4 Creepy Unsolved Mysteries that Belong in the X-Files

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completely ad free   again that's s-h-u-d-d-e-r.com and use promo code  masquerade to start your free month of spookiness so i usually don't cover otherworldly cases  in my videos but since i found a few hidden   gems recently i thought it might be fun to  examine a few mysteries that have a sort of   x-files type vibe to them i always try and stay  away from outlandish mysteries so i've only   selected ones that have multiple witnesses and  that have been thoroughly scientifically analyzed   even so they still remain unanswered but that's  not to say the truth isn't out there somewhere   with all that said let's get into the first one let's take a trip in both geography and  time and examine a truly bizarre incident   evora portugal 2nd of november 1959 from  his headmaster's office at a local college   dr guides to amaral noticed something strange just  floating far off in the sky outside his window   it was a bright blue cloudless day and this  seemingly metallic sphere that was just hovering   in the sky was completely out of place then  again his old eyes weren't as sharp as they   once were so along with some other teachers he  set up a telescope in the courtyard and took a   more magnified look at the thing as he examined  it he could hardly believe what he was seeing   there in the sky was a whitish blue shimmering  object moving in a completely unnatural way   it would hover in place for long periods  and then zip in a random direction at what   dr amaral described as a speed that defied the  laws of physics he knew this definitely wasn't a   bird or a plane it had no wings or propellers to  speak of just a metallic orb suspended in space   as they were observing it it vanished into thin  air then without warning and seemingly out of   nowhere another much larger flying object appeared  above them it was physically similar to the first   apart from the fact that it was several times  bigger and comprised of two spheres instead of one   the top sphere was solid but the one beneath it  moved in a wavy jellyfish-like motion this one   too would just hover in place before moving  at a ridiculously quick pace somewhere else   occasionally it dropped altitude only to shoot  back up into the sky at record-breaking speed   going so high as to almost disappear from their  view dr amarel asked his nearby co-workers and   students to look through his telescope  and confirm that he wasn't going senile   much like him they too couldn't believe  their eyes nor could the hundreds of   other witnesses across town who also  saw the oscillating object above them   after approximately 30 minutes of loitering  the unidentified flying object silently sped   off and disappeared the astonishment of the  town's residents soon turned to unease when   a strange cobweb-like substance started falling  from the sky down upon them long strands of this   white stringy material rained down and formed  in large clumps on the ground and rooftops   this still unidentified substance would later  become known as angel hair rain dr amaral and   his students examined the falling angel  hair at first they theorized that it must   be the work of some breed of flying spider  dropping silky webs from above such things   are exceptionally common in australia and new  zealand though admittedly very rare in europe   still that didn't seem to make much sense  there's no way a whole army of spiders could   have produced this much webbing and there  weren't any pesky arachnids visible anywhere   dr amorel and his students tried to pick up some  of the strange substance only to realize that   the hairs melted in their warm hands during the  four hours that it fell over the small provincial   town dr amarel was able to scoop up a small  clump of the white filaments into a petri dish 62 miles away a team of fighter pilots were  preparing for takeoff at portugal's sintra   air base several of the pilots including captain  thomas silva noticed a strange slimy substance   forming on their canopies it was the same  white filaments that were falling over avora   collecting on their jets like snow in winter  after washing off the substance and finishing   their mission captain thomas silva called his  father admiral consisauer silva an enthusiastic   amateur physicist and astronomer and asked him  for his opinion on what the substance could be   stumped admiral silver himself called up his  friend in avora that friend just so happened   to be dr amaral amaral said that the same  substance had just fallen over his town too   they realized this must be a nationwide  incident and when amarel said that he had   successfully collected a sample the two scientists  quickly agreed to meet and examine it together after magnifying the angel hair 120 times both  amarel and silva noticed something bizarre   there was a living organism under their microscope  on the hair was a one millimeter wide yellow   unicellular creature with ten slime  covered tentacles that expanded and moved   the things legs were so strong that they could  actually lift up the slides that the creature   was framed between slightly it demonstrated  defensive mechanisms like that of an animal   neither of them had ever seen anything like  this before in their professional careers   the only known animals to have a similar  structure to the microscopic creature were   certain types of jellyfish okay so maybe this was  some type of rare jellyfish from the deep ocean   but that doesn't explain how so many of them  started falling from the sky on stringy cobwebs   some scientists wearily started  speculating that the creatures   could have come from a neighboring planet  or from earth's extra atmospheric space   others believed that the hair-like  strands were vaporized meteor fragments   given the time period some speculated that this  had something to do with a cold war gas test again   given the time period the portuguese government  was extremely authoritarian and nationalistic the   doctor's research was deemed to be against god and  any effort to publish his findings were thwarted   dr amaral tried to translate his research  and publish it internationally but when he   tried to do so he was threatened with suspension  both he and admiral silva were publicly shamed   to the point where they both gave up trying  to get others on board with their discovery   unable to proceed with his research and  feeling out of his depth dr amaral handed   over the preserved specimens to the university  of lisbon where they were further analyzed   still amaral himself never gave up looking into  the angel hair and organism and when he passed   away in the 1990s he left behind his large  amount of research he collected hundreds of   testimonials from other people who had seen the  flying objects that morning in november and in   each case the witnesses said that their sightings  were followed by angel hair falling from the sky   he'd also learned that this so-called angel hair  rain had been observed at several other points   in history 1561 in germany 1917 again in portugal  1898 in montgomery usa 1952 in france and 1954 in   italy still it's unclear whether those incidents  were the exact same as this in 2008 an expert cell   biologist was contacted to examine dr emerald's  photos of the unknown creature found on the webs   the expert wrote this structure or  microorganism as some have called it   is still unknown to contemporary  science i was unable to identify   a single structure akin to an  earthly single cell organism so there we have it surely the fact that the  angel hair coincided with the appearance of   the flying objects couldn't have been  a coincidence then again could there   be a far more rational explanation for  this mystery than just aliens of course   like many scientists have noted the structure of  the creatures on the hair is extremely similar   to young microscopic jellyfish how they came  to fall from the sky is anyone's guess though   perhaps they were scooped up in a whirlwind  still that doesn't account for the flying   objects themselves which were seen by hundreds  of people just before the hair fell were they   military in origin civilian or something more  otherworldly sadly we may never hear more from   this case due to the sad fact that the labs at the  university of lisbon burned down in the late 1970s   taking the original samples dr amarel had  collected with them the only other sample   that may exist was taken by a group of independent  researchers and has since mysteriously vanished   a huge shout out to reddit user lucycatwrights  for their amazing overview of this case on the   unresolved mysteries subreddit link to that  write up in the bio now on to number two so that first case was weird sure  but this is where things get dark   now i'm sure most of you are familiar with  the diat love pass incident a favorite of   horror fans on youtube or you may not have  heard though is the equally disturbing and   still unexplained hammer dabbin pass incident  sometimes called the buryatia diatlov pass   on august 5th 1993 a team of mountaineers  were trekking through the hamadaba mountain   range in siberia the expedition was made up of  seven people and was headed by ludmila korovina   a seasoned hiker with tons of experience  joining her were 24 year old tatiana filapenco   tennis facing vikas alasova timo bappanov valia  uttachenko and 23 year old sasha kriesen who   ludmilla had effectively raised and thought of as  her own son the young group set off on the morning   of the second as did several other hiking groups  in the area unfortunately although good weather   was predicted the team were blasted with freezing  cold rain and snow this didn't dissuade them from   continuing however like i said the group was  young and eager to prove themselves to ludmilla   whom they all looked up to ludmilla didn't go  easy on them either and along the way made some   questionable decisions on the night of the  fourth for instance she had the group set up   their camp on a slope about four kilometers away  from the nearest forest there was a thunderstorm   raging that night and this area was completely  unprotected from the elements given her mountains   of experience in well mountaineering you'd have  thought she would have chosen to camp elsewhere   the next morning it happened as the group packed  up their things and descended down the mountain   sasha suddenly began bleeding heavily from  his nose ears and mouth he fell to the ground   and was dead within moments this happened so  suddenly that everyone else was left dumbfounded   sasha was strong healthy and hadn't complained  of any pain up until that moment what had just   happened most distraught was ludmilla herself  like i said sasha was like a son to her   she ordered everyone else down the mountain  while she stayed with the body they followed   her instruction and started walking no more than a  minute later however they heard ladmiller shouting   to them for help saying that she couldn't move  they rushed back to see what was wrong with her   only to find their leader sprawled out on the  ground beside sasha blood gushing out of her face   the rest of the group were horrified  two of their team who were apparently   healthy that morning had just perished  in front of them in the blink of an eye   they started to panic terrified that the  same thing was about to happen to them   well it did valia uttarchenko the group's  only survivor explained what happened next   moments after discovering ludmilla's body  timur and vika began tearing at their clothes   fell to the ground and started  twitching and foaming from the mouth   in valley's words dennis began to  hide behind the rocks and ran away   tatiana was banging her head against the  stones vicar and timur probably went mad   valia tried to help rika the youngest female in  the group but when she did the girl bit her dennis   and valia were the only two group members  still unaffected by whatever was happening   they both began to run at full speed down  the mountain dennis told valia to take out   the essential items from her bag abandon  the rest and run as fast as she could   she started rifling through her belongings but by  the time she looked back up at dennis he was lying   on the ground bleeding from every orifice alone  and terrified she sprinted off now without any   provisions and still far from civilization she was  forced to sleep alone in the forest at the bottom   of the mountain all through the freezing night the  next morning valia made her way back up the slope   to look for survivors and came upon a scene of  pure carnage all of her young co-hikers were dead   for three days the 17 seventeen-year-old wandered  through the mountain pass alone in hopes of being   rescued she tried following electric cables  but they only led her to an abandoned village   her mind had been shattered by what she had  witnessed eventually she made it back to   civilization but at first was too traumatized  to tell anyone what had happened still when she   came back alone a search and rescue operation was  immediately launched for the other group members   their bodies wouldn't be found for another  month by which point animals had already started   devouring them what the rescuers could tell was  that the figures in the snow were contorted and   their faces were twisted in pain it was a scary  picture said one of the rescue team the hikers   were lying on a small edge some huddled together  some a little distance away they had no eyes   in the empty sockets and parted mouths worms were  crawling we packed the bodies in plastic bags when   they flew to a la nude the smell in the helicopter  was impossible some of the men were sick to this   day we still don't know what strange phenomenon  claimed the lives of six of those seven hikers   autopsies confirmed that they were all otherwise  healthy though there was bruising in all of their   lungs could this have all been the result of  some strange sickness some sort of poisoning   hypothermia perhaps or did they stumble  into a secret test site for nerve agents   what's strange is that there were numerous  other hiking groups in the same area   yet none of them were affected  by whatever killed valya's group   there's a lot of debate online about this  but as of right now no definitive conclusion the disappearance of fred valentich is a  case that has long been shrouded in mystery   fred was a 20 year old australian pilot who went  missing back in 1978 during a training flight to   king island over bass strait at 7 06 pm on october  21st he radioed air traffic control telling them   that another unidentified aircraft was flying  about 300 meters above his and that it appeared   to be following him strange they replied there  wasn't supposed to be any traffic at that altitude   fred told them that he thought this other pilot  was toying with him racing off and approaching   at high speed and then quote unquote orbiting  above him he also said that he was starting to   have engine problems one thing fred could make  out was that this other aircraft was very large   had a metallic surface and was illuminated  by four bright green lights on its underside   air traffic control then asked him to  identify what type of aircraft it was   fred paused before replying it's not an aircraft  immediately after that his transmission was   interrupted by a strange metallic noise and  then cut out completely despite an extensive   search and rescue effort neither fred nor his  cessna 182l light aircraft were ever seen again   needless to say there are a number  of theories about what happened to   fred during that fateful night of course i'll  start by stating the obvious some people are   convinced that he encountered a ufo which  either took down his plane or abducted it   they cite the strangeness of fred's radio messages  the fact that this other aircraft apparently had   green lights that thread and his aircraft were  never found and that other ufo sightings were   reported in melbourne that very night he vanished  that being said more skeptical minds have proposed   a few other theories some believe that fred having  gained a reputation as a bit of a careless pilot   was the maker of his own undoing in the past  he'd received a warning for straying into a   controlled zone in sydney and had twice got in  trouble for intentionally flying into clouds   as such they say that fred must have accidentally  been flying upside down without realizing it   something that's far more common than  you'd imagine the aircraft and lights   he was seeing could have easily been his own  reflecting off the water's surface below him   after a while they say that he simply collided  with the ocean and met with a watery end   as compelling as that theory sounds others have  counted by pointing out that his model of plane   had a gravity-fed engine and flying upside down  would have resulted in immediate engine failure   he wouldn't have been able to  contact air traffic control at all   others think that fred had planned his whole  disappearance from the start and that he's still   alive and well somewhere the guy was a known  ufo enthusiast and according to his own father   the young pilot constantly worried that  aliens were going to attack the earth   certainly sounds like the type of guy who get a  kick out of setting up an elaborate hoax backing   up that theory is the fact that a light aircraft  mysteriously landed not far from cape otway just   around the same time that fred went missing could  the young pilot have staged the whole incident   finally pilot james mcgaha and author  joe nicol have suggested that fred was   the victim of his own inexperience and that he  sent himself into a so-called graveyard spiral   after misreading the horizon since human senses  are adapted for land it's extremely risky to fly   an aircraft without computer-navigated systems  our brains create a lot of misleading sensory   illusions due to being unable to accurately  interpret and reflect the movement of the   plane simply put they say his senses lied to him  and convinced him to fly in a downward spiral   ultimately we just don't know what happened  to fred and his airplane back in 1978   was it aliens well that's the most fun answer  of the punch sure though as you just heard there   are several far more grounded explanations though  since neither frederick nor his plane's wreckage   have ever been recovered his case is likely to  remain one that's cited by other ufo enthusiasts   for the foreseeable future whatever did happen  to him i'm sure that's what he would have wanted   just a quick little one to end things i'm  not sure how many of you are familiar with it   but it fits nicely into this video the wow  signal is the name given to the most convincing   piece of evidence we have for intelligent  alien life on august 15 1977 at 10 16 pm   ohio state university's big ear radio telescope  picked up a narrowband radio signal what made   this signal so strange and unexpected was that it  came from the direction of the sagittarius star   constellation and had all the characteristics  of being extraterrestrial in origin   the signal got its name after jerry emman the  scientist who discovered the radio anomaly   circled his finding on the computer printout and  wrote wow next to it since the wow event occurred   multiple leading scientists have tried to come  up with explanations for the signal's existence   the thing is none of them have been widely  accepted in the scientific community jerry emman   himself said that it may have been made after a  signal from earth bounced off a piece of floating   space debris and was reflected back towards big  ear that was later concluded to be very unlikely   all other attempts to refute the evidence that  the signal came from somewhere else other than   earth have fallen flat needless to say  there have been many attempts by other   astrological institutions with more advanced  radio telescopes to find and identify the signal   but the wow signal has never been observed  since nor have any other signals like it   since then the wow signal has been referenced  in numerous songs commercials games and tv shows   including as the title of this video suggests  the x-files its origin remains a complete mystery   and given how much research has gone into  it over the years it's easily the strongest   candidate for an alien radio transmission that's  ever been detected maybe we're not alone after all   hey guys lizzy here and thank  you very much for listening   well i hope you enjoyed this video it's something  a little different from what i usually put out so   let me know what you thought down in the comments  anyway over on my discord we had this 12 days of   christmas contest so i wanted to showcase a few  of the winners here along with a few runners up   a big thank you to everyone who participated  and if you too would like to join the lazy   legion discord server you can  find the link down in the bio   also a massive thank you to all of my supporters  here on youtube and over on patreon especially   my biggest supporters phantom knight hamish kaye  amanda hansen deckangel tom king the only dorita   the lekki sloane crawford sarah ramirez ricky  cohen jr procupida nata nadine philip westra   monica mendoza leonardo martinez lord 210 infamous  empappy hungry and hammered gina valera expand on dragon one anime wimp and alex greenzoll thank  you all so much for your continued support it   really helps the channel out that about  wraps things up for this one guys be sure   to smash that like button or i'll smash you and  you'll be hearing from me again very very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 807,067
Rating: 4.9134583 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, mysteries x files, lazy masquerade mysteries, scariest video ever, horror, scary true stories, true horror stories, aliens, ufos, ufo sightings, creepy pasta, top 10, pictures with backstories, British accent, Asmr, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, nexpo, reignbot, dyatlov pass, wow! signal, deeply disturbing, reddit stories, skin walkers, yanderes, 2chan, new, best, most, long video, lazy maskarade, finally solved, terrifying, strange
Id: AawvlNl9GVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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