10 Creepy Photos with Disturbing Backstories

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my videos can be a little spooky but you know  what's more spine chilling is paying full price   for something when there are coupon codes hiding  in the shadows out there they're not always easy   to find however that's where today's sponsor  honey comes in honey is the free online shopping   tool that scours the internet for promo codes and  automatically tests them when you're checking out   shoes computers video games pizzas whatever  you're looking to buy this virtual pot of golden   goodness helps track down those discounts best  of all making those savings couldn't be simpler   get honey on your computer for free in two easy  clicks then whenever you're about to check out   online honey pops right up and all you've got to  do is click the apply coupons button wait a few   seconds as honey finds a working coupon code  and if it does watch those prices get slashed   recently i had to update my microphone since  the old one was getting a little unreliable   nothing takes you out of 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course thought shelia and rachel were joking   during those months of preparation they  both continued to hang out with skylar   pretending to be her closest friends just  like they were doing in this image july 6th   2012. at 12:30am skyla snuck out of her bedroom  window to meet up with shelia and rachel   the pair had coerced her into hanging out  with them that night through texts and calls   at first skyler was hesitant but the duo weren't  going to take no for an answer skylar got into   the back of sheliia's four-door sedan and the  three of them drove off to a spot where they   usually relaxed at just across the Pennsylvania  border there all three of them got out the vehicle   that's when one of the perps told skyler that  they had forgotten their lighter in the car   would she be a doll and go and fetch it for them  skylar turned around and headed back to the sedan   that's when shelia and rachel counted to three  their predetermined signal on three they pulled   out a pair of blades and rushed skylar tackling  her to the ground and puncturing her more than   fifty times they continued until in rachel's own  words skyler's neck stopped making gurgling sounds   sheila and rachel were pure evil  but they were far from evil geniuses   they tried to dig a hole in which to  hide schuyler's remains but didn't   realize that the soil in the area  was too hard and rocky to unearth   they planned this thing for months on end  and literally fell at the first hurdle   improvising they instead covered skylar with rocks  and branches then disposed of their clothes and   went home the following day skyla was reported  missing sheila shamelessly helped skyler's family   distribute missing person posters and later made  this post on twitter trying to cover her tracks   it eventually became clear that investigators  were hot on their heels hoping for a reduced   sentence on january 3rd 2013 rachel confessed to  what she and sheila had done that fateful night   she led detectives to where they had hidden  skyla and at last the niece family were given   some modicum of closure as for sheila  and rachel they were given 40 years   and 30 years respectively they'll both be  eligible for parole in the not so distant future this photo was taken in 1979 outside the ghost  train attraction at luna park sydney the boy in   the photo was damien godson he his parents and  his brother had spent the day at the theme park   enjoying many of the classic rides with their last  tickets the family decided to ride the ghost train   before they got on the mother jenny  godson took this photo of her son   and who she assumed was a park actor  this was the ghost train after all   jenny then went to get some ice cream while  her husband and two sons went to enjoy the ride   when she returned she noticed smoke  billowing out from the ghost train   the ride had been completely consumed by a fire  35 people were on the ride when the fire broke out   seven of them never made it out including jenny's  husband john her youngest son craig and of course   Damien how the fire actually started remains a  mystery to this day some suspect it may have been   the result of faulty wiring while others suspect  foul play Abe Saffron a notorious figure in the   Australian underworld was known to have started at  least seven other fires in the local area for his   own gain it's speculated that he may have caused  the blaze as a way to get luna parks shut down   safran had apparently tried to buy the park  several years earlier but his offer was turned   down this may have been his way of getting revenge  or perhaps a way for him to purchase the park at a   greatly reduced rate still that's just speculation  some time later when jenny finally mustered the   strength to look through the photos she had taken  that fateful day she came across the last picture   that she had taken of Damien standing alongside  the horned figure she recalled how that masked man   had approached the family without saying a word  then silently placed his hand on Damien's shoulder   at the time she had just assumed  he was an actor for the ghost train   as it turns out he wasn't luna parks  didn't employ any costumed actors   given how creepy this photo is and the fact  that it was taken just before the fire started   there are of course those who think this masked  man was behind it all in some way some even go   as far as to say that he was some sort of demonic  figure an omen of sorts i wouldn't go that far but   still after learning about what happened to damian  there's no denying this photo has an ominous vibe   there have been extensive efforts to identify this  man in the photo all of those efforts have failed this harrowing colorized image from 1913  shows a woman condemned to death in mongolia   this type of punishment was known as a murmunt  which literally means walling in it's been   used as a punishment in various places throughout  history but by the 1900s was basically unheard of   outside of mongolia that is there it was still  being used to oppress protesters and quote unquote   troublemakers what this particular woman did  to deserve such a cruel fate remains unknown   but whatever the case when she received her  sentence she was locked within this large crate   and left in the middle of nowhere to slowly expire   the only food given to her would have been honey  and other laxatives which in turn would have   attracted insects that would later feast on  her carcass and lay eggs inside her this food   was given to her once a day during which time  the hole in her crate would have been opened   at all other times that hole would have  been plugged leaving her in total blackness   it's terrible to imagine what her final days  must have been like inside that wooden tomb   hungry thirsty hot scared and alone it doesn't  bear thinking about this foreboding image is   the studio portrait of the lawson family  taken just before christmas in 1929 as you   can see they're all dressed rather fancily strange  considering they were a rural working-class family   you see charles the head of the household had  gathered his family together and driven them   from germantown to winston-salem where he bought  them all suits and dresses for their family photo   he explained this away as a christmas  splurge a gift for the whole family to enjoy   in reality it was all part of a dark  plan he'd been brewing for some time   on the afternoon of december 25th charles lawson  sent his eldest son arthur out on an errand which   took him away from the house charles then calmly  loaded his 12 gauge and sat alone by the family   barn as his daughters carrie and maybelle left  the main house to visit their aunt and uncle   he quietly waited for them to come into range  took aim and blasted them down before bashing them   both in the head immediately afterwards he walked  towards the main house and one by one took out his   remaining family members his wife who was sitting  on the porch his now screaming daughter marie   his sons james and raymond who were  hiding inside and finally little mary lou   the eldest son arthur soon returned to the house  and found a crowd of people and officers gathered   outside they'd all heard the commotion they found  the lawson family scattered around the property   with their arms crossed and rocks over their  faces not long after that they heard a final bang   ring out from the nearby forest it was charles  he'd gone to the woods to end his own existence   it's theorized charles sent arthur out to run the  errand not because he had a deep love for his son   but because the stocky arthur  would have fought to protect them   unfortunately arthur's story  doesn't have a happy ending either   he was involved in a motor accident in 1945 and  perished at the age of 32. why charles lawson   felt the need to spend a fortune dressing  his family up to get their portraits taken   days before slaughtering them is up for debate  in my mind it's a sort of we were here statement   photographs were a rare luxury back then  especially for working-class people like the   lawsons charles wanted to leave behind evidence  that he existed and that his victims existed too   a final christmas gift of sorts more for  himself than them i'm sure i guess his   plan to be remembered worked since because of  this photo we're still talking about him today   in the days after the massacre charles's own  brother turned the house into a morbid tourist   attraction and charged visitors to look around the  house where his relatives met their untimely ends   i guess the concept of a  caring family was lost on him Diving can be dangerous at the best of times  but cave diving is another beast altogether   unlike during a regular dive with cave diving you  can't just swim directly upwards if you encounter   a problem with your equipment you have to  frantically make your way back through the rocky   labyrinth you're stuck in when your oxygen levels  suddenly deplete and time isn't on your side   it's no wonder that under such circumstances so  many divers fail to make it back to the surface   other times divers simply get stuck in  some tight passage or become disoriented   and lost the more frantic they become  the quicker their air supply goes down   signs like this have been placed outside  numerous underwater caves to try and prevent   such loss of human life you can't save  everyone though on january 8th of 2005   accomplished cave diver david shaw swam through  the dark waters of bushman's hall in south africa   bushman's hall is an intricate cave feared  by even the most seasoned of divers and has   claimed several lives throughout the years it  had in fact claimed the life of david shaw's   close friend deandrea 10 years prior in 1994.  since then dion's body had remained in the cave   now with 10 extra years of diving experience under  his belt david decided he was going to recover the   body of his long lost friend dion a noble quest  sadly one that was destined to end terribly   just like dion before him david entered  bushman's hall and never resurfaced   before embarking on the dive david had attached an   underwater camera to his goggles and  recorded his entire recovery effort this was one of the last images he  captured on his ill-fated mission   the diving goggles of his friend Deon david had  found his remains from the rest of the footage   other divers realized what  had happened to david himself   at a depth of 725 feet he was subjected to immense  pressures that made breathing extremely difficult   he then ran into more difficulties when dion's  body began to float this was unexpected experts   had told David that Deon's remains wouldn't be  buoyant but in reality his body had turned into   a soap-like substance which did in fact float  making the recovery 10 times more difficult   while struggling to pull his friend out of the  cave david became entangled in the lines of Deon's   bodyback and the physical effort to free himself  combined with how difficult it was to breathe   led to his demise both david  and Deon were later recovered this next set of photos comes  from reddit user whitneyreneebee   whitney's family live in a relatively rural part  of oklahoma last year her mother was going through   pictures on her phone when she came across three  that stood out one was of her husband sleeping   one was of her youngest daughter  sleeping and one was of herself sleeping   they'd all been taken on the same night at around  three in the morning nobody inside the house had   taken any of the photos and none of them had a  history of sleepwalking i'm including all three   pictures said whitney but the strangest one of  them all is the pic of my mum it appears as if   whoever took the picture was kneeling down next  to the bed beside her almost by her face if you   play around with the saturation this can be  seen in the background of one of the images in the post whitney goes on to add that her family  has five dogs that all bark at the slightest noise   none of them made a peep that night the thought of  someone else or maybe even something else being in   your home and taking photos of you while you sleep  is ironically enough to keep anyone awake at night i'm sure many of you are familiar with the  work of alternative r b artist frank ocean   for those of you who don't know him  he's made some of the most critically   acclaimed albums in the genre and  has an extremely dedicated fan base   that being said he's notoriously private and very  little is known about his personal life as such   even if you have heard of him you probably didn't  know that back in august of 2020 frank's brother   ryan 18 was sitting in the passenger seat of a car  being driven by his friend ezekiel bishop as the   two of them drove through thousand oaks well above  the speed limit ezekiel lost control of the tesla   the vehicle collided with a tree at high speed was  cut in half on impact and burst into flames both   ryan and zeke perished immediately after hearing  the news frank rushed to the scene in his gt3 this image shows frank ocean sat on the  side of the road in a state of complete   shock having just learned that his brother  was gone he sits below a speed limit sign   adding a chilling dimension to the image  frank and ryan were both extremely close   ryan's voice is even featured on the track  futura free on frank's 2016 album blonde   knowing that this is what became of him it's  ominous hearing his young voice pop up at the end   of the record frank also later released a track  called orion dedicated to the brother he lost   when we're young we all have a tendency to be  reckless we feel invincible and unfortunately   some of us paid the ultimate price for that this  image is a chilling reminder to drive responsibly this happy looking couple are zach bowen  and addie hall they started dating in the   aftermath of hurricane katrina and seemed to  be at their happiest during that period where   there was no electricity no bills to pay no  work to be done the pair of them were free   spirits and the lack of responsibility they felt  during that period was something they savored   eventually life went back to normal however and  with it came the stress of actually having to work   both at their jobs and at their relationship  to make matters more difficult they both had   their own personal issues which i won't go into  detail about here in short their pasts were bleak   as real life started to take a hold  the pair began to fight constantly   when addie learned that zac had  cheated on her that was the final straw   on october 5th 2006 she went to their landlord and  tried to have zak's name removed from the lease   the landlord refused saying that the pair  of them had to work out their relationship   problems together that landlord would  be the last person to see addie alive   twelve days later on october 17th the authorities  in new orleans received a call from the omni royal   orleans hotel a man had leapt from the roof  and splattered on top of the parking garage   that man was zack bowen he had perished on  impact in his back pocket they found a note   in which he stated he had jumped from  the roof to atone for what he had done   investigators went to zack and addy's  apartment the air conditioner was on full blast   zach had spray-painted messages  on the walls like i'm a failure   and call my ex-wife and tell her i love her in a  pot on the stove they found addie's cooked head   in a separate pot were her feet and hands in a  roasting tray in the oven were her arms and legs   they'd been seasoned and cooked chopped carrots  and potatoes were found on the counter andy's   torso was found in the fridge in a journal zach  had left an explanation about what had happened   he wrote about how he had had his way with the  remains how he sliced her up in the bathtub   with a hacksaw and how he went back to  work like normal the following morning   in fact for the next two weeks zach went  on with his life like nothing had happened   all of his friends and family noted that he was  extremely happy during this period the happiest   they had seen him in a long time in actuality  zack had already decided to jump from the omni   hotel's roof and as he wrote in the journal was  just enjoying his last couple of weeks on earth   there was no evidence to suggest that zack  had actually eaten any of addy's remains   this innocent looking photo of  the couple together during happier   times becomes morbid when you know  what ultimately became of them both   after the incident became public knowledge a  woman named mary voodoo queen milan released   sakanaddy's apartment building and turned  their room into a real-life horror attraction   she dressed the place up like a schlocky haunted  mansion complete with bride and groom chucky dolls   and charged visitors to step inside the room  where a man had cooked his own girlfriend   her attraction is still in operation to this day seven months ago reddit user oopyspoopyman  made a post on the r/ghost subreddit titled   after hearing taps and noises from my  kitchen i take a photo and see this they later wrote "thank you to  the ones who have shown concern   as an update since seeing this i've been packing  some stuff and preparing to go and stay with my   family i've told my flatmates that i'm going  and why i am but they've chosen to stay there we'll end this video with a truly  horrible photo the filipino zoo girl her name is unknown but she was a member of  the igarots a tribe in the philippines this   photo was taken sometime between 1904 and 1914 not  even the library of congress who owned the photo   know exactly when the philippines was  being governed by the us at the time   and this little one along with other members  of her tribe were taken from their home   and displayed at the coney island zoo  alongside the monkey and lizard exhibits   as you can see she was bound and  visitors threw peanuts at her   unfortunately the concept of a human zoo was  far from original at the time throughout america   europe and asia it was common to showcase  people from conquered and occupied nations   natives would be taken from some far-off  land and displayed to the public like some   sort of exotic trophy this was done to drum  up support for government policies overseas   the message was clear look at these people they  can't possibly be expected to govern themselves   and that's exactly the message this  little one was being used to convey   she and the other igarats were  placed inside a closed off pen   then dogs from the local pound were brought in  for them to chop up and cook in a stew all to   shock and intrigue those who paid good money to  see them this was the mainstream entertainment of   the day and it both scandalized and intrigued  the so-called civilized patrons of the zoo   look at how these people live they'd say to each  other of course that wasn't actually how they   lived the people putting on the show displayed the  igarots how they wanted them to be perceived the   reality was very different this colorized photo  shows how igarats actually dressed at the time   as for why they tied this little one's  hands it was probably to dehumanize her   if she were free she'd likely be running  around and playing that would have made   it difficult to convince people that  the igarots were so different after all   thankfully this particular image does have a happy  ending the igarats were eventually returned to the   philippines after the man who had brought them  to the us a guy called dr truman hunt was put   on trial for not taking adequate care of them  he was found guilty of that charge along with   stealing from them using physical force to  intimidate them and for refusing to bury   two of them who had perished on the journey  to america dr hunt only received 18 months   and on that note i think we all need a  break to cool off so we'll end things there hey guys Lazy here and thank you very much for  listening firstly i'd like to say thank you to   everyone who participated in my discord emoji  competition we had some great entries and i just   want to shout out some of the best ones captain  soul chimera the hungry kitten masha existential   dread taco modius vivendi yami shinobu and the  overall winner hannah also a huge thank you to   my supporters here on youtube and over on patreon  especially my biggest supporters alex greensaul   azrael warakai charlie lackey connor lothan  crawford k mcdonald expand on gina valera grace   archie grey white rabbit infamous empappy leonardo  martinez lord 210 lucas maniac mara lancaster   monica mendoza native beauty nadine peter log  juraj philip westra procupide nata ronnie franklin   sarah ramirez silas geist sloan crawford  taylor and monica gruink the only dorita   miss crypto mrs yvonne rankin amanda hanson  boise mcsnatchy lydia glassley yoshi6500   patrick ruseki hamish k and phantom knight thank  you guys so much for your continued support it   really helps the channel out anyway guys be  sure to smash that like button or i'll smash   you make sure the bell icon is turned on and  you'll be hearing from me again very very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 704,572
Rating: 4.9409184 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true horror stories, creepy photos with chilling backstories, scary photos, pictures, caught on camera, horror, deeply disturbing, creepy pasta, lazy masquerade, mysteries, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, yandere stories, reddit stories, 2chan, asmr, relaxing, new, best, mr nightmare, lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, skinwalkers, ghosts, top 10, scary mysteries, creepy mysteries, with backstories, audiobook, British accent, how to, Skylar neese, human zoo
Id: qQUyaD-aEEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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