What's the Hold Up? Hindrances to Prayer

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first Peter chapter three I want to talk this morning about hindrances to prayer Tyler my message what's the hold up I mean you're done bread bread heyguys Willis a problem yeah how come an ant working and why it's taking so long so there must be something hindering it or I prayed something wrong or maybe I prayed something right and I can't understand and here the answer to it maybe because I'm not develop enough to hear an answer I can ask a question but may not be able to get the answer until I grow more it's like a child can ask for a motorcycle at three years old they can't drive it but they can ask for it drive you crazy till they get it now if you chain that train that child from a very small shop they can be a motorcycle champion at fifteen years old but they have to be trained so top of this mess is night disputed me this morning is what's the holdup hindrances to prayer now Peter in Chapter three is talking about the duty of wives and husbands about how we should react to each other and it says here in verse six even as Sara obeyed Abraham calling him Lord now I've used that on Cathy many times I said why don't you call me Lord woman she says when you do what Abraham does I'll call you Lord that's fair whose daughters you are as long as you do well they're not afraid with any amazement in verse seven likewise you husband's dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife so your wife is not just your slave or your helper you have to honor her as unto the weaker vessel now ladies that doesn't mean you're weaker in mind because I don't think women are weaker in mind at all by no means I think a lot of times some women smarter than men that's not this but usually most men are stronger physically than a woman and as being heirs together of the grace that's favor of life I noticed this last statements where I want to pull out that your prayers be not hindered so when he said that your prayers be not hindered there is possibility that your prayers can be hindered so God's telling us something you can pray something's hindering that answer from coming to pass so what's the holdup how many of y'all at some time you've been waiting on God too long on some prayers let's just be honest come on okay let's deal with that today so let's let's deal with that so what's the holdup hindrances to prayer you said that your prayers be not hindered write this down there is something wrong if we so much in prayer and bring in little reward let me say it again there is something wrong if we so much in prayer and bring in little reward in other words you've got this conversation going on you're praying a lot but the reward of what the answer to that prayer is not coming forth at the timeframe that you need it so you have to tell God that when you're praying especially concerning needs if that need is time-sensitive see a lot of people say Lord bless me financially but did he say they needed it yesterday that's a time-sensitive need say Lord I need to know something I gotta have a time frame on this this is a time-sensitive need and I need to speak this to you whatever it might be they say you want to buy a house and you don't quite have enough money for the down payment and now you're going to close and you've got to have some money for down payment or something and you can say this is time-sensitive but if you don't say that then the Lord didn't you open up to let the Lord bless you in any way shape or form and he don't mind but you see you are also in authority on the earth because he gave you the planet the heaven even the heavens on Alaba the earth has he given to the children of men and then you got to understand you must happen you must be fully aware that something can hinder that prayer now he said that your prayers be not hindered let me write write it down again there's something wrong if we so much in prayer and bring in little reward well maybe this is a hindrance here write this down if the word of God is not a delight or your heart is filled with more love for yourself let me say it again if the word of God is not a delight or your heart is filled with more love for yourself than God your prayers will be stopped short of the throne I know that's a long sentence but I will say it again you see that because they says there's a condition you the meat so that prayers will not be hindered number one if the word of God is not a delight or your heart is filled with more love for yourself then God your prayers will be stopped short of the throne look what he says in Psalms 37 verses 4 and 5 and I'm gonna go through this you may just and go to see the scriptures later but I want to give them to you Psalms 34 verses 4 & 5 he says I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears I'm study 4 verse 4 excuse me son that's Psalm 34 I want to read some study 4 verse 4 I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears they looked under me and we're lightened and their faces were not ashamed now go to Psalms 37 verses 4 and 5 he says delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart commit thy ways verse 5 unto the Lord Trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass now let's just be honest you want your prayer to come to pass with an answer is that correct well maybe the reason why I didn't is not because you didn't do something wrong per se but God is not a delight or you love yourself more than you love the God that you praying to let me say it again if the word of God is not a delight or your heart is filled with more love for yourself then doth your prayers will be stopped short of the throne but if you don't want him to be stop you must delight yourself therefore in the Lord and commit your ways unto the Lord that Psalms 37 verse 5 verse 4 and 5 of course verse Psalms 34 verse 4 said I sought the Lord and he heard me now why could that man say that because he committed himself and delighted himself in the Lord see I realized when I prayed why am i praying this prayer is it because I want it or is it because God wants it in me what's the holdup here I've had people say you seem to get your prayers answered quickly well what I constantly do is be in his will I delight myself why do you like going to church of my oh let me help you I delight myself in the Lord I commit my ways why do you preach so much why not I'm doing the work of the Lord so it's a pleasure to me to be saved and a pleasure for me to work even though I get tired sometimes and I look like walking death sometimes I know that you know but I am gonna die young at an old age you hear what I'm saying I don't mean it what I look like it's what's going on inside of me and reason why I get a lot of my prayers answered quickly I delight myself therefore in the Lord and everything I've ever done if you look around here I have always put God first in my life I built his house I built his ministry I did it when other ministers and tax attorneys and CPAs say you're not taking enough money you're not doing it we and Cathy didn't care we set ourselves aside and said Lord Yahweh and then I'll never forget it when he told us last year he said it you have built my house you have built my work now bill you're so we gonna build a house and I'll tell you what is gonna be beautiful and it's gonna it's gonna make Judas jump up and down which is alright with me see let me say it again there's something wrong if we so much in prayer and bring in a little reward if the Word of God is not a delight or your heart is filled with more love for yourself than God your prayers will be stopped short of the throne so that's one hindrances to prayer do you really delight yourself in the Lord or is it a struggle to come to church do you just gotta make yourself that's okay to crucify the flesh because there's no good thing in the flesh but after a while your heart gets kind of sick are you willing to put the Saints the New Orleans Saints ahead of God's agenda let I lost a few right there is it more important to watch a Super Bowl then it is to go to church I tells you something now I'm not saying I'm not being critical of the people that watch the Super Bowl cuz I'm watching myself that's not the issue but if I gotta put God second to that first I will not do that oh now I'm gonna make some of you mad are your children more important to you than your children spiritual education in church or you prefer them to be at a baseball game or because they want to be there because that satisfies the flesh or is their spiritual education and spiritual nutrition more important than that you ain't mad at me huh I'm just asking a question I'm not criticizing I'm finding out where is that delight what is more important think about that number two hindrance sin discovered in the heart and unconfessed before God remains a barrier to prayer or a hindrance to prayer sin discovered in the heart and unconfessed before God remains a barrier to prayer how do you know that psalm 66 let me read it to you real quickly psalm 66 are y'all enjoying this now I don't want you to be I don't want you to feel downtrodden on this but this is going to answer why some prayers are not answered or not not or hindered psalm 66 verse 18 says let me get to real quick if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me what is iniquity it's not sin it's just somethings thought and a twist you know where we get wicker furniture wicked wicker twisted you ever notice wicker front just twist it you see things begin to become twisted in your life God says in psalm 66 verse 18 if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me so sin discovered in the heart and unconfessed before God remains a barrier to prayer go go with me right now to Isaiah chapter 59 now throw my runnier across some scripture here real quick and you can go over that but I'll read it for you Isaiah 59 you can study it out later that's why this should be a series but Isaiah 50 9 verse 1 & 2 behold the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities but your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you and he will not hear did you get that what's the hold up Lord do we have some secrets in that hadn't been confessed and repented for in our hearts am I talking about in your head if you get an ugly thought in your head that's not a sin what let me help me lo o if all of a sudden the devil tells you go see some pornography you thought oh god I said no no you you say that's not my thought my thoughts are lovely just good reporting for you bring that talking to captivity through there be this Christ you kill it how you do that by casting down imaginations every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God you seeking out like gonna do is bring you trouble so let me say it again sin discovered in the heart and unconfessed before God remains a barrier to prayer so if there's a nickel T and sin that hadn't been confessed and repented over that puts a hinders to your prayer which mean it's a black spot in your beauty it may not be completely stained through-and-through but there's a slight stain there what's the hold up Lord these are some of the hindrances to prayer I could preach hours on this but let me go to the next one here number three nothing should take the place of God in your heart why beware of idols pretty mean idols idols may take the form of fashion friends business or self let me say it again nothing should take the place of God in your heart that is pronti understand that idols may take the form of fashion friends business or self want to script you for it ezekiel chapter 14 verse 3 now let me do a little preaching first i'll get funny after a while easy you're fourteen verse three son of man these men have set up their idols in their heart and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face should I be inquired of at all by them do you see that how can i fashion become an idol you spend more time on your clothes than you do talking to your God you're more concerned about your business than about God's business upon the earth you'd rather go see your friends then go to the friend of all friends god all-mighty or you just prefer yourself that was one of my problems what I preferred myself let's walk before I was safe I love Jesse Duplantis walking I know nobody gonna help me Cathy said that me and Cathy fell in love with the same person Jesse that's true I will admit to that worldwide because in my mind I told that woman I ain't talking three minutes after I married her I'm walking out the Holy Rosary Catholic Church I looked at her I said let me tell you something I'm gonna play music you follow me or you stay here it made no different to me you do what you got to do she is 17 years old I'm 20 and I was ambitious and I did very well but thank God that she loved me over my foolishness she didn't argue with the fool because it confuses people they don't know who the fool is never argue with a fool because people say who the fool see my point so there was no room in my heart for God because there was no love that I had consumed at all trying to make a living and that was the excuse I got to make a little bit I got to make a living but between her and the Holy Ghost and Jody they begin to break down that shell so let me say it again nothing should take the place of God in your heart idols may take the form of fashion friends business or self ezq 14-3 son of man these men have have set up their idols in their hearts and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face should I be inquired of at all by them in other words my love why are you talking to me because the Great God you serve is one of those four or one of those three you see my point those are hinders this to prayer is something more important than God Almighty that is I want say if you want to shut down a prayer that's the number one thing that I'd just destroy you and beat your brains out you have to put God first that doesn't mean you can't let me help you that doesn't mean you can't miss church you don't you don't get so legalistic good Lord Jesus you can't breathe we got so legalistic years ago a woman couldn't put makeup on her face we had some ugly women in our churches but that didn't stop adultery that didn't stop fornication and it takes time I do Muslims I don't care how much you cover that woman you still got men saying one of us on there you cover from our head dae-ho to stick just enough for how to breathe our mouth and something to see and it got men going oh no what's underneath it you know it not knew it you got to have a change of heart not a change of clothes see that's what changes people a change of heart not a change of clothes now clothes communicates an attitude if your clothes is so tight and some guy says some sexual thing why do you say that look at yourself you got a sign hey and if you so sexually crazy as a man and somebody don't want to be around you look at yourself because all they say it is oh you want me for us to be used you ain't concerned about me or even could you pick a less about me it works both ways so nothing should take the place of God in your heart idols may take the form of fashion friends businesses or self so I have to be very careful with business do you know I'm a good I love business I love taking something that don't work and make it work and make it profitable I like that the Lord said be careful that's a weakness in you after a while you say you know I'm doing this for the Lord how many times I've had people say you need to get involved in this this will help your ministry I said no it won't this will help you let's just cut to the chase you see I realized that you got to be very careful not that you can't do business I don't want you to misunderstand but you can't let it be consuming to the point that it takes away what God called you to do now some of you men are called to business to finance the kingdom of God that's a fact so my lord you may want to do some other thing but you ain't called so stay where you are I know one particular man I'm saying right now he quit his job he quit how many he was a smart been the man became a preacher the worst thing he ever did in his life first he didn't lost two churches he doesn't beat up fun he said what's the problem I said yeah I like the will of God if what I want to preach I said it's okay I know you want to preach with you're not a pastor and then ain't gonna happen you're better in business notice when you were in business people were getting saved when you just witness to him in your baby yeah I said you can't let anybody come to your church anymore you know how could you not call go back to doing business finally after 15 years he went guess what he's do it people coming in his Stobart God and get them saved but I wanted to do this I said a lot of things we want that's not the issue but you wasn't called the Bible said he calls some easy they call all you calls some now everybody would like to be a part of that song but that's not our business that's God's business okay ready let's go to next statement here the desires of our own pleasures strangled multitudes of prayers at time the desires of our own pleasures strangled multitudes of prayers at times James chapter 4 go with me to it if you can I'll just write it down you go with you can go when you study about James chapter 4 verse three you ask and receive not because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your lust let me say the point again the desires of our own pleasures strangled multitudes of prayers at times why you ask amiss James full verse 3 and receive not because you ask and receive not because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your lust now you see ladies and gentlemen got to be very careful why are you asking what you're asking is it for your own just pleasure and God don't mind you having pleasure but if you don't want hinder sister prayer and that's why I'm preaching this morning this way because how many of you have had prayers hindered let's just be honest come on the whole church Wow now that we bad people but a lot of time it's the little foxes that spoil the vine it's not big stuff well not a big tragedy happen some people kick into things but a little fox is like a termite he will eat your house down and you don't even know it's happening until the inspector comes the exterminator like they call it so let me say it again the desires of our own pleasure strangle multitudes of prayers at times write this down these petitions are right when we ask for wisdom power and grace concerning these things in other words when you asked about something you asked in wisdom in power and in grace to make sure that nothing will be hindered because you're asking out of the heart of God and he don't mind you asking for your desires but your desires and his desires are really wanting the same when you truly understand each other let me say it again these petitions are right when we ask for wisdom power and grace concerning these things so I've had a lot of people say you seem to be blessed because I always check my heart years ago years ago Oh God let's see what how far is 1974 this is with something I thought when you got saved and everything that you could make a loan so sure I found when you got saved I thought you had to be poor but I found I couldn't do nothing for the poor and I couldn't do nothing for God so I knew that wasn't right but I always liked watches I wanted a Rolex I always had a Timex that kept on ticking you could put it on the camera and run it through a desert and it's still tick you can drop it from whatever but I just wanted a Rolex I wanted the Big Brother Rolex so one time in my prayer I said Lord give me a Rolex he said yesterday a little flesh creature gave me a Rolex call me a little flesh creature nothing wrong with the Rolex but I desired that more than I desired got like I think about Lord if I could just get me a Rolex because when you're raised when you when you pull white trash when you've lived in a trailer or your life coming up when you've had hand-me-downs handed down so much that the hand-me-down is already wore down so after a while some things become very important see what I'm saying and somebody else all had to wear your clothes before you would didn't your brother wear that shut up you know what I'm talking about but I knew my brother didn't have a Rolex I didn't know anybody had a Rolex so I asked the Lord once I just said Marilee save me I said like a parolee she said yellow flesh creature what I should have been saying was Lord eat raw likely not in the God he got streets made out of gold there was somebody preached some years ago with Jesus wear a Rolex it was a shot against prosperity I guess so he wears a gold crown what makes you think he wouldn't wear a gold watch but what time would it be there is no more time time sees so he wouldn't wear watch okay see that was a petition not ask the God but not in wisdom nothing wrong with the Rolex not in power in grace but I'll never forget the day that the Lord gave me a Rolex without asking it Sam I walk that to me gave me a Rolex president when I was a fine Oh Lord what why he said now you have power in grace you no longer a little flesh creature and I Ward I don't know how long and I felt led of the Lord to give it away now when I first braver what you couldn't have put you couldn't it took that off my arm with a cement kicker you wouldn't got that off my own all of a sudden he wasn't as important as I thought it was him I said well I'm so bad and I did and then I sold another and another I think I've given with Jesus I have fine watches let me say no because I've sold it because you know now I own them instead of them owning me see my point steadfastness concerning your goals is essential in answered prayer write that down you have to be steadfast concerning your goals why because it's essential in answered prayer how do you know that James chapter 1 verse 6 and 7 but let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wavers like the wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed for let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord a double minded man is unstable in all his ways God says I'm not given solid things to unsilent people a double minded individual that's tossed to and fro you see what I'm saying let me say it again steadfastness concerning your goals is essential in answered prayer the reason why we were able to build this non-stop my you ministers listen to me and not struggling to pay for it didn't have all the money when we started by no means didn't have maybe had maybe ten percent of what this place is worth or what it costs to bill if that meant 10 but say God honored us cuz we were steadfast we had a goal we had a mission and we would accomplish it I had a man asked me doing the building of all this what happens if you run out of money what you gonna do I said stop oh you're not gonna go to the bank and borrow money nothing going nothing wrong with going in borrow money but I read a scripture die this is for me if you don't want to do your bidding oh no man anything but to love him I owe no man nothing not I'm not bragging on that nothing wrong with borrowed money don't misunderstand me nothing wrong with borrowing money they got in something it's okay it's you should ain't ever but for Jesse Duplantis I look at that verse like I look at salvation believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus rose from the dead you shall be saved I saw it oh no man anything but to love him ah how am I gonna live in a world of economy because the whole economy world is on borrowed money and it's good financial sense to use other people's money but never borrow money on a depreciating asset I'm getting into business here I gotta watch myself if you want to borrow money bar is something on an appreciating asset not a depreciating asset but it's okay to borrow money it's okay the banks in and no Allah said do you need us no why because my Constitution I accepted it the way God wrote it don't feel bad about that cuz the devil to use that against you no no I see that takes development to reach like that I had to start out I borrowed money before I want to make everybody know that I mean I borrowed I'm a with my first house and my second huh yeah I bought up I didn't owe me that but I said God can I develop myself he says 10 you yes I can't and me and Cathy said may I borrow more money nothing wrong with and I'll tell you this much if God told me tonight go borrow a billion dollar I'll do it I don't care why cuz I'm doing with the Lord said people say oh I thought you would borrow money well that's what I said but the Lord said do it say I don't back myself into a box but I have realized that only no man nothing is nice very very very nice y'all enjoy this which leads me to this statement there is no stability about a wave then I said that let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wave it's like a wave to see driven the winning toss there is no stability about a wave it's a creature of mere circumstances a wave can be a blessing or it can kill you a tsunami can kill you or you can have a surfboard and make it a sport not a tsunami but I'm talking about well some of these guys ride 50-foot waves in Maui how they do it I don't know you got to be crazy but what the differ between me and them is I have fear and they don't or do I have wisdom I wonder which one it is but I'll tell you what when I see him coming down that crap I think my god think of this kid well you know he didn't learn that the first day he probably started out in the bathtub with his rubber duckie you know I'm saying I don't know there's no stability in a wave now you know what that means to me there's no stability in the economy there's no stability in Wall Street why cuz you buying stock what do you mean does the guy selling to you thinks it's going down the guide is behind it thinks it's going up which one of you see my point so I'm saying there's no stability but all but there is stability in God's Word but how many times we got on God's Word and we had our surfboard but we fell we crash but you know a real surfer my brother my son-in-law Eddie Eddie's a surfer man I didn't get into that stuff stay out there all day long I mean but I'm pretty sure he's crashed I'm pretty sure he's hit the ground and eats and get he brained beat up but you know what he gets back up on that board and go out there he's asked me mr. Dell you want me to teach you I'm gonna watch you Eddie go ahead Joe NoHo now when I was his age or when I was really young oh I did all that kind of stuff when I never was a surfer guy said that but you know them whatever the little flat boards that you throw out there I can't think of it all as many watersports there's a good Kathy met me at a swimming pool I was a lifeguard do you see what I'm saying but man and it's not that I said well you I'm gonna be honest why won't you go out there I scared I thought don't think so now I don't mind gonna sit and snow up to here with a grizzly bear looking at me but I got something looking at him he's gonna say that's a whole nother ball game there one of my directors Michael had got him a beautiful deer the other day now most people wouldn't like this at all it up I was gonna get some animal activist here we go I went by his office and he went like this showed me a picture man I said oh look at the rack on that deer he even took a picture of it hanging up down before he skinned it by an eight-foot ladder look how much I big that day about a foot level just like I said yeah I find it you got a a good hunter gonna be cold he gonna be cold but you don't care cuz we're not dare step out there you start sweating everything becomes limber in your body you may even shake it's called buck fever what you means you about ready to miss how many hunters know what I'm talking about you about ready to miss but if you can calm yourself and think deer sausage chili steak you're gonna bring home some meat there's no stability by the way it's a creature of mere circumstances let me go to this other write this down the lack of honor to one another is a major barrier to prayer the lack of honor to one another is a major barrier to prayer first Peter chapter 3 verse 7 likewise you husband's dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered you know why sometimes me and Cathy's prayers didn't get answered Kathy because I didn't honor you I just told you follow me woman I ain't gonna lie Satan front everybody and do you know why some of my prayers did not get answered Kathy because you didn't honor me we were both bumping Susie who gonna win first but if we bring honor to each other we're gonna get something done in this house we're building I turned it oh I said Kathy is yours I got to thinking how many decisions I don't want to know I know I don't want to make a decision over a doorknob I said Kathy is yours and I'll back anything you want she came with me she said you know Jesse there's certain things you won't mm-hmm that's expensive that's okay well we're gonna need custom things here I said well I think God put us in the right person with Richie pshaw Richard do that because he's the one gonna build it so if you don't like that house you blame Richie Rich's one going there no I'm just joking Richard going to be see Richie understands that stuff he can talk with Kathy and now and then we got the architect they gonna get it all together all I'm gonna do is stand back and sign the cheque that's my job I should take full responsibility that's all I know how to do see what I'm saying but I'm honor my wife I'm honor Richie I'm honor that architect see what I'm saying I don't know that architect much as I know Richie so I'm gonna say I'm gonna do a side deal with Richie Richie this guy an idiot I trust you Richard this guy's coming for percentage and that's okay he needs to make money that's not this my point is Richie knows if he says something he can smoke me man go smoke Richie and the angles smoke Kathy why because they love blueprints Kathy is a girl they would cut the grass and they'd make blue little houses with the cut grass you know the clippings make floor plants okay this is the house okay I ain't never thought of that in my life I thought why would you want to play around with cut grass before I see it I smoked a lot of grass but I ain't like I'm not like the President Bill Clinton I inhaled I took trips and never left my house gone son I mean I did it I ain't gonna lie but the Lord forgave me hallelujah don't look at me so weird you've done the same thing most y'all come out the sixties the lack of an honor to one another's a major barrier prayer why agreement with one another is a powerful condition of prevailing prayer opposite of two of you agree that's Matthew 819 let me say it again agreement with one another is a powerful condition of prevailing prayer if you want to stop hindrances you got to agree with each other agreement with one another is a powerful condition of prevailing prayer has to be I find when we get something done personalizes because me and Kathy agree if we have a great dinner is when we both agree consensus now she'll go eat well I want to eat ugly what she want to eat but for years I've always eat what she would eat I'm kind of turning that table now I won't anyway I want he and you know she goes I'm trying to lose weight oh just back off a little bit okay don't be the Antichrist okay I'm gonna be the Antichrist you want some cheesecake you know I do your little devil from her come over here more cast that devil I I'm just trying to be nice to the girl because I equate food with niceness if I want to bless myself I don't know about you people I don't know about you watching all over the world but Americans equate food with blessing if something good happens to us what do we do let's go out and eat I don't give us that McDonald will go I need that's why America is the fattest nation in the world but that's all right as long as we fat you got a job man we create an economy all over the world and we equate let's go out and have a nice time if we want to relax what do we do we go out if you take your kids to Disney World they may want to ride it ride you're looking for a hot dog let's find something to eat around here some kind of stuff you know we equate relaxation and fun with food that's why I knew all is it the food is so good that's why the restaurants need to come back just didn't need to come back cuz people have to eat and over here we you come over here we don't care about how much butter is we make it tastes good we pray over it and we swallow it agreement was one another's a powerful condition of prevailing prayer right just now when the head is lifted above the overwhelming circumstances the life and prayer is answered when something's looking at you and you think this is I cannot cross this I can't get over this let me say it again when the head is lifted above the overwhelming circumstances the life and prayer is answered Psalms three you read that to you sounds chapter 3 verse 3 but Thou O Lord or she'll for me my glory and the lifter up of mine head you see gotta make you look for beyond what you believe before right there because see you look in that direction he's looking at destination he said I'm saying let me say it again when the head is lifted above the overwhelming circumstances the life the life in prayer is answered so how many of me you may have a financial trouble you see you're just looking at this if I can just get this met but God really wants you to look beyond that need to get met he wants you to look at your destination not just your direct ship they see my point when I was building this place do you know what the contractor told me you know I you know I bought the artwork for this place before I built the buildings what I already had that in but he says oh my god just you know only man I've seen it I said yeah cuz I already see it done I learned that from an architect I'm not good on blueprints but I asked that architec an you see this house built oh yeah I can see I can't I can only see the picture of it not all the blue stuff I just like the picture of it that's what it gonna look like see Kathy but not Catholic she knows what a wall moved this wall do this do this turn that around do this all that kind of stuff you know I said is it possible we can have a house with no doors I hate doors doors are always in the way go through me and you know open them up close you got to get around I hate that Kathy said oh yeah we need doors Jesse I said well I never been in the bathroom and the doors you got a it your butts hitting the door and you're trying to close something and you the only reason use those doors just to hang your suit on or bra hang it on the dough now am I telling the truth they just activate me just hot that how many don't know what I'm talking about they say that I say give me a bit of housing no doors she suggests we need some doors where we do how do we build a challah I hate them doors she said pocket doors oh yeah slide them in the walls Richard we're gonna have some pocket doors because I don't like all that stuff Lord gee you know I want to put something on the wall and as the door opens up covers what you're going to put I got that in my office I got something I want everybody see it's at the bass goal jar I like Tabasco and the head of the de basketball company sent it to me right Ricky I said Ricky hanging on my wall but the door I'm the only one that sees it I'm by ready to rip that door off that wall but I thought that's it were just we can have doors just have pocket oh that works makes sense see if my head was lifted up Cathy brought it up higher I never thought of pocket doors I didn't know what a pocket door was when she said a pocket door I thought what is a pocket door then she showed me okay when the head is lifted above the overwhelming circumstances the life in prayer is answered now let me click let me say this in close write this now humbleness not stupidity of ourselves before God is what gets his attention humbleness not stupidity of ourselves before God is what gets his attention first Peter chapter 5 look what it says here hurry up here first Peter y'all enjoin this I just wanted the so many people's prayers are not being answered this is I'm giving you an answer 1st Peter chapter 5 verse o 6 humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time how by casting all your care upon him for he careth for you let me say it again humbleness not stupidity about ourselves before God is what gets his attention so you humble yourself huh you've heard the old Pentecost the statement all go home but you know he won't you're gonna humble yourself you have to humble yourself and you do that by casting your care stay right then go back up to James chapter 4 just back up a little bit the James chapter 4 and look what it says here James chapter 4 verse 10 humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up how many you want to be lifted up you humble yourself if you waiting for God the humble you it ain't gonna happen because he will not break your will he gave you that will and I'm gonna say this is gonna shock it do you know God can't save you until you give him permission God Almighty how many I believe God's in control well if he is you show God this place in a mess I shocked you when I said that he's not in control he never came and rebuked Katrina you know who rebuked Katrina me the heaven even the heavens of the Lord but the earth has he given to the children of men we are in authority in this planet but if we don't take our Authority who's causing global warming gorillas know or gorillas chimpanzees lions which are stronger than we are are they an authority who's in the zoos gorillas chimpanzees lions that could take us out run with one slap of his part we dead as a doornail but they not in authority when will you take your authority you people that don't believe in healing would you please quit doing that because you're hindering a lot of people for being here because God don't see us as a bunch of arms and legs where one body we yes made up for many members but I'll tell you what if my fingers hurting my toe nose is hurting so why don't you just believe in the healing for compassion sake you see my point humbleness is what God looks at not stupidity God is not now I'm gonna bunch of ugly letters let me let me get down here oh he not in control David if you want to go get drunk this afternoon you can and God ain't gonna stop you bet it will kill you but God won't stop you bet he'll bust him in the head with a bat Clint if you want to go chase a woman this afternoon Oh God wouldn't stop you he would be telling you don't do that Clint but small as amaryllis is she'll beat your brains out rip your head off make your head a lampshade do you see that do y'all see what I'm saying here he can't save you without you giving him permission when with his church world and theologians see this that's a rarity well bless God I taught myself something this morning hi I've had my prayers hindered when the Lord gave me I said I've done that myself he said yes you have and use blaming me yes I was a goal I said Lord how many time you took off you don't do this I'll quit you sound like a child he probably said go to your room at least you're had one we had one room at one time me and my oldest brother used to sleep on them man we had up we had a camper and daddy thought it was a house this is way back when before ma my younger brother or my sister was born me and my brother we stayed an eight-foot-wide 32-foot trailer like a FEMA trailer you could say almost and we slept on the floor we were poor daddy did better you know finally got us a place but I tell you what you know as a kid it didn't bother me in the least until another kid say why y'all living that trashy place that never bothered me until peer pressure came in young people let me help you why not you set fashion let me some of you young guys young ladies why don't you set fat why you got to look like everybody else why don't you just be unique and that's okay because I'm gonna tell you something there's something good in you you get God in you you could be you can have the world start going to all your fashion instead of you going to their fashion you can really do that why because you're in control you are in authority you really are that's why I'd never put down your children never do that because I don't take some God created them to rule and reign in life by Christ Jesus so tell them they ain't nothing they can do and be proud of and if they make a mistake forgive oh and oh and let me have a young for you sometimes reason why your mama didn't give you the call your daddy think didn't give you the call there might have been some hindrances to your prayer God you got the revelation right there did you I just worked fine did it why ain't that old man doing him I hate you it isn't all that kind of well there may be some hindrances but if you found out whether hindrances are your there to be proud of you your mom will be proud of and if you build trust in them you're gonna get that car you gonna get everything they got they'll do everything they can to be a blessing to you did you enjoy it this morning give Jesus a hand clap it out hello everybody I'm just at a planet and I'm so happy you're watching this video today if you're enjoying our Channel please subscribe you can hit the bell to get notifications as each new video is posted so you don't miss a single one then you share this video to your friends your family so they can be blessed by it and I mean that said they'll be funny there'll be a hilarious and I promise you if you watch it by the end of it you're gonna feel good because I believe in bringing joy into people's lives I mean that sincerely and I tell people say does anything ever wipe that smile off your face no and thank God I got good teeth it's the Lord so watch it and subscribe today thank you and keep watching you'll be blessed
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 77,421
Rating: 4.8797631 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Answered Prayers, Prayer
Id: XFehFB5DbaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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