5 Deeply Disturbing Reddit Posts

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There are a lot of messed up things that have been posted on Reddit over the years, many of them infamous, like the carbon monoxide poisoning story. I’m only covereing 5 posts in this video - so this isn’t a collection of ALL the dark things that have been posted there, not a list of the most well known posts - it’s just a collection I found morbidly intriguing, and that I wanted to show you guys. If this video doesn’t feature a post that you’d expect to see in a “top 5” creepy reddit posts video, I may not have included it because I’ve already covered the post in another upload, or because I plan on using it in a future video. So, with all that out of the way, please close the curtains, turn off the lights, settle down, and let’s disturb ourselves with a handful of sinister reddit posts that I think you guys will enjoy. We’ll kick things off with a real heavy one, prepare yourselves. 3 years ago, a man who went by the username Jasoninhell made a post on the r/relationship_advice subreddit, seeking opinions and support. The title of his post spoke for itself: I’m Having a Hard Time Coping with my Wife Having Cheated on me with our Neighbour. The post itself is a long read, but I’ll give a quick summary here: essentially, Jason began by saying that 1 year prior, he caught his 29 year old wife having an affair with their 51 year old neighbour - he decided to stay with her for the sake of their 2 children, but said he hadn’t been able to get over the betrayal, and that it constantly occupied his mind. “It has been 476 days since I confronted her about it, how do I know? Because every time I catch myself thinking about it I tell myself, "It's only been X days, maybe you won't think about it tomorrow”.” He went on to describe how he found out she was cheating, how he confronted her and the neighbour, and how she responded by threatening him with “you’ll never see your kids again.” Jason had tried to end his life when he was in high school, so she was going to use that as evidence as to why he was an unfit father. She even made the poor guy apologise to the neighbour! Realising that she was willing to drag the kids through hell and use it against him, Jason made the decision to stay with her. He received various responses, though most people agreed he needed to file for divorce, pronto. Staying in an unhealthy relationship was a bad idea for both him and the kids. Jason then made a followup post, in which he thanked everyone for their advice, and said he was indeed going ahead with the divorce like they suggested, and was meeting with an attorney in the following week. Problem solved, right? Far from it. This is where things took a horrible and unforeseeable turn. Jason’s wife’s name was Brandi Worley. After Jason filed for divorce, she went to the kitchen, picked up a blade, and took the lives of both of their children by plunging it into their necks. Afterwards, she even tried to end her own, before calling the authorities and telling them what had just happened. All the while, Jason was asleep in the basement. She was sentenced to 120 years in prison. Reddit was in disbelief - everyone who had read the previous posts must’ve thought Brandi was a horrible person, but I doubt anyone anticipated this. Many users felt guilty for the advice they had given Jason, specifically those who had replied with a harsh tone, criticising him. A mod-sanctioned post was made asking everyone to remember that behind each of the posts on the site are real people, with real problems, and to respond respectfully. Jason went on to make another post, this time titled Thank You. “I would like to give a heartfelt and sincere thank you for the advice and support I have received here. No one could have foreseen the tragedy that resulted from me filing for divorce. You guys perform a wonderful service to those in need and I hope you continue to do so in the future.” With the support of YouTuber Philip DeFranco who raised awareness about the incident, $56,000 was raised to help Jason with living and funeral expenses. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say our thoughts go out to him. 5 years ago, reddit user lariguilger made a post on a thread titled “What was the scariest/creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?” - the thread itself went relatively unnoticed, only reaching 3.6k upvotes, but one response in particular stuck in the minds of many people who read it at the time, and, even today, gets cited as one of the creepiest experiences shared by any user on the site. It comes from a user who has since deleted their account, and is a cautionary tale of the highest order… Years ago, I was on a cross country trip, solo, to a family reunion. I was supposed to make it a friends house, but there was horrible weather, it was slow moving. Then a terrible accident happened just ahead of me, and I was stuck for quite a while. All told I was five hours behind schedule. I was exhausted, in need of a bathroom and a shower, so I pulled into a little strip motel off of a fairly back roads state road. It was obviously small and dirty, but would work in a pinch. There was a window to the outside where check in was. The guy there eyed me up (then a college aged girl), asked me if I was traveling alone. I went to hand him my ID and credit card, but he insisted cash only. Red flags were going off at this point, but I scrounged together just enough cash and he tossed me the key. The room was dirty, barely bigger than the bed. The first thing I did was go to the bathroom, then I flipped up the mattress: dirty, signs of bed bugs. A moment later, I spied a cockroach. That was it, I was out. I decided I would use the parking space at least, and sleep in the back trunk hatch of my suv. I curled up, using a suitcase for a pillow and random clothes for a blanket and fell asleep for an hour. I woke up aware of someone talking on a phone outside, and glanced out to see the guy from check in standing outside (it was now around 3 am). He finished up his call, then walked quietly over TO MY ROOM, unlocked the door, and walked in. The lights didn't turn on, and a minute or two later later, he came back out, slamming the door behind him, and cursing, with ANOTHER GUY. I hadn't seen guy two enter, so I still don't know where he came from. They angrily talked for a moment, then check in guy walked over to my suv. I covered up my head quickly with a shirt. After he tried the locked door, he peered in the backseat, but between my tinted windows, and blending into the general mess, he didn't notice me in the hatch. The two guys walked away to the far side if the lot. talking more, the one gesturing across the street where a diner was. While they were distracted, I climbed up to the front seat and started up the suv, they turning around in surprise as I pulled away. I called my friends back home and told them, but didn't want to worry my family, so I said nothing to them. When I got back home some three weeks later, we figured out the name of the hotel thanks to google maps and called the local police. They told me the place had closed down only days before I called. Edit: frequent questions stuff. This was about a decade ago, took place along 250 (I believe) in Virginia. Place name was "Mountain Top" or "Mountain Side" Motel. It was a single story building, check in window in the middle. Tiny diner across the street, no other businesses nearby. My logic was that it was smarter than parking by the side of the road. Police took my info, never called me back. Never found out anything from web searches immediately afterwards. At least one friend thought I misunderstood the situation and there was a logical reason. Not a single post, so to speak, but occasionally on AskReddit you’ll see someone pose the question “What secret could ruin your life,” or something to that effect. These threads always garner an interesting range of responses. Though a lot of the replies are lighthearted and in the spirit of good fun, others are more disturbing, and some even sinister… 3 years ago, one of these “what secret could run you life” threads was started by user thisisathrowaway23 - a relevant username, since pretty much everyone who makes a wild confession on the website makes a new account to do so - on a topic like this, they don’t want anyone they know tracing their post back to them, after all. Some of the replies might make you crack a smile - like VR6’s post: “I get paid a six figure salary for a standard 40 hour a week corporate job for a massive well known company. In a given week I do maybe an hour of actual work, the rest of the time I am on reddit or youtube slacking off. I thought when I got this job that eventually someone would figure out I don't do anything all day but here I am 14 years later still doing fuck all and getting paid a lot for it. Some of them, however, are from users who clearly need a way to get things off their chest, and use throwaway accounts to confess their deepest secrets to strangers. A few of them are so bad that I can’t read them here, not without upsetting papa-YouTube at least, but I’ll read a handful of them now: A while back, I was cheating on my wife with a coworker. It went on for months, and I never really cared for the woman I was cheating with. She was super hot, though. After a while my coworker started getting really crazy and threatening to tell my wife (whom I had a child with and a baby on the way) about everything. Obviously, I kept trying to cut things off because I realized I was making a mistake. She lost it one night and was freaking out and texting me telling me she was going to come to my house, and a drunk driver hit her. She died instantly. No one knows I was having an affair, and my family went to her funeral. I cut off all contact with everyone I know and moved to Kenya, I tell people a fake name and a fake background and have made it appear to my family that I died on boat trip in the Pacific. No I am not joking. I am dead in the United States. When I was about five years old, My sister (2 years old) and I were in the backyard in a kiddie pool, when my mom went inside, I attempted to drown my sister. After I saw her lifeless, I realized that it was a big mistake, pulled her out of the pool and called for my mom. Luckily she knew CPR and she was life flighted to the hospital. My mom thanked me for saving her, pulling her out of the pool. Next week was my birthday, the police, firefighters, paramedics came to my house to give me gifts and celebrate my birthday. To this day 20 years later, I still think about it. I remember the day so vividly, not a soul knows the real truth. That I'm in love with my best friend. Not my husband. Secrets like that, and so on and so forth. What makes threads like these so disturbing is the realisation that so many people, normal, everyday folk, harbour some pretty dark secrets that they don’t share with anybody. Maybe your close friends or family members or life partners are hiding a huge secret from you that would completely alter how you saw them. Perhaps something so bad that it would ruin your relationship with them, or even your entire life. Perhaps even you’re hiding something like that yourself. How much do we really know the people around us - heck, even the people closest to us? Thoughts like that sometimes lead to me asks myself - is it better to face reality and hear a dark truth, even one that could uproot your whole world and change everything, in the knowledge that at least you know what’s real in your life… or is it better to god on living the lie, in blissful ignorance. What do you think? There’s a lot of creepy material on r/LetsNotMeet - it’s pretty much where all us horror narrators found our stories back in the early days. Basically, the subreddit is for people to share their real life encounters with people they never want to meet again. Most of the stories there are pretty dark, but a few stand out as truly bone chilling. I’ll share one such post here with you now, from Reddit user flaxenfare. There were many posts from LetsNotMeet that I could have selected for this entry, but I decided to go with this one since it sums up the best - or should I say creepiest - type of content the sub has to offer. Here it goes: Before I start here’s a bit of context to my story. My husband and I lived in a small two floor house with two main entrances, one along the front and the other on the side of the house, which opens up into the laundry room. When we’re too busy or it’s too late to walk our dog, we hook his collar onto a long line that’s attached to one of the pipes on the corner of our house, so he can use the bathroom. We used to do this from the door in our laundry room, but we’d noticed the large step from the door to the ground had been taking a toll on his hips. As a result, we started letting him out through the front door instead, since the porch is much closer to the ground. This particular night, I was home alone with my dog and it was around midnight when I decided to let him outside one last time before going to bed. I hook him up to his line, close the door and lock it, before heading into the kitchen to put away the dishes. This was pretty routine, even if he used the bathroom quickly he liked to walk around along the front and side of the house for a few minutes before coming back inside. As I’m putting away the dishes I hear a scratch on the door (how my dog signals he wants to come inside), so I head over to let him back in. Since I’ve watched way too many scary movies, I always look through the door’s peephole before opening the door. Out of habit I look to check that my dog is in front of the door. Instead I see a man staring very intently at the door handle. I freeze with my hand on the door handle. I don’t know how much time went by, but then I heard another scratch, this one louder than the last. This kind of wakes me up from my initial shock and I run to grab my cellphone. I call my husband to tell him what’s happening. He was very confused, I probably wasn’t explaining the situation very well, but says that he’s heading home. This is when I realize my dog is still outside with this person. I head back to the front door, trying to make as little noise as possible, to check whether the stranger is still there. Just like before, he’s standing there, head bowed looking at the door knob. I tiptoe over to the laundry room, and slowly open the door as quietly as possible. I can’t see my dog anywhere and the side of my house is covered in gravel, I knew I couldn’t step outside without making a lot of noise. With my heart still pounding in my chest, I go to the front door to keep an eye on the stranger and to get a better look at him. I considered calling the police but I didn’t feel they would take me seriously, since all this man was doing was standing in front of my house. I tried taking a picture of him with my cellphone but my camera was only able to take pictures of the peephole and not the images behind the glass. All of the sudden, the man looks up directly at me. I swear he knew I was there. He glares at me, then opens his mouth to show this taunting malicious grin. He stood there that way for a few seconds. With that, he turns around and starts to walk down the street. I stay in the same place, almost expecting him to rush back and start pounding on the door. Luckily, my husband got back after a few minutes. Long story short, he convinced me to call the police and we went out looking for our dog. It turns out this man had cut the end of the line connected to the pipe, and our dog decided this was a good time for him to explore my neighbors backyard, which was where we found him. It’s been three years since this happened, we’ve since moved to a new house (unrelated reasons), and the police weren’t able to come up with any suspects. Ever since then, we take our dog on very long walks before the sun goes down. A simple post for this entry, but one that’s equal parts intriguing and unsettling. 4 years ago, user Bangarrangg made the following post “need $700,000 - what do i do i need it by jan 2016 or I'm dead from the mob, what r my options tho?” A lot of people didn’t take this seriously, joking around in the comment section. But after a few sincere replies, others starting to come around to the idea that this post might be legit after all, people started to question why OP needed the money - was involved in a fight where an 18 y/o kid was killed. i was on some stuff and had a bad temper. i was always protective of my friends. especially Jon. Jon was in a band and was taking off, he had a Facebook page. so he deactivated it. he made a new one, one of his friends that made a new one got real mad that he deleted the old page and thought he didn't want anything to do with her or his old friends because of the new fame and band. Jon tried to explain that to her, that wasn't the case when he tried to. I peered over Jons shoulder, read their texts and got heated. I started trash talking the girl, she got her boyfriends friends to meet me and my friends out in the desert for a brawl. One of the guys there was with the gang member guy's group and pulled out a gun to shoot me and my friends. One of my friends grabbed the gun from him and ended up shooting the guy and killing him(the dude that pulled out the gun in the first place). Then after the fight i violated my probation the found out i was involved in the fight and the shooting of the guy and they added the battery charge. i wasn't charged with murder, but was involved in the fight which is why they added assault and battery charge, plus the probation violation. but i continued with drug use and violated my probation by leaving the state. now I'm sobered up, I just turned 23 and I'm in a real bad place with some people from the past. In his final post, OP shared a picture from outside his home. “Think they'll get to me before i can make any moves.” That was the last post Bangarang ever made. Today, 4 years later, there hasn’t been any activity on his account whatsoever. This has led many to believe that his appeal for help was authentic. This is a pretty unknown post since it only got 155 upvotes when it was made, but, if Bangarang’s story is true, it’s one of the darkest the site has to offer. It’s nice to think that the past is the past, but sometimes it really does comes back to bite us.
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 686,083
Rating: 4.9035149 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, lazy masquerade, reddit posts, with backstories, true horror stories, lazy maskarade, top 10, deeply disturbing, creepy pasta, 2chan, Asmr, relaxing, new, best, most, long video, ghosts, caught on camera, creepy photographs, letsnotmeet, mr nightmare, corpse husband, be busta, lets read, horror movies 2020, scariest video ever, skinwalkers, yanderes, mysterious, scary, creepy, chilling, terrifying, horrifying, horror, British accent
Id: Tf0QJOlm9Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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