4 Cryptic UNSOLVED Mysteries that Belong in The X-Files

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Remember that this is a discussion sub for David Paulides's phenomenon, Missing 411. It is unaffiliated with Paulides in any other way and he is not present in this sub. It is also not a general missing persons sub or a general paranormal sub. Content that is not related to Missing 411 will be removed.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Shout out for Lazy Masquerade. Really enjoy his storytelling, along with Dark Sonium.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Crisis_Redditor 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

You should also check out the YouTube channel “BedTimeStories” as they cover a lot of missing 411 type incidents.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CelestialAscension 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sick video man lazy masquerade is based

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/tomfiaof 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
today's video is sponsored by nordvpn now  whether you've been following this channel   for a long time or you've only heard a few of the  creepy stories and mysteries i've covered you've   no doubt already realized the value of staying  safe and secure even while doing something as   mundane as surfing the web one of the best ways  to protect yourself online is by using a vpn   that's where nord comes in nordvpn's double data  encryption helps you stay hidden online and gives   you increased digital anonymity if you've never  tried using a vpn before because you're worried   that all sounds too technical then fear no  more nordvpn is extremely easy to use you can   connect with just a single click and boom you're  protected the vpn is super fast and reliable with   over 5400 servers across 59 countries that not  only means you can connect to a server near you   for increased speed but you can also connect to  servers in far-off countries to access shows and   movies and platforms that 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a popular  recreational area called sai kung it's famous for   its hiking spots beaches and for its inordinate  number of disappearances and deaths saikung itself   isn't particularly big but the natural beauty of  the peninsula has basically remained untouched and   it's full of long and winding trails so it's  easier to see how people might get lost there   that being said there are signs and  markers all along the hiking routes   and each signpost has its own unique  set of coordinates written on it   if you were to get lost somewhere or feel like you  were too weak to continue your hike all you'd have   to do is call for help state the coordinates on  the nearest sign and help would be on the way   that makes it all the weirder that so many people  have vanished or perished while exploring sai kung   especially when you consider the mysterious  circumstances surrounding each incident in september of 2009 an off-duty police  officer was out hiking alone in sai kung   he called the emergency services for help and  told the operator that he was lost and needed to   be rescued thankfully he was right next to one of  the mark signposts so he read of its coordinates   to the operator strangely the coordinates  he provided didn't match with any on record   meaning the operator had no idea where the officer  actually was the call then ended abruptly and   despite an extensive search and rescue effort the  lost officer was never seen or heard from again to   this day his whereabouts or more accurately from  the whereabouts of his body remain a mystery this   incident quickly captured the public's imagination  and a movie was even made about the officer's   disappearance called missing his mysterious  vanishing didn't surprise some locals however   it had long been believed that sai kung was an  ominous place according to cantonese folklore the   peninsula was home to some sort of otherworldly  portal or barrier which one should never cross only one month after the officer went missing  a male and four females were out hiking in the   same area the male became tired and told the women  to go ahead said that he'd catch up he never did   the women went back to look for him but  found no trace of their missing friend   two days later his body showed up next to  the trail where they had been searching   his cause of death remains unclear to this  day this man was a boy scout troop leader   and knew his way around nature very well  adding to the bizarreness of his demise   later that same year a bus  driver was out hiking alone in   when he didn't return home that day his family  tried calling his phone to check that he was okay   to their surprise a fisherman answered it  saying that he had found the phone in a river   the bus driver was never found   in 2011 another man called the emergency services  saying that he was lost on a saikon hiking trail   just like the lost officer before him his call  suddenly disconnected and he was never seen or   heard from again a number of other strange  deaths have occurred on the saikon peninsula   dating all the way back to 2005 right up to  more recent incidents in 2019 and even 2020   in each of these instances a lone male's body was  found resting beside a trail foul play suspected   in at least one of these cases but for the most  part there's been little evidence to suggest that   there's a serial killer loose on sai kung and the  majority of these deaths have been attributed to   accidental falls but what about the people who  have completely disappeared the cycling hiking   trails are all clearly marked well maintained  and aren't known to be treacherous routes most   of the dead and missing were experienced hikers  and were knowledgeable about the area and about   navigation and basic survival skills but here's  the most interesting part there is an account from   a man named chung who became lost in saikun but  actually managed to make it out alive according   to chung he was out hiking in the area when he  suddenly and inexplicably lost consciousness   he awoke at 8pm and tried to get back to  civilization but in his own words said that   when i tried to leave it was weird no matter how  far i walked i never got any closer to getting out   on his second day lost in the wilderness  he saw two people and shouted out to them   they didn't react to him but they both  disappeared right in front of his eyes   after resting for a while he saw another  figure come running right out of the tree line   he tried chasing after them  hoping they might help him   i chased that man all the way down said chill  he changed into people i knew and people i   didn't know during that chase but when i caught up  they all disappeared exhausted chung fell asleep   when he awoke on the third day he noticed that  several items he'd been carrying had disappeared   he also realized that his surroundings had  changed and that he wasn't where he had   fallen asleep the previous night he described  the area as having the vibe of an old graveyard   and during that day he apparently saw many people  that all disappeared as he reached out to them   on the fourth day he awoke to find  his surroundings had changed yet again   and that the rocks around him were all making  a strange rumbling noise he made his way down   the trail in front of him and all the while the  rocks continued to rumble eventually he ran into   a young guy from thailand difference was and this  guy didn't disappear he was real and he lent chang   his cell phone to call for help after four days  chang finally emerged from the saikung mountains   one strange thing that he and his rescuers  noticed was that jung hadn't been bitten   by any mosquitoes or other bugs during his whole  ordeal this was june and the mountains of saikung   were absolutely swarming with the little buggers  making his lack of bite marks extremely strange   a weird story to say the least but what do you  think did chung and the less fortunate souls   before him pass through the so-called saikung  barrier and enter some other plane of existence an   alternate dimension or can his strange experiences  be chalked up to dehydration and exhaustion   is there some mysterious portal on the hong  kong peninsula or are all of these deaths and   disappearances simply the result of accidents  if so what ever happened to the remains of the   other experienced hikers who still haven't been  found let me know your thoughts in the comments a big shout out to reddit user hey lurker here  for making one of the only english write-ups of   this next mysterious incident there's  something about the open ocean that's   inherently unsettling to a lot of people we all  know that the sea can be a cruel mistress and   that in her dark depths she also harbors a lot  of equally dark secrets well here's one of them   the year was 1968 the place la palma island in the  canaries more specifically a small town which many   transport ships and fishing vessels called home  one such ship at the time was el fausto a ship   large enough sturdy enough and fast enough that it  was used for both fishing and transport purposes   on july 20th of that year she set sail to el  hierro another island only 50 miles south of   la palma bringing with her a cargo of agricultural  explosives three experienced sailors were on board   two brothers ramon and liberto hernandez and their  cousin miguel acosta all of them in their forties   the men were familiar with al fausto  having crewed her many times in the past   after a seven hour long journey alfausto finally  reached its destination and unloaded its delivery   while there the three-man crew and a man named  julio garcia a fellow native of la palma julio   had just gotten word that his daughter back home  was extremely sick and he needed to get back to la   palma as soon as possible he approached the crew  of el pasto and told them about his predicament   since the next liner back to alabama  wouldn't depart for another two days   the three sailors agreed to let julio  come back with them free of charge   on july 21st at 2 30 am alfausto and the four  men set off on another seven hour voyage back   to datacorte well though seven hours passed  and alfausto still hadn't arrived back home   that wasn't too unusual they could have  been delayed for a number of reasons   but as the hours passed with no sign of the ship  or the four men aboard her the sailors family   started to become worried alfausto's owner  rafael acosta relative of the three-man crew   sent another ship out along the exact same route  to search for them surely this boat would come   across the alfausto on its way right wrong  the waters on the way to el hierro were clear   and there was no sign of el fausto sailing  back to la palma that didn't make any sense   ramon alberto and miguel had made that same  journey countless times in much harsher conditions   in fact from sailing conditions that day  were almost perfect the sea was calm and   visibility clear there was only one explanation  el fausto must have gone off route for some reason   but why elfausto and her crew were immediately  reported missing and all other vessels in the   area were asked to keep an eye out for the ship  planes were sent to scout the ocean from above   it was only a matter of time before el faster  was found everyone thought that prediction   turned out to be overly optimistic despite it  being a clear day neither the planes nor any of   the other boats in the area found any sign of el  fausto it was like it had vanished into thin air   a horrible thought occurred to everyone  back on la palma el fausto must have sunk four days passed with no updates just as everyone  was starting to come to terms with the loss of   all four souls of bordel fausto the search  and rescue team received some amazing news   a british ship had reportedly just spotted el  fausto floating 120 miles west of la palma how   it wound up so far of course was anyone's guess  but the british reported that all four men on   board were still alive though obviously a little  worse for where and said that they'd be happy to   tow them back home to tatacorte for some bizarre  reason the crew on el pasto said no thank you   the british were confused of course and asked what  sort of mechanical problems the ship had suffered   nothing replied el pasto's crew the boat was fine  their communications were fine nothing was wrong   all four men appeared to be of sound mind and  weren't delirious or confused about the situation   they once again rejected the british  offer to be towed back home and instead   simply asked for enough fuel to make it back home  on their own the british gave them enough fuel   food and water to sustain them for 18 more hours  more than enough to make the journey back home   when news of this broke back in tatacorte  the locals all began to celebrate   their fall lost sons would be home by sunset  everyone gathered at the port to welcome back   the lost men including of course all their family  members there was drinking and music and dancing   and a lot of confusion when the sun finally did  said and there was still no sign of el fausto   the crew's families waited on the dock all night   by morning it became clear that the ship  was now missing for a second time planes   and ships were sent from the spanish mainland  all with one clear objective find the el fausto   the government spent over two million dollars  on the rescue effort but just like before the   elusive hunk of metal had vanished without a trace  after two weeks of searching they gave up the hunt   it wouldn't be until october 9th two and a half  months after the ship had first gone missing that   an italian vessel actually came across alfausto  floating in the middle of the north atlantic ocean   nobody was on board not ramon  not aliberto not miguel not julio   the ship was in perfect working condition  there were no signs of fighting or damage   no records or logbooks no indication  about what had happened whatsoever   not on the top deck at least one of the italian  crew members climbed down into el fausto's engine   room what he found inside almost made him  throw up on the floor in front of him was   the unclothed partially mummified body of a man a  radio and notebook were found resting next to him   many pages in this notebook have been torn out  but one remaining page in particular stood out   spanish writing covered the page but whatever  it said it appeared to be the end page of a much   longer message the italians told the spanish they  would tell el fausto to venezuela and from there   would send them all the evidence they had here's  where another strange twist occurred in the case   two days later the spanish authorities  received a telegram from the italian ship   according to them while on route to venezuela  el fausto suddenly and inexplicably sunk   the ship had been lost to the sea taking  with it the half mummified body on board   and most of the evidence well that didn't make  any sense the ship was reportedly in perfect   condition how would this happen nobody seemed  to know the remaining evidence that was found on   el fausto eventually arrived in the palmer julio  garcia's wife recognized the notebook immediately   and confirmed that the message had been written  in her husband's handwriting indicating that the   body most likely belonged to julio he'd scrawled a  goodbye message to his wife in the notebook though   it was clear that the beginning pages had been  removed the message ended with the cryptic words   don't ever tell our children about what happened  to me you know that god wanted this vape for me   love you it's clear from those words that  julio knew he was about to lose his life   although since his remains are now somewhere at  the bottom of the atlantic we'll never know how   it came to end for sure why were the beginning  pages of his message missing what did they say   did they contain an explanation  about what had happened   where were ramon aliberto and miguel why  had el fasto been found so far of course   why did the men reject the help of  the british ship that found them   why did alfas to itself suddenly sink without any  further explanation from the italians why does   none of this seem to make any sense to this day  nobody knows the answers to any of those questions   many theories have been thrown around  none of them particularly convincing   no matter how you look at it the mystery of el  fausto doesn't make any sense with the alfausto   now at the bottom of the sea the truth about what  happened on board will probably never serve us   the cases i examine almost always involve deaths  and disappearances but given the subject matter   of this video let's take the opportunity to  explore a different kind of mystery altogether   something a little more otherworldly in 1972  ufologist j allen heineck created a scale of   close encounters designed to help bring scientific  credence to the study of extraterrestrials   there are close encounters of the first kind  in which a person merely sees an unidentified   flying object close encounters of the second  kind in which the alleged ufo causes some   sort of physical effect on the observers or  the environment and most infamously close   encounters of the third kind where an actual  extraterrestrial being is seen by witnesses   considered by many to be the most credible  report of an alien encounter in history   this is the story of the aerial school  incident a close encounter of the third kind located in the rural town of rua zimbabwe  ariel is a private primary school whose   student body is made up of youngsters  from the wealthiest families in the area   some of them native zimbabweans many  of them from south africa and the uk   it was september 14th 1994 a group of 62  students all of them aged between 5 and 12   were out playing in a large field just behind  the school during break time away from the   view of all the teachers who were inside having a  meeting it was 10 15 am halfway through the recess   some of the students came rushing back inside  many of them shaken and clearly terrified   they started babbling to the teachers about two  creatures that they just met in the schoolyard   according to the testimonies of those 62  children while outplaying in the field   they noticed several silver orbs floating above  the school these objects occasionally flashed   red before vanishing in a burst of light only for  them to reappear moments later shortly afterwards   a large disk-like silver object descended from  the sky and began hovering just above the ground   four smaller desks floated down alongside it all  the students rushed to see what these objects were   when they got close they noticed two humanoid  figures which they all described as little men   both of them about three feet tall one of  them sat atop the main craft the other ran   back and forth along the ground seemingly  examining the terrain after 15 minutes the   crafts ascended back into the sky and out  of view taking the two creatures with them   now here's where the story gets interesting  obviously the teachers all thought the children   were just being silly and playing some sort of  imaginative game when they all went home after   school and told their parents the adults started  taking their claims a little more seriously   there were 62 kids all saying the exact same thing  after all so they were all individually questioned   all of their accounts of the  incident were disturbingly similar   firstly they were asked to describe the little men  that they saw consistently they all talked about   the men having large elongated heads stretched  rugby-like eyeballs that sat low on their cheeks   small mouths with no lips no discernable  ears and long scrawny necks they also will   mention them wearing black shiny skin-tight  suits and that they both had long black hair   now you might think the students descriptions were  so consistent because that pretty much sounds like   a stereotypical alien but bear in mind that many  of these youngsters didn't even know what an alien   was and weren't even familiar with the concept  of them in interviews many of the local children   referred to them as tokoloshi evil goblins  from african folklore that feast on children   others thought that they were magic gardeners  given how they were going up and down the grounds   only a handful of them  brought up the idea of aliens   the fact that the students came from a diverse  set of backgrounds meant that a lot of different   interpretations came up suggesting that  none of them had been coached on what to say   many of these interviews were filmed and  if you watch the footage you'll notice that   all the students appear to be acting very  authentically and believably as one female   student put it i swear by every hair on my head  and the whole bible that i'm telling the truth   the most scary part of their testimonies came  when they were asked what the little men actually   did when they landed twelve of the students were  asked this and with varying degrees of eloquence   they all said the same thing they all mentioned  that when they got close to the two beings time   seemed to slow down or stop they said that one  of the entities noticed them and then disappeared   into thin air only to reappear moments later the  two now motionless beings stared at the students   when the students looked into the  creature's quote unquote horrible eyes   they instantly became transfixed the beings  then communicated with them telepathically   according to the students the little men  flashed terrifying images into their heads   which they interpreted as a frightening warning  a warning about environmental destruction and the   dangers of technology and pollution concepts  many of them weren't even aware of beforehand   according to one student he interpreted the images  as meaning the world is going to end maybe because   we don't look after our planet or the air like  all the trees will go down and there'll be no air   people will be dying those thoughts  came from the man in the man's eyes so   what makes this case so credible in the  eyes of ufologists and alien enthusiasts   well firstly the fact that there were  62 witnesses all with a consistent story   many of these witnesses were unaware of the  concept of the ufo but they all used folklore   creatures from their respective cultures to paint  a very similar picture about their interpretations   bad child actors are easy to spot but the footage  of all of them describing the ordeal comes across   as totally natural unrehearsed and uncoached not  to mention many of them were interviewed two years   later as adults and they all stand by what they  said back in 1994 and seem to have genuinely been   emotionally affected by their experience unlike  most people who fake encountering aliens these   men and women aren't attention seekers and have  seemingly done their best to avoid bringing up   the incident worried about being judged or  publicly humiliated if they talk about it   finally it's also worth noting  that on the morning of the incident   numerous eyewitnesses across south africa reported  seeing a meteor-like object flash through the sky the prospect of this being some sort of prank is  highly unlikely given how seriously such claims   would have been treated in rural zimbabwe  particularly back in 1994 given that many   parents would have genuinely feared their kids  being demonically possessed by a tokoloshi this   would have been no joking matter that leaves  only two possible explanations mass hysteria   or authentic close encounter personally i'd  side with scully over mulder on this one   i'm much more inclined to go with a terrestrial  explanation rather than an extraterrestrial one   the students got collectively excited about  something in the playfield and then suggestive   questioning by interviewers convinced them  all that they really had had that experience   that being said many people believe otherwise  and cite this as one of the most credible   accounts of alien interaction for  all the reasons previously stated   but what do you think little green men or  little white lies the truth is out there a much more grounded mystery with a spacey context  for this one founded by a man called edward   mielnik back in 1990 and travis was a polish cult  that held some very strange beliefs to say the   least according to mjelnik 8 billion years ago  earth was visited by two spaceships one of them   containing the slavic peoples who originally  come from the planet atlanta like many other   cultists the followers of antravis wholeheartedly  believe that the world was soon about to end   and that the only way to survive the apocalypse  was by escaping in their slavic spaceship   in their minds the aliens would return in  their ship just before the earth's destruction   save the dedicated andrevis members from certain  death and take them to the planet marinda   thing is the alien spaceship needed to be  powered somehow and the only fuel source was   the energy found within the people of central  europe apparently world war ii was some sort of   plot to kill as many central europeans as possible  so that the guy with the chaplain mustache no the   other one could escape earth with all his friends  pretty crazy stuff anyway it was the early 90s   androvus was certain the end was nigh and  that their alien spacecraft would soon arrive   they needed to get their hands on some of  that sweet sweet spaceship power quickly   or else they'd all be doomed how did they plan to  harvest that power by giving up their body parts   many members started to mutilate themselves in  order to help power the ship many male members   cut off the parts of themselves that contain the  most powerful energy namely their family jewels   oh it hurts to even say it what they actually  did with these chopped off bits remains unclear   now from an outsider's perspective looking  in this could all seem darkly comical   but here's where things turn from  darkly comical to darkly tragic   in their quest to harvest as much energy as  possible it seems antravis may have turned   to murder in august of 1993 andre cialecki 18  vanished on his way to school never to be seen   again because of his interest in ufology the young  man had gotten heavily involved with andrevis   and over time his parents noticed that his  behavior was becoming weirder and weirder   he'd sit alone in his room for hours meditating  ignoring his schoolwork and friends over time he   started to show signs of fear and agitation saying  that he thought someone was out to get him he   stopped sleeping and barely ate any food because  he was so worried someone was trying to poison him   not long afterwards he went missing though many  suspect antravis were responsible no concrete   evidence was ever found linking the group to  andre's disappearance around the same sort of   time another young man only 16 also vanished  he too had links to antravis the group liked   to recruit younger more impressionable members  much to the behest of the inductee's parents in 1995 a pe teacher and fellow member of antravis   also disappeared his remains were  actually found in the oddra river   his head had been batted in and someone had  removed his manhood with surgical precision   two surgeons who were members of antravis were  questioned but the authorities were unable to   link them to the teacher's demise and the case  went cold but all three of these cases are still   technically unsolved it's strongly suspected that  antravis were responsible for the teacher's death   and that the two aforementioned boys suffered  the same fate at the hands of its members   though antravis has since formally disbanded   it's believed that they still unofficially  exist in poland in an underground capacity   since it's extremely common for cult members to  become estranged from their families and friends   it's very likely more people were  selected for involuntary harvest   their sudden and mysterious disappearances  simply never reported question is how many   hi guys lazy here and thank you very much for  listening i hope you enjoyed these mysteries   something a little more otherworldly for you  guys it's nice to explore something different   every now and then a huge thank you to robin  mickelson for making the thumbnail for this video   check out his work by following the links  down below and also a massive thank you to   all of my supporters here on youtube and over on  patreon especially my biggest supporters ms crypto   the only dorita sloane crawford silas geist  sarah ramirez pro cupid natter philip westra   peter loggieraj nadine native beauty monica  mendoza myra lancaster leonardo martinez   infamous empappy gray white rabbit gina valera  expandong crawford k macdonald connor lothan   charlie lackey azrael alex greensaul maria brown  mrs yvonne rankin dapper boise mcsnucci matthew   j bauer teddy street amanda hansen hamish k and  phantom knight thank you guys so much for your   continued support it really helps the channel out  that wraps things up for this one guys remember   to smash that like button or i'll smash you  and you'll be hearing from me again very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 502,459
Rating: 4.9280562 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, mysteries x files, lazy masquerade mysteries, scariest video ever, horror, scary true stories, true horror stories, aliens, ufos, ufo sightings, creepy pasta, top 10, pictures with backstories, British accent, Asmr, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, nexpo, reignbot, deeply disturbing, reddit stories, skin walkers, yanderes, 2chan, new, best, most, long video, lazy maskarade, finally solved, terrifying, strange, Sai Kung barrier, el fausto
Id: qYSXmUfmew4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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