2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Is it Faith or Presumption? (10:30 a.m. CT)

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i want to thank brother brother kenneth copeland and miss gloria and the copeland family and the pearsons and all the great staff uh it is just one of the high honors of my life to be a part of this great meeting i say that with the utmost sincerity it just i was thinking 45 years ago i was out trying to round up the cows on our tiny little dairy farm and uh knew nothing about the ministry or or any of that and how the lord has been so gracious to me and to us and add to you and one time i asked him about this because i phyllis and myself my wife and myself have been so blessed and privileged and favored to be in so many good meetings to hear so many good messages i mean thousands of the best messages you've ever heard and and there are people on the planet that have never heard one good faith message which is why thank god for ministries like this that are sending it on every available voice that is the great commission but i asked the lord i said you know why us we're just just young ignorant little country people i mean why why have we been favored so much to even get to know some of these great men and women of god and being around such and i didn't get the answer that day but the lord brought back to me the first words we heard about faith and being redeemed and i got so excited about it and i tried to share it with our friends and they they wondered what the big to-do was about they they thought you know they wouldn't listen to it at first and then they said well uh i listened to part of it and they didn't know if they went for all of that and you ever heard that before and uh the lord because he's answering my question i said why us and the lord said to me and he spoke to my heart not an audible voice he said i knew you would value it come on did you hear that or not i i knew you would value it if you value it he'll give you more yes hallelujah and if you keep valuing it he'll just keep giving you more and more and greater and better if you ever stop valuing it then that's where it cuts off to him that's given shall more be given and the bible talks about how you esteem it how you hear it what measure you meet to it that's how it'll be measured back to you again and i'm looking at a bunch of people that obviously [Applause] value the wonderful holy life-changing word of god [Applause] people don't know why why we do what we do we we take time off we we pay money we we fly across the country we stand in line and people go what is wrong with these people now the same thing should be wrong with you if you ain't like us you need to get like us because we have found out we have found the answer would you look with me in romans please the 10th chapter and you're believing with me for utterance aren't you and i have the great privilege of ministering more than once in this great meeting and so if i'm thinking we'll continue along the same lines so we'll build and you'll hear some scriptures you've heard before but don't imagine that you know all there is to know about it do you understand there are things in your favorite verses that you've heard 5 000 times that you have never seen before is that right so you must not read it or hear it like you know it yes but you got to remind yourself there's things here i hadn't seen so everybody said out loud lord open my eyes to see things from these words that i have not seen in romans 10 and 13 he said whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved whosoever doesn't matter where you come from how then shall they call on him in in whom they have not believed the answer is they can't and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and the answer is they can't now verse 14 is directly connected to verse 17. if i asked you the question how do you get faith oh man see huh this is one thing faith people think they know uh-oh it's like we just got through saying a moment ago you got to watch about thinking you know all right now of course you're right but you'll see as i go what i'm talking about how does faith come it comes by hearing hearing and we'll look at the rest of it in just a moment but isn't that what he's saying right here in verse 14 how shall they believe if they haven't heard you you can't and you won't there is no believing without hearing there's no faith no believing without hearing which is one of the big reasons why we all want to come that's right and here because that's that's how faith comes and he goes on to say how shall they hear without a preacher i know some years ago when i was first going to a rhema bible training center a friend of mine and both of us if you looked at us a few years before you'd have thought we were unlikely candidates to wind up in the ministry but he went to a seminary and i went to rhema just the mercy and grace of god but he was getting his doctrine in theology and i wasn't into some of the things that he was finding out about and so when we talked which wasn't very often i asked him you know what's what's going on what's he learning and that kind of thing and so he kind of took me to task one time but there was a project going on brother jim caseman in their ministry was getting a bunch of brother kenneth e hagin seniors books into different languages and getting them actually into countries where they weren't supposed to be and there was a substantial project going on money being spent and effort being spent and and this young man asked me he wasn't part of our faith camp if you want to call it that he said why were we spending that money on that instead of bibles [Music] y'all are quiet you know we were sending a man's books instead of bibles we could have been buying and paying for a bunch of bibles the scripture said how shall they hear without a bible how shall they hear without a bible i think what it said could it have said that if the lord wanted to say that sure could have said that huh y'all are a good bunch man i tell you what uh fella can't preach to y'all he needs his preaching license pulled i mean it's easy peasy uh have you ever read in your bible a verse five times 10 times 20 times and then you heard somebody preach it and you thought oh my yeah that's been in there all the time huh why it was the anointing on the preaching that actually caused you to hear [Applause] he said how will they believe unless they hear they can't they won't but what we need to remind ourselves of is that you can hear and not hear is that true yes so what kind of hearing is he talking about not just sound waves bouncing off your eardrums that is not how faith comes just because you heard it you heard the sounds of it you heard the words of it does not mean faith came that's right amen amen you can hear and not hear you can see and not see you can hear and see and not understand didn't jesus talk about this yes he said how will they hear without a preacher that's why preachers are necessary god has ordained that it be this way yes that he uses men and women that are called and anointed and it's not the human personality it's the anointing it's the anointing that causes you to see and hear and that's one of the things that makes a meeting like this so valuable yes is all of us bring our faith together unified combined faith and then that that is that actually enhances the anointing that's on the ministry gifts there are things that will come on and come through that you just don't hear and get everywhere and in the environment that's what brother brother copeland is talking just a moment ago uh you know monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday in this uh protracted uh just soaking of this anointing just in this presence you start seeing things yes even things that weren't said that's true even things that weren't specifically mentioned i mean things about the body things about the country things about your life personally you just start seeing things when i say see i don't mean you fall into a trance or you have an open vision but in in your mind's eye in your heart you just start things just start coming together for you and it's not because you're figuring them out it's the anointing i said it's the anointing and we are in the anointing right now right here right now even this secular facility is sanctified for the lord's exclusive use this week and has become a container of the anointing his presence is in this place and in his presence there is fullness of joy there is every question answered every need met in his presence in his presence huh thank you lord and it's his it's his anointing that enables us to hear you can hear and not hear so what kind of hearing is the lord talking about because he he would say the disciples would come sometimes afterwards and ask him to explain to them what he had said in public and and he would say and sometimes he would say to him that has ears to hear let him hear well most of them had appendages on the side of their head and most of them have the ability to hear and understand of the words so what's he talking about it's a heart thing you hear with your heart and the condition of your heart affects your ability to hear an unwilling heart makes a deaf spiritual ear come on a willing heart makes a hearing ear but even at that you need the lord's help to hear you need his anointing to hear the scripture said you haven't first john said you have an unction of the holy one and you know all things how do i know knowing is not something you figured out you didn't know it and now you do you know it how you know and that's why don't frustrate yourself if somebody is not seeing what you're talking about in the word of something that the lord's shown you you cannot reveal it to them you cannot no man or woman of god no believer you can't do it unless the holy spirit who is the anointing unless he reaches inside and turns on the light they won't see it you can wrestle you can argue you can exhaust your vocabulary i see a bunch of heads nothing because you've tried it before [Applause] and i understand your motivation but sometimes you can actually get in the way doing that and people get irritated with you and get kind of opposed to listening to him you don't want to do that so just when you see folks don't want to hear it smile ask them about the weather back off right but don't give up you're trusting the holy spirit to show them answer your prayers and you know you're not the only one he can use you ask him to send laborers across their path that he knows they listen to because not everybody's ready for you [Applause] and you know what i mean by a lot of times just because you're family just because your family it's just because it's you even if they know it's right they don't want to admit that you were right that's fine let somebody else tell them and then when they come tell you you got surprise wow really praise god you don't have to be in charge of everything and then what will happen is the lord will use you to minister to other people's family and so the situations times how it's supposed to to work he said verse 17 so then based on what we already just read faith comes by what hearing but then he didn't that would have been adequate to to tell us how it comes but it didn't stop there and hearing by the word of god now here the king james may not be quite enlightening enough for us the word god is the word for christ christ and the word for word is rhema rhema oftentimes you'll see the word for word new testament logos that's a wonderful and amazing word but a far lesser times you'll see the word rhema and yes that's the name that brother hagin's bible schools there's a reason for that rhema it's also where the bible said taking uh the word of god is the sword of the spirit that's rhema rhema and it it indicates a spoken utterance a spoken expression so you could say it like this faith comes by hearing and what that that hearing that produces faith is the hearing of the christos rhema the hearing of the anointed spoken utterance go with me yes i'm going to say some things that you're going to have to stay with me for just a moment but faith doesn't come by reading your bible unless you heard from him while you were doing it wow come on are you with me or not [Applause] faith doesn't come by going to a meeting and hearing preachers unless unless during that you heard from him you heard from him when you hear from him at that same moment faith is there it comes with comes with that anointed word and the lord's been dealing with me for a few years now faith camp word and faith people that's my people amen and but we've been around long enough now to create our own traditions and the lord's been pointing out to me for myself first of all and then to be aware as a teacher and minister we've been using phrases far too loosely like i'm believing i'm believing that and we've been using too loosely god told me the lord spoke to me the lord told me did he are you all okay i'm believing for i'm believing that i've had a number of people to me through the years come up and say i'm believing that this happens in your life really first i'm hearing about it right does what i think matter in my life i'm believing that this is going to happen is everybody awake yeah i'm believing for this i'm believing that i'm believing that this listen based on what you're believing it based on what jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every rhema every word that comes out of the mouth of god we are to live by faith that means living by hearing from him every day because that is the source and the basis of our faith it's what you have heard from him for you and people when people say well what do i do about this situation well just stand on the word it's a big book right what what are we talking about here just get your concordance and and find a few and pick one is that a rhema is that how faith comes by study he could have said faith comes by study faith doesn't come by study unless unless during that study you hear from him right you hear from him and and it doesn't work people have tried to do it many many times we're going to look at it i think as we go but you can't just take what somebody else heard from him [Music] and say i'm going to stand on that that's how you fall that's how you come up short and have problems we have had too many situations in our camps where people said things and confess things and they didn't come to pass we've had too many situations where people were claiming things and they didn't happen people prayed prayers and they didn't happen and that hurts your faith i said that hurts your faith when when you confess confess confess and it doesn't happen and then you do it again and do it again and the last 10 times you did it and nothing happened by time 11 what are you expecting to happen you see what i'm saying and so depending on what the situation is some situations not that big a deal others life and death that's right and so if you say i'm believing for something and it didn't happen and it's something that meant the world to you you thought uh for one thing the things we think are so mega important down here it's not having an eternal perspective somebody said yeah but they died dying is not the worst thing that can happen to you dying without jesus now that is the worst thing that can happen to you but if you're a believer not even close to the worst thing that can happen to you heaven is real eternity is real going to be with the lord is real far better than being here i've had people say well what if what if i die trying to believe god you don't want to die any other way baby than trying to believe god [Applause] you don't you don't want to die doubting god and and i know they're going to be so many situations that people they they thought they were praying right they thought they were believing right and it didn't work and they went home early and and they saw the lord and they said lord i was trying to believe you he said i know baby come here come here i know i know i know and you and he'll hug you and and you'll forget what you're even concerned concerned about yeah you're like oh what do i care i'm here i'm here and then for the next several hundred years just every so often you'll go oh that's why oh no wonder oh but down here right now we see [Music] dimly darkly right we so much we don't understand and see and if you pray and it didn't happen if you say and it didn't come to pass there's a couple of ways you can respond you can get mad at god you can get mad at god and go well if he wasn't there when i needed him most then i don't have anything for him you can quit going to church quit praying you can say there's nothing to that faith stuff i'm done with that everything's up to god anyhow it does mean no good to even try and that will leave you bitter and that bitterness can affect other people is contagious and contaminates and the problem is you won't receive good things and victories and miracles from then on you are done or or you could say father you don't fail ever so i must have done something wrong i must have missed it somewhere and i'm going to reaffirm my faith and say i trust you in life i trust you in death i try i'll trust you no matter what i see or don't see or understand or don't understand i'm going nowhere i'm with you my soul follows hard after you i am stuck to you and you'll explain it to me later but i ain't going nowhere but lord show me what i need to see help me out with what i need to see hallelujah y'all okay go to uh first timothy please first timothy 1 how many would affirm god does not fail would you affirm that and his word cannot fail and real faith in god does not fail yes or no in first timothy 1 and verse 4 he said don't give heed to fables [Music] and endless genealogies which minister questions [Music] rather than godly edifying which is in faith if you if you're listening to stuff and watching stuff that just leaves you with a bunch of unanswered questions stop that right that's not a sign of intelligence that you can ask a bunch of questions you still don't know the answer come on god's word gives you answers he said verse 5 now the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith unfeigned say it out loud faith unfaints faith and that's connected to a good conscience your conscience the conscience is the part of your being that you that you hear from god through this knowing the spirit of god bears witness with our spirit and you could call conscience the the voice of your spirit it's how you hear from him not hearing voices but this knowing and that's connected to faith unfeigned now what does that that's a king james word old english word what does that mean unfeigned well on obviously means not not feigned what does fame mean i know a number of you have different translations but what does it mean it means not hypocritical it means not pretend not pretend is one of my favorite definitions of a good one no pretense not pretend is there such a thing as pretend faith there has to be or he wouldn't refer to not pretend there is pretend faith yes and of course the enemy being the scoundrel that he is you know if he couldn't keep you away from faith he's seen that's a losing battle you're going to keep going after you're going to keep going to meetings he has to back up to another position and try to slip some counterfeit in on you and especially the the younger you are in in faith and walking with god and the less you discern what what is pretend faith or you could call it phony faith phony faith what is it well to the unenlightened it looks like faith it sounds like faith come on y'all with me it looks like faith it sounds like faith but it's not faith i said it's not faith and what you see and another thing that covers this is what the word calls presumption what is presumption presumption is faith based on nothing [Music] [Laughter] are you all okay i care about the word i care about faith i don't want no stinking phony faith around me how about you in my life if it's fake i want to know it i want to identify get it out [Music] and it's not complicated at all tell me how faith comes how real faith comes it comes by hearing and you don't stop there by hearing the anointed spoken utterance yes and what has happened is a number of people learned some faith principles they learned you got to say it they learn you got to believe you receive it before you see it they learned having done all to stand you got to stand but rushed past step one they're diligent in step two and three and four and five but they skipped step one right now what's step one come on what's step one you must hear from him you must hear from him that's that's that's how you get to faith you're trying to have faith apart from hearing from him is phony faith it's pretend faith it looks like faith it sounds like faith you cannot successfully separate walking by faith from hearing from god and i'm talking about on a daily basis you cannot and and you got to humble yourself and discipline yourself when people are trying to push you to believe for this or that there are times you just need to say well i i hadn't heard that from him i'm not saying you can't believe fart i'm not saying he can't do it but i don't have that in my heart right i hadn't i hadn't heard that i don't have that that's good because people ask you to agree with them on things and and they're oftentimes you should not we're not playing games we're not being religious we do things that work and if you do it right it works every time and if you're doing it and you got a 50 50 thing going on you need to make some changes you don't just throw as much as you can out there and see if some of it sticks some of it works the lord said to me some years ago he said son if you'll become more selective you'll become more effective [Music] what does it mean by that become more selective in what you pray don't just you know and that phyllis my wife and i find you know we we we we lead churches and and doing you got things that come up in the church and even some crisis type situations at times in people's lives and you we discipline ourselves not to just give them a pat answer if we hadn't heard from the lord about it we hadn't heard yet yep that's right but what do we do we'll keep we'll keep looking and seeking him about it come on do y'all hear this or not i'm not i'm not ready to release my faith i hadn't heard yet i don't have somebody say well there's plenty of verses in the bible about it we need to rewind then faith doesn't come by reading unless while you're doing that you heard from him yes faith doesn't come by going through your concordance and finding all the scriptures on it unless while you're doing that he quickened one of them to you come on can you see that and he said you can't stand on all the verses of the bible at the same time can you of course not so what do i stand which one do i stand on you need help finding that out you need the lord to tell you yes and he'll speak to you by his spirit and by his word but it'll both it'll be a quickened word yes it'll be an anointed rhema to you for your situation and when you got that i said when you got that oh when you got that look out when you got that you then start saying it then stand on it you see what i'm saying but don't skip step one [Applause] one of the first time i began to learn about some of that i was at brother kenneth hagin's ministry and i was working on the phones taking prayer calls this is back 81 uh a lady called and i'd only been on the phones for three weeks and i'm man i'm as greedy as can be i'm i'm still trying to find the books of the bible and which one's in the old testament in the new green oh boy green but i had learned a little bit about being led by the spirit one of the most precious things we've ever learned in our life yes it is and uh the phone rang i picked it up they sent a caller to me and and this lady was hysterical man she was just heaving and sobbing and i couldn't make out what she's saying and and it took several minutes and finally i i understood she had just i don't know hour before been mugged she's in a big city somewhere and some yeah knocked her in the head and took her purse from her and and but that wasn't what she was most upset about well she's calling brother hagin's ministry and she was most upset because she's a believer and she confesses psalm 91 over herself almost every day she said are y'all awake or y'all do we need to talk about these things yes are there answers there's answers you don't hide you don't shy away from things you deal with them you face them and and so she's crying wanting to know how this could happen and why this go well man i you know i had didn't have a clue and back then if people started crying because they were upset i'd hear them for a moment then i'd reach and get me a tissue and i'm going out of luck and when they say what am i going to do i'd have to bite my lip to keep from saying i don't know you're you're in a mess i mean you're messed up but that's not going to help anybody right and so uh i'm i'm supposed to minister to her and so i'm saying lord show me what i'm checking inside myself lord help me what what can i say and just like this it came from my spirit up to my mind uh ask her uh what she needed to do there that day and did she needed to go there what she needed to do so i asked her and she said well no she didn't have to do anything there and actually she had had a real check about going that day to that place but she dwells in the secret place of the most high huh and no harm will come near her that is feigned faith that is presumption what do you mean brother keith and i don't think the woman was doing it you know just in defiance i think a lot of most of it was ignorance but whether it is or not what she's doing oh i hope you're awake what she's doing is trying to stand on a word for that day and situation the lord didn't give her while ignoring direction he did give her [Applause] and if you didn't know the situation and you don't know what the lord spoke to her heart it looks like faith it sounds like faith can you see that she's quoting the scripture she's acting on it but you didn't know he checked her about going he's telling her if you will something else now that's what happened and let's go back here in the scripture to numbers 14. man we're making progress say it out loud if you'll be more selective you'll be more effective be more effective we're not supposed to say things and they don't come to pass we're not supposed to pray prayers and they don't happen we're supposed to work hand in hand with the lord every day and then he say if you john 15 7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you you'll ask what you will it'll be done for you hallelujah he didn't start with you just saying what you wanted to happen abiding in him means living in him this is 24 7. and his words abiding in you is not just trying to commit to memory whatever scriptures you can find it's hearing from him all the time and his living words living in you then that's what's motivating and governing what you're saying and so then what you're saying is happening if you say what he said he'll do what you said [Music] but he's not obligated to back every idea you come up with is he what a mess that would be the lord is not obligated to fund every project you come up with he's not that's right every venture you launch into he's lord yes not you come on y'all with me or not he's the big boss not you you're not the boss look at your neighbor say you're not the boss you're not you are not [Laughter] we used to we used to travel with the brother kenneth hagin senior and mr wreath on their road meetings and and um sometimes we'd ride in the car with them to the service and phyllis my wife uh sometimes she'd be in the back seat with mom hagin i'd be up in the front seat with brother hagin and she'd lean up from behind the back seat and go this is the holy spirit [Laughter] sing this song tonight she's playing you know this is the holy spirit brother hagin thought that was just great but finally one night in front of a giant crowd he was preaching and phyllis was sitting right there and he he said you know your mother's not the holy spirit and he said and phyllis you're not the holy spirit well i'm not the boss and you're not the boss we we must not just make our plans and do our things and then we're going to make confessions that god's going to back it and bring it to pass we must stop this i said we must stop this [Applause] you don't just learn a few principles of faith and then launch into what you want to do we are supposed to commune with him every hour of every day and every night and in this communion with him we hear from him yes is that right i said we hear from him and we hear from him about specifics about what we're dealing with and what's going on in our life and what's coming up and on those anointed word those anointed things he speaks to us that's when our faith comes yes and that's what we can stand on and when you do that it works every time every time and no no hit and miss you do that it works every time yes every time every time hallelujah did you find numbers 14. the first generation that was brought out of egyptian bondage the gods first covenant people they were called stubborn they were called stiff-necked and the lord refers us to them in the new testament warning us not to duplicate it and what you'll find is they they wouldn't listen he uh he would say go out you know and gather manna but don't save any so what would they do he saved him [Laughter] [Music] then on the sabbath he'd say don't go out and gather today so what would they do they go out and now you're laughing but god wasn't laughing why and when he and see the problem is you do that on smaller things when it comes to the bigger things you wind up you probably do the same thing and some things you miss it it's not life and death it don't alter your whole life but some things it does we're down here for a short window of time you don't have decades to make up your mind about some things you can miss a window of opportunity and so we we should be trained and trained live in the spirit of god trying to strain ourselves to be quick to believe and quick to obey somebody say quick to believe now i'm talking about believe god not quick to believe everybody else quick to believe god yes and quick to obey so they kept doing this they kept doing this they kept doing this and then when he uh you know sent the spot they sent the spies into the land and he said here is the land it flows with milk and honey i've picked it out for you and i have given it to you he told them i've given it to you go up and possess it well the majority of the spies says there's no way there's no way giants are there wild cities iron chariots and so they all cried in their tent and they said no we're not going so god said go and what'd they say no we're not going that's and they even wanted to appoint somebody in the place of moses and aaron to lead them back to egypt and boy it irritated god because this was the 10th time in a row they had done this rebelling against him so when they flat refused to do what he said and go in verse 25 numbers 14 25 he said tomorrow turn you and get you into the wilderness by the way of the red sea have they heard from the lord again now yeah tomorrow you turn around and go into the wilderness somebody says well god god doesn't change he doesn't change his will didn't change it was still his perfect will for them to go in but they won't listen so now he gives them another word based on where they are right now turn around go into the wilderness so what could they have faith for now come on y'all listening or not yeah what can they have faith to go into the promised land now no they can't because he has given them another word tell me how faith comes come on here huh you can't have faith in god without hearing from god you people are trying to do it but it doesn't work and you wind up with the pretend faith the phony faith what can they have faith for now god helping them in the wilderness and so what do you think they did verse 40 huh verse 40 they rose up early in the morning and got them up to the top of the mountain and they said lo we are here and we're going in we're here and we're going up to the place the lord promised us we've sinned now this sounds pretty if you didn't hear the the first part of the story you would say listen to that they're repenting and they're confessing what the lord told them and gave them and they're saying we're going in you would say sound like good faith to me yeah but you didn't hear the last thing he told them and so uh they said no we're here and we're going well just a few days ago they said they're not going great don't save the manner no we're going to save it [Music] don't go out today now we going today go in the promised land no we can't all right go in the wilderness no we're going in the promised land now you laughing but we are warned in first corinthians lest we do the same thing and you would think well that's just crazy that's ridiculous what no there are spiritual forces at work see there's more than it does sound crazy ridiculous but the lord tells you don't eat of that fruit on that tree yeah next thing you know they're hanging out around the tree looking at the fruit why because spiritual pressure is trying to push on that come on can you see that and he'll try to make you believe that there ain't nothing else in the world except getting some of that fruit off of that tree and he's doing that with him every time and they're yielding to him uh don't save it and so there here comes the spiritual pressure you better save it you better save it you know you need to save it look there's nothing out here no grocery stores out here you better save it save it save it [Laughter] and then moses the man of god verse 41 he says why are you going to transgress the commandment of the lord what commandment he told them to turn around and go back in the wilderness he said it's not going to prosper that's what he said yeah but they're making a good confession [Music] we're going in it's the place the lord promised us we're going in and we repent for being ugly you know earlier but we're here and we're going to do it because i can do all things through christ who strengthens me and all things are possible to him that believes and i'm standing on the word and i'll stand here until hell freezes her wealth [Applause] [Music] to the to the unenlightened or the uninformed about the situation it looks like faith it sounds like faith right yeah it's actually blatant rebellion quoting scriptures [Music] blatant rebellion just ignoring what you know the lord told you to do and deciding you're going to use your faith to do something else and expect him to back it and be mad at him if he doesn't back your rebellion against him that's really mixed up it has happened too many times in our camp in our camp and it's not for us to judge i've made mistakes huh i mean in the earliest days oh dear lord said things and done things you look back now and you go lord i thought i was standing on the word i i thought i was being a faith person but i was a baby i didn't know and the lord has mercy on babies he does he has such mercy on babies but as you learn and grow he expects more and rightfully so yes and verse 42 from the man god hand picked to lead them he looks up in the face in the face and says don't go go not up because the lord is not among you so you won't be smitten by your enemies verse 44 but what but what they did what presumed they presumed they presume now i think we'll be able to get into this later in another time but uh what we must distinguish between is reasoning and revelation wow somebody say reasoning reasoning you can't stand in faith on reasoning when you say that faith comes by the anointed rhema that that brought revelation that's right and you can stand on that but see there's been a lot of reasoning and see our our whole generation is is in the information age and education is heralded as the the biggest thing of all and there's a whole lot of pride in that yes and whatever the world's full of tends to get in the church and and people even faith camps can say well you know yeah i know you know 45 scriptures on on that and i know 20 scriptures on that and i know this yeah but have you heard from him about this have you heard from him now he will speak to you through his word but it's not the whole book at one time it's something right he pinpoints to your quickens to you deuteronomy 1 talks about this as well he said the lord verse 42 deuteronomy 1 42 the lord said to me say to them go not up don't fight i'm not among you lest you be smitten before your enemies so i spoke to you but you wouldn't hear but you rebelled against the commandment of the lord and went presumptuously up into the hill and the amorites came out against you and chased you like bees do and destroyed you and you returned and wept before the lord but he wouldn't hearken to your voice nor give ear to you he wouldn't listen to you why lord well you know sometimes people are crying uh you know not because they're repentant it's because they got caught it's because it didn't work and they're upset doesn't mean they're going to change and the lord knows that he knows hearts stand on your feet everybody thank you and we praise god glory be to god glory be to god oh somebody say glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god i want to lead you in a prayer i believe i perceive in the spirit that this group and those that will join with us later we are going to become a precision group hallelujah and and not uh not waste our energies and efforts on things that discourage us and and don't produce but learn how to be better led by the spirit and then when we say it it happens and when we pray it it comes to pass hallelujah precision in the spirit real faith no pretend say it out loud father god forgive me for times past that i didn't listen to you tried to say things or do things you didn't tell me to do thank you for your mercy i submit myself to you i desire not my will but your will be done thank you teach me how to become focused and precise in real faith in you walking with you accomplishing your will in the earth in my part in our generation i thank you for it in jesus name hallelujah lift up your hands lift up your voices give glory to god you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 50,724
Rating: 4.8585858 out of 5
Id: ep7JtdF13A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 22sec (4102 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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