5 More Disturbing Skinwalker Encounters | Native American Horror Stories

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number one my friend and I are walking home late one night after visiting one of our buddies who we hadn't seen in a while our route takes us through a park with woodland to the right of a path that runs through it now this path is long lonely and on a pitch-black night seems like it has no end when we're about halfway through the park we hear someone screaming at the top of their lungs saying something along the lines of help me for the love of God please someone help me it's a woman's voice exceedingly desperate in tone we instinctively freeze on the spot the cries are coming from the treeline to our right way too close for comfort whoever's out there can probably see us as we're stood underneath a street lamp she keeps repeating the same phrase over and over but there's something wrong about it like it's corrupted or distorted and like every time she repeats it it's a little too similar to the time before as we stand there staring at the dark tree line the voices seem to multiply there's a host of other screams now along with the woman's who hit sounds like there's a whole choir of people all begging for their lives this isn't right and the seemingly almost endless path back home is starting to look longer than ever we're pretty much crapping our pants dying to just bolt away but there's something holding us in place morality curiosity one of the two I suppose as we stand there weighing up what to do we see it emerging from the tree line it's human-shaped but inhumanly tall and extremely thin a pair of antlers are sticking out of its skull but it's standing on two legs even worse is that its body is twisted contorted like someone who had just been in a major car crash but there's no roads nearby at all it lets out a horrific screech sounding like its lungs are full of blood or water there are no words that would adequately describe just how terrifying the situation was I scream oh my god run we both sprint full pelt down the path we hear muddy footsteps behind us on the grass and internally pray that it isn't following us we're too [ __ ] to even turn our heads to check at this point then from behind us we hear it scream familiar sentence oh my god run it's my voice said in the exact same way I'd screamed at only moments before we finally turn around to check the mimicking creature was closer to us than to begin with but was now thankfully clambering back towards the trees still walking on its hind legs its movements were far too human we spoke with a few of my neighbors about it they tell us that skinwalkers are known to repeat the last words of their victims in an attempt to lure people to them since most people's the last words were desperate cries for help it apparently works quite effectively I'm just glad I wasn't walking home alone that night we both stay away from that park now number two I went camping with a mate that I grown up with an Aboriginal bloke it was late at night and I got up to pee we were way inland behind some Rock Hills tall dead cane grass was everywhere and I couldn't see far after i relieved myself i heard my mate calling me but it was coming from away from the camp and that was strange as I just left him in camp and I waited he called again no mistaking his voice I called back and started walking out towards him this went on for a little while changing direction sometimes calling me on suddenly someone grabs me from behind and I leap out of my skin and spin around I already realized that I'd walk deep into the cane grass and was disorientated I turned to see a very somber face my mates face deadly serious I'm thrown into confusion and I'm a little angry what are you doing you're calling from in front of me how did you get behind me it isn't me he says who we stand still it's completely silent I'm starting to get mad but I can see the fear in his face I wait sure enough that voice calls again but my friends right there that's impossible now I'm [ __ ] freaked I'm all wide-eyed and staring at him he whispers bad spirit will go back to camp straight away like I said I was disorientated but if I knew where the hell camp was I would have run straight up his back to get there at the camp he tells me how this has happened for eons people get called away by familiar voices sometimes they make it back to tell what happened and sometimes especially if they're young and they perish if my friend hadn't heard me and come and tracked me down well number three my roommate a guy will call gym spend his high school years in a little town in eastern Wyoming I can't recall the name of the town but it was the kind of place that most people had forgotten about since the train stopped coming through it was a very weird little town and most of the people living there seemed to be very paranoid a lot of parents wouldn't let their children play outside after dark since the town was miles away from the nearest McDonald's or movie theater or shopping mall there was nothing for young people to do but get shit-faced drunk that's what Jim and his friends were planning on doing on the night that this story took place a fellow classmate was having a kegger at his parents house that night which was 20 miles outside of town on a dirt road somewhere Jim had reservations about driving out there in the dark because that general area was known to be sort of creepy at night but his friends really wanted to go and he was the only one with a car so after some coaxing Jim and about five of his friends jump into his Buick and head out of town about half an hour later they realize that they're completely lost and they haven't seen any houses or cars in a while so they figure they must have taken a wrong turn somewhere and decide to head back to the main road after turning the car around and driving in the opposite direction for a few miles Jim spots something in the middle of the road up ahead his friend in the passenger seat notices it at the same time and says oh the [ __ ] is that at first they can't tell what they're looking at but as the car draws nearer to the big black shape in the middle of the road it starts to look like a massive burr Jim thinks it must be an animal but it looks big enough to damage the car so he slows down and stops the car about 20 feet away from the thing at this point it's completely illuminated by his headlights but neither he nor his passengers can figure out what kind of animal it might be since it hasn't moved they assume it must be dead and start arguing about who will drag the body to the side of the road that's when the thing starts to move they all fall silent and watch it as it stirs and then suddenly stands up Jim would always preface the next part of his story with I know it sounds crazy but he says he can't really describe what he saw because he had never seen anything like it before the closest he can come to is this and the thing whatever it was was about seven feet tall when it rose to its full height its body was shaped like a human male but it was covered with a thick dark fur the head he said and I watched the goosebumps break out on his arm as he said it was not human it looked almost like a jackal or a German Shepherd with a long snout and pointed ears and its eyes were glowing in the headlights the same way a cat's eyes sometimes glow it was staring right at them Jim doesn't know how long he stared back at the thing before he noticed that it was clutching a dead rabbit in one of its enormous hands or paws he barely had time to register this bit of information when the creature suddenly flung the dead rabbit away and took a step towards the teenagers in the car Jim slammed the car into reverse made a u-turn and got the hell out of there needless to say they didn't make it to the party that night number four and this took place a few years ago while I was living with my parents it's the early hours of the morning around 2:00 a.m. I step outside for a cigarette and since my mum absolutely hates the things I had to sneak out back by the woods as I'm standing there smoking I notice a bigger standing at the edge of the forest it's my neighbor Sean what's he doing out here at this hour he's looking right at me I waiver him and he just stands there motionless all of a sudden it's hard to breathe the air seems thick and has a metallic smell to it in the same way that pennies taste this was a really eerie situation but I kick myself for being such a scaredy cat and take another drag on my cigarette yes I do the smoke gets in my eyes man those of you who've had this happen will know that it stings like a [ __ ] I'm forced to close my eyes and rub them for what could not be more than a few seconds I open my eyes and Sean is standing closer to me like in the brief moment that my eyes were shut he had walked from the edge of the woods towards me and then stopped and stood motionless again what the hell's he doing in the forest anyway what is this he waves at me but it's like he's jerking his arm rather than moving it fluidly like he's not sure what he's doing with it I don't take my eyes off him as I put out my cigarette and back up into the house his eyes are fixated on me the entire way I shut the door and quickly moved to the window to peek out and see what he's up to he's right there maybe 10 or 15 yards away from the house now still staring right at me I lock the door hell I start locking every damn door in the house when I'm finished I go to check the basement door he's right there standing at the window looking in and staring at me still he does that jerking wave now that he's up close I could see that something was wrong with him he hid was Shawn but at the same time it wasn't like someone had copy and pasted him into reality but didn't make a perfect match the instant I saw his face up close his jaw drooping open that uncanny valley sensation consumed me I let forth a scream that would wake the dead and sprinted upstairs where I encounter my stepdad who asks me what the [ __ ] going on I'd tell him there's someone outside and he grabs his gun and goes to check no one's there the next day I asked Shawn about it he doesn't know what I'm talking about at the time I'd never heard of skinwalkers but after reading about them I'm almost a hundred percent sure that this was one of them number by so I posted here a while back with some skinwalker stories and bigger dodge share some more I'm having a hard time remembering the stories told to me by my Navajo family but this creepy set of events happened directly to me so here it goes this all started when my two brothers David and Luke Luke's girlfriend Sarah and myself all drove down to the desert to spend some time in the country this is res land as it were so red dirt everywhere southern Utah a majestically beautiful place if you ever get the chance we had some pistols and decided to go out in target practice we took our gear and some old targets down to this place called Devil's heartbeat I'd never been but all three of them were familiar with the area it was a canyon about 200 feet deep we stayed on one end of the canyon by the drop-offs and to our left was the ravine and about 50 feet over the opposite side of the canyon rose up above us on the opposite end there were some Anasazi ruins the Navajo may disagree with historians on the Anasazi Zorich ins and departure but whatever the history the Navajo do not like to wander in Anasazi ruins according to Navajo legend they believe that the Anasazi simply disappeared from existence leaving behind plates dishes and food and went into another dimension or some other equivalent I never asked why the Navajo didn't like to wander in the ruins but big iord it had something to do with respect preserving history etc none of the others cared a bit about these Canyon ruins they were more interested in shooting the pistols I could see old beds ladders and even cave drawings on the cliffs with my naked eye and I got this strange fixation on going over there I set off down the cliffs with a rope and decided I'd climb down across the canyon floor and then climb back up this was a bad idea for a million reasons but it was like some obsession I can't explain the feeling it was like magnetism I wanted to be in those ruins and it wasn't just touristy curiosity it felt like I was meant to go there I kept slipping and getting stuck on the rocks and I got extremely frustrated finally I was deterred by the unmistakable sound of a growl coming from the canyon floor below me there were trees down there so I couldn't see what was making the growl but mountain lion immediately came to my mind and I got my ass back up the cliffside I said nothing to the others and we shot the guns for a while the only other strange occurrence was while Sarah was aiming things got eerily quiet we all heard a sound coming from behind us maybe 20 feet away it was like a growl and then a hoarse laugh almost like a lion and then a hyena we had a clear view of the entire area and there was nothing there certainly not on the cliff tops when we heard it anyway the creepy part was that while David Sarah and I all heard it coming from a close distance Luc heard the exact same noise right by his ear we ended up camping out there to see if anything would happen and this is when I got completely terrified before I was only scared of wild animals we had guns though and were sleeping with no bats or tents just some blankets under the stars and a little fire I felt safe laying there I fell asleep pretty quickly but woke up a few hours later to see everyone else laying with their eyes wide open listening the canyon was completely full of noises the only way to describe it is people banging rocks together there'd be one set of bangs maybe 300 yards away then another clacking 200 yards away then 50 yards away the canyon echoes so it's hard to tell exactly how many rocks smashing rock noises there were but they sounded like Morse code we listened to this for maybe 10 minutes no other animal noises no nothing finally David who's kind of a hard-ass and the least superstitious shouted shut up and everything immediately stopped my heart was in my throat we just sat there and stared at each other it was dead quiet and then we heard more weird noises coming from the Anasazi ruins I don't know how to explain this one either but it sounded kind of like a zebra noise like those squeaky trills it got louder and then the rocks or sticks or whatever started up again but this was worse because now other animal noises came we heard what sounded like wolves or coyotes barking owls hooting monkey screeching which in my opinion was the most terrifying and through it all those terrible zebra cries it took us maybe ten minutes to douse the fire pack our blankets and speed away those noises continuing the entire time that night I was obviously pretty shaken up before I could fall asleep again my Navajo mother came and sat by me and said that she could tell I had a rough day we hadn't mentioned any of the creepy [ __ ] to her to avoid a lecture about [ __ ] with the spirits she asked me about the trip and I ended up spilling my guts to her about the canyon ruins it was something personal I felt like it after I word vomited all over her I could see that she had a really concerned look on her face what is it I asked totally confused she explained something I had no idea about the spirits and those ruins like to lure people up when they get up on the ground the spirits pushed them off that's why we don't go there I remained creeped out for the remainder of the visit the town has a public accessible Kiva kind of a tourist trap for a little podunk place but since I didn't see the ruins up close I went down into the Kiva I went alone as of course my superstitious family refused to enter other natives dwellings I figured nothing could push me off a cliff if I was in a Kiva fast forward to a few weeks later I worked in a shitty call center in Salt Lake City third shift I was feeling jumpy ever since the Kiva my brother's already warned me that I had a skinwalker following me but I of course didn't believe it I don't smoke but I follow my co-workers out for smoke breaks since I like to chat that night I lurked in the doorway because I had this horrible cloud of dread hanging over me I was peeping out of the glass door and being a total weirdo it hit me how paranoid I was being that's what skinwalkers do they mess with your mind while I was pacing in front of the glass doors I decided that I was being [ __ ] stupid and I was gonna go outside and stand there for the rest of the 10-minute break most of the smokers were already falling back in but I walked out and put my hands in my pockets I looked at the sky looked in the building mentally patted myself on the back for not being a [ __ ] then I saw something we have like six parking lots in one of those Lots far away from me maybe a hundred feet I could see something walking it was a dog obviously but it was also limping and walked like it was tired or hurt an animal lover me forgot all about skinwalkers and I started walking towards it making noises to try and beckon it over and then I stopped abruptly the dog had the body form of a greyhound and it was gray but there was something really wrong with it it had bloody legs and it walked more like a person would on hands and beat its butt was moving to and fro if that makes sense when it heard me it just stopped without turning something I've never known any dog to do finally it looked over its shoulder at me this dog was looking at me in the same way a person does it had huge eyes way too big for a greyhound and its teeth were bad like it was considering biting me then it growled but it was more like a whistle growl noises no regular animal makes it almost sounded like it wanted to talk to me or was taunting me somehow in the middle of all of this I realized it didn't have a tail I've heard from all Navajo stories that skinwalkers when they appear as animals don't have tails [ __ ] all logic and rationality I turned a jet it oh I didn't look back until I was back inside the building and had pulled the door shut behind me and by then when I looked back the thing was gone when I described this to my brothers and they were absolutely sure it was a skinwalker and they went through the trouble of blessing me my apartment then hand NER apartments I never saw the creepy bloody dog again and I have never since even slightly wanted to visit those cliff ruins hey guys a lazy here and thank you very much for listening the last skinwalker video I did was really well received by you guys I actually think it has the highest likes to view ratio of any video I've ever done so uh yeah I guess a sequel was inevitable so you go hope you liked it as much as the last one and if you did and be sure to do some naughty things with that like button anyway I'll be back with some more videos for you guys very soon so one till then stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 972,383
Rating: 4.9257441 out of 5
Keywords: skinwalkers, skinwalker, scary true stories, new, best, worst, most, long, long video, relaxing, study music, scary music, Halloween, top 5, top 10, 2chan, 4chan, reddit, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, wendigo, until dawn, lazy masquerade, mr nightmare, corpse husband, true, real, dead, death, scariest video ever, creepypasta, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, disturbing, mysterious, deep web, search and rescue, 911 calls, native american, urban legends, strange, crazy, 2016, trump
Id: ctHRvmWW4Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2016
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