9 Dark Wikipedia Pages to Creep You Out

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Ah wikipedia the home of easily copy and  pastable information for lazy students on   a last minute assignment if you dig deep  enough however you'll find that it's also   home to numerous disturbing pages and articles  that will leave you feeling shocked, disturbed,   or even downright uncomfortable depending on the  topic let's kick things off with a strange one... we all have a good jane doe mystery on this  channel so here's one i've never covered before   the Isdal woman is the name given to an  unidentified body found at Isdalen in Bergen,   Norway She was found on November 29 1970 she was  lying on her back with her clenched hands up by   her torso Isdalen literally translates to "ice  valley" so you can imagine how cold the area was   still there was no evidence of any campfire being  made nearby in spite of that the front of her   body and her clothes had been severely burned her  face was so charred it was unrecognizable though   forensic artists were able to come up with this  image showing what she likely looked like in life   near her remains were a whole host of items  including an empty bottle of Saint Hallverd   a cheap brand of liquor two plastic water  bottles a plastic passport container   some clothes an umbrella a purse a matchbox a  watch two earrings and a ring all the labels   on these items that could have helped to  identify her had been removed or rubbed off   most interestingly however was that there were  traces of burned documents around her body   a few days later two suitcases linked to this  unknown woman were found at bergen station inside   them were clothes again with their tags removed  wigs cosmetics medicine maps and timetables a   notepad and money in norwegian belgian british  and swiss currencies 100 deutsche marks were also   found hidden in the lining of one of the cases  curious an autopsy was carried out on her body   it was determined that she died from a  combination of phenobarbitone and carbon monoxide   she had ingested around 50 to 70 sleeping  pills with more than 12 found scattered around   the scene of her passing what's more her lungs  contained a large amount of cert which indicated   one disturbing fact she was still alive when  she was burned a large bruise on her neck   could have been made after she had a fall or  perhaps after being struck by a blunt object   the last confirmed sighting of this woman alive  was when she left her hotel room on november   23rd six days before her remains were discovered  the hotel staff described her as attractive with   brown eyes and dark hair though she reportedly  often wore wicks that lines up with the content   of her suitcases they said she appeared to  be on guard during the entirety of her stay   she apparently smelled strongly of garlic the  woman had stayed in several other bergen hotels   before that one and in each she had changed her  room multiple times after checking in in several   of the hotels she'd been overheard speaking with  unknown people in german english and blemish   after decoding her notepad entries detectives  learned that the istal woman was quite the   traveller in the run-up to her mysterious end  she'd traveled extensively around not only norway   but europe in general based on her handwritten  check-in forms at the hotel she'd stayed at   they learned that she'd been using at  least eight different passports and aliases   the only consistent detail on all of these  forms was that she listed her nationality   as belgium given the fact that this all  happened at the height of the cold war   it's been speculated that the istal  woman was a covert agent of some kind   that would account for her strange movements  which all just so happened to line up with   the top secret trials for penguin missiles not  to mention there were numerous other strange   disappearances in norway during those years which  were all later linked to international espionage   ultimately it was ruled by the authorities  that the woman had simply taken her own life   that raised a lot of suspicions given the facts of  the case and many people started claiming that the   police were being pressured to cover up the real  story in 2005 when the investigation was reopened   a man came forward and said that he may have seen  the woman a few days before her body was found   he says she was hiking along the hillside  in istalun surprisingly underdressed for   such an activity as if she had planned to  be in the city and not in the ice valley   she was apparently walking ahead  of two men dressed in coats   the witness thought about saying  something to them but didn't   he tried to report what he had seen at the local  police station but was told to forget about it   so who was the estal woman a spy a member of  some professional perhaps nefarious organization   a lonely woman who'd decided to end it all  in the most elaborate way she could think of   the jury is out i'm afraid still this is  an interesting wikipedia article to read   through for all you unsolved mystery lovers  out there it provides a great summary of the   case and it's the perfect starting point to get  you digging deeper into this case's rabbit hole long-time listeners of this channel might  remember a case i covered a few years ago   that of dr karl tanzler a man who turned  the woman he was infatuated with into   a literal human doll after stealing  her body from her final resting place   well what was supposed to be her final resting  place in researching this video i happened   to stumble across the wikipedia page of a man  called anatoly moskven a russian gentleman with   a similar interest in human taxidermy muskovin  wasn't just some lowlife or social outcast   he was a well-respected professional a  philologist historian and linguist living   in the fifth largest city in russia nizhny  novgorod a name i probably just butchered   during his youth he and his school friends like  to go wandering around the local graveyards   it was at that time that he witnessed  the funeral of a girl his own age   he was forced by an adult to kiss the girl on the  forehead which is what experts believe sparked his   strange curiosity with the dead in particular  the young dead unlike that girl mosquing drew   up and graduated from the philological faculty of  moscow state university his main areas of interest   were celtic history and folklore particularly  the parts that involve rituals in the occult   his colleagues described him as a genius  with the ability to speak 13 languages   they also said that he was eccentric what with him  having a massive doll collection in his house he   was also a recluse choosing to spend most of his  time alone or with his parents and never married   or even dated in spite of these eccentricities  he was widely respected in academic circles   in 2005 he was commissioned to summarize and list  the dead in 752 cemeteries across the region a   job he gladly accepted he traveled between each  cemetery on foot walking up to 30 kilometers a day   as he traveled and gathered his data he reportedly  drank from puddles slept in haystacks and even   spent the night sleeping in a coffin that  was being prepared for an upcoming burial   he relished every moment well moskvan  enjoyed his work maybe a little too much   but still everyone needs a hobby right  unfortunately in this case moscovin's   hobby was much more connected to his work  with cemeteries than it should have been   detectives in nizhny novgorod were investigating  the desecration of a large amount of graves   someone had been digging up the recently buried  dead and doing who knows what with their remains   on november 2nd 2011 they finally found who  was responsible moskvan they raided his house   and what they found inside was as unexpected as  it was disturbing in various places around his   home they found 26 a life-sized human-like  dolls the reason they appeared so human   they were they were placed on shelves and sitting  on sofas under cover of darkness and over the span   of about ten years muskovin had been going to  gravesites in the local area and even as far   as moscow disinterring the remains of recently  deceased youths and driving them back to his home   there he would do his best to preserve them for as  long as he could by turning them into human dolls   this involved drying them in salt and baking soda  and then keeping them in secure and dry places   he stuffed their body cavities with rags in  order to keep them from withering and shrinking   and sometimes added wax masks to keep their  features human inside his home investigators   also found metal nameplates removed from  headstones as well as other items that belong   to at least 150 separate graves they also found  detailed instructions on how to make the dolls   maps of the local cemeteries and a collection  of photos and videos showing open graves the   investigators recorded the inside of his apartment  it's a chilling video i'll tell you that much   now muskovin lived with his parents and although  they spent much of the year away from the house   they always assumed the giant dolls  everywhere were just their son's toys   little did they realize they were sharing a  house with the remains of 26 mummified humans   unlike dr chancellor before him muskovan  was actually taken to court for his deranged   actions he was very compliant during the whole  process and fully cooperated with the authorities   he admitted to feeling a huge amount of sympathy  for the people he dug up and that he believed   he could bring them back to life through either  scientific means or through the use of black magic   he said that he regularly scoured  the obituary sections of newspapers   hoping to find new subjects to  experiment on and attempt to revive   once he found one that quote unquote spoke to  him he would go to their grave and sleep on it   he did this to determine whether the  child inside wanted to return to life   he said he never dug up anyone that expressly  told him they didn't want to come back   once he brought them back to his house he'd sleep  near them in order to keep communicating with them   claiming it was easier to hear  them when they weren't underground   he considered them his children  and would sing them songs   watch cartoons with them and even hold birthday  parties for their enjoyment he was sentenced   to coercive medical measures and was sent to a  psychiatric clinic where he remains to this day some of you may already be familiar with project  mk ultra the us government's foray into mind   control for those of you that aren't here's  the scoop project mk ultra or the cia mind   control program was the code name given  to a series of experiments conducted on   handwheeling or unwitting us and canadian  citizens between the years of 1953 and 1973   many of these experiments were illegal and were  designed to try and manipulate people's mental   states and brain functions this involved secretly  giving them high doses of mind altering substances   hypnotizing them giving them electro shocks  forcing them into sensory deprivation tanks   and isolated cells verbally and physically  attacking them and various other forms of control   the aim of the project was simple to develop the  perfect truth serum and to explore other methods   of controlling a subject some historians  also assert that one of the real goals   of the project was to create a manchurian  candidate type subject sleeper agents who   don't realize that they've been programmed  to carry out the government's commands   because of how sci-fi this all sounds it's  pretty crazy to think this is actually a project   the government conducted let alone conducted on  ordinary people without their knowledge or consent   they often targeted quote unquote  people who would not fight back   this included prison inmates mental  patients and ladies of the night   one so-called patient was even forced to take  a mind-altering substance for 174 days straight   the cia were attempting to turn  him into a so-called robot agent   they also experimented with wiping the minds of  these people those who resisted were experimented   on even more harshly as a result of this some of  the victims suffered with incontinence amnesia   forgetting how to talk forgetting their parents  and thinking the interrogators were their parents   in areas under us control at the time such as  parts of germany and japan the cia established   secret detention centers and conducted further  experiments on people they deemed as expendable   these were carried out to try and better  understand how to destroy the human mind little   is known about these centers or any of the other  experiments conducted in north america for that   matter that's because most of mk ultra's files and  records were destroyed before the public ever got   a chance to read them the things we know about  it now are likely only the tip of the iceberg   not to mention we don't really know what  findings the cia were able to make from   their highly unethical research project the  full impact of mk-ultra experiments including   the deaths which resulted from them will likely  never be known this wikipedia page makes for   some uncomfortable reading particularly when you  realize just how recently this was all going on   and in the land of the free no less due to how  controversial mk ultra was when the public got   wind of it there's no shortage of books  movies tv shows and songs referencing it   pineapple express the jason bourne books and  movies stranger things heck even that urban   myth polybius it's certainly the type of scandal  that captures people's attentions and imaginations   now here's a page that might keep you up at  night of all of the ways you can die in this   world fatal insomnia has to be up there with  the most elongated and arduous of all of them   and the most terrifying part you could develop it  suddenly without any prior warning if you couldn't   guess from the name fatal insomnia is when a  person suddenly loses the ability to fall asleep   things start off slowly with the patient's  insomnia progressively getting worse and worse   eventually the lack of sleep results in the  patient experiencing hallucinations delirium   confusion akin to that of an alzheimer's patient  and after months or even years an inevitable death   the average person lives 18 months after  becoming affected there's no known cure   sleeping pills proved to not only be ineffective  but actually make the condition even worse   fatal insomnia is thought to be caused by  a mutation of the gene encoding protein   prpc and there's no way of knowing if  or when this might start affecting you   unless of course you happen  to undergo genetic testing   if you should fall victim to this mutation however  then you'll go through four stages of degradation   stage one over the course of about  four months you'll start experiencing   increasing insomnia until eventually  you find yourself unable to sleep at all   as things get worse you'll start to experience  panic attacks paranoia develop new phobias and a   whole host of other fun things that are associated  with sleep deprivation stage two panic attacks   will become more intense and hallucinations will  start to become a part of your every waking moment   this will go on for approximately five months  stage three you'll become completely unable   to sleep and will experience rapid weight  loss over the course of about three months   stage four dementia you'll become unresponsive  or perhaps even mute this typically lasts about   six months before you finally die the only  thing anyone can do for you during this time   is support you this wiki page certainly makes  for some grave bedtime reading sweet dreams you may have seen this face before the  inquiny de la sen is the death mask of   an unidentified woman supposedly pulled  from the river sen in the late 1880s   her visage became popular with artists and writers  inspiring numerous literary works and paintings   you may have even seen this face hanging  on a wall somewhere since her mask was   and to some extent still is a popular decorative  fixture particularly in france and germany   as the story goes the pathologist at the paris  morgue was so taken by the young woman's beauty   that he made the death mask to preserve her face  for eternity over the years many copies of it were   made and it became a fashionable item among the  more morbid parisians her mosque was viewed as a   modern day mona lisa and people were encapsulated  by her eerie smile and what her mask had to say   about life and death where you're most likely to  have seen this face before however is on cpr dolls   the face of the first aid mannequin rasasian  was actually modeled on the enconu de la sen   as such it's often joked that this unknown woman  has the most kissed face of all time the wikipedia   page details all the cultural works that revolve  around or were inspired by the ink on you de la   whoever she was and however she came to lose her  life in that river there's no way she could have   realized just how famous her face would  become after she departed from this world there's a lot of disturbing wikipedia pages  related to joseph stalin and his antics   but one of the most interesting orders  during his reign as a russia's dictator   was the nazino affair in stalin's mind  the soviet union was filled with a lot of   undesirable people he couldn't just throw them  all in the gulags however another problem mother   russia had was with its land it had a huge amount  of it that hadn't been brought into production in   1933 he and his comrades came up with a solution  for this let's just ship two million people off   to siberia have them set up their own towns and  put those icy wastes to good use that idea had   some merit thought the man of steel but first  they needed to conduct a trial this experiment   was the nazino affair the mass deportation of  six thousand people to nazino island in 1933   the island itself was small isolated swampy  lacking in natural resources and freezing cold   the six thousand civilians many from moscow and  leningrad didn't have a choice as to whether   they went or not they were forcefully uprooted  shipped off against their will and ordered to   build a special settlement on the xeno this  had the added benefit of cleansing the city   of unwanted individuals among the ordinary  people that were sent to the island there   were hundreds of hardened criminals as well  these more anti-social test subjects beat up   the weaker ones during their journey to the  island stealing their food and blankets in   total 27 people died before they even reached  their destination they were dropped off on   the island on may 18th and abandoned with only  flour for food and little in the way of tools   clothing or shelter one third of these newly  arrived settlers were too weak to even stand up   guards were set up around the perimeter of the  island with orders to shoot anyone who tried   to escape since there was no way to turn their  flower into bread on the island they all simply   mixed it with water and ate that for sustenance  as such dysentery on the island was widespread   many of the new inhabitants wanted out so  they built makeshift rafts to try to get away   most of these rafts broke in the water and  hundreds of bodies washed up on the island's   shores in the first few days those that did  make it to the other side were hunted and   executed by the guards as if they were wild  game society on the island quickly broke down   gangs fought and their leaders  ended up controlling the island   people were killed over food disputes anyone  with gold teeth had them ripped from their skulls   the guards started killing settlers for  minor offenses or even just for the fun of it   it was a real-life dystopia two weeks after  arriving a lack of food and the newly accepted   normality of violence led to people eating each  other this cannibalism became extremely common   with people killing a fellow settler for the  sole purpose of chowing down on their remains   by the start of june the experiment  was already considered a failure   and the surviving residents of nazina island were  removed and redistributed to other settlements   of the roughly six thousand people that were sent  there around two thousand perished from exposure   starvation disease or at the  hands of their fellow settlers   another two thousand disappeared completely  and were presumed to have perished in the   siberian wastes only two to three hundred of the  survivors were capable of working after the fact   they were only on the zeno island for two weeks do you get really bad hangovers do you wish there  was some kind of medicine you could take that   would totally get rid of them immediately well  maybe you should try a spoonful of mellified man   you better start mixing up your batch right  now though it takes a hundred years to make it   so i'm a big fan of history and while doing  research for this video i stumbled upon the   wikipedia page of an old historical medical  food that people used to make use of mellified   man there are records of it being prescribed in  ancient greece arabia and at other places and   times it was thought to be a cure-all the ultimate  medicine the substance was said to help with all   kinds of ailments and people even believed that  if you ate it it could help heal your broken limbs   if you were alive back then you might  be eager to get your hands on some   nullified man yourself right well maybe not  after you hear what it's actually made of   as the name kind of implies mellified man was made  by marinating human remains in honey for a century   so that the body completely liquefied into  a substance that could be eaten by future   generations the most disturbing part the process  was started while the person was still alive   old men reaching the end of their lives would  willingly submit themselves to being mummified   in honey the donor would stop eating anything  other than honey and would go as far as to bathe   in the sticky stuff every day eventually the  excrement and according to legend even their   sweat would start to consist of golden honey  after some time and this diet would prove fatal   the old man's body would then be placed  into a sarcophagus which was itself   filled with honey and would be sealed away  until the malification process was complete   after a century had passed the contents of the  tomb would be opened and inside would be a gooey   confection winnie the pooh would have a field day  with this one because of its rarity and supposed   healing properties the mellified man would be  sold at market for a hefty price the use of   mummies as medicine was actually a lot more common  than you'd think back in the past and not just   the ancient past either but even in the middle  ages and all the way up into the 18th century   there's even a source that claims alexander  the great was turned into a mellified man   the wikipedia page also contains notes on  other medical practices from the past like   how romans would drink the blood of gladiators  thinking it would cure their epilepsy hmm   delectable anyway as appealing as honey-saturated  human goo sounds i think i'll stick with aspirin the act of self-mummification this has been  practiced by buddhist monks throughout history and   in various parts of the world like china thailand  and india and to successfully self-mummify in this   manner was viewed as achieving the ultimate state  of enlightenment the practice was most common in   japan specifically in the northern mountains  of yamagata between the 11th and 19th century   the practice was banned in 1879 by emperor  meiji though many hundreds if not thousands   of monks during those years attempted to become  shokushimbutsu only 24 of these mummies have   ever been discovered which goes to show just how  much willpower it took to complete this process   this wikipedia page even has  some photos of these morbid monks   once human now through sheer determination  fleshy statues preserved for hundreds of years   here's how they did it once a senior monk decided  he wanted to achieve buddha nature in his body he   would inform his brothers of his intentions they  would then assist him with his transformation   the monk would begin a strict diet called  mokujikigyo which literally translates   into eating a tree the dye consisted of pine  needles resins and seeds found in the mountains   delicious over time his calorie intake was limited  this diet removed all fat from the monk's body   increased periods of fasting and meditation  would help the monk reach his goal of starvation   his liquid intake would also progressively  get smaller slowly dehydrating the bunk and   making his organ shrink and his skin cling  tightly to what little muscle he had left   when it appeared as if starvation would soon  take hold of him the senior monk would begin   his unbelievably long final session  of meditation he would die in this   so-called jana chanting the nimbutsu mantra  to himself until his heart finally stopped   the whole sokushimbutsu process was completed  over the course of about three thousand days   or ten years and here i am barely able to  focus on anything longer than five minutes   if everything went according to plan and the monk  didn't drop out at any point over those years   his body would have naturally preserved itself  as a mummy with skin and teeth intact without   the need of any artificial preservatives some  of the mummies that have been found are 300 400   even 500 years old there are several of them  on display at temples across asia and they're   all revered by followers of buddhism as  the literal embodiment of their doctrine genie is the pseudonym of an american feral child  whose real identity is protected by the state   her childhood was non-existent  due to the cruelty of her father   rather than care for genie he  instead kept her inside a dark   locked room either strapped to a toilet or bound  within a crib with her arms and legs immobilized   she stayed in that room for her whole  childhood she was allowed no visitors no   stimulation of any kind and was given the bare  minimum amount of food and water to survive   if she made any noise her father would beat her  with a plank of wood which he kept in her room   he didn't speak to her using words  only growled at her like a dog   and even grew his fingernails out so that  he could scratch her like one too she lived   like this until she was 13 and a half at which  point she was finally saved in november of 1970   due to being kept so underdeveloped her  rescuers thought that she was only six or seven   her father took his own life rather than  face the consequences of his actions   due to being so isolated and rarely ever hearing  a human voice or seeing a human face jeannie was   of course unable to speak or even non-verbally  communicate she had also developed many medical   conditions her motor skills were extremely weak  her eyes couldn't focus on anything further away   than the dimensions of the room she had been kept  in and her cognitive abilities were like that of a   toddler she had an extreme phobia of dogs which  likely resulted from her father acting as one   she would easily become frustrated and angry and  at which point she would start attacking herself   she obviously had no social skills whatsoever   due to being a rare example of a feral child  genie was viewed as an opportunity to study   how humans acquire language and how they  learn to socialize as such there's a huge   amount of information about her detailing  her development from the day she was saved   fortunately her condition improved her leaps and  bounds though she obviously never fully recovered   from her ordeal by 1972 she had acquired enough  language to understand and form simple sentences   she was overheard muttering to herself father hit  big stick father is angry this was the first sign   that she could talk about her past life sadly her  verbal communication never really improved further   than simple short sentences though in contrast  her nonverbal communication did become excellent   this allowed her to express her  thoughts that she couldn't verbalize   over time interest in genie's case began to  dwindle and funding for research into her   came to an end between 1978 and the early 1990s  genie moved through at least four foster homes   some of which treated her extremely badly she  became withdrawn and uncommunicative once again   by 1993 things seemed to have improved  once again after she was moved to a better   more accommodating facility as of right now  genie remains a ward of the state of california   living in an undisclosed location in l.a  a private investigator was hired to track   her down and reported that she appeared  happy and healthy now in her early 60s   she apparently still only speaks a few words  but communicates very well in sign language   this is actually a particularly long wikipedia  article to read through since she was the subject   of so much scientific analysis so i haven't been  able to cover everything in genie's story here   but if it resonated with you i recommend checking  it out now well after the incredits at least   hey guys Lazy here and thank  you very much for listening   a huge thank you to robin mickelson for making  the thumbnail for this video he helps me out a   lot and he's a real talent so make sure to check  him out by the links in the description below   also a massive thank you to all of my supporters  on youtube and on patreon especially my biggest   supporters mark furnish leonardo martinez  hungry and hammered or a dragon one   ricky cohen jr the only dorita lord 210  azrael warakai silas geist alba madrano   infamous empappy sieg carla decaying girl connor  lothan kelly rocco nadine kelly rocco again   sloan crawford sarah ramirez anime whim martin  vatland gina valera procupidinenatta philip westra   alex greensall tom king monica mendoza  crawford k mcdonald hamish k phantom knight   and alicia l thank you all so much for your  continued support it really helps the channel   out that wraps things up guys be sure to  smash that like button or i'll smash you   and until next time you will stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,131,010
Rating: 4.9310598 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, lazy masquerade, lady masquerade, maskarade, true scary stories, true horror stories, creepy wikipedia pages, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, nexpo, top 10, new video, best, most, deeply disturbing, creepy pasta, scariest video ever, 2chan, reddit, lets not meet, scary photos with backstories, yanderes, yandere stories, skin walker stories, mysterious, horror, terrifying, scary wikipedia, horror movies 2021, British accent, audiobook
Id: Rthm53oLOJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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