4 Chilling UNSOLVED Mysteries that will Make Your Blood Boil

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today's video is sponsored by nordvpn if you  follow this channel then you'll already know   the world's a pretty scary place at the best of  times let's face it the best of times these ain't   with so many of us spending longer browsing  the web at home it's more important than ever   to stay safe and secure online trouble is  the internet knows a lot about us and there   are plenty of people out there trying to get  their hands on that data of yours one of the   best ways to protect yourself is with a vpn that's  where naught comes in want to stay hidden online   nordvpn's double data encryption provides you with  increased anonymity want more peace of mind their   vpn protects your communications and personal  data and makes hacking into your devices virtually   impossible with nordvpn your information is always  protected whether you're surfing on the couch   working online in your local coffee shop or  chilling with some netflix in another country   speaking of which the vpn is 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bipolar and was experiencing a manic episode   she begged them not to let my trees go while  she was in that state the officers promised   her mother that they'd release my trees at 5am  the following morning after she calmed down   for some bizarre reason though they didn't do that  instead they let her leave at 12 28 am without   giving her back her cell phone id money or her  car which was at a towing station 11 miles away   meaning she was stranded and alone in an  unfamiliar place in the dead of night while   in a dangerous state of mind pretty much a recipe  for disaster right well and that proved to be the   case my trace was sighted six hours later in the  santa monica mountains about a two-hour uphill   hike from the sheriff's department resting in  a local residence backyard later screams were   aborted coming from a vacant house nearby it's  not clear whether these screams were investigated   unsurprisingly my trees disappeared that night  without a trace and was never seen again well   not alive at least eleven months would pass  by without any news of my teresa's well-being   needless to say her family were worried sick it  was a hot august day in 2010 when my trees was   finally found in the wilderness of dark canyon a  local ranger had spotted her submerged in a creek   her half mummified half skeletal remains were  protruding slightly from the water's surface   her head was missing and her clothing  had been removed her skull was later   found nearby and had been placed upside down  the ranger contacted the lasd immediately   the first officer who arrived on the scene  was either incompetent or ill-intentioned   he spent 90 minutes there alone before  he contacted the coroner's office   two helicopters were dispatched to the scene  one carrying more police officers and the other   carrying the coroner's team to examine the area  the chopper carrying the officers arrived there   quickly enough but for some unknown reason the  coroner's helicopter was continuously delayed the   team waited and waited to no avail their transport  never arrived leaving the police officers alone at   the scene for more than six hours the authorities  explained this away by saying that there were no   other helicopters available at the time but  that later turned out not to be true at all   suspicious also suspicious was this despite  the coroners instructing the officers and not   to tamper with the body at all the cops ignored  their instruction sloppily gathered up my trees   and airlifted her back to the station leaving  behind several of her bones in the process   sheriff lee bakker quickly declared my  teresa's death to have been an accident   well that didn't sit right with anyone how  did they account for the state of her remains   the poor girl had clearly been decapitated  actually said the police her head had been   attached to her when her remains were found the  first responding officer had simply dragged her   body out of the water by the skull and in doing so  had accidentally detached her head from her torso   well people might have been able to believe that  had the ranger who discovered my teresa's body   not taken a picture of the scene before any  officers arrived the photo clearly showed   my trees body in the water already headless the  cops had just been caught in an obvious lie just   like how they'd lied about not having a spare  chopper to airlift the coroners to the scene   so the cops had already been caught lying we  know that next question why were all of my   trees clothes missing the sheriff's department  said that animals had likely scavenged them   as experts pointed out that means the  animals would have had to unbuckle her belt   untie her shoelaces remove her socks and two  t-shirts a few of those items sure but everything   all without damaging her body he just didn't add  up now they had also said that she perished in an   accident and not at the hands of another  human being right what kind of accident   well said the police she clearly wandered off up  the mountains and been bitten by a rattlesnake   okay and that explanation was  possible but far from probable   since california only has two people  die annually from rattlesnake bites   the most disturbing fact to come out of the  investigation though was this remember how i   said my teresa's body was partially mummified  that could only happen had her remains been   stored in an extremely dry environment for a long  period of time like say a basement or an attic matrices family demanded to see the sheriff's  department security tapes from the night my   trees was taken to the station the night she  had gone missing the sheriff's department said   that the cameras were used for monitoring only  and that they didn't actually record anything   that turned out to be yet another lie and the  surveillance video of my trees was found in a   station captain's desk after he had denied its  existence when the footage was finally released   to my trees family it had been heavily edited  one deputy who had denied being present at the   station that night could clearly be seen in  the footage his name has been kept from the   public and he was transferred to a different area  before matrices family could even view the tape   the lasd hadn't tried hard to find my trees when  she went missing and had almost certainly been   doing their best to sabotage the investigation  into her demise after she was finally discovered   they did this by continuously breaking protocol  and lying about the information they had   is this just a case of police incompetence or is  there some sort of sinister cover-up going on here   no matter how suspicious the details  of this case are if it's the latter   then justice will likely never  be served rest in peace my trees it was just an ordinary shift for gas  station manager lea rowlands back on   the morning of march 10th 1997. the 41 year old  was working alone at the cozad amaco on highway   80 in dawson county in nebraska and though the  hours were long and the pay was far from amazing   she was a dutiful and diligent employee she'd only  just been promoted to manager the day before and   as a single mother with two sons to feed the  increase to our wages was more than welcome   by all accounts an outgoing generous and  good-hearted woman leah was well liked in   her community which makes what happened to her  that fateful morning all the more senseless   at 10 30 a.m a red pontiac grand am  pulled up outside the gas station   the driver stepped out and filled up  his tank strangely he was barefoot   he entered the store where leah was attending to  a mother and daughter the barefoot man moved to   the back of the store and waited for her to finish  serving them he snatched a can of soda off a shelf   and drank half of it and even had the audacity  to stare right into the store's cctv camera   that's the thing with this case the whole  thing was captured on the store's cameras   once the mother and daughter had left the  store the man confidently approached lear   at the register pulled out a gun and appeared  to demand cash leah clearly didn't want any   trouble as she complied and gave him all  the money in the register 150 bucks total   the man then told her to lie on the floor she  obliged this is where things could have ended   but for reasons unknown after waiting a couple of  minutes the man casually leaned over the counter   and fired three shots into leah one of them hit  her in the back of the head a senseless waste   the man then fled the scene in his vehicle  taking his half empty soda with him as tragic as this whole incident was at  least the investigators had a wealth of   evidence to work with not only had his  fully exposed face been caught on cctv   but so at his car's rear license plate  outside he'd also left an almost full   set of fingerprints on the gas pump and  ballistics from the shots he'd fired   the security footage was aired on america's most  wanted and the authorities were sure they'd get   a plethora of tips it didn't seem like this  mystery was going to go on soul for too long   well that's the thing even with all this evidence  to go on the police never found the guy today   23 years later his identity remains  unknown and justice is yet to be served   detectives didn't receive any leads  from showing the footage on tv   the guy's fingerprints didn't match  with any on the police's database   nor did the ballistics due to the grainy outdoor  cameras it took the investigators a long time to   identify the man's red car which ultimately led  to a dead end with no new information to go off   the case simply stagnated and went cold  nobody knew who the unknown killer was   as for the guy's motive for this blood boiling  crime there are two leading theories firstly and   most obviously this was simply a robbery homicide  the perp targeted the store and lear at complete   random with the intention of taking all the cash  in the register and silencing the only witness   well the only witness that wasn't a camera at  least he was most likely just passing through   and had no connections to the local area  not to mention his confident and selfish   or demeanor suggests that this wasn't his first  job and that it almost certainly wasn't his last   still although this case has been compared with  other seemingly random robbery homicides it's   never been formally linked to any of them the  second main theory is that this was a planned hit   it seems odd that someone even a career criminal  would take someone's life for a measly 150   perhaps taking the money was simply  an act to cover up the real motive   leah and her ex-husband had recently  gone through a messy divorce in which   he had taken a large sum of money away  from him not to mention their two sons   leah had even left her sons a written note  explaining the reason why she'd left their father   that he was cruel and violent and  that she feared for their safety   this along with the unknown perp's disheveled  appearance has led some to speculate that   leo's vengeful ex-husband had some sort  of down on his luck guy to take her out   with that said leah's ex-husband passed away in  2015 and was never named as a suspect in the case   it's disturbing to think that not only could  this guy have been free for the past 23 years   but that he could have also struck again claiming  lives for a few measly bucks and a can of soda   though all the evidence is still on file and  the case is still technically active in nebraska   it just doesn't seem likely that after such  a long time this case will ever get solved   my heart goes out to leah's two boys  who lost their mother for so little on january 27 1974 two-year-old matthew allen  allred disappeared while playing in the backyard   of his home in claremel city florida he'd  been having fun with his three elder siblings   while they moved to the front yard  to climb a tree matthew stayed put   in the back playing alone on his  swing set that was around 5 15 pm   at 5 30 the children were called back  inside but matthew wasn't among them   in fact he was nowhere to be found somewhere  in that 15-minute window he had vanished   his family were of course sick with worry and  stress his father vernon and mother virginia knew   how friendly and outgoing their young son was he'd  often approach strangers just to give them a hug   they feared the worst they searched high and low  but couldn't find their beloved matthew anywhere   vernon was able to track down an ice  cream truck that had passed by their house   minutes before the youngster went missing every  so often the ulrich children were allowed to buy   a sweet treat from the truck so they hoped  and prayed that matthew had just heard that   familiar jingle and followed it the driver said  that a child resembling matthew had to come up   to him looking to buy ice cream but he turned  the kid away since he didn't have any money   fortunately the ulrichs lived in a small  tight-knit community and more than 800   people in the local area came together to help  look for matthew heck the ice cream truck driver   even drove around the neighborhood for hours  playing his jingle hoping that matthew would   hear the music and follow it home he should  have been easy enough to identify even for the   folks that didn't know him since he always  wore his favorite brown suede cowboy boots   unfortunately all of their efforts turned up  nothing by the 29th the authorities and locals   had thoroughly searched a three square  mile area about eight times they checked   all of the canals and ponds nearby and found  nothing they even tracked down the child who   fit matthew's description that tried to buy the  ice cream it hadn't been young matthew after all   confident that the aurored family's youngest  hadn't just wandered off by himself the local   authorities called in the fbi they weren't able to  find any evidence of foul play and with no other   clues to work with the case went cold vernon  and virginia allred were beside themselves   one moment their happy son was there the next  he was gone snapped up and removed from their   lives entirely a scary thought their close  friends and neighbors ronaldo and mary pays   an older couple consoled them as best they could  they knew matthew as well as anyone what with   virginia often bringing him over to ride on the  ponies in their garden ronaldo and mary pays yeah   remember those two 16 years were bars and in all  those long years detectives turned up no clues   nothing to suggest matthew was either alive  or dead though most assumed the latter   they were right of course on june 4th 1990 the  ulrich's neighbor and longtime friend ronaldo pays   passed away in his seventies the house he  had once lived him with his now deceased   wife mary sat empty until 1992 at which point his  daughter decided to sell the property as part of   that process nineteen-year-old timothy scanlon was  paid to clean out the septic tank in the backyard   that year was set to end on a  dramatic note as on december 31st   when young timmy came to clean out the tank he  found something as unsettling as it was unexpected   after cracking the concrete seal and removing  the lid to the underground septic tank he saw   something submerged in the foul-smelling  muck thinking it was just a coconut he   got on with pumping out all the waste  inside while doing so his hose clogged   stuck inside timothy's hose was a small  jawbone ribs and pelvic and leg bones   that coconut had been a human skull timothy  called his father who hosts down a few other   items that his son had removed from the septic  tank among them were a pair of small cowboy boots   matthew who'd been missing for 18 years at this  point had only ever been a few houses away from   his home after all investigators knew that matthew  hadn't come to rest in that tank by accident   given the concrete seal and lid it was  impossible for him to have simply fallen in   the kid could not have put himself in there  said jack espinoza of the hillsborough county   sheriff's office he was killed and then put  in there afterwards that's what we believe   vernon and virginia allred couldn't believe  that their son had been found on their close   friend's property ronaldo pays was  a friendly good-natured family man   and after matthew's disappearance his wife mary  came to the house constantly to help console them   they even stated that the pace family thought  of matthew as their own grandson it just didn't   seem believable that they were responsible for  all of this still occam's razor and all that   though this case is still officially classified  as unsolved all the evidence does point to   ronaldo being responsible for matthew's  demise what isn't known is whether matthew   died accidentally and ronaldo tried to cover it  up or if he took matthew's life intentionally   did his wife know that their neighbor's son was  inside their septic tank for all those years   unfortunately neither of them were around to  answer those questions the allred family had   matthew's cowboy boots bronzed to commemorate  his short life a reminder of the young blonde   boy who was so full of life and light stolen from  them far too soon for reasons they'll never know   i'm glad it's over said matthew's sister  cindy we don't have to wonder where he   is anymore all we can do now is go on we can't  stop time we can't wonder how it could have been sadly in our world it's not unusual to  come across people more than happy to   pray on the weak mostly these people  just want to take advantage of others   the truly evil ones though are sometimes  willing to take things a few extra steps   sigrid bargained was a nearly blind mostly deaf 87  year old lady living alone in her small south side   home in chicago illinois the perfect target for  any cold-blooded opportunist her case begins in   april 1981 when sigrid called 9-1-1 and told  them that there were intruders in her house   the cops rushed to her aid immediately but when  they arrived there were no intruders to be found   sigrid told them that she had fallen asleep on  the couch and that when she woke up she saw two   figures moving around the living room apparently  one of those figures covered her in a sheet   hit her in the head and face and put her in the  closet while they searched the house for valuables   she focused her barely functioning ears and when  she couldn't hear them rummaging around anymore   she fled in terror to her neighbor's house  to phone for help saying that her phone had   been bugged since nobody seemed to be able to  hear her when she made a call using her device   sigrid had a black eye and the sheets in her  home were red and bloody despite this clear   evidence though the responders were skeptical  about whether sigrid was telling the truth   they believed she may have simply had an  accident and either imagined the whole incident   or made it up for attention still they took  her phone in for repairs and found that the   voice transmitter inside had been ripped out  by somebody they fixed it for her and returned   it unsure of whether or not she had been the one  who had tampered with it throughout april sigrid   would continuously call up the police from her  neighbor's house and tell them that the intruders   had broken in again the authorities never failed  to respond but continued to remain skeptical   each time they arrived they found sigrid alone at  the house with the voice transmitter and her phone   removed they gave sigrid a new phone one with  a tighter receiver screw which they glued shut   one week later they returned to her house again  and found that the receiver and cord had been   pulled out as sigrid continued to report break-ins  well into may the cops decided to routinely survey   her house driving by every so often to check  things out they had her neighbors trim their   hedges has to give them better visuals even though  a social worker suggested that she move out sigrid   was a proud woman and refused to abandon her  castle sadly all those extra precautions were   fornaught as on june 16th sigrid was ambushed  outside her own home after returning from the bank   she refused to give her money to the men who had  accosted her and was able to escape and run to   her neighbors once again they described sacred as  being absolutely terrified she would continuously   visit them for support during these months of  crisis and they recall how she would often break   down into tears mid-sentence sure that the unknown  figures harassing her were going to take her life   they're going to get me i  just know it she told them   she was right on june 26th sigrid's neighbors  tried to contact her but to no avail   concerned they phoned the police and  asked them to go over and check things out   responders arrived at sigrid's house and found  her lying face down on her bed dead her hands   tied behind her back with a scarf the coroners  determined that she had had a heart attack   there were no signs of a forced entry here's  where things get even more unusual on june 30th   only four days after she'd died  the police closed sigrid's case   claiming that she had died of natural causes and  that there was no need to investigate further   they had done relatively little to protect  her in the months leading up to her demise but   this this was ridiculous it was quite obviously a  homicide regardless they stood by the decision and   maintained that there was no foul play involved  in sigrid's death why did they do that did they   really believe that she'd tied herself up and then  just coincidentally passed away from heart failure   that didn't seem realistic sigrid's family entered  her house in august to pack away her belongings   they discovered a large amount of blood  on the bed sheets where sacred had died   they took photos of the redden pillows mattress  and headboard this seemed to confirm what they'd   always believed to be true that sigrid had  indeed been murdered they demanded that the   police released the records about sigrid's  case that the authorities refused to do so   in september of that same year a judge ordered  chicago police to release the records at the   request of sacred sister ingveld her family have  since hired a private investigator to uncover   more information but as it stands sacred's case  remains unsolved there are lots of unanswered   questions attached to this mystery the two  most obvious being who was responsible and   why were the police so determined to undermine  the investigation perhaps we'll never know hey guys lazy here and thank you very much for  listening a huge thank you to robin mickelson   for making the thumbnail for this video if you  haven't already check them out via the links   down in the description also a massive thank you  to all of my supporters on patreon and youtube   especially my biggest supporters amanda  handsome alicia l phantom knight album medrano   alex greenswall anime wimp aura dragon  one azrael warakai crawford k mcdonald   expand on gina valera hungry and hammered  infamous sim pappy kelly rocco lord 210   leonardo martinez kelly rocco again monica  mendoza nadine philip westra procupadine neta   ricky cohen jr sarah ramirez sieg carla silas  geist sloan crawford the only dorita tom king   and decaying girl thank you all so much for your  continued support it really helps the channel out   that about wraps things up for this one guys  wishing you all a very happy october and halloween   smash that like button or i'll smash you and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 706,684
Rating: 4.9373045 out of 5
Keywords: scary unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, mysterious, true scary stories, true horror stories, reddit stories, with disturbing backstories, creepy photographs, deeply disturbing, creepy pasta, creepy, scariest video ever, top 10, British accent, skinwalkers, skin walkers, yanderes, yandere, caught on camera, mysteries, rabbit hole mysteries, lazy maskarade, lets read, mr nightmare, nexpo, ghosts, haunted, chilling, new, best, most, long video, 2chan, halloween, horror, corpse husband
Id: 8EzQWmtz68A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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