8 Scary TRUE Stories from Around the Internet

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happened when my dad was   out shopping with me i of course don't have any  memory of the event but i found out about it when   i got older my dad was out at a supermarket  picking out some groceries carrying me around   as he went through the aisles he bought a few  small items and walked out to the parking lot   plastic bag in one hand me in the other  as he was halfway to our car he noticed   a woman with curly red hair get out of a nearby  vehicle she started power walking up to my dad   not in his general direction i mean right towards  him specifically he'd never seen this woman in his   life but from her expression he knew something was  up her brow was raised her jaw clenched as if she   was hyper-focused and pumped up with adrenaline  my dad stopped dead in this track so she got close   realizing that she was coming to say  something to him but she didn't say   anything as soon as she got up close to my  father she snatched me right out of his hands   my dad immediately tried to take me back but the  woman started screaming that he was a kidnapper   she was shouting so loudly that everyone else in  the parking lot turned to see what was going on   they all came running over to  restrain my dad and help the woman   they all just instinctively believed her  she started hurrying back to her vehicle   with me in her arms i thank my lucky stars that  my dad wasn't alone during that trip to the store   in our car across the lot was my mother she'd just  heard all the commotion and saw what was happening   in the blink of an eye she was out of  our car and right up in the woman's face   instinct took over her and she says she  doesn't remember crossing the lot to get to me   but somehow on autopilot she  wrestled me away from the woman   realizing she wasn't going to get away with me the  woman jumped inside her vehicle and sped out of   the lot my mom cleared things up with all of the  other shoppers holding down my dad who were all   extremely shocked and remorseful but it just goes  to show that things aren't always as they seem   this was all the way back in the 70s and  security cameras weren't what they are nowadays   nobody got the woman's license plate and to  my parents knowledge she was never found the   scariest part is that according to my dad from  the way she acted the confidence she exhibited   and the speed in which everything went down it  was clear to him that she had done this before   there is pure evil in this  world folks remember that   even when you're out doing something  as innocent as a quick grocery run my buddy had just moved to a new area  and he was having some trouble sleeping   it was a pretty isolated little suburb and being  used to city life and all the light pollution   that came with it the super dark nights in  this new place didn't sit too well with him   one night he was lying in bed trying his best  to fall asleep when he heard a knocking on   his front door this was around midnight so  that freaked him out a bit to say the least   he tiptoed downstairs and honed his ears whoever was on the other side of  his front door was making a weird   wheezing noise he didn't  have a peephole or anything   so he put the chain on and opened the door out  thinking somebody outside might need some help   at the door was a humanoid figure with blood all  over its deformed face like some zombie or monster   it groaned at him so he slammed the door twisted  every lock and immediately called the police the   dispatcher told him that they'd received  several other calls from that same street   all reporting the same bloody-faced  monster standing at their doors   they were on their way this had  to be some kind of hoax right   well turns out that his experience was far from  some fever dream or prank that night one of the   other residents on the street had decided to end  it all and placed a shotgun under his jaw the   blast didn't kill him but it obliterated his lower  jaw which was completely missing from his face   the guy then went door to door  trying to ask everybody for help   but his face and groans only terrified the  other locals sad to say the guy didn't make it when i was a kid i went to a  friend's house for a sleepover   it was an extremely hot day in the  middle of the summer break 2001.   my friends and i were around 12 or so at the time  and we'd all been eagerly awaiting this night   there were four of us staying over  in total a pretty nice sized event   we watched movies hate inordinate amounts  of junk food played n64 games the works   at around 11 pm my friend's parents told us  it was time for lights out but of course we   all secretly stayed up longer keeping our  voices low and the sound on the tv muted   we were playing the original super smash brothers  and the four of us were having a tournament   we agreed that whoever won the tournament could  sleep in my friend's bed while the rest of us had   to sleep in sleeping bags on the floor catch was  whoever came in last had to sleep in the creepy   spare bedroom on the first floor all by themselves  for us the stakes were high that spare bedroom was   on the other side of the house down this horrible  pitch-black hallway it had this eerie vibe to it   a sort of ghostly vibe the stereotypical  haunted room that terrifies a young mind   there was even a family rumor that one of the  previous tenants had died in that room chilling   stuff not wanting to lose the tournament i picked  the character i was best with captain falcon   we drew lots to see who'd face off against two  and it all culminated in a free-for-all match   that was worth extra points luckily for me i was  able to falcon kick and punch my way to victory   our friend jaime came in last unfortunately  for him he now had to make the walk down   the dark hallway alone and sleep  in the supposedly haunted bedroom   he begged us not to make him go but being young  boys we all told him that a deal's a deal and   that if he didn't go he'd never live it down  he reluctantly scooped up his sleeping bag   quietly snuck out of my friend's bedroom and  nervously creeped through the hallway until he   got to the spare bedroom store he slowly twisted  the handle entered and closed the door behind him   that's the last any of us ever saw  of jaime the next morning when we   went to check on him we found the room  completely empty the window wide open   we told the adults that jamie was gone  and they in turn called the police   according to them the most likely scenario was  that because it was a hot night jaime opened the   window before going to sleep at some point after  that someone came in through the open window   and took him nobody else heard a thing and  none of the other neighbors saw anything either   to this day we don't know what happened  to jamie and i'm still waiting for updates   looking back i of course wish we hadn't made  him go i wish we'd made a different forfeit   we were young it was an innocent dare  and there's no way any of us could have   foreseen what was going to happen but still  i can't help but feel in some way responsible i think about jamie often even to this day   he was a good kid a good friend and  didn't deserve whatever happened to him i was traveling around australia during my gap  year at the time it had always been a dream of   mine to rent a camper van and drive the length  and breadth of gold coast road then head on down   to melbourne and back up to adelaide i was by  myself trying to fulfill that dream and in spite   of travelling solo i never felt lonely that's  because i met a lot of fun people along the way   each day was an adventure and each  night was a new party with new faces   single serving friends as they said in fight  club pals for one evening and then you never   see them again but of all the people i met on that  trip two stick out like a sore thumb in my mind   it was during one of my  final nights in the country   i was close to adelaide at this point and i  just met a couple of guys called dave and jacko   they seem like fun people  friendly and up for a good time   i spent the evening with them drinking a few brews  under the stars as the evening drew to a close i   wished them both well and said that if we didn't  meet again i hope they both have nice lives since   i was living out of my camper van to save money  i was sleeping in there too so i hopped inside my   vehicle a little dizzy from the night's beverages  and fell asleep in the back almost immediately i woke up in the middle of the night  to rumbling and the sound of tyres on   dirt my van's engine was roaring whilst i was  sleeping in the back someone had got their hands   on my keys and were now driving my vehicle  to god knows where with me still in the back   i started shouting hey stop but all i  heard in reply was a laughter and hollering   it was a sound i'd heard  earlier when i made jaco laugh   now i knew who was driving me question was  where was jaco taking me looking out the window   i could see that there was another car following  ours behind the wheel was the other guy dave   what were these guys up to i didn't want to  find out so i took out my phone to call for help   no signal that's because we were long  gone from civilization by that point   we were in the outback because of the  partition between the front and rear of the van   i couldn't see or get to jacko i couldn't  jump out of the back of the van either   given the speed at which we were moving the  fact that dave was right behind us and the fact   that we were in the middle of nowhere so i tried  reasoning with jacko shouting for him to pull over   he ignored me i don't know how long i  was in the back wall before i woke up   how long this madman had been driving me but  eventually we came to a stop looking out the   window all i could see was desolation nothing for  miles in any direction the real australian outback   jacko jumped out of the vehicle and hopped into  dave's car the pair of them circled my van kicking   up dust all around i could hear them laughing  and taunting me saying things like yeah mate   have a nice life as they drove off back the way  that they had come and disappeared from my view   it's infamously perilous to travel into the  outback without shade or supplies most people   don't last a day the sun was rising  and it was said to be a scorching day   i was dehydrated from the night before  and there was only one small bottle of   water in the back of the van the  van itself was almost out of gas   i had no phone signal if i couldn't get a  hold of anyone i was dead i had two choices   sit in my vehicle and make use of the weak  air conditioning while i could or hop out and   walk in a random direction in hopes of finding  help though who knew how far away that might be   in the end i chose the former i was stuck out  there for 20 hours before a helicopter overhead   just so happened to spot my van  stranded in the middle of the outback   i was unconscious when the rescuers found me  i was later told how lucky i was drinking my   water quickly instead of sipping it not exerting  myself and making use of the ac are what likely   saved me well that and pure luck after leaving  the hospital i was on the next flight home   but made sure to give a full and detailed  description of the two blokes that did this to me   even so to my knowledge jacko and dave  were never found i often wonder if they   ever did this to anyone else doesn't seem  like the kind of thing you'd just do once   the way they were laughing and taunting  me it was clear they had a taste for it   whenever i read about people losing their lives  in the outback i think back to that encounter   and wonder if dave and jacko  had something to do with it i think it's safe to say that my  girlfriend and i experienced a sort of   glitch in the matrix a decade ago a good  friend of mine went missing his name was tom   the guy dracked up some debt and ended up  getting in cahoots with some bad people   but deep down i knew he was  a solid guy with a good heart   for about a week nobody had any idea where tom  was he had no cell phone or any means of contact   so there was a little i could do to help search  for him sadly his story didn't have a happy ending   tom was found face down in the harbor on a gloomy  saturday morning he'd been beaten to a pulp had   numerous broken bones and had been finished  off with a hammer to the side of the head   rope burns around his wrists suggested  that he had been tied up beforehand   since he didn't have any family i was called  in to identify him and sure enough there on   the slab was my old pal tom even with all  the injuries and bloating i knew it was him   no question about it and this  was a big event in our town   newspapers published pieces about it the locals  all talked about the guy who washed up in the   harbour what a tragedy it was etc for the next  three days tom was the only thing on anyone's lips   then on the fourth day we read the most  unexpected piece of news in the local newspaper   tom had been caught on cctv alive and well in a  different city detectives were still on the hump   for my missing friend i was as shocked as i was  dumbfounded i'd seen tom dead with my own two eyes   could i have made a mistake in identifying him  then again what were the odds of a guy who looked   identical to tom just happening to wash up in the  town he was from one week after he had disappeared   another strange detail was that  nowhere in the paper didn't mention   a body being fished out the harbor it  wasn't even something they glossed over   why wouldn't they have mentioned such a relevant  and timely piece of information like that i went   down to the local police station to see what was  going on and asked to chat with the detectives who   are working the case personally the ones who had  previously asked me to come and id tom's remains   my head was spinning with questions was this  sighting on cctv legit was the man they found in   the harbor really not tom after all their reaction  was chilling they looked at me like i was crazy   what body they asked me with total seriousness  what are you talking about son even though this   was the middle of july i thought this must be  some sort of bizarre april fools joke at first   i went over all the details of the previous  few days but they just looked at me perplexed   i even started to question whether i was the  crazy one were they playing dumb was this some   sort of cover up and they were pretending  not to know what i was talking about   i called up my girlfriend and told  her about the investigator's reactions   she was as confused as i was together we  looked through the previous few days newspapers   nowhere was there any mention of tom's body  being found in the harbour or anyone else's for   that matter had definitely read that before but  for some reason those articles were now missing   we asked around town and nobody had heard about  tom in the water despite it having been the hot   topic for the past three days they all agreed  that this tom pela was still missing and that   there was some new video footage that might  help find him but that was all even the people   i previously talked to about tom's death now  seemingly knew nothing about it even the ones   who had seen him pull from the water with  their own eyes my girlfriend not remembered   tom in the harbor as well then i definitely  think that my brain was playing tricks on me   but that's the thing she does remember she  remembers everything the newspaper stories   the detectives asking me to id tom the gossip  about his demise around town her version of   events are the exact same as mine but for some  reason we're the only two who remember any of this   everyone else thinks that tom is still out  there somewhere missing but alive so either   my girlfriend and i both lived in the same sort of  dreamlike reality for a few days or the whole town   is dead set on making us believe nothing happened  and are covering up the body in the harbour   and to be honest i don't know which of those two  possibilities scares me more i was out hiking by   myself in the middle of nowhere a few years back  soaking up some nature on my day off from work   no one else around for miles i knew the area well  so i decided to take a little detour from the main   trail and go deeper into the surrounding woodland  i get pretty far in when i suddenly hear this   deep hearty laughter coming from somewhere  within the woods some fellow hikers i   thought unusual since i'd hiked this area many  times and never encountered anyone else before   the laughter continued and given how friendly  and warm it sounded i followed it curious about   who was out there and what they were laughing  about i walked towards the cackling for a solid   couple of minutes and all the while the laughter  persisted as i got closer i realized just how loud   this laughter was and whoever was laughing  had barely paused for breath the entire time   must be a really funny joke i thought as i rounded  a corner into a clearing i came face to face   with the lava it wasn't a group of people at  all it was one man sat on a log all by himself   he was so dirty and disheveled it looked  like he'd been sat on that log for years   i looked around to see what was so hilarious   perched on other logs in a semicircle in front  of the man were several lifeless deer made to sit   upright like humans they were all in various  stages of decomposition some much more fresh   than others meaning that the more rotten ones  have been there for quite some time it was like   some mad hunter's tea party and he clearly  put a lot of effort into making them sit up   i began to back up hoping to leave before  this guy saw me as i stepped backwards i   broke a tree branch underfoot and when he  heard it snap the man abruptly fell silent   his head instantly turned to look right  at me his body unmoving his face neutral   his eyes wide and crazed he stared at me the  way a hungry apex predator stares at its prey   we maintained eye contact for a few seconds  then i tried to say oh i'm sorry i i stopped   abruptly when i saw him reach for something  a hunting rifle i hadn't noticed it resting   against the log until the guy went to grab it  as soon as that registered i turned and bolted   a couple of shots rang out behind me followed  by the coring of birds but i didn't stop to see   whether they were aimed at me or whether they  were just warning shots i'm not sure if the   guy pursued me but if he did i was clearly faster  as i made it back to the trail and away from him   i sprinted for as long as i could till my  heart felt like it was going to explode   finally i made it back to civilization a couple  of patrolmen were sent to look for the guy but   didn't find him anywhere they didn't come  across any deer either to this day i have   no idea what i walked into but i learned a couple  of valuable essence never go hiking in the middle   of nowhere by yourself and don't follow the sound  of demented laughter no matter how curious you are   this happened to my uncle and my dad back in  1998 and they regularly tell it at thanksgiving   my uncle sold insurance at the time and rented  an office in a building that was run primarily   by a larger company he loved the location because  it was walking distance and he could get to it   from his house by cutting across this park he'd  often led himself in through the back entrance   there were some weird stories about the place  being haunted by the previous owner of the   property but my uncle hardly believed a 10  year old office building was spook central   this story takes place the day after thanksgiving  all the tenants of the office building were   off between the holiday and the weekend  including my uncle he was relaxing at home   waiting for my dad who was supposed  to come over and work on some project   in the beginning it was a totally normal morning   the phone rang a landline because it was  the late 90s and my uncle answered it he   was confused when he picked it up as  it was his own voice on the other end   it took him a moment to recognize it as a  recording he had on his answering machine   he said he was instantly confused as  that wasn't how the machine worked   and it played the message when the phone rang for  incoming calls like a mechanical voicemail message   he was still on the line when it  beeped like a cue to leave a message   instead my uncle heard someone yelling in  spanish on the other end a good distance from   the phone he doesn't speak spanish but he knew  enough to know that they were calling for help   and were in obvious distress he tried to yell  back asking who they were and what had happened   but the person was acting as though they couldn't  hear him finally the call timed out and hung up   my uncle waited until my dad got there told  him about the weird call and asked him to   go with him to the office they cut across  the park and my uncle opened the back door   that's when he noticed the door to the  maintenance area in the basement was open   and the lights were on that was unusual  so he looked down there to check   it turns out that the custodian for the building  had gone to do some work on the heating system   that morning he needed to check a duct and  instead of getting a ladder he tried to climb   the steel shelving in the basement and ended  up tipping it over and pulling it on top of him   he'd been squished so that he  couldn't breathe fully anymore   my dad and uncle got the shelves off him and  called for an ambulance he thanked them in spanish   it was only afterwards that they realized just  how odd this situation was had they not come   along the maintenance man probably wouldn't have  been found until after the thanksgiving holiday   had anyone else come to check in the meantime they  would have used the front entrances and not seen   the door open in the back plus my uncle was really  the only person who worked there who lived close   enough to drop everything and go in check and  the rest was even weirder as far as they can tell   nobody made the call the security system for  my uncle's office was separate from the rest   of the buildings and didn't show that anyone had  entered all day on his own answering machine there   was a message but it only played my uncle yelling  questions and not the sound of a man yelling for   help on the other end additionally you couldn't  hear someone in the basement from the office   my uncle and dad apparently spent a huge amount  of time trying to make an outgoing call with   the answering message that would replicate what  happened but the machine just didn't work that way   so yeah for years we got christmas cards from  the maintenance man who credits my uncle and   dad with saving his life and we never got answers  as to how the hell my uncle got that mystery call i grew up in a pretty good sized town high  school grades always had between 800 and a   thousand students the town was about 45 minutes to  an hour from the second biggest city in our state   which is known for three rivers and many bridges  i have two older brothers which means obviously   i'm the youngest of three boys our mother was  the general manager at our grandpa's golf course   and our father was in the state police a  lieutenant at the time this all happened   cop dad could be hard on us but all three of  us learned to always be respectful no matter   what unless extreme situations called for us not  being i will say that due to a very dark history   i've never had a close relationship with  my brothers or parents even with all that   i'll also admit that this made my dad and i  slightly closer if only for a short period of time when i was 15 i went to the downtown area  getting food and ice cream with my friends   at a place about a half mile from the high  school football stadium seeing as we were   only 15 going into our 10th grade year of  high school we all rode our bikes to meet up   when we came back outside i realized that my bike  was missing after my friends and i checked the   immediate area i called my dad knowing that he  was home from work he drove down to where i was   we all figured that he'd be pissed at us which  actually he wasn't all of my friends got on their   bikes and headed off in different directions all  of them looking for my bike as my dad and i were   driving back to the part of town we lived in  we saw two males and one female walking down a   side street the group was pushing my bike as  they walked causing me to snap to attention   and say aloud they have my bike my dad  stopped immediately and put the car into park   we jumped out and i laughed inside due to seeing  my dad go from regular guy to cop dad well he had   the girl and one guy stand up against the wall  with their faces touching it and he slammed the   guy with the bike to the ground i grabbed  the bike and put it in the bed of our truck   since there were only two of us against three  of them my dad told me get in the truck so they   don't see your face i said screw that it wasn't  until years later that i came to regret that   the cops came and arrested all three of them  fast forward two and a half years i was 18   and home from my freshman year of military college  across the state i was out jogging around 6 pm one   night on the sidewalk next to the road when a car  flew past me and sat at a stop sign until i passed   luckily i was close to my home and memorized  the car's details as much as i could   the vehicle started moving again this time  a lot slower and i walked into my house just   as they were passing by i figured that they'd  just see me jogging and slowed down as a result   nothing unusual fast forward one week i  just finished up another jog i walked into   the house through the front door which  leads right into the kitchen a kitchen   that had a big window overlooking the  driveway front yard street and stop sign   as soon as i walked to the sink by the  window to splash some cold water on my face   i heard a loud bang from outside sounded like  an m80 exploding then one second of silence   followed by three loud booms in quick succession  which thanks to being a hunter i knew was gunfire   i dropped down crawled to the door grabbed the  baseball bat my brothers and i sometimes used   and ran outside i knew a bat had zero percent  chance of winning against a firearm but i was   hoping i'd surprise him when i got outside they  were driving away and i recognized the vehicle   from a week earlier it was the same one that had  sat at the stop sign when i was jogging thankfully   no one was at home at the time or who knows where  they would have been standing when this happened   on screen are photos of my childhood home  showing where some of the bullets hit after the police came and i'd given my statement  we waited like i said the town was big but it was   also small enough that a lot of people knew  each other the town's police and my brothers   all joked with me asking me things like did  you try and be a hero when no one else was   around or would ask if i was crazy due to running  outside towards gunfire while only holding a bat   well two or three days passed before we received  the call from the cops saying that they caught   the guy who shot at my house as it turns out it  was the same guy who stole my bike two and a half   years earlier after finding that out my dad and  i looked at each other without saying anything   he'd see me finish up my jock and  walk into the house by pure chance   a guy received 10 years for attempted murder with  a weapon but didn't even serve the whole sentence so we went on with our lives i became an emt  during college working on weekends then finish   school when i was 26 years old i stopped by my  parents house one day when i was in the area   i walked into the kitchen and on the  kitchen table was the town's newspaper   the front page read something  along the lines of local woman   missing vehicle found abandoned and burned  i started reading the article and almost   immediately ripped the table of its frame  with rage the article said that the missing   woman's boyfriend was the same guy who had  stolen my bike and shot at my parents house   he wasn't arrested or charged with  any crime related to the missing woman   i left and went back to my  apartment about an hour away   even through all my rage i was still paranoid  that the guy was following me somehow   my parents left their house for a week to stay at  my grandpa's house life went on from there the guy   who shot up my house is currently in prison on  other charges not related to the slaying of his girlfriend hey guys lizzy here and thank you very much  for listening well i hope you enjoyed this   one it was kind of a throwback to my old style  where i used to tell scary stories all the time   hopefully all my new followers got a kick out  of the new star and all the old subscribers   enjoyed the nostalgia a big shout out to all of  my supporters here on youtube and over on patreon   especially my biggest supporters teddy  street amanda hanson alec love dapper   hamish k phantom knight alex greens hall  anime wimp asriel warakai charlie lackey   connor lothan crawford k mcdonald expand on  gina valera infamous empappy leonardo martinez   lord 210 monaca mendoza native beauty nadine  peter lodgeratch philip westjer procupide neta   sarah ramirez scylla skyst sloan crawford the only  dorita and ms krypto thank you guys so much for   your continued support it really helps the channel  out anyway guys so that's it for this one be sure   to smash that like button or i'll smash you and  you'll be hearing from me again very very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 783,020
Rating: 4.9048138 out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, scariest video ever, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, yandere, Japanese, English, British accent, asmr, relaxing, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, missing, chills, scary true stories, before bed, real scary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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