5 Signs He’s a Grown-Boy | Grown-Boy University

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hey tony guys here popping in to share some sounds with you about grown boys and it's growing today with technology you know a lot of stuff is going viral and you have grown boy captains now you know you got captains of the grown boy squad who you know these guys got podcasts these guys got youtube channels these guys got all of this and it's kind of like this line in the sand to where they think they'll eat in the brigade of uh real men and you know and it's just this battle against women and that's what you have to realize is now one of the first things you're going to see one of the first signs is a insecure past that's one of the first things you're going to see and what i mean by that is you're going to have a man who in his past he was looks challenged or he was overlooked he was bullied if you notice when you look at men it's a lot of guys who you know they they sprouted up and they were way taller than everybody in the eighth grade so they got picked on and then as an adult that becomes sexy to women well he still may have that same energy and mindset from the eighth grade when they used to call them stilts and then you have the guy who he didn't hit puberty early enough or as at the same time as other people and so he was really short and or you have the guy who you know his nose was way too big for his little body his little face or his lips or his eyes and then as an adult he grows into it and you have the guys who were poor and they couldn't get the new shoes they couldn't get the new clothes but then as as an adult they have a good job or they found a way to make money and now they can put on a nice tailored suit with designer glasses and all of a sudden but if you really look in there you're like okay you got on these designer glasses but you used to get called four eyes and them glasses used to be cheap your glasses might have used to be coke bottles and that's what the kids say you know not what i'm saying and i see them glasses sitting on their nose but that nose kind of spread out to the middle of your eyes so when you were smaller that nose they used to call it called you nostradamus and so you got some issues and you're not that tall so women used to tell you the girls in middle school you tell you you too short in high school you too short so now you got on taylor's suit you got the design of glasses and so you're spitting in the face of women or now you got your pro sports contract you know your nba player nfl player so now you're spitting in the face of women now you just started your construction business or your trucking business and you're making six figures now you're spitting in the face of women so one of the first signs you're going to see is a man who has an insecure past that he has not healed from he has not grown from the second sign of a grown boy that you're gonna notice is he has a bad past relationship where a woman cheated on him or a woman left him for another man who was more befitting to her likes and so that right there and that's gonna come up in conversation so when you hear that yeah i've been cheated on before by a woman that's when you know that's a red flag because most men don't forgive and no man forgets and so you're gonna struggle with that right there so be very mindful of that now the third sign that you're gonna see from a grown boy is mind games and what i mean by this is he's going to play mind games with his call schedule when he calls you when he sees you how long he waits to text you back how long he waits to call you back i'm getting you know falling off the map and you can't reach him he's going to be doing things that kind of keeps you on edge he's going to try to keep you on edge and the reason being is because you become very uncertain and it becomes like a cat and mouse game and you're chasing him you are trying to put your finger on him because you never know where he's at what he's doing when he's gonna call or not because he's not consistent nothing is really 100 consistent now the fourth sign that you're going to see with this grown boy is he's going to be condescending so he's going to be condescending in the sense that he's going to try to make you question your intuition he's going to try to make you question your belief system he's going to try to make you question your standards your morals your values he's going to try to make you feel dumb and the reason why he wants to make you feel dumb and so he he's always living in the state of devil's advocate well let me ask you this well let me ask you this well let me ask you this so you're saying this so what you're saying is this and he's trying to trip you up and he's trying to is nothing wrong with the way you believe if you're a grown woman you know you're a grown woman you know you take care of business you know you what you bring to the table you came in confident knowing who you are but the more he gets you to explain to yourself because the natural setup between men and women and women naturally having a spirit of submission to a man to where most women want to have a king want to have a man who's a leader so you want to allow him to lead a lot of women are like that now some women hey they think they like hey i'm the leader we we both lead together we you know i'ma call all the shocks you know some women have that mentality but most women are gonna be like listen i want a man who he knows how to call a shot when stuff is on the line we need a decision made he's decisive he can make a decision so a man knowing that about majority of women he's going to try to this grown boy he this low value man as as y'all you know keep calling and hearing he's going to try to take and make you question yourself because if he can trick you out your spot meaning if he could trick you out of your intuition if he can try to nullify those senses that you have you know that extra eye you have that you see stuff your intuition the your intellect your articulation your level of education whether that's street and life education or school and book education if he can make you question yourself then he has control over you and he gets you in a place to where you're looking up to him and you want to please him and he makes you think he's all knowing so you stop thinking for yourself and you only go to him for every decision and you don't even have an idea of what you want to do and then you go into this little girl state of mind like he's your daddy and you're his baby girl and so you shrink from grown woman who brings a table to the table to little girl who you don't know really who you are and you depending on him to call every shot and to make every move and that's what he wants to do now the fifth sign you're gonna see is a temper he's gonna be very impatient he's gonna snap on you okay he's gonna snap on you and he's gonna belittle you when he snaps on you he's gonna talk down to you he's going to try to intimidate you verbally he whether he's a word smith and he using all the words but he's going to try to intimidate you verbally now and it's going to be in a way to where it's going to be for no real reason it's not where he really feels disrespected like you blatantly disrespected him like you blatantly disrespect him or you do something that you know is shady and he reads you he checks you then or even a real man gonna do that but a grown boy he's gonna be easily offended by nonsense and he's going to whip you verbally and he's gonna snap on you and he's gonna belittle you and demean you and what it's gonna do is it's gonna make you think oh he's a real man he's a real man because he's not afraid to speak his mind he's not afraid to tell me how he feels and that's the trick of the enemy and so what you have to understand with these five signs and i i just i don't have this written down or anything i'm just talking to you from the heart and kind of analyzing and going through a grown boy and so with some other signs in there i could put in there and so as a matter of fact we're going to go to sign number six now sign number six you're gonna have infidelity so what this means is this man kind of gonna be juggling a couple of women typically it's gonna be about three women that he's juggling that you're gonna catch him in his phone on his ipad you know tablet what have you on facebook instagram you're gonna it's gonna be typically be you and at least two other women so for some men it's gonna be you and four other women and you're gonna bump into that somehow a message gonna pop up when you're all together something like that and you're going to realize that he kind of juggling women because he's unsure of himself and he's looking for who going to be the dumbest who's going to be the easiest he have y'all like horses in a race who going to chase this rabbit around this track the fastest and whoever that is that's who he's gonna pick who's gonna give him the most benefits who's going to do wife things for him as a boyfriend and a lot of these grown boys that want to trick you into doing white things while he's just a boyfriend so cooking cleaning living with him you know investing in his business using your gifts and assets to get him ahead using your abilities whatever service you provide for your clients you doing that for him free of charge as a boyfriend you you bringing all this to the table and he got you like you an assistant like you a maid like you a concubine like you you know what his do girl and whoever gonna give him the most who gonna buy him a car who's gonna buy him the the nicest gifts who gonna help take his business to the next level who gonna make connections for him and invest in him in business who gonna do these things and that's who he's gonna choose as his number one and then the other ones will just be play toys that he cheat with so you're gonna see that now the seventh sign that you're gonna see from a grown boy always is the jedi mind trick you always gonna have this grown boy that he always try to flip your intuition on his head when you catch him cheating when you had a you saw a red flag so you had probable cause you took and you dug a little deeper you did some some investigation on your probable calls with your search warrant and you catch him in his mess he's then going to flip that and make you feel like you're insecure you're immature you need to heal you broken you're lost you're confused but it was him that was caught lying caught cheating caught being deceiving or misleading but he flips it on you to make you feel like he did nothing wrong and that you wrong for catching him doing what he doing and so that's a seven sign of a grown boy now realize all of these could be broken down into two three different signs you know and this could go on and on but i'm i'm just going over overview and walking you through just off the top of my dome some of the things you're gonna deal with with these grown boys now so these bonus signs that's why i say you know the video i might just put five signs i don't have too many signs for you now now the eighth sign of a grown boy he gonna utilize other women against you it might be his mom it might be his sister it might be you know female friends that he had before you one of the eighths and now listen a grown boy may not do all of this but he's going to do at least half of it but really majority of it and so this is a bonus sign that a grown boy will do he will put you up against another woman in his life to compare you to her well my momma don't do that well my momma did this my momma did this but my sister she do this for her man my sister she do this for her kids uh my homegirl that's what she do for her kid do what she do for her man and he's gonna throw these other women when he's a grown boy he's going to throw these other women in your face to make you feel like you got to compete with them and you got to live up to their standards another thing that he would do in the same in this same uh sign right here is he'll tell them your business he'll go to them for advice tell them his side of the story throw you under the bus get biased advice from them and then come throw that bias advice in your face so the whole goal of this the whole goal of this is to weaken you to make you question yourself to make you feel insecure the whole goal is for you to lose your righteous mind for you to forsake your intuition for you to ignore the red flags so that you drop your guard and in insecurity and weakness and naive uh what what y'all the word i'll be trying to say naivete and gullibleness all of that wrapped in he want to trick you into now you serving him you worshipping him you are seeking his approval so the goal of a grown boy is not to build you up not to uplift you because he's so insecure as a man that he feels if he builds you up he lifts you up he speaks life into you he supports you that you're then in turn gonna look down on him and see him as a beta male that's his mindset so he believes being a alpha male means he has to check you put you in your place control you mentally emotionally spiritually physically so that you become co-dependent on him so that he could go and live as an independent you in a relationship with a single man he all in vegas new york south beach doing his thing but if you go off by yourself or you are away from him you feeding for him you missing him you going crazy one of my life went out you know forgive you going crazy because he has made you co-dependent on him he is now your oxygen supply he is now your life support because he has made you forget your intuition and all your natural strengths all your superpowers so to speak who god made you fearfully and wonderfully created he wants you to be to feel basic like there's nothing special about you like you like you everyday woman like you need him like no other man is gonna treat you like him or value you like him or see you like him and that if you crazy enough to leave him you're going to be single for the rest of your life you're going to struggle in your next relationship that you too broken you too lost you too ignorant you too foolish you're not you're not street smart that you're so book smart that you dumb in the real world he wants to break you down and make you feel insecure make you feel lost and confused without him instead of making you feel like you could conquer the world because he fears that if he uplifts you and makes you feel like you can conquer the world you can accomplish all your dreams you can be a millionaire you can do be a ceo you can be an amazing mom you can do all of these things he feels that you're going to look down on him and that you're going to be too good for him and that you're going to want to cheat on him or leave him for another man not realizing that you're not his enemy you're not his opponent he does not understand women at all because that because he don't know how to pick women because he picked women for the wrong things he either picking them for their beauty and their booty or he picking them for their insecurities he's not picking a woman based on her pure heart and so therefore he's misled he has been misinformed and then he got grown boy captains who got podcasts that demean and bash and be little women and that's where he get his vitamin from that's where you get his energy from he going back to the base to the home base the fuel up on all his hate juice and then he come out and spew all that hate juice to the women he deals with to make the women feel less than dumb ignorant and confused but instead of uplifting and building a warming up as a teammate so that y'all can win together he wants to debase you and nullify your gifts and your intuition and everything that make you who you are so that you need and depend on him so listen i gave you eight signs i know out the video may say five signs of a grown boy but sit with this break it down in your mind ain't got that much time because i got a coaching call i got to be on so i may do a part two and just continue to explain the mindset of these grown boys and why they move the way they move but hey god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 54,348
Rating: 4.9726429 out of 5
Id: vn8PE09yXqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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