DIABOLIC Traffic Junctions Vs Roundabouts...Who Wins in Cities Skylines?

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well welcome to the city of Port feel that has traffic all over the show on the highways on the loads in the middle on the road around the outside on the roads everywhere we are gonna fix this thing up so grab a cup of Yorkshire tea you have to have your shitty and let's get Stuckey so a big THANK YOU to Zane's gaming for sending in the city of Port Vale and yep he's got a lot of traffic problems which we are gonna take a look at as you can see all over the city it's pretty nuts at the moment we are currently at 30% and getting worse yeah so let's just see we can follow this traffic and see what needs fixing up is now backing up outside the city limits it's coming in down here coming in down the highway nobody's coming off there lots of people joining and coming off here so this is a bit of it's one of those things again look we've got junctions too close to each other and a little tweak to this area here will help I noticed you have done your lane mathematics three lanes to two lanes or three lanes well done and that is fantastic let's just use a bit of traffic manager so this tool down here is a free mod you can get from the workshop oh we've already done your traffic managers staff I'll check this lane here as well that is one lane off and to laying on it is so what is causing the issue here is everybody's merging I'm wanting to get into here let's just check how many nodes there are so if we use this tool here there's one node so anybody coming down here they have one place they can switch lanes and that is it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna delete that road there one node there there we go I'm gonna see if I can fit in three one load there one load there and another node there and then there so this will be where they come off there we go we now have these other two options where they can change lanes so what I might just do here is say so we're gonna have you across you across enough you across and up so it's going to move these cars across this way out of the way and then we're gonna have this one as they're going down one so you can go straight across and down well let's see how that goes anyway once a few of these cars have moved out 'we already these guys are like yeah this is looking great and that is already gonna start letting all of these cars go past so the traffic going on the highway is okay so it's this little section down here which is causing all the issues and just looking at this i think you've already done your traffic manager stuff here let's just double-check that you have which is good and they're switching lanes which in lanes and then we're coming up to what you've got here and i'm also gonna do this so you can take these lanes over here there we go and start spreading those cars out of it and then you're hitting this roundabout so let's check the roundabout yep give way give way give way she roundabout set up fine good so let's follow this along here and then we're hitting this junction so you've got a big road coming down the middle there and a big road coming down the middle here we get into the end of the traffic line which is here i mean ideally a little roundabout here might just keep these guys going but what we could also do is do a bit of lane management here so we've got one lane for left one lane for straight on on one lane for right and immediately that might just stop a load of these cars all going into the same lane and then down here when they hit this one i'm gonna do the same yeah we'll change that bit and it'll make sure that these have got the way through so i'm gonna say give way give way and then he's getting a bit busy so we're gonna say you give whine you go straight through and we're gonna say you give y you go straight through and that is sort of the end of the traffic there so we just speed that up a little bit and then we'll just keep giving these guys priority through here like that there we go give way give way and just keep them moving keep them moving and see how that goes and going back the other way that will keep this traffic moving as well because lots of people are stopping yes we've got the same here I think most of these are gonna be going straight on so we're gonna say to the straight on one for left this I think is gonna end up around about cuz we've got all this other look yeah we've got all this industry is coming up to here yeah this bit here needs to be around about so this is the roundabout builder mods we are gonna change that too we can go down here and pick our loads check our traffic manager yeah I think that size would be perfectly good so let's pop that in there and then all of these things are gonna disappear and also don't have too many buildings like by your highways so right by your roundabout so I'm just gonna remove and that should just get that moving a little bit better and you can see these guys and girls here a lane switching look they're moving over but if we just adjusted these lanes here's who have one left one straight on the one light that would just help that and might just get that one going what we've got going on here there's not too much traffic there what are we up to let us have a quick look 31% good so let me just leave this running for a few moments and we see this all will clear up yeah that is not too shabby it's the traffic coming in this way is certainly died down a bit we're still getting the whoa we're still getting all of this piling up here so we really want to keep these guys moving and this is back and I'll tell you what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna do a little bit of lane management along here and change all of these to left straight on I only have one left lane let me just do that here we go look you can see the difference that's made already look I've only just gone along that load and it just splits the traffic up so those that want to go straight on have all these lanes free they don't get caught behind each other that is that that just that little change it's quite interesting because I do changes like that and then I'll get a load of comments about how well I'm real in a world that's not how you do it but this is a computer game so whereas in real life this would sort of work where you've got this Lane for left and right but in the game look what happens everybody sits in this Lane whether they go and left alright and you're just clogging things out so what I would say is I think most are going right is we'll have to for light and one for left and then just see how that goes but this is fine so going the other way I think I'm also just going to quickly check the lanes as well [Music] Hey look at that already up to 50% and look at that that's all cleared up just through that little bit of Lane management that is brilliant so we can just get this little bit sorted out here as well we might just totally fix this problem and what have we got here I can see what you've done there and you've got traffic lights there as well which we probably don't need so I'm just gonna take those out and give these guys to give why to keep that going and then this little bit here yeah we might as well grab this road here and make this one the same all the way along just to help things move there we go excellent and then coming up this way we'll just double double check the you give way you give way we want these guys to keep moving yeah that should be fine little bit of traffic that shouldn't be a problem why so what are we at 53% got a bit of an issue going on here with this Junction let's just follow these roads I mean they can go up there these could come round here so we could stop these guys and girls coming up here and I bet you've got some bus stops yet light by the junction I see this problem so many times let's grab our buck what's that one there that's station all very nice and let's move these even just this far down like that so just move those along and it just stops this happening right here and all this traffic backing up I mean you could even you know what I mean all tempted just to move them right back I only got more stops down there what you don't need to stop that many stops and I'm gonna delete these ones that are light by the corner and then you've got the same over here by the junction they lie in the middle and to be honest I'm just gonna change the colours of your bus a lot oh my goodness every single bus line is the same colour let me sort that out okay at least we can tell them all apart now so for instance like this purple one here the line is coming up this way I'm gonna move that stop to round here where this stuff is there we go so it's now gonna stop down here instead and then this blue one here if you hold over it the line is coming along this way I would just move that away from there and put over here there we go that just keeps all of this free of any buses that want to clog this area up on here and I mean this may end up being a little roundabout because there's so much traffic coming down these other roads but well let the traffic go down a bit and see what happens I want to also keep these cars going can we do the keep going through is that everybody wants to turn left I think all of these people are oh there we go look some people are going straight on all right we'll leave that going and that might just sort itself out 62% let us take a look down your highway so we've got a lot of cars coming down here that want to turn off into this area and let's just check out your roundabouts yep so we haven't got that done actually put it that way hold shifts set that one up and then yeah everybody on the roundabout goes well never wandering around what goes through so that'll keep that moving you've got a bit of a merging problem here so with this little Junction here yeah a lot of these guys they're coming up they're going left they're blocking that traffic so you want to do some lane management here you've got three lanes coming up with one going off which means you can change this to two in the middle so we can use this road here that we just had like that and then you're back to three again so this Lane can fairly straight in so if we get our little lane markers here so that one can come down to there and these two can go into there and it means you can do away with your traffic lights because now they can just keep on going there we go and we've got the same here so these two will go straight on that want to go off these two will go straight on that one to go off and I mean these are cut in a class this traffic what we could do to stop this backing up here is to stop these wanting to cut across that traffic and say they have to go left but then give them an option to turn around down here so I'm just gonna pop in three lane highway stick that in there and then take those out and now we've got yeah it's already set up so now what we can say to these guys is you have to go light and you can go straight on and you can go straight on and then you can turn round and come up this way and it will just keep your move in and we take out the traffic light there and let's just have a look at that if we zoom out a bit there we go and watch these junctions and see what happens and instantly that stops all the traffic backing up on the highway keeps all this moving freely I mean again you've got this junction is really close to this one here and they're all trying to come in down here we could help these guys out a bit by adding in just a couple of little slip lanes down here because why not give them as many options as possible to be able to get in so we're gonna have that one there and we're just gonna say on the lanes there we go that white hand Lane is just for coming off and that might just get a few moving in there so it is just the sheer weight of traffic that's coming down through this Junction you've got your cargo separated out that is excellent look at that cargo they're coming in to use that and they're going straight off onto the highway that is good so at the minute a lot of them are coming down here to get onto your cargo area if we use this tool select this road so we know any cars that are coming down here see where they're going turn off pedestrians cyclists by the vehicle public there we go so we just got trucks a lot of trucks are going up there and quite a few trucks are coming around and then going into there so ideally if that was this side you could have this road come straight off onto there so that bypasses this roundabout I'm just trying to see if there's a way we could maybe do that actually you can see this is going down already because a lot of these that were going up here and now coming off here so we might just find after a minute or two that this traffic goes down and it isn't as bad as it was so let's maybe just keep an eye on this traffic here and see if it goes down [Music] and there we go look at that that is all gone because of this little slip plane here oh no they will back it up at the slip lane instead you know I was wondering if that was gonna happen I'm gonna do one little fix here to get these guys moving so they can come on mmm yes darn it I've just moved the problem somewhere else so we want this to keep on going so we're gonna take out the traffic light downgrade that doesn't need to be as big there we go same rules apply they can come in oh yeah that's saying if they want to go in this way of course there we go they can come in that way they can go straight on they're not gonna merge they're gonna pose nicely but these not getting each other's way and then when they get down here this definitely needs to be a roundabout to deal with the traffic [Music] there we go and once the bulk of the traffic has disappeared things are moving rather nicely so that has solved the issue in that area well let's just have a look why else have we got what are we up to at the moment sixty-three percent not too shabby not too shabby let's find some other really hot spots we've got another one of these going on here which is exactly the same as we had over here do we remember you saw how we solved that one so I'm gonna do exactly the same to this one here but it's down and what if you got oh you've done that you've done the two lanes down do you still have traffic lights you've got a roundabout right here so these guys do not need to turn across there so we're definitely gonna say look you go there you go straight on and you go straight on there we go and then people aren't going to cut across they're gonna come down get around the roundabout and go up there and then these ones here unfortunate we don't have a roundabout down here but it's plenty of roads to get around so we're gonna do the same here we're going to take away the traffic lights and we're gonna say oh yeah this needs to go back up to three lanes again there we go so we're gonna do some lane management at the end here first let's grab that you know what to do one left one straight on one light and then this little bit here we're gonna say you're not gonna cut across anybody you're gonna come along there you're gonna come along there and you're gonna come along there and then this one's already sorted out but I'll do it anyway there we go and you're gonna go down there is anybody coming this way that wants to turn around can just sort of go round here and back up again and anybody come in that way you can go around the roundabout and back up again and that is already look at that lessened the traffic still red because it's quite you know it's used a lot but that is fine and then I might just I mean ideally this should be a little roundabout at the end like at the other side yeah I'm gonna put one in [Music] and there we go look at that the highway is moving freely this isn't clogged up this is moving nicely I put a little path over the top so people can walk from one side to the other and that's all going rather good excellent let's see what are we up to now 65 percent it's getting better it's getting better let's just take a look around and see if we can spot yeah things like this where you have a big main road hit a big main road it just needs a roundabout is just the easiest and the quickest way of solving something and even a smallest roundabout like this so all you're losing is one house there one house there one house there one house there you could bump it up a bit if you wanted to but even some think that small is just gonna solve the problem in this area and then all you need is a couple of little parlors for walking from one side to the other again you've got your bus stop by the look of it lie smack bang by the junction have you or is that just a load of people what are they doing there's no stop there what are they doing that bus is stopping there for some reason I'm wondering if they used to be a stop there Oh autosave sippin seat I don't know what those people are doing there I'm assuming they will leave very soon yeah so let's just make sure this is set up and then watch the traffic on here [Music] [Music] yeah that's not too bad the traffic's only up to here it's not getting any worse so as long as it's not backing up and impeding other junctions it's fine it's just a very very busy area so we'll leave that as it is and what's going on down here we're getting quite a bit of backing up traffic down here I might just do some lane management on the roundabout here so we've got one lane for going off and two for going round that's all coming in or down one lane for going off and two for going round and then if you're gonna do that there we go what you need to make sure you do is well it's coming on to the roundabout they can pick their lane so we'll use the picked Lane option there like so and we'll do it here as well there we go and that might just help to keep that moving along I mean it's not again it's not backing up too bad things are moving yeah and you've got this one here which is sort of causing a few issues you've got to you know these roads are too big coming through here but it's all moving anyway as long as it isn't backing up too far then we'll just go with that right let's take a look at this this is back you're not backing up all the way up to here so the first thing I want to do is check the lanes coming off of here which are hard to do I'm just gonna pause the game and delete a couple of trucks off and see what's going on sorry whoever's driving that yes you've definitely got one off and two going straight on and then they're all backing up down to here and then they hit in this area and where do they want to go after that let's just use the in-game tool the routes button not the truck on the road so they're all what most of them are then coming back up over here and coming down to this area so that's interesting that is interesting because they can't go up the highway and come down to here so is there a better way to get cars from over here down to there without clogging up all of this possibly yes let's just take a quick look so at the minute they're coming down they're going around the roundabout and back up again yeah I've just made one little change and already look the trucks again don't forget your industry traffic can Evan flow a bit all I've done is on here with this option is I've given these the ability to enter the junction if it's blocked so it just is letting a few more out than normal which like I've said before when traffic is so bad that it's blocked up everywhere you want it set like this so those on the roundabout keep going once your traffic goes down there's no reason not to have both set like that that is why when you make roundabouts with the roundabout builder it will set it like that but when you trying to fix traffic like we are then I go with that but in this case I've done that and it's just it's helped all of that which is really really good and that's already gone down excellent and this roundabout nearby that we've got here there's quite a lot of traffic backing up down here it's a very busy roundabout people struggling to get out onto the roundabout so I'm gonna use a little trick that somebody gave to me a while ago so I'm actually gonna slow down this roundabout we're gonna have the speed on here so we're gonna put these down at 50 whoops monkey there we go so everybody coming in is coming in at 100 we're gonna put them down to 50 well they're not coming in a hundred then what I'm talking about but it's gonna slow that down and give more opportunity for people to come out and because the traffic isn't too bad I'm gonna put all of these set like that and then we just give this a few minutes we'll see that this traffic either side will start going down [Music] [Music] while the traffix got better coming from this direction in this direction there's still a heck of a lot of traffic coming from down here although it's not backing up as far as it was before so I reckon given a few minutes it won't be too bad also what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just remove the traffic lights from there and there and I'm gonna make these to be give Y either side there we go just to sort of try and keep this going but as long as it's not backing up all the way back to other junctions I don't think that's too bad so yeah I'm gonna go with that one on there what are we up to 65% let's see there's a couple of other hotspots we can fix to get this down to a lower level what is going on here we've got a lot of stuff going on here again that is just crying out for a roundabout a big road going into a big rose but maybe we could just fix that with a bit of lane management let's see what we can do with the Lane management first so one for left one for straight on one for lights we'll do the same on at this side one for left one for straight on one for lights and it does have traffic lights on there I believe yes it does we might just find that that will help and you've got the issue which is why I don't like these with traffic lights on this little run off and run on traffic lights it does just slow things down initially gonna start putting roundabouts everywhere and then stopping people cutting across the traffic so you get this here definitely coming off the highway you need a roundabout and a turnaround they can come back yeah otherwise it just backs up onto the highway which isn't when the traffic lights go it's not too bad yeah I might just leave that one you know how to change that and this isn't backing up as far anymore so I think this bit here we can just say to them we don't need to stop there go through go through there we go and then what I'm gonna do actually is I'm gonna say don't change lanes there but you can change lanes at that one there just to keep that going and then also I am going to remove this along here that and that that Matt Matt Matt Matt you don't need it and if people are stopping that's gonna slow them down that's too bad [Music] [Music] well taking a quick look at the average traffic flow after all of that it sort of going up and down between 70 and 75 I think that's pretty good bearing in mind I don't want to go through and replace every single Road in the city well if you'd like me to fix your city check out the description below on how to send it to me don't email me your cities they get deleted watch the next video on the screen as well and thank you very much for your continued support I will see you very soon for the next one don't forget oxygen not included is back check it out on Saturday take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 162,364
Rating: 4.9475255 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: GkDD8zg2KP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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