My King is in Your TC!

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[Music] welcome ladies and gents i just love the fact that uh the introduction was essentially a cow mooing there if you heard that we have more exploding kings and we have a lot of excitement that will take place here um so recently the trend has been exploding kings on this channel it just seems to be i mean the views on youtube seem to be booming the comments section is booming everyone's enjoying it so we're gonna ride it out and we're not gonna try and ruin it exactly but we're gonna see how many crazy things can happen with it and i'll do the introductions now i'll remind you kind of how the whole exploding thing works and then uh we have some other things to talk about here on hideout so in the green we have vikings for just out of range in the gray we have ralph playing as the britons in the uh pink or magenta or purple we have you lost so what playing as the chinese in the red we have bad speller playing as the koreans in the blue we have space kinch playing as the persians in the teal we have a very talkative argent stew playing malians in the yellow we have bretta lyon playing as the lithuanians and then last but not least we have e-dub playing as the aztecs so if your king is killed there is a countdown and then there is a massive explosion that can take out virtually everything in a pretty wide radius so what i found is at least recently that if you pick someone off if you piss someone off and you start being annoying some people in community games despite it being really hard to get into community games will happily just detonate their king right next to your base though there's kind of extra reasons to be nice to people when you're out here the map is hideout so you share a big wood line in the center i'm really looking forward to a king exploding so we could maybe see some of these trees disappear but otherwise you've got relics and you've got gold around the map it's a pretty good map for diplo in the late game if you want to trade and the last thing to mention because i know people if this if this hits youtube are going to be wondering um my my chat overlay was bugged so there's unfortunately no chat from the stream here there's a bunch of people and they're saying smell youtube you're saying a bunch of awful things oh god they're making your mom jokes and everything oh geez anyways i don't have the chat up because of that bug so i apologize or uh maybe maybe you're excited about that i don't know also we don't have any like improved casting overlay yet but we'll get there eventually um i'm hoping it'll come before christmas but maybe it'll be just after christmas we'll have a real cool way to display community games to you guys but yeah um you know you want to hear something funny as we as these players are gonna boom up um so you know i made the platform switch and and there was a lot of drama at the time right i got a lot of negativity i've already talked about that it wasn't great but for the most part a lot of people have been positive we've had more people showing up than i ever expected and it's been a good time right um and so some people who would mainly watch on youtube they weren't as invested in the whole stream thing right so you know they might see some of these strong opinions and think well that's a little ridiculous that that person would say the hurtful thing to see 90. and so everyone reacts that a little differently there was a youtube video like three days ago and one of the first comments was gotta love how twitch chat called youtube smelly all the time and now youtube isn't affected at all but twitch is affected like it was some type of a battle you know the youtuber needed to defend youtube's honor from the people who had called them smelly i thought it was really funny because a lot of people here on the stream like regardless of the platform are still calling youtube smelly it's a joke people okay just saying it's a joke okay um it's not like i mean maybe one person out there thinks that people on youtube actually smell but i'm fairly certain the majority of people who watch me also watch youtube videos we don't think you smell at least any more than the people here in the stream smell so what is this purple says t90 taught me everything i know so if i'm bad you know who to blame no no no no no no no no no that's not how this works okay this is this is how it works if you're bad you didn't listen to me it's not if you're bad it's my fault that was sneaky uh well played mister you lost so what but you didn't think that one through also the scouts are aoe 1 scouts there's a weird mod i have on right now i forgot to remove so right being chill says how's everyone doing all right it's nice of him to ask not sure if i missed any other conversations greens is nervous people do get nervous in these community games especially when you watch and you think that you would you would do so many different things if you play in one and then it takes you a year to get in you're like oh man the pressure's on now it's pretty easy to say like why didn't that person do that thing but when you actually step in here it's a completely different ball game i'm wondering if the players are close enough where if one king detonates there will be a chain reaction kind of feels like no i think if blue's king were to detonate here for example it would maybe take out red's tc but not red's castle but it does depend it seems like the castles are on opposite sides of the base every time so okay here would work i think if green died rey would maybe get hit as well i love watching vods when i want to and love my own smell heart says grape inator okay grape inator why did i choose to read your message there yeah i assume the play here because it's hideout is they're going to boom and it's different than other maps normally you start on the outer ring and then you push towards the middle but here it's you gotta expand to the outside and what's awkward is your best fortification is closer to the center which is the most vulnerable area when nukes go off so it's like do you want to expand your king out here i'm not so sure but you know eventually they might get more castles and things like that i remember getting into a blue coffee game being super excited and dying first as gundrick right [Laughter] reminds me of the guy last week who got into his first community game and then he disconnected and so i gave him a spot in another community game because i felt that and then he was scouting with exploding kings and sully shot the guy's king with his town center which we thought no one would do because no one would be dumb enough to shoot a king in dark age because then you just kill yourself and once you know it sully was dumb enough and that poor soul died twice within five minutes in two games that person played like 10 minutes in community games hey guys i'm from new zealand so i don't like to fight i'll build a market here so we can get trade and get money and then yellow says i'm gonna lose oh we got some good lowly legends in here green says we're all winners and arjun stu is down here he's down to talk business he says hey red only talking to you what's up not much just chilling all right good response if i recall bad speller has a decent amount of skill and i hate to say that because he's kind of a troll and i don't like to give i don't like to give the people who make all the jokes in my channel power but he's got three tc's right now the ecos looking fairly standard whereas you know for some others they're not on the town centers or in castle yet so i love you says yellow but he says that to everyone if you that's like sending a group message that says i love you to seven different people it doesn't feel as strong as if you send it to just one and teal says teamzies and red says yes let's use the corners for trade okay so the red is has one of the best post-imp sips in this game and he's had a really good start that's something to think about he actually has the only civilization that gets siege on it oh no he doesn't aztecs is in there and now i forget if malian to get c john in okay there might be three civilizations that could see jonathan here but koreans get insanely strong siege we a signal from gray and gray says i also put a market here yes we see red say should we kill blue so there's no in between and that is definitely something you need to think about being in the middle position is usually the worst because they'll want to clear you out so you don't influence their trade nilis i know i don't like to give ducks or sorry i know i don't like to give trolls power the reason ducks became a mod here is because my other okay ducks i enabled him that's the thing ducks wasn't as big of a troll but then he he got power and some people when they get power they just go crazy you know i feel like i mean obviously no complaints over ducks ducks is awesome but that's the way to explain it maybe i'll set up my market here in the corner says teal yeah i mean they're thinking about the late game they are thinking about the late game that's for sure 48 villagers for space whoa space well persian town centers do work faster so that's nice three tc's how's purple doing purple over here with chinese two tc's three tcs all right so these guys definitely have their act together because you want to hear something that's kind of i mean it sucks but it's also kind of funny so here on the new platform a lot of people think they have to use their first and last names you don't have to there's a i would call workaround right now as green goes and i don't know why so i'm just going to say um yeah it's it's something that works right now where you can use a gamer page so you know let's say your name was was jimmybilitybob6969 you can create that page you can interact on the stream so it's still a way to interact on the stream without your first last name um and so anyways a lot of people are doing that some people aren't and that's fine but you know for ducks he's like i call him the head mod you know he's one of the biggest most active mods on the channel so he creates his page i give him mod access and facebook thinks he's a bot and they they kicked him off his page and so he disputed it because this has happened to some other people too right people would just dispute it and then they get their account back but for ducks they didn't give him his account back they denied it so it's like one of the most important people of my channel and ducks of course is a massive troll and they're like nope can't trust him boom he's out of here so he has another one now and it's been working he hasn't been banned yet i just think that's so funny that of all the people that facebook would deny it's ducks as yellow says and yellow says save me he says please help me i'll save you what's up with the hiki he's though i don't want to understanding that we actually have knights from yellow which is fairly aggressive yellow is trying to get relics but i can't find the monastery because i'm blind oh there it is okay grape says i just realized the workaround has turned my gamer page into a comedian page did you set yourself as a comedian interesting yeah i mean like i said it's um so to be honest with you guys there were a few things that uh and i i will i promise you we're going to discuss more of the game here once we see wait a second why does purple have his king here red could easily kill him i think he's tempting red to kill that he says hi red my king is in your tc but red set his gather point out here and ejected the king out of his base yo that's so amazing that's so funny so purple wanted to troll and he knows that red will never want to kill that king because it will lead to an explosion and purple thinks he's being cheeky he says my king is in your tc let's call it insurance that we stay friends oh my god purple purple you can't talk smack and not make sure that your king is here oh my god purple red just played you i can't believe that just happened okay [Laughter] purple this is not on me remember at the start of the game he said that if he ever made a mistake it would be on me because he learned everything he knows from me this is not on me so purple doesn't even realize red ejects it out here far away from his base and now walls it in and now is going to make a tower and red hasn't said anything maybe because he sucks at spelling if you look at his name oh like it was such a good idea from purple and now now he realizes he's like omg no no no no don't do it don't do it now i think they're still allied right now and i would not send my war wagons this way because you're gonna lose most of what well everything that's out here so buy purple it was nice knowing you that's definitely not my fault and purple's been defeated and he looks like a damn fool right now and green says uh-oh and everyone else should be thinking uh oh because there's going to be an explosion now there's a chance that that red will lose 15 bills here like i really think that some of these villagers and some of these villagers could be within range i'm gonna zoom out and let's see what type of damage this does but i do not think it will actually kill reds yeah that's what i mean it does not kill red but barely so red lost a bunch of bills now red just talking about it he's like lull he put his king in my tc so i ejected it somewhere and walled it in red's gonna be so upset that the stream chat isn't up here right now so we are all losing our minds over this and that's two tc's down for red so he does pay a price but i think it's probably worth it worth it for the highlight talk about calculated i mean that was a couple tiles away from his castle going down and so okay he's just gonna add a new town center he's gonna he's gonna add his walls again uh doesn't look like the trade went down yo guys the regional trade carts they added these oh these are my favorite look at the wheels sick nice rims bro i've never seen an oxen move that fast but yes there's five different types of trade cards now uh thank you to the devs for that and i'm not even i'm not being sarcastic i actually think that's really cool and uh yeah one person down and that gives us an idea and a reminder of what those kings are able to do but yeah what i was talking about i think before that king exploded we will have to focus more and more on the game now as there will be more action but there were definitely a few things i would consider deal breakers regarding this move right like for example if i couldn't upload to youtube any longer uh if i had to change who if i couldn't cast with people if i couldn't go to events if if people couldn't interact with a username those are all the things that like came to mind of yeah obviously this deal is awesome it's a new chapter it's a it's a fresh challenge it helps it helps increase the longevity of doing what i'm doing but like there's certain things that would have been a no regardless for me and one of those was the user names so it's a workaround right now before things change and i don't really have too much details i can't speak on them anyways as far as improvements go we have to assume maybe there will be no massive changes sorry i'm fixing my mic um but yeah so i'm just really glad that uh you know people kind of have the option is i guess what i'm getting at and i've been really happy with the amount of people that showed up and uh you know overall just the amount of good feedback on the channel has been really good especially at a really weird time because as we see i forgot about the firework thing because i'm in a weird spot with like age of empires four right i like age of empires four but i'm not sure if i'll love age of empires four i don't think age of empires four will play say week two for me there's just like a lot of weird stuff going on and everyone's in a different position so it's been cool to see everyone still have interest in the channel that's that's pretty much it that's my rant and uh pay attention here because we're going to have plenty of military you see argent is making some infantry being malleans makes sense to make some infantry and arjun is trading with red blue is right between them i think with space's score being so high and space not really interacting with those two i think space could be in trouble because we have a strong player who doesn't seem to be the close or as close as or what's the word here i can't speak today i'm sorry he just doesn't seem to be as close and is in touch with the others hmm okay um chapter says i know you can't give any details but were there any general things facebook said you couldn't do here verse twitch uh no no like obviously if there was i wouldn't be able to speak on it but it's important to me that whenever i'm online whatever i'm doing is like i just want to be able to be me right and i've always been that way uh and so that's you know if they would if i had to say certain things and do certain things and change who i am and and you know chill out for a brand or something like that i'm like hey you should try this new energy drink or actually i would love to have an energy drink sponsor because i drink them all the time bad example but yeah not really um obviously twitch is like super disconnected they i don't even i spoke to them many times but very rarely got responses and they just kind of are there um and they're big enough where they can just do whatever they want regardless of what creators or viewers think right so there's a different environment anywho this has been a boomi game uh we have had one actual explosion and i'm looking over here now because gray is making batards so we have plenty of batards on the way enough batards to maybe take out a castle and green is allied with grave but does not see any batards and if there were a civilization that would counter the vikings and their fast amp good economy arbalest it's normally the britons because the britons have great archers and similar siege but the britons have extra range and that would even apply to 1v1s if you guys are tryhards out there and like your 1v1s and you're sick and tired of vikings you might not be able to compete fully with the viking eco but you can pick britain's and go to the crossbows also can we talk about the fact that that the person on the trade car is kind of like mush you see that see how he's got that stick and he's whacking it in the butt oh wow the other one's doing it as well it's like very fast holy crap oh oh they ran into each other here traffic jam hey blue what for you castle my goals okay so i think blue is making some enemies now and blue says just getting map vision flash control nothing sinister sorry he big chillin all right so here's the deal guys what blue is doing is probably making people not trust him however the castles in the trade is huge because if teal and red ever turn on blue blue will shoot down all their trade really sure i mean it's taking red some time to build back up red is making a lot of trade right now also is going for elite war wagon and i think that's a good response from blue and and now you have argent saying please move away from that gold yeah blue is being a little greedy here this is gold that you could argue belongs to teal there's a gold right here that blue could take and i think teal's not going to be very happy with this i think teal might consider turning just even on principle even if teal loses and now blue says that you enemy me and i think teal's gonna say like i set you to neutral because you're on my gold give me the gold and then we're fine but this is not a good start to a relationship guys i'm no relationship expert in fact that would be a hilarious i i should just cancel streaming age of empires and i should just give relationship advice because that would just be more of a comedy than anything um but like i don't think that bickering over a gold and not trusting each other is really a good sign for the future now teal might even be a little nitpicky because there's other golds over here and there's nothing that's saying that teal can't take that gold himself but the communication is definitely not there right now also what's up fear what's up iced coffee welcome green says yes but i'm not sure who who green is saying yes to and gray is walling this because they've chopped through and gray doesn't completely trust green so i think this only real alliance right now is probably teal and red now you have yellow asking gray how it's going and red says i'm about ready yeah they're definitely gonna turn on blue here and blue will have paladin and a ton of resources but what they really need is help like that's the one unit they need malians don't get help and then koreans don't have help out yellow just wants to be friends with everyone says uh i know it's late but do you want to team up and gray's probably like uh i just don't want to die right now okay guys it's about to go down grace is let's do it but gray isn't even an imp seven thousand gold and not in him i think grace should be talking to green right now and say listen don't do this we'll need each other ready have you said to ally so up to use is blue he's talking to teal and i think teal does not seem very agreeable right now and even that response like if blue really wanted to be friends with teal blue would say hey no no listen be friends with me we can win the game together not it's up to you you're doing this to yourself if you turn on me okay teal says going after this castle so yeah it's going to be a 2v1 against blue you actually have the top three players fighting it out and thiel says if you give me some of that gold i might reconsider attacking i actually think blue is going to sling him some gold here that would be my guess just just to keep him quiet you know says you can have the three tile below my castle i won't attack you this is like do i need to write a book called diplos for noobs like this is so bad they obviously don't like each other they're not even trying to hide it both of them have done a horrible job i guess it it benefits teal because at least teal um at least teal is a friend in this fight cause here comes red king is inside of this castle and blue sees this yeah i think blue's been waiting and paladins are actually they ejected but they're bugged inside of the stable oh no it's like 15 paladins just stuck now i've seen this bug before i think if you click them out they'll actually come out but i could be wrong and i think red's making a mistake here i think if you have hal buffer then you're okay but if it's paladins be wagons in these numbers the paladin's will be fine and red's saying he has a lot of paladin and teal hasn't made a move yet a teal is so blue just said i won't attack you and tila saying hey you should have given me tribute basically but meanwhile if i'm red i'm like uh buddy you're not fighting on the other side yellow's talking about bringing his army to his friend here who's he talking to we also have orange down here are they going to go after teal or after blue teal says i'll go spears but like i think the timing here is just as bad as it could possibly have been your 200 pop deal you need to make your move here comes yellow and blue says red why you do this i don't think he should really be surprised i think that blue has done a poor job of communicating for a player who is top scorer the best players always need to talk more otherwise they're going to get ganged up on so i i guess like while blue has a lot of units in q he's going to be 3v1 here because that castle will go down the yellow says orange is fighting me so i think yellow is freaking out he's like oh he said he's very scared you know he wants a lot of friends he's got some worries he's missing blacksmith upgrades but as for blue i mean if blue can kill red somehow keep in mind he doesn't have ballistics oh he's getting it now but he's not killing as much of the trade as he would want but if red dies to this blue could maybe turn around to deal with the others oh and red accidentally cued up too many traps no oh god there's trips everywhere and here comes blue with traps to push the castles guys this is crazy teal still hasn't turned on blue okay chat would you be upset if you were red and you found out that teal still hasn't fought the guy actually no that's not true teal did because you took out one castle that's not true now this might benefit you because teal could he could realize how things are going right now and he could say hey blue i'm with you he could just pick the player that's winning and say hey i'm sorry about that castle i think you're cute let's go out you know it normally works you can see the trade is going down blue still hasn't turned on teal as you can see this is just damaging red who i think wants to go help and is getting the infantry upgrades but doesn't have many barracks yet because the pressure's on and the pressure could be too much to deal with there's there's trebs back here that will continue to take out castles and there's just paladins everywhere yellow is probably going to shift back into defense he does have elite latest which is actually amazing against the aztecs but um there's a lot more where that came from from orange so he's going to start tread pushing green and gray i'm surprised haven't been fighting at all it really looked like they were earlier green says gravy good castle is there because i had the res okay meanwhile gray has rams oh sorry manganelles and petards i'm gonna try and get orange says green okay so we'll have to keep an eye on that the king for red is in this castle so there's a few more castles to take out yet if you're blue but it will happen there's no doubt in my mind and now space is asking orange to help and arn says sure i just got bored [Laughter] i love that he's like i didn't really i didn't really think tactically i just wanted to fight being attacked by yellow and red is what blue says but blue still doesn't know that teal turned on him as teal is just taking out a castle yeah i mean in blue's defense there's really no way someone should be able to kill three people regardless of how good he is i just you don't have enough pop he's out of gold now but at the same time i mentioned it earlier i think blue needed a friend and this is the moment it's good job from him to be able to kill red i expect him to be able to at least continue to push red but if the other guys take out blue a little faster as they are doing now it's very satisfying baby blue goes down before red goes down and red doesn't have enough for more paladins so iced coffee um i don't know we don't have an eta for when we'll have the updated casting program for her queen game but i can just tell you guys that we're working on it so you know the difference for red is that he had he had a lot more gold banked up and so he's been able to hold on with the wagons and i don't think he'll die now i'm just so ready for grey guys grey doesn't even have our bliss brazen imp without arbolz but has tons of petards and trebs break clearly wants a snipe now for yellow this is gonna hurt if you re-watch this yellow but look there and see that he does not have the final wait he doesn't have any attack upgrades and he also doesn't have the final armor upgrade right here that's really bad so he's plus to attack us from the two relics he has and teal and yellow seem pretty talkative together the thing is i think latest just destroys everything that orange is making but the upgrades would help red says go kill him he's down a lot of paladin so obviously he's talking about blue steel has been a little slow the red is correct good job from red to hold on here honestly but very good job i think he should be trading the other way i think trading with gray would make sense now and we do have markets in all the corners but very little trade running considering all that yeah i really like this edition with the tech tree it's i mean ideally we don't need it if we have a proper capturing system working but this works while you're playing the game and i think it's really helpful for people and you know what else is amazing about it if you don't want it there's a setting and you can just remove it so it doesn't work that's great i i want options for people right like there's a lot of things i've said i want but i like it to be options like for example when someone says i want to see it in the game instead of a bleep i want to see the language but you might not want your seven-year-old to see the language and you might not be upset with me because i just swore and you had your seven-year-old listening so i'm sorry uh t90 is a very bad very bad man i'm not a role model but yeah like you know i just i like options i think options are important hmm lack of customization is the future tnadi don't even get me started okay don't even get me started if i get going man i can't be stopped and i think yellow is just so bent out of shape and so stressed and focused on these fights that yellow continues to take fights without crucial upgrades what it could be is 16 plus six attack and it could be a lot of additional armor additional piercing additional melee armor yellow's been taking okay fights against us but the fights would be so much better and oh orange was defeated by green green made a move now where's the carcass okay that's the king that was where the king went down and there will be an explosion here i missed that so let's see if the army can escape it's very possible all those arms and trebs still go down here there's a wide radius on this explosion and here we go people here we go oh oh god that you know what that took out every single thing that orange owned except for maybe a few villagers in a trade card that was amazing and yellow's like thanks bud but good job from green and green was able to save some of his army but most of it went down and that's two people down and two massive explosions aren't just score just goes up i think because of the kills there from the nuke uh blues still trying to fight on here only at 100 pop just doesn't have gold and teal's taking this good old time but i think this is the end of blue and blue says teal let's talk about this i'm being attacked by you and red and i don't like it hey now this probably isn't helpful at this stage but again maybe talk a little earlier instead of after things go wrong teal's already got one foot out the door you know it's hard to get someone to turn around when it gets to this stage and now you have nothing to offer like you you don't have any promise of protection to give teal because teal can just kill you and continue to trade with red yellow might be able to help out teal a little bit and gray is still the player i'm really curious about because gray for a while now has had pitards and trebs and arboles and is just waiting yellow says this is a chat between myself green and gray okay i like that [Music] green says hey i think we should all ally and slowly take down the giants i i agree with this i agree with this and grace says i agree but the problem is gray has not set out this game to play in an alliance game rey has had 20 pitards in those castles for a while and when just out of range has read his biggest threat could make an argument for that certainly with red score especially after red rebounded from those attacks earlier and then teal says to blue still waiting for that tribute winky face what i literally don't have gold do you want food question mark okay listen if teal lets blue live blue will 100 turn on teal later on for that comment i literally don't have gold do you want food okay literally is wrong you very much do have gold but i wouldn't send any of that gold either all right yellow we're gonna remove this now okay we're gonna remove that because that's kind of in the way yellow did get some upgrades which is good to see and loves to make the latest did blue even send anything i think blue is really focused on getting hustlers and helps out to kill this right now but it might be too little too late theo just wants rez and at the same time i don't even think blue has faith that teal will stop attacking him after the resources are sent so blue honestly if you're blue and you think you're gonna die here oh my god is he intentionally chopping that tree can you imagine i mean he could hust our aid first off which would be really cool but if he thinks he's gonna die he could send his king right into red space remember the kings are explosive so if you you feel like you've been hard done by you feel like they they didn't respect you disrespect them more wagons are insanely strong hustlers do only cost food which is nice they're probably not going to get too many kills though the king has not moved out but blue is going to run through with hustars and this will drop red's pop significantly however he's got food and he's got wood so you've got to think he responds to this teal is just coming in from the other side it's just slow and steady here the castles will help i mean if red loose is like 50 60 villagers it will hurt him in the long term he's actually he's accidentally queued up some militia right now yellow we haven't seen one much in the way of conversation from yellow i think yellow should be making markets like he's currently saying he wants to team up with the others but he's trading with teal and blue says yellow are we friends and i think that's a no because remember yellow attacked blue earlier but yellow's such a nice guy and look at this just because blue wants to be friends with yellow and yellow so nice yellow says hey do you think we should add blue to our team and kill teal that's funny and you know what green says at the same time yellow wears teal's king i genuinely think that yellow just doesn't like to be mean to people and is now considering being friends with blue and yellow says i'm not really sure teal i'll actually give you whatever you want help me with red and stop attacking me lol it's too late blue it's just too late you didn't have the conversations early enough there's no reason you already said you don't have gold like that that would be the biggest thing if you could give him gold but you already said you don't have it so the only thing that would really get teal to stop attacking you is just mercy and i don't think mercy gets you any victories here in war hmm wdw kid in chat says yellow is my brother he's definitely being fake it's like your real life brother is he is he at home right now okay there's the king for blue and teal tried to hit it now blue can't send his king in towards red and towards steel which could mean [Music] oh i hope yellow's king doesn't go down what if we stack on me and snipe teal not sure gray okay so they're being a little passive talking about things and green brings up an excellent idea and he's like just let them kill each other okay blue should run towards red right now run can he make it the japanese here they go there's a gate right there he could run through if he can get close to red it every little bit helps here okay the king goes down blue is out now the king for red is inside of this castle that most definitely will kill red if he doesn't run away okay and now red is gonna run away which is a good move but this will be the second time that red has had a nuke go off near his base this game he's also gonna lose all of his war wagons i think i oh it's going to be so close but i think his king survives here we go you ready [Laughter] red's down to 53 eco he just is ouch and uh you know the war wagons are all down some gevetto survived but that was brutal thankfully he was able to get his wagons out and thankfully he still has trade queued so i think red is fine but he went from like 30 or so farmers down to seven and he's like let's just rebuild those tc's there's also a big chunk of wood now out of the middle which will be important and teal's gonna take the relics home which is smart thinking red is very out of position and gray can cut into purple and sneak oh my god guys gray's been silent all game grace says i'm sending petards to red okay you do have army though right you realize you need to have army with petars you're not gonna kill a king with petards [Laughter] buddy ah okay so red notices this he sees the batard's walking over and now there's a signal from gray and he's like hey red's on the move right now and now all the petards are going to go down so gray realizes let's just take out the castle get next to it oh god that was such a waste ouch well red's gonna survive that and now red will probably turn over on gray and gray's probably like guys we angered him the red did say gray is coming for me with petards at your side great is then just let me know teal going for gray wait a second so yellow saying teal going for gray so he's telling gray and green that teal has just told him they're going for gray meanwhile green is going through the middle like a boss with onigers he says i'm in the middle going for teal okay forgot to turn red to enemy i thinks is green uh that's not the case actually it's not what happened it's just you didn't have army at grace as i did okay it was the case like i said that's exactly what happened i've never seen a trade raid with petards before this is different okay i mean if he can take out all the markets what you don't want to do is overkill with petard because if you have like 20 petards and it only takes four to take out a market but you click them all to explode at the same time you'll you'll sometimes explode many of those petars at the same time and they were unnecessary hope that makes sense yeah that does very little there what where's teal's army at right now he's got a lot of fakes around a lot of players have one unit inside their castles to fake where their king is where's this army at those army's here which might look suspicious to red to be honest but teal should notice that there's army coming through the middle because he's allied with green the tricky thing is is in these games where you have so much pop 124 villagers is probably too much you need more military space and yellow says i'm going for it and yellow's gonna make a move see you boys on the other side says yellow so yellow is going to make a move in tell me he has the final armor right now he does actually have the upgrades now okay um wait no oh i always forget that lithuanians don't have blast furnace anymore my bad um so yeah he does hit topside i'll go from the trees this green this is a very well coordinated attack i love it all right so it begins wait green just started attacking yellow green i think that's a mistake yellow's attacking teal i don't know if green is color blind or what just happened but okay it was just a prank okay he fixed that and yellow says accidentally killed you sorry i guess they both made the mistake i don't i don't know but teal reacts and teal rings the town bell and teal is freaking out here and rightly so now the king is over here there's a lot of castles the king is in this one yellow has the siege here also has the latest green has berserks also onager but the auditor won't help against the buildings too much i say the only thing that could hurt for green and yellow is their lack of siege the teal says that's not nice yellow as green is killing his own units with the owners and now yellows units with the owners will be able to hold this he's gonna present all this military back but he has this gather no he has this gather point for his other buildings forward all right and yellow says nor are you you killed blue now you die i'm loving it fully invested in the chat yellow says i don't like bullies [Laughter] was blue even that good of a friend to yellow though like honestly no offense to blue because he's probably upset in my chat right now but i don't even think blue is that good of a friend i think that the one time blue reached out to yellow and said hey maybe you want to be friends because it was all that yellow needed it's not like blue was like this big admirable character who fought for for other people here he barely even spoke to yellow well anyways this is what happened so teal has had resources for a while and he'll just lost 60 some bills what that means is with this type of a queue he's going to have 180 military now some of that military's over here which kind of sucks but a lot of that military's over here and guys last i checked the king was here is it did it move okay the king is here yeah the king is here yeah i think what they should do is they should just continue to focus for the king if they know it's there yellow and green are killing me helps his teal [Music] i think teal is getting a taste of his own medicine right now do you remember that time when teal took forever to help red now teal wants help from red but red has other obligations i i think i think teal is getting a taste of his own medicine now in this case red actually has other things going on so he's fighting gray grace probably upset that he started that whole thing with red and didn't finish the job but earlier in this game there was definitely like a shout from red like hey help me teel was still talking to blue the entire time without fighting him and if these trebs eject that king the king will be exposed and the king goes right into the town center okay and i think the trebs go down at the moment i'm noticing teal's q is for the most part pikeman which will not work well with malians especially not when berserks are out there and red says gray and yellow and green are allied should we put aside our differences and attack them oh he's talking to grey but little does he know that gray is in on that alliance it would make me so happy if gray were to say yeah i know i'm friends with him that would make me so happy guys the trebs are still here if the treads click the town center the king could go down for teal despite the crazy gold comfort teal um king's still in there it's the tc slowly going down okay here goes the king i think the king will go down and what's really nice for them is if they kill this king close by then it will not damage yellow here it is it's dead now okay so it will hit this area i think the king for yellow is over here so i've been trying to get an idea of what the radius is i think a lot of the military for green and yellow will go down but and i think his buildings will go down but i do not think he'll die and yellow says in all chat to red we go as the explosion goes off and it's honestly not too bad but at least i didn't die first the steel okay teal really shoots for the stars teal's parents were very realistic parents you know like some parents say you can be anything you want to be when you grow up phil's mom and dad were like yeah you really can't you're not you're not you can't do anything you want just like just make sure you get by in life and he's like okay all right that's fine a little too realistic but my parents genuinely believed i could have been an architect when i was six years old and like building structures with blocks they were like you can be an architect if you want to be an architect and then i tried to do math and i was like yeah mom and dad you're full of it gray they will come for you next please ally okay so red is saying listen buddy it seems like you're friends with them but pretty clearly yellow and green are buddy buddy you're not a part of that conversation now yellow and green i don't think are planning right now to backstab gray but i do think it is accurate that gray will probably be killed off before green or yellow is killed off so i mean right now there's four people remaining it's a 3v1 gray has to decide on if he wants to team up with the guy who's making militia in the imperial age right now i mean red has been through so much in this game but he can still trade he's still koreans he still has a high score for a reason he's been exploded twice i don't think gray has any interest in working alongside red let me just say this if if gray wants to win this game i think gray should actually take red up on his deal and i think that gray should turn on green right now green calls him out for the militia and says miss click or red says miss click um yeah like some things are bigger than winning the game though everyone has a different honor code some people play and they want to be the winner regardless winning is first and foremost in their minds but i think gray seems to be the type of guy who has a little bit more respect for friendship i've got them distracted up top bring trebs in at the bottom go get him yeah like green is you know he's communicating with gray and he's trying to get gray involved let's see is gray doubling back right now is he doubling back i mean green's king is very close by no no no okay he's not doubling back here he comes where is the king hey the king is over here for red now the thing is koreans are just sick and they came in wagons halves and then sea janitors if he could make them was just so strong but there's just too many areas to be right now there's that big clump of wagons but they can't they're not that mobile so they can't be everywhere they need to be adoah and chat says isn't it all about winning depends on the outlook some people will say yes some people will say no i think there are a lot of players who win at all costs and i would say that that viewers tend to have differing opinions on them like blue coffee is the best example blue coffee is win at all costs okay and people love him for that but people also freaking hate him for that because he will break any friendship when it suits him i'm just glad that there's people who see the diplo games differently right because if everyone was the same if everyone always went for the win it'd be boring hmm it's about fun yeah and fun is subjective like people will have different definitions of fun some people think that winning is fun biggest dick is hello hello my friend uh settings exploding kings regicide diplomacy that red is on the brink of death despite having a pretty high population king did move somewhere let me just double check and the king is in the trade a red says welp i'm toast 3v1 okay this is what you need to do if you're red you need to you already tried with gray you need to speak to green you need to speak yellow and you need to say listen they're talking behind your back right now you need to kill them before you killed me and you need to try and stay alive that way but i think that yellow green and gray have so much respect for each other and remember they said let's kill the top dogs first i think they do not want to break that pack until red is dead and so i mean the king is out there and they're doing a really good job and i think it's just eventually going to unfold where red has nothing they forget a nuke taking out red ziko it is getting nuked by by the siege gundrick says the least fun community game i ever played was the one that i won yeah exactly i don't know it depends okay so of the three of gray green and yellow who would be the one to go for the king snipe on the others if there was one player to do it who do you think it'd be i think it'd be gray because gray is the least skilled of all three of them i think before he had petards in these castles he still does have some petars in the castle so it still might be in the back of his mind or he could have forgotten update on red latest are actually chewing up these wagons once they're getting close his king is now over here oh they're not researching treason to find out where his king is and he could send his king to their base wait a second yellow is massing trebs and heading this direction all right red i mean red he has resources but he just does not have anywhere to go remember most your wood is towards the center so it's hard for him to reboom he's just left the king there for now as he is trying to build up he's going to try and go hussar with koreans koreans have the worst hustlers in the game but it does have to twenty thousand food green and yellow will stay together till the end says [Music] i don't know that i'm not so sure yellow's not sending units forward in the next wave he's massing at home it could be that he doesn't trust green but i think yellow has kind of painted himself as a noob that wants to love everyone and now he's getting close to victory something he never thought was achievable and so his outlook on everything is changing a little bit now where's the king red okay here comes the king and look at this red is currently guiding and escorting this king with the wagons he knows he's probably dead but he wants to make sure that he can get this king as close as possible to them this is really good now he's gonna see the castle so he knows to avoid that but he could run right into yellow's eco [Music] he deletes it there now the thing is is there's no defeated noise at times in this uh game i don't know why it is i've talked to the devs about it but they might not even realize red is dead no no they have yellow says well team i think that ranges guys i think yellow would just die now what's crazy is his gather point on the castle is set to the left [Laughter] oh yellow yellow was typing he had no clue and yellow says well team it was an honor fighting at your sides grey and green says same and then yellow says i got nuked by red but he is alive he still has his life red is going to be so disappointed when re-watching this red probably just assumed it was in that castle but now yellow is super house like i mean yellow got really fortunate the monastery's still up with the relics a lot of these castles are still up i think if you're red you have to assume that castle wait what why is he shall we fight says yellow but like why are you gonna send your king this way and don't say it like that because that means that like you're painting yourself as the bad guy gray and green could could go against you if green researches treason and sees the king is there and kills the king i'm gonna lose my mind i think that's a mistake from yellow i there's no way he planned that okay yellow says it was an honor we will stay together forever and give grey the win a men deserve to come home and kiss their wives and feast before another long battle says green so here they come back home to go kiss their wives nice i like it [Music] i think that's why green said wait because he had like 100 pop on the other side of the map he's like no no no no don't fight me yet well play green well played now gray has plenty of resources plenty he shall be the leader for us as we die for him would you like to let him win says yellow meanwhile gray's not saying jack if gray gets this victory i'm sorry he has not chatted much at all you and me let's fight and give grey the win question mark yellow says i agree what have you no ambition gray says hey green it was you and me first go for yellow question mark okay now this is where this gets interesting because green just has an agreement with yellow and that agreement was that they fight your army will destroy mine says gray so technically if green starts to fight yellow and then gray shows up it's not like green broke any rules i'm gonna get yellow or i'm gonna get squished i told you they love each other too much there's too much love in this team they're too nice they they don't even care they're so selfless they don't care about the win they don't care about calling their mom and be like mom i'm on youtube the legend of bret lion01 that's me it's me your son brett they don't care about that phone call they just they just care about making sure the other person likes them and is happy four vahalla green these vikings after all i actually need to get back to watching that show did you guys ever finish that no spoilers i don't even know if it's done yet i think i watched like the first two seasons now maybe it was third i think i started getting a little tired of it here in the third anyways yellow hasn't turned yet and yellow also didn't even prep houses ahead of time the yellow's still okay there are the hells this yellow can't make any pop gray green and i will fight till next time says yellow listen brett i love you buddy but i don't think you thought this one through you spent the last 10 minutes talking about fighting and you don't even have pops okay he's gonna make more castles over here and for the 20th time in this game one of the players says it was an honor guys i would love so much for gray to just snipe green right now like wait a little bit wait until green tastes a significant fight against yellow and just have gray break everything apart and snipe green see you all in the next life just yellow this is like the 20th time they've prepped for this fight finding all the ways to chat it's like we didn't have spec chat for two years man i've saved up all my ideas you dipped out at season four okay got spoilered when it didn't even start it oh gotcha okay it feels bad anyways i thought vikings was pretty good for the first juicy but i have a habit of burning myself out with stuff so i i just like watch it too much and it gets old though it seems like late to suck against berserk arbalest i i think latest on paper should be pretty good against the berserks but having the range units behind as well helps a lot latest do have one less pierce armor than a paladin would so they're just worse against archers and so you know they were expecting this massive fight but this is feels kind of over already just out of range is gonna clear this easily and gray seems to think that his army's just gonna get wiped by green i'm not so sure with these resources i'm not so sure but i do think that green seems to be more active and green may be a little more capable [Music] remember berserks with chieftains also helped here you do a little bit of extra bonus damage a little bit of extra damage i guess i should say against the latest but also i think berserk's being cheaper makes a big deal but mainly the fact you've got herbalists behind ray if you okay murder holes is green he sees that yellow has murder holes so he goes murder holes i feel obligated to scream it when i see someone say that yellow is going to make more stables it's going to try but yellow just doesn't have the resources to make anything more yeah high max remind me afterwards i'll disable these mods because the mods are mods are a bit much certainly worth reminding you guys that green and yellow said that they would give grey the win after uh their 1v1 battle so as the relics eject which makes the latest weaker now they only have 16 plus two yellow is most definitely going to die here we'll see if grey knows and believes he's going to get given a win or if gray will actually go out on the offensive but gray has a ton of resources and i don't even think he has enough military if with these resources i would delete half my ego i would have 150 military because it's not about lasting late game now you've got enough it'll be a 1v1 battle right hurting losing those relics really hurts because now you've got less attack instead of 16 plus six it's 16 plus two rip there all right yellow's gonna re-boom gray still isn't moving which really bothers me but i think he's thinking about it it takes time to work up the courage to turn on someone you've loved your whole life but guys i mean the king is right there he's britain's he's got trebs he's got arbs he could go for it he could commit there's not a lot here it would shake things up gray did help considerably against red otherwise i think green and yellow have been a little more active remember that gray also didn't know what to do because purple was gone so he didn't really have anyone to hit there he's been friends with green this whole game but for a while at the start it didn't really look like they would be i would really like to see people research treason something green needs to do more as research treason he wasn't doing it earlier you've got the gold i think research treason to find out where that king is because you're just giving time for the opponent to uh to survive i think we will see it any moment now because green scene's a little confused still doesn't know what's up look he's gone spread formation he's hoping to patrol in the building so yeah he just doesn't know where the king is there we go there's treason so now he sees that castle he won't see the uh terrain change there so he won't know that there's that many other buildings that's a spectating thing but now he knows he's going to bring his army over yeah so gray has killed 120 units it's not too bad right um it is fairly low considering the resources but guys guys he's going to do it he's at the very least prepping for when green turns on him but i think we are going to see the turn we're the latest for yellow right now oh what the yellow's sending his king where's he going oh my guys if he wants to give grey the victory he could send his king through the path the green cut in the middle right into green's base that would be amazing oh please please please please please please that's brilliant i would have never thought of that [Laughter] i would have never thought of that holy crap because yellow is basically dead here right for the last five minutes he's he's been he's looked clueless on how to deal with this and look at blue blue's like yes yellow because obviously blue doesn't like green very much wow that's amazing now where's gray's king gray's king is oh wait wait now gray's making the move uh i should use the hot key wait what oh his king is over here so i think gray would survive any explosion here comes yellow and yellow is going to die so yellow's been defeated and now the king for green is right here so the question is does gray get the kill or does the nuke get the kill it's at five years right now green says crap where did he do it he doesn't know he's trying to send all his military back home wait a second what if this doesn't kill the king it doesn't kill the king but it does kill most of green's military that he was going to use to defend himself so gray will end up ejecting that king gray i don't think really has a clue what happened over there and it might be hard to see the king but the king is there it was a little too far away but it still helps and i mean if green wants to fight this one back green could still do it green's got good resources guys it's gonna be tricky against this many arms but still and green's gonna green calls the gg and i remember he had an agreement that he would he would end up giving grey the victory which is a little lackluster i think and yeah he ends up calling it uh or maybe deleted his king somewhere um of course there's no explosion for the final king kill because then one person wins and wow what a game that was i mean the best moment of this game the absolute best moment of this game was when you lost so what thought he could be sneaky i don't have the replay system right now so just in case you guys missed it in case you didn't see it in the video purple thought he would be slick and he sent his king into red's town center and said hey red you should be friends with me because my king is in there he he he he's like hey you can't kill me because then you'll kill yourself and red just ejected the king over here and then killed it and then and then purple was left looking like a fool and what's so funny to me is like you just know that purple's one of those people who's been watching streams and videos who's just thinking man what could i do if i got into a community game to make this really funny and so he does it you know months of preparation months of thinking he does it in a live community game and then completely forgets to look at his king location oh god i'm not sure like this game was solid i'm not sure if we should if we should upload that individual moment or if we should upload the whole video i mean both were solid but we'll have to think about that that was ridiculous i feel for you purple because i've been saying for so long like you should use your king as a weapon and you should say like don't kill me or or even like you could you could have them send you resources and if they don't send you resources you can detonate your king you know there's ideas but that was such a good game i think what hurt space and space is going to have to improve on this and probably what hurt argent as well is the lack of communication lack of communication teal and blue just did not do a good job of portraying love or adoration for one another it was all like a business deal the whole time and i think they should have been more friendly with each other and maybe thiel didn't have any intention of being friends with blue but then i think blue could have probably talked to uh others like he was very late to talking to i think gray who was he talking to who did blue talk to oh he spoke to yellow at one point especially if you're a good player you're gonna have top score you need to make sure you talk a little more you need to game plan give resources you know just like make it seem like they want to keep you or make them want to keep you around now don't take any advice from me i'm the streamer so i try that when i play in these games and then people kill me anyways because they want it to be uploaded to youtube and they want to laugh at it but but yeah i think if you are you if you're a normal community game member you do have to keep a closer eye on those things gg you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 73,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4, exploding, kings, explosion, king, community, commy, commi, comi, comy, explode, explodes, regicide, hide, out, hideout
Id: GwsH94OGwwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 5sec (4325 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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