4 Creepy YouTuber Mysteries & Cases

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today's video is sponsored by raycon co-founded by  ray j raycon have been shaking up the electronics   industry recently by designing wireless earbuds  that start at about half the price of any other   premium products on the market and sound just as  amazing as any other top audio brands you know   they become the obsession of celebrities from  snoop dogg to jr smith and it's really easy to   see why raycon earbuds give you six hours of  playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass   and a more compact design for a comfortable noise  isolating fit they come in a range of fun colors   and patterns with a variety of fit options to  choose from and best of all no dangling wires or   stems getting in the way of things now many of us  have been spending a lot of time indoors recently   and like a lot of people i've been looking for  ways to reduce my screen time without completely   unplugging myself from my devices easier said than  done but a pair of raycons have been a great help   in 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case   thirty-year-old stannis lavrochetnikov was  a youtuber from russia who gained a small   fanbase with his video game related content  which he uploaded to his channel staz reflay   when he wasn't making gaming videos you could  usually find stats live streaming on the site   or more accurately trash streaming trash  streams are pretty much bottom of the barrel   entertainment where viewers pay the streamer  money to do embarrassing things on camera   as you can imagine depending on the sordidness of  the audience and the brazenness of the streamer   these types of live shows can go south pretty  quickly with the internet being what it is that   happens quite often and happened regularly on the  stass reflay channel stass had a reputation for   being cruel to his quote-unquote co-stars during  the live streams doing things like pepper spraying   his girlfriend multiple times forcing another  man to drink oil all for the sake of donations   even still nobody expected things to go as far  as they did during the russians final live stream   on december 2nd of last year stass and his  girlfriend valentina were streaming live   alongside their mutual friend marina to begin  with they stream themselves eating drinking and   just hanging out things eventually took a turn for  the worse however when a viewer suddenly paid stas   one thousand dollars this payment came with  a request i want you to beat valentina and   lock her outside in the freezing cold this is  when the stream became uncomfortable viewing   seeing how much the guy paid  stass wanted to honour the request   the couple began screaming and arguing with  each other and things escalated to the point   where valentina grabbed a blade from the kitchen  and held it out in front of her for protection   undeterred stass tore full of valentina's clothes  poured cold water all over her and began dragging   her towards the balcony she desperately tried  to grab a jacket but stass refused to let her   he tossed her outside without anything to keep  her warm and locked the balcony doors this being   moscow in the wintertime the temperature outside  was sub-zero around minus eight degrees celsius   the stream continued with just us  and marina though all the while   valentina could be heard banging on the  door outside begging to be let back in   the marina appeared concerned stass was apathetic  to her please and he left valentina outside on   the veranda for over two hours he wanted his  anonymous benefactor to get his money's worth   time went by and marina left  leaving stass alone in the apartment   when he finally went to let valentina back inside  he found her unconscious her skin a whitish blue   with the camera still rolling he dragged  her back inside for all his viewers to see   finally realizing what had happened he began  trying to wake valentino up and could be heard   saying things on stream like valya are you alive  my bunny what's wrong with you bunny come on tell   me something i'm worrying damn i can't feel a  heartbeat he continued to try and revive her   feebly giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation  but by that point it was far too late   valentina had perished in the cold she was just 28  years old she was in the early stages of pregnancy   it was later confirmed that a blow to the head  from stass may have contributed to her demise   in the final stages of the livestream stass picked  up his lifeless girlfriend and placed her on the   sofa behind him before sitting back down in  his gamer chair to address his viewers directly   guys no pulse she's pale she's not breathing  he then finally decided to call an ambulance   he continued to stream while he waited for help  to arrive playing music and zooming the camera   in on valentina's face he was still streaming  when the medics arrived to pronounce valentina   they asked us to stop streaming while they worked  but he didn't he streamed the whole thing by this   point he had over 1500 viewers still tuned in  and continued to receive donations from people   telling him not to end the stream he obliged them  and continued streaming for an additional two   hours after the medics left with valentina  the authorities later came to pick him up as this all happened so recently the case against  das is still ongoing and he's currently being   held by the authorities unfortunately due to  russia's lacks laws if it's deemed in court   that his actions led to valentino's passing  he only faces up to two years in prison   he still maintains that he  didn't do anything wrong unfortunately though the stats replay channel is  now gone there are still many other channels like   his that continue to make this type of horrific  content especially in russia as long as there's   a market for life torment these types of trash  streamers will continue to exist it's unsettling   to think how many ordinary people there are who  get a kick out of watching this type of stream   nobody will ever admit it i guarantee that  it's far more people than you'd like to believe with 21 million views and counting i'm sure  many of you have heard about this video   onsite was an extremely popular youtuber with  more than 6 million subscribers under her belt   she became popular for her pubg series but gained  worldwide attention in january of this year when   she uploaded her final video the youngsirian who  currently lives in turkey posted a 30 second clip   in which she addressed the camera directly  saying that she was quitting youtube for good   this announcement was unexpected for  sure and caught everyone off guard   there was nothing in her previous uploads that  suggested she was going to stop making content   this all seemed so sudden but it's  not what she said in the video that   gained such widespread attention but  what she communicated with her hand that gesture is a cwa signal it means help  me a way for women to silently call for help   this had everyone concerned for her safety  especially since she also stopped posting   on her social media accounts after this video  was uploaded there was no word from her about   her well-being or whereabouts leading many people  to believe that the young youtuber was either in   great peril or was already dead her fans rallied  and started posting all over twitter to draw   attention to her mysterious disappearance this  caught the eye of the bbc who were able to track   down the lost youtuber for an interview on january  14th that was amazing news she was still alive   however concern about her well-being still  persists even now in the interview she seemed very   uncomfortable and only gave short uninformative  answers to all of the questions posed to her   once more the interviewer never once asked about  her hand signal or why she made it in the eyes   of most of her loyal fanbase bombsife is still far  from safe and nothing more has been heard from her   since that interview which begs the  questions where is she now and is she okay let's make things a little more mysterious  now i'm not sure how well known this one is   but it makes for a nice cryptic addition  to this video unfavorable semicircle was a   youtube channel well up until it was  taken down by youtube back in 2016.   it often gets cited as the site's  strangest and most cryptic mystery   it all started back in 2015. on april 5th the  channel started regularly uploading strange videos   and when i say regularly i mean they were posting  three videos every minute by the time they were   banned unfavorable semicircle had uploaded  a whopping 72 000 videos almost all of these   uploads followed a similar pattern the title  of each video consisted of a sagittarius symbol   followed by either a string of six seemingly  random numbers or words like brother or fond   the visual element was either an abstract  pixelated image or just a plain brown background   with a small colored dot which moved about  in the frame as for the audio some had a   man's distorted muffled voice reading out  a series of letters or numbers others had a   creepy humming in the background and some videos  were eerily silent most were about five seconds   in length though occasionally they would upload  extremely long videos too one was over 11 hours for a long time this channel went unnoticed but  the puzzling nature of its uploads eventually   caught the eye of several internet groups and  media outlets including again the bbc and pretty   soon the unfavorable semicircle channel started  gaining traffic mystery lovers co-breakers and   conspiracy theorists all came together and started  pitching their theories as to what unfavorable   semicircle was all about this all resulted in  the creation of a subreddit that revolved around   discussing the channel its members dedicated  to cracking the unfavorable semicircle mystery   even though the channel has since been taken  down speculation continues to persist to this day   some believe the channel was simply  an arg or alternate reality game   however that doesn't make much sense for  several reasons sure args have been around   for a long time but they've only really  gained popularity in the last few years   most popular examples of args came after  the channel was removed from youtube   what's more the channel never pointed its viewers  anywhere that completely takes the game out of arg   whoever was making these videos was extremely  dedicated to doing so while with them constantly   posting new ones on a minute by minute basis  each of them unique in their own little way   if you're going to put that much effort into an  arg project surely you'd want some sort of payoff   for your viewers to follow your breadcrumbs  somewhere some say that this was just an   internet troll posting meaningless videos but  again the level of dedication compared to the   little reward they got makes this seem unlikely  too others think that this was just some sort of   abstract art project or maybe a viral marketing  campaign some less innocent theories include   this being a recruitment puzzle for some sort of  group or cult a number station for organizations   to share secret coded information or the  most compelling theory of them all aliens   yeah they can't all be believable but still each  of the other theories have their problems too   the channel wasn't banned until a year after it  started uploading and even after that it continued   to post cryptic garbled messages on both twitter  and google plus and even made a second youtube   account to continue uploading videos since this  has all been going on for so long it seems highly   unlikely to be a marketing campaign and it's  never alluded to any product or service whatsoever   if it's an art student's project then it's  extremely elaborate for something that doesn't   convey any deep meaning if it's a recruitment  puzzle for some group then it wasn't a very   good one since to this day nobody's been able  to decode the videos or extract any kind of   hidden message in them if it's some sort of code  there doesn't appear to be any real pattern to it   that is unless there's a hidden key that somebody  was using to translate the coded messages   perhaps the video titles and spoken numbers  and letters had some deep meaning after all   enthusiasts have manipulated each of the  videos playing with the pitch and speed to   try and find some secret information hidden  within them they've been analyzed frame by   frame their metadata has been slew through  and yet we're still no closer to cracking   the unfavorable semicircle mystery today than  we were back when the channel was still active   the only thing we do know is that the evidence  suggests someone was behind the channel   and that this wasn't the work of some computer  program gone wild their intention behind   uploading all these cryptic videos well that's  a question we may never learn the answer to with close to a million subscribers nissimul  khan a young man from new delhi had built   himself quite a successful youtube channel he  became famous for his bike stance with his most   popular video garnering more than 25 million views  the guy's algorithm game was strong unfortunately   so was his taste for revenge too cheesy well  anyway if you head over to nismo's channel   you'll see that he posted a number  of videos alongside his girlfriend   the pair were deeply in love and nizamal was  planning to ask the girl for her hand in marriage   the girl's brother kamal sharma was seriously  against that idea kamal would frequently stop   his sister from seeing nissamal and the two men  had come to blows in the past over the issue   it got to the point where kamal gave nizimal  a final warning to stay away from his sister   saying that the pair of them would never  have his blessing kamal also took away his   sister's mobile phone so that the pair  couldn't communicate by a text anymore   this enraged nismo who gathered two of  his friends sumit sharma and amit gupta   together the three of them began planning  how they were going to take kamal out of the   picture on october 28th of last year kamal was  riding his bike home after a long day at work   little did he realize he was being followed  by the famous youtuber and his henchman   when kamal exited an elevated road near iskall  temple nissimul sumit and amit all on the same   bike rode up behind him and shot kamal in  the back at point blank range they then   quickly sped off into the night no witnesses no  evidence to link them to the incident no problems   kamal was later found and rushed to  the hospital but he didn't survive   to begin with the authorities thought that  this was just a random act of road rage   but after examining the cctv footage from over  80 cameras in the area they noticed three men   on a single bike had been following kamal  from his workplace that evening all their   faces were concealed but they had their hunches  about who one of them might be they decided to   check the cdr or call detail record of kamal's  sister's phone and look at her message history   well she must have got her phone back from her  big brother because she had been in contact   with nizimal around the time of the incident it  hasn't been revealed what the pair of them were   messaging about but investigators were able to  use this data to pinpoint where nissimal was when   kamal's life was taken sure enough his location  matched up with that of the three men on the bike realizing he was in over his head nizimal  quickly admitted to what he had done   and why he had done it senior officer and man  with possibly the coolest name in all of india   love kumar said that nizimal had used the  money that he had made from his youtube   videos to pay his associates sumit and amit  as to whether nizim's girlfriend knew about   the plan to kill her brother love kumar said  that that part was still under investigation   nissimo's viewers were shocked when the news broke  he always came across as such a funny friendly   happy guy in his videos no doubt after building  such a successful life for himself nizimon felt   invincible like he could get away with anything  well that turned out not to be the case and if   you head over to his channel right now you'll  see that most of his fans turned against him   too unsubscribing in their thousands and leaving  comments about their disappointment and disgust   if anything this case goes to show that even  when a creator publishes their entire life on   the internet for the whole world to watch all you  ever really see is the youtuber their construct   not the real person behind the camera but  you don't have to worry about papa lazy   though i don't even have a camera just that  disembodied voice reminding you to stay spooky hey guys lazy here and thank you very much for  listening before the video ends i'd like to say   a huge thank you to robin mickelson for making  the thumbnail for this video and also shout out   my supporters here on youtube and over on patreon  especially my biggest supporters sullen nightmare   madame dark carney amanda hansen phantom knight  expand on the leki leonardo martinez ricky   cohen jr the only dorita lord 210 asriel warakai  infamous empappy connor lothan grey white rabbit   nadine sloane crawford sarah ramirez  anime wimp charlie lackey gina valera   pro cuper dinette philip wester alex  greenswall tom king monica mendoza   and crawford k mcdonald thank you guys so much  for your continued support it really helps the   channel out if you two would like to become a  patreon supporter you can find a link down below   in the description and while you're down there be  sure to smash that like button or i'll smash you   until the next time guys you all stay spooky  and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 541,534
Rating: 4.940836 out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, true scary stories, horror stories, reddit stories, unsolved mysteries, compilation, YouTuber mysteries, scariest video ever, YouTube mysteries, mr nightmare, nexpo, reignbot, corpse husband, 2chan, new video, best, most, long, top 10, deeply disturbing, yandere stories, audiobook, British accent, lazy maskarade, caught on camera, photos with backstories, mysterious, chilling, creepy, creepy pasta, real, horror movies 2021, Halloween
Id: n2TzxNCdxjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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