5 Year old Weighs 178 Pounds (Doctors Say He Will Die)

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hello YouTube welcome back to the channel and for anyone who is new welcome to this channel my name's michelle mcdaniel this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you I am a personal trainer a proud mommy of a pug cosplayer who was out of cosplay today but I did get a little festive with this one dollar bow from the dollar store looks like I'm naked and I know those comments are coming so I said it first so hot before we start make sure to hit that subscribe button turn on notifications and after this video check out my last video we did a little review of the biggest train wreck from 90-day fiance Darcy we love a messy girl at least I do you ever saying that she is the Trisha Paytas of 90-day fiance and I thought that was funny and you guys seemed to really like it so we will do a lots more of those and if you haven't seen it check out the video after this one on this channel we do talk a lot about health we talk a lot about fitness we talk a lot about obesity and the fact that people have so many excuses as to why they are obese whether it's well I have kids I have a hectic job I don't have time and my absolute favorite well it just runs in my family aka genetics people use genetics as an excuse to be obese but most people who use genetics as the reason to why they're obese really are just in a calorie surplus aka eating way too much for their body and they take that genetic excuse and they ride this way straight to the buffet talking about genetics make me look like this but sometimes there is a genetic disorder that can really make you gain a lot of weight and unfortunately it's out of your control now if you remember the video I did on the 500-pound twelve year old that died alone surrounded by pizza boxes and empty containers of other fast food a super sad story as well I will put that in the link description too if you were interested in that video I put a picture of this little five-year-old boy so I got very interested because he's so young so small I mean it compared him to another five-year-old kid and the comparison was insane as you can see here so I very interested and I started to look into what was going on why was he so big are they helping him and it turns out he has a genetic disorder I wanted to make sure to talk about this on this channel because there are genetic disorders that can make you gain weight I'm not someone who is completely educated on exactly everything about this but if you are a doctor and you know about this and you'd like to be on my channel about two to three minutes have just explained some some things that I personally and not qualified to explain I would love to have you on here please reach out with your credentials and your practice and I would love to have you on the channel but I personally think that fat activists who use their genetic disorders as an excuse to make up for their gluttony and laziness is a big ol slap face to people like this little boy this person and other people like him actually have a disorder so when other people who claim that it's oh it's my genetics oh it's this disorder and it's really just them overeating it makes it hard for these people who actually have something that they can't tell and when they talk about it then we all should over here like yeah right you're eating too much when once again there are horrible diseases out there very small amounts and a very small amount of people have it that can cause excessive weight gain so let's read about five year old Mozilla I'm not sure if I'm saying that right I'm probably butchering it most likely that's you're everybody's name no disrespect at all that's read about him and what his disorder is that's making him obese boy 5 who weighs 12 stones risk suffocating by his own bulk at 12 stones the sale is three times the size of other children his age his excess weight is due to a syndrome which means he's unable to stop eating he is so heavy he often stops breathing while sleeping leaving his terrified parents theory that he may not wake up a question that I have for any doctor that reaches out in my email if they want to be on the channel doesn't really force you to keep eating or do you pass out or something if you don't keep those calories up or is it just something in the brain that leaves you hungry I'm just kind of curious if you are able to fight it what kind of sex cuz I cannot stand being hungry that's just my question is there a way to fight it or do you like literally have to eat or you are or you're gonna pass out or something with blood sugar or something like that I really want someone to explain it to me but everything is hard for him here the baby carrying an adult weight his heart must be suffocated and working under a lot of pressure if he doesn't get the treatment he requires there is a very good chance he will pass away Mosel was born a healthy six pounds and 6 ounces but immediately started gaining weight doctors believe he is suffering from prader-willi syndrome a rare genetic condition that results in an insatiable appetite he now weighs 178 pounds and is still wait despite following a low-fat diet I'm walking for 40 minutes a day just to talk about this low-fat diet thing just because you're on a low-fat diet doesn't mean that you will gain me I'm not sure about his condition because I don't know about this condition very much if people don't know about this condition doctors don't know about this condition very much there's no cure just because you go on a low-fat diet doesn't mean that you won't gain weight you can completely overeat on carbs and protein I was on a low-fat diet and I lost weight because I was at a calorie deficit when I started gaining weight I blamed the carbs but what was it actually it was the calories being a high calorie surplus so just to put that in perspective to everyone else some people think if you cut out fat then you drop fat that's not scientifically correct despite their constant struggle his parents have refused to give up on him and say they will do anything they can to improve his quality of life the mom said he has been putting on a lot of weight since he was a baby even when I was breastfeeding him he ate more than was expected once again the question brings it up are you able to like control and just kind of just stop you know what he's eating to control the weight or is it definitely to not give him the foods like what happens if you don't help him overeat but it was only when he was 1 and a half years old that we began to worry he was gaining 6.6 pounds a month and was starting to get very heavy the situation is complicated we know we could lose him at any time sometimes when he is sleeping I watched him to see if he is breathing I cry a lot because we want to help him but I'm also very proud of him because he has a child who doesn't surrender I live for my son he is special his teachers told me that everything the other children do he wants to do as well he doesn't want to have limits he wants to be a normal child Mizell visits a doctor every three months to try and control his condition but currently there's no cure for prader-willi syndrome and that was it for the article I want to do a follow-up on this video and see if there is a doctor that knows more about this that is interested if it should be on the channel and it would be great if I could find an update on my cell and see how he is doing hopefully something positive but I didn't want to take a little bit of time at the end it's video and tell you a little bit about prader-willi syndrome so it is an extremely rare disease there is treatment but it can't be cured it does require a medical diagnosis so anyone saying well I probably have that you have to get diagnosed by a doctor you can't just say well I have it and this is why I'm obese and I'm very guilty of this too I mean which one of us have had some kind of thing going on and then you go online and you type in your symptom and you're like oh crap I'm gonna freakin die to self diagnose yourself you can't do that you have to go to a medical professional prader-willi syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes obesity intellectual disability and shortness in height prader-willi syndrome is a genetic disorder usually caused by deletion of a part of chromosome 15 passed down by the father and people with PWS the part of the brain that controls feelings of fullness and hunger does not work properly that's what I kind of thought that it was like something with the brain that it doesn't signal to be full and so you never feel full so therefore you just keep eating so that's what a little bit of what I found about prader-willi syndrome and I found it very interesting a very much fail for the little boy that really sucks like I said I'm very very curious as to what happens if you do control the calories and just don't give in to your brains thing you need to eat more what happens if you eat a very clean lifestyle high-fiber foods low in sugar lose a signal to the brain to stop eating like does that help anything with the syndrome so it was a very short video today but that was just something that really interested me and I wanted to make sure to shine light on things that do make it a lot harder to lose weight or are things that do that make it a lot easier to be bigger I wish ms Dale the best I hope he's okay hope they find a solution I wish help on him I wish help on all of people that are watching remember you don't have to be a size 2 abs are great to have but not need it to be healthy and sometimes there are disorders that make people bigger thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 228,400
Rating: 4.9700079 out of 5
Keywords: misael caldogno abreu, prader willi syndorme, rare genetic condition, 178 pound 5 year old, michelle, mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel, obese children, childhood obesity, severly obese child
Id: DSbT6hddJ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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