2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Your Future Is Inside You (2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.)

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father we come before you in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you for this great great ministry thank you for the leadership that you've raised up thank you for the anointing that's on this meeting thank you for the anointing that's on me and these lips of clay that I speak this word with excellence accuracy and boldness asking you to think through my mind speak to my lips and this word shall come forth on hindered unchecked by any outside force and that signs wonders and miracles shall follow the word preached we thank you for it we give you the praise in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] all right I hear flow I hear flow but we got two hours of flow praise thank you so much come on let's give the Copeland's a hand clapping a praise thanking them for I mean what a ministry what a ministry I thank God for them and all that they've imparted into my life I'll talk a little bit about some of that impartation and so forth that's the Sam get this right here and I'll hold it my wife is coming down there somewhere praise God I think well how y'all doing today blessed and highly favored less than hi Latrice oh my goodness this is something else I tell you let me set my clock cuz uh yeah yeah I'm gonna flow but I will set this clock my goodness you know this this that you're hearing at this conference is is what the Holy Ghost is saying I mean this this is this is really it I mean so I mean listen well and get this cuz this is what's happening I came in last night this is a brother Copeland preach I know I'm telling you that word that word out word I mean really you mean no we're going to talk about some of this cuz it shouldn't be this much word going forth without some works you know and we gotta get to make sure we getting some works in this thing so Haileybury Shanda you're not far from the kingdom let's open our Bibles please let's go to Deuteronomy chapter two please slowly ami Deuteronomy chapter 2 yeah see ya I like this podium it's got two levels of everything you've got a plenty room here alright now I want to I'm I'm going to take the time because he because I've got some time [Applause] let it flow no let me let me let me say this I am NOT brother cope now I'm really saying that and making an emphasis because it's really not brother Copeland it's the anointing on brother Copeland that's making the difference here yeah it's anointing on brother Hagin that was making the difference gnawing on TL Osborn and I'm saying that God can put his anointing on anybody I saw in the scriptures where a donkey preached that did somebody see that now I'm saying that to say that just because I'm not brother Copeland doesn't mean that the anointing won't flow through me to give you what you need in one session I saw Peter Peter was stair fishing came in was washing his neck and then he heard Jesus came and asked him could he use his boat Peters yeah so he used his boat and he pulled out and and sat down in the boat told him push out a little from the land sit down and taught the people then he turned to Peter and said now launch out into the deep let down your nets for a draught Peter said to one wait a minute now we've fished all night the word he used was toil all night and taken nothing nevertheless is thy word I'll launch on to the deep and he did that and enclosed so many fish till the net broke the ship was about to sink call for his partners they fill up there's um I want to make a point here then Peter fell down at Jesus knees saying away from me I'm a sinful man Oh Lord for you astonished and all that were with him at the draught of fishes was there taken this reading is in Luke chapter 5 now why am i bringing this then jesus said to Peter he said now you follow me because I'm gonna make you a Fisher of men and Peter left everything he had and follow Jesus all right now as far as I can find in the scriptures this was Peters first faith conference that is as far as I can see and I'm saying in one meeting in one sermon Peters financial Peters financial condition got totally reversed and one meeting now you're here for how many six seven meetings how many days you're here but one meeting one afternoon one morning one one session and I'm saying that God says he's no respect of persons what he did for Peter he'll do for those attending KCM believers convention now I'm saying that because you shouldn't be thinking then I'm gonna get here and get some word and go back home you know you when you go back home it should be a testimony when Peter went back to the house let me come over here when Peter went back to the house I guarantee every debt was wiped out now I'm gonna tell you something I used to think that it was one year's catch in one hour but you need to look it up and people look that up that was much more than one year's catch I'm saying today that out of one session God can make it so that there is a reversal that whatever you've been going through this the last afternoon you go go for now give God some praise on that okay let's get in here now I'm I'm doing that cuz you gonna have to expect I said you're gonna have to expect faith is the substance of things hoped for earnestly expected and matter of fact there's a scripture in here I've got to my foundation text yet but there's a scripture here in Psalm chapter 62 and in south chapter 62 he says this is in verse 5 my soul wait thou only upon God for my expectation is from him he said my expectation is from him now here's what I have in my notes when God is not the only source of your expectation you'll end up in frustration glory to God God wants you to totally trust in him trust in him with all thy heart now I'm saying that because we're talking up here about miracles we're talking about the supernatural he said and ye shall receive what how Dunamis miracle-working abilities and I'm saying when you talk about miracles you're not talking about something you got a weight on you talking about something's gonna happen right now you you know you don't need to be at the house for Edie to show up [Applause] I'm saying something this is gonna be your conference this is going to be this conference was designed for you whatever Satan has been holding back in your life is going to be released at this conference come on get your expectation now some of y'all you know you might be casual well I think so well you know they rah rah rah well you you you go get some - yeah it's gonna be so much it's gonna spill over into your lap then I'm telling you you gotta really believe the Bible the Bible is a miracle-working book all right let's go over here to Deuteronomy let's see can we take this thing and tackle this thing here all right the Ronna me chapter what did I say - yeah oh we're doing her on me chapter - all right look what he says here starting at verse 24 Rajee up and take her journey and pass over the river arnon behold I've given unto thy hand Zion the amorite king of Heshbon and his land began to possess it and contend with him in battle this day well I began to put the dread of their in the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the hold of heaven who shall hear a report of thee and shall tremble and be in anguish because of thee and what is happening here he is saying hey you're about to go in and face the dials they face two giants and now I've already taken care of business for you I've made it so that the fear of you is gonna be on them now I had to look at my Bible and get some things to build my faith on that so where I looked at is over in the Book of Psalms again and Psalms 47 47 in verse 8 God reigneth over the heathen and God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness no you might read across that and there might be a little light to you but I want you to listen to what I'm about the second God reigns over the heathen God reigns over the heathen God when Abimelech took Sarah Abraham's wife God came to Abimelech in a dream Genesis chapter 20 verse 3 and he said you were but a dead man for you have taken another man's wife now Abimelech start trembling why because God reigns over the heathen God will tell a heathen what to do for you this is the right Bunch I'm talking to now I'm saying that because sometimes we just think we're in this earth that's kind of stumbling around and hope we can make it from Monday through Sunday but God is not playing that kind of game God is about to do something for you that's above all you can ask or think say amen to that and I'm telling you I've been seeing some scriptures in the Bible that confirmed that so he gave this to Abimelech one of my one of my very dear pastor friends told me that there was a man in another country and he wanted to buy some land he was a pastor and as he was going to buy this land he went down to the city the government of the that particular city owned the land and he said now we're not gonna sell it to you well the reason why they didn't want to sell it to him because the drug kingpin was controlling the government oh basically he heard about my teaching some of my stuff on vengeance and not saying revenge now see it's God's move with a justice system and he has to move based on God's own judgment and he moved on the kingpin to the point that the kingpin called the past and said meet me at this land at 12:00 midnight I understand the devil does business at night that's the truth some of the biggest deals you've seen it's after sundown now he goes there took one of the Deacons with him and so they got there all these limos were passing up these these these Cadillac SUVs line of them eight ten whatever it was and then here comes the drug kingpin in the back and pulls up and came and told the man he was trembling and said somebody called me on my phone and said if I don't give you this land I'll be dead before day [Applause] said take the land God says I'm gonna cause your enemies come on you got to stay with me here here's another one his man pastor I know said hey I just got given a huge home he said out here in California I said did you said yes sir he said you got to come see this I said give me the story he said the story is a man called me on the phone late at night and he was using some language and I I didn't go I hung up I thought it was some kind of crazy call I said but he called me back after about a couple of weeks and told me he said listen I was out here in Vegas doing this and that and something said get up and give this man your house now it's it the right bunch of talkative cuz I talked about above all you can ask all think so what happened this is a true story as I'm standing here I went out there to see the house he said well he agreed to go see the house after Sunday service he rode out there in that part of California in the upper areas of money and he said he drove up at the gate he bugged the buzzer and the guy said oh you're here the gates will open come on to the house he said the house is about 150 yards from the gate he got to the house the guy was standing there in front of the double doors and he said you remember him standing there but behind the guy he saw inside the house a waterfall I better come back over here now [Applause] now he said he went to guys showed him around God said oh I'm glad you're here I mean this guy was relieved because stuff is about to transfer now you you got to hear me what up Stan it's a set time and so what happened next is he went around and God showed him all the onyx stones and all the elephant ivory and so forth and how everything was suited to the coach-house you know had three bedrooms and so forth and and then he says the guy said are you ready to receive it he said do you have a house he said yeah I have a house and he had a mortgage of about 150 thousand dollars and he said you give me your house and I'll just give you this one here's what he said this distance this is this is what he sits to distance a preacher he said this I quoted he said I don't know how much is a water bill in this place huh are you hearing what I'm saying I heard this morning Jesse preached on thinking how big I mean it's tough do you realize lord have mercy come on over here the numbers numbers chapter 23 tolerate Oh numbers chapter 23 now this is not my message here I'm there somebody's pulling on something here hello okay numbers chapter 23 and let's look mister 24 and I said numbers pardon me let's go to Exodus Exodus chapter 23 yeah oh I'm telling you we gonna have to get our thinking up in verse 20 behold I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the land a place where I have prepared beware of him down obey his voice provoke him not well he will not forgive you or pardon you your transgressions for my name is in him but if you shall indeed obey his voice and do all that I speak then I'll be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries for my angel shall go before you and bring you in unto the land that amirite the hid types the perizzites the Canaanites the hypes and the jebusites and the parasite know and and I will cut them off sometimes you have some parasites hanging on you I mean he named some things he named parasites parasites hebrew means smallness he's a spirit sent to make you think small every one of these is a type of spirit hit types spirits of fear they're designed their their mission is to come on you when this opportunity comes and put fear in you that you won't touch it the most of the saints your stuff is on the other side of your fear right over there so I'm saying that all these strong men all these spirits are designed seven of them are designed to keep you from your inheritance and this earth is your inheritance this is it you are a joint heir with with Christ yes he has inherited the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 1 all things and you are joint heir with him give me oh okay alright now let's look at this I'm gonna kind of work my way through this but I want you to see it I just want to start off because somehow God's people somehow haven't desired I think none everybody but having desired what God wants them to have and one of the reasons for them coming back with the grapes and all of that from the promised land when it came back in the wilderness and showed the congregation one of the reasons for it was to actually get the desire up of the people so they'd want to go in oh you follow what I'm saying and so this desire piece we've got to work on remember oh I didn't introduce my wife she's on the end send-up wife my sister Veronica stand up praise God so they could see you we've been married about thirty six thirty thirty thirty turn three years and so so when this this man was by the Pool of Bethesda this is John chapter five and at the Pool of Bethesda here he was and he was around this pool and he had been there about 38 years and sometimes when that water was stirred up he everybody would go and rush for the water for that pool and whoever's first stepped in would be made hold of whatever disease he had and this particular man tried every time to get into the pool and so Jesus comes on the scene so he comes and crosses are all these people hanging around this pool that will aim in Brian so forth this one he said do you want to be made whole the man said well I have no man when the water is trouble to put me in the pool but while I'm coming another steps down before me okay now this is interesting because Jesus next comment to the man was rise take up your bed and walk and the man did but notice what he had to attack first this man's desire the Bible says the desire of the righteous shall be granted he said he will give you the desires of your heart desire is not a casual I'll take it or leave it a desire is next to craving I gotta have my healing I've got a half my daily I've got to have this thing taken care of and what they was trying to do Jesus God was trying to do is get their desire up and I'm saying in the church right now that we got to get these desires up because there's stuff that the Giants are holding that belonged to the saints of God they belong to the people of God all right let's just keep going let's go over if you will the Romans Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 we won't get into some things here Romans chapter 5 now here's what he says and this is the Apostle Paul writing here verse 17 he says if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive the abundance of grace and of the free gift or a gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ amen I see it now okay so reign in life in the in the amplified it says reign as kings reign as kings a king lives by decree a king lives by decree I wrote something down here cuz I wanted to make sure people understood the word decree it's a judicial term and decree means to legislate decree means to resolve by sentence decree means to order it means to edict it means to make law decree alright this is back up here and see where we're going you and I were chosen you were chosen in other words you didn't choose him he chose you now the model says in Ephesians that he chose you before the foundation of the world deal with me now you've been chosen now along the way you came into the earth and let's say something happened person went to jail something happened a person you know flunked out of school something happened first you've got you know a child so for thought hey God said this well huh I chosen see he didn't change his mind course you got in trouble now the ditches this is key now cuz he knew he knows the ins from the beginning he knew but he chose you anyway say Amen to this so as he chose you not only did he choose you but he gifted you he said now I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give her him a talent skill gift whatever you'd like to call it that nobody else has in the world all the way back to Adam and Eve look at your fingerprints nobody's got him all the way back to Adam and Eve they can take your fingerprints right now and track you down over years I'm told my centuries then nobody's got him you know as he's trying to do he's trying to send a message to you nobody's got what you got [Music] [Applause] now once you say that you automatically know that you've got value now let's look at an example now let's say you go into a store a discount store and some dresses on the rack or some pursuits or something and you're looking through them looking through the suits of worth dresses but notice how they all look alike because they were mass-produced you weren't all these were mass-produced but you are what I call one-of-a-kind [Applause] nobody's got what you've got now whenever we got to get this in our thinking now because one man said this you know we bought we are born unique butt-dial copy why cuz we're trying to imitate somebody else I am NOT brother Copeland I am not brother Hagin I am NOT your I'm not just I'm not careful I am B Debbie and when I began to get my own voice my ministry exploded there I have to be somebody else there's nobody like you in the world watch this and God does not make anything without value you are extremely bad people in jail got gifts people it makes no difference where they are if they came into this earth a gift was put inside of it so your custom-made watch this and born for such a time as this now you got to know that because when you don't see yourself as God sees you the devil will make you see yourself as somebody else we are in our own sight as grasshoppers the word grasshoppers you're a grasshoppers huh I read across scripture here Deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse one and he says this is the King James now and it shall come to pass and thou shalt hearken diligently to the voice who LORD thy God to observe to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set the high above all nations of the earth somebody over here you've got an iPad with a CEV translation of that same scripture I want you to bring it here or iPhone iPad iPhone somebody will be right over right over here yeah [Music] all right this is the CEV translation right this book contains speeches that Moses made [Music] is this the CEV you Deuteronomy one CEV I'm looking for Deuteronomy 28 yeah no mom we'll give him another shot you know I'm like God okay just a minute just a minute okay today I am giving you the laws and teachings of the Lord your God always obey them and the Lord will make Israel this is you know the most famous and the most important nation on earth and he will bless you in many ways you're gonna be the most famous and what else blessed people on the face of the earth there's a hundred-dollar bill that comes with the time it pays they had the word ago now did somebody over you have that too no I don't want and go back and read so huh no I don't want it put it down all right since you got it bring-bring you held it up bring it here bring the Genesis chapter 12 verse 2 Genesis 12 verse 2 look no I died hey go fight homie now I know what you were you didn't what $100 okay all right no okay you got it okay no you got it there I don't want to have to find it okay okay put it give it to me you got it into CV give it to me and they amplified do you have the amplified contemporary amplified a MPC have you got that okay it says and I'll bless those who bless you who confer prosperity or happiness upon you and curse him who curses or uses insolent language toward you and you will all and you will all the families on the Kindred's of the earth be blessed now that's the a.m. PC give me another amplifies you got another amplifier in it we got two hours just just be cool [Applause] okay yeah now we will go through the did the reason why is because we gotta start doing the word not just hearing the word and and I'm trying to get your desire up and I'll make you a great nation and I will bless you abundantly and make your name great exalted this and distinguished glory to God and you shall be a blessing a source of great good to others say amen to that alright come on come on back come on back - you know you got something coming you know you got time okay now wait why am i we're having a little little fun here but why am I doing this because I think the reason why we don't do the word is part of it is how we see ourselves I mean how do we see ourselves because we see ourselves like God sees us guaranteed the will function like God made us we have to see ourselves he said I'm making you in my image and what else my likeness so we have to see ourselves like God sees us we see ourselves like God sees us then it's gonna be easy to do the things that God's called us to do you know I'm no good news now they talking about you know go back where you came from well you know where I came from I came from God I came from God all right let's just continue with it don't look at all that that's fake news did you look at the book I said look at the book you remember I told you about the time that that I was I thought I was Superman anybody remember that and and what I did was scripture what I did was scripture but the problem that I had is what I did it was not in the book now let me let me tell you what I mean by that okay if you look with me at second Corinthians and second Corinthians and chapter three now I'm going through this brother Copeland read something last night now I'm going to kind of ride off what he was preaching last night because that's what I've been teaching lately nobody says here there's a second Corinthians chapter three and look at verse 18 but we all with an open face say open things say face time beholding as as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord all right now mm-hmm so what did I do every day I went and looked at TV now we didn't have a television at that time the neighbor had one so I went up and knocked at the neighbor's doors in elementary school and I said hey you know can we can I look at your television she said oh you want to look at Superman again say yes ma'am and she bring me in I look at Superman and I take that television put it right up in my face I mean I I didn't want to miss anything he said or did this was Monday through Friday faster than a speeding bullet able to jump over buildings at a single bound more powerful than a locomotive come on somebody somebody somebody new I'm talking so what did I do I kept getting that they kept getting that now did they have a picture I don't know whether they had a picture at night see right down there on your left at the bottom come on everybody else got on a basketball uniform but that's the kid right down there how you follow what I'm saying now I'm not kidding you it what happened is this when you look in that book a long time and begin to meditate what it says you are changed into the same image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord so I kept looking and kept changing though all of a sudden what happened to Kellogg's cornflakes came out with a promotion that they said if you sent a box top with 50 cents we'll send you a Superman shirt that was for me that is cuz I was eating them frosted flakes you know all that sugar in the morning them kids and it's sugar and so I'm just Selleck telling you that because you don't attract what you are I'm pardon me what you want you attract what you are so when you build something inside you are designed to attract that hello of helpers so I know the promotion came from my believing I believe it I don't care what you say about it you can't argue with me so what happens I didn't send in it that box top got a Superman shirt and the next thing you know I'm feeling good [Music] really I'm feeling good I'm feel like I can whoop somebody I mean I'm just a little guy I feel like hey hey girl let me look around and and the next thing you know it felt so good till when I pulled it off I felt different so I said I need another one and another one so every day I was going to school and a Superman shirt fresh Bible says put it on Christ now you got to hear what a skank is that's where I'm telling you is how we function and we design to me be me so then I got my mother she'd and I started running around the house she caught me with a sheet spank me so for tha's all put me out and so forth that's okay because when you're really walking in true faith the god-kind of faith' you are under the influence [Music] turn over here to Mark's Gospel chapter 3 now I'm bringing you this in my own way this is b/w and I'm bringing it to you and believe me I'm getting results from it people are riding online and just kidding I mean it is wonderful nobody says in mark chapter 3 look down here at verse 21 and when his friends heard of it they went out to lay hold on him for they said he is what besides himself if you look up that in the CEV translation here's what it says he's crazy he's crazy and I believe that's one reason why we don't see miracles because people are not yet under the influence that they'd haven't gotten enough face time they haven't meditated that word enough for that word to transform how they think and I'm saying this to you that I was under the influence now it took me over there is a place in faith that you are no longer holding on to the promise but the promise is holding on to you is switches and you don't have to all day spin all day I believe ever see I believe none of that you've passed that stage now you are under the influence and when you are what I said is I'm gonna fly down the windows house so I got up on the roof of the garage and we come over here cuz yes this is what this now you stay with me because I'm talking to everybody in here cuz I'm about to take you to airplanes and and and shopping malls and Sophal cuz it's the same principle it's the same principle I got up on that garage I said I'm gonna fly down the winners house come on I had everything old I had I had everything ready I hit I jumped off and where did I boom Wow closing what in the Word of God what out faith only comes from the word not TV and I'm telling you right now that God is no respecter of persons let me share something with you let me see can I find it here it says just one moment you got time okay I want to quote this individual his name is brother Jesse I have it here somewhere so I'm just go ahead and I'm gonna share some of it it's in that area somewhere they accuse me of a preaching Jesse stuff so I'm gonna be out with and I'm gonna just I'm gonna let you know it's from brother Justin will stop all the rumor okay now the most important thing in your life is what you believe about your future he preached that up at at our church I preached it because I was drawing something and when I draw it he's got to preach it we uncover impartation here in just a minute the most important thing in your life is what you believe about your future now what brother Copeland preached last night is he preached living from the inside out now if you'll look there's couple place I want to go to Luke's Gospel and chapter 20 and I've preached this years ago in Luke's Gospel chapter 20 as a matter of fact I wrote a book on it and what it says here I said Luke chapter 20 of 1920 okay and what it says in I said Luke chapter 20 pardon me yes yes yes win win win it yeah yeah this looked after 20 he says they were wanting to know about the kingdom of God helped me holy go okay yeah okay come on come on just a minute I want you to see this the kingdom of God is in you glory to God seventeen glory to God seventeen help me hopefully goes verse 20 and when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come he answered them and said the kingdom of God cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo here or lo there behold the kingdom of God is where is in you is within you now this kingdom is in you as your supply because everything you would need a walk in this life God has already provided yes and watch this loaded it in you in the kingdom so when he sends you somewhere you don't need to beg somebody for anything everything that you'd ever have to need in an inexhaustible supply has already been provided and given to you in the kingdom so that's all my stuff um loaded right now now what am i loaded to do I'm loaded to go places and create things alright I'm living from the inside out say living from the inside out so how I'm gonna act is based mmm Oh Lord I don't want to jump ahead of you let's go to Genesis chapter 1 let's go to Genesis chapter 1 I got plenty of time though I've got so much time here I'm just all over the place alright Genesis chapter 1 that's alright that's alright we love each other say we love each other alright look what he says here Genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea with the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth I like what Charles Capp says we have dominion over creeps all right all right let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle and of all the earth so you and I have Dominion like wait a minute Adam had dominion over all the earth the next verse verse 28 and God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the every living thing that moveth upon the earth now watch this so what am I saying now verse 26 told you though what you were to do have dominion verse 28 told you how you're gonna do it you're gonna be blessed and you're gonna be fruitful come on and you're gonna do what else multiply and what else replenish the earth and what else and subdue it now I put those down here and if you can make our making notes this might be something good for you to make note of fruitful fruitful means to produce it means to produce I am going to produce something now there's something that I'm going to produce is going to come out of something that has not already produced so I'm going to produce a chair out of this tree produce clothes of God you just look up the word sometimes I put it down here produce has to do with bringing forward this is 1828 dictionary of Webster bringing forward another word for that is create create I'm gonna bring it forward it's something that's not seen or manifested yet but I'm gonna bring it forward see see I've got to see a chair in a tree are you with me here I've got to see milk in a cow I gotta see it egg and a chicken because the production of that chicken it's gonna bring forth eggs don't bring something for that is now this is very important because people are not poor because they have no money or a job that pays much they're poor because of what they fail to produce they're poor because of what they fail to create see if if you look at the Scriptures and look at some I'm just gonna read it at Psalm 82 and this is I'll never forget a Charles Capps who's teaching this one time and it just clicked everything just clicked it's Psalm 82 in started verse 1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty and judges among the gods now if I look at that at the Hebrew it says Eloise stands in the midst of the Elohim z-- and judges among the Elohim that's why he goes on down and what verse 6 and said you are gods all of your children of the Most High you have this nature come on you you he wants you to have his thoughts am i right about this so produce now here's the thing about that let's go back to Genesis chapter chapter 1 again I'm not gonna belabor this but I want to cover a couple of things look what he says here and verse clothes of God 28 again and God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and subdue it so be fruitful means to produce matter of fact we have a measure called the gross national product and it's amount a measure of what has been produced by a set group of people in that are members of that particular nation the gross national product so produce so we got to produce and we're going to bring forth we're going to create with that watch this now he said be fruitful then he also said that we are to multiply now this multiply has to do with whatever you produce you are going to increase that production in other words you're gonna make it and make it again and again and again multiply and then he says and replenish the earth now replenish one of the reasons what new ways I have that is to perpetually renew and to supply but it means to redistribute so I'm gonna produce something that I'm going to eventually distribute and I'm going to distribute that if I get inventory and it sits in my my my company and is not distributed I'm going broke now this applies to a business or a ministry but the Copeland is producing teachings what is he doing bringing it forth this some of the stuff he's never preached before where is he getting it from I better come over here where is he getting it from it's getting it from God he's getting it from God now I'm going to show you something here because God now and and subdue it subdue it means for you to dominate the market now let me let me let me wake you up to something you better get a hold of that word Dominion cause Amazon got ahold of it Amazon has plans to take you out of business don't look at me don't look at me I'm telling you they have in their plans to rule this market control the market share that's it that's their plan now wait a minute he told us to do this he told us you supposed to be the leader in your industry you look at Joseph's life all three of those all right go for those all right let's go on all right so Genesis chapter 2 and look what he says in verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul speaking spirit like God I think you look up the Hamas translation I've got a set of those and it says a speaking spirit okay your speaking spirit like God know what let me keep going next and this is verse 8 and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed all right now this garden I believe was a prototype was a prototype prototype means it's it's a picture of how the rest of the earth should look but God only made it geographically having boundaries so he put the man in there and now blessed him why because that's the same power God used to create the universe he put it on a man so the demand can bring forth a Garden of Eden everywhere he went so you are made to create your world cuz I'm gonna keep going I'm a big boy you I don't care how bad it is they're trying to fix it with green they're to fix it with windmill they're trying to fix it all kinds of ways but the blessing was given to fix the curse and it's the only thing that can genuinely fix it so here this man is like God god bless him now he's sending him put him in the garden and now he's gonna create the garden increase everywhere he goes everywhere he goes okay he's gonna turn it and you could look at here's a reference for you is found in Ezekiel chapter 36 verses 33 through 36 you can look at it yourself turn waste places into the Garden of Eden you can look at Isaiah chapter 50 1 verses 1 2 3 about Abraham all right now and verse 16 of Isaiah chapter 51 and verse 16 it says to plant the heavens all right glory to God are you with me here now I've got to go a little deep now but I'm gonna tell you it's something that's inside of you because he's saying that we're to live from the inside out I'm saying that we didn't want a lot of God's people have not gone and done two things has got one to do because they don't know how they made they don't know that things inside of them have heat they're loaded you can put Fort Worth in you you you can put United States of America in you because when you're doing it in the spirit it has no mass to it it had come on it has no time to it see it it's already what when Jesus came in Matthew 14 he healed a man who would though blind lame maimed people have no no no arm no leg now Jesus got him a leg now how did you get a leg because the leg was in the kingdom and he ministered the kingdom hello have mercy Jesus come on William you we can get this you have not only got a supply for you but you've got a supply for anybody that you'll come in contact with who needs to see the kingdom see Jesus said over him in de and Mark chapter 10 though in John chapter 10 and verse 9 I think it is he said I am the door I am the door this is what Jesus said and he said anybody to come to me they'll go in and out and find pasture now wait a minute where to go find pasture through the door but he's not the pastor he's the door you're introducing them to the door so when people come and receive Christ they go through the door but when they get through the door they go out and get their inheritance they get every thought have mercy everything that God has for them that was there before the foundation of the world it's in the pasture hey come on waiting you can do this now I want to talk a little bit more about that creation just a little bit more because this is why I'm telling you people the poor and the thing of it is they don't think they have anything no no no no you do have something in your country in your city in your town doesn't make any difference because what you can't do is somehow without the your relations or of relationship with God or without them understanding how they're designed and made then they can't produce out of what's already there know that mercy George Washington Carver here's what he read it up yourself he goes into his laboratory he said father what is the universe for he said ask something more your size little man and he said okay what is man for he said you still have to cut down on your extent and improve your intent and so then he cuts down on it to the peanut he said what do you want to know about the peanut can I get milk out of a peanut he's asking God this God said what kind of milk you want Jersey house of milk boardinghouse milk what kind of milk you want Carver made over 300 products George Washington Carver ex-slave came got no good to know God now he's in his laboratory with antiquated equipment back in the early 1900s producing everything from children's crayons to milkweed what does the scripture say there is much something in the tillage of the poor there is much lava Shanda well what it means is the poor not really poor this is it folks and if we enlighten people as to what who they are lord have mercy I love a Shanda that's much food in the tillage of the poor being they get up every morning thinking about poverty the Bob the Bible says the poor man's poverty is his destruction they wake up every morning thinking about poverty and in going to bed thinking bahama pay these bills so forth that's wrong well if you're consumed by that that's the way you're gonna act can we stop for just a minute are y'all with me for right now now I'm saying this because when I finished my two hours here you are gonna be walking in an anointing that things that have been hell from you are going to start manifesting to you the blessing of the Lord brings well without toiling for it all right so let's go back to the book now let's go back to the book now what's in you who's it what's in you the kink God God's in you say God is in me all right jesus said the Holy Ghost go come in is the Holy Ghost in you Jesus said I'll come and I'll be with you is Jesus there so the Godhead is where in you you don't have to shout hey God you don't have to do that one man ran in church he said I need some prayer they said well the Dickens was standing around said let digging gentle spray for you he said no I won't deaconbrown to pray for me he said why not Deacon Jones he said cause deaconbrown got some life got some strong prayer well they can pretty prayed aloud and I'm saying you don't have to holler that loud come on that's the only reason I'm Hollanders I'm trying to get you to get it this he is in you watch this setup to provide for you everything you'll ever need in this earth independent of the world around you say God is in me now when I was at Laeken Pulaski that's what happened the lady ran in the door where's the pass I said I'm the pastor now this was a little when we first started little small church but I had learned about the kingdom we were in that church the small churches I said I'm the pastor she said the drug dealers have taken over my block I said okay lady what do you want me to do about it she said you need to do something about this now why should I do something about it because that block is in my jurisdiction wherever you live that's not just a house that's the headquarters of your jurisdiction see if you don't not Kingdom minded this that NEMA cardia and so what we gonna do is make you King the money here so what happens that I said let it get in a circle let's pray we start praying Frank first in tongues something about you why because I need an interpretation I need to talk with headquarters cuz headquarters is go tell me come on exactly what to do what's this not what to try there is no trial and error in the kingdom of God so what happened she I we had done praying the whole to go spoke to me he said bless his soil tell her to take it and pour it down the middle of Street I said lady God told me to take this all and bless it and give it to you and you pour it down the middle of the street she said well give it here I see when you're desperate you don't question a whole lot of crazy stuff [Applause] that lady got that all ported down the middle of that Street came back in four days they passed it guess what I'd say what now the drug dealers came out at 12:00 noon left at 12:00 midnight she said passer I poured it the next morning they came out next day at noon but they left in one hour and never came back your problem can be fixed at this meeting [Applause] all right now watch watch watch what's happening here watch what's happening all right look at Genesis chapter 2 and starting at verse verse 19 and on to the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would name them and whatsoever Adam called every every living creature that was the name thereof now look at verse 18 and the Lord God said it's not good that man should be alone alone is the contraction it means all one and I will I will make him a help me for him all right so now God is thinking about a wife for this man question whose idea was Eve wait a minute it was God's idea it was God's idea now here what I'm saying I got this from brother Copeland [Laughter] well qualified maybe y'all to believe this alright you have never had one original thought never Isaiah 55 verse 8 for my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways saith the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways my thoughts than your thoughts and my ways in your way so ways of ways and thoughts of your thoughts now here's what I'm saying God did Adams thinking how do you think he can name an animal he never saw come on somebody somebody got this God I'll teach you everything from what to name your kids on somebody's name doesn't hurt that's in love have mercy Jesus its acquitted them all to quit that out they didn't die just kidding but I'm saying he'll tell you what the neighbor because many times a name has a lot to do with their future I had to consult God as to what was the remedy for drug dealers [Music] now what was inside of me what was inside of me is the garden for that whole area that I was in and the main way I get it out is through job 22 and verse 28 thou shalt also decrease think see it it's it's a legal term look what God says here in numbers chapter 23 numbers chapter 23 is it the right group I'm talking to him in numbers chapter 23 he says this hmm this good freaking here I think I'm about his take this take myself verse 19 God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall he not do it or has he spoken come on and Shelly not what make it good over in jeremiah chapter 1 verse 12 he says I watch over my word to make it good see I'm saying that God feeds you what to say and your job is to release it and you can release a word that will shift the atmosphere in your whole jurisdiction here's what I said in Chicago now we're gonna stop all that stuff going on Chicago cuz I got the word working I sit up in that pulpit and I said let me tell you something we are going to turn these prisons into boarding schools right now we have been called to bring financial literacy to the Supermax this is the hardened people we already got what in their foundation class we were baptized it come on now we were up top we've teaching leadership now has been so effective until I say can you come teach financial literacy in jail because you can speak to the atmosphere didn't God said let them be the same spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you he is waiting for you to say what you believe Jesus taught it he said whosoever mark 11:23 shall say come on to this Milton this impossible situation be thou removed be cast into the sea [Applause] I'm giving you dominion over all the earth all the earth all the earth anything the devil is doing you can shut her down you better hear what I'm telling you that's why the scripture says what is man that thou art mindful of him Psalm chapter II well the son of man that thou visitest him thou has made him a little lower than God and has crowned him with glory and honor and put all the works under his hands [Music] [Applause] look at Matthew's Gospel chapter 19 now 16 Matthew chapter 16 and look at verse 19 he says this he says and I'll give you the keys of the kingdom and whatever you bind on earth come Oh help me now will be what bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed we're in heaven somebody somebody lie over here give me that same verse in the CEV translation the devil is a liar Jesus is a messiah [Applause] CEV translation Matthew 16 and verse 19 I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth but he will not allow anything you will don't allow hold on just a minute money come with that bread come with that do you hear me he will not allow anything you will not allow God is ahead over the heathen the devil is not even on your level I'm oh say it again [Music] [Applause] God said in Luke chapter 10 verse 19 behold I give you power to tread on serpents over some scorpions and over all the power of the devil come on and nothing shall any means hurt you folks Watson see you're gonna get such a revelation the fact that you are God's little G don't confuse it you are little G's and a little G of God one of the attributes of a God is a God King died another attribute of a God a God can't be cursed beautiful God God can't even get sick telling you you aren't sick of all you car shovel do you hear me devil can't kill you Oh is this a right group I'm talking to let's go over to Matthew scoffs lord have mercy where am I Matthew's Gospel whoa I'm preaching now I believe this is a right bunch to no force can stop you from having what you are seeing and saying no force come on Doc you ought to go in your house speaking stuff come on go in that job speaking stuff go to your business decreeing a thing you do every [Music] thing gets in line to fulfill what you have decreed Matthew's Gospel chapter 12 I'm almost done keep it going all right before you get to Matthew chapter 12 I want to go there next but let's finish up Genesis chapter 3 I didn't finish that up just want to show you this quarry to God I said glory to God Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said you shall not eat of the trees of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden trees now but of the fruit of the tree which in the end of which is in the midst of the garden God had said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die he is a serpent the serpent said unto her the woman you shall not surely die for God does know that in the day you eat thereof then your eyes will be open glory to God and you shall be as gods let me ask you a question were they already Satan is always trying to get you to go after something you already have [Music] [Applause] question where did Adam get his thoughts from to name the animals where did Eve get her thoughts from to commit to trespass alright so you know the thoughts are coming from one place or the other now how can I know God's thoughts one way second Corinthians please second corinthians and chapter 10 Oh in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 he says verse verse 3 please second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 oh you're with me he says for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ and you go on from there notice what I'm gonna do I'm gonna know enough of the Word of God to know that I just got some fake news I'm gonna know enough of the Word of God to know that what this devil just said about my body what this devil just said about my future what this devil just said about my business what this death come on now because faith begins where the will of God is no see if you're not sure then you know where's the faith for that so the enemy will talk to you and tell you and suggest things to you that are not God at all he didn't come to Eve with a red suit on and some horns at her tail it came into play of suggestions suggestions and they threw all this stuff on TV oh you got you got you got asthma you got you got lumbago you got automated you got I'm telling you and that stuff is smoking but I'm saying right now you know what you got you got the whole ego cuddle you got health though you've got prosperity now decree it into manifestation and stop feeling sorry for yourself last place Matthew's Gospel you know b/w give you the word I said you won't get the word here hey man come on down you keep howling at me come on down here whoever that is come on down come on down here I can see now you hungry you have to come oh yeah you keep hollering at me interrupting my service you must [Applause] they're brothers under the influence okay now I'm talking about the word now I'm talking about into work that's alright listen what happened when they got that man and four of them got him on a bed and couldn't take him in by the door didn't they try to take him in they couldn't get in too many people in there just looking don't plan to do anything with the word just sitting there looking so they go do something with this word so they go get under the influence [Applause] pull it here got some praise you faith alright let me just read this last one I told you I could beat up he came to put you on fire do you realize that when I was hurling is in the Interfaith and and I went to a meeting and the guy was talking about experience that he had he was a preacher and experience that he had the place was so all fine in terms of the Word of God he said the fire trucks came three different times cuz they said people had reported blazes coming from the roof hi nobody says here in Matthew chapter 12 alright you with me alright um start reading it Matthew chapter 12 and let's start here at verse 34 o generation of vipers how can you being evil speak good things well out of the abundance of the heart what happens the mouth speaks a good man out of the good stretch of the heart brings forth with things an evil man out of the evil treasure of the heart bringeth forth evil things all right I remember what I said you are self-contained create means to bring forth that a good man out of the good treasure let's call treasure deposit out of the good deposit will bring forth good things out of the abundance of the heart come on help help me the mouth is in spirit so notice the inside inside of you is gonna be your future your future it's gonna be in your heart and it's gonna be up to you to bring it forth mainly by the words that you say it's called creation are you were through here you're bringing forth hidden stuff got it so Adam was gonna create his reality he was gonna turn waste places into Gardens now here's what I want to let you know a good man out of the good deposit brings forth good things my future is in my heart watch this not in your hands I don't care who it is nobody can stop you from reaching your destiny but you two people said things one said we're grasshoppers they'll slaughter us the other said let us go up at once and possess it for we are wealthy watch this the masses even tried to stone them but they couldn't because nobody not even 3 million people in your nation can stop you from reaching your destiny but you Joshua and Caleb because of what they created is the reality that they walked in since you don't create something stop creating something small go for it my name is Bill Wilson and I approve this message give God praise [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 334,528
Rating: 4.736753 out of 5
Keywords: bill winston
Id: N0s2YtqOJIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 54sec (6234 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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