here and here right so now when you get to the end we've got three lanes one for straight on one for left and one for light and this is gonna be look at that already it's helping out and this is gonna be pretty busy this is like your main junction in and out of the whole thing I would be tempted to put a little roundabout there although to be honest looking at it the traffic has gone down just by doing that and keeping it moving do we have traffic lights on there we do but because the loads are set up so well this is all going up what are we at 76% Mamma Mia this is fantastic still got a load of traffic coming down here but we could probably do the same over here with the three lane loads as well so let's just do that upgrade again lots of traffic coming down and then when you get down here you want the left right and straight on you've got some jumps and very close to each other here road maintenance depo lets you help the side out the way and bus depot let's just move you over there it's just upgrade it's like a teeny tiny one right in the middle there isn't there Oh long road long road there we go whoops okay let's use me net picker let's grab this one here there we go and down way back again excellent did you know what there's like I want to get rid of that because that's causing some issues there we go and let's put this one back in again excellent excellent I think that's the one zip yep that's it there we go what is this here farm main building I don't think that gets much traffic yeah I don't like this set up here with all these roads coming in and out you're not I'm gonna do I'm gonna make this one here a one-way road going in it's gonna be this one like that there we go just so we don't have all those junctions together traffic causing problems again you've got this massive main road through here is it a four-lane yeah got it is a four-lane road let me just make sure yeah right here's another little trick you can do you've seen me do this with the give way signs on a roundabout you hold shift and it'll pop all the give way signs in in one go oh look the traffic leading out has already gone down you can do it on a main road as well so if I hold shift on here and also something to be aware of you notice it's gonna go all the way up to the roundabout so a hold shift there I'll come back to the roundabout Junction so that's now made all the little side roads give way and these guys get priority but as you saw it changed this Junction some have a given way on the roundabout so we just put that back like it was ideally I wouldn't have this many roads or coming into this one here because as you can see they're not flowing out so what I am gonna do is change this let's just have a look what you've got going on here yeah I want these guys to keep going so I'm gonna say here if you're coming down to leave you just go straight through there we go look straight through straight through straight through and this Junction here straight through straight through Street that's it and that'll start clearing out all the traffic coming out and then I'm also gonna change a four-way junctions like this I look anyway look the main the main thoroughfare if I could speak through is clearing out so give it a minute and the rest will probably clear up as well let's just keep an eye on that for a sec do you know what this this needs a little roundabout here it's just too congested what if we gone farm workers Barrett it's just a bit too congested for everybody so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put one here if I just feel like the hats would you control zero free cursor it's on two lane if I change that to highway and three lane there we go sometimes you have to turn it off and on again to get it to work and then that will probably be large enough Oh actually let me just share set up TMP II I think that's the Lightwave round we'll soon find out so I'm gonna pop that there there we go and then what we're gonna do because we're gonna be adding some loads to this I'm gonna brace it with some roads let's find the nodes so no - no no - no no - note so now we can add loads of this and it won't mess it up which is what you want so let us and that load hmm do you know what I want to do I want to move that let's use the move it mod let's just grab those and let's rotate it I want that load to be nearer there that load to be nearer there and this node to come round here just gonna make it a bit easier let's turn off the moving mod rule it mod leave thank you very much so if we grab that there we go excellent that's gonna go into there that's gonna go into there that is gonna just move it around there there we go and then we're gonna have another load coming off of here and joining up there so this can move down a touch it's gonna let me yeah there we go and then we can connect to here and I'm just hoping that's just gonna make a little bit of difference there we go like that and we may be able to do something here but people coming in and out and I'm going to use that four-lane road you've been using so let's just come down there we go then we'll delete all these little roads in the middle without needs we should set up the lander back correctly at the port assign'd Bing and then we'll say you can go through you can go through you can go through and then hopefully just the traffic a little bit and clear this up so I'm gonna let this run for a few minutes and we'll see where we're at [Music] and then we go look at that it spread out the traffic enough look at that look at that what is the percentage what are we up to eighty four percent eighty five percent no that is brilliant so now look at that look at the green everywhere that is just brilliant so even now you could probably just dive around and find a couple of little hot spots that are you complaining about you've got a lot of complaints seventy what's your complaints too few services okay so that just means fire staff fire the you know all the rest of it that's of a quick look what haven't you got around to your health care let's turn this on let's find out what your problem is you got health care over there fire department you have got police you've got maybe they're just a little bit too far away schools you don't have but I don't think it would count those I wonder which one it is actually missing I don't have to share it mod on but anyway anyway do you know I've just noticed that when we started off there are seventy four thousand people in this city it's now down to sixteen thousand which is absolutely not so no wonder the traffic is so good but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run this city until it grows again what caught me off guard is that there's no buildings been disappeared and things I think you've got I had to put in a load of weird mods that you had on your savegame to get this city to load and it looks like look all the buildings have been abandoned but they're not disappearing so people aren't moving back in so there's some mod that's causing some sort of issue here so I'm gonna try and sort this out and get this city growing again and see what we can do once we get it up to 74,000 ish again then we'll see how good the traffic is so I will be back with you [Music] you know what this is why I hate trying to fix cities that have a load of weird mods and because they just cause problems it turns out this city wouldn't grow because you've got the senior citizen mod it's called but you haven't put any nursing homes down so it stunted the growth of the city I've been deleting all the abandoned ones look using the bulldoze it mods 2794 and Counting but it was stuck at 16,000 it wouldn't grow but if I put these down they use will start filling out I've got them all that around the city I'm just plopping a load down to show you and these are start filling up with senior citizens and it just keeps the death life people moving in cycle going and the city is gonna grow so I'm gonna leave the city running like this for a while oh dear we've got a fire over here and hopefully get it out my plan is to get it back up to 75,000 odd people so let's see how we do I'm off to get some lunch and a cup of tea there we go nursing homes as far as the eye can see all the way down here all the way over there I've got them all over the city trying to deal with this little problem that we have [Music] okay so I ended up having to add all of these nursing homes to work our way through the whatever ID the age restrictions people growing up going into nursing home die and leaving the game new people coming in I do what is going on with the nursing home mod I really don't know but this is what I had to do to try and fix the problem nursing homes as far as the eye could see that is just nuts I don't know how many's there but yeah yeah and that's not including all the ones around the city as well there is loads I'd say another thirty around the city easily [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it took a while but we got up to 74,000 people so just a little bit shy of the 75,000 600 it was originally an 83% traffic I think that is pretty pretty good what do you reckon let me know in the comments below don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on the next video check out the video on the screen as well you may enjoy that and I will see you all very very soon for the next one thanks for watching everybody take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 200,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: F5KBtnqeAdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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