5 Creepy Unsolved Mysteries that Desperately Need Answers

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Let's kick this video off with a weird one: The case of Mateusz Kaweki, a 30 year old Polish man and father-to-be Mateusz was living with his father in Hannover, Germany at the time His pregnant fiancee was still based in Northwest Poland in a small village called Lipia Gora He lived apart from her for work purposes On March 28th 2018 Mateusz's fiancee went into labor. The baby was on the way, and so was he He hopped in his car at 11:30 p.m. and set off on his 400 mile journey to his fiancee He estimated that he'd arrive around 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. the following morning. Thing is, Mateusz never made it to his destination Somewhere along the way he disappeared Six months later, he'd turn up dead in his family's barn, his head detached from his torso Let's go into the details March 29th, 10:30 a.m Mateusz calls his father up; tells him that he's stuck in heavy traffic on the Polish-German border He still has around 130 miles to go before he makes it to his fiancee Mateusz then sends a text to his fiance telling her that he'll be there in about two hours This is the last known communication he had with anyone 5:00 p.m. rolls around and there's still no sign of Mateusz in Lipia Gora His phone rings but he never answers His fiancee, understandably worried, calls up Mateusz's sister and mother They file a missing-person's report in both Poland and Germany Unfortunately, so long as the Polish authorities are on the case the German police decide not to get involved The Polish police tried to track down Mateusz using the ping from his cell phone which was still on for a couple of days after he disappeared... But since he was using a German SIM card they failed to pinpoint his location Since Mateusz apparently vanished in Poland, the German authorities were also unable to trace the phone Thing is, the German-Polish border is unmanned so there was actually no definitive way to prove exactly where he vanished, and Polish investigators say his phone never even connected to a Polish Network There was obviously a huge disconnect between the German and Polish authorities, and the German police were being particularly uncooperative For six months there are no new clues Gas station employees are asked if they'd seen him, surveillance footage is checked and rechecked, posters are put up, his family makes TV appearances appealing for information Nothing comes of any of it. Then, on September 12th, things took a dark and unexpected turn... Mateusz's mother was at the family home in southwest Poland 400 miles away from the northwestern village his fiancee lived in One of her neighbors came to the house complaining about the family barn There was a putrid smell coming from it The stench was so bad that the neighbor had to complain Mateusz's mother hadn't noticed any bad smell at all It's unclear why Maybe her mind was elsewhere thinking about her missing son Whatever the reason, she agreed to let the neighbor go into the barn and find the source of the odour The barn was half walled off, creating a room with a visible attic above it the neighbor climbed up and scanned the attic area He noticed a pile of clothes on the floor He looked at them closer Turns out it wasn't a pile of clothes at all It was a human body, the head detached from the torso Above it were two nooses swinging from the rafters A backpack near the body was filled with items that belong to Mateusz The body was far too decomposed to ID visually but authorities quickly determined it to be him, and ruled that he had taken his own life They said that he had hung himself from one of the ropes months before and, that because of decomposition, his head and body had become detached When they did they fell to the floor Strange right? The whole situation didn't seem to make much sense at all Remember, Mateusz was on his way to the northwest of Poland, but his family lived in the southwest, a huge distance away Not to mention, some strange things came to light shortly after the authorities gave up on the investigation Four days after finding Mateusz's remains, one of his boots was found in the barn His detached foot was still inside it There was nothing about that in the coroner's report The detectives had clearly done a bad job at collecting evidence Not to mention they ignored the fact that all of Mateusz's teeth had been knocked out and stuck to his clothes with blood It's possible that they all just came out when his head hit the floor, but many experts think that's very unlikely Inside Mateusz's backpack there was another strange discovery An orange juice box Mateusz famously hated orange juice His phone was also in the backpack, and it came to light that he had made one final phone call after all It was to his uncle on March 30th - the day after he disappeared The call lasted for less than a second... His uncle's phone didn't even ring it was so short Was this an accidental dial, or a last ditched call for help? Strangest of all is Mateusz's car It's never been found Not at the scene, not abandoned or sold on, not anywhere The keys and registration were also never found, which is strange seeing how Mateusz's wallet was still in his backpack Why weren't his keys? There were also public transport tickets on Mateusz that were dated after he disappeared Why had he left his car? And where? Finally, the attic area where Mateusz was found was clearly visible from the ground floor of the barn The family used the barn throughout the summer and hadn't noticed anything If Mateusz had been up there swinging from the ropes the entire time it seems very unlikely they would have missed him So what are we to make of all of this? Were the authorities right to end their investigation, or is there more to this case? Why would an excited father-to-be drive for hundreds of miles to his family barn, only to end his life without telling anyone? Why did the family not notice him inside the barn if the area was so visible? What happened to his car? And what was up with the public transport tickets? so many questions... Makes you wonder whether the whole scene was staged by somebody It's hard to know what to make of this one. Let me know what your theories are down below in the comments Born and raised in South Korea Cindy Song moved to Virginia at the age of 15 to live with our aunt and uncle and attend high school After graduating she attended Pennsylvania State University on Halloween night 2001 Cindy, now 21 and a senior, went out partying with two of our close friends: Lisa Kim and Stacy Paik Cindy was dressed as a bunny-girl, pink fluffy ears and all The three of them went to Players Nite Club and partied there until 2:00 a.m They then went to her friend's apartment and played some video games At 4 a.m. Stacey dropped Cindy off at her off-campus apartment and the pair of them said their goodbyes Stacey watched as Cindy walked off towards her apartment, but didn't actually see her go inside before she drove off Cindy hasn't been seen or heard from since Two days after Halloween Cindy was reported missing. Her apartment was searched but there were no signs of a forced entry or a struggle The false eyelashes that she had been wearing for Halloween were found on a counter alongside her backpack and cell phone The only things missing were her keys and her purse, which contained her ID and credit cards Her bunny costume was nowhere in the apartment, suggesting that she was still wearing it when she vanished Her phone hadn't made or received any calls after she'd been dropped off Her credit cards hadn't been used and she hadn't received any suspicious emails or anything So what happened to the poor girl? Well, we don't know, but here's the leading theory... After entering her apartment and taking off her eyelashes Cindy grabbed her purse and keys, and, still wearing her costume, went to a store that was open 24/7 to grab some supplies This store was only 200 yards away from her apartment Either on her way to the store or on her way back to her apartment she was captured by some unknown individual or individuals and forced into their vehicle There's only been one reported sighting of Cindy since that fateful night, and it came from 200 miles away from her apartment A few days after she disappeared a woman was walking through the Chinatown district of Philadelphia when she heard someone screaming and crying She turned and saw an Asian woman matching Cindy's description in the back of a locked car A man suddenly appeared and told the woman to get lost In 2003 a man was arrested for burglary His name was Paul Weakly, and he told the police a shocking story He claimed that one of his associates Hugo Selenski, and his accomplice named Michael Kakowski, had taken Cindy while she was walking down the street They took her back to Kakowski's house and kept her locked inside a walk-in safe They had their way with her until she perished Afterwards they buried her somewhere Kakowski apparently kept her bunny ears as a morbid souvenir Things only got more weird from there Kakowski had been on the run for a year for an unrelated crime He had disappeared along with his girlfriend, Tammy Fassett Weakly claimed that Selenski, the other guy, had killed Kakowskii and his girlfriend Weakly led the cops to Selenskis house where the remains of Kakowski and Tammy were dug up He'd been telling the truth about that part at least! Bone fragments were also found in a burn pit which belong to two narcotics dealers Seven other decomposed bodies were found on the property, though their identities still remain unknown The thing is, none of the remains belonged to Cindy. None of the DNA matched Selenski was sentenced to life in prison As it stands, it remains unclear whether Weakley was telling the truth about Cindy - that she'd been picked up and locked in a walk-in safe Obviously there are some serious credibility issues, and the cops remain skeptical about his account A search of Weakley's computer revealed that he had downloaded several articles about Cindy, so he could've learned about her case online and fabricated the story entirely Selenski has always denied any involvement in Cindy's disappearance Whatever the case, her remains have never been found Here's a really bizarre case from a few years back On December 12th 2014, a teenager in Economy, Pennsylvania was passing by a wooded area He saw something lying on the ground only ten yards off the rural road Upon closer inspection he realized what it was The embalmed severed head of a woman Her hair was gray and fluffy, her mouth was open and, most strange of all, her eyes had been replaced by two red rubber balls The boy immediately called the police, and in a calm voice told the operator "I found a human head" Detectives had a sketch drawn up showing what she may have looked like in life Experts examined the head and determined that it had been professionally dismembered, cut with surgical delicacy The cervical spine had been carefully cut out and removed, and the slice was clean The leading theory (according to the investigators) is that the head was removed by a so-called 'body-broker' Somebody who removes body parts and sells them on for a profit Due to the chemicals used to embalm the head, detectives have been unable to obtain any DNA As such, the woman's identity remains unknown Who she was, how she came to die, and why her head ended up in those woods in a small town near Pittsburgh remain a mystery It's also unknown why her eyes had been removed and replaced She'd been dismembered skillfully, but there was nothing professional about the rubber ball insertions - That had been a cheap rough job Perhaps they were sold on separately Either way, it's unlikely we'll ever have any answers If you do recognize the woman in the sketch or know how she came to be left in those woods, please contact the Economy Police Department We all know the expression "more money, more problems" (Never thought I'd say that in a video) But this next mystery proves there's sometimes a lot of truth to that saying This one focuses on Tom and Ann-Elizabeth Hagen A married Norwegian couple who lived together in Lorenskog, a suburb of Oslo The pair lived a quiet life together in their relatively modest home, in which they'd lived for the past 40 years Both of them were grounded, down-to-earth, friendly people If you passed them in the street, you'd have never guessed that Tom was a billionaire, co-founder of a company called Elkraft The couple did their best to keep their wealth private That all changed in July 2018 when a Norwegian newspaper published an article about Tom and how he'd made 174m Krone in the previous year Nobody realized at the time, but this article may have been the catalyst that set this whole bizarre mystery into motion Let's begin It was October 31st 2018 Halloween morning Tom left for work in his unassuming Citroen car at 9:00 a.m He arrived there 10 or 15 minutes later At 9:14, while home alone with their new puppy, Anne-Elizabeth called a family member Early reports said that this was her husband Tom, but this was later changed to simply say a family member 9:48 Electrician and neighbor Tommy Skansen calls Ann-Elizabeth's phone She had asked him to come over and help switch out some light fixtures She doesn't pick up the phone More people try to contact Ann-Elizabeth throughout the day. Nobody can get through to her. Everyone assumes she's just busy At 1:30 p.m. Tom arrived home He can't find his wife anywhere What he does find are a number of her personal belongings lying on a chair, and a sinister note written in broken Norwegian It's a ransom note "We have your wife... We demand 9 million euros in the cryptocurrency Monero... If you don't pay up, a video of your wife being killed will be posted online." The note goes on to say that Tom and the rest of his family are being watched Should he contact the authorities his wife's life will be in grave danger Instructions on how to pay the captors are included At some point between 9:14 and 9:48 Ann-Elizabeth had been taken Tom ignored her captors threats and contacted the police at 2:07 p.m They meet with him in secret at a gas station An investigation begins The authorities are careful not to let any information leak to the public, worried that that might mean the end of Ann-Elizabeth They advised Tom not to pay his wife's captors anything until he has proof of life - evidence that she is still alive If he pays, he'll have nothing left to bargain with The whole investigation is kept extremely secret and the Norwegian media agree not to publish anything about Anne-Elizabeth's disappearance Let's go over what happened month-by-month November: Small traces of Anne-Elizabeth's blood are found inside the house The amount is reported as "not unusual" and may or may not have been from the day she was taken Tom continues to go to work as to not draw attention, but his mood is described as seeming "extremely depressed" by his employees Realizing that something's up, the rest of the family finally find out about Anne-Elizabeth Everyone is sworn to silence December: the investigation continues and everything is still tightly under wraps January: After ten weeks of secrecy the media are finally allowed to report about the case The authorities also release CCTV footage taken from outside Tom's workplace In the video a man can be seen walking down the road next to Tom's office at 7:36 a.m. on the morning of his wife's disappearance The man then abruptly stops, turns around, and walks back from where he came 24 minutes later another man can be seen walking down the same way These men may well have been lookouts making sure that Tom was out of the way Now that Tom's neighbors know that Ann-Elizabeth is missing, one of them comes forward with information On the morning she went missing they saw a silver SUV take what they described as "a weird shortcut" over a patch of grass towards the Hagen's house She may well have been taken away in this vehicle By the end of the month the family receives a new message from Ann-Elizabeth's captors They don't say much, and people start to wonder why they've waited so long to get in contact They provide no proof of Ann-Elizabeth's well-being Rumors start to spread about who's behind it all June, and there's no new word from her captors No new leads. Nothing The police decide to change their main hypothesis They now say that Ann-Elizabeth was killed and that the ransom note was simply a red herring July 8th: Tom Hagen's lawyers receive an email from the dark web, again written in broken Norwegian The email contained information only a perpetrator would know It said that if Tom wanted proof his wife was still alive he'd have to pay up Tom ignores the cop's advice and wires them 1.3 million euros in cryptocurrency He gets nothing in return To this day, he still hasn't heard back from whoever sent the email And that brings us to the present day As of right now, just over a year since she was taken on, Ann-Elizabeth's whereabouts and wellbeing remain unknown Who took her? Why did they take so long to make contact? Is she even still alive? Perhaps in time we'll have some answers. The investigation is still ongoing I'd like to thank Simon Alkenmayer for suggesting this next mystery to me and for doing such a fantastic write-up in his email The year was 1930 Joseph Moyzinski and his mistress Catherine May were in a car at a popular Lovers Lane near College Park, New York Just as things were getting a little steamy a small man with a thick German accent stuck his gun through the open driver's-side window He ordered Joseph into the driver's seat and then sat down behind him, commanding him to start the car As soon as the engine started the stranger shot Moyzinski behind the right ear When his head spun around the man shot him in the mouth for good measure The unknown man then had his way with Catherine When he'd finished, the stranger exited the car and searched through Moyzinski's inner coat pocket, pulling out some papers He studied them and then set them on fire He then took Catherine to the local bus depot so she could get home Onboard the bus the stranger handed her a folded piece of paper He told her to read it the following day. He said goodnight and hopped off the bus, vanishing into the night Catherine opened the note Stamped in red ink was a mysterious code She was so afraid and traumatized that she went to bed without notifying the authorities After finding Moyzinski in the car the cops tracked down Catherine She hadn't told them about the incident, so you can see why they thought she might be behind it all For three full days without sleep they interrogated her... Then the whole story changed On the fourth day the editor of the New York Journal received a letter on pink paper It was from the perp The letter said that Moyzinski was a "dirty little rat" and included a description of the weapon and the ammo used to end his life The note ended with a threat: "14 more of Moyzinski's friends will join him" The letter was signed "3X, the man behind the gun" It was postmarked a few hours before the attack on Moyzinski took place this guy meant business Here's where things start getting strange Another letter arrived soon after written in stationery from Catherine's place of work while she was still in custody It said that Catherine was innocent The writer claimed to be an agent for a secret international order called "The Red Diamond of Russia", who were still searching for "documents" that weren't in Moyzinski's coat pocket Despite the threat to kill 14 more people the police didn't publish the letters Well, 3X stayed true to his word On June 16th a young radio technician named Noel Sowley and his companion Elizabeth Ring were sitting in a parked car near Creedmoor, Queens A short mare with a German accent approached them and asked to see Mr Sowley's driver's license Sowley handed it over The stranger looked at it and said "You're the guy we're looking for... You're gonna get what Joe got." He then shot Sowley in the mouth Sowley managed to say "I'm not the guy you're looking for!" The stranger calmly walked behind the car and checked the license plate, then walk back to Sowley, told him he was the right guy, and then shot him in the head The man rifled through Sowley's pockets He found some papers, exclaimed "I have them," and then just like before took the victim's female companion to the bus stop and gave her a red stamped note, which read Subsequently, the New York Journal received a new letter from an unknown person The note said "we always get them through their women" It also said that a "missing document" and some of "their money" was found on Sowley and demanded that the paper publish some encoded messages, or else 13 more men and one woman would be slain A similar letter was also received by the police, along with a shell casing Another mysterious note was sent to Moyzinski's brother, threatening him and demanding "those papers" Finally, two weeks after all of this began, a final letter came in 3X claimed that his mission was over and that all three documents had been recovered He talked about The Red Diamond of Russia, the organization he was a part of, and explained that Moyzinski and Sowley were former members that had turned against them They'd stolen some incriminating documents, and he'd been chosen as their killer by a ritual Said that he'd been sent to the country to put things right The letter ended with "This is final. You know what we want you to know. Quiet your people and tell them that 3X is no more." For years afterwards, the incidents popped in and out of the news Fake letters, false confessions and occasional suspects But despite the reward reaching 1 million dollars and several people being prosecuted for trying to commit fraud to obtain it no progress was made on the case So, what do you think? Was 3X really some secret organisation's agent, or just a psychopath who had to find a way to justify his actions? Whatever the case, his identity remains a mystery to this day The best things happen... In the dark.
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,612,974
Rating: 4.9130573 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mysteries, scary true stories, true horror stories, deeply disturbing, shocking, scariest video ever, new video, best, most, long video, creepy, creepypasta, terrifying, horrifying, 2chan, photographs, caught on camera, horror, horror movies 2020, scary 2020 movies, disturbing unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, with clues, reddit scary stories, mysterious, urban legends, lets not meet, lazy, audiobook, asmr, british accent, top 10, countdown, english, masquerade, ghosts, halloween
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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