2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Shallows and the Deep (9:00 a.m.)

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I want you to turn with me today if you don't mind and I'm kind of I'm gonna be buffing at all week doing different things and in my sessions and things go with me today to the Book of Luke I believe chapter 5 the Book of Luke chapter 5 I want to talk about something that I really believe I enjoy I love the scripture I don't know about you I enjoy studying not just reading but studying to show myself approved every time I read the Bible I find me in it he wrote it for me see and I always say this is the written form of God I've learned something minute you cannot separate God from his word a lot of people try to do that and one of my I keep all my old Bibles I got stacks of Bibles and you know when I first started preaching and I wrote in my first Bible and I looked at it the other day I miss all two up you know see if your Bible if your Bibles torn apart your life is not just thought I'd tell you that for what it's worth you know and I wrote in there I want my word to be like God's Word then when God says something he gonna do what he says that's Tom's 89 34 my covenant will it not break nor alter the thing that goes out of my lips now one thing I believe it is ever increasing I believe that spiritually physically and financially I don't know why you got to wait till you get to heaven to live good when you can live good because they're only Jesus some people may ever see is that Jesus and you are the Jesus in me and I've learned stuff about the world they don't understand spiritual things because the natural man receiveth not the things of God because they foolishness not them so you have to show them something you have to get in the natural in a sense to show them some things which will attract them and then the Holy goes to do a covert operation on then even though it's coming they're gonna get hit but the fire-god Luke chapter 5 I want to read verse I'm we're just a few verses in this chapter starting with verse 1 one thing I made up my mind that when I when I do something I want to do the best I can and the only way you can do that is through growth you have to mature to the fullness of the statue of Christ just how taller you are today I've seen some people men say if all the years still got the same pair of Pampers they had on when they first got and I'm tell you they don't smell too well yeah they save just enough to be miserable ever seen some people like that sad and yet all this wonderful revelation all the wonderful things in the scriptures has been there for over 2,000 years some 4,000 years that God just speaking and if we will just accept what he says I want to talk today about something that it's gonna really bless you let me read King James Version I love the old King James yeah Oh some people quote scripture they quote the old King James because there's so poetical it's hard to quote the amplified you got to have a mind a quote to amplify just just the definition of faith in Hebrews 11 you got to be a lawyer just quote that but I tell you what you can understand it it's wonderful verse 1 of Luke chapter 5 and it came to pass that's my favorite reason about bread Jessie did you get what she was blame for it came to pass and it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him they hear the word of God this is very familiar it's you he stood by the liquor Casilla read and he saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen will run out of them and we're washing their nets he returned one of the ships which was Simons and he prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of the ship so I realized that you can sit down and preach you can sit down and teach I remember a Chancellor Robert Oral Roberts he was just a great friend man I was on the Board of Regents of Oral Roberts University and he would call me up and he and I could tell he was in like 90 you know nine he called me up he said yes I got a problem and I thought oh my god what can I do for you he said I just can't always stand up anymore when I preach I said well sit down we don't care about your legs we just want to hear what you've got to say he said you think I'd be alright I brought a Missy I said Jesus that I'm he said that's good enough honey what revelation would flow from him see so notice this here he sat down and then verse 4 now when he had left speaking he said I'm the Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch notice after you speaking something must be done some people just go home no something's got to happen Word of God is increasing producing let down your nets for a catch Simon answering said unto Him master which was a very nice thing to call him rabbi we have taught all the night now the Lord didn't ask him how long he's working how much information you ever gave God and he didn't ask me any of it it's all out of the night then he said and we've taken nothing that don't impress God nevertheless is thy word I will let down the net and when they had done this they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net break notice next to net saying you cannot receive the fullness of God with your net can see God is more than enough I never forget many years ago I was believing God to do a television special this is when I was on Cox many many years ago and my god I needed fifty thousand dollars and back then 50 it's still a lot of money but fit the time that was like five hundred thousand dollars you know I'm actually bigger than that and I told the Lord that night you might have heard me say this many years ago I said Jesus I need to talk to he said what you want I said I need fifty thousand dollars here he said done I see you hear the word I said he thought he said five hours quickly cuz that's that's too quick say we've been taught to suffer instead of obey mama says bet it's obey then the sacrifice what we know how to slip just beat me Jesus beat me I just want you to obey so I said Lord maybe you didn't hear what I said I need fifty thousand dollars Jesus he said it's done it's okay you got it I said then and right he like I said if I'm questioning God here in a word I'm saying he must have thought I said $50 finally in my stupidity I said did you hear what I said he said yeah you said you asked me for $50,000 I said what that don't bother you he said Oh Robert just asked me for five million I said would you tell him he said I told him he can have it I got mad about that I said you mean to tell me you gave all Robins five million dollars all you're gonna give me is the lousy 50 thousand dollars you said according to your face so big he said you don't have a five million dollar plan you got a fifty thousand uh ladies and gentlemen I got a six billion three hundred and sixty four million dollar plan today I'm not only gonna be caught without a plan the net break they're beckoned unto their partners which were in the other ships so that means there's two boats this should come and help them and they came and filled both the ships so they begin to sink notice this the blessings of God will sink you in a good way see a lot of people can't understand why why us word a prick or two faith preachers are blessed well blessed God we got a Jesus that sinks our boat see not in a bad way but in a good way when Simon Peter saw it he fell down at Jesus knees depart from me for I am a sinful man Oh Lord because he had just send out to him to let down the nets he let down the net you know I'm saying you know all that for he was astonished why would he do that then walking with Jesus you know you can be saved all your life and still be astonished when God tell you to do something for he was astonished and all that were with him at the catch of the fishes which they had taken so was also James and John the sons of Zebedee which were partners with Simon and Jesus said unto Simon fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men catch men in other words that is still the commission that God tells the Apostle the Prophet the Evangelist the pastor the teacher that is the catch catch people like I said earlier the only Jesus some people may ever see is the Jesus in you or the Jesus in me now watch this Jesus came walking up on a boat and went walking up on the beach and he sees Peter no where is Peter Peters in the shallows most Christian people are in the shallows they did a little nervous to get out into the deep okay say you never never know what God going to see a lot of people want to protect God's reputation just in case he don't do what he's supposed to do you gotta write that down well I'm believing in healing well you know how God sometimes he does and sometime he don't see you trying to protect God's reputation Jesus couldn't go to funerals he messed them up you're trying to bury somebody here you didn't bought the flowers Jesus come I said get up man he said I never want to be dead anyway so I'll just go home say he didn't care if you paid for flowers because they Jesus doesn't deal with the shallows Jesus deals with the deep you understand what I'm saying I want to talk about that this morning the shallows and the deep and a lot of times we judge people about a revelation you've never heard before and yet some people can give you a revelation never heard before and be so shallow how do you know if somebody is deep or shallow the watermarks look for the watermarks and you'll find out just how deep somebody is or just how shallow somebody the reason why I know that about the watermark because you know I live in Louisiana in New Orleans we've had a lot of hurricanes and all that kind of stuff and they always say with the water rose to this level they always keep the marks to make sure y'all might have been hearing about the Mississippi River being real high I heard about that I mean it's super-super I live no more than a hundred yards for the Mississippi River oh you word know why cuz I'm higher than Mississippi you see my point you see what I'm saying so actually the Highness of God is the deep which is contrary to the mind you're thinking no no it's not oh yeah the shallows is where you get in trouble see when you're in the shallows you've already quit because you've done everything by your power instead of God's power so Jesus got to come walking up on on the beach kind of help you out I want to deal with that so write this down if you take your notes no says now you said let down your nets for a catch launch out into the deep sea the most simplest things take care of the most the biggest most complicated problems right there's now we must use the simplest incident to teach and preach the greatest lessons the simplest thing to teach and preach the greatest lesson see that's why a lot of things are not getting done because everybody looking for something hard to answer this hard questions the questions can be hard but all the answers are simple and the simplest things were you know when I met Cathy I met her at her swimming pool I was a lifeguard you should have seen me when I was young oh that's a good-looking boy had a good body - Lord Jesus how do you know asked the girls and those days you got to see it by faith if I'm afraid feature don't laugh I see y'all laughing here and I talk to so many people out of swim but a lot of people the reason why they can't swim because they're afraid of the water she can get somebody to swim it's very easy all you got to do is kill the fear shut the field I could see you can't drown it's impossible for you to drown because you've got two life preservers in your chest call lungs and long as you got annual loans you won't float until you scream when you scream you deflate you sink like a brick you hurt me terribly so this woman she is a good 300 pound that's a big one when he's 305 and you're 5 foot tall she would come everyday to the swimming pool and she'd sit outside on the bench this was a public swimming and her kids ago you know jumping in the pool and I was having such wonderful so fun I just walked over the fence the sitter why don't you come on in swim with your church oh I love the water but I'm just scared of it I said I can teach you to swim ladies in my way - 121 pounds then her leg was bigger than my whole body oh she said it's just too little you can't do I said you don't know what I do I can teach you to swim but she didn't know what I wanted to do see and the reason why she didn't learn to swim because she never would go into the deep if she went to the beach he just saved a little water bubbles and that's about it see you'll never do anything in God in the shallows you're to write that down the shallows are not for you you see what I'm saying and what you don't understand the deeper the water the greater the buiiet see you can swim better in deep water than you carry shallow water when you swimming shallow-water lifetime your body's like this when you're in deep water your body's like this so I finally talked her into it she said my little boy boy she said I said well come on out here and so I got her in the pool balm and all her kids were gonna mama mama mamas in the booth mom was in the book and I said hey we're gonna teach it mama how to swim really so I said no she said I could tell us you begin to kind of tremble so I got it up to about our way she said that's as far as I'm going so I got to talking to it seekers bought a water move you when you don't know you're being moved see and I just get the talk and I tell my and I would mention to her children and you know things of that nature she's oh look at the kids and I I'd go ahead a little all of a sudden I knew that this pool would drop off you know you ever seen some fools like that someone's gonna be dissing and she had no worries because I was her lifeguard I knew how to handle the deep when you gonna let Jesus handle your deep so I'm talking very simple there on a very complicated problem but just I can never get out of that and you never will with that you see so watch it all of a sudden I'm about maybe a foot away she said and I just grabbed her and pulled her she went home and when she did like a little tsunami went with her she kind of hear a big woman you know she's a big woman all of a sudden she go and she can't touch my she starts screaming and she grabbed me and under the water we went see that's panic and fear you get around that and he let fear grab you you drowned she's screaming so why I pull back and when I pull back she goes she came up and spitting water and I thought this woman big enough to drink the whole pool didn't beat my brains out here so I got to get a deeper you know this is true story buddy and all the kids was just like yeah she grabbed me again I pulled her under the water because I knew in fact she can't breathe in the water she's gonna turn me loose I kept screaming on it but she wouldn't listen I kept piling up but she wouldn't listen see a lot of people are hearing but they're not listening she had a lot of people thrown Christ but only one touched him he and Peter said that my god you asked who touched you know everybody was strong in him but no one was touching him other than the lady with the issue of blood have you touched Christ today or are you thronging Christ mmm make a long story short boy fine I Porter and I grabbed her and she pulled me under again so when she put when she put him in I pulled her down deep and I went about nine and a half foot of water yeah she turned me loose not you no way that woman cuz her leg was okay she just did one hit with a lift I mean it like he's turning on her I've bored Mortimer now she has strong finally I got it the West she couldn't help herself sometimes God's got to get you where you can't help yourself because you won't listen to the lifeguard see the holy spirits of confident but he's also a corrector write that down that'll help you that's why sometimes your prayer is not answered the way it's supposed to be because you afraid of prayer that wasn't right so the Holy Ghost had to correct it you still got an answer and then when you figure it out let's got what was going on then you knew God was doing something finally I I got away she lost all the stress and I just grabbed their hands and I screamed at her pulled her I said I'm your lifeguard kick and she couldn't fight me anymore she kicked I said that's pretty easy all the fear was gone I said if you scream you won't sink like a brick so she was like it I said it's okay to breathe I got you and it wasn't morning about maybe ten minutes she was swimming that was June first reason why I knew that was the first excuse me the first week in opening up before the pool open I'm one week before school let out and that woman went to that pool every day from June the first all the way till we started school which was back then after Labor Day weekend serum saying and she had so much fun why because I took her out the shallows and it was a very simple thing to do but had to teach a great lesson write this down beware of a sleeping conscience don't live a superficial life I refuse to live a superficial life I refuse it I don't care what the world I mean people come to criticize you and most people are doing that Allah not you from the shallows now when I turn around and say let down your nets for a K who did this kid think here who is this and who is that you know it's amazing to me how many people think you shallow because they don't see what's inside of you they only see what's on you you know when I walk in the chase bank or Chase Manhattan Bank today people do Vice President can walk out there he said how you doing Reverend I said I'm doing fine what can we take you to lunch today that's pretty nice for a vice president of a bank that actually to go to lunch pretty nice so I asked him one time I said why do you ask me to go to lunch he said well you know you wanted the biggest depositors in this Bank I said that's correct I said but I've been here 30 years how come you to invite me 30 years ago he said well I said the only thing y'all did 30 years ago when I open up a checking account you gave me a teapot no he used to get that a little bit better I said you didn't ask me that he didn't I would say I said you see you were looking on me you wasn't looking in me I said I'm the same man 30 years ago as I am today but you couldn't see it because you're looking from the shallows you see my point I refuse to live a superficial life and I don't mind I refused to make an excuse for the blessing of God in my life whether it be spiritual physical or financial so when people ask me things I just tell them or it just make a mad I'm not politically correct I'm not even political much less politically correct I don't really don't care and when they say stuff like that I said I mean I had to tell her he says he stuck popping his lip one time I said shut up well he looked at me what do you mean I say hey you forgot you work for me I don't work for you see you forgot that you the government but they think because they got that job they can say what they want no no no why because we two people a government of the people by the people and for the people now what are you shouting for one of the people gonna say something how many more babies have to be killed before you stand up to say something [Applause] think about that for a minute you have the power but the reason why you can't use it or not use it you're in the shallows see you live in a superficial life see don't be content with living in the shallows of life you paddle like a little child on the beach when you should be out beyond the horizon so I want to go where no man has gone before that's why I love Star Trek I love live long and prosper and it's not about the money because that's just a byproduct of something it's be aiming to know that when you pray you believe that you receive and God helps you and people begin to notice that in you my god when that man prays he gets what he wants notice I said he gets what he wants they say gets what he needs I don't deal with needs in my life why would I deal with need what ice wastes the spiritual energy they ask God for need what's the matter with you the Bible said he supply how many me how many need why are you asking him for a need when he says he supplies all OH where's your water mark so you got to get into the deep so I don't tell God what I need I tell him what I want when I get what I want I destroy all my need when I have what I want you've heard me say it before I don't even think about need when you walking in your wants need is not even a concern to you the loss my shepherd I shall not want let patience have it's perfect work that you're perfectly entire wanting nothing the Young Lions who suffer lack but he that seeks my face shall not want any good thing you see what I'm saying but people can understand one you'll never understand what until you get out the shallows I had the man asked me one time how much money you need you got the wrong question you should ask me how much money I want oh yeah ice agreed no that's gross that's why people in heaven are happy they got what they want well that's when we get to heaven well our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done where where where as it is where see that's superficial limit where are all these people I think I'm eating a 29 or 30 years I've been preaching these believers convincing stuff where are all those people I used when I first came here I don't see him no more then went back to the shallows don't shot me down with a preaching good well my brother Jesse you got to understand we have the grace of God we ain't got to worry about nothing God didn't give you grace to your ratio holiness he didn't give you grace they raised holiness he didn't give you grace to erase discipline think about that for a minute now I understand about being sin conscious and you ought to be righteous concept but let me tell you something God is still holy and he said be ye holy for I am holy so don't give me this grace excuse that you can do whatever you want let me just say that oh let me just say it the way black people say your mama I see that's superficial living superficial thinking shallow thinking with a wonderful doctrine called grace are you hearing me see to dig and go deep is to go against the age it's very easy to skim over a frozen pond but it's another thing to sail upon the sea of life see I always get to a place in my life spiritual physic and financial where I cannot do things I'm always looking for the impossible you've heard me say this many time I believe the unbelievable I received the impossible because it's doable see there's some things that are that are that I want right now that are totally completely impossible I have an idea of 14 satellites seven low over seven high over been dealing with that for quite a while call NASA and I said I need the satellite they're gonna last at least 20 years what are we looking at in financer five hundred million dollars now this is a few years back they're getting cheaper now thank God I said now fly it up on my cell phone cause he said 100 million dollars so I said okay 14 satellites time 5 and 100 million each one to go up so he can set up so no no the gospel can never be taken off the air by the way where are you finish it wait wait whoa and get the heathens to pay for it now that's a good thing that's a good thing and they so excited to pay for it cuz they be in the shallows now Elon Musk is trying to do that now and he just can't seem to get it he's smart as a whip but yet a few years ago I had the understanding God gave me that all I'm interested in is to simply just preach the gospel I'm pleased gentlemen I don't mean this private I know how to make money if you can't make money in America you can't you know make it know else it's not a it ain't hard to make money it's hard keeping it sustaining it through your whole life you see and the only way you're gonna do that is when you get to a place where you can't touch the bottom so you tread water by faith all the days of your life something so been aware I mean I can tread water for hours hours just sitting it all I gotta do is move my legs a little bit how us if I get tired what do you do lay down yeah but she underwater lay down you can actually sleep on the water even a dead man afloat because he got air in his lungs but he drowned because he screamed and he deflated he see my point if you follow Jesus example you will have a fresh revelation of who he is a fresh quickening of who you are see a lot of people know who Jesus is but they don't know who they are and a fresh consecration of your destiny I said it yesterday you need to learn to fellowship with your vision if you spend your extra time fellow fellowship and with your vision of what God's called you to do you'll never get depressed discouraged this spunk that broke busted you'll even won't have time to get sick why because see you fellows fellowshiping with something greater than yourself let me say it again if you follow Jesus example you will have a fresh revelation of who he is I like that oh and fresh quickening of who you are and a fresh consecration of your destiny every day I speak my destiny in my destination I know where I'm going because if you don't know where you're going you're not gonna know when you get there you'd be surprised many people may say fear but they don't know where they're going they don't know when they're gonna get that I know where I'm going I know exactly what I'm gonna do when I get there and it's very hard for anybody to change my mind once I bite down on something why because I want my word to be like God's word my covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that goes out of my lips I had a friend of mine I mean was mean as a snake he didn't mean as a snake but I cut a covenant with him many many years ago now he got mean cuz he got hurt then you get offended you get me but that didn't stop me for being his friend now I didn't like what he was doing then I will tell you see a true friend I tell a friend what he's doing wrong he get mad and customi now if I wasn't say if I wouldn't allow that to happen I would have to do what I got to do and any personal is just business oh I'm serious about that ya see but it made it made no difference what he did but it made all the difference what I did because I knew that my love was stronger than his hate I knew that my strength and God was stronger than his offense because the church hurt him then that said that a church of hurt you why would a church hurt anybody why would anybody ever leave a church you know lost your ever-loving mind it's the only thing in the world of the gates of hell can't prevail against yeah but I don't like the pastor God don't care you don't care if you don't like your pastor you don't care for your children don't like their teachers you tell them shut up boy you learn from that teacher see a church is a school where you learn it see not now you're getting a revelation of Jesus Christ why did Jesus come to save you no no that was the byproduct of it he came that you might know the father now I'm gonna say something I want you to judge me right now don't judge me till I finish this I may have not long ago came up to me said I'll tell you one thing I've been knowing you for years I said what thankies he said you you really believe in God I said I don't believe God at all he said what he said no no you must've misunderstood you believed in God I said I not believe in God he just look at y'all don't judge me yet he didn't know what to do I said sir the devil believes in God and trembles there people believe in God don't tremble Satan believes in God and trembled I don't believe in God I believe God there's a vast difference in believing God and believing in God because when you believe God you don't separate him from his word his word is him and if he said by his strike you hear I don't care if you sick as a junkyard dog if you believe in God you go get your miracle but if you believe it in God you tremble it lost the failure right there didn't you know ye be sure you got shook up water marks well I know God said that no you don't know God said that but that's the problem need to get your butt out of line I believe God I'm a textualist he says by His stripes I'm healed so when Satan attacks me and he does I go no sickness belongs to you health belongs to me I love praying for people to be healed why because if I saw healing my my harvest is health so I think of the world as seed time harvest time and everything I do see I believe God now I'm gonna say something I'm gonna add something what brother Cookman said you gotta understand some of us we are so unique Oh sometimes I just look at myself in America would oh I know I'm freakin Yolo y'all think that's arrogant saqqaq enough well no no no I'm looking at his image I'm not looking at this body I'm looking at his image because you see when he created man he did something no other species he ever did this to see the anointing of God is on Gabriel on Michael our Archangel but you see when you got born again he put his name in you his name is in you in you Christ in you the hope of glory the non God's name is on Gabriel on Michael but his name is in this that's why you the only species that can sit down in the presence of God Michael in a Gable gotta stand at attention but you can sit in heavenly places because his name is in you God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost in mankind that's what God says what is man that that was mindful of him the son of man that I visited him he put his name in this go to Exodus chapter 23 you don't have to go to just listen to Exodus chapter 23 verses 19 20 and 21 that's the first glimpse of the Trinity a lot of people don't see it my god there was an angel called the Jehovah angel that's all the Jews knew how didn't know how else to do that because they they couldn't believe that Jesus that God would have a son why don't they believe that here o Israel the Lord thy God is one what you want but you three your spirit house and the soul and clothes and the body yet you want Makhan that angel if you go read it at this afternoon the Lord said do not provoke that angel because he will not forgive your trespasses because my name is in them that was Jesus leading Israel the pillar of fire and cloud leading Israel and today he's leading the church then he was not a savior today he is so when you got born again God put his name in us how can you ever get depressed with the name that cannot be spoken inside of you I don't care what kind of trouble comes your way so what of it it's just trouble it will dissipate it will go away cuz his name is you that's why Satan hates you because you see God didn't create Satan he created Lucifer unloosen 4 created Satan when he twisted now what God put in him was tablets when he walked music played beautifully but his name God's name the name that cannot be mentioned is in us the heart of God is the Father the face of God is the son Jesus the voice of God is the Holy Ghost but the hands of God is the church see we part of that body not just the Bride of Christ the body of Christ you see my point his name is in us you don't have to stay in the shallows a new world opens up when we trust God and sail past the old landmarks write that down a new world opens up when we trust God and sail past the old landmarks I remember many many years ago oh I this is 30 years ago my board meeting happy hour on Sunday night I would write down what I was believing God for for the next year and then I'd have the board meeting and we would talk about it and discussed it what I felt just as brands ministers could do and was this so I thought I would check it out with God first that's why I found out where my watermarks worth that that meeting me and God had that meeting so I wrote it down present your petitions in supplication with Thanksgiving I thought well okay I'm a paper and I said hey Jesus hey God hey we think he looked at that and he said you just put me out of a job I guess I got to go to the unemployment office and get my check I said what are you saying God he said there's no faith in this he said Jesse you determine this by last year's receipts so that's the problem with ministry you determine things about what you're gonna do the next year about how much money you brought in this year and the business world a lot of it that does that too and they don't grow very well so they stay in the shallows thinking they doing good I said he said you determined it and you added just a little bit so you put me on the unemployment line there's no faith in it I said give me back that petition I took and I tore it up I ripped it up time I just ripped it to pieces and I wrote down stuff that was so unbelievable and impossible and I presented to my boy you know what boy said good god I said yes he is Jesse you can't do that I said that's right we can't but the Bible said we can do all things through Christ so either you line or gods line I picked you I said we are gonna do this but this has never been done in your man this is never been des I said I don't make no I don't care we're doing this we're doing this Doug nice is the first person that began to help me in my television mission I remember Doug flew 200 Wallace and me a Catholic we're ready we're going on secular television today ladies and gentle but I'm sounding prideful I am preaching the 2.9 billion people in 14 different languages you ought to hear me preach in Chinese I am good in Chinese I don't know what I'm saying but I'm good it's the funniest thing you ever saw I love to watch myself and I don't know what I'm saying but it's great and I pay a lot of money for them to match my lips so people think I can speak their language not just a crawler oh I mean yeah so Doug came down there and Doug was such a blessing guy he's in heaven today Doug you beat us all man good got him buddy he said my brother Jesse Doug smiled like I did he had he had a big smile he said what do you want to do I said let's jump out 20 stations Cathy we're gonna we're gonna pop a 420 station this is impossible just a secular television okay ABC CBS NBC Fox he said you won't go on 20 station I said yes sir I said now you know more about that than I do so kind of give me some pointers here and I was looking for the deep marks I wasn't looking for the shallow I wasn't just gonna do this to try it I don't try nothing I didn't try to marry Cathy I married Cathy I don't try to support her I support her she don't try to support me she supports me well don't criticize them in front of Cathy Cathy will eat your lunch in the second now I can say all kind of crazy things about Cathy but you better not say nothin bad about me cause she will see you smile and if that you see that right eyebrow lower run that's the warning hold so we got all the stations together and Doug's all exciting said this is a big leap of faith he said I Jesse this is Doug now Jesse it takes anywhere from 12 to 18 months to establish your audience so you can get partners and things he said now yeah yeah how long do I want to pray for believe for God the you know to pay for this thing he said not and he he says again it'll take probably 12 most likely 18 months I said two weeks he said two weeks I said Doug two weeks he said you've been listening to them Copeland tapes you can listen to them crazy I said two weeks Doug I said we're doing a big push on our magazine let everybody be going on ABC CBS NBC and Fox I have never had a late magazine in my life in my whole ministry so we will put it out so to get people with no we going on within two weeks of a first aired a guess what the printer messed up we were late about nine days so nobody knew we was going on ABC CBS NBC or Fox the magazine hit my god and it's nine days late and I told Doug two weeks so we already then past the first week seven days so god I said ha ha that Devastator what do you wanna do now I said you watch me sucker I said can I tell everybody and tell financed everybody get ready start counting some money so I went down there late I said y'all better get ready cause some money God gonna bless us I said we got five days no better do everything in my cup we go we hit with this thing and they'll just looked at me like what you lookin at me but I was walking in the deep ladies and gentlemen within two weeks till the day we paid cash for all of it one year in advance in advance the father stayed in them shallows how to struggle to pay for all that so guess what Doug needs met I mean I find name um you know I'm preachers begin to call it Doug so I want to go on them I guess Doug must have told him or something digested the plan and Katherine they paid for one year in advance oh yeah so they said we want to be on no station my doug has some sense that wasn't put in the food Doug said whoa wait you did God tell you to dip his god Jesse told me that God's on them to do that they said I mean that's got to be good station people watch it man and I want to get time around him you know and this that's good business and I'm wrong with that concept I'm sense that me and a lot of guys went on those stations and busted out why because they went on the stations when they went in the shallows you see what I'm saying instead of walking out in the deep so a new world opens up when we trust God and say oh past the old landmarks exploration is the foundation of the Word of God it has Christian passion and Christian duty in it so I love the Explorer I love to do things I never thought I could do but when I read I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me so the only thing I asked God for is strength and how do I get it I laugh the jaw of the Lord is my strength that doesn't mean hard things don't come my way ladies and gentlemen I mean you know when I came to the let me take some preaching for the word of faith his life then preaches somebody money believe in doubt fill churches my god and it would seem like it was their job if he was a new preacher to beat you down to keep you down I mean when I started out ladies and gentleman I went and preached for a week and they didn't feed me he said I gave all my money away when I got sick now I don't tell you to do that because I thought and that was my ignorance I thought worth it be saved you got to be poor I said well I was raised poor I'll be poor get me Cathy gave all the money away that's it listen I said all the money I mean we even emptied out the piggy bank I'm doing nothing zero I said now we gonna live by faith I don't do that check her but Jesse done that cuz you probably starve to death and we started believing God I didn't understand sewing and written fact when I first heard brother Copeland say oh no man anything and I talked to him but he said I didn't say that Jesse God said that I thought well yes exactly what he said I said well I'm gonna do that too he said that's good I said yeah here we go now the first thing your mind tells you because see it's shallow that's why it has to be transformed that's the solar man instead of conformed now you just can't do that how you gonna buy a house without mortgaging it how you gonna buy a car without financing we've been debt-free since 1982 I've bought all my own homes cash all my cars cash now people get mad at all this should be shouting they should be saying let me get around this guy what is he doing let me tell you what I'm doing simple stuff just believe it just believing not trying to convince you cuz you're not going home with me I got to convince myself the biggest person I got that convinces me you see what I'm saying and my god we got debt-free and God's Word would begin the floor and I wasn't when I gave I think I start getting blessing I wouldn't no no no no we supposed to be poor I said you know I hadn't read wait a minute I got to read this Bible more see they told us we couldn't read the Bible because you we couldn't understand it we were raised Catholic now I thought I read Genesis and Exodus butch that was easy but when I got the Leviticus I needed some help you know what I thought about Leviticus the streets the Cosa Nostra this is a blood book here boy you mess with this stuff hey kid I had to get somebody to help me on that Leviticus stuff even to say Leviticus I thought my malachi was my logic I'll race with a bunch of Italian people not Jessie my god they got a they got an Italian here and this is the last book of the Old Testament you understand and it says this what a man Rob God you better not cuz this is Malati talking here you better not Saul I'm gonna say about that statue limitations head and run out praise God on that guy I praise the Lord sees that Jesus taught us about he taught us by actions write that down Jesus taught by actions he was the word he was the expression of the mind of God his life was a magnificent monument I saw something terrible today right before I came there's a wonderful a monument and it's a scripture and it's offered Lord and the town went out there and he raced the Lord and it was for veterans you see because you know they had to go do it because they would be sued you know by I don't know whoever the atheists or whatever it takes something but you atheist you're messing with something you shouldn't mess with you eat here so I don't believe in God that don't change it I'll tell you what when you're gonna go over to the other side you can't believe God because there's no one believers after death I'm trying to help you here but they don't believe it that's alright just let's just go and do what you got to do cuz your life is nothing but a vapor you won't you we get you an eternal being saved and unsaved you're gonna live forever but you wouldn't live in or what I call a recreated State you see what I'm saying so Jesus taught my actions Peter let down your nets for a catch he was the word the expression of the mind of God his life was a magnificent Manya you see the bottle is not fooled just because it has a label on it I've seen a lot of bottle Christians they had a label on but it wasn't for ladies and gentlemen when I went into the ministry they wouldn't feed me I I didn't eat Kathy becoming she said you lost weight I said yeah she said what did you eat no I started preaching on Sunday night and I finished that on Friday and it didn't give me nothing they stole my offerings all in the name of God these people not only had water marks they had water stains they stole it many times am I telling truth got it many times that didn't discourage me because they didn't send me out and how many times I got in that car and ran out of gas driving home well what are you gonna do walk hitchhike it didn't make no difference I was so glad that God had called me and yet some of the big word of faith preachers when I first came here I never forget I was talking to them one time and I said they were talking about me everybody wanted to preach a believers convention Gloria or if you just could preach our believers convinced it what do you all said that name I'm born they're all you know they're in their fine suits and and I said I wouldn't mind preaching up believers convention they said all of that'll never happen Jesse you too shallow they said that didn't care I just smiled at him I said that's the most ignorant people I've ever seen in my life when they should have understanding wasn't because of me my god man and all of a sudden one day at a motorcycle rally which I had never preached before in my life Jimmy has Louise in heaven asked me to come to KCM to preach a motorcycle rally I've never done that before in my life never preached I liked motorcycle I never preached a rally he said Kenneth Copeland's preaching in Jerusalem he said would you preach Friday night he said Kenneth is gonna preach Saturday night and Jerry gonna preach Sunday morning I said okay I had never been to Kenneth Copeland measure I didn't know who Kenneth Copeland was or kenneth hagin I knew Billy Graham and the Pope that's what that's all I knew that's it I come in there now I met Gloria before I met Kenneth years ago she had come to our home trip and she goes hi I'm Gloria Copeland I said how you doing glory she says I've heard about you I said you have I said I sure have heard about you and I said what's your husband name she said Kenneth I said which one cuz used to mix them up all time you either in the Copeland camp or the Hagan camp they called it Copenhagen yeah I remember that [Applause] all you need is the pinch between cheek and you're gone just a pinch between your cheek and you go of a little Hagan and Copeland Gloria I got so I go ESET and Jimmy Hester says I want to introduce you to Kenneth Copeland I said okay so I walked in the head a little like a little or V or something to get in Kenneth he was standing he goes hello I'm kind of cool show him I said I'm jested man I heard a lot about you I said well I thank you he said what's your preaching on I said the platform [Laughter] I didn't know who I was talking to I said the platform he said well you ain't got nothing yet I said I promise you brother cool but I might hit that platform I'll a bit I said I've never preached motorcycle ride I said but I'll tell you one thing people gonna get say he looked at me said oh you got some confidence I said yes sir so we saw talking immediately became friends and then all of a sudden he says you know Jesse me and Jerry do this all the time I thought what does Jim and Jerry do all the time hey like he said you know a lot of times we just tag-team preach I said y'all dude you mean like the Restless he said yeah he said why not all three of us tag-team tonight won all three of us preach Friday night all three of us preach Saturday night and all three of us preach Sunday morning I said that's okay with me and Kenneth looked at Jimmy yes he said all right Jim he said whatever y'all want so watch this watch this now he said let me start first Jerry you get the middle and Jesse you closed the gate I said okay buddy and we had us a meet all three of us preaching boy hallelujah nobody was in a hurry going home could you know a motorcycle rally we had the most fun and then Saturday night the same thing and then Sunday morning boy which would be Jerry's time all through just preach it up a storm just spit flying Louie having fun finally we turned the server's over to Jimmy Hester Jimmy see y'all stand up we're gonna dismiss and everybody grab a hand and brother Colton grabbed my hand and he was only on my left side which would be this side or your other left like his thing and uh he squeezes my hand and he said what's this he said I'd like you to preach one of my conventions I said I can't do that I said I'm booked up like oh well but thank you for asking are you sure I said yeah he said have you prayed about it I said no I'm not gonna lie to him and he said well would you pray I said yeah so I said the Lord he said yes it's God's fast he don't play games I said Lord ah I'm booked almost every day of my life I said I don't know what he said you got three days I said brother Copeland I got three days kind of give you three days he shad prefer the whole week I said I know but I don't give you three days he said I'll take it I said okay and that started something I went priest in three days Oh Lord and y'all might have been here when I preached on the forgot they'd forgotten agree give me boldness Lord produces the tongue talking Church of the Bible and sitting right over there in the back was a black name black man looking like it in his name was creflo dollar nobody ever heard of it sitting right back there and God put me in this now those people that said I would never preach I believe it's convention they still got water marks on them and stains you know it came up to me he actually came to see this great sight and I said and I said gestures stay humble don't let this go to your head I had no idea what they were talking about see I don't get intoxicated with success I've been successful before I ever got here now I mean that pridefully I thought even in the world I was a success going somewhere to succeed it's called hard work you do what you have to do so I made up my mind that when I would preach for brother Copeland that I would erase Jesse Duplantis he don't exist this is the Southwest believers convention this is Kenneth Copeland ministry and we're gonna produce everything that Kenneth and Gloria believe in God for what and see you know where I learned it from the Holy Ghost he erased himself Jesus he erased himself when you see me you see the father they all become one yet they three doing the work that God all the father has chosen them to do and it's been many many years and we've been I've been preaching everything and then rather go and get these ideas let's go preach to the islands of the world I thought we're going to Hawaii we're going to st. Thomas st. Croix me we went to Cold Bay Alaska margarine so hot then when you open up the door when he gives you get hit sweat brick immediately Guate canal bugs as big as your fist one Lander almond just looked at me brother Copeland preacher Bob and swallowed one of them that Jerry Savelle he son the night he preached there wasn't a bond to be around and then bug him oh that's Jerry let's leave him alone he's the shortest one so Jerry shuck the corn now watch this brother come say you preach in Thursday night I said no Kenneth this is your meeting the meeting starts Thursday night normally you would see chemical he said no you preach Thursday night Jerry's preaching Friday night and I'm preaching Saturday night see that was a shallow no no because this is your meeting they want to hear you so Thursday night I preached he looked at me sweating like a Missouri mule he talked about hot buddy just hot sweat through your coats we all thought we were TD jakes just sweating together you ever seen Bishop can sweat man I mean that man sweat son he don't perspire he sweat and I touched brother Koch when he put my and water come on it's hot I'm not exactly I'm talking hot man we got water in our shoes he looked at me said given obstacle 1,000 people got born again and they did a drunk that day it got shot of it someone I mean it was amazing so I was finished for Thursday night I thought good hallelujah I'm sitting this close as I can tomorrow night til a fan Jerry gets it then he stopped preaching boy and I mean my god and he stops turns wrongly used to giving off the car so I go up there get and another I mean just people get the same we were in a soccer field so hit come brother Copeland a brother comes a teacher yeah that's it right there that is all first time salvations look at that thing now you show that black part all that black parts didn't bugs [Applause] whoo Lord it was some of the hooks that's it right there that was that was Thursday night said brother Copeland he always teaches yeah open the Word of God he come out flying out there flying out to I have to stall while preaching it's a preaching come on man I'm going Evan hey Ethan I miss the joke because I bought a fan he stops he goes turns around to me give it all to call I want to go No but I did Guadalcanal I'll never forget it why I'm saying that as an example yeah you know buddy but go to Guadalcanal you know how much money it costs to go to Guadalcanal to fire over there brother Copeland didn't care he went there to get people saved get people he'll get people blessed get him growing up in the word of the Lord he was getting him up the shallows so they could walk in the deep let me say this enclosed here I mean it go too long here safe insurer thinking is not for the person who desires to be close to God safe insurer thinking is not for the person who desires to be close to God that is a shallow view of Jesus Christ see and he said again safe insure thinking is not for the person who desires to be close to God that is a shallow view of Jesus Christ you see the world is suffering from a mature of Christians who are half consecrated half doubtful and full of double mindedness I refuse to be double-minded so when the Lord said oh no man anything but to love him I said I'm gonna take that and we did that I looked at myself in the mirror that's that I ain't getting sick no more my pastor like that fell out when I said that I said I read a scripture today pastor he took my infirmity so if he took it what do I want it he bored my sickness so why should I have it by His stripes I am healed I'm a reveal something now that I've never revealed before two years ago there's no but four years ago I preached longer than that one of the ministers conference for people that don't know that I had open-heart surgery not because I was sick the Lord just told me to go to a doctor and I went and I found out at 6:00 I'm 70 years old today but at 63 I had a cross daughter I did not know that head down I had no symptoms nothing so when I went to the cardiologist and I he said why are you here I said the Lord sent me here I said my doctors can talk to each other I said you a doctor medicine I'm a doctor of divinity so Salaam let's talk so he ran me through the gauntlet hauled him tests he said you are perfectly fine he's in fact you in great shape for men you it I said no he said do you have any chest pain no do you have cold sweats no you know why are you here I said the Lord sent me here so we ran through the gauntlet come to find out he says sir there you are in great I said is there any test that I have not done he said only one and that's when they go through your groin they weigh the call at the NGO grant we run die through you I said I want to do that he said that's expensive I said I'm not broke I can pay for it I'll let the insurance pay for it if you want me to pay for I cut you a check I don't care do that this is Thanksgiving weekend Thanksgiving this is Thanksgiving week he said we're not gonna find nothing reffering we didn't ran you through everything I said I want to do that he said well this Thanksgiving is a short week won't you come on Monday after Thanksgiving so I did now then the Sunday night before I went on Monday the New Orleans Saints asked me to be on the field with them so I was there and then you had we had to go all the way up to the top of the Superdome everybody sucked in when Kathie was like it everybody in front and I was like I am NOT some when I got to the doctor on Monday they did the angiogram and I'm laying on this slab and my god there's video screens of my heart it's doing this and all of a sudden the car dealers and the heart shake says look at this and I caught my attention I wasn't drugged up and I listen and he's not talking he forgot about me I said excuse me excuse me Kathy said don't snap your fingers it makes people mad it gets their attention I said he said you have a crossed artery has anyone ever died in your family with this I said no oh yes there has to be I said well not that we know of he said well look at this so they start talking about how to fix all this stuff you know they said you can see it like this is your heart your daughter he does this mine was like this never heard of that before in my life so I say excuse me how do you fix this they just looked at me they say well biggest operation anybody go through for a man that's hopefully not surgery I said what you doing tomorrow he says my god man you make quick decisions he said I guess I'm not version with you I said I guess you are so 7 o'clock and they rolled me in there and they fixed that and switched it out and no way would go straight here's what I want to reveal now some people don't believe I've been to heaven but I have it's a nice place you need to go I am a man I need to see things Carolyn I preached the summer one time on the Ten Commandments is that God I got to see you doing this so I can effectively preach this he said you'd like to see me do that he said I said you're gonna have to take me back in time I got to see this I want to generate this out of my soul I know it's coming out of my spirit but I gotta get it out of my soul so people can see that and boy people went crazy when I preached that because I saw it the Lord showed me how he did it and I could physically see it like you physically see me it's always amazed me fact Kenneth Tony said he's something happened on it operat damn he ain't saying nothing because I wasn't allowed to until I got here Sunday night real late hello said you can reveal what I showed you oh so I'm on that table he said now we're gonna be going man this : it's my god like 33 degrees in that you know and they got all these hats on I looked at my said this is where the big bucks is made huh they said oh yeah and I said okay wait it hit me with the drugs and let's go he said you were way up in intensive care I said alright whatever he said but we have this is the last words that we have to let you know you could die we have to say that Slade Louisiana tells you yet I said I can handle that oh oh you can't then the duck said but I you I'm telling you 99.9% you coming off that table because you a healthy man you just need we got to just fix these crossed arteries I said okay now I always wondered about the darkness when Abraham cut those halves they said a darkness again that bothered me darkness what and Abraham sees God walking and putting foot prints in that blood when he separated those sacrifices so I went out I could hear oh mama she could save it I can hear them talking the surgeon but I was in this darkness and he says I'm here you wanted to see that I said I need to understand man understand the Covenant God you revealed it to me but I need to see like I saw the Ten Commandments thing I need that in that darkness that came upon Abraham and I saw God I've seen Jesus many times I saw the father's hand but I never saw the form of the father when I was in heaven I just saw that whoa whoa this power with that smoke he's gonna have some he's so he's so powerful that he has to Mach with who he is could destroy you it's amazing and I saw him walk through them halves I seen that my own physical I was like wow and then I looked around and it was like if you cut all the lights out if you look up there you see that it was dark but there was such a magnificent presence I said father he said yes Oh see there's just I'm gonna say something ain't gonna believe there's just no way I can backslide I don't want to I've seen too much I've seen God the Father I've seen God the Son I'm not gonna stay in the shadows I've I'm not gonna going into the demon and that deeper I go that deeper he goes and I saw that and it's sometimes boy since I've seen that it's the first time I've ever revealed this cuz people think you're crazy you know that the other day I I closed my eyes and whoa I was covered not in darkness like I said that same presence and I said you want to touch me yes and I felt like always were around me and then all of a sudden out that darkness I had I did this light and it was from afar on this table and as it got closer to me an image began to take form and he got about from me to you man it was the image of Christ he said hi Jesse he said there's people all in this room but they can't see us you okay everything's fine I answered your prayer I want you to know that you can come see me but let me come see you you can touch me but let me touch you never stop growing lot of me learn of me learn of me and under that in that hospital in that room you know what they do I went I will Lord he says there anything else you want to see I said I'll let you know because you see I gotta go I gotta go in here I don't know about you but I want to know some things I want to know why I did what he did I want to know how he did what he did I want to know that so I saw that those footprints in that blood but the thing that amazed me was not his footprints was that overwhelming power that I mean it was just amazing and all of a sudden I begin things begin their like them I said huh I'm coming out of I'm coming out of the anesthesia and the next thing I know I open up and I see Kathy I mean an intensive care now I don't remember this part she said Kathy said are you in pain and I looked at my hand and I had a tear in my eye my Careca the teal was not because of the pain the tear was I just saw the father like a blur I went to chip and they had a what he called like a needle that you put in you you know so Kathy said can't you put that you got a thing in his neck can you do that so they pulled it out and when they pulled it out you know she I didn't need that and I couldn't talk as I had this throat thing down my throat so I look at this nurse and went she says Reverend we can't do that I went she said you're still under anesthesia and now can you lift your head up I'll lift my head up can you stick your tongue out and that was wonderful they pulled that thing on my crew and I said what that sounded just like Marlon Brenda what's your name you know cuz you that thing touches you Boca boy she said my name is Lauren I said Thank You Lauren she said you welcome and all of a sudden I see her and her husband getting a divorce the law said give her a word I said whoa I'm the one on the slab I'm the one that need a word you want me to give her a word of knowledge on I'm on this left when Laura come here everything's gonna be all right with you husband she looked at me and I start speaking things to her she's bust out crying man I was a little irritated I said you blessing huh and I'm the one with the tubes hanging out he said yeah but you just saw me you'll never experience those things if you stay in the shallows you get into the deep and if you stay in the deep you won't stay on the water you'll rise up and you'll walk the water and people see that Jesus is Lord did you enjoy it today give the Lord a hand what were that guy come on give him a good one [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 121,633
Rating: 4.7987642 out of 5
Keywords: 2019 southwest believers’ convention, believe, church, deep, destiny, drown, faith, fear, image, jesse duplantis, joy, launch, shallows, strength, vision, watermarks, waters
Id: duqkktFTt18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 53sec (4433 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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