25 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

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mr. E's interest many of ours the fact that something remains on self makes us question it even more one thing's for sure there have been a lot of unexplained mysteries over the years so for mysterious events to cryptids and paranormal encounters this is a compilation of my favorite mysteries I've covered so far nestled in the remains of the ancient city of Taiwan aku Bolivia is the giant remains site called puma punku archaeologists believe this site to be the cradle of civilization in South America predating the Mayans evidence found in this region of Bolivia suggests the area was a flourishing Center for pre-columbian culture as early as 600 AD however recent discoveries of monolithic structures 15 to 20 meters under the surface of a nearby lake establishes that this civilization may date back as much as 12,000 years earlier this calculation comes from archaeologist hugo barrow rajo who calculated the depth of structures means this area of lake was above water levels sometime in the past sedimentary evidence places that time between eleven thousand seven hundred and ten thousand eight hundred BC puma punku is one of the world's most mysterious ancient sites this remains true for both academic archaeologists and historians as well as rogue historians who investigate the hypothesis of advanced prehistoric civilizations or engine assistance from extraterrestrials the mystery lies in the precision and complexity of the structures that pervade the ruin the finally cart doorways and remaining stone blocks bear no chisel marks and many interlocked with very fine precision according to Jason Jaeger a professor of anthropology at the University of Wisconsin the city was already abandoned when the Incas conquered the area in 1470 the Inka spared no expense however incorporating puma punku in the rest of the city into their empire and culture Jaeger said the Incas held the Fallen stone portraits near puma punku-- to be models of the first humans of the creation myth these stone figures however are actually thought to depict the city's former rulers early Explorer Arthur Polanski one of the first modern explorers of the site dated puma punku to be about 15,000 BC modern archaeologists Neil steed stands behind his claim bas Nazca used the astronomical alignments of the site's main temple to date it steeped said in an interview of forbidden history they built the temple itself as a giant clock on the first day of spring the Sun rises directly above the center of the temple through a stone archway the Sun moves along the horizon as the days of the year pass bas Nazca expected to find the Sun rise above corner stones on either side of the temple in the summer winter solstice they found it rose some distance off the Le'Veon archaeologist dr. Oswald Rivera agrees the temple was built with a tional McCoy alignments the buildings are deliberately orientated to the cardinal points but he said the builders made a mistake that's why the Sun doesn't rise over the corner stones on the Solstice stee disagrees the meticulous builders would have made such an error the stones fit together with such precision he can even wedge an eel between them he said the following after observing the perfection of which this site is built to suggest the such things as the solstice markers a misaligned I find incredible other features of the site include a complex irrigation system and smoothly drilled holes and channels in certain stone blocks that seem to defy the stone work of the Incas all known pre inca peoples in the region for this reason some believe they may have had help from a more advanced civilization but what do you think how did this civilization build these structures with such precision let me know your thoughts in the comments the [Music] Great Pyramid is a true masterpiece and has rightly earned the title of a wonder it was built of such precision that our current technology cannot replicate it there are so many interesting facts about this pyramid that it baffles archaeologists scientists astronomers and tourists the pyramid is 756 feet long on each side 481 feet high and composed of 2.3 million stones weighing nearly 3 tons each for a total mass of 6.5 million Tartans legend has it that the structures were erected in just 20 years time meaning that a block had to be moved into place about every five minutes of each day night that pace would have required the labor of thousands at the temple of hathor dandera stone reliefs showing a large light bulb being used by egyptians also referred to as the Dendera light bulb the description is similar to the early light bulb known as the crooks tube the reliefs version of this light bulb shows a snake inside the glass bulb in the form of a wavy line this is believed to represent the hot filament snakes have been used to represent godlike knowledge and wisdom and are often used to represent rocky shapes with spacecrafts that brought ancient aliens from the stars considering the lack of technological understanding of the primitive Egyptian craftsmen it's understandable how they would consider a white-hot filament to be a magical snake the filament originates from a lotus flower a wild leads from a socket to a small box which shoe the Egyptian air God is Nene she was taught of cooling and maintaining the air beside the bulb stands a two on pillow which is connected to the filament this pillar is believed to be the power source for the light bulb this pillar looks like an electrical capacitor that we used today in power plants and it's hard to believe the Egyptians possess this technology the presence of electrical lights would explain how the Tomb horror glyphs and inscriptions found under the temple of hathor were created without the use of burning torch light torches were used to give light to those that created the reliefs and horror ghosts found in many tombs and temples of Egypt so how did they do their work in darkness the use of lights bulbs answers the question some suggest electric light isn't fast the only possible explanation for how light was generated without burning flames in the deep chambers under the temple of hathor in fact the discovery of the Baghdad battery shows this could have been how the Egyptians powered the light bulb the Baghdad battery is the common name for a number of artifacts created in meso top amira during the Persian Empire period and discovered in 1936 in Baghdad Iraq through the use of copper electrolytes and salts in a clay jar electricity was believed to have been generated in August 1993 27-yard Kelly Cahill her husband and three children were driving home after a visit to her friend's house their routine journey would soon become a trip they'd never forget after midnight the Cahills were on their journey home when they first noticed the lights of a rounded craft with windows around it they sullenly hovered above the road different colored lights were clearly visible in the bottom of the object the UFO was so close to the ground that can he thought she could see people looking through the windows as she began screaming to her husband what she was seeing the craft zoomed off to their left disappearing as quickly as it made itself known continuing their drive home with an interest in the sky they suddenly came upon a lights that was so bright they were practically blinded shading her eyes from the intense lights of her hands Kelly bate of her husband what are you going to do her husband Nell frightened replied I'm going to keep driving within what seemed only a second or two Kelly was now very relaxed suddenly come by the disappearance of the intense glowing lines the first words after Kelly's mouths were what happened did i black out her husband said nothing as he had no answer to give his wife he cautiously drove his family home upon the safe arrival Kelly could smell a foul odor like vomits and she suddenly felt as though something was missing from their drive home an hour or so time had furnished from her and her family's life that night is Kelly undressed for bed she notice a strange drag a mark on her navel a mark that she had never seen before Kelly suffered from illness for the next two weeks and was taken to the hospital on two occasions one for severe stomach pain and the other for a urine infection Kelly would soon begin to remember details of that fearful night and without any regressive hypnosis she record the objects they had seen in a slightly different place than she first remembered it was hovering in a gully and the UFO was big she estimated the size at one hundred and fifty feet in diameter she could also record that when the object was first spotted her husband has stopped the car and both her and a husband had gotten out the vehicle and watch in the direction of the massive craft without fair it was as if they were been subconsciously drawn to the craft to their surprise they notice another car stopped on the side of the road as they walked down towards the craft they saw a creature unlike either of them had ever seen before it was black Kelly would later describe as not having us all the black alien entity was taller than the average man about seven feet tall according to Kelly and his eyes were large and glowing red Kelly had a sense that the creatures were evil she cloned to a husband fighting the feeding of blacking out her great fear and dread would cause her to scream with the alien looking entities to leave them alone the account of Kelly Cahill has been examined and me examined by many researchers nothing has been proven or disproven Kelly was considered a reliable honest person by those who knew at the time of this strange sighting her case is considered legitimate by many UFO investigators the Bridgewater triangle refers to an area of about 200 square miles within south eastern Massachusetts in the United States the area has been subject to numerous cryptozoological sightings since the 1970s there have been several reports of tore hairy ape-like creatures roaming the swamp there have also been numerous sightings of Thunderbirds giant pterosaur like creatures that have been seen fighting in midair in 1976 there was a report of a man who saw a giant red-eyed black dog this believe these dogs aren't actually living even though to the human eye they do agree all the area has a history rife with friction between settlers and the native people who live there the whole area originally belonged to the local Pacus a tribe but over the years much of this land was acquired from them beginning with the 1659 purchase of Freetown which was incorporated as a town in 1683 over the years more more the land was purchased from the tribe much of it by greedy Chiefs without proper consent from the tribe members during the King Philip War the pocke said tribe fought on the side of the English and was rewarded with a hundred and ninety acres of land in Fall River Massachusetts which was at the time known as the will - for reservation however in 1907 Fall River took a hundred acres of this land in order to secure the city's drinking water supply it was not until 1939 when the state of Massachusetts returned some of the land they'd been taken and the tribe was left with the Curran one Parag reservation which covers two hundred and twenty seven acres there have been several reported sightings of a bigfoot-like creature in the Triangle usually near the Hockomock swamp joseph de andrade claimed to have seen a half man and half a creature entering the woods near the swamp in 1978 local resident John Baker also reported seeing a large hairy beast in a river in the swamp while canoeing according to one tale the Native Americans accursed the swamp centuries ago because of the poor treatment they receive from the colonial settlers it's believed that humans people were witnessing could be the grassman the grassman is a tall bipedal hominid the stalks woodland areas his reportedly very similar to big ferns it seems to be much more aggressive than any other Sasquatch species the grassman gets his name from the small hot lake living structures or nests it built out of grass so what do you guys think it's the Bridgewater triangle really cursed let me know your theories in the comments in the Venice lagoon between Venice and meadows is the small island of purveyor inhabited since 421 when mainlanders fled to seek refuge from the invaders purveyors population began to dwindle centuries later and in the 14th century the island was completely abandoned as with many small islands in Europe during the plague outbreak in the 14th century the under became a quarantine colony many locals were sent here to die there infected bodies being burned on giant ears this was also the case in 1630 when the Black Death swept through Venice the distance from the mainland meant that sufferers would not only be out of sight out of mind but a safe distance away from those who get to contract the plague the fatal disease that left victims with boils for those who look carefully there are still a number of plates littered all over the island giant graves where people were dumped after death with the hopes of keeping the decent spring to the doctors and nurses finding the location of purveyor to be small and easily missed the pearline also used the island for a darker purpose storing weapons there the location was discovered and many small battles took place as the island claimed even more lives the site was apparently used as a mental asylum during the 1800s however many sources state that was simply not the case stories persist though of ill treatment and experimental procedures being carried out during the 1930s doctors believed to have gone crazy and jump from the bell tower from the mid 20th century up until 1975 when it was closed the VA hospital was used as a geriatric Center today the whole island is abandoned and is believed that many locals dare not step foot on the island for fear being cursed fishermen also refused to fish in the area for fear of dragging up human remains the ghosts of patients and victims of disease has set a Horny Island in its buildings voices and screams often heard with EVPs often being captured dark fleeting shadows are often witnessed and possessions have been reported in 2016 five people from Colorado were rescued by Italian firefighters after they decided to spend the night on the famous island they reached the island for a water taxi and decided to stay for the night but as soon as darkness took over a presence started to haunt them making them scream for help as sailboat in the area overheard them accord the Italian authorities that came to their rescue The Devil's tramping ground is a camping spot situated in a forest in Bear Creek North Carolina it has been the subject of many local legends and stories which frequently alleged that the devil tramps and horns abound circle of ground in which nothing is supposed to grant you what's also strange is any vegetation planted there will wither and die the area also affects animals dogs tuck their tails between their legs and whimper when brought near the frightened animals will dig their heels into the sand refusing to be brought into the circle they've also been stories of people attempting to spend the night here however is reported that no one has been able to stay here for more than a few hours headaches chest pains and aches have been reported by people they've strayed too close to the area the story goes that in this tramping round the devil spends his nights pacing around in a circle and turning his bitter mind towards ways to bring the human souls to hell it's the scorching heat of his cloven footprints that kills the vegetation and has rendered the soil barren he angrily brushes aside anything left in his path his great strength easily able to toss aside even the heaviest objects when he walks in his private spots on earth the devil drops the illusions with richer disguises himself when he appears to men in his natural state the face of this fallen angel is so horrible that no man can see to remain sane there may be an explanation for why plants don't grow in this area rich haze a soil scientist has tried to find a non dev related reason for the lack of plant growth fare he said the following when I investigated the site over 15 years ago and collected the data I was theorizing there was some natural course that would have done it to find what that natural course might be his competitor from inside the circle to soil from outside he was looking specifically at the Sultan copper content of the soil as large amounts of Eva's substance will kill plants what he found out was elevated readings of certain things inside there the test he carried out raised more questions than it answered the soil in the circle has a higher sodium copper zinc and pH level within the soil from the woods a few yards away also at certain points in the circle a compass will skew by about five degrees as if that's not strange enough compasses usually only do that to run stores with high iron content which this soil does not have despite all the mysteries one feature of the devil's tramping ground immediately gave hayes a few ideas the ash pile at the center of the circle he said that the ashes and charred logs would have some effects on the vegetation capabilities although even with this outcome the legend of The Devil's tramping ground still possess [Music] the phantom of crackling Grange is one of the best-known vampire stories in Britain legend tells the Crockett ingrains was in the hands of the Fisher family for many centuries in the early 19th century the Fisher's moved from the property into larger dwellings and put the property up to land or during the long cold winter the house was empty as the winter passed into spring the Grange was finally led to two brothers and a sister called the Crown's Wales it seems they enjoyed life to the fore and soon settled into village routine and socialize with the local people they were well liked to have in the village and love their new home very Marg one summer's evening miss Kranz road looked out the window in the direction of the darkened churchyard at the bottom of their long garden and noticed something peculiar in the vicinity of the churchyard it seemed above the dark and blackness of the gravestones she could see two points of light moving in time they move from the graveyard over the shadows of the wall moving closer to the bottom of the garden where they paid around the church art wall by this time miss cranes worst curiosity had given way to a deep feeling of unease she shut the window type bolted the door and made down on her bed to try and get some sleep on the verge of sleep she was suddenly jolted awake by the low rustling from outside the window she twisted in bed and sat up right outside the window were two points of lights which she recognized as the vampires artis he stepped to the bed and in one movement grout her hair with his hands he then pulled her head back as if to deliver a kiss the brothers sleeping in separate rooms were aroused by the loud pitched scream that seemed to shake the very water of the Grange in a moment they were before their sisters door the door was locked so they smashed through it breaking into the devastating scene there was a stench of moly decay in the air and upon the bed lay their sister blood pumping from gashes in Oneg one of the brothers rushed to the open window and just caught sight of a shadow flitting across the bottom of their garden near the churchyard they managed to stop the blood flow and revived miss cranes wail the next few hours were spent an attempt to save her life miss Kraus Ross survived the attack and when she was strong enough to travel they took her to Switzerland to recuperate in the fresh mountain air when the fourth story was in the open the brothers swore revenge on the creature so it came to be that the Crown's girls returned to grog him one dark winters day II miss Kranz well took her place in the room overlooking the churchyard and as the moon rose a pair of bright lights shone in the windows of the churchyard once more the figure of a man appeared at the window and picked the leaded glass to gain entry to the bedchamber this time the two brothers were lying in wait in the shadows as the figure came to step into the room they both really shots to the creature there was a low howl on the creature sped off at the direction in which it came not wishing to follow such a night creature into his domain the two brothers waited for daybreak the first thing in the morning later took miss cranes water safety and gathered all the residents of the grain to run them to carry out the gruesome task the men searched the graveyard for any signs of disturbance on finding none they turned their attention to the church all was quiet but they noticed that the crypt door was slightly ajar pushing into the crypts they were met with a chilling scene all around the crypt with the scattered remains of broken coffins and human bones one coffin stood alone in the corner and seem to have been untouched by the chaos the villagers wrenched off the coffin lid inside wrapped in mouldy clothes was what they assumed to be a vampire its eyes were cold and lifeless in the daylight but a fresh pistol wound was gaping from one of the creatures legs the villagers dragged the coffin in its demonic contents out into the churchyard and burn the lot to ashes nobody seems to know where this strange creature came from well white remained dormant in the centuries of peace when the fishers lived in the property one can only surmise that during the period of dereliction an age-old horror was reawakened and would not return to rest after the house was reoccupied sheepsquatch also known as the whites thing is a woody head cryptid reported across numerous counties in West Virginia predominantly within the southwestern region of the state is described as being a quadrupedal but the size of a bear with entirely white wore like fire it has a long pointed head similar to a dog with long say black teeth in a single point set of horns dissimilar from those found during young guns its four limbs end in paw like an similar to those of a raccoon balagia while its tail is long and hairless like that of a possum it's reputed to smell like sulfur which has been attributed through folklore to the beasts being born within the TNT area in Mason County like one of the Mothman theories in 1994 a former Navy Seaman stated having witnessed the Beast breaking through the forests after ingesting amount of shrink HAP's he found on the forest floor the once thing breached the brush line and now to drink from the creek here it drank for a few minutes before crossing the creek and continuing on towards the nearby railroad the witness stated they observed the animal for a while before it moved on to the surrounding brush within the same year two children have said the creature while playing in their yard this occurred within Bone County what they reported seeing looked like a large white bear yet in this case stood up on its hind legs making it over six feet tall startled by the children the Beast run through the forest breaking medium-sized branches in its path the creature was then spotted a year later this time involving a car a couple driving through Boone County observed a large white Beast sitting in the ditch alongside the roadway as many curious pass buyers might do in such a situation they stopped their car to get a better look they came to describe the creature again as mostly similar to early descriptions yet they added the creature had four eyes in stark contrast to the last sighting where sheepsquatch fled the scene the creature leaped out the ditch and started to attack the car frightened by the attack the couple drove off quickly and once they arrived back home noticed large scratches on the side where the beasts had attacked another incident in 1999 involved a couple campers who were in the forest at night again in bone County their encounter occurred around a bonfire they eventually heard an animal snorting and scuffing around a camp in a manner similar to an aggravated bear though it did not come into the light of the campfire immediately all of a sudden the sheepsquatch suddenly charged out of the darkness of the campers reacting quickly they jumped up and ran back to their house or while being pursued by the sheepsquatch the white creature stopped to be edge of the forest where they crossed it and let out a terrible scream it then turned around and headed back into the woods the next morning the campers returned to their campsite in the trail home finding it to be torn up in folks from Virginia the Beast was spotted once again the creature was spotted close to midnight by six campers the Beast was reportedly eight or nine feet tall with his shoulder lane for 4 to 5 feet one of the campers first saw the Beast at the top of the nearby hill in a crouching position then it stood up and he alerted the other campers then it started running down the steep hill towards the canvas but they were separated by a river that was flowing through they looked in as it searched for a way to cross and with no other option began to wade through the river it finally came out of the water and the campus reported they appeared like a bipedal dog in the chest with his fur wet from the river crossing then a loud screech was heard about two miles off from where they were the campers quickly packed and left and reported it to the locals fearing that if the authorities were informed they would be ridiculed the identity of the campers is unknown as of March 2016 homo sapiens is part of a group called hominids which were the earliest human-like creatures based on archaeological anthropological evidence we think the hum is derived from other primates somewhere between 2.5 and 4 million years ago in eastern and southern Africa though there was a degree of diversity among the hominid family they all shed the trait of bipedalism or the ability to walk upright on two legs however there are some that don't believe it is many people believe that mainstream history is wrong the alleged 100 million odd fossilized fingers one of those things that should not cyst according to mainstream scientists numerous discoveries had been made in the last 50 years that suggest mankind is inhabited this planet much before mainstream science tells us John footprints in Africa suggests that different species inhabited our planet around 200 million years ago it's possible this our planet has gone through different stages of development where different species dominated the planet many people believe that our history has different stages and that in each stage civilization and society developed differently evidence of this unknown history is found across the planet hint according to mainstream archaeology and anthropology the oldest human fossil is around 2.8 million years old but as mentioned before there have been many discoveries that challenge this conventional thinking segment one of those incredible discoveries that breaks up all patterns formed by science is a fossilized human finger that's believed to be a hundred million years old this incredible discovery was made in the 1980s at a quarry from a cretaceous limestone formation in Texas according to paleontologist in order for soft tissue to fossilized like this the finger must have been rapidly buried in an oxygen-free environment the discoverer of the fossilized finger was extremely lucky to come across something like this the mysterious fingers section by scientists and revealed distinctive inner structures which were arranged in concentric circles further analysis of the finger revealed the presence of what appear to be bones joints and tendons preserved inside the finger even though experts cannot attribute to who the finger belong to or what species is very unlikely that it belonged to a primate the question that remains is how is it possible that a 100 million eur fossilized fingers is did some sort of unknown human species live on earth 100 million years ago is a possible that the so called out-of-place artifacts aren't very much out of place this photo was captured from the 16 episode of the Travel Channel's Coast Avengers it was captured by tourists the team from Ghost Adventures were chatting to calque Hogan who produces photograph apparently showing the ghost of Andrew ransom a ruthless English pirates taken by visitor in these ghost photographs the figure on the Left who's not seen by anyone else at the time is wearing the ruffled collar that resembles the peered that ransom was in San Augustine this was around the late 1600s his ghost has been seen numerous times around the castilho area by both locals and tourists some have gone as far as saying they physically felt his presence this includes mysterious voices unexplained footsteps in coats bones on the morning of September the 16th 1994 teachers and school officials of the area of school in rowers in Bob way we're amazed when the school students aged approximately five to twelve years old had reported a flying object had landed on the school grounds the teachers at the school were in a meeting so the 62 children were unsupervised while in the schoolyard on morning recess the only available adult seems to have been one of the mothers who was operating the school tuckshop a sort of snack bar where candy snacks and sodas are sold according to some sources UFOs had been seen in the skies of his in Bob way for two days before the incident occurred Rama is around 20 kilometers from the capital of Zimbabwe and aerial school is a private elementary school the children said that they'd first seen three objects in the sky these objects would disappear in them reappear in different locations the objects moved closer and closer to the ground and finally landed in a brushy area adjacent to the schoolyard this area had not been fully cleared and was off-limits to the students the object landed or hovered just above the ground in an area around a hundred metres from the students the children said that a small man about 1 metre in height appeared on the top of the object the little man who was described as having a scrawny neck long black hair and huge eyes water short way across the ground towards the students when he noticed the children he vanished and then reappeared at the back of the object the objects then took off and vanished the smaller children were very frightened and cried for help they believed that the little man was a demon who would eat them African children have heard legends of taco losses demons who come for children the children ran to the tuckshop operator but she did not want to leave the shop unattended the late Cynthia Hinds known as Africa's formas UFO investigator investigated the course the next day when she was first contacted she asked the headmaster of the school Colin Mackey to have the children draw pictures of what they saw when she arrived at the school he had around 35 drawings for her the drawings were very similar objects the headmaster affirm that he believed the students were telling the truth and one little girl said the following I swear by every hair on my head and the whole Bible that I'm telling the truth dr. John Mac the abduction researcher and his associates went to Rouen spent two days interviewing counseling twelve the children and their parents Kirstie the older students said they felt that the creatures were communicating with them somehow sending the message that we humans are destroying our planet and polluting the environments in ways that will have dire consequences one person said those forts came from the man's eyes the sightings TV show did a report on the area school landing and video footage exists of actual testimony from the children so my question to you guys is what you think these children's all let me know your theories in the comments car walkers a cryptid native to the Indonesian island of NASA command baingan it's reported as a reptilian creature bipedal in stands are known to attack humans locals knew the car wax as vicious corpse eaters the locals said the car lock has the shape of a monitor lizard are carnivorous and has four limbs the sense of smell is very strong just like the Komodo dragon but the difference from these two creatures is that the stands and widely attacks humans on sides they usually exhibit pack-hunting traits than they usually seen when darkness falls because of this locals on the island don't want to store any food in their home as reported by medaka news in 2014 hairy a fisherman and guard on the island saw the creature with his friends a pack of was tracking him reported sightings like these are rare because not many media agencies come to the island movement of people in and out of the island are also controlled by authorities the island is very isolated it only has around 3,000 residents making its posse populated NASA kam Bunga has also dubbed the Indonesian Alcatraz because the island is home to one of the country's most guarded prisons to escape from the prison might mean certain death this is because the island is mostly jungle and it's also home to many wild animals the government kept the island as a natural reserve electricity in the island is very scarce generators have to be turned on when night falls village residents use east and their home at night if someone wanted to go out it's normal to carry a traditional machete as a form of self-defense so what could this creature be most people think the is most likely a komodo dragon these reptiles can pose a danger to humans the average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and around 200 pounds but they can reach up to 11 feet in length Komodo dragons are carnivorous they're such fierce hunters that canny very large prey such as water buffalo deer pigs and even humans they will also eat smaller dragons they can eat 80% of their body weight in one feeding to catch their prey they use an ambush strategy matching wealth the dirt surroundings on their own in home they line wait for an unsuspecting animal to pass by they then spring into action landing a venomous bite before the victim can escape although some have suggested that the island natives are aware of what a Komodo dragon is and when asked about the colic they describe a dinosaur like creature this is the original legend of how the money of okbut island was discovered it shouldn't be taken as absolute fact as many elements of the story have been debated for the past century in 1795 at age 16 Daniel McGinnis made his way across to Oak Island on a fishing expedition once on the island he found himself stood in a clearing in front of an old oak tree bearing the marks of an unnatural scarring if she's supposed to be caused by a rope and toggle system used to lower material down into a shaft below indicated by depression beneath the tree abouts four point eight meters in diameter this completed the scene as Daniel immediately recognized it from a childhood House of pirates the very next day Daniel returned to Oak Island accompanied by two friends a quilt of picks and shovels they began the task to recover the treasure but it was to take much more digging equipment and they first anticipated as the three boys began to dig they found the earth still bore marks on its smooth clay sides their excitement rose when at a depth of 1.2 meters they hit a layer of flag stones these were removed only to reveal patched logs at three meters six meters and 9 meter interviewers on removing these layers of logs the boys realized they were going to need more substantial tools if they were going to recover the treasure of Oak Island they reluctantly returned to the mainland making a pledge to return a recover the treasure although no news would pass until Daniel and his friends would return to Oak Island they found the treasure digging site just as they've left it returning with a local businessman the projects now had financial backing and support from the local labor force the treasure evacuation had now begun with everyone wanting a share of the gold if and when they found it as the treasure seekers dug deeper more oak platforms were discovered at depths of 12 meters 50 meters and 18 meters with the addition of coconut fiber and party at 20 1.3 meters they hit a platform of plain oak followed by more oak but sealed we'll party at twenty four point four meters at 27 meters a stone not native to Nova Scotia was recovered bearing an inscription they believe they were about to recover a horde of pirate treasure sadly the significance of the cipher on this stone was lost on Smith in the other treasure hunters as Smith who owned the island at the time fitted the stone in his fireplace the inscription was translated to read forty feet below two million pounds are buried believing the pirate treasure to lie beneath the mysterious stone it was hastily remove from the pit to uncover another layer of wood rather than the bounty of treasure the prospectors believe would surely lie beneath as nightfall descended the party gave up due to poor visibility and water becoming an increasing problem all digging was aborted until daylight as it was thought the pirate riches could wait one more night in the ground having been buried for a number of years there already they must have left the island with thoughts of pirates and vast treasures filling their minds Sunday being the next day no work took place on the page due to religious commitments the group returned to Oak Island on Monday eager to recover the treasure only to find the shop flooded with seawater all but 10 meters from the surface all excavation attempts to pump and burn out water failed resulting in the pit containing water at a consistent level of 10 meters from the top digging became impossible in this situation and the project was abandoned for one year all the workers returned to their farms and looked forward to continuing the search in the springtime it was decided their separate treasure shaft be dug next to the original in order to allow the flood water to pass into this new chamber at a depth of 33 metres the original shot was tunneled into bits in no avail the diggers were lucky to escape with their lives as the Wars of the new shaft cave-in leaving the original shaft flooded on to a level of 10 metres below the surface again Smith began to despair believing he'd been beaten by Nature he gave up accepting the treasure to be out of their grasp a feeling many were to experience in the future even with the use of metal detectors and radar the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory is a satellite that keeps an eye on the sun's activity it's a joint mission between NASA and the European Space Agency and been operational for more than 20 years while watching the sun's activity the satellites produced some interesting discoveries about how the Sun works according to ESA its discoveries include finding complicated gas currents below the sun's visible surface as well as tracking frequent changes in magnetic fields researchers came close to losing the spacecraft in June 1998 less than three years after launch the satellite was in the wrong position to receive communications from Earth and was not responding to commands the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory was designed to study the internal structure of the Sun his extensive outer atmosphere in the origin of the solar wind but over the years it's also picked up on some strange anomalies YouTube UFO channel Mohonasen 74 claims various types of UFOs are orbiting the Sun UFO enthusiasts believe this image shows a genuine UFO hovering around the Sun and some going as far as saying these crafts use the Sun to refuel one issue that arises with these objects is their size some of the alleged crafts there being witnessed are as big as the moon with some being even bigger than that if these cross are alien in nature how do they withstand the temperature of the Sun now the core of the Sun gravitational attraction produces immense pressure and temperature which can reach more than 27 million degrees Fahrenheit hydrogen atoms get compressed and fused together creating helium this process is called nuclear fusion nuclear fusion produces huge amounts of energy the energy radiates outwards to the Sun surface atmosphere and Beyond from the core energy moves to the radiative zone where it bounces around from to 1 million years before moving to the connectives oten the upper layer of the sun's interior the temperature here drops below 3.5 million degrees Fahrenheit large bubbles of hot plasma form a sweep of ionized atoms and move upwards to the photosphere the temperature in the photosphere is about 10,000 degrees it's here that the sun's radiation is detected as visible light sunspots on the photosphere a cooler and darker than the surrounding area at the center of big sunspots the temperature can be as low as 7000 300 degrees most scientists believe the UFOs and other dots and shapes appearing around the Sun are just part of the huge release of electrons ions and atoms during the flares and mass ejection that often follows unidentified flying object is the popular term for any aerial phenomenon whose course cannot be easily or immediately identified both military and civilian research shows that a significant majority of UFO sightings have been identified after further investigation typically most sightings to not be Eva stars planets advertising planes optical illusions and hoaxes skeptics argue that the remainder of the reports could probably be explained if additional information were available in the last 30 years or so the triangle shape has become a topic of much discussion often reported as flying lower and running silent with several lights on the bottom sightings of these objects often comes in waves and they are reported as being able to go from a crawl to a high-speed departure in a matter of seconds many feel that the triangle UFO may be a top secret government craft still in the experimental stage and more than likely designed with military implications some researchers feel then the next step in the stealth series of craft capable of flying low and making their exits without being detected by enemy radar this type of craft would be indispensable for enemy surveillance especially with weapon capabilities although the triangle craft seems to be a dark mysterious entity according to researcher and author Clyde Lewis tranquil sightings in the UK are almost an everyday occurrence he states in his article there have been approximately 4,000 reports of triangles since 1990 in the UK alone there have also been waves of triangle sightings in Belgium France Holland and Germany on March the 30th 1993 multiple witnesses across Southwest and West England saw a large black triangle at low speeds analysis of the sighting by Nick Pope concluded that the object moved in northeast eCourse from corner shops share over a period of approximately six hours the Kenosha UFO wave began in December 2016 the events of the 17th of February were documented by multiple groups of witnesses all of the reports consist of multiple dark triangular objects in the sky with blinking white and red lines the craft was also seen on the 19th of January 2017 barely hovering above the ground the object was described as dark on the bottom with lights and silvery on top the Phoenix lights were a series of widely cited unidentified flying objects observed in the skies over Arizona Nevada in the United States and Sonora Mexico on Thursday the 13th of March 1997 there were allegedly two distinct events involved in the incident a triangular formation of lights in two parts of the state and a series of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area the United States Air Force identified the second group of lights as flares dropped by an a-10 warthog that's wrong training exercises at the Barry Goldwater range in southwest Arizona these flares have a burn time of around five minutes but this contradicts the citing the craft was seen for more than three hours so some of questioned how it could have been flattens the governor at the time was one witness to the incident he later called the object of a wildly good this John objects be proof of an underwater pyramid the structure estimated as being between 3.5 and 10 miles across was spotted on Google Earth from the Pacific Ocean a video but the discovery uploaded to YouTube has drawn far speculation about what it could be including an ancient sunken city a bizarre UFO or even an alien base the discovery was made by argentine marcelo augusta using google earth augusta believes he found a giant pyramid near mexico he claims he came across the underwater structure after noticing a bright beam of light within the darkness of the pacific ocean this beam led him to what he believed to be an enormous pyramid and according to some UFO enthusiasts a UFO base the pyramid in question can be found at coordinates on the screen several UFO enthusiasts have come forward supporting the theory and noted that the eight point five mile width was a modest estimate unless it may very well be 11 miles wide at most being close to mexico some have also said there are similarities between the underwater and mystery in the Aztec and Mayan pyramids adding that no human could have constructed such a structure some have also said it could be part of the mythical Atlantis the mystery of the lost city of Atlantis still captures the imagination of millions many books and TV shows have been made about the possible location of Atlantis a quick Google search will show that some people say Santa nuria's Atlantis what others believe that the waters of Benigni are hiding a row to the lost city however if we look at Plato's text it tells us whether submerged island once stood the text reads the Atlantis came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean it goes on to say there was an island situated in front of the stretch which a bayou called the pillars of Herakles today we call these the Straits of Gibraltar where Spain and Africa are separated by narrow strip of sea a most of us probably think of a lush green island surrounded by deeply ocean waters when we picture Atlantis while the story focuses on the island most of us probably assume that Atlantis was no more than this the Plato tells us that Atlantis was actually an empire ruled from this island while many believe the story is a myth created by Plato to illustrate his theories about politics others insist it's based on a real historical disaster his account included detailed descriptions of the island with mountains in the north and along the coast and a plain in the south his Kings were descended from Poseidon the god of the sea but their divine language became diluted as they mixed with mortals over the centuries scholars have attempted to locate the real Atlantis believing the account was based on a real ancient superpower some believe the Atlantis myth was inspired by the Black Sea floods around 5,000 BC an event that may have also generated the flood story which appeared in the Old Testament whatever we decide to believe in the legend it's our own choice but there are still many unanswered questions regarding Atlantis so what do you think these photo show let me know your theories in the comments the Lake Ontario serpents the Canadian sea monster there are many sightings for this creature as well as a local legend ranging from children's stories settlers tales and modern sightings the one thing that all the sightings have in common is that they tell of a long and serpent-like creature the creature is known by other names such as the Metro Soros and Kingston from Kingston on the east side of the lake the creature or creatures could be inhabiting most of the Great Lakes - this is because there are some sightings of long you're like monsters and the lakes are all connected in some way on July the 3rd 1817 the crew of a ship witnessed a blackish snake-like monster the monster was witnessed three miles offshore on August the 5th 1829 - children believed they'd seen a 20 to 30 foot long snake-like creature their account was published in the local newspaper stating this type of creature has been seen on a few occasions there can be no doubt to the existence of such monsters in our inland seas when an unnamed date in 1842 two boys they're both names McConnell reported seeing a brown 32:44 creature over large head swimming off the shore of Gold Beach they were quite surprised and quickly told their father he reacted by grabbing his binoculars but before he could get a good look of the creature it disappeared back into the dams on August the 22nd 1882 a surfer was witnessed in the water near Fort York three witnesses described it as being 50 foot long as white as a man and blueish gray with stiff bristles covering his body the account was published in the Toronto mail and then later republished in the New York Times the creature spent some time floating and basking in the Sun before swimming off into the distance in August of 1877 the creature was spotted in Burlington Bay where it was described by Fishman as resembling a lock with a mouth like a crocodile even more fishermen claim that the monster had snapped off his all leaving visible teeth marks a journalist when Kingston Daily News noted that we give the story as gathered for what his wife and leave the reader to investigate for him or herself in September 1881 passengers and the crew of the steamship gypsy gotta kill himself a huge creature it was described as being 25 to 40 foot and having small legs and a large tail in July 1892 a couple were attacked by monster while fishing near brackish Bay the husband fended off the monster with his fishing pole saving both their lives the cop will describe the creature has a huge circle of eyes like boertie fire during the 1970s a creature was sighted twice by the same person he was an employee of the Ministry of Natural Resources for both sightings he said that he saw a large creature dive into the lake from the shores of Prince Edward County form the outside of number 30 East Drive in plaintiff ass looks like any other house on the street it's a modest 3-bedroom semi-detached council house however it has a sinister side hiding within a decade before the world-famous Enfield poltergeist case came to the public attention another haunting took place in the town of Pontefract number 30 East Drive from the Czech filters state yorkshare stood on a corner at the top of a hill close to us once the site of the town's gallows living at number 30 with Gene and Joe Pritchard their son Philip aged 15 and their daughter Diane is 12 the poltergeist later to become known as the black monk upon her fact began disturbing the Pritchard family in 1966 before wide variety of paranormality water pours lights turning on and off furniture of a turning pitch has been / objects flying or levitating knocking sounds objects disappearing and reappearing again foul smells farmyard noises heavy breathing sounds sudden drops of temperature and a mysterious black red figure whose appearance became more and more frequent were all reported at the house the police a local MP and the vicar will all witness to the extraordinary happenings which continue to plague the household and all attempts to exorcise the presents were unsuccessful and met with mockery the events began in August 1966 during the August bank holiday week the family had gone on holiday to Devon leaving 15 odd Philip a home of his grandmother Sarah skulls while alone in the house Sarah felt a cold gust of wind despite the warm weather outside when Philip we entered the house he noticed white powder falling from midair on the living room their assumption was that it was somehow falling from the ceiling however the ceiling had only been recently redecorated at this point the pair were more confused than scared so Sarah went to consult her daughter Marie Kelly who lived just across the road when Marie saw the white powder she went into the kitchen to get a cloth to clean it up and promptly slipped in a pool of water that formed in the kitchen floor the numerous puddles of water began appearing on the kitchen floor by now one of the neighbors any Prichard came out to see number 30 to see what the commotion was about being the practical type she immediately went and turned off the water however had no difference in pores of water still appeared mrs. Kelley then decided to report the water lease to the water board who advice they would send someone around as soon as possible later that afternoon the man from the water board appeared after much checking of pipes rotting the drains and summarizing that the water may be condensing he went away to report the problem to his manager and an hour later the pool of water stopped appearing this was only the beginning though later that evening at around 7 p.m. Sarah's watching TV in the living room from the kitchen Phillips shouted grandma is happening again the worktop in the kitchen was stream of sugar and dry tea leaves and as they stared the button on the tea dispenser went slowly in and out several tons covering the draining board in tea this carried on even when the tea dispenser was empty prompting Sarah to shout out in desperation stop it as she did so there came a loud crash from the hallway they slowly opened the door leading to the wharf way half expecting to catch a burglar only to find his silent dark and empty until a whole life its home by its own accord startling them both they slowly made their way to the foot of the stairs and saw what made the noise a plant which was new to the foot of the stairs was now halfway up them missing a spot which was on the landing above as if this wasn't enough to fray their nerves another sound rang from the kitchen making them jump once again on investigation they saw that cupboard was vibrating as if someone was inside as soon as Phillips snatched open the door the vibration stopped most almost immediately another loud banging noise started up somewhere else in their house Sarah Nell noticed a sudden chill in the air and decided to fetch Marie Kelly again as soon as Marie stepped in the kitchen she was confronted by the shaking cupboard and the sound of cups and plates inside rattling Sarah then went to the next door to ask the neighbor mr. mrs. Mountain if they were responsible for the banging noises mrs. Mountain looked in amazement as Sarah sane we thought it was you by the time Sarah returned the noises stopped the three of them sat discussing the unnerving events until around 9:30 p.m. when Marie left hoping it was all over for the night Philip decided to go to bed and Sarah figured a good night's sleep was needed also after locking up and switching off the downstairs lights Sarah went into Philips room to wish him a good night as she did so a heavy chest of drawers began swaying without explanation that was the final straw for the night Sarah and Philip left the house and went to see better neighbours out of fear for their safety the house continues to attract teams of parallel investigators from all over Europe and is featured on many paranormal television shows in Massachusetts on the night of journey the 25th 1967 one of the most celebrated cases of UFO abductions began Betty Anderson was in the kitchen while her seven children mother and father were in the living room shortly after 6:30 the lice in the house briefly blinked immediately after a reddish light began to being through the kitchen window the sudden darkness in the house said the kids nose on edge and bet he ran to come for them her father ran into the kitchen to peer out the window and find the source of the unusual light to his utter shock he saw five odd looking beings coming towards the house with a hopping motion before he could regain his composure he saw the beings walk right through the wooden doll the entire family was suddenly put into a state of suspended animation one of the creatures went to Betty's father were one of the other four began to make telepathic communication with Betty one of the group seemed to be a leader of souls he was about five feet tall the other four appeared to be about foot shorter all of the beams had a pear-shaped head with wide eyes and smaller than those is their mouths were only slits are never moved though they were able to communicate through their minds the beings wore top of Kover or blue in color with a white bounds there was also a logo of a bird on their sleeves the hounds only had three fingers and they wore boots the creatures did not move as a human but floated as they went Betty would later relay that though she was frightened she felt a sense of calm even friendship towards the beings the aliens were holding bet his children in a frozen state of consciousness but when Betty showed concern for them the aliens released her eleven-year-old daughter to assure how the children were not being harmed but he was taken by the aliens outside to a waiting craft which rested on the side of a sloping Bank the craft was estimated to be 20 feet in diameter in the classic UFO shape Betty believes that after she was aboard the ship it joined her mother craft where she underwent a physical examination and also was subjected to this side effects of strange equipment after this she was given a type of bizarre test which caused her pain at first but resulted in a kind of religious experience approximately four hours later she was returned to a home buyer two captors when she arrived her entire family was still in a state of suspended animation one of the beams had stayed in her house to watch over the other family members after releasing the family from their trance-like state the aliens left Betty would later state that the aliens had hypnotized her not to recall any of her experience until a designated time she was able to record any certain things at the time for experience the power altijd the red light through the window in the aliens entering the house before this bizarre happening Betty had little or no knowledge of UFO folklore and being a devoted Christian she believed the abduction had a religious meaning it would be late until she began to view the abduction as alien in nature eight years later Betty answered an ad from dr. Allen Hynek who was listing abduction experiences from the general public her letter was dismissed at first because of his unusual details and it would be January in 1977 before her story will be fully investigated the investigative team assigned to the Anglin case included the following a solar physicist an electronics engineer an aerospace engineer a telecommunications specialist and UFO investigator the service of a medical doctor trained in psychiatry were also used Betty's case involved 12 months of investigation she was given a character reference check to lie-detector test a psychiatric review and an excruciating 14 of regressive hypnosis the results of this inquiry was startling Betty along her daughter relived a detailed account of the UFO experience occurring on all basic aspects the results were published in a 528 page accountant which stated that Betty no daughter was sane individuals who sincerely believe all of the details given in their statements the Betty Anderson abduction case is still being investigated today the origins of the Tennessee Wildman go way back to the 1800s and Tennessee one of the stories is that a circus show has somehow captured the Beast and put him on display in a cage to where everyone can see him for exploitation until it finally broke free the description of the Tennessee Wildman is similar in appearance to the Sasquatch but only more human he supposedly has IVA dark gray or ginger hair is about seven feet tall is always accompanied with piercing red eyes it's known to spout out a disturbing war cry that can frighten anyone that hears it and has a horrible Smothers familiar to the skunk ape it's very aggressive in behavior and could possibly be the archenemy of the Sasquatch not surprisingly the wild man possesses great strength agility and speed there have been many groups of men that went out hunting for the creature but at all times usually they don't find anything or something traumatizing happens the monster is known to have a strange targetting obsession with dogs and women in many women come out and say the wild man attempted to snatch them up and carry them away however it is suspected that these attempts were always unsuccessful the latest known Waltman sighting took place about 20 years ago near tennessee rock phyllis along with his cousin won a nice hug to be cliff's through the rain they noticed something strange in the forest everything had become silent the sound of a snapping twig broken the silence followed by horrible inhuman scream unlike the hikers have ever heard the men fled separately through the darkened wood with Phillip soon finding safety behind a tree it wasn't long after that that he spotted the wild man clinging to a nearby tree this was around 15 feet away from Rob Rob had his cousin break for the hill and he followed suit Phillips account correspond is slightly of the initial tales of the Tennessee Wildman he was described as about nine feet tall with red beady eyes a set of claws and a horrible stink that Phillips compared to the stench of a dead animal it's unlikely the Tennessee Wildman has lived almost 150 years in the Tennessee mountains it may be assumed that more than one of these creatures exists work with the creature sighting in the be cliffs area be something else entirely Resurrection Cemetery is one of the most famous haunted locations in the United States unusual and unexplainable phenomena has been reported here as far back as January 1979 with over 150 mm graves not counting the 5,300 crypts in the mausoleum he is truly a mammoth burial ground area residents have nicknamed it the resurrection triangle due to all the strange events that have taken place here throughout the years resurrection was consecrated in 1904 and opened officially in 1912 several motorists have stated they've picked up a hitchhiker Oh need to have the hitchhiker disappear in minutes later almost as if the hitchhiker was a ghost Richard Crowe was a local historian in January 1979 crow believed the hitch-hiker was not a human but a ghost he said the following I think that of all the ghost stories worth believing in Resurrection Mary is the one for the best documentation the witnesses that I found a remarkably level-headed and they're primarily middle-class types who have steady jobs and no other major claims to psychic encounters in their lives the first case was in 1939 when a Chicago cab driver named Gerry Palace stopped to pick up a female passenger the front of the case of the cemetery he was captivated by the beautiful blonde woman and immediately asked her out on a date at a local dance hall he learned her name was Mary and she lived on the south side of town when it was time to leave he offered her a ride home but she instead asked him to drop her off at the cemetery on Archer Road when she arrived there she stepped out of his car and vanished before his eyes he was perplexed at what each is witnessed and was determined to know more about this mysterious woman paulus drove to the house with a mysterious woman said she lived he was greeted by a mother who looked surprised to see his strange on her doorstep in the dead of night he inquired about the mystery woman he danced with just hours before it was then that he received the terrible news her mother told him her daughter's name was Marion that she died five years earlier he then understood why she was ice-cold to the Taj another incident involved two officers who patrolled the area near the cemetery one nights the officers noticed a figure inside the gates of the cemetery and thought someone had accidentally been looked inside they called the cemetery caretaker Nephi era for a brief moment but returned to no figure inside the gate or anywhere in the area as the gates where she stood just minutes earlier there were imprints of two small hands people were still witnessing Mary to this day the Quinn Bayer a pre-columbian culture living in South America from 300 to 1550 seee they were very well known for their incredible skills in very precise golden metalwork among the figurines discovered some models actually resemble what some believe could be flying machines the Quinn Bay airplanes at golden artifacts found in Columbia maple a quinn bayer civilisation what makes these airplane models so amazing as they are aerodynamically accurate in 1994 german aeronautical engineers peter belting and comrade lubbers crated larger scale radio-controlled models of these artifacts they proved the designs flow of single propeller power in jet power the astonishing reality of these artifacts sets in when one considers the mechanical flights had not been invented until 1903 how then could the pre-colombian zuv 1000 bc understand the advanced concepts of aerodynamic lift and design modern researchers have mixed beliefs of other quinn bayer civilization and their presumed knowledge of flight based on gold artifacts there are arguments regarding this theory of the lack of building materials necessary to make flying machines hundreds of years ago along with the absence of modern engines and that landing strips for the golden flies have not been discovered it's entirely possible for artifice to you move around from place to place in the ancient world especially if they fell victim to more dominant people all the cultures migrated for survival over time the artifacts do exist and they might help clarify another interesting ancient phenomena not too far from where the coin buyer once left certain parts of the Nazca lines are believed by some researchers to resemble ancient runways Quinn buy a golden our works were often bared of the dead as tokens necessary for prosperity in the afterlife examining the cache of available artifacts it becomes evident the Quinn bear created artworks based on interpretations of real objects and people the golden airplanes could be evidence of an ancient cultures knowledge of flight well before modern times well they could represent an extinct species of insects there is also an alternative concept to consider with artifacts such as the golden flyer be it through cultural influence from the outside civilization today we find an intriguing phenomena which takes place after remote culture is visited for the first time with modern technology isolated tribes visited in both Africa and South America by airplanes have both demonstrated shifts and religious beliefs after the visit one of the tribes welcomed the plane on its second visit with ceremonial fire and statues constructed in the shape of airplanes tribes people even went so far as to lund themselves along with wrong way paths to greet the visitors if remote cultures exhibit this sort of behavior during the world's modern technological era then likely the same concept is paid out before from this angle of thinking theories then suggest the Quinn bear may have been influenced by another ancient culture or perhaps some sort of alien civilization nubira believers are convinced the rope system is making its way from the outer solar system inwards where it will wreak havoc on earth as it passes us about four million miles away they say the planet will cause the poster swage sparking great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions but a series of false arrival dates have come and gone with conspiracy theorists claiming it will be later this year now photos and videos have surfaced online that some claim could show the mythical entry system appearing behind the Sun in the clip the narrator explains how he used a drone fitted with a polarized lens to uncover the phenomenon the camera pans around and we see the Sun glowing bright in the distance but as the filter darkens two objects appear alongside the man claims one of them is apparently Nibiru and it's getting closer alongside another planet from the legendary mini star system many don't believe the planets existence state is just another conspiracy theory predictions have been made for when this planet is meant to clutter the earth but it never seems to happen nASA has also said this about the planet heads the story started with claims the Nibiru a suppose planet discovered by the Sumerians is headed towards Earth this catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003 but when nothing happened that doomsday date was move forward to December 2012 and linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient main calendar that winter solstice in 2012 hence the predicted doomsday date of December the 21st 2012 there are no planetary alignments in the next few decades and even if these alignments were to occur their effects on the earth will be insignificant for example one major alignment occurred in 1962 and two of us happened during 1982 and 2000 each December the Earth from the Sun aligned the approximate center of the Milky Way galaxy but that's an annual event with no consequence Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax there is no factual basis for these claims if Nibiru or Planet X were real one headed for an encounter of the earth in 2012 astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade and it would have been visible by now to the naked eye obviously it does not exist Eris is real but is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that remains in the outer solar system the closest it can come to earth is about four billion miles once again theories have claimed this planet will show itself later this year but what do you guys think is Planet X real or just another conspiracy theory let me know your thoughts in the comments aliens government conspiracies meteorites missile explosions or even a prank these are some of the ideas buzzing around the discovery of a giant crater in Russia the first crater lies on the northern tip of the llamar Peninsula the term EML means end of the world in the local language it was an unstable place to explore or even approach too closely with its rooms melting and falling inside in the sound of water running deep within the mocchi state of the hole meant scientists had to wait until winter when the cratered frozen solid to determine what was inside the second crater in Yama was assumed to have formed in September 2013 with witnesses confident it was a meteor Island there were no witnesses to the formation of the third crater which was found by shepherds who nearly fell inside the first year mark crater was initially inspected by helicopter and soil water and air samples were taken near the opening of the surface there were a variety of explanations thrown around of how these massive holes came to be from a meteorite impact to weapons testing to aliens taking soil samples investigation found these holes were not man-made and were not consistent with meteor impact the most logical explanation relied on the fact of these craters formed near large methane reserves this reason has been clobbered by climate change in the past few years of the warmest air have been in a hundred and twenty thousand years it's possible that pocket of gas in the salt became heated and started building pressure with the ground thought more than usual the gas was able to push through the surface popping like a cog this phenomenon is known as a Pingo once the researchers have a better understanding of the craters composition and a model for how it formed they'll be able to go and investigate more recent craters they then plan to examine satellite data from the last 30 years in hopes of finding other similar structures to study people are also finding deep holes in Russian forests they appear in the dense forests where there is no easy access for a car truck heavy digging equipment or even people plus there's no soil nearby which tells some people the hole wasn't dark according to slightly Walt when people are brave enough to venture into the holes they finally end abruptly in the darkness there's no reasonable ideas on how these holes appear and what they are being useful no one knows who or what are digging these holes or why [Music] it's not always archaeologists who make the greatest discoveries sometimes it's regular people going about their business who stumble upon incredible finds Reddit user tram stop down found a homemade wooden box in a dumpster on the face of things the box didn't look very unusual it's had hinges a handle and a pair of locks but that's all changed when he opened it discovered stacks of papers featuring diary entries about flying saucer visits in the late 1960s to 1980s a whole bunch of other interesting stuff like drawings of bigger hook regions that's pretty odd but things get odder and this is why the box was called the box of crazy he discovered sketches of UFOs and heavenly four-headed entities appearing to be from the Biblical Book of Ezekiel plus creatures with wings and other drawings that blended the divine and extraterrestrial however the contents of the box didn't just stop at aliens because tram stopped down then found some non planted drawings of train wheels and hand drawn maps from the late 1930s which all might have a pinhole in the center when his mind-blowing sketches writings and map was shown on reddit heads the internet immediately started asking questions while were they placed in a box and shoved in a dumpster did they artists witness another dimension or are they just the ramblings and renting's of an open-minded person one thing that is strange is that the drawing is a definitely not amateur just by looking at them you can tell Tommy thought went into these the drawings also suggest the artist saw something in Tampa Florida in 1977 that changed him the artist was able to sketch the alleged event as they witnessed it and as stated it includes UFOs and strange-looking entities some have suggested this is evidence of a divine encounter while others have labeled it as a hoax but what do you guys think are these sketches proof of a mysterious encounter or just another well thought through Holmes let me know your thoughts in the comments thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos
Channel: Unexplained Mysteries
Views: 4,180,387
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Keywords: 25, unsolved, mysteries, that, cannot, be, explained, compilation, 25 unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained, that cannot be explained, unsolved mysteries solved, unsolved mysteries documentary, solved, documentary, unsolved mysteries finally solved, finally, unsolved mysteries caught on tape, caught, on, tape, caught on tape, unsolved mysteries that remain unsolved, unexplained mysteries 2018, unexplained mysteries, unexplained mysteries caught on tape
Id: qUAFWl7vsUQ
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Length: 77min 59sec (4679 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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