The Two Kinds of Christians | Jesse Duplantis (March 7, 2021)

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hello ladies and gentlemen justin plans we need you to subscribe to youtube by clicking and hitting the bell if you're clicking hit the bell you'll know when we're there that's youtube click and hit the bell [Music] so if you've got your bibles i like the old king james version i want to read it and then i'm we're going to deal with this particular passage or this uh sermon the lord has given us it says to the elder unto the well-beloved gays whom i love in the truth what truth we're going to deal with that just a minute you've got to understand about the new testament new testament if you want to define it one word is correspondence these people are writing to the churches that they have established and different things god made it holy canon so in john's mind he's writing to gaius but in god's mind he's writing the covenant church he's writing to you you can put your name in it guess what's his friend you can put whatever your name is to my beloved whatever your name is see in whom i love that whom i love and the truth verse 2 beloved i wish above how many things how many things how many things it don't get no better than that does it all is a very small word with a big compass in it beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper everybody say prosper say prosper okay say prosper again for you that don't believe in that there it is right there beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health or they work together very well even as your soul the mind the will and the emotion prospereth for i rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee even as thou walkest in the truth what truth beloved i wish above all things that thou prospered he was such a blessing this man gave us he received everybody in the church he was a wonderful man i mean he he blessed them spiritually physically financially when you saw him you knew something was good going to happen he was walking in that truth you can find that same truth in second john and also in first john look at this 5 verse 3 for i rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee even as thou walkers in the truth i have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth what truth what truth beloved i wish above all things that you're prospering be in health even as your soul prosper because then you are a light in a dark place everywhere you go spiritually physically financially you should not have financial trouble you should not have sickness trouble you shouldn't have any of that see when you're walking in truth yeah but that's the problem you need to get your butt out the way there are no conjunctions in god he means what he says and says what he means i want to read that again that verse right there i have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth beloved and i want you to see that is just so amazing to me beloved thou do us faithfully whatsoever thou do us to the brother and to strangers i notice that let me read verse four again i have no greater joy than to know here that my children walk in truth verse five beloved this is the generosity of guests he's a giver not only of finance and money but a time of love when you see him you see christ in him the hope of glory beloved i'll do us faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and the strangers and the strangers and to strangers in other words you have to be just as nice to strangers as you are to christians as you heard me say thousands of times only jesus and people may ever see is the jesus and you are the jesus and me i had a wonderful compliment this saturday uh friday i think it was friday we went down to mr b's was it friday i think friday or saturday i can't remember which one it was friday and we had a little lunch down there and we got that a little early so kathy said let's walk the street a little bit that's royal street we like we like that street so as we were walking i said she said let's go into french antique and i bought a lot of things there over the years and the owner had passed away mr gagne a real precious man jewish man he was 84 years old went home beat the lord well his nephew runs it named mark well anyway you know so we walked in we're looking around we bought a lot of things and decorated the home blah blah blah we love french furniture you know we're french people you know with a little everything else in it we could be italian we may even be black we don't know but we don't really care it doesn't mean we're just glad we're here well anyway glory to god we're walking and this man and his wife walks in watch this now you got to understand people are always watching you you're always in sight of someone somewhere somehow so they this man walks and he says honey you know who this man is and the lady just looking and he said this is a very famous man this is a very famous so i'm looking around who who's in here who's famous he said no you you brother jesse aren't you just i said yes i am that's a very famous man i said no i'm not it's the christ in me that's famous i wasn't trying to be humble just telling the truth and i was real nice to him i said what's your name and he gave me his name and her name when you had a little conversation they said but mark who is the owner was listening well they walked out you know we walked and he said you have you are so kind to people he said you've been coming here for years he said me and my uncle what i was talking about that reverend the plan is so kind to people we've been watching you all these years we want to do what you do and i looked at myself and you jewish people now i said well thank you mark i was very kind of you to say that no but you said you take time you were you you know you're very kind to people things of that nature i said well thank you he said i want to do that if anybody walks in here even people don't that you know they may not know you you up and go hello how you doing you're just nice i wa i i i'm learning that and i'm learning that from you ah see that's walking in the truth for god's so loved ah okay so watch we walked out went to another uh we're waiting on for the restaurant to open up went to another store there was naming that store harris now here comes another man and his wife they're from bogota colombia now i preached in bogota i preached at the convention center there blessed and he was just telling me about this and that and all that and really i was very nice to him and and now the owner says you know you're so kind i said what do you want me to do slap people when they come in why does people freak out when someone is polite and kind because they don't see it very often you see what i'm trying to say this is what john is talking about gaius gaius is one fine man now you know if he's a fine man his family is a fine man fine people you know watch this so i want to read let me read that verse 5 again beloved i'll do us faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and to strangers which have borne witness of thy love or charity means love before the church whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort thou shalt do well because that for his name's sake then went forth taking nothing of the gentiles so gas would say listen i'm gonna bless you i'll feed you i'll do whatever i can watch it we therefore ought to receive such that we might be fellowshippers to the truth think about that isn't that something i mean he said hey all of us do this now there's always a thorn in the bush there's always somebody in the church who started out well they started out as a rose and wound up as a thorn why it's going to tell you this i wrote them to the church first night but diatrophies who love it to have the preeminence that means everybody got to recognize who he is whoever to have the preeminence among them receiveth us not now here's the founder of the church evidently at one time this man dietrich was a very nice man he was a leader an elder may have been a pastor but then all of a sudden a proud look began to take him over i've had that happen here i've had previous pastors not not not sure david i'll say that to help you out would say they'd get mad when people when i uh uh they would get mad when i'd walk in everybody would run up to hey but just they didn't see me in a while see what i'm saying they say why why did why did they notice him well food i built the place you see what i'm saying because that's just so stupid that's a proud look that's the beginning of great trouble in someone's life you see what i'm saying and uh oh yeah i've had them happen they said they show him such what my he i was paying him my name was only a check but you see when you get prideful you get blind as a bat why because the only person you can see is yourself all right you see that that's diatrophies he's thought it out good but he wants preeminence i want y'all to know who i am we had one person here he said i don't get enough camera time he ain't hitting them me i don't particularly care for the camera on me because sometimes you got this itch you want to scratch but you can't because the world's watching you you never thought of that did you see if you want to pick your nose nobody's going to i'm going to see it but no one else will because i'm looking at you so watch this diatrophies is his name i think i said he says his name i wrote it to the church verse 9 but diocese who loveth to have the premise among among them receiveth us not wherefore if i come i will remember his deeds which he doeth praying against us so he was saying very ugly words about the apostle john against us with malicious words and not content therewith neither that he himself received the brethren he wouldn't have anybody else and forbidden them that would in other words if he was nice to somebody next day he'd get mad about that and casted them out of the church so he figured he would use the authority why don't you just leave look at the church because he wanted total power john writes this beloved follow not that which is evil but that which is good he that doeth good is of god well praise the lord but he that doeth evil hath not seen god now watch this i like verse 12 because we find another nice guy demetrius hath good report of all men everybody like demetrius just like they're like gays and of the truth itself why he's walking in that truth yay and we also bear record and you know that our record is true in other words he said i honor demetrius then he says this in verse 13 i had many things to write but i will not with ink and pen right unto thee but i trust i shall shortly see thee and we shall speak face to face peace be to thee our friends salute thee greet their friends by name in other words you ought to know them i want to talk this morning about the two kinds of christians that's in churches there's the good kind and the bad guy don't look around here don't spot nobody he'll put your eye on someone the gayest and the demetrius wonderful people the diatrophies was a wonderful person until pride took him over let me take it even further than that lucifer was a wonderful cherub he was a worship angel he walked amongst the stones of fire when he walked music came from his body tabrets were put in him that's why everybody noticed him what a creation god created see god created lucifer lucifer created satan but a pride came upon him because he wanted preeminence you see and he did not stop that look and the bible says six things the lord hate and the seventh as an abomination one of those six things is a proud look not just being prideful but a proud look i i know some ministers they got that look like let me bless you with my presence you could have stayed home sucker i didn't need to know who you are you know what i'm trying to say i want to talk about that i'm going to talk about the good first and i want you to write these points down because i believe it'll help you here to be what you're supposed to be see we walk in truth that either jesus comes or we go by the way of the grave so write this down a true christian excuse me true christianity is not only a helper in the church but must be also a lover of the brethren even if they are strangers let me say this again true christianity is not only a helper in the church people you know volunteering and stuff but must be also a lover of the brother in other words you love everybody even if they are strangers didn't make no difference you don't know them have you ever went to a church and nobody ever went up to you has no one has anybody ever had that happen they wouldn't say hello goodbye go to hell something something i don't mean that to be rude that's just true take anything they just look at you like that's not true christian that's not truth that's not walking in the truth let me say it again true christians or true christianity is not only a helper in the church but must be also a lover of the brother now gaius and demetrius was like that even if there are strangers when people walk in hey thank you for coming you honor us today i hope what can we do for you i remember when i wasn't saved kathy got saved by about two years before i did i think it was a year and a half two years something like that and uh we were in uh was that binghamton new york because she told me about this buddy i didn't know i never went to church i mean i went to church and got married and i didn't like it so i never went back i did go one time i cussed out the pastor and i certainly didn't go back again i was crazy in them days but kathy and jody every time we went to a city she would find a church i would maybe do four to six weeks you know i was a rocker you know play in these different places and things of that nature so to make long story short this particular church kathy really liked it because as soon as she walked in with jody jody must have been what two years old i guess something like that i don't know a year and a half two years old somewhere they saw catherine walked and said thank you for coming to our church i don't know if kathy said well you know we're we're working here for just a few weeks and they noticed jody said oh let me sit you with a with a family that has the same uh child like you have am i correct what's that other girls yeah she was a girl then i understand what you're saying okay girls okay hey but they know you're a girl okay just look at your hair praise god we understand that we ain't dealing with gender here let's it's my sermon just listen it's my sermon they brought her no i didn't ask you you just jumped you jammed in there but she will do it you know when you've been married 51 years you know okay so what they brought in to to girls that were the same age as she was with the same child kind of so she could be comfortable in their midst that was a very wonderful thing and she was a stranger now when i played music when i worked at big big clubs people like vegas and all that kind of stuff i remember they would rent uh big huge rooms and have christian things going on all right now i might be playing the uh uh you know the lounge or or the big room or whatever and they might be having a big christian event going on you know because they got a lot of huge uh hotels with a lot of space you know and and we used to uh pause and we said we're gonna pause for the cause because the cause causes the pause we'll be back in about 20 minutes walk off now here if anybody needed to get saved i did cause you had to see the way i looked i mean i got the hair i got the embroidery jeans i got a glass of whiskey in my hand all kinds of stuff they would walk by with those little name tags christian with the cross on them not one person in my whole history of playing music of a witness to me other than kathy and my mother not one if anybody needed jesus i did you think they can't no they just walked by i'm glad they did but where was the light where was the truth you know i would have listened because even when i was a sinner i was nice until you said something you shouldn't have said now if you talked about your religion i didn't get mad about that now you cussed me now you got a fight on your hand and i don't care i wouldn't big enough to whip nobody but a truck a car a baseball bat a gun and a knife would do a lot of damage that's just the way it was back in the day see when people would walk in the church gays would come up to him demetrius would come up to him say hey let me welcome you thank you for coming why isn't that amazing write this down your practical life must be in harmony with your professed creed your practical life must be in harmony with your professed creed in other words if you believe in love you ought to exhibit love if you believe in patience you ought to exhibit patience if you believe in healing you ought to be well healthy if you believe in prosperity you ought to be wealthy well lost a few you're right there because see you've been taught for 2 000 years that's not right when they're wrong and you're right you see in other words your your spirit should be a part of what you believe let me say it again your practical life must be in harmony with your professed creed i had a friend of mine that long ago said you know i was watching on television i didn't know you spoke in tongues i said you want to hear some more oh yeah i prayed in the holy ghost i turned the holy ghost switch in a second i got no problem i don't care if i'm in public well because that's my professed creed well i didn't care if i'd cuss in public when i was a sinner i didn't care if i sinned and played anybody why should i care if i let the love of god come out of my life in public see that's being practical and producing your professed creed that's what it means to be a good christian see write this down if we are not in christ we're not in church i'm going to add that to that point your practical life must be in harmony with your professed creed because if you are not in christ you're not in church christ in you the hope of glory you think i just go to church on sunday i go to church every day morning noon and night i carry church with me christ in me the hope of glory glory to god and what a blessing that is to flow like that and to understand that you see because i want people to know not they don't need to know jesse because you can forget him but the christ that's in me you can never forget you see but i'm gonna tell you something sounds arrogant whenever you see jesus you're gonna see jesse both our names start with a j you can call us j.j if you want praise god because we close we got fellowship y'all said hello jesus hi jesse we enjoy each other it's a blessing let me say it again your practical life must be in harmony with your professed creed or what you believe if we are if we are not in church we're if we're not in christ we are not in church that's so true now you see i have i realized that people watch me not because i'm on television because see if you're a light you always see a light in a dark place you're going to notice light in darkness because light and darkness don't mix write this down we must hold the truth concerning the person and work of jesus christ you must hold that truth concerning the person and the work of jesus christ good works are the evidence of godliness see good works are the evidence of government we must let me say it again we must hold the truth concerning the personal the person and work of jesus christ and good works are the evidence of godliness now you know when people come in that's why i named it covenant church when kathy said the lord told us to build a church i said he ain't telling me say i'm a traveler i travel all the time she said you just ain't listening listen now he just told you i said is his name kathy yes she was right i didn't want to build a church i wanted to build a chapel a small chapel for my staff and i would invite guests to come you know friends of mine come speak to my uh staff i'll bless you with a great offering uh take you around new orleans get you some good food and forget about all that you go to the church you won't have cause you know church is a trouble am i how many of you people have seen trouble in church oh yeah come on you know what i'm talking about because there's a bunch of diatrophies how you say that name diatrophies let's call him big d diatrophies whatever is that see and it just gets irritating but it's so refreshing when you walk into church and somebody notice you and they say hello thanks for coming today is there anything we can do for you this is something nice about that isn't it yeah why because that's christ in you that's the person of christ and what he spoke and what he believes that's the creed and the practical life should go together i mean you ought to be able to put a razor blade between the two because of the closeness of that so we must hold the truth to truth concerning the person and work of jesus christ good works are the evidence of godliness this is a godly place it is it really is uh when you look you can sense god it's permeated in in the drywall in the carpet do you know i was criticized for this carpet you know what they said they said now that's just too expensive to put in the church that ought to go to the ritz carlton let me just give you my my statement yo mama the ritz carlton that's a piece of trash compared to god's house but that's just a lot of money you can never spend too much money on god's house now some of you you don't believe that because you know why you ain't been to heaven and it looked like you ain't going anywhere don't shout me down when i'm preaching good listen tell me here when you get to heaven you this here this is poverty when you walk in heaven you're walking on transparent gold oh look you want to see color you want to see red you ain't never seen red till you see it in heaven and blue and purple and green oh my god pearly gates so big and knock your socks off foundations of diamond barrel jasper onyx ruby ruby big rubies and the bible says in ephesians 5 1 be therefore imitated as a god that's in his work his works everything it's called excellence you won't go anywhere in heaven where there's paint peeling long grass weeds no weeds you ready for this no dust none you got to go so when i built this i said no i'm putting this i forget that person said but you know the guy hypothesis do you know how much this costs reverend i said are you paying for it he said no sir i said i am order it. now this thing is over 20 something years old it looks like it was put yesterday and i thank god that's because of my maintenance staff we take care of god's house it's called infrastructure what's that guy see see how she i have to go and see see she wants to talk when i'm preaching housekeeping too i ain't finished yet kathy just let me keep going i'll get that she want to make sure i recognize everybody housekeeping keeping house hallelujah you see what i'm saying because they do just a fine job so we look around and we see a little rust part we start fixing things i've had people say god look like you built this thing two years ago a year ago what are some things that you know we try to get to as fast as we can and god just blesses his place we're supposed to it's a representative everything we do whether it's spiritual physical or financial is a representation of who christ is the hope of glory that the father may be glorified in the son that's saint john 14 verses 13 and then 14 verse 12 13 and 14. write this down it is possible to be in a church yet not in the church there are a lot of people today looking at me all you know watching all over the world put me on this camera here thank you you're in a church but you're not in the church thank god that we can stream today some people can get in the church but let me help all you that are sitting on your butt and you should be here because you're worried about that covered you mean to tell me the covet 19 what about covets 6. you ever heard of him kurt covet 7 covert 8 covenant there's all different ones but greater is he was in you than he is in covet you understand well it's upon me call it guy you go to heaven what's wrong with that now you see that just makes no sense at all the bible said forsake not the assembling of yourselves some of you need to open your churches [Music] you need to it's not a church thing it's a god thing thank god that we can stream live let's go live in stream stream what do you call that crazy live stuff that's great but what's happening right now right now let me just say this couple is pushing anointing to daryl and his wife push you pulling from him you pulling from her she's pulling from you this corporate and north bam it's hitting you bam bam bam it's going all over and you're just doing this the anointing is way stronger physically here thank god it goes through the camera thank god that it does that's why jesus said forsake not the ascending of yourselves you see what i'm saying that's why we never shut anything now we knew they said don't come so i just preached to the camera you know that's second best think about that for a minute see that's the kind of christian you should be that's god's house this is the day the lord hath made we shall rejoice and be glad in it see what i'm saying instead of saying well i'll tell you what i wish i could have church on sunday i could sleep longer you know you can sleep better on sunday the best snap you'll ever receive this week is this afternoon sunday naps are just wonderful you know why it's a day of rest a rest from the world not a rest from god see the lord rested on the seventh day not because he was tired it's because he was finished do you see that ha so it's possible to be in a church yet not in the church oh should i do that lord yes i'm going to use this couple as my example they used to be at a church am i right not being critical just being truthful nobody said hello goodbye nothing am i correct that's right now god didn't just tell me that we we talked to them just a little bit but since they've been here i saw all i ever see them and smiling come when you walk in this place go hey buddy how you doing man hey what can we do for you you know you meet pastor ronnie hey man i preach so hot i can fry eggs at the men's ministry pray that's good it's a blessing right yeah what about you sir y'all just got here too am i correct yes yeah what's your name mike hey mike jessie the plants how you doing you i have no germs you can shake my hand okay hallelujah how you doing sweetheart i'm gonna wipe my hands all over you no no i have no chance praise the lord see what i'm saying do you see what i'm saying feel good here don't you why we have no malice here we have no strife here all right you ready for this we have no sin here somebody shout listen to me that's what john is talking about about gaius and demetrius now satan always plants something and he does it through pride sometimes you lift people up and it goes to the head then it blows their head off i have some spiritual sons of all nationality color and creed and one of my great sons and i'll just say it was steve allen i like steve got a great church he's a blessing he couldn't get over how i treated him he said you know i feel like the lord would have you to be my spiritual father in houston's many many years ago i said and the lord said receive him now i'm going to say something he knows that's what i'm going to say and he just couldn't get over how nice i said what can i do for you what you mean what can i do for you no no i'm the dad so i make jokes i said i had steve when i was 12. you make a joke like that now watch this i said steve the reason why you don't understand my spiritual father in this because you never had one you had a master you do what i tell you to do or shut up and with everything going wrong when houses are being blown away and floods are coming through hurricane katrina make sure you give me them tithes i'm just being honest here now that makes somebody mad you need to get mad because your name may start with a d because see i'm about ready to get to that part now you see now it's very prevalent in the church diatriphese why why because where is the perfect places on the planet churches satan is trying to infect that and shut it down you see what i'm saying i mean think about that you can't sing because of the covet but you can breathe carbon dioxide women i see them breaking out that's telling you something let's keep preaching here our life is designed by god to make progress of spiritual things you will be stronger today than you were yesterday we're ever growing ever increasing our life is designed by god to make progress of spiritual things see the two kinds of christians i'm talking i'm talking right now between between gays and demetrius they're good uh our life is designed by god to make progress of spiritual things so in other words you ought to be stronger in healing stronger in finance strong in everything you do why because you're growing daily instead of sunday you see what i'm saying what a blessing that is why why do we preach faith so much faith is the thread of the fabric of god's clothes this uh sport coat is made up of threads when it's put together by a quote some master someone it becomes a garment but it has no life in it until i get in it or until you put it on right in other words there are a lot of churches that look like mannequins they got nice clothes but there's no life in it it's not it's a church not the church not being critical here being truthful i'm not criticizing anybody you see i have to tell people they see for years i would never say anything against anyone any time till i begin to read the scripture and jesus was standing in front of the pharisee and the sadducee he said you're a bunch of snakes hypocrites and vipers who you can't misunderstand that this is jesus talking this is the son of the living god he said you're a snake you're a hypocrite your viper i thought they certainly deserved it lord move out the way i'll slap them for you if you like me too but then he takes his disciples and goes into up the mountain and and then he says this beware of the leaven a little leaven level of the whole lump he said they're snakes the hypocrites and vibrant i thought now wait a minute here jesus excuse me excuse me aren't you talking bad about them behind their back that makes sense no well you know is that is that walking in love yes it's called walking in truth and the lord gave me this statement that helped me greatly he said jesse you're not being critical you're being truthful if it's the truth you can say it to someone's face you can say it behind the back because the truth sets you free see the difference there's a vast difference there see you think you're talking bad no you're speaking the truth you see what i'm saying it's not being critical you see uh gossip comes camouflaged as concern you can tell that stuff how do you hear this i don't know if this is really real but listen to this ah now you're being critical but if it's truthful you're not being critical and if jesus is the way you can't get lost and if he's the truth you cannot be deceived and if he's the life the devil can't kill you he said he's not a truth or some truth he is the truth that's that walking in truth that that john is talking about gays and demetrius they picked up the spirit of christ through the apostle john diatrophies had the same thing he went well for a while who did hinder you oh foolish galatians who has bewitched you there's one uh the cotton patch trans they say you dumb stupid fish heads what's your problem i think it sounds like it you know you can't misunderstand cotton patch boy i tell you something listen to me again faith is always a testimony to christ's virtue and character in you in you faith is always a testimony to christ's virtue and character in you see you thinking in christ no no in you christ in you the hope of glory so like i say it all the time the only jesus some people may ever see is the jesus in you or the jesus in me because the way you're going to please god is through faith let me say it again faith is always a testimony to christ's virtue and character in you yeah see that was demetrius that was gas can i be a blessing to you you know we didn't know we were doing gaia's job in dimitri's time when we first got saved we went to a church called terrebonne full gospel church is that the name of terrebonne philosophy temple something like temple so when they would have a guest speaker and you got to understand something i gave all my money away i had a lot of money i have been rich i have been filthy rich now i'm very super cleanly rich i ain't filthy no more and because i work for the devil i mean oh yeah i gave all my money away because i thought well you know you can you you got to be a christian you have to be poor see i believe the lie i didn't know i gave it away and you know what through my giving it blessed a lot of church and blessed a lot of people it's a blessing well two and a half years later i i became a normal person what does that mean that means like you i financed the house i mean i mortgaged the house and financed the car so i had notes a house no corner and i had a good job i was working with charlotte company and they really liked me they called me the golden boy shell that's it that's exactly the truth i mean he's amazing boy the lord gave me favor and gave me intelligence how to handle that job make a long story short i'm out in the front door going on the side yard and the lord said give me all your money now let me tell you about giving all your money i'm talking about taking jody's piggy bank flipping out the coins nothing zero and i went uh because the first thing came to my mind was this well how i'm gonna pay this house nowhere how i'm gonna pay this car no ah but i got faith i said your will be done and that's when i heard my abraham call concerning finance i walked into kathy said let's do it jesse i said she's so innocent she believes that i'm going to take care of her but she don't know she ain't gonna have no food tonight if he threw up in my mind i never said nothing because i always took care of god made sure and i come walking on the side of the house and i heard this because it was king james it was king james it was like an abraham thing jesse because thou has done this and not with hell for me everything that you have i will bless you like you've never been blessed before in your life you will do much greater than you've ever done as working for the devil you better get ready and from that day forward the next day prosperity began to hit me spiritually physically financially oh god man and i thought why well get the goose bump and think about it lord jesus man it was and he's still doing it so don't get mad at me it ain't my fault that's deuteronomy 8 18 working thou shall remember the lord thy god for it is he that giveth thee to get wealth to do what to be a blessing so when they when when the guests would come we'd say uh uh we'd like to take you all out to dinner if you want you know things of that nature and uh you know now we weren't going to know fancy places but we we took them and they were so we we were actually doing gas and demetrius job cathy we would bless them that's the best we could you know it was for us you know and i never once i got born again money was no longer um a big thing to me you know because it was the most disappointing thing ever happened in my life because i thought ray's very poor enough i could get a lot of money i'd be very happy and i got a lot of money at 21 22 years old and why i said i told kathy remember that in that hotel kathy why am i not happy she said cause you're going to hell you ignorant fool you devil from you you drunk drug head i said okay enough's enough but when i got jesus in my life greatest gift ever give to me better than kathy and kathy is the next one see right there but i'm telling then she gave me a hug grab jody boy my gifts still keep coming then jody gave me meredith well i got a legacy but when i was a sinner i didn't have any of that because i didn't care about nobody tanis i would not hold i wouldn't push jody down the street in a carriage that's not manly i'm going to do that cathy you do that kathy try to hold my hand am i telling the truth i'm proud of it i don't do that craziness see how satan blind you missed a lot of things that i could have had you know i'm talking about infections but i'm doing a lot better now say something woman for help me out here come on man i want you to jump in when i don't want you to jump in now you're wrong that's right let's get on with this message here praise god faith is always a testimony to christ's virtue and character in you did y'all get that point down now i'm going to deal with dieter fees whoo you ready arrogance always leads to terrible extremes write that down arrogance always leads to terrible extremes and look what it led lucifer to do look what it led some of these ministers that stole people's money look what it led some of these priests to molest children i was in italy ladies and gentlemen god is my witness i was preaching in verona italy kathy was with me i was doing a convention me and jerry savelle we remember that me and carolyn we all flew over to he said jesse uh i'm having a conference he said would you come and help me preach it this was jerry i said we're at he said of verona italy i said that close to rome well no i said is it close to venice he said yes it's about it's about 45 minutes from venice by car and i thought well by plane that's uh 12 minutes 16 minutes i said okay i never stay i preach i fly out i said i i'd like to go to venice i've seen it on television he said well let's go so i wound up preaching it i heard this i thought my ears something went wrong with me there was a person and i think it's in the boston diocese i'm not quite sure one of the big dioceses and they moved them to the vatican he was brilliant when it comes to finances but he was a molester of children i mean a bunch of them i mean bad okay now i don't know about you i was raised christian catholic i've never seen any of that any other seattle i never did so i'm not i'm not all catholic priests are like that so don't throw everybody in a bucket yet you see what i'm saying you know because i've never seen it anybody some of y'all would say y'all never seen it neither right i mean it's just the truth i mean you know hey well to make a long story short i turned the television on and that was that guy now you see you've got all the stands about the car the church the vatican that's a government that's not just the church like we have it's a government which means you no other government can go over and do what they want to do you know you're crossing over to something different and you know what that idiot said and he's a complete idiot he said when i touch a child i sanctify them i went what did what did what oh i got so angry inside i said how do you get that bad and he had to look like when i touch a child that's sexually enough molesting i sanctify them i want to say i'd like to touch you but you won't be sanctified you'll be in pieces i couldn't believe somebody could say that that calls themself a person of the cloth what kind of cloth is that that's a dirty rag that's what that is isn't that sad you ready arrogance always leads to terrible extremes how does it happen this point the passion for notoriety the desire to dominate let me say it again the passion for notoriety the desire to dominate are elements which work untold harm because it makes you we say it in south louisiana and make you think yourself you see like kathy's mother she's got some great we call them irene isms her name's irene she said snakes crawl low she said it's easy to pick up trash and hard to get rid of it i think she got that definition about me because i hated that woman and she hated me that's the truth i mean you know but kathy loved me and i used that to hurt her if i could i couldn't stand catholic mother i mean i said i got you living another year gotta die i i mean i would just oh but today she wouldn't say neither we both got born again that all changed i mean i i enjoy being around irene she's a blessing of the lord i mean she really is you see but when you're when you're motivated by the devil you're only going to think those bad thoughts let me say it again the passion for notoriety the desire to dominate are elements which work untold harm i've seen that in a in the ministry i'll keep the name private this was a great man of god um he linda he was a great man of god i mean i i steamed him but i was around him i mean just a great man i mean you know i couldn't believe the things i would hear he had a wife that was wonderful who could speak and he said there's only one king in this family everybody looks at me i thought my god who you think you are see that's wanting to dominate see a husband should never be a dominating domineering factor help me out here ladies you see what i'm saying or keep the wife stuck in the back your job's cooked ain't nothing wrong with cooking i don't have a problem with that that's not the issue wait a minute see that's a passion for notoriety let me bless you with my presence so i can dominate you that's what slavery did it dominated people oh it's terrible the passion for notoriety the desire to dominate are elements which work untold harm you see now that was in this church that john started right this point down you know abusers because they do not acknowledge authority if you want to see that when you have people not acknowledging authority you got problems on your hand everything has everybody's got a boss there's always a leader somewhere decisions have to be made you see what i'm saying but you see and you can tell when you begin to operate like diatrophy you will not recognize authority well i know they said that but no you don't know they said that you're already thinking about what you're going to say or what you said let me say it again you know abusers because they are they do not acknowledge authority so what happens well i don't think that can't happen abuse if you do not correct the abuses the abusers will corrupt the minds of others if you do not correct abuses the abusers will corrupt the mind of others that's why some people left this church don't shout me down when i'm preaching good i will never lie to you people see you have to i don't like that i just wish you'd take care of yourself you know what i'm saying hey if it ain't broke don't fix it but if you don't correct that abuse it will corrupt other people put your kids in a wrong environment watch what will happen to them good kids good kids right good grandkids good kids just such a blessing they become abusers i believe in discipline i'm not talking about killing people love in its purest form is discipline i don't forget one time jody got so mad at me oh was she mad at me she must have been 15 16. i'll tell you one thing i ain't listening to anything you said i'm leaving this house i said good i opened up the door and i said get the hell out of here she walked out slammed the door she got about 20 feet and fell on the grass good lord he closed the door on me i opened him up the door i'm not sure i was going to run down the street and get her you know she goes oh dad i said you know i'm not a hard taskmaster let me tell you what you do you take care of your mama if you want to do what your mama said because if she ain't happy both of us are not happy you know that the dog knows that the cat knows that we need to know that it's the truth prove it today go try to move her furniture what you doing oh you paid for it that don't mean nothing she came in i said daddy i'm sorry i said i'm sorry too but i had to correct that because you probably listen to something you know kids are impressionable christians are very impressive let me say it again if you do not correct abuses the abusers will corrupt the mind of others write this down if you want to rise and it's not wrong with rising humility is the surest path to exaltation if you want to rise humility is the surest path to exaltation man you can get up there man well you know jesus had it there was an abuse factor in his uh staff right they say hey jesus now these are the closest one to him uh i'd like to sit on your left hand and uh my brother on the right hand you know it's a family thing yeah jesus said if you want to be the least you want to be the best in the camera be the least wash somebody's feet well i don't want to wash my feet well i won't do that he had to check he said oh my father says that first thing for you out of line so he corrected that abuse and i made the other disciples pretty mad i didn't like that why because even in jesus dad the little jealousy little envy a little big d trying to be the big boy let me say it again if you want to rise humility is the surest path to exaltation in other words you have honor and humility they come together they'll put you on top they'll have you sitting on the throne jesus said if you honor me god says if you honor me i will honor you but that's done through humility not humidity humility sometimes we get the words mixed up a little bit so if you want to rise see and i'm very proud of this this is such a thing as a good price that i never tried to get to the top now when i was a sinner yes oh i didn't care what i had to do to get that whatever it didn't make any difference when i got born again i no longer recognized myself i died it was a good death that man has never rose again and he never will see see not only did i create myself i created the casket too i destroyed that life completely because i'm now a new creature in christ that's why old things are passed away behold all things become new or if satan tries to tempt me with something i said there hath no temptation taking me such as common to man i already know about that in other words if you don't know about it i can understand but he said any temptation will come your way now they have no temptation taken to such as common amen but god is able to make a way of escape so in other words if that temptation's not common to you then you could fall but it's already common to you so why would you fall for something that you already know about do you see what i'm saying i couldn't help myself now that's another lie good character is not always accompanied by a good reputation good character is not always accompanied by a good reputation now diatrophy is epidemic he he may have been pastored at that church maybe john instilled him but all of a sudden he starts nailing john nailing everything he wants to throw everybody out he wants to dominate he's looking for no righty you know then you don't hear no more about him i don't thought he was a good man at one time but that pride will get you and nothing wrong with looking good feeling good being good looking good billy ray feeling good louis you know that movie but when you understand there's nothing wrong with that i like looking i like when kathy looks good sometimes she said how does my hair look it don't look good oh she said what i said but i know what looks good oh you like the big hair well i guess so well i don't know you know i said yeah you know i said move it she sometimes she want i don't like it so straight look like nails that's just me she wears some clothes i do not like i ain't gonna lie you like this no why don't you like it i don't know well you just don't have good taste don't get nasty don't get nasty on me i don't know why i don't like it i don't like it but i don't like that ensemble you put together but i do see that's different for me and kevin if i tell i don't like she ain't gonna wear it but if i like something you hate it i don't care i'm gonna walk right down the aisle you can say that's the ugliest thing i've ever seen keep looking baby because it ain't changing and i don't mean that to be rude you know i wouldn't put it on if i didn't like it does that make any sense to anybody i mean i like some hairstyles and some hairstyles i don't i don't know why i don't like them all i just never have studied them i don't know people always want to mess with my head kathy said your hair looked like a football helmet that's holly back there just see how i've had holly said you know i'll do something with your head no no i mean she's a good hairdresser my great friends back there the king and queen of hasta right there he's wonderful she says let me do something with that no maybe you ought to spike it the only thing i'd like to do in my body if you want to know you see this thing here i like to get rid of this because it messes up my tie i got i try to talk i tie my own skin and i don't doubt they could probably make me look different probably maybe maybe look better i don't know look at kathy she's going no no why i like football i've had bugs use my hair as a runway they just land you remember the vice president when he had a bug on his head that bug was going this is nice i like disney and besides i'm getting television time i want camera time two kinds of christians then i asked the question which one of you [Laughter] oh he knows he knows how you see and if you are a little bit of the big d change change the big d add some letters big d little a double l a s that dallas you see what i say so you can change you're not gonna find a perfect church i had a lady said i am looking for a perfect church you told me i said sweetheart if you find it don't go because you're gonna mess it up man isn't nobody perfect i was looking at uh let me close the door i was looking at a what they call it uh um i what would they not itunes facebook what's the name of instagram and the other one youtube whoever came up with a name like that youtube and he says then and now some actors and i went oh lord what happened to her now see something man good look what happened some of these bodybuilders now oh what happened then there's some people that just don't age i'll give you one michelle pfeiffer that she's an actress then and now and i go yeah holy no difference at all good lord i don't know what they do maybe you buy all that cream stuff i don't know see kathy's trying to get me to use that one time i obeyed she said go to dillard's and get you some moisturizer i said i like leather you need some moisturizer spawn me on it come on i said all right so i'm i don't know where to go because they got everybody standing there my product's the best you know how it is yeah over here and you know you got all kind of different makeup lemare chanel you know all the different kinds of stuff so i walk up to this and uh i'll come to this and this it was a young man hi i said hello can i help you you need some moisturizer let me touch your face you ain't touching my face boy i said you got any lava soap you need to be exfoliated why are you going to spend 35 on something when you can take some lava soap and get your skin down to the skull he goes oh let me just show you i say kathy we're going home right now i am not doing now don't get married don't send me no ugly letter that's just not my cup of tea you don't know what i'm saying i won't try to hurt nobody's feelings i don't hate nobody hey just not my cup of tea that's all i'm going to say about that i ain't saying anything else i just didn't see it no i'm going to be like eli i'm going to just chill hey did i give you a hard time there last week look at goes oh man did y'all land good we crashed but we slid good i really believe this church doesn't have any dietary fees but it can happen so let's don't believe it let's stay with gaius and demetrius let's stay with the apostle john oh lord let's stay with jesus and when people walk through those doors let's welcome them if they're strangers you're no longer a stranger thank you for coming don't try to dominate them do you want to come to the church you need to come to the church you know you don't smother people and all that kind of stuff you just let your light shine and let the love of god come out and you know what they'll find their place they'll find their pew see if you want to find them you'll all got your fuse look at linda on the second one uh yeah but i help with the ushers let's understand betty got your pew ron back there observing everything i like ryan he's a blessing everybody got their pews boy look at my man here on the front yep this is it ain't nothing wrong with that i like it show pew ain't nothing wrong with that that's a blessing they could patent them back there as their few only ken can sit on that pew i think that's is that their grandson i can't see because of my television lights here hey my man boy you don't got big son what you eating i want to get as tall as you i want to eat some of that you and there's nothing you know why because this is your second home i'm jesse duplantis and i approve this message give the lord a handclap for that
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 56,609
Rating: 4.8919482 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: ZUcRJxGemtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 26sec (3866 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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