6 Disturbing UNSOLVED John & Jane Doe Cases

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identity is either unknown or protected   most famously however these names are used  to refer to unidentified human bodies the   otherwise nameless dead and believe me when i say  there's more of those than you'd like to imagine   in the usa alone there are a staggering 40 000  corpses on record that remain unidentified and a   huge percentage of them are murder victims they're  the people who nobody came forward to claim the   people nobody seems to be looking for they were  once alive and living their lives like the rest of   us but somewhere along the way they got forgotten  about and when their lives were taken from them   so were their identities the detectives on  these types of cases not only have to work   out who the killer is but also the victims  themselves making their jobs 10 times harder   rather than let these unfortunate souls remain  nameless the authorities give them back some of   their humanity by naming them either john or jane  doe though if there's something distinctive about   their remains they might get a more descriptive  moniker for example the grateful dough so named   because of the grateful dead t-shirt he  was wearing at the time of his demise   along with a surrogate name these  doughs are also given a surrogate face   reconstruction artists create images of what  these dose may have looked like in real life   in hopes that somebody might recognize them and  come forward with information about who they   were or how they came to meet their fate these  images are often quite unsettling to look at   a lot of them fall somewhere in uncanny valley  territory they look human enough for our brains to   recognize them as such but there's something off  about them that disturbs us something not quite   right about the images if you've ever looked at a  police sketch or sculpture and thought to yourself   why have they made the victim look so weird then  you're definitely not alone thing is that weird   sometimes over the top style is completely  by design and actually serves a purpose   you see the victim's distinguishing features are  intentionally accentuated because believe it or   not that actually increases the odds that  the person gets recognized and identified   exaggerated composites are more likely to  grab people's attention stay in people's   minds and get talked about and spark memories  about how someone might have seen that person   when they're made to look too realistic they  tend to fall into that generic that could be   anybody category but when they look more like  caricatures they may just ring a few bells and   somebody might think actually yeah i did see a  girl with a crooked neck around that sort of time   with all that in mind let's take a look  at a few of those composites right now   and examine some doe cases where either the  victim the perp or both still remain unidentified   who knows maybe you could help id them septic  tank sam is the rather undignified name of an   unidentified man whose body was found in alberta  back in 1997. as his unflattering moniker suggests   sam was found at the bottom of a septic tank on an  abandoned farmhouse 13 kilometers west of towfield   though we still don't know who sam was in  life we do know a lot about his grisly death   an autopsy revealed that just before being  thrown in the septic tank sam had been tied   up beaten repeatedly burned with a blowtorch and  had his manhood cut off with a pair of shears   a statement if ever there was one he was then shot  in the head and chest before being wrapped in bed   sheets and dumped in the half-filled tank the way  sam was dispatched of has all the telltale signs   of a revenge hit with investigators describing  his slaying as one of the most vindictive and   sadistic crimes that they had ever encountered  obviously this leads to three main questions that   we still don't know the answer to who was septic  tank sam who had he wronged and how did he wrong   them whoever did this to him must have really  hated the guy and when you hear about how sam was   selene and imagine the scene in your mind it's  hard to believe that there was only one killer   whoever they were they decided to pour limestone  into the septic tank after dropping sam inside   probably to try and expedite his decomposition  in reality when the limestone mixed with the   water inside the tank sam's body actually began  to dry out and become relatively well preserved   even so he'd been so thoroughly beaten that  identifying him became an almost impossible task   originally the investigators believe that  sam was a 26 to 32 year old caucasian man   because of the state of his remains  they really couldn't be sure   they weren't even really certain that he was even  male given how grievously he'd been mutilated   down there over 800 dentists examined his teeth  but they couldn't find a dental record match two   years after his remains were discovered his bones  were exhumed and measured leading forensic experts   to conclude that he was actually a 35 year old man  of aboriginal heritage after taking measurements   of his skull and samples of his dna and running  that information through a computer program   they were able to create this reconstruction  image of what sam may have looked like in life   they estimate that he was between five foot  five and five for seven and 145 to 165 pounds   his clothing a blue levi's shirt grey t-shirt  blue jeans and imitation wallaby shoes suggested   that he was a local construction worker or farm  libra though no such workers in the area have   been reported missing from the burn marks on  his t-shirt sleeves it's possible that he may   have been tied to a bed at the time he was being  tortured a lack of physical evidence at the farm   means that sam's life was likely taken somewhere  else the detectives believe that whoever took   his life were also locals since they likely chose  to dump him in the septic tank because they knew   the farmhouse was abandoned septic tank sam was  laid to rest in an unmarked grave and his case   is no closer to being solved now  than it was back in the late 70s   though we don't know exactly why sam was slain  or even where we know enough to picture what his   final moments on this earth must have been like  then it's absolutely terrifying to think about   but what do you think was sam an innocent victim  or was this a case of vigilante justice even if   that is the case did this extreme punishment fit  the crime let me know your theories down below a quick one for the second entry  take a look at this composite sketch   doesn't seem all too creepy at first right but  ask yourself why did the artist draw the woman   with her hand covering her face like that the  answer is unsettling this image represents harris   county jane doe otherwise known as red nails  a woman whose body was found in a texas ditch   in 1989 the top part of her head had been  battered into jelly so the composite artist   strategically drew her hand in such a  way as to hide that part of her face   and also to show off the only things they had to  idea with her jewelry and her immaculate teeth   since most of her face was gone there was  nothing else to go off this is a case where   the jane doe was eventually identified  albeit 15 years after her body was found   red nails turned out to be a woman named sheryl  bowman a drifter who cut ties with her family   though her identity has been  reclaimed the identity of her killer   is still unknown to this day and  as such her case remains unsolved the year was in 1976 the place otterbein a small  rural town in benton county indiana it was home   to the skoogs a farming family who earned 40  acres of corn along benton county road 200 south   that evening the family son curtis goog was  outside mowing the lawn when he saw his father   norman and his grandfather everett pull up in  the driveway in the oldest man's pickup truck   in the bed of the pickup was a white cardboard box  which had been sealed shat with furnace tape and   tied tightly with clothesline while out harvesting  in a remote area about a mile and a half away   from the family home norman had come across the  mysterious box which somebody had left deep within   the cornfield strange the box was blocking the  path of his combine so he hopped out to move it   he quickly realized that the box was  far too heavy for one man to lift alone   that's when he called his father-in-law  everett and together they loaded it into   everett's pickup and brought it back to  the house to open it up they untied the   line cut open the tape and together the three  generations of men made one horrifying discovery   inside the box wrapped in layers of plastic  was what appeared to be something in the   shape of a human there was a broken  vial of perfume resting on top of it   immediately they all knew  that something wasn't right   sheriff donald steely came to inspect the strange  package he peeled back the layers of heavy plastic   and all at once a disgusting odor hit all  of their nostrils it was the smell of death   wrapped up like a morbid christmas present  was the body of a woman in the fetal position   rope bound her body together her head was  wrapped in paper towels and trashcan liners   she was partially decomposed and the perfume  had clearly been used to mask the odours   they estimated she'd been dead  for between seven and ten days this was a grisly discovery for sure and the  first order of business was to figure out who this   woman was that shouldn't take too long thought the  officers although the woman had no idea on her she   was clearly around 50 or 60 years old and surely  she had some family out there looking for her   it was only a matter of time before they matched  her with a missing persons report and somebody   came to identify her well that's the thing no  one came forward to claim her remains meaning   that the woman remained unidentified whoever  she was it was clear nobody was missing her   this made the authorities jobs much harder  and gave them very little to work with   the perps in most murder cases are a spouse a  close relative or a friend of the victim but   without knowing who she was investigators were  left scratching their heads as to who to question   if the strange nature in which this  woman was disposed of didn't give it away   it was now glaringly obvious to the authorities  that this wasn't going to be their typical case   they named her the box lady of benton county   a sketch of the benton county doe's  face was drawn up and was made public   along with a description of the scene and  a number of specific details about her   she had brownish gray hair and brown eyes was  five foot two inches tall weighed around 160   pounds and was wearing light green trousers and  a light green shirt which were in good condition   she wasn't wearing any shoes jewelry  or makeup her distinguishing facial   features included an upturned nose as well  as abnormally large ears for her small face   a scar ran from her sternum to her stomach  her hands were covered in calluses she was   fingerprinted but didn't match with anyone on  the police's database meaning that she had never   been arrested and that she was born in the usa  still that didn't help narrow things down much after an autopsy it was determined that somebody  had shot the dough in the back of the head with a   shotgun detectives started to theorize why  somebody would do that to the poor woman   and then so heartlessly pack her into a  box and dump her in a farmer's cornfield   the calluses on her hands suggested that she may  have been a cleaning lady if that's the case then   perhaps she saw something or heard something  that she wasn't supposed to at a client's house   and was subsequently silenced they started  to wonder if this could be mob related   even with the police actively appealing for  leads the woman's remains went unclaimed   and her identity remained a mystery as such they  buried her in an unmarked grave and turned their   focus to the only other piece of evidence they  had the box itself they came to the conclusion   that the box had been manufactured in chicago and  believe that's where the woman must have been from   so they figured they knew where the box had come  from now the question was how did it come to be in   a cornfield in benton county the spot where the  box was discovered was far away from any roads   and there was no evidence of broken  corn stems leading up to its location   suggesting that nobody had dragged it into  the field despite it raining the evening   prior the box itself was completely dry meaning  that it had been dumped there very recently   as strange as it sounds the main theory is that it  was dropped there via helicopter none of the other   farmers in the area reported seeing or hearing  any cars in the lead-up to the box's discovery   and given how rural this area is that's the sort  of thing these busy outdoorsmen tend to notice   there were reports of a helicopter in the area  however according to three different witnesses   they saw a chopper hovering near the ground around  the area where the box was later discovered there   was also a circular imprint at the scene which  could have easily been made by a chopper's updraft   if that's the case i'd say it definitely supports  the theory that some rich and powerful individuals   are responsible for what happened to the box  lady pretty crazy to think about in an effort   to give the woman back her name benton county  does remains were dug up in 2019 and her dna   was collected no matches were found as of right  now it's been 45 years and we don't even know the   box lady's identity let alone the identity  of the person or persons who took her life   who was she who were they and  why did they do what they did   it's sad to think that nobody was out looking for  our dough no family no friends surely somebody out   there knows who this lady was perhaps one  day they'll come forward with information   until that day she'll remain the box lady  of benton county buried without a name or   headstone alive in people's memories not for  who she was in life but for how her life ended this is one of several reconstructions  of chion chionan jindo an unidentified   murder victim from south korea on january 10  2006 seven pieces of a dismembered body were   found in a garbage can in chionan city the arms  and the entire torso of the victim were missing   thumb marks on her neck indicated that  somebody had squeezed the life out of her   the remains were fresh jane doe's life had  been taken no more than two days prior and   she had been dumped in the trash  in the early hours of that morning   whoever had butchered her had  done so with surgical precision   cutting neatly along all of the joints suggesting  that the perp had a background in medicine   detectives were of course eager  to figure out who this woman was   although her arms were missing her hands had  been left behind by whoever had dumped her   so they ran her fingerprints through the system  no matches that was odd every adult in south korea   is required to have their fingerprints documented  this woman had somehow slipped through the system   given the condition of her remains the authorities  couldn't exactly release images of her head to the   public so they created a number of sketches and  effects to depict what jane doe may have looked   like in life here's what they know for sure the  dough was in her late 50s and was rather short   standing only 5 feet tall she had a waistline  of around 30 inches a groove in one of her   teeth suggested that the woman may have originally  been from china the type of groove is associated   with eating sunflower seeds a popular snack in  china had the woman somehow been able to bypass   immigration when she came to korea that could  explain why her fingerprints weren't on record   most of the clothes found alongside  her remains were also chinese brands   a pair of men's trousers were also found with the  jane doe interestingly they were covered in paint   splashes and were the type used by construction  workers meaning the trousers likely belonged to   the burb since no construction companies in  the area accepted female workers at the time seven months passed without any leads when  unexpectedly a plastic bag was found in a   sewage treatment centre in seoul inside  the bag were a pair of arms and a torso   the most disturbing part they didn't belong to  our jane doe the authorities thought that they   had found the missing pieces of this morbid  human puzzle but all they fished out of the   sewage was a thicker plot to this day nobody knows  who those body parts belong to though considering   the circumstances and mo it's likely that both  chion and jane doe and sol jane doe were slain   by the same person still there's never been any  direct correlation made between the two cases   and in both instances the identity of the burp  and the two sliced up victims remains a mystery this is the reconstructed face of bitter  creek betty also known as rose doe due to   the distinctive rose tattoo on her chest on march  1 1992 a track driver in sweetwater wyoming came   across what he thought were two trash bags at the  bottom of an embankment on the side of the road   as he examined them from a distance he  realized what he was actually looking at the   body of a woman face down in the snow completely  clotheless he quickly radioed in his discovery   although she'd been dead for between one and five  months before being found all the snow meant that   bitter creek betty had stayed well preserved in  fact she was so thoroughly frozen that it took   a full 24 hours for her remains to thaw out after  which the coroners made some gruesome discoveries   they determined that the unknown woman had likely  been killed with an ice pick which had been thrust   up into her left nostril other signs of physical  trauma were also present around her neck and face   given that betty was found in bitter creek an area  just off the i-80 america's busiest east-to-west   highway investigators theorized that her body  had hastily been tossed from a transport truck   betty's fingerprints were scanned but no matches  were found as such this composite was created to   show what betty may have looked like when she was  alive a postmortem photo withdrawn on eyes was   also released but it's quite eerie to look at so  i won't show that here regardless believe me when   i say that this is one instance where the police  sketch is actually very accurate after examining   her dna forensics showed that bitter creek  betty was of south american and european descent   she was five foot eight weighed around 125 to 130  pounds and was between 24 and 32 years old though   she had no clothes on when she was found she was  wearing some jewelry notably a gold necklace and   a gold wedding ring on her left ring finger that  strongly suggests that our dough had a husband   making it stranger that nobody had come forward  to claim her remains or even report her missing   a caesarean scar on her abdomen indicated that she  had also given birth at least once in her lifetime   as previously stated she had  a distinctive rose tattoo   with chinese lettering on the stem this tattoo  was traced to a business in tucson arizona   the artist underwent hypnosis to help  the detectives with their investigation   through this method he was able to remember that  our dough had come into the store in june 1991   that she was a hispanic hitchhiker who  spoke without an accent and that she'd been   wearing a brown dress detailed with the yellow  flowers that dress was depicted in her sketch after bitter creep betty's remains were examined  her case was linked to another unidentified murder   victim utah's sheridan county jane doe dna found  at both scenes suggested that a serial killer with   blood type o was responsible for their slayings  that development later proved hugely significant   28 years after betty's body was found in may of  2020 a long-haul truck driver named clark perry   baldwin was arrested not only for her slaying but  also for taking the lives of sheridan county jane   doe and a tennessee woman named pamela mccall  pamela was pregnant at the time she was slain   and as such the 59 year old was charged with four  counts of first degree his trial is still ongoing   it's likely that baldwin took the lives of  many other women during his active years   and a few other jane doe cases similar to bitter  creek betty's are now being reinvestigated   among them north carolina's new hope jane doe who  was also found dumped 15 feet down an embankment   along the i-40 her shoes have been  taken as some sort of sick souvenir   though it seems likely the perpendicute betty's  story has been found and will face justice   her identity still remains a mystery thus far  nine people have been ruled out as possibilities   it's strange to think that some were out there  this woman had a husband and a child but her   body still remains unclaimed sure they may  have become estranged prior to her demise   maybe they even passed away before that point too  but it just seems like somebody out there must   know who she was why haven't they come forward why  was she never reported missing on the bright side   of all the cases i've covered and will cover in  this video betty's is by far the most likely to be solved more than a quarter of a century has passed since  windy point jane doe's body was found in colorado   and all these years later her  true name still remains unknown   back in 1994 her skeletal remains  were found scattered above divine road   near windy point campground for all anyone knows  they could have been left there years prior with   nobody ever coming across them in her case  foul play was instantly suspected forensic   scientists did their best to create this image  of what jane doe may have looked like in life   yeah unfortunately the technology wasn't quite  there at the time getting some strong uncanny   valley vibes off this one for years this was  the best that detectives had to work with and   although the reconstruction actually generated  a few calls none of them led anywhere without   the woman's identity or anything else to work  with there was little the investigators could do   well that was a long time ago and technology  has improved leaps and bounds since then   nowadays efits can be generated using familial  dna collected from genealogy sites like 23andme   or ancestrydna by analyzing the dna of people  distantly related to john and jane does far more   accurate composites can be created to show us  what the victims may have looked like in life   in may of 2019 such an effect was created for  windy point jane doe using only the dna collected   from her bones as you can see the updated  effect is quite different from the original   with these new advancements forensic experts were  also able to conclude that she was between 35   and 45 years old when she died that she was 5  foot 4 inches tall and that she was caucasian   with auburn-coloured hair though this new image  is yet to help authorities uncover windypoint's   true identity i've included this one to show just  how much better these reconstructions are getting   how technology is helping to  give new life to the long dead   and how even when we can't give a doe back  their name we can at least give them back a face hey guys lazy here and thank  you very much for listening   on screen now are some of the winners and  runners-up of my recent discord art challenge   the theme for this one was monster and we got some  really great entries so uh be sure to come and   join the fun over on the lazy masquerade discord  server link in the description below taking home   the bronze medal was the gothic librarian with  her written piece silver medal went to ella   favela and the overall winner was modius vivendi  congratulations to you guys and thank you for   entering before the video ends a huge shout out to  my supporters here on youtube and over on patreon   especially my biggest supporters teddy street  amanda handsome dapper phantom knight hamish   k alex greenzoll azrael warakai charlie lackey  connor lothan crawford k macdonald expand on gina   valera infamous empappy leonardo martinez mayra  lancaster monaco mendoza native beauty nadine   peter logierch philip westra procupadinata  sarah ramirez silas geist sullen crawford   the only dorita and mizcrypto lead thank you  guys so much for your continued support it   really helps the channel out that wraps things up  for this one guys you'll be hearing from me again   very soon but until then you will stay spooky  and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 507,093
Rating: 4.9463949 out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, scariest video ever, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, yandere, Japanese, English, British accent, asmr, relaxing, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, missing, chills, scary true stories, John Doe, Jane Doe, cases
Id: VEtOXx0wvYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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