3 More Cryptic Mysteries that will Lead You Down Rabbit Holes

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today's video is sponsored by hunter keller  the ultimate murder mystery subscription game   for fans of true crime now if you're like  me then you're probably tired of sitting on   your couch every evening glued to one of your  devices or another if you're looking for a way   to break the monotony why not try solving  a cold case with a hunter killer box set   unlike watching a homicide investigation unfold  on tv hunter killer makes you a part of the action   placing you in the shoes of a detective and  tasking you with catching an elusive murderer   it's crazy dark analog fun and a  really unique way to spend an evening   each box comes filled to the brim with case files  clues ciphers props puzzles and other interesting   goodies which you'll use to progress through  each case all the pieces are highly detailed and   authentic looking so you can truly get immersed  in whatever mystery you're playing through   because of the way it's designed hunter  killer is a great game to play solo   but for me the best way to experience it  is with other people it's always amusing   to bounce ideas off your buddies and  collaborate to catch each story's perp   my girlfriend and i love playing it together and  we always have a blast racking our brains about   who blew somebody else's out we get a real sense  of accomplishment whenever we make a discovery   and being able to actually feel all the clues and  share our findings with each other is much more   interesting than sitting in silence staring at  a screen so if cracking open a cold case sounds   like your idea of a fun night in head over to  hunterkiller.com forward slash lazy masquerade   and use promo code lazy to get 20 percent off  your first box again take advantage of that spine   chilling 20 discount by going to hunterkiller.com  forward slash lazy masquerade and using promo code   lazy and find out if you have what  it takes to solve the mystery inside well lazy legion it's that time  of year again spring has sprung   and easter's just around  the corner with that in mind   let's take a trip down a few rabbit holes  and see what horrors lie in store for us china has more than its fair share of wild and  disturbing cases that's for sure but here's one   that really takes the cake shenzhen yin and  shen chang ping were two brothers who despite   being born eight years apart were both extremely  close they did everything together work relax   kill women and eat their livers travel the  shens are infamous in their native homeland   but their antics are basically unheard of in  the west so let's start from the beginning   it all began in 1999. at the time  changing was 23 and chiang ping 15.   they started an auto business together in  lanjar city a venture that failed spectacularly   the shen brothers had lost all of their money  and quickly decided that an honest day's work   wasn't worth their time or energy so rather than  getting other jobs to recoup their losses the   brothers took to robbing other local businesses  instead it was in september of 99 when changin   the eldeshem brother took things a step too  far and ended up killing a man during a holdup   this being china changing knew that if he was  caught he'd quickly be meeting with the firing   squad as such he took his victims money told  his brother what had just happened and the   pair of them fled to the city of hanan for a time  they laid low and stayed out of trouble but that   turned out merely to be the calm before the real  storm in 2003 the brothers returned to lanjar city   while there they met a woman offering  her services on the street we'll call her   woman number one they paid this woman to  come back to their apartment with them   once inside the brothers tied her up took her  credit and debit cards and forced her to give   them the pin numbers if she didn't do what they  said they would kill her of course she told them   it didn't matter the brothers killed her all the  same by squeezing her neck till all the life in   her was snuffed out they then dismembered her  body and disposed of her somewhere in the city   it's unclear whether this was the first  time the brothers had pulled such a stunt   but it certainly wasn't the last five  months later the shem brothers employed   the service of another girl on the  street woman number two lee chun ling   just like before they paid lee to come back to  their apartment for a fun and profitable night   she entered and was immediately tied up  and ordered to give them her pin numbers   lee knew that if she complied she was as good  as dead instead of begging for her life however   she made a deal with the shenz if they let her go  she promised to return with more victims for them   for some reason the brothers  were convinced by her words   they untied her and let her go telling her to  come back soon with some gullible fresh meat   you're probably thinking she must have been a  good actress to talk her way out of that situation   thing is she wasn't acting a few days later  lee really did return to the brother's   apartment with a new victim woman number three  while he actually did this remains a mystery   the shem brothers had tricked her into their  clutches and were going to take her life   but when she was released and physically  apart from them for some bizarre reason   she didn't run to the police even more  bizarrely she was actually now helping them   woman number three was bound and her cards taken  the shen brothers then ordered lee to kill her   lee obliged once number three was dead the shenz  cut out one of her kidneys buried it outside   and then dissolved her body in acid until they  could successfully flush her down the toilet   from here on out lee decided to team up with  the shem brothers the reason for this is unclear   perhaps they had made a deal with her offering  her a cut of the money they took from each of   their victims perhaps they had some dirt on her  and were blackmailing her into compliance perhaps   she was just scared whatever the case the duo were  now a trio and even though lee was free to leave   the apartment by herself and hunt for new victims  she never once tried to contact the authorities or   simply run away and go into hiding it's not like  the brothers would have been able to find her   still she played her part and over the next five  months the three musketeers or more fittingly   mutilators robbed and killed three more women  the exact details of these slayings haven't   been reported on but it's safe to assume  they were all similar to the previous ones now here's where things get really messed  up lee and the shem brothers left lanshaw   city and moved into an apartment together in  taiyuan a different city over 600 miles away   maybe things were getting too hot in lan  chao and they needed a new base of operations   while there they hired yet another woman to come  to their home woman number seven zhao mei ying   when she arrived lee and the brothers forced  her to call another woman to come over   a sort of take-out service worker this  worker woman number eight promptly arrived   big mistake she was quickly tied  up and zhao was given a blade   and told that she had to slay her colleague  and it was either that or be slain herself   she chose the former option and the takeout  worker was taken out after woman number eight   had been slashed to pieces xiao was told to  dispose of her in a meat processor that's right   their latest victim was turned into human sausages  which were subsequently flushed down the toilet   just like lee zhao joined up with the  shens helping them slaughter their way   from racks to riches together the four of  them moved from city to city claiming lives   and credit cards as they went with each new  kill they moved to a new city in a different   prefecture making it extremely difficult for the  authorities to link all of the cases together   during this time both lee and zhao were  given a lot of autonomy and were free to   go off on their own and do whatever they  pleased with their downtime it was clear   that they weren't being held captive so why  did they decide to stay with the brothers after slaying three more women the gang  ended up in the city of xicha zhuang and   got themselves a new apartment this is where  things started to unravel while they were there   something mijao snap either she'd  had enough of her part in all this   chaos or the shem brothers had pushed things too  far or she was denied a cut of the money or she   suddenly developed a conscience we don't know  but she did finally decide to go to the police   she told them everything that had happened  including the part that she had played   the cops quickly paid a visit to the shen's  apartment they found lee inside she was arrested   and eventually confessed to everything as well  the shen brothers however were nowhere to be seen   despite the authorities actively looking for  them shenzhen yin and shen chang ping remained   in the city of xi jiaoshuang and even managed  to get themselves two more female henchmen   dusu wrong 23 and an unnamed female only 16.  after receiving an anonymous tip in august 2004   the cops raided the apartment where  the shem brothers were now living   inside they found the pair of them along with  dussuron and their unnamed accomplice they were   in the middle of dissolving another  victim literally caught in the act   the stolen bank cards of 11 known victims  were found during a search of their apartment the shem brothers confessed to everything the  robberies the murders the disposals heck they even   took things a step further and confessed to eating  the livers of most of their victims they said that   their motive for doing all of this wasn't money  it was simply because they were quote unquote evil   yeah not exactly building a  strong defense case for themselves   unsurprisingly they were found guilty they all  were in fact lee zhao do and the unnamed youngster   the four female accomplices got 20 years apiece  the shem brothers were sentenced to death   they faced the firing squad in 2005 and in navali   the shem brothers reign of terror finally came  to an end they were 29 and 21 respectively   although this case has officially been solved  there are still so many answered questions that   just baffle me most obviously why did all of their  accomplices join forces with the self-described   evil brothers i know they must have been scared  but they were all allowed to roam freely and   they always returned to the shens rather than  running away and calling for help perhaps they   all feared the repercussions of their actions  and were bound to the brothers that way maybe   the brothers have filmed them when they force  them to kill their victims giving them leverage   over them this being china there isn't much  documentation on their side of the story meaning   we're all left to speculate about why they didn't  all make a run for it when they had the chance   another thing we just don't know is  how many victims the shens actually had   sure all the accomplices have confessed  to the slayings that they were a part of   but the shens may have been active well  before coming into contact with any of them   they may have had other accomplices before them as  well or maybe even killed other people when their   accomplices weren't around the answers to all  of these questions and many others pertaining to   this case remain unknown to the general public  and are likely to remain unknown forevermore let's take things up a gear now with a  mystery centered around a high-speed chase   july 7th 2013 wilson oklahoma 10 30 pm james  connep was behind the wheel of a 2012 hunter   accord his girlfriend's car after throwing rocks  at a police car he quickly sped off down highway   76 cruisers hot on his tail in the back of his  vehicle were molly miller 17 and colt haynes 21   their relationship with james remains unclear  though colt did have a child with james's   ex-girlfriend and were reported not to be on  the best of terms that being said they've both   been spotted with james earlier that evening at  around 9 pm and at that time appeared to be in   good spirits according to eyewitnesses both colt  and molly appeared scared when the pursuit began   molly and colt's relationship is also unclear   in some articles they're referred to as friends  in others as a couple what we do know is that   although colt had had a few run-ins with the  lore in the past both he and molly were loving   people and were both close with their families  with the cops hot on their heels james drove all   the way to love county at which point the love  county sheriff's department took over the chase   they soon gave up after losing sight of the honda  which was reaching speeds of 120 miles an hour   they lost them on long hollow road which  immediately sets off a few alarm bells   since long hollow is a dead end road regardless  they gave up the hunt and the chase was over   it's important to note here that james connipp  was the nephew of the sheriff of love county   at 12 47 am molly dialed 9-1-1 this school only  lasted for five seconds and she didn't say a word   before hanging up dispatchers received several  more calls from molly's number but each time   the call was dropped when they tried to  call her back nobody answered that's ominous   even more ominously at 3am colt reportedly called  his friends telling them that he was lying in   a creek near longhollow road that his ankle  was broken and that he was coughing up blood   he didn't say how he was injured his pals drove  up and down the entire area honking their horns   and flashing their lights but couldn't find  colt anywhere molly's phone sent 33 text   messages during those morning hours and several  calls were made by a person with a male voice   most likely she was still with colt who was  using her phone to make the calls at 602 am   molly herself called a friend and asked for a  ride she apparently sounded calm and unafraid   three and a half hours later at 9 33 am she made  another call again asking someone else for a ride   this time reportedly crying and saying she was  thirsty at 10 am both of their phones went dead   that's the last anyone has ever heard from  either molly or colt james on the other   hand was spotted the next day walking  through town as if nothing had happened   two weeks later the honda accord was found crashed  in a field near where the pursuit had ended   it was extremely damaged having been  driven through ditches and barbed wire   but no traces of foul play were found inside  james's girlfriend the owner of the car said   that james had borrowed the vehicle on the evening  of july 7th but had returned it to her 30 minutes   before the actual chase had taken place she said  that at some point after that her car was stolen   obviously she was lying several days later  james connep handed himself into the authorities   claiming to have no idea where molly or colt  were at this point both molly and colt were   considered to be runaways by the authorities and  were not believed to be in any sort of danger   it wasn't until july 30th more than three  weeks after the chase had taken place   that molly's status was changed from runaway to  missing slash endangered the official search for   both of them begins with molly receiving  the lion's share of the media attention   colt was still considered a perp on the run likely  due to his history the families of both molly and   colt requested warrants to search james connip's  house for evidence but were denied multiple times   they criticized the sheriff for not doing  enough to aid them with their search efforts   that same sheriff later resigned after  being arrested over corruption charges   and yes that is the same sheriff  who was the uncle of james connip   whole thing starting to sound  like a bit of a cover-up right   the most strange piece of evidence that we have to  work with is that in 2014 a full year after molly   and colt went missing a man inadvertently  called 9-1-1 while discussing their case   that man just so happened to be another uncle  of james connip this uncle seemingly had no idea   that he had made the call in the first place and  just so happened to be openly talking about the   case with somebody at the time during the call  he said moxley lake a buck knife molly miller   they shot him in the mouth right there i  can put my finger all the way through it   the operator then heard the sound of water  splashing followed by two gunshots before the line   disconnected the call came from moxley lake just  north of long hollow road now it seems extremely   unlikely that that call had been made accidentally  either james's uncle was secretly trying to call   in a tip discreetly confessing what he knew or  that the whole piece of evidence is complete bull   you see that's the thing what makes this a real  rabbit hole of a case is that the sources for red   are all over the place some articles report one  thing happening another piece reports something   different as if nobody can agree what exactly  went down the night molly and colt vanished   there are so many conflicting reports that diving  into this rabbit hole will make your head spin   it's like a complex puzzle with too many pieces   there is a whole picture to be put together  but it's not clear which pieces we should trust   and which are decoys with the love county  sheriff's department likely having a hand in   confusing things solving the mystery surrounding  mully and colt's disappearance is an arduous task in january of this year molly was  officially declared deceased by her family   to this day nobody has ever been  charged in relation to her disappearance   nor in relation to the disappearance of cult   though their bodies have never been found it's  almost certain that the pair are no longer alive   so what do you think happened in this one how did  molly and colt disappear completely from the face   of the earth did james con nip kill them after an  argument and then bury them on his land or dump   them in moxley lake did he simply run off after  the car crashed leaving molly and colt to succumb   to dehydration in the blistering summer heat of  oklahoma how did colt injure himself did he jump   out of the car did somebody hurt him was there  another party involved that we don't know about   after so many years we'll probably never know the  full truth about their vanishings especially when   all of the pieces of this case's puzzle are so  jumbled hopefully their families can find closure october 3rd 2005 east of seminole alabama just  off highway 90 a group of highway workers made   a grisly discovery in a remote wooded area they  came across a toolbox two by three feet in size   abandoned in the forest they were curious about  what could be inside this supposed treasure chest   after all it's not exactly the kind of thing  you come across every day naturally they all   gathered around and opened the thing up the smell  hit them before they could look upon their find   in the toolbox was a decaying red mass of flesh  they all thought it was an animal carcass at first   then they noticed it was wearing pants a belt  and a shirt stuffed inside this small box   was a fully grown man a wallet was found inside  the sticky decaying remains an id card within   identified the corpse as kenneth clay pierce  a 44 year old from kentucky judging from how   decomposed he was forensics estimated that he must  have been dead for at least a month countless cars   had driven past the woods during that time the  drivers and passengers completely unaware that   kenneth's remains were right there discarded  on the side of the road like a piece of trash it was determined that the 5  foot 8 160 160-pound kenneth   was killed before he was stuffed into the  box a fracture on his skull suggested that   he'd been killed by a blow to the head  a strike likely made by a baseball bat   like so many others before and after him  nobody came forward to claim kenneth's body   no friends no family and seemed like the guy  was nothing to no one if there hadn't been any   id in his wallet then it'd probably still be a  john doe not only would his life have been taken   but also his entire identity he still had that at  least and that gave detectives a lot to work with   they started by examining who kenneth clay pierce  actually was for the past 13 years the 44 year old   had been living in pensacola florida living what  appeared to be a nomadic life the guy had no fixed   job and no fixed address he seemed to just wander  from place to place sometimes living in a house   sometimes on the streets his last known job  had been clearing debris after hurricane ivan   he had no family to speak of and no other  assets to help the authorities piece together   his backstory flyers were put up all around the  city appealing for people to come forward with   information about who kenneth was about  how he came to meet such a gruesome fate   nobody came forward from what investigators  could gather kenneth didn't keep the best   of company the guy hung out with some bad  people and was known to be a heavy drinker   he was also known to regularly hit up clubs and  bars in pensacola as well as the local shelter   after learning about his life the authorities  came to the conclusion that kenneth must have   been slain in pensacola for whatever reason and  then driven out to seminole where he was dumped   that brings us to the toolbox  in which kenneth was found   with no other physical evidence to speak of this  toolbox proved to be the most vital lead of all   the thing was homemade crafted from  corrugated plastic and not just any old   plastic detectives were able to pinpoint  exactly where the material had come from   the top of a commercial dumpster the  kind you see outside of businesses   close to the shelter where kenneth used to  sometimes stay investigators found another   toolbox inside the back of a pickup  truck belonging to a local resident   the top of this toolbox was also homemade and  apart from its color it was identical in every   way to the one that kenneth was discovered in  this was a big break the owner of the truck   was tracked down and questioned the cops  hopeful that they have found their burp   unfortunately they were unable to  come up with any evidence proving   that this man was responsible for kenneth's  demise or even that the two had previously   it seems likely that if this guy had the same  style homemade toolbox he either made it himself   or knew who sold it to him still this break  didn't lead anywhere and it's possible that   the toolbox in which kenneth was found was stolen  that might explain why no connection could be made   either way the police had hit a dead end and  unfortunately no new leads have presented   themselves since the case is no closer to being  cracked now than it was 15 years ago the only   thing the cops are sure of is that more than one  person is responsible for taking kenneth's life   it certainly shocks the conscience a little bit  to think that there are people out there who   have beat someone to death put them in a box and  literally thrown them out on the side of the road   said andre reid with the baldwin county  sheriff's office and that's why i say it's   important that we make an arrest in this  case because what kind of people are those kenneth clay pierce was buried in baldwin  county while five strangers attended his service   just another forgotten man well that  forgotten man remains in the minds of   strangers all around the world who have heard  his case and have delved into its rabbit hole   who killed kenneth pierce  and what were their motives   all we know for certain is that somebody out there  knows the truth who knows maybe they're watching hey guys lazy here and thank  you very much for listening   before the video ends i'd like to say a huge thank  you to robin mickelson for making the thumbnail   and also give a big shout out to my supporters  here on youtube and over on patreon especially my   biggest supporters amanda hanson alec love phantom  knight hamish k dapper alex greenshaw anime wimp   ezreal charlie lackey connor lothan crawford k  mcdonald expand on gina valera grey white rabbit   infamous sempapi leonardo martinez lord 210  monica mendoza nadine peter lolgeratch philip   westra procupadineta sarah ramirez silas geist  sloan crawford and the only dorita thank you   guys so much for your continued support anyway  guys that wraps things up for this one be sure   to smash that like button or i'll smash you and  you'll be hearing from me again very very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 669,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, scariest video ever, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, yandere, Japanese, English, British accent, asmr, relaxing, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, south korea, the frog boys, frog boys, korean, missing, chills
Id: LByNkKALnlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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