5 Creepiest Things Found on USB Flash Drives | True Stories from the Internet

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Before the video starts, I just want to let you guys know that I have some merch available now, just in time for Halloween Check it out through the link in the bio Enjoy the stories I live alone in a small house in Canada This all happened about six and a half years ago I opened my front door one morning to go and get some groceries and found the strangest thing waiting for me outside Lying on my doorstep was a small USB flash drive Almost stepped on the damn thing "Who put that there?" I thought It was just your generic USB stick, no label or anything. No way to know who it came from Well, I did what anyone else would do... took it inside and plugged it into my PC The device was full of pictures In fact, nothing but pictures. Dozens of them I opened the first one and clicked through them in order The first few were just shots from around town. General places that I recognized The fourth image was taken on our town's busiest street In the image the street was full of people, but there was somebody in it that caught my attention immediately... Me The image showed me in amongst the crowd, just minding my own business Well, this was a small town... was it just a coincidence that I was in the picture? The fifth image had been taken on the same day Again, it was taken in our town Again, I was in it The photographer was closer to me this time Whoever had taken these pictures of me I hadn't noticed them at the time Next came several more pictures of me in various locations around town Then something more chilling... A photo of a house My house It was night time in the image, and the living room light was on I clicked through to the next picture It was another image of my house, this time taken even closer Through the living-room window you could see me sitting on the couch watching television I could tell from the clothes I was wearing that it had been taken the night before I had no idea that somebody had been outside watching me I kept clicking through the images on the drive Photo after photo of me inside my house, taken from just outside my window Because it was so light inside and so dark outside I was totally unable to see that somebody was watching me from out there I couldn't see them, but they could see me clear as day Didn't even need to use the flash on their camera after 20 or so photos of just me inside my house there came a real curveball An image taken from inside my hallway The man or woman or whoever was taking these pictures of me had been inside my house the night before There were photos of my living room, now lightless and empty, obviously taken after I'd gone to sleep Photos of my kitchen, of my dining area, my stairwell and several taken as the unknown person ascended my stairs towards where I was sleeping My brain started to run wild with thoughts about who had been following me Had I wronged someone in the past? Said the wrong thing to the wrong guy? Was this just some weirdo who decided to target me? Were they armed when they came to pay me a visit? Whatever the case somebody had come inside my house at night and taken pictures of all of the rooms... including my bedroom The second-to-last photo was of me, fast asleep in my bed, totally oblivious to the person in my home The final image was just of a handwritten note framed in closeup The message on it simply read: 'Never hide a spare key under your doormat' I have since moved house This all took place a couple of years back I was walking my dog through a local park late one night and decided to take a little break on one of the park benches I sat down and immediately felt something under my butt It was a USB flash drive, which had either been forgotten or abandoned by somebody I waited around for maybe five minutes to see if somebody would come back and claim it Nobody did, so I just put it in my pocket Like I said, it was late at night, so the park's lost-and-found area was closed I plan to head back there in the morning before work and hand it over Maybe the owner might come by and collect it Probably a student who had some work assignments on it, I figured As I sat at home my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to take a quick look at what was on the USB I plugged it into my computer and checked its contents Strange... There was only one file on the USB. An excel file of all things Some poor schmuck must have lost the thing after its first use The file was simply titled "Little Black Book" Needless to say I opened the document It was just a large collection of names, addresses and numbers Mr. X, Tudor Hill Drive, 52,750 Mrs. Y, Springfield Avenue, 47,300 Dr. Z, Deacon Street, 52,200, etc. The list ran on and on. Probably 40 or 50 names and addresses in total At least 25 of them had been highlighted in red The rest were just in black Strange. Why would someone go through the trouble of making an excel file with all this information in it then saving it onto an empty USB as the only file? Were these someone's clients? someone's friends? I had no idea what were the numbers next to each name supposed to mean... They were all in the same ballpark; between 30 and 60 thousand I showed it to my wife and she too was a little perplexed I decided to dig a little deeper and look up a few of the names and addresses, just to sate my curiosity, ya know? I started with a couple of the names in black It looked like these really were real people and their real addresses Okay, still didn't give any indication about what the numbers meant though I looked up one of the names in red. Mr. X That's when things took a dark turn Mr. X was indeed a real person, and the address listed was indeed his, but he had passed away a few years back under mysterious circumstances The same was true of Mrs. Y, Dr. Z, and all the other names listed in red on the document They'd all perished either under mysterious circumstances or through some sort of unfortunate accident Starting to worry that this USB might have belonged to someone in the "cleanup business" so to speak, I began to put the pieces of the puzzle together and figured I knew what the numbers next to each name meant They were the amount that the people had been contracted for. This was a hit list I immediately called up the authorities and handed the USB over to them, telling them where I'd found it and what the information pertained to They took it from there and I haven't heard anything else about it since Had somebody left the USB on the bench intentionally for somebody else to come and collect or had it simply fallen out of the owner's pocket? I still don't know (probably never will) but I'm glad that nobody came by that park bench during those five minutes I waited around It was dark the park was completely empty, and the owner or collector really wouldn't have wanted that USB to fall into somebody else's hands Who knows what they might have done? Recently a buddy of mine was clearing out some old house that had been abandoned for years While inside the attic he came across a USB which really stood out to him Everything else in the house was old and decrepit, but the USB was obviously modern Not from the same time as all the other stuff in there like somebody other than the previous homeowners had come in and left it there "Hammerman", all one word, was written on it Nothing else seemed out of place or unordinary For whatever reason he decided to pocket the thing and take it home with him After he looked at what was on the flash drive he called me up and invited me around to his place Said he had something I had to see Now together, we sat there looking at his computer screen as he opened up the USB drive There was just a one large file stored on it. A video "I need your opinion about what to do, man. I can hardly believe what's on this thing," my friend said to me I could tell from his tone and expression that although he wanted to show me what was on it he was also nervous and uncomfortable "Go ahead, click on it," I said He obliged I'll describe what I saw, but believe me, it's not for the faint of heart... Almost made me lose my damn faith in humanity The video looked to have been filmed on a phone camera It was actually several videos, all taken at different times and edited together like a compilation or highlights reel It started with a man in the back of a truck He wore a mask to cover his face. In his hand was a hammer He's laughing with the guy who's holding the camera, but they were speaking in a language I couldn't understand It sounded like Russian, but I can't be sure The vehicle they're traveling in comes to a screeching halt The masked man quickly opens up the truck's sliding door and jumps out The cameraman follows closely behind him Walking alone down some lonely country road was a man, maybe in his early thirties I'd say He looked shocked and confused as the masked man ran up to him Before he even realized what was about to happen the guy with the hammer lifts it up and slams it down on the guy's head It was as graphic as you can imagine The unsuspecting guy drops to the ground and starts twitching There's a big dent in his head captured by the cameraman It was all over in seconds, and the masked man and the camera holder quickly jumped back inside their truck, which starts driving off immediately They laugh along with the driver The video quickly cuts to another scene of the masked man again jumping out the back of a truck This time there was a middle-aged woman walking along some woody country path The masked man runs up to her at full speed She has time to scream, but nothing more Before she can even raise her arm to protect herself she's hit in the head by the hammer She hits the ground. No movement The men again run back to their vehicle and drive off laughing and joking There were seven more clips like that In each of them the masked man lunged from the van at some single person who had no idea what was in store for them He hits them all in the head, and they all dropped to the ground, pools of red spurting out of them The sound of all the thumps from the hammer were enough to make you wanna puke To think that these people just woke up one morning and figured it was just gonna be an ordinary day only for this to happen to them out of the blue makes you realize how unpredictable life can be when there's maniacs like this out there Anyway, I don't know exactly what this video was, when it was made, or where it came from But it seemed to me like a group of madmen who just drove around lonely country roads looking for innocent people to strike with a hammer No rhyme or reason to it I have no idea how it came to be in that abandoned house Nor do I know the fate of all the people in the video From what I saw I wouldn't say any of them survived My friend agreed to call the authorities and give them the USB As far as I know, nothing's come of it yet Hope they catch the guy and his accomplices who filmed it and drove him around Recently something crazy happened here in Anchorage, Alaska A USB was found lying in the street by some woman No idea how it got there, but it probably fell out of someone's pocket Didn't look to be placed there intentionally The USB was labeled "Homicide at Midtown Marriott" The label wasn't kidding. The USB contained numerous images and videos of a woman's murder According to the authorities most of the 39 images showed the lady being beaten and strangled in a hotel room somewhere then lying face down in a pickup truck One of the twelve videos on the device showed her being strangled Using this information the authorities were able to link the remains of a woman found by the side of the road to the woman in the photos and videos Though they're very confident that they're the same person, her identity still remains unknown. No one's come forward to ID her What they were able to find out for sure though was the identity of the guy who took her life The guy who did all this appeared in several of the pictures he took. Guess he was confident he wouldn't be caught out Not a smart play when you're clumsy with your USB They were able link the man in the picture to a guy involved in another investigation South-African Brian Steven Smith. He was quickly taken into custody Like I said, this all happened very recently, so we'll see how things pan out from here A friend of mine has a story about a USB he got hold of He worked on one of the country's top news stations and that's how it came to be in his possession He was working behind the scenes and came across a USB that had been placed on his desk Didn't have a note of any kind and wasn't marked in any way, but he just figured it was from his boss Some new assignment to get working on He plugged it into his office desktop On the USB were a number of mp4 files They were all simply titled "Int1", "Int2", "Int3" and "Int4" They were all about five minutes long He opened the file titled Int1 The video was of a man sitting in a plastic chair on a beach somewhere tropical Maybe Thailand, he thought It was twilight, the sun just in the process of setting The man was alone on the beach, apart from whoever was behind the camera which was unstable and obviously being handheld It was bad footage quality It soon became clear to my friend that the "int" in the title stood for "interview" as the videos were simply of the man in the chair answering questions being asked to him by the faceless guy behind the camera All of the videos were from the same interview session and just broken up into four different files What made these videos so unsettling, however, were the questions being asked and answered The men started by goofing around like a couple of good friends, laughing about nonsense Before long though, the interviewer asked his first question "So, how many women have you killed since you've moved here?" "Oh man... Around 20 or 25 so far. I started losing count when I hit double digits" "Who was your first?" "Oh, just some chick I met at a bar. That's where you find most of them. Easy pickins... They'll follow you anywhere for a few bucks Took her to a nice secluded spot not too far from here Should have seen her face when I stuck her with the blade" The man talked at great length about all of these women he'd allegedly slaughtered and how easy it was to get away with that kind of thing over there How mutilating other humans on the weekend had become a sort of hobby for him How you didn't even have to hide the remains particularly well "Trick is, you only target people who ain't gonna be missed. There's plenty of them over here" The sickest part to my friend was how the guy gave tips about how to literally get away with murder The video was clearly intended to be a sort of manual for psychos The men were so casual in the video - like this was just some sort of game to them They even laughed about all the gritty details My friend called over other people from the office, asking who left the USB on his desk Nobody knew anything about it He asked his boss He had no idea either They figured it was just some sort of prank video sent him by people who wanted a little notoriety Still, they called up the authorities just to be on the safe side - gave them the USB That's the thing though. The whole thing wasn't a hoax after-all The police were able to ID the man in the footage as a guy wanted for a slew of violent incidents that took place here in our home city mostly against women They'd been searching for him for a while, but the trail went cold when they found out he fled the country to Southeast Asia That's where the videos on the USB were suspected to have been filmed The Thai authorities got involved with the case to try and track down the man - bring him to justice So far, they've been unsuccessful Given his past history, they strongly believe that his confessions on the tape were true They also believe that somebody had come in and left the USB on my friend's desk as a sort of tip-off Maybe the guy behind the camera or somebody involved who suddenly grew a conscience Sadly, and that's where the story ends My friend never heard anything more about it from the cops He still doesn't know how that USB came to be on his desk Nobody in the company said they put it there, and there weren't any cameras in my friend's office He thinks that somebody in town knew the guy in the video Had these tapes of his confessions and wanted to get the truth out anonymously Maybe whoever it was thought the news station would report on it Instead it just got handed over to the authorities and became a footnote in newspapers, and nobody paid much mind to it It got completely forgotten about him, so my friend doesn't even know if they caught the guy or not Hey guys, Lazy here, and thank you very much for listening Well, I've never seen this topic covered before so maybe I'm the first to do it I'm not sure but I hope you enjoyed the stories anyway Huge shout out to Robin Mickelson. He created the thumbnail for this one Check out his YouTube channel and his Instagram in the bio below, and make sure to tell him that Lazy sent ya! He's a huge talent and he really helps me out, so thanks a lot, bro Should have another video coming out before Halloween so this isn't my Halloween special or anything so keep your eyes peeled for that and leave any topic ideas you might have in the comments down below A huge thank you to all of my supporters on patreon, especially my biggest supporters Ray Price Burton Marley Wright Crawford K McDonald Monica Mendoza, Alex Greensall Phillip Westre, Gina Valera ProCupidineNatta James labor crazy mask parade anime wimp Maricruz Cadano Victor Javier Fonsecca Ruez Sarah Ramirez Sloane Crawford Mitchell Herrera Nadine Darius safai Joshua Lindsey Danielle Kelly Rocco Madison Reinhardt Connor Louthan Kelly Rocco again gamma-a Martin Vatland Lily Castel, and Kane Harley. Thank you all so, so much for your support Anyway guys that about wraps things up for this one Be sure to check out my merch, smash that like button or I'll smash you, all that good stuff, and I'll be back again very, very soon Until then, you all stay spooky And remember... The best things happen In the dark.
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 795,143
Rating: 4.883462 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true horror stories, usb scary stories, scariest video ever, online horror stories, internet, reddit, 2chan, mr nightmare, lazy masquerade, top 10, ghosts, new, best, most, long video, asmr, british accent, english, lets not meet, found footage, caught on camera, caught on tape, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, terrifying, horrifying, deeply disturbing, Halloween, haunted, road trip, audiobook, reddit scary stories, real life, horror movies 2019, creepy, usb
Id: z0ifnXV9ygw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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