2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Prescription For Healing (10:00 a.m.)

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hallelujah father we thank you today for the wonders of your love and goodness we thank you today that 2000 years ago our sicknesses our diseases our poverty our lack and pains and devastation [Music] were laid on our savior jesus and we see from the great letter the great apostle paul by the holy spirit wrote saying he who knew no sin was made to be sin so that we might be made the righteousness of god in him and we praise you for that this morning oh glory to god hallelujah we praise you thank you thank you thank you in the name in the name in the day that at the sound of that name every knee must bow just the sound of it every knee must bow every tongue confessed including the devils that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father hallelujah and his presence is here today you will receive your healing today [Applause] if you will receive it [Applause] amen well you may be seated this morning boy the praise and worship good this morning right and now all of you that are watching online watching on the victory channel today hallelujah you know kenneth copeland ministries saturday has always been healing day and but now you do what we do we stand up you stand up i don't care if you got your pajamas on that's even better i'd still have mine on if i didn't have to go to work this morning maybe i'm like that pastor no i'm not no i'm not his wife went in and woke him up and said you need to go to church this morning no i'm not going i don't feel like going yeah you need to get up from there and go to church no give me two reasons why i should she said because it's sunday because you're the pastor [Laughter] well this is saturday praise god and this morning i'm the pastor no i'm not a pastor i'm not called to that but there's no time nor distance in the realm of the spirit now don't misunderstand me the pastor's calling the same word translated pastor in the bible is shepherd there is no higher calling than that amen there is none and the local church is the most powerful institution in the world that's right you know i've had people accuse me or nobody that you had any sense but accuse me of being anti-church dear lord if it wasn't any church i'd be out of business that's my job it's to minister to the church i'm not an evangelist i was separated in 1977 to the office of the prophet that's my job it's to minister to the church glory to god the evangelist's job is to minister to the world and the pastor's job is to minister to god's people god's flock thank you jesus oh i'm glad you're here this morning now in there's no time or distance in the realm of the spirit you remember the nobleman's son there was something like 25 miles there he kept wanting jesus to come go please come go heal my son now think about it had jesus gone with him he would have died before they got there yeah they're walking that's right isn't that right so what did jesus do he spoke the word amen amen amen [Music] you remember when cornelius's servant the centurion of that area cornelius we found that out in the 10th chapter of the book of acts cornelius uh sent word to jesus jesus some people say i just don't know if it's god's will to heal me get a bible jesus on the earth was what god manifested in the flesh and he said i came to do the will of my father well he's never changed he's the same yesterday today and forever and like i told you earlier gloria and i came into this with no knowledge of the word we were scriptural illiterates when we came in and and you've already figured out by now i'm kind of squarely in my thinking anyway and you know i said last night that i won't be 85 december the 6th i will have lived 30 600 days or something like that yeah but i mean back there then when people say i don't know whether it's god's will to heal today or not 99 of them are thinking about themselves so it's not god's will to heal me i'm just the opposite from that i looked at that i couldn't see any reason why he shouldn't heal me he healed everybody else except those that wouldn't believe it now and we'll put this up on the screen the 55th chapter of isaiah and uh that i i'll tell you what it says my word goes forth out of my mouth isaiah 55 8-11 it will not return unto me void now he compared it to the rain and the snow that come and water the earth there it is for as the heavens are my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the lord okay go ahead i want to go down through the 11th verse for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not there the snow and water comes down it doesn't go bad what does it do it waters the earth and maketh it bring forth blood that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto i sent it right amen now how does his word return to him when we pray it these are covenant words we take his blood back words covenant promises covenant facts and we have the answer to the prayer before we ever pray thank god thank god thank god thank god that gloria and i learned that from brother hagin in the very very very early days pray the word don't mess around with your own head pray the word by his stripes you were healed glory to god i was healed now now um to see i'm talking about you that that are online that are watching on the victory channel and so forth so that there's no time to distance in the spirit so take hold of it do what we do say what we say because the same spirit of god the agent of healing is right there the same spirit of god the agent of healing right now is in thailand right now in beijing right now in china [Applause] now there's a lot of nasty stuff going on in china but whoa i want to tell you there's a lot of glorious stuff going on in china because god saw to it for years and years and years and years about i mean about eight out of ten missionaries were going to china and going to china and that seed is still there and still growing gloria and i have been there we have seen it in operation in some marvelous ways thank you jesus oh glory to god all right the healer's in the house today now this is an opportunity for you to learn this is healing school an opportunity to learn uh the the laws that govern healing and so forth and how to keep your healing you mean that you can lose your healing well yeah yeah i was um back in the days that i was there at oral roberts university and some people came to me and and one very precious people now you have to understand that and um she said brother copeland we need to pray i said okay about what the lord's taking his hand off of brother rompers what i said where did you get that they said well we went to interview some of the people that that were miraculously healed and we went to to interview them and and and they're not healed anymore i said oh i believe i haven't i believe i can help you okay brother copeland i said did he did old brothers heal him uh no well then and she began to see well yeah it wasn't his anointing that was lost they lost it and the lord gave me a word for her right at that moment and it always pays to look inward and and it just came up the same lack of faith and unbelief that put that dear sister in pain in the first place came back well why well that's easy she didn't get in the word and keep that healing and resist the devil when he tried to come back she just that symptom came she said well you know you i mean i i didn't even have to meet the woman to know what she said some form or another she she said well i thought i was healed i guess it wasn't well it wasn't it had anything to do with oral robert's anointing it had to do with her lack of knowledge of the word and how to keep it because the devil will do his best to steal it now there's another thing that is telling when someone comes up and says uh would you pray for my arthritis no i won't in the first place you own it now jesus bore your arthritis so that is not my arthritis that is not my heart attack that is no that's not my sickness that's not my disease i refuse to own it i refuse to take it glory to god that belongs to jesus and he bore it and took it to hell and back and i don't need to have it not going to happen and i've been attacked ferociously and had a lot of pain in my life and you know whose fault it was mine because i did not obey some instructions that the lord gave me years and years ago i was too busy and he caught up with me i'll answer the question for you again why do bad things happen to good people because good people make bad choices that's simple the rich young ruler made a very bad choice he missed the opportunity to become an apostle of the lamb jesus said and take up the cross and follow me huh well that is his fault wasn't god god called him all right so oh we're going to have a good time today and [Music] first of all there are some scriptures i remember what keith moore said what do you need to be scriptural scriptures [Laughter] now and god's words coming from my mouth i do not say things from this pulpit that i have not already backed up by the word of god and the prescription for healing is attend to my words attend to them put them first place in your life put them final authority in your life keep them no uh well let's turn to proverbs 4. this is the prescription for healing the 20th verse my son attend to my words incline incline your ear to my sayings i want to hear what he says about it before i want to hear what anybody else said thank god for good doctors man i love them amen all for them they're god's agents fighting the same sickness and disease that jesus bore amen amen but and and think you know praise god for them but i am inclined to listen to god's word i want to hear what he says about it incline your ear unto my sayings let them not let my sayings depart from your eyes go to this book look at them i was in a in a situation in shreveport years ago in the church that jerry savelle and and carolyn savelle came up in and um man i i had a situation where i went in there sunday night i had started the meeting of money and i i had a tightening that started in my groin area and it just kind of tightened up in there and i didn't pay any attention to it that night and the next morning i got up and i seemed like i was doing all right it was doing pretty good but when i stepped out on the platform ah gloria just before i walked out there it hit me now walk out on the platform the anointing would come that's fine i walked off that platform and screamed before i could get my hand over my mouth well this happened there then every day after that and i just fell over the bed i said lord what a what is this and this is what you've heard me say this before this is where i learned it what what what's going on here he said you've been quoting all your scriptures now i never have just set out to memorize scriptures well i did you know in several places but they're inside of me and i've preached them so much and that but and they just start flowing out of my spirit he said now that's good but and this is his words the memory of a potato never nourished anybody you have to get it in the system yes and he said and he took me to that scripture right there put your eyes on it look at it put your eyes on it that's the reason i have healing scriptures all these tabs have to do with healing scriptures and you can just you could just flip through just picking those tabs up amen and now let those words not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart they are life unto those that find them and health or medicine to all their flesh amen all right now then let's go i love it to the 103rd psalm thank you jesus thank you lord psalm 103 and those of you that are partners you know that this is on the bottom of that letter this is one of the prayers that we pray for our partners the 103rd psalm and i'll just tell you right now we're going to take our benefits this morning before we do that let's talk about unbelief jesus preached at nazareth we talked about that sermon yesterday where he said the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has anointed me to preach he's anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he's anointed me to do that to preach to teach and heal but there in nazareth he could do no mighty work didn't say he wouldn't he said he couldn't could not do any mighty work save he laid his hands on a few sick folks and healed them no mighty works because of their unbelief now unbelief is as simple as faith they're sitting there in that place i don't believe a word of this how could this happen i know his mother and daddy that kid right there fixed my shoes one time how could he be anointed of god i just don't believe a word of that that's unbelief there's no such thing as non-belief everybody in this room is believing something right now you may be sitting there saying i believe i itch [Laughter] and nobody thinks in words i mean in letters right written words you have thoughts you think in words and then then the the printed page takes the thoughts of god and then puts them on paper because he put his thoughts my thoughts are higher than your thoughts my ways are higher than your way therefore because of that my word goes forth out of my mouth we don't have to be dumb and stupid we can be listen are you listening yes we can be as smart as jesus why we have his thoughts we have the mind of christ you've got what christ anointed we have the same anointing available for our minds as jesus a man whose thoughts were of his father by the time he was 12 years old he was totally completely involved in the work of his father amen glory to god and his spirit which is his mind is living in you and because we have his thoughts we have every thought that jesus had that's recorded in this book amen his thoughts are recorded and read yes do you get that his thoughts are recorded and read that's the reason it's so important what you think and what you think all the time because what you think most of the time you will become so psalm 103 bless the lord o my soul now listen he's speaking to his soul he's speaking to his mind and his will and his emotions he's talking to himself now when some of us are around our our jewish friends and we talk about uh now this is what david said they said well now you know we're not like you christians i mean we sing these i'm glad i don't know the tune [Music] because the song can get in the way these are the words of god [Music] i'll put it this way god wrote the lyrics these are perfect songs now i sing some songs and have ever since i've been in the ministry that that are scripture i did a record a recording called the word but my words are not anointed unless his words are coming out my mouth whether i'm singing them but when i'm singing them i'm not thinking about what they say i'm thinking about performing it i have to i have to have my mind on that unless i'm singing in tongues [Music] amen so bless the lord soul mind will emotions bless the lord bless what bless his holy name well i can go along with that whoo glory to god bless his holy name all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all my iniquities who healeth all my diseases who redeemeth my life from destruction who crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies benefits who satisfies my mouth with good notice the word things in the king james translation is in italics it was added there but that's a good word he fills my mouth satisfies my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagles satisfies my mouth with good words good words good words where's my book this little book i've had it for a long time don't give up jesus will give you that miracle you need by oral roberts now i mean i've had it so long some of the pages have turned brown just take it out read it you know but i was i was reading it again here just a few days ago you've heard me speak about bob deweese my captain of the airplane under which i flew co-pilot knew him very well became very close i mean you fly with somebody in that same cockpit with him a lot of experience he taught me some things about prayer that i never heard of and and how to pray he asked me to come up over to his hotel room we were on a meeting he asked me to come to his hotel he said i want you to pray with me i said yeah and you know i'm a novice man i mean i'm green and a gourd here like i said i came into this i was scripturally illiterate i turned to glory i said do you know that matthew mark luke and john tell the same story can you be that yeah now mother kept sending me bibles but i didn't read them i was out to lunch in sunday school i didn't care anything about it now always even in my terrible days i'd pray oh god because i knew i wasn't doing right anyway and so i went over to bob's room and you know i i i i prayed you know kind of like this and uh man i mean he hit the floor i won't go into all that i mean some people including some of the family and so forth he had invested in some of their business or something and they just squandered it and got him into debt and he he he needed out now he just fell in the floor and i'm telling you he's praying in tongues aloud that i i said let me do this too and i just fell down there on the floor with him glory to god and and jesus broke that thing for him and and that business prospered glory to god oh i learned from these men precious brother i miss him i spent a lot of time with him over the years even after i left oral roberts university and a long time as i was on the board of regents and so forth and and bob and i had a lot of fun listen but now listen i talked about the fact that he had a massive heart attack on a handball court and then i shared what he shared with gloria and me he and his wife charlotte glory to me parts of this story and how he he died went to heaven and was on this this road gorgeous place he said ken and he mentioned a little bit of it here but he said there was a fence on each side of the road and and i walked over to that fence and he said it looked like it was hand-carved mahogany pan-polished that doesn't sound like any texas barbed wire fence i ever saw don't need barbed wires nothing up there has got a barb on it yeah yeah amen and but then he said i and he said i began to run he was not aware that he didn't have a body i began to run and he said i saw the lights of the city and he said ah i'm i know where i am and he just his head toward it as fast he can run then they began to bog down and he woke up there in the hospital in the city of faith and and charlotte said kenneth you want me to tell you what the first thing he said to me did he say charlotte thank you for saving my life no he said charlotte what did you do that for what did you do that for oh now i'm talking about words now let me go back here now this is in the hospital in the city of faith um when i died when my heart stopped and my breathing stopped so he jumped on my chest and began pounding it nothing that they could nothing they did could get me to respond i was gone so they brought in the electrodes that stopped the fibrillation that stopped the quivering of the heart and let it try to get started all over again they got it going and when i started to come to i heard this awful noise i couldn't figure out what the terrible noise was it was the breathing machine it was covering my face breathing for me then i came to a came to a little more they finally took the breathing machine off the room was full of doctors and nurses and i looked over at dr basta and said why did you bring me back to this mess i didn't want to be here first place why don't you bring me back to this mess if you only knew where i've been what i felt what i saw the battle was over victory was mine never another test or trial or problem of any kind and now you brought me back to this and i've got to start all over again don't ever feel sorry for anybody i don't care what age they died no no no no no no and don't grieve over it amen amen don't ever grieve over it praise god pretty soon they let charlotte come in and i saw her in motion anyways i want to go on over here you're right there with the doctors the nurses the patients and people all around you prayer is urgently needed but when all due respect it's not always a place where you pray the usual freedom with your desire when brother roberts prayed i had lapsed partly back into unconsciousness but was aware of his prayer which was in a very low voice charlotte was in the waiting room with bob and donna along with my granddaughter cindy orr walked by and said i don't know i don't know i don't have the answer i'll go home i'm going to think and pray about this i i don't have the answer he went over to the elevator with colin steele now that was my boss when we were we were on the meetings he was over all of the all the the tent meetings the auditorium meetings and and um and so when all of a sudden cindy my granddaughter who was now 22 felt something happened to her the spirit of god came on her tears started bursting from her eyes and the holy spirit took over in her life she ran up the brother roberts just as she was getting on the elevator grabbed his arms and said brother roberts brother roberts you didn't pray a miracle prayer for my grandfather you didn't pray the kind of prayer you used to pray in the tent crusades when the were healed and the blind saul and miracles happen i want you to go back in there and pray a tent prayer [Applause] pray a tent miracle prayer for my grandfather oral was standing there his eyes wide looking at cindy as she was pumping his arms up and down well brother roberts got the answer he said all right cindy let's go and he had that look of an eagle on his face he came back in the room and looked down at me he got my attention he said bob do you think god's through with you i said well no i guess not he still didn't want to stay here he wanted to die get your hands off of me can we get out of my way and let me out of here i love it don't you and he said well i guess not all right he said i can just hear him i'm telling when that anointing would come over oral was a very quiet man and when you would be with him in a room and he's just discussing things you're very quiet originally he was a very very timid man he stuttered so badly that in front of the class he couldn't say his name so it he he withdrew he he withdrew he almost died of tuberculosis he had it so bad and this is this is very uh that's back in those days but not only that the cherokee people had a lot of problem with tuberculosis and his mother blood cherokee like my grandfather now we that i know of we never did have any tuberculosis in our family could have and i didn't know it but he had tb so bad he was laying in the bed and they had they had to re-paper the wall next to his bed he blew blood on it he was skin and bones but a tent preacher by the name of muncie was having a meeting and oral's brother came in and said we're going to take you to that meeting so his brother and his sister and and can you imagine this oral roberts a man in his stocking feet six foot three and he picked him up and carried him to the car like a little baby and put him in the back seat of that old car and drove to where that tent meeting was on the way the spirit of god said i'm going to heal you and you're going to take my word where my voice is dim. they got out there and they took the back seat out of that old car and set it up there up close to the platform and he was just laying there on that old seat and and brother muncie this is night now and it is outside there and uh called him up on the platform and put his hands on him and told him to breathe down deep and he did and his lungs were clear and he never stuttered again [Applause] so [Applause] so because of those early he when you're seated with him he's very quiet but when that anointing came on him i want you to know he was a roaring lion so i since i've been there i know what he sounded like in there he was not speaking he was not speaking softly i can just see him all right cindy let's go and he had that look of an eagle on his face he came back into that room and looked down at me and got my attention bob do you think god's through with you i said well no i guess not all right i'll pray for you if you don't think god's through with you if he think he's through with you i will not pray for you if you think god's through with you and i can't change your not thinking bit of use in the world me pray that's right or anybody else because of what you think because of what you think that's what you've been saying now get this remember he fills my mouth with good words are you listening to me now he fills my mouth with good words good words words and things in the hebrew language are tied together because words created all things words faith things creation if you think god has something left for you to do i will pray for you and i said yes i do get your catchers on he fills my mouth with good words all right he said i want to ask you a question listen you always said you would die about the same time your dad did i'm two years older than that was when he died you always said you would die about the same time your dad did and he had a heart attack about the same time his dad did he said dear lord god it matters what you say all the time and the reason you say something all the time is because it matters what you think amen now brother keith told the story i heard brother hagin tell that story myself this young man said he had a brother that's almost twins but they were apart and he always said i'll never reach 20 or 40. i'll never reach it he died two months before that birthday and the lord said to brother hagin certain spiritual laws have been put into motion which cannot be changed at this time how with the mouth yes even had he known the difference he probably didn't have time to change it and when brother hagin said that to his brother his brother said well we he always said that to me and he called his mother over there and said brother they can tell her and she said oh yeah he always said that he said that all of his life he died two months before that birthday and when they realized that they couldn't get him back brother uh brother hagin just laid hands on him and said jim you remember that nancy you remember these stories he said jim we're releasing you son going home and jim smiled and he he was in a coma but he smiled don't ever get the idea that someone's in a coma they can't hear you i've had personal experience with that he smiled [Music] and he was gone well asked bob dewis if he wanted to come back now jim wouldn't come back if he could what he said was what he thought and what he thought all the time is what he said amen so examine your examine your thinking and examine your thoughts and your words and realize the devil's going to put every kind of a every kind of a bad sick thought in your mind that he possibly can because he needs your words he needs your words you remember what jesus said the sower sows the word satan comes immediately to steal the word he's the thief if he can steal god's word if he can steal the word then he can kill and destroy but jesus said the thief cometh but for to steal kill and destroy don't mix that that order up jesus said it proper it's in proper order but also jesus said talk back to him no don't let him have it don't let him have it don't let the devil steal the word don't let the devil think your thoughts for you no i mean you have him yet he it it's resist him and he'll flee right no the bible said submit yourself to god and resist the devil and he'll flee how do you submit yourself to god i refuse to think that i i'm not thinking that devil i'm thinking these words i'm thinking healing words i'm thinking love words i am thinking love thoughts i'm thinking faith thoughts i'm thinking faith words i refuse to think that so you can just leave me now get now don't get into a positive negative oh now devil you know how you i've read the word when i resist you you have to flee you have to flee you have to flee now did you hear me devil no no he didn't because you had to go back at him the second time now how do you go back at him the second time i've done it thousands of times so is my family go to the word and submit to the word resist the devil and he will flee look that word up look it up particularly from the greek text he will flee as if in stark terror he is afraid of that name he has no he has no defense for it he got slapped with that in hell itself lost all of his keys in his armor to that name but then what do you do you're fleeing you're gone father i want to thank you that he's gone now all of the symptoms may still be there but i want to thank you he's gone and turn over to james 4 7. turn over there and say lord you know see that he's gone devil you see that oh no you can't see it you're too far away see that's when you become dangerous what are you doing using that two-edged sword on him use it amen just pull that thing out of there the word of healing here satan hold this i said i said to the lord one day i was so mad at the devil and i said lord i want to hurt him how how can i really get to him how can i just really i mean just really hurt him he said do him like you do me what oh lord why don't do anything he says and i realized how i had hurt him i grieved him because he told me things to do that would have prevented a lot of pain now thank god he did heal me and i'm pain-free but it took years for me to get out of it he just told me a very simple thing start walking and don't quit [Music] amen but i was too busy and on sunday morning right after southwest believers convention was over tonight saturday night and i was done for i was so tired and and i i just went home and just got in my shower and just let that hot water run all over me yeah now my shower is you go into it this way and the shower head's here and there's a little bench there and so i had my washcloth in my hand and i didn't aim very well i just threw it over there at that bench but instead of hitting the bench it went in the corner and i'm just standing here like that i did not do this way all i did was this oh i fell in the floor i screamed at the top of my lungs i crawled out of that shower what i did not know there was a disc exploded in my back it didn't break it literally exploded and a piece of that disk it was already herniated i didn't know it had i been walking like i'd been told years and years before that would not have happened i didn't do the simple thing start walking and don't quit and now today i'm pain-free [Music] but i want you to know that left leg hurt me it hurt me and ached me it was sore and painful all the time and it didn't go away instantly it went away a little at a time and a piece of that old dried up disc got down in the nerve channel and got on a nerve in there i cannot describe the pain those of you that have had it know what i'm talking about that nerve going down my left leg all the way down to my ankle because i didn't attend to his word and incline my ear unto his saying i had to go to work i had to go to work with my faith i had a lot of help with dr colbert dr weeder i had a lot of help thank god for them i mean they went to work on me now i'm not against surgery but i made up my heart and mind i'm not having that i'm not going that route amen and i'm well i really wanted you to get that amen so now then glory to god let's go well we could go on through this 103rd psalm i do want to go to the 20th verse bless the lord you his angels that excel in strength that do his commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word you have at least one angel in your life more depending on on what you need in the way of your life and ministry in hebrews chapter 1 says are they not all all what is it you don't understand about oh are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for well that would include two but minister for the heirs of salvation and they hearken to the voice of his word this room is full of angels right now i know there's one because i have mine [Music] i was preaching beaumont texas there was a baptist man that was right on the front row for quite a while and all of a sudden he didn't show up and then he came in he sat right on the back seat back there he was mad at something i said he didn't like it a bit he told the lord i'm not going back and the lord said yeah you're going back no i'm not going back i don't like him and i don't like what he said no he said you're going back at least once all right but i want you to help me with it john you need to show me something to so he said right on the back row and morning service and i i'm just i really just teaching and of course on on faith and and particularly on miracles and so forth and what you say with your mouth and so on and he sat right on that back road right next to the door and all of a sudden his jaw dropped he he looked like somebody hit him in the face so after service he said may i speak to you i started to say i wish you would i said well sir he said brother copeland and he went into a little bit about what he got mad about but he said all of a sudden he said i saw the biggest man and he said he was dressed in white he said he looked like mr clean now i don't think he's bald-headed but anyway big look like mr wheat queen mr clean dressed in white and said he was stuck to you and he said he was right where are you and he's there right now and said you'd kind of slow down a little bit and said he'd lean over some of you and here you'd go now i'm very aware of him when i get into subjects like the name and the power in that name because so many times i'm flowing in in that in those areas and then i have thoughts that i have never had before and and the scripture will come along with them at the same time and it's because of him then other angels because now learn this from what jesus taught brother hagin and brother hagin he appeared to brother hagin was brother hagin's angel there with him and he had a message for him now he my angel is the captain and if i'm in places where i need more then he brings them how do you know that how can you tell that well you can tell from the opposite side where the fallen angels are and jesus said about the little children their angels are always before the face of my father you didn't lose your angel just because you grew up so the dark side fallen angels principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world then wicked spirits in the heavenlies so the angels and there's far more angels than there are devils we outnumber them so bad besides that we have all the guns amen we have all the weapons anyway i won't go any further than that but these angels now listen they hearken to the voice of his word they excel in strength and they listen for the word they listen for the word the word coming out of your mouth my mouth the name of jesus words coming out of our mouths and other tongues even though i speak with the tongue of men and angels and have not love i'm not just a lot of noise tinkling brass and so forth of men and angels there's been times that particularly when praying for my partners i'm praying for the nation and i just go into that and say lord i i have to get out of my mind here i have to get over into my spirit i have to pray words that angels will understand i have to pray words that devils will understand i have to pray words i'm asking you for those words give me that utterance and i will speak them and i believe i receive them when i pray creflo dollar and i gloria and taffy were in the back seat creflo and i were in the front seat i was driving we were in atlanta and it just rose up in me eyes looked over there at him began to speak in the spirit and connecticut now father i believe i received that that word that mystery that i spoke to creflo and creflo looked over there at men we had a conversation in tongues and this went back and forth there for a good little while and all of a sudden creflo began to interpret it and then the interpretation came up on the inside of me we had a conversation in the spirit i had that experience with with kenneth hagin one time one it wasn't as as deliberate as that was because he and i were in the car together but with brother hagin so these are mysteries but they're divine mysteries in this realm of the spirit the where the divine lives now then all right let's go to the 145th psalm i'm going to read it out of the classic amplified i'll extol you my god o king i will bless your name forever and ever with grateful affectionate praise every day with its new reasons will i bless you affectionately and gratefully praise you yes i will praise your name forever and ever great is the lord and highly to be praised and his greatness is so vast and deep as to be unsearchable one generation shall laud your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts on the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wondrous works i will meditate men shall speak of the might of your tremendous and terrible or awesome acts and i will declare your greatness they shall pour forth like a fountain the fame of your great and abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness your and justice the lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger abounding in mercy and loving kindness the lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works the entirety of things created all your work shall praise you o lord your loving one shall bless you affectionately gratefully shall your saints confess praise to you they shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and talk of your power to make known to the sons of men god's mighty deeds and the glorious majesty of his kingdom your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom your dominion endures throughout all generation the lord upholds those of his own who are falling and raises up all those who fall down how with his angels we just saw that in the 103rd psalm amen and with his spirit of course the eyes of all wait for you looking watching and expecting and you give them their food in due season you give them their food glory to god you give them their food in due season now that's something to hang on to what did jesus say give us today our daily bread well your bread represents everything you need bread is a staple it represents everything you need spirit soul body financially socially that's your daily bread and look look the lord upholds those of his own who are falling and raises of those who are bowed down the eyes of all wait for you looking watching expecting you give them their food in due season you open your hand and satisfy every living thing with favor our god is not tight-fisted he is a god with an open hand isn't that just majestic he is a god my mouth shall speak the praise of the lord let all flesh bless affectionately and gratefully praise his holy name forever and ever now let's look at proverbs 3 2. in the in the classic amplified my son forget not my law or teaching but let your heart keep my commandments let your heart keep my commandments don't keep them just just just because no with your heart his commandments are good they're not grievous when he said to me walk and don't stop i should have taken that as a commandment sure i've learned to do that since well if he says something it's a commandment to me amen because he's never said anything wrong and he's never said anything against me everything he has ever said to me was to help me to help my family hallelujah for length of days and years of a life worth living and tranquility inward and outward continuing through old age until death these they shall add to you his teachings his laws his commandments length of days a life worth living even through old age and now that i'm almost 85 i'm listening to this glory to god well i've been listening to it a long time amen and thank god his word is good i have no pain in my body i'm in the best physical condition i have ever been in in my life [Applause] because i heard it years ago i was in a terrible pain i i never did quit because of the pain i just i'm not going to do that i don't quit well or robert said don't give up don't quit just don't give up i learned you know i got that from him don't quit keep on he would say keep on keeping on another thing he said you'll know that you know that you know that you know it'll come into your knower what you're supposed to do you'll just know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know you know and when that happens you'll know that's like when you ask your mother uh how will i know when i fall in love and she gave you that silly little look and said you know well when i met gloria gene i knew [Laughter] ah [Laughter] the day i met her man i'll tell you what that's the end of it for me right there i knew i knew in my heart and um and that her unconditional love took me out of a very very a very serious place spiritually i was really really messed up and thank god now i want to go and you will go with me to the 91st psalm just turn to the left from the 103rd psalm there just a little bit 91st then we'll deal with the 90th psalm now i was amazed one day in reading the 91st psalm and studying it you know the wording is is a little strange the way the you will and i will and they will and i kept questioning the lord about that i said i i don't get that uh uh um what i get the first part because you have to say it with your mouth to put the 91st psalm in the in into play but now i was very very interested in this because this is the soldier's psalm and and i read history of this song it's no accident that our emergency phone number is 9 1 1. that didn't come by accident he that dwells in the secret place of the most high [Music] anyway i won't spend any time on that but i read about a commander in world war one who taught his troops the 91st psalm you had to memorize it if he walked up to you and said verse one you better have it on maybe had it on time all right and therefore down there 300 men a company of men that had no casualties nobody killed and nobody wounded then a field-grade commander partner to this ministry very very close friend keith kerber pastors in alaska special forces and gloria and i were in alaska and there with uh he and his wife and he was about to deploy and so um they hit me and he's full colonel and i told him about that situation and i and i i said keith and and he had been called back up in into a situation that was extremely nasty and terrible casualties and so and i talked to him about that i said teach your troops this 91st psalm where they they are required to know it and he said i'll do it i laid hands on him and left and i said call me when you get back so he's gone for two years and i said as soon as you get back in the united states call me well man i dr jackson i was sound asleep about three o'clock one morning and the phone rang right there next to my bed and i picked it up kenneth well i recognized this voice he said i'm home he said i couldn't wait to call you brother it worked it worked it worked [Applause] now he said i do have a question i want to ask you he said now after i left then they began to have casualties again but not as bad as they were he said why is that i i said the new commander didn't demand it and those that took hold of it did and they made it and the others just thought it was just that crazy colonel that did that and it went back they opened the door for the devil they dropped the secret place of the most high well you can see why i was interested in the military application of this and the lord showed it to me and so i'm going to show it to you now the first thing that happens here is the absolute importance to say it now i am person number one this is the way the lord showed it to me he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high you cannot get any higher than that he that lives there he that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall he will abide under the shadow of the almighty now that is a statement by god i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust that's the last word i said heaven's commentator made a statement in the first verse then i said he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust surely he shall deliver me i had to say it but now it's a sure thing surely he will deliver me he shall deliver me now now here we go and you'll see as we go through this you'll you'll see it so clearly i said i will say of the lord he's my refuge in my fortress my god in him i trust surely he'll deliver me but now jesus is the second person here i said that and jesus then said to me surely kenneth he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence you said it he'll do it yes amen are you seeing it yes [Music] that's the last thing i said [Music] he's my refuge and my fortress he's my god and i'll trust him jesus said surely he'll deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence surely he will deliver you from covet 19. before you get it [Music] kenneth he'll cover you with his feathers and under his wings shall you trust his truth shall be your shield and buckler kenneth you will not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow or for the missile or for the ied or for some idiot fool shooting in the middle of the night just going by and shooting people's houses no not gonna come now you no no they can't even get to your house now my wonderful my my very very close brother and friend great ministry just outside of lake lagos nigeria bishop david oyedepo [Music] now he taught his people to praise and worship praise and worship the angels he taught him them all of these things and there were gangs loose and they were just breaking into people's houses just stealing stuff and this one man in his his home he and his family were at the church praising god this is before they had that huge 50 000 cedar and they're building one now right now it's under construction right now it seats a hundred thousand called the ark glory to god oh my god anyway and this guy went up here to break into his house and there was a sign in the window concerning the church name to which they belong the name of the church is canaanland it's a faith church it's a praising church it's a prosperous church and he started to break in and so he's what what is this and so he started and he got cut he's bleeding he got cut with a knife a sharp edge he got cut across his legs he said i got to get out of here and the police followed the blood trail put him in jail he said i don't know there's something nasty about those people or something like that he said so somebody cut me [Applause] that angel cut him no you're not going in there [Music] maybe his name was malchus jr now malcus is the one that peter cut his ear off they learned this big time they learned this kenneth you will not be afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday and i'm going to tell you something kenneth jesus is saying a thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand it shall not come nigh you i mean everybody in town can get the sick everybody in town can get this or that and you just walk out smelling like a rose like the rose of sharon but you have to know it you have to believe it and you have to quote it and read it and stand on it not one time not two times but all the time all the time and then you do what's right in the natural yes now i'm going to tell you right straight up front what is more important in your life than your physical health and living in divine health you get busy right now don't believe everything you just read in some magazine forget that you get books written by men like dr colbert the spirit of god trained that man in medicine he had a heat stroke in tulsa oklahoma while he was in medical school at oru he had a heat stroke trying to jog in 100 degree plus weather and they did a biopsy on his muscles and said he'd never walk again well his wife mary wouldn't put up with that no she said i'm not believing that report i mean his muscle his thigh muscles were like roast beef now mary is a rhema graduate she wouldn't do it she wouldn't listen to it she and his instructors come she wouldn't let him in the hospital room his medical doctor instructors she wouldn't let him in the room you're not going to go in there and tell him he'll never walk now don't come in here and doc said something like mary somebody struggled i don't care amen so she went to town to get groceries he's in a wheelchair came back he's standing up in the middle of the room praising god [Applause] now he and mary were here last night books like that you can trust you can trust him when it comes to supplements you can trust him he's written book after book after book after book use food as your medicine the supplements that you take building up your immune system you have to be honest to those things i know you don't like to hear it but which would you rather have walk in the 91st psalm and stay well wellness is different than healing wellness is when you don't need healing where a thousand at one side and ten thousand not come nigh you now you have to be in good health spirit soul and body brain amen amen [Music] look at this only with thine eyes [Music] shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked now that's what jesus is saying and i wrote up here just right above that a little mark down through it like a bad movie but it won't come nigh you you're not a partaker you just see it i just don't believe i'll partake in covid i don't believe i'll partake in the recession now don't misunderstand me i've got a lot of respect for that disease it's killed a lot of people it hasn't killed anywhere near the people that that it doesn't it doesn't deserve the fear it has received when you have a recovery rate of something like 90. what is it dr jackson what's the recovery weight of it 99 recovery rate and you shut the country down but it is also a weapon now i'm not going to say anymore about that but but but hey don't let it get in your mouth amen amen with your eyes why you're in the secret place [Music] amen only with your eyes where are you you're in the high tower of the name looking at all that mess oh in the name. now here is where this this is the the establishing scripture that i told you i wouldn't wouldn't teach you things that i couldn't prove by scripture now this is the establishing scripture that this is jesus speaking to you this is jesus speaking to me this is right here this verse kenneth because thou has made the lord which is my refuge even the most high your habitation yes sir the lord was jesus refuge he jesus locked into that 22nd psalm and it got him all the way through hell and death amen oh does that excite you like it does me because you have made the lord which is my refuge even the most high your habitation there shall no evil befall you neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling no cancer plague no covet plague no disease plague no bubonic plague no ebola plague will not come nigh your dwelling that means your children that means your family that means your wife your husband your grandbabies your great grandbabies unless you will put up and open the door to it well i don't know where i'll open the door hey don't don't do it hey don't start crying about it the lord will show you i experienced this just just a few days ago and i went back to the lord i said look sir you can't miss it i missed it where was it here no was it here was it here yes uh well well i'm going to shut that door just slam it shut right now i know now i know now how that skunk got in the chicken house you can smell him yes sir i know now how he got in there well the door shut down with a brick door there's no way a blood-covered door he's not coming back in there why he will give his angels charge over you and they hearken to the voice of his word to keep you in all your ways all of what ways all of these ways he just got through talking about it all these ways they'll keep you they shall bear you up in their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone kenneth you will tread on the line and the adder the young lion and the dragon shall you trample undefeat and just about that time the father speaks up the father speaks up and and says because he has set his love upon me therefore i will deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my [Applause] all those years ago when i started laying there in the bed like i told you earlier this week and i said lord teach me the name and all kinds of scripture including this just flooded my being he has known my name and and i can just hear the father say now jesus kenneth will call on me and i'll answer it [Music] i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation now i learned this we're going to read this and then we'll read the 90th psalm and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all they chose and the lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for he is he's also flesh the new living said he's only flesh well that was before he got born again he's only flesh yet his days shall be 120 years now that's comes under the rule of first mention that is in genesis 6 pretty close to the front the days of man one translation says his normal life will be 120 years so what is long life that he's going to satisfy me with then i don't have i don't have the right to just make that up since he's already said it so now let's go back to the 90th psalm a prayer of moses the man of god lord thou has been our dwelling place in all generations before the mountains were brought forth or ever you had formed the earth in the world even from everlasting to everlasting you turn man to destruction and say return ye children of men for a thousand years in thy sight all but yesterday but when his past is watching the night you carry them away as with a flood this doesn't sound good moses is interceding for a disobedient people in the wilderness he's crying out to god they're dying you carry them away as with a flood they're as sheep in the morning they're like grass which grows up in the morning it flourishes and grows up in the evening it is cut down and withered for we are consumed by the anger and the wrath we are troubled you have set our iniquities before thee our secret sins in the light of your countenance for all our days are passed away in your wrath we spend our years as a tale that is told the days of our years are three score years and ten and if by reason of strength they be four score yet it is their strength and labor and sorrow for it is soon cut away and we fly away who knows the power of your anger he was crying out to god these people are dying it's 60 70 years old some of them even 80 but they're dying they ought to not be dying that young amen these are the first people of god's that died that young these are the first ones god all had already said you ought to live 120 years and and moses ancestors lived a whole lot longer than that abraham lived to be 175 after sarah died hey read the rest of it after sarah died abraham remarried and had 6 more and he was through at 90. [Music] talked to him about 70 or 80. he'd have been dead before he had any children amen long satisfied life even in the old age if you don't want to stay here at 120 that's your business [Music] i heard the lord ask me to do that yeah and i said well of course he dealt with me on the scriptures why well because of the anointing now well okay but what and so he just started taking me up year after year after year were you as anointed at 30 as you were when you were 40. no i was anointed but not as much because i was 40 when i separated the office of the prophet now were you as anointed in the 40s you were when you're 50 and just kept on up through the years he said the lord said to me kenneth i have anointings from from 80 to 90. and he said of course i have those in the earth i have anointings from 90 to 100 i don't have many of those now brother charles greene was here last night and he's what 92. 95 still preaching [Music] still out there going stop talk to me last night i've known him for years and years 95 years old and can't stop him he's going to preach till he quits i am too amen because of the anointing now and i'm talking about now long life to preach the word of faith now there have been people that lived a long time christian people that gave god the credit for it but i'm talking about teaching and preaching the word of faith for that many years praise god thank you lord jesus praise you lord jesus now [Music] we've talked about a life worth living thank you lord there's a couple of things i want to pray and i'll show you before we excuse me before we pray i want to talk about well let's turn to matthew 22. [Music] and let's go down jesus is teaching verse 37 thou shalt love the lord thy god with all your heart all your soul and all your mind i pray that every night before i go to sleep every night i love the lord my god with all my heart all my soul all of my mind and all of my strength and re strength there is referring to your wealth to your strength uh the strength of your voice your testimony your witness all of my strength glory to god and and now look what else he said this is the first and great commandment the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets i do that every every night before i go to sleep while the pharisees were gathered together jesus asked them saying what thank you of christ whose son is he they say unto him the son of david this is a huge clue who is the anointed one now we would put that in hebrew he would said who is the messiah the son of david they answered him said the son of david well of course now let's go to mark 10 46 we're laying ground now for our own faith and and for our own um prayers mark 10 46 they came to jericho and as he went out of jericho with his disciples and a great number of people bartimaeus i don't call him blind bartimaeus anymore he's not finding him he became a disciple of jesus in one day blind bartimaeus the son of timaeus sat by the highway side begging when he heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry out loud saying jesus thou son of david have mercy on me he was speaking if he was speaking in hebrew he would have said jesus messiah have has it on me that's covenant talk yes hessed the great the great compassion of god and covenant the big blessing the lesser do hessed for me do has it for me messiah glory to god oh lord i love it glory to god and jesus stood still and commanded him to be called they called the blind man saying unto him oh be of good comfort well ago they tell him to shut up [Music] be of good comfort he's calling you oh he had he was a legal beggar he he had been examined by the priests that he was actually blind and he wore a garment indicating that he was legally blind and you could give into his life and work casting away his garment corresponding action before it ever happened casting away his garment rose and came to jesus jesus answered and said unto him bartimaeus what can i do for you [Laughter] and the blind man said unto him lord that i might receive my sight he had to say it he had to say it um we were in a big meeting in detroit and um bob deweese came to me and he said kenneth we're not going to have we we there's no way we can pray for all these people in this meeting i'm going to set you up a prayer line i said okay good and i walked one of the first ones in the prayer line she had a a malignant growth this thing looked like an eggplant purple with a red kind of veins coming out of her hairline down across her eye no way she could have seen anything now i had learned from my mentor oral roberts use that name so i walked up there to just just a step or two i said in the name of jesus and that thing disappeared it just kind of sucked the wind out of the room now my mother was standing behind me she and my dad were in that meeting and she was standing behind me and she she was laying hands on me as i was praying for the people and she said where'd that go i said i don't know she was standing there like this now i didn't ask her what she came for i just attacked that thing she went like this and there was a big border on her neck i saw that garter and i said she said no i'm saving this for brother roberts [Applause] i told him about that and he looked at me i could see the disgust and the compassion on his face and he said well the lord really looks out after me doesn't he saved it for him well we never didn't know from from then whether she was in the prayer line or not absolutely but that's the reason jesus asked him what would you have me do for you he needed to say now what did jesus say the blind man said lord that i might receive my sight jesus said unto him you go your way your faith has made you whole and immediately he received his sight and followed jesus on the way [Music] that's how easy it is to receive healing in here that's how easy praise god first thessalonians 5 22. now we know that the syrophoenician woman she said those same words son of david have mercy on me but he didn't answer he didn't say anything to him and his people came around and said get her out of here he's driving us native crazy but jesus didn't say anything to us now bartimaeus was a jew he had every authority to say that this woman was not she was syrophenician now jesus called her a dog well the syrophoenicians lived like dogs they they just they they they had no allegiance to any god it just and sex was just something to play with now she said those words son of david have mercy on me but jesus didn't answer that now personally i i believe she heard somebody with that and she heard about him some way or other because she because she was there but now brother keith moore was saying that if she was saying that just a copy but we really don't know one way or the other but how did she get his attention well the first thing she did she fell on her face and worshiped him she called him lord and the rest of the conversation took place with her on her face looking up like this amen amen and he said it is not right to give the children's bread to the dogs you know what she said you're crow you're right you're right that's what did it she said she worshipped him and she said you're right that's what jesus was trying to get out of her in the first place amen what did he say woman for that saying gone home your daughter's well no time no distance just going on she's well great faith what what is great faith lord you're right call me a dog i must be a dog for some reason or other i don't care if i am the dogs get the crumbs you know and i'm not leaving here until she's healed you understand that and if you're tired of me now you will you'd be cause i'm not leaving here without it i am not leaving here to let girls well i'm here you're right can't you just see jesus smile they said ah going home great faith great faith just lord you're right whatever you say is right i've been living like a dog but i'm i'm you're right i'll change it but i'm not leaving here without it that's right amen he didn't intend for her to leave there without him but she had no covenant that's right that's right glory to god are you with me now we're going to stay well here in 1st thessalonians the 5th chapter you'll find thessalonians chapter 5 on the bottom of your partner letter starting with the 22nd verse these great instructions from the great apostle and we'll just go down through them well it started the 14th verse now we exhort you brethren warn them that are unruly comfort the feeble-minded support the weak be patient toward all men see that none render evil for evil unto any man all of this has to do with your health but ever follow that which is good why because god is so good his word is good jesus is good both among yourselves and to all men rejoice evermore pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you it's not the will of god that it happened to you but it's the will of god you give thanks amen i broke my toe that about three o'clock in the morning that morning on that great big old green footstool i did a very dumb thing when i come back there then i'd be we'd been gone for days and days and when i get home i'm home i didn't want to leave home in the first place if it hadn't been for preaching i wouldn't i'd stayed home and now gloria and the kids had gone to bed and i just stayed up just you know as long as i could stay awake i mean i'm home and i did something extremely stupid i turned out the light and then walked across the room and i kicked this big old greens thing and i heard my toe pow what now if it's not in you it won't come out i could have said something really ugly right then i was in the hangar when i walked into the hangar and um it was it was uh it wasn't our hangars on it in another place and um i had flown an airplane over there to to show to these people anyway and they were working in the hangar and and the tip tanks on a twin cessna stuck out here like this and they're just this high and one of the mechanics in there were coming around there and he hit [Music] no no i think about this this was and he knew i was a preacher and he no and you imagine what he said and he looked up to me and said oh preacher i'm sorry i said well you know don't let me cramp your stuff i said jesus said when he was on earth out of the fullness of your heart your mouth speaks now and we know what you're full of [Music] [Laughter] oh i shouldn't have said that [Laughter] but i and that night instead of saying something like that i said jesus glory to god thank you sir that i broke my toes no that i'm healed amen thank you sir i'm healed hallelujah glory to god hmm no oh and of course gloria's sound asleep when that happened the next morning i got up and come in the kitchen there ah now we've learned these things instead of saying oh kenneth what what happened no she said is there something i can pray with you about i said oh yeah i said i kicked that big old green stool in there ottoman are you kidding it's a big green foot stool i broke my toe i don't know i broke it i know glory to god and she prayed well i had an appointment at the airport to look at that first little red airplane we were talking about yesterday and i walked in there and i'm hurting and i said i need to see mr spinks if you don't mind she said what happened i said i know about three o'clock i broke my toe but you know jesus said when he was on earth whatsoever thing you desire when you pray believe you receive it i believe i'm healed by the time i got that out she backing off man i mean she's getting out of the way and she backed off and got the appointment with mr speaks and i said and i told him the tail number that airplane and because i had flown it before when i worked for him i knew the condition that it was and so and he said well yeah kenneth i'm glad you're glad you're gonna buy it's a good airplane i said yes i know it is and uh so he said uh let me call him a secretary in here and he's making out the papers and he's making and i said now now papi now wait a minute i i said you know um i don't borrow money you know no i said now that i'm in the ministry that airplane is going to belong to jesus i'm not going to mortgage his airplane i didn't go into all the reasons why i said i have five thousand dollars and i want you to keep that five thousand dollars until i get the rest of it well his nine thousand dollar airplane and uh when the lord will get me the money he turned around and he said he won't borrow money so just you know [Music] i went around i got in the car and i drove around behind that hangar where that airplane was and and and there it was looked just as good as it did the last time i saw it i got out and walked over to it no pain jesus the healer by the holy spirit in me fixed that tote hallelujah and i'm telling you my toe was black and blue and beat up amen and so uh he i started out the door at his office he said uh you got any idea when god's going to get you that money now listen he see he didn't know i'm saying it i turned around and i said no i don't but you hear me saying it now god will get me that money i i believe you i believe you so i went on less than a 15-minute drive to my house and i got there and carolyn savelle's dad olin called me he said kenneth mary and i were praying this morning and no i think yeah it was that morning because i got home gloria said olin called you here's his number and we we we we were praying and the lord said something about you in an airplane i don't know what was going on so he said we we put a check in the mail it'll it ought to be there probably well maybe there today i don't know do you minister i said old and how much other he said 3 500 i happen to have 500 i got right back in the car drove back over there i said i got the money he said you did not i said i said god got it for me i said he would and i was i was sitting there then the next day in the in the fuel office they were gassing our airplane and i was just waiting to pay the bill and pappy walked in the door for a door over there and he had a man with him he said you see that man over there you need a big grin on his face that god said yeah he has money coming into him and wheelbarrow loads i started saying no the lord said agree with him i said yes sir glory to god well i'm telling you jesus is healing this morning and we'll bear alone [Applause] he is the healer by his spirit and his spirit is healing he's been healing all morning check yourself out glory to god you are already healed your throat is healed your nose is healed your eyes are healed your ears are healed your stomach is healed your knees are healed your elbows are healed your feet are healed glory to god [Applause] i had this little situation on my feet trying to work out worn out shoes just i don't know on the treadmill and they wallered around this big old callus on the bottom of my foot and i'd i'd walk along and i'd say i wonder if i wonder if his feet hurt him like my foots hurt me i said no no no no in the name of jesus i'm not having that not having that glory to god feet your feet your teeth your gums your ears [Music] stomach ulcers are being healed all over this place all over online glory to god glory to god glory to god i just heard the word bangladesh in my spirit bangladesh people in bangladesh are getting healed right now watching this that's one of the nation's glory to god people in thailand people in singapore are getting healed right now glory to god hallelujah people are being healed in germany people are being healed in switzerland people are being healed glory to god people are being healed the spirit of god is rising up the spirit of god is moving [Music] in everything give thanks this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you quench not the spirit what does that mean walk in love don't be hey don't be saying things that are not faith words and love words don't don't don't do that despise not prophesies prove all things hold fast to that which is good prove all things how do you do that with the word prove it prove it prove it with the word if the word says it it's when you understand and you know what god is speaking to you in his word then it's settled this is my bible right here and i didn't steal it [Laughter] [Music] wayne cochran oh god bless him he's in heaven today old cc writer and some of you old rock hounds remember cece rider one of one a great great band played vegas a lot and he got saved in a hotel reading a gideon bible and he took it with him he didn't know that it was there to take he thought he stole it and he told me later he said kenneth i got i i got stuck i got saved out of a bible that i stole i said what are you said the gideon bible i said my uh wayne you didn't read the rest of that bible you were supposed to take it really he'd never been in church never read the bible in his life born again filled with the spirit what a lovely man in in las vegas uh he got the owner of the hotel casino born again and he then then then he called wayne he said do and he'd been listening to some of my tapes then he said do you suppose that mr copeland would come preach in my hotel and i said he said well i know he would you really think so in the casino and all he said what yeah so he called me i said wayne will i ever let's set this thing up and hey we had some great meetings in that casino hotel and one night i was behind the curtain there in this in this great showroom there and just waiting 7 30 and this blackjack dealer stuck his head through the curtain he still had his little bow tie stuck on his on his collar he said brother copeland i just wanted to tell you i i i have to be on the floor tonight but he said i'm praying for you brother i'm praying for you a lot of people in las vegas know god he said i'm praying for you amen jesus started a great move of god right there in that casino [Music] so this is my bible always stay on the god side of everything kenneth copeland may the 9th 1909 i put this bible into service this day it's almost worn out but it's mine amen it's my bible i can have what it says i can i can do what it says i can do with his help in history but i have to say what it says for me to say amen amen and it's with this bible not this this same one i've worn out a lot of them over the years but with the bible the word of god with this book gloria and i went from not being summed out whether we could come up with ten dollars a month a partnership with oral roberts to this and this book did it i didn't do it this book did just following this book and i'm i'm completely well today because of this book [Music] [Applause] my heart's well today because of this book it took corresponding action i had to get on that treadmill and go to work hard and well yes sir i will i and you know on present day the the pacemaker they said i needed a pacemaker and i said lord i'm gonna get that by faith he said no no you're too far behind the power curve you you believed god you believe for that pacemaker well it had a built-in defibrillator they didn't have to use the paddle anymore and that was a new thing and the faa had had had no experience with that and so i overdid it a couple of times and set that thing off but it got my attention well man man you know it kind of just bang i said i don't want to be doing that anymore so i was to take at least a six minute stress test and get my my flight physical back and but the whole test was nine minutes i'll stop at six so um and i've been training i was working out at the same workout on my treadmill i was working out at that tread at that tres test level i worked out on that stress stress test i didn't start there just built up to it corresponding action believing god i took their test nine minutes with the defibrillator active and it was textbook all the way through it then all of the papers the the tech rep for the company came out to our place and disable that defibrillator because i don't need it in you and god said to me way back there i have given you a new heart and i took it and began to confess it and i said it day after day after day 8 42 in the evening in dallas texas i just preached in a prison over there with mike barber and i got so short-winded in the thing i finished my message that night never did have a pain never had a pain with it at all but i got really short-winded i finished it and just sat down in the airplane and um and the and the the airplane as far as i was turned filled up with the glory of god and he said i've given you a new heart i said i take it i take it and i talk about my new heart all the time talked about my new heart all the time talked about my new heart all the time and i have a new heart [Applause] thank you jesus we'll finish this and then we'll pray abstain from all appearance of evil abstain from that abstain from it i i mean you you be very cautious and very active in this you abstain from that amen the young man this young woman that's done my tv makeup for years wonderful wonderful woman wonderful but when she's doing my makeup and she's up here in my face looking around like that i do not make eye contact with her [Music] well brother copeland you're 85 years old i'm not dead i'm not gonna do that [Music] you stay away from that kind of thing she never does my makeup without another man in there in that room whether it's in the tv studio or not whether it's here in the hotel room or not you stay away from it that's right that's right just i mean every appearance of it it may be something you didn't intend to do you get get out of there [Music] that'll keep you well why because if you don't it'll get on your mind and you start thinking about that and now you're not thinking about healing you're thinking about something else and you're on your way to trouble all appearance that's the way you stay well it's the way you stay well and the very do that now listen and the very god of shalom the peace nothing missing nothing broken sanctify you wholly all one peace and i pray god your whole spirit your whole soul your body be preserved blameless until the coming of the lord jesus christ faithful is he that calleth you and also will do it he will do it i said he will do it he will do it he will do it he will do it say it he will do it he will do it he will do it he has done it he has done it glory to god stand up with me please [Music] now i'm going to say to you what brother hagin said to us plug in with faith now all the power flowing through these lights a lot of power huh but it has to be plugged in and when you turn on your radio in your car [Music] you don't go call the station there's something wrong with your station you're not broadcasting what no you're not in tune you better adjust the dial plug in with your faith plug it in plug it in don't don't pull the plug glory to god when he was healed of heart and totally paralyzed and then be plugged in with his faith if you believe this gospel that i have preached to you this morning and you are ready to receive the power of god unto salvation you're already standing the power of god for your spirit your mind your body you're already standing on your feet if you can't stand up stand up on the inside if you can't if you can't stand up out of that chair stand up on the inside glory to god hallelujah [Applause] stand up on the inside and i take authority over all sickness all disease over all the devil's glory to god now lift your hands close your eyes and say boldly the gospel that i have heard is the power of god unto my salvation i confess jesus christ as lord over my life over my spirit over my soul and over my body i receive the power of god to make me sound whole delivered saved healed now i act on the word of god i receive the power of god sickness disease and pain i resist you in the name of jesus sickness weakness and pain you are not the will of god for me i enforce the word of god on you i will not tolerate you in my life leave my presence i will never allow you back my days of sickness and disease are over i am the saved i am the heel the power of sickness has been broken forever over my life jesus bore my sickness my weakness and my pain i am forever free sickness shall no longer lord it over me sin shall no longer lord it over me fear shall no longer lord it over me i have been redeemed from the curse of the law i proclaim my freedom in jesus name today today i said today the gospel is the power of god unto me unto salvation i receive the gospel i act on the gospel i am made whole in jesus name well act move do something bend over you couldn't bend over bend over you couldn't move your arm move your mouth do what you couldn't do before glory to god do something put it in action corresponding action it'll break free it'll go free praise god thank you jesus glory be to god yes amen the aisles are open run if you couldn't run walk if you couldn't walk do something do it now glory to god [Applause] hallelujah praise god forevermore thank you lord jesus for your word thank you for your power thank you for the word of the living god thank you thank you thank you beverly rhodes i touch you in the name in the name in that name of jesus be thou made whole from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet glory to god glory to god now that that is flowing through your body is him it is the holy spirit it is the spirit of goodness it is the spirit of god it is the spirit of love it is the spirit that raised you up in the first place it is the spirit that has been with you and worked with you since you were young and it is the spirit that will carry you through beverly rhodes glory to god oh thank you jesus thank you lord jesus by the name of jesus and in with the yes with the help of the spirit of the living god the representative of jesus himself i touch you in that name in that name in that name glory to god glory to god glory to god in the name in the name oh that smile got me right there yeah that got me glory to god in the name oh in the name glory to god i see something in those eyes i see love i see the power i see the word i love you sir in the name of jesus and i touch you in that name in the name and in his power the spirit of the living god the spirit of power the spirit of strength now flowing through the legs through the legs through the mind through the thoughts glory to god look at your pretty self [Laughter] hallelujah you are precious in my sight and you're precious in jesus christ in that name that's the holy spirit that's him praise god yes amen thank you jesus for your name and for the power and the word of the living god oh thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus praise god yeah that's him going through you right now yes it is yes it is glory to god you're not bound to this chair the day will come you'll walk out of it in the name of jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord now then you guys just help him up help him up power god's all over him faith he's not hurt he's not hurt praise the god praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord god praise the lord god praise the lord god oh i like the color of that mask there you knew i'd like that one didn't you oh red white and blue glory thank in the name in the name in the name of jesus oh thank you lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you i perceive in my spiritual veteran glory to god thank you lord thank you thank you come on let's be praising god let's be praised in his name let's be worshiping him let's be worshipping him glory to god grace glory to grace thank you jesus oh glory all glory glory to god hallelujah praise his name hallelujah praise his name go come on give him praise give him worship give him praise give him worship give him praise give him worship and give him praise honor his name honor his name honor his presence this this place is full this place is full it's full it's full of the glory it's full of the power the name of jesus the name of jesus the name of jesus the name the name that's above every name that name that's above every name that name that's above every name praise god thank you lord thank you lord jesus that name that's above every name glory to god glory to god thank you jesus thank you jesus well it's obvious that i i can't lay hands on everybody in here how many of you are believers well i mean what did jesus say the believer shall lay hands on the sick in my name in my name and they shall recover [Applause] [Music] the believer how do you want the aggression oh yeah oh yeah now i remember that lord yeah i remember i remember doing that yes sir yeah yeah i do i do okay everybody turn to your right now lay hands on the person in front of you just touch their back and say this in the name of jesus whose i am and whom i serve i minister healing to you by the laying out of hands a principle doctrine a principle teaching of christ jesus i believe it now you receive it in jesus name amen all right turn around the other way lay hands on the person in front of you i lay hands on you according to the word of god i believe the anointing of god's power is flowing through my hands now i believe what he said when he was on earth any two of you [Music] whatsoever they shall ask believing they shall receive and it shall be done of my father which is in heaven turn around and face me now lay hands on the person in front of you those of you in front lift your hand and those in in behind say in the name of jesus i believe the word of the living god the holy spirit which is in me and on me right now he is the agent it's his anointing flowing through my hands receive it now and take your healing i believe it you receive it all right put your hands down all right turn around and face the other way now lay your hands on the person in front of you in the name of the lord jesus i set my hands upon you believing and standing on the word of the living god in his name and by his purpose in obedience to his command of contact and transmission the contact of my hand contacting you transmits the healing power of god into your body affecting a healing and cure in every area of your life spirit your soul your mind your will your emotions and your body receive this healing now give glory to god and take it now turn around and face me [Applause] turn around and face me [Applause] i declare you blessed i declare you blessed coming in i declare you bless going out for today is the day of your deliverance the day is the day of the deliverance of your family today is the day today is the day of salvation today is the day of the gospel the day is the outreach today is the power [Music] glory to god hallelujah you may be seated i want five quick testimonies five quick ones right now there's something that's already happened you're already healed you received your healing this morning and you know it glory to god glory to god [Music] thank you jesus jesus turn around now with the camera i had open heart surgery uh may the 20th when they cut me down all the way down my chest and i came home on 24 hour with oxygen they said i was gonna be home for a year or better and stuff like that and uh i made it here from shreveport and and felt like i was kind of weight around in my chest like an elephant from the surgery but i don't feel no i can stretch when they put me back together i can breathe i can take deep breaths and the whole wireless third was going on i just had short pains going up and down my chest something telling me to leave and call and get a ride oh let's go so i feel good i had two strokes in my brain when i have nerve damage i turn my neck and i can get real dude and i can [Applause] so and uh i've been i've been watching this since 2015 every day when i had strokes in my brain and i couldn't walk talk or see but but by watching uh victory uh uh left it on tv 24 hours even much when i was asleep i got up out the wheelchair my eyesight came back and i started back driving and then the heart surgeon came on i've been watching victory the oxygen left and i'm here from shreveport i said if i can get there and and uh uh get a brother kenneth to put his hands on me if i can only just hurt get him to touch me man things will be all right and he touched me [Applause] hallelujah sounded like he got overhauled [Laughter] [Applause] i needed a double knee replacement been told that a long time and i've got healing in that i had my shoulder replaced and i could not put my hands on my hips and i can now i am healed glory to god what happened is when pastor george took up the offering i got my offering down here my seed then i didn't wait for them to pass the buckets i wanted it so quickly and it worked it worked glory god hallelujah brother copeland we have thousands on facebook right now winfred just type in here no more pain donna typed in here my pain is gone i'm able to bend over uh also uh let me see here laura she typed in just received healing in the hip by watching this program on my knees and the pain is completely gone hello um i was uh ejected from a four-wheeler on the 10th of june it was two days after we buried my brother-in-law and i just wanted some time to ride and feel better um i ended up with two hematomas in my head and back and forth now of icu and i'd had a double ringing in my ears when you pulled your hearing aids out yeah i got my hearing back the ringing is not there and then today yes the pain in my back that's kept me from coming thursday and wednesday look at this now yeah glory to god hallelujah we have kenneth mcmannon from philadelphia mississippi and he had some problems and mental problems but god told him to come to the conference he didn't have any money anywhere to stay but god provided for him he told me to pack my clothes a few days i told me i was going somewhere i didn't know where he told me to put him in my truck they stayed in there for several days then he told me to just get in the truck and leave and i headed this way and he's provided for me ever since i want to stay my personal [Music] you jesus brother copeland this is willie this is willie rhodes from chandler arizona he came in today and he had hearing aids in his ears and he heard some roaring sound kind of a whirring and it started to go down and then it started to come back and he said no no i'm not going to take that and it's gone now oh glory hallelujah here are the hearing aids that's what i call them but i'm thankful to the word of god that is alive and will do what it is sent to do if you'll just believe it oh glory be to god brother copeland west typed in here i felt heavy before you started praying brother copeland but now i feel a sense of peace also in on here uh let me see rosemary i've been coughing all day long and instantly it has stopped in the name of jesus hi my name is theresa i came to this convention with believing that i was going to be healed um the lady over here i don't know her name touched me and the pain is all i mean is gone oh praise god i mean i i came with a vision and i choose my words and i just i feel blessed and loved and i'm just excited because my pain is seriously gone oh glory to god and brother copeland we have uh i can't see here's uh spencer nordic and pastor john jester at our partner services center right now and our phone lines are buzzing and what do you guys have going on over there praise god we're here at our partner services center and i'm telling you i can hear our phone lines uh buzzing right now our licensed prayer ministers are here to take your testimonies real quick before we get into the testimonies though i want to remind you if you want to testify or you need prayer you can use that phone number as your point of contact this morning 877-281-6297 the prayer request and the praise reports are coming in spencer i know you've got something there what's going on they're just pouring in tanisha from fort worth this morning during prayer service with pastor terry god has delivered her from anxiety and she has complete freedom victoria from brooklyn received her healing after brother copeland prayed praise the lord gwen from taylorsville watching southwest believer's convention and brother copeland preaching on healing she decided to receive that in jesus name called out brother copeland called out healing for throats and that confirmed it for her and she received her healing in jesus name cynthia from edmonds healed from ear problems after word of knowledge for brother copeland praise god and finally robbie from los angeles cured from covet 19 completely praise the lord jesus praise god we've got carolina here from surprise says her ears were healed leon says that he the ringing in his ears stopped linda called in and said she has a testimony from earlier this week went to the er after she got prayed for or there was prayer from the convention center she came home from the er carol says she received healing from a stomach ulcer and the doctor couldn't find her cancerous tumor she called in to testify that the cancer in her body is gone and we have a financial miracle that has happened apparently right after prayer a financial release came to this individual who wrote in and said that they were believing for financial finances and they manifest glory to god back to you all in the convention just i just heard the lord say just right there while john was speaking that there's a burning right down through here that just just just feels like fire just burning right up and down through here in the name of jesus the fires out i heard the lord say that fire is out the fire stop that burning is gone praise god thank you lord jesus thank you lord hey come on thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus oh come on stand up let's give the lord praise and honor now don't keep the switch of faith turned on you've had hands laid on you today two or three times keep the switch of faith turned on so that all day long just just let the glory of his spirit just flow through your being and just walk healed and well and glorify god and wherever you go and whatever you do pray for somebody love you pass it around thank you lord jesus lord we can't go before we sing his name is higher his name [Music] is higher than any other his name is jesus his name is lord his name is [Music] his name is jesus [Music] now let's turn it around your name is [Music] [Music] name is jesus [Music] your name is [Music] you have anything you need dad no sir god loves you we love you and jesus is lord you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 78,751
Rating: 4.7498422 out of 5
Id: qA0W_9vvCnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 5sec (9905 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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