2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Enriched in All Things (3:00 p.m.)

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praise the Lord thank you phrase the look alright if you notice I'm hesitating here because see this is the sermon that I wanted to preach I hid what this is so good spit it in for you so you know used to preach the thing for God's sake the Lord begins the chain mama I said don't do this I don't have notes he said within you don't know how to preach so and I've done this before but the Lord just told me to do this so I won't just kind of preach out of my spirit you may heard me say some of these things I have learned that anything I asked for not some things my theme this year is your everything is is anything and that's st. John chapter 14 verses 12 13 and 14 he says whatsoever you shall ask in my name that while I do why that the father may be glorified in the son whatsoever you shall ask in my name see the church world has stopped us from asking God because they thought we might get greedy now this is not my sermon this is just a this is a appetizer just a quick you know a preamble so how many you want a new house okay now some people gonna think that's great no okay put your hand up how many want a new call watch this put your hand up you know if you don't ask God for that you don't glorify him because see it so whatsoever at st. John chapter 14 verses 13 whatsoever you shall ask in my name now you got to understand that power of attorney to use that name that well I do why that the father may be glorified in the son and then he said if you should ask anything now what does anything mean to you now see the church world would say well that spiritual now it isn't one sense of spirituous physical is financial we see they so worried about you becoming greedy they have they want to control to make sure they don't really care sometimes if you come to church as long as you send your tithe I've heard preachers say that now my god we don't care if you're going on vacation but make sure your tides here that's kind of a slap in the face in it this is not my sermon but I want you to understand what I'm saying here so I'm very comfortable in asking God for anything or everything because see my everything is is anything when you understand that I'm his child my name is Jesse Duplantis Christ you see I'm in the family now go with me to second Corinthians chapter 9 and we're gonna start reading verse 6 where they put it we put it up on the on the screen and I want the old King James for it Paul writing to the church at Corinth he says but this I say he was so sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he was so powerful it shall reap also bountifully now what part of that you don't understand what part of that you didn't get don't look at me look at the verse there is no faith in that verse none all that verse is is action and reaction this is what the Lord to me speak about now you may have heard me say some of this but I'll say some newer things Paul said if you sow sparingly you reap sparingly if you sow bountifully you reap bountifully action and reaction next verse he says every man or every person according as he purposed in his heart notice not in his head so you don't need a heart bypass you need a head bypass every man according as he purposed in his heart watch this so let him give now I'm gonna ask a question how many times you went to a meeting and you gave an offer and I want an honest answer by lifting of a head you went to a meeting and you gave an offer and when you got home you thought I shouldn't have done that oh you hand up why did you do that why did you come to a realization maybe you shouldn't have done that because you see you didn't purpose in your heart that's done before you get to church that's not done why you at church so that an emotional financial pool will never move you to do something god don't want you to do now what you listen to me every man according as he purposeth in his heart so purpose affords you anchorage in the times of battle when your personal purpose you have foundation on your feet now let me read the verse and i'm gonna talk about their stay on verse 8 right there verse seven excuse me every man according as verse verse every man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him give watch this not grudgingly now look at this next three words or necessity oh now that's just jacked up the whole way of understanding how to give because God said you shouldn't give to need no don't look don't don't look at me look at that look at that every man according as he purposed in his heart so let him get in that Greg did another Saturday why are you giving to a need why why would you do such a foolish thing when he told you not to do that that's a waste of such spiritual energy y'all look at me like I didn't lost my mind why because the Bible said here supply how many need how many need how many need oh let me get black with Lord Jesus so you've heard me say this thousands of times I don't tell God what I need I tell him what I want so then when you do that you're not giving grudgingly no I'm necessity for God loveth not like it but he loveth a cheerful Giver now every man according as he purposed in his heart when you're a person of purpose it produces prayer in your life so prayer and purpose gets together and produces a baby named perception so you can read that verse to keep the verse of that every man according as he purposeth he start purpose prayer and perceived now when purpose brand perception gets together it produces another baby called power so you could read that verse every man according as he purposeth Eve than powered now everybody likes that power but the problem is power can be very dangerous because you must be superior to it instead of driven by it so that's why politicians mess up and preaches messed up they are driven by power instead of being superior to power you've heard me say that me say it again Jesus was a man of great power and what and they're all trying to kill him I said this they're there I got to repeat it they tried to push him off a cliff Jesus had enough of that he just turn around and I'm a prayer face you want to dance with me you want some of this then he said I can call more twelve legions of angels to handle this situation now I said I gotta say it again one angel in the Bible knocked down 185 thousand men so twelve legions of angels would have showed up at the beck and call of Jesus which he had twenty billion four hundred million men with a bit the dust and one lick one lick the world has not known that kind of population but because Jesus was superior to that power instead of driven by that power he went it across so you didn't have to go got it so you could read that verse every man according as he purposeth even power it so let it give not grudgingly on this yesterday but wait what about if my church needs that I need to present something my church right well isn't that in need yes in a sense but you see you're not giving to the need you're giving to the purpose of what the need will do once it is met so I don't tell God what I need I tell him what I want so when you get them say we're believing God whatever you whatever you be for your ministry instead of a need you say and you're not giving to the need because the need gets old but the purpose never does you give it to the per I'm not spending this listen to me you're given to the purpose of what that'll do once it is met so in other words there if you've done this before you get the church and your pastor gets upset we need to build a new building instead of give it to a need you go oh yes now I know why that was so strong on me because you're not given to the need you give it to the purpose of what that will do once it's done oh you're getting this I want you to notice how many times God says all always in all these purses go to the next verse now and I love the next verse I call this the black verse of the Bible but it this is black and God is able hmm I said the Lord oh oh I said the Lord is able are you in here maybe by walking for a while look at the white people look at the back people going down with your bad still Devon go ahead why boy I said that God is able to make how much grace how about your grace how much grace God is able to make all grace abound toward who toward who that you what that you work notice that how many times it says all abound to you always having what having all what you know what why you mad at me because I have a jet let me get to that camera why you mad at me because I have a jet all I'm doing is being biblical what's your problem I'm not being rude here all sufficiency in all things if things are so bad why is God giving you all sufficiency to get it maybe you ladies want a real Lois Bhutto purse or Chanel I Escada or GOG or Christian Dior I'm talking to real Louise but don't eat up my winning knockoff then when the cops come they run around the corner I'm talking real louis vu talk you want to see to new and tooth to real when they sitting right there on the floor nothing wrong with that well my god ah ha they should have that they could use a flower sack that's true but who wants a flower second notice I said who wants it ain't say anything about the need of it see God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things now can you understand why in 41 years of full-time ministry I've never had a financial deficit you think it was because of my faith mm-hmm it was because of that don't look at me look at the verse all sufficiency in all things then the other part of that verse kicks in may abound to every good work if you have pastor let me help you there's a rumor going around the United States and other countries say you better watch that Kenneth Copeland and that Jerry Savelle not just did a plan us and I Keith Moore and that bill Winston and that Kraft for $1 jr. because bond they come to town they'll suck all the money out of church there's suck all the money out of that thing you hurt your church now either you lion or God's lion I pick you why abound to every good work pastors is you'll work good show it is so you don't have to worry about us well I lost a few you right there see why cuz God is el-shaddai not el cheapo like as if you gonna exhaust God's blessing on your best day you cannot impress him with your wealth he's got gold streets you got asphalt with holes in them this big sometimes all-sufficient don't say so why or now I'm gonna make somebody real man so oh I should have said he said that so what why should I have to suffer well you know the first shirt yeah I know the first Jennifer Church with the foundation tree the most powerful weight of this building is on the foundation but you're not the foundation to church you to roof I listen to me that doesn't mean we don't go through things we understand but we go through them we don't stop and canonize the place what we're going through though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death they said oh I'll stop build a house and canonize the place you see see I've learned some things if you listen to ministers and they'll tell you what not to do don't do it if they tell you listen there's a big old sinkhole when you walk out of this Convention Center don't drive you and you go drive you're calling that that's foolishness you see so they taught us what not to do as well as taught us what to do and I'm talking about this we would not have the arab-israeli problem if Abraham wouldn't have done what he did but you know it was tantalizing if you think about it they're all the Theia loans they know he didn't really want to do it yo mama I mean think about it for a minute let's just get right down to the flesh Abraham I can't have a baby so I want you to go into my into my service tent and I want you to have intercourse with her to have a baby Abram says I'm gonna do this for you Sarah any woman in the world would be you think you done lost your ever-loving mind he said what's up he go and then when they all start going south he didn't know what to do you see that was a mistake there and God kept telling him through Sarah we'll all the nations of the world be blessed yeah but I I'm getting old Sarah's getting Oh have you seen her lately Lord both arms when she prays you the bottom of them do this don't get mad at me my lord I saw something just keep your arms down and praise God like this that's all I can tell you I don't know I don't know why women worry about their arms anyway let me help you lady one time I hugged a woman she said oh my god I hope you didn't feel my back fat I said what did you say I hope you didn't feel my back fat ladies let me help you here there is no man in the world sin did you see that woman's back back here looking at your back fat he's looking at other parts he could care less about your backpack and if he doesn't look at your back it's a lot lower I'm getting out of town this afternoon complication live in Kerala you see what I'm saying so god okay let me go on and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency at all things that may abound to every good work it is written he is dispersed abroad he has given to the poor now watch this his righteous that remained it forever we had a little conversation in the back knee and creflo I said creflo you're trying to explain that grace message I said let me give it to you in one sentence he said would that Jessie quit trying to become what you already are that's the grace message he went my god that's it see you don't earn this through the Mosaic law you know what Bob I just quit trying to become with you already or you all would God says you are you see what I'm saying yeah but I don't feel it that got made no difference you all what God says you are sometimes you don't feel saved but you say sometimes you do unsaved things but you're still save yes God you repent we said Lord forgive me I did mean to blow it like yeah but you you know it the old Pentecost the people said if you just slipped up once and you died you went to hell God's mercy and grace is far stronger than that [Music] see they judging you see as it written here is this person abroad so I have the ability to dispersed abroad he had the given to the poor so I should do that my rights isn't remaining forever so the reason why and get angry and want to kill somebody when they attacked me was because my righteousness remaineth forever I didn't say I didn't feel like doing something like that but my righteousness got ahead of my anger you see he is dispersed abroad he has given the tour the poor his rice has remained it forever night next verse he was from in their seed to the sower not to the keeper I love to give wood anything in my life I enjoy that more than anything and I don't have to know you to do it now when you say things like that people write me over just would you pay off my house I know but if God told me to that would I ain't going to hell over your house if he told me to I mean trust God enough to talk to me when you ain't listen how do you know why you listening she won't say now heed this minute her seeds of the sword not the keeper he says watch this both minister bred for your food know something the time this this is getting bigger and bigger by the moment boast minister bread for your food and multiply your seed soon how can you see be sown how can it multiply because you see I quit giving seeds a long time ago and I'm in a new stage of giving harvesters I like giving harvesters and then I ask the Lord what and your hippie said then what do you get when you give a harvest well you know women you saw a Harvard you get an orchard I'm not talking one tree I'm talking about the whole shebang you see now he was Missy to the so administers bread for your food multiplies your seat sir and here we go with the increase again and increase the fruits of your righteousness see god looked down and saw two boys one named Jerry Savelle and the other just in the plan is in a nightclub Jarius at the bar and I'm at I'm on the stage let me tell you if you think I've got a sense of humor me and Kenneth Copeland played the same nightclub in Fort Worth now we didn't know each other welcome sang and played at the town pump in Fort Worth anybody ever to go to the town for money all that old and I played the town pump oh yeah because that was the number one club in Fort Worth many many many years ago in fact one was opened in Dallas in the night he said they called the village pump to try to get the same thing going on at the town pump in Fort Worth in that amazing never think we'd ever preached together much less be preachers becae God knows the beginning from the end and I'm pretty sure most people know thought that God could never use a Kenneth Copeland when he was singing pledge of love or Jesse Duplantis when I was playing all this stuff and I mean I'm talking with the makeup and they're all a craziness and Wow and then you know in that hair just a slinging like and people screaming and hollering yet God saw something what did he see watch this righteousness was I doing any right doesn't know they see God was calling those things that be not as though they were before I ever knew who he was he was setting my future up even before I even knew I had a future do you see that let me said it again now he's admitted seed to the sower ministers bread for your food multiplies your seed sown increases the fruits of your righteousness next verse being enriched not just rich being enriched in how many things everything now what does everything mean to you everything being enriched in everything to what there's that word all again all bountifully why do people get mad at me cuz I'm blessed in the city blessed in the feel blessed going in blessed going out that doesn't mean I don't need partners in my ministry but I'm just blessed but I'm gonna say something gonna be so radical this is so rather it's gonna blow your socks off I'm believing God one day that I'll be the partner to you instead of you the partner to me let me tell you something if that guy from Amazon can make that much money just at the planet skin - I just got to have an idea a concept and an understanding how to do that Sam Walton of Walmart what a great idea he had you know what his idea was stand outside the store and say thank you for shopping Walmart give him a good product at a good price and be nice about it that was his idea and an idea is the most phenomenal thing anybody can use in this life it is the most richest thing it can produce things beyond your wildest dreams and I did being enriched in all bountifulness which causeth through us Thanksgiving to God so if you notice I never make an excuse for the blessing of God in my life so when I'm being you know slammed by the media me and brother Copeland together it's kind of nice that me together getting hit together it two of us agree I mean they nail him then they Naomi and and you know this and that and all they show us I don't know where to get the pictures going out to the airport to get on the plane and all this comes what they don't know let me help you people you helping me one day I may buy your station then you are gonna work for me I hope I like you [Applause] that's impossible somebody got on that station see somebody got on that business why does it always have to be somebody else and not you because most people tell you including the church that you can't do that because you might get greedy that ain't greedy lazy to them it could be growth with the last time a poor man helped you the best thing to do best thing for the poor is not to be poor so you be a blessing to the poor but you don't look down on people your money don't make you who you are your ideas us what will you accomplish what will people remember by you if you should die and go by the way of the grave what legacy will you leave if you believe what I just said you everyone in this building will leave a legacy beyond your wildest dreams I'm talking my spiritual physical and financial you should you do have the ability to make enough money to handle all three different generations you your children and your children's children do you know how much money that is do you know who that Isaac never spent a dime of his money yes he all he was spending Abraham's that's how much Abraham he was how rich very rich now if he is that if he is our father of faith why did God make him rich watch this so you can have an inheritance [Music] so you could have an inheritance so why say Isaac didn't spend a dime of hidden money he already had Abraham's monka Esau and Jacob didn't spit in their money they could when they finally got the act together my god made the anointing was on both of them even though one didn't regard God very much yet he was God blessed him Wow Isaac's money I tell people when I give them you don't understand not only is this a seed or harvest I'm giving but I'm putting in that harvest my anointing is on that you hang around with me you're gonna get debt-free you understand what I do what I do will come upon you in every area what you do it chemically miss it will come upon you when you sow that seed you'll be walking in Australia you'll be walking in the Ukraine do you understand no you don't understand because you think you just gave enough you didn't give an offering you gave a seed and a seed is reproducing constantly you can't stop it there's one place in a man on this planet Earth and it's up around the Antarctica the head and rain for three million years they know that for a fact so a man went down there and took a little glass he put a seed but not there was a seed o'rena ground he saw it been that 3 million years so he covered it with a glass put a candle inside of it and watered it within three days a green sprout grew up you can even turn bad soil into good soil if you know what to put in it you know there's something happening now because of the fertilizer we use in the runoff it's a cancer causing gets all over in our rivers but years ago they used to use cow manure I know you might not want to mess with no cow manure but for some crazy reason another show made you a flower grow it made the sweetest corn it was called organic do you understand what I'm trying to say that's why your grandma and your grandpa could eat eggs fried and bacon grease because the pigs were organic the pigs were eating organic everything was argued they had their own they grew their own vegetables and they grew their own chickens I remember my grandfather you know and I live I was raised up on the street with him and he would when we'd go to his house he had chickens in his Oh so we had Fried Chicken on Sunday we didn't go to the store and buy a chicken somebody was gonna die that day you need to go out there and catch a chicken and the chicken knew it he was speaking in tongues and even we'd eat him that's why they could live 70 89 and a hundred years eat eggs fried in bacon grease because even the grease was organic cuz it was all homegrown think about that Cathy's mother grandmother lived to 104 ate anything she want and now with the generation we know how to exercise yeah we got so many knee replacements hip replacements you never saw all that stuff 4050 years ago I believe in exercise don't misunderstand me but I mean you're not created a deer you're not created a thoroughbred you see you should exercise but you wasn't created to do some of the stuff that you put your body through then we had this thing no pain no game or now that's not right because the guy that said that is cut to knee replacements think about that for a minute excess not exercise is not a good thing for you to lose weight you got to run almost a mile and a half just to get a pan off that's 3,500 calories but if you eat less you knock that baby out real fast but you should exercise I believe it I exercise all the time I mean I am very very disciplined with my exercise oh yeah I do that because I'm like I don't care how I look on the outside I care about what's going on on the inside because you see if someone else I didn't working that don't affect nothing but it's nothing quits on the inside the outside gonna know about it real quick nice says all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work so I decided that I would abound to every good work now when I said that people just saying people preacher said I know Jesus said that but what no you don't know Jesus said that you don't know you're trying to convince yourself that what he said is true but when you know in whom you have believed you've heard me say before people trying to convince them said I'm believing I believe we don't believe it I'm believing them believe it I'm believing I'm blessed and III think I'm I don't know what I'm doing I'm just trying to get this thing to work and see and we get into all these religious practice Jesus didn't come to create Christianity he didn't create Christianity he stayed Jewish all the time he was here mankind created Christianity Jesus would never do what Christianity has done Jesus would never molest a child in church Jesus would never kill people like the Crusades did a ball religion will what is religion it's a gardener weeds it's a theological wilderness see I've had people terminal top or doctor to premise what do you believe in I said Jesus well we all believe in that I said no you know you attest to it but you don't believe in it see we believe in healing if he does it look up but we add a little instead if he does it I don't know I don't forget not long ago I read an article about in a Christian magazine when God does it heal I thought you got to be kidding me God heals all the time sometimes they're not always received you know Jesus has already died for every person ever born every person that be born no one which he'll shouldn't have one person in it at all but you got to make a choice of which what you're gonna do with it do you choose to be here or you hope to be healed even God said in Deuteronomy said choose a lot I put before you death and life and he said just choose life sea I choose to be blessed not so I can live better because you know if you raised eating fried chicken you you can get so rich you can have a you can well I'll just give you an example I can eat anywhere I want in the city in New Orleans God has blessed me beyond my wildest dream so all these fine restaurants know me all the other ones do too why because sometime you just want a cheeseburger I saying you got to eat it every day in fact I was in Honolulu Hawaii or art and kunis up over the a word of Life Church got it's a great Church if you ever go don't cut God out of your vacation go to church go that I enjoy you say you know enjoy yourself if you want to but so hakuna calls and art card he said hey but Jesse we want to take his what's the name at rest at Mariposa Mara it's that the Niemen right she said you want to go and I said Kathy tell her I don't want to go to mare pools and she said why I said it's too healthy it's just too healthy I mean I can eat grass like a cow if I want to I still healthy I want something my wife I want something some flavor now I'm not talking about doing this all the time you know I'm saying IIIi don't eat I mean I like fried chicken I don't eat it very much but when I do I enjoy I mean when I eat a piece of it I don't say God don't kill me don't clear up my arteries no you know and but I believe in eating healthy and doing right but what is healthy because everything you eaten today how many time they said you get you you went to a certain place where there's nothing but they serve organic food and you found out that they were getting it anywhere they could and charge you higher for it I've had people say you know a little bit about August organized crime and sever taste about organized right you want organized crime Washington DC that's organized crime that's organized crime but they just have the power not to go to jail if you'da done with Hillary Clinton done you two went to jail and I'm not against Hillary I've never met her I think she's a very smart woman I do I think she said but she brilliant lawyer I'm an but if you'd have done that you don't went to jail if you're done with Bill did you definitely would have went to jail that doesn't mean he's not smart that doesn't mean he's not a good politician I'm not saying that I'm just saying well you know that's my person in private I know not when you president when you're president you present it 24 hours a day you want that job that's 24/7 and if you're a preacher that's 24/7 that's 24/7 you shouldn't be messing up with the piano player you shouldn't be messing up no no preacher ought to be accused of adultery what are you doing you are Minister the gospel 24/7 God's given you all sufficiency in all things you should bound to have a good way well my wife any pretty as she used to be wouldn't either you and nobody is pretties they used to be Young's wonderful but it don't last long my granddaughter grab this the other day grandfather wasn't it I said a safe deposit box that I keep your future in [Applause] now she sees that I'm a blessed man she knows that fast she came with her she said grandfather how much money you got and where is it I wanna see it she's 11 I said why are you asking me that Meredith she said everything you said everything you had belongs to mama and me I said that's right everything me and Mimi has belongs to your mother and you you my only ask well where is it I said it's here but I can't show you that the day there will come a time I will I said let me tell you something little Meredith you're 11 years old you'll never have to work a day in your life I said but you gonna work we're gonna teach you to me work do you understand and just because I left you I've got you an inheritance that doesn't mean you better than anybody you never look down on someone nothing you don't do that and I said when you go to somebody's home I don't care if it's small big whatever you if they love it you love it there's not long drop the rain you know yeah you know as I said you're gonna work we a generation that works we believe in that now there's some people they don't they don't want to work what you're gonna somebody's got to do something if they took all the money of every rich person in America we'd only touch maybe what 3% of we got a 22 trillion dollar deficit and they all said it's unfair to pay our fair share well everybody excuse me if you pay people to be poor they gonna stay poor that was Ronald Reagan's statement now I know Jerry Savelle likes around a rigid and you know I'm kind of I think it's fine I like Ronald Reagan I wouldn't visit the war the White House so I went to the White House a little bookstore not bought me Oh Washington DC White House photo of Ronald Reagan and I wrote on it dear Jesse haha here Jessie I can't thank you enough for praying for me and fit helping me to win this election without your preference and financial support I would not have become president I can't thank you enough sign Ronald Reagan I'll put it in my board room Cathy's mother came over and she watched you and she liked round she said my god Jesse you know Ronald Reagan I said look at the picture she ready she goes wow I didn't know you knew he said that I said no I bought it myself and wrote it myself I thought it was funny she didn't think it was funny at all hey it's my story I'm gonna write it the way I want to write it do you see what I'm saying so I had preachers tell me when I first went into the ministry and when you go out and eat then I just leave your wallet and let somebody pay for it I said that's not gonna happen do you know and I know a lot of waiters and waitresses because Cathy don't cook so we eat out twice a day that's just the way it is and that she can cook good but she's delivered from the bomb that she's not going back to Egypt he ain't going back to that the whole time she cooks it there's a hurricane she cooks and you know what they tell me that the worst tippers are preachers all of them say it I'm not known for that I give them the go or you could are you serious I just went to was a couple of days ago me and Keith and Kathy went to everything called reata's that right it's a nice restaurant here downtown forward I really like they got the biggest onion rings my god you could throw them play horseshoes with it I mean things are big have you ever in a bid to be a big good so I um I said Keith this is my meal Keiko's I like it keep left I left my wallet that's it I said that's convenient we're just laughing talking talk about that kind of stuff and so anyway I paid for the meal so when the guy came I said you like your tip he goes oh you got to be kidding me are you serious I said you got to make a living don't you I don't know the man I don't have to know the man to be generous why well how can you be generous all sufficiency in all things he said are you serious I wanted to tell him you want me to take it back I was at a PF Changs one time not long not too long ago maybe a year ago and I didn't know when I'm when I sat down I didn't know this waitress from Adam you know she was a good waitress was also sitting had six of us and the Lord said I want you to bless her I said I'm yours to command Lord I said okay so we you know we ordered and everything and it had a really nice time I said give me the bill and they gave me the bill and so and I paid for the bill and when she came I said there's no tip on that now so go I said but I'd like to bless you because I know if I put the tip on a credit card or charge whatever they you have to wait until it goes I didn't know that I thought they'd get it immediately but they don't work that way it has to go through whatever you know that kind of said we've even had people call us and say are you sure you want to give this amount of tip you know they do that now well yeah you know I said but if I give him cash they have it right away so I gave her a chunk of cash she went are you serious I said yes she starts crying she says it's just that I'm a medical student I said you are she said yeah and I'm working you know pay my way through school and you just paid for offer all my tuition and I said well let's just do better than that she went are you serious you can see off there but wait I said oh I wish I had that table [Applause] so we took care of that not bragging about that so why said my birthday was July tonight and I don't know how they found out about it did you tell him I don't know how to do so when we came in me and Kathy was eating they are they come and they had me a birthday card and every waiter and every waitress at PF Changs signed it that's pretty nice we can't thank you enough and man we go in sir you have a 55-minute wait me and Kathy walked through that door wandering way to see if they go Reverend watch this that's biblical everyman gift make a way itself and we just flow with it not trying to show off and then there's been times I've seen some people waiting us how long you've been waiting yeah you can have my table oh you said yes go ahead that'd be fine fact one time we win Maui Hawaii and I had a beautiful room and to make sweet what it was actually and we had some friends come with us and they had a child so I looked at Kathy and I said if you don't mind they had a regular room nothing any rooms nice you know at the Grand Wailea in Maui Hawaii I said Kathy if you don't mind let's give them our suite and we'll just take their room and they said oh you can't do that I said I can do anything when I want with my money I said you enjoy this suite you will enjoy it and that way you have enough room for your child if she wants to run around a little bit you know and things of that nature instead of just being in one room with two double beds which is nothing wrong with that don't misunderstand me I said it's just me and Kathy that's fine what we did well she got pregnant on that trip [Applause] with a set of twins that was a good room yeah it was the twins was it yes the twins I just went to dinner with him Kathy the twins are now 18 years old I just went to look to it Amun said it was because of me you was born I just went to lunch with him I said David I said would you like another room Amun no no all sufficiency all sufficiency so I don't expect to be in a financial deficit when I built just sometimes ministers campus if you ever seen it if you have been there if you like plantation it's all plantation it's all white cotton southern you don't say so white Carl I had three banks in and Norlin says you cannot build this debt-free you gonna need us I said no no no no you don't know the God that I know I'm gonna build this thing debt-free and under budget I even had the architect saying you can't do that you got Italian marble in this place you got very expensive you can enter in the contract you said I've been doing this 40 years bridge si I don't think I said just give me the bill at the end of the month see they thought I had all the money I didn't I had 1.2 million dollars which I ain't enough they really built up their pay for one slab and I built it on the budget actually six million dollars under budget why cuz I watched it see I've learned that other people can spend your money quicker than you can so the Lord I asked the Lord and he asked me open it 3 o'clock in the morning said I want you to go out to the property I said I want to go out there Lord I said make a grass that high I did mesquite we got mosquitoes biggest pelicans in Louisiana and I mean mosquitoes boy they see it they see a Cajun food at the Bass Pro sauce yes you know they just bite you suck honey good will it make a long story short what all sufficiency the Lord said how would you like for me to pay for this it was my choice he said I can pay this every month but I'm Jewish I don't like to do that I don't like to pay interest I like to make interest he said all I can knock this thing out I said well since we talking I thought that had God over about I said since we talking why don't we just knock this puppy out and then he came back with this then we will never discuss finances on this whole project again now we built for four solid years just Pillman project after project I'm talking my different buildings things that are net and I want and I went look at that building front I did not I wanted to look at it and so Tami Mona he used to be the financial director then she said do you want to know what's in there I said no just when I changed I cut a check out of it cut a check out but I said don't tell I don't want I said me in the Lord then had a conversation about ok and I would come and I said no I said Ray Ray was the contract a wonderful man he I said uh give me a bill at the end of the month and I'll pay you he's so ok he said my god man he said I love this he said I don't have to try to get the bank and I said no no I'll take everything I said just let me know if something real big is coming up so when we poured the slab we did it in three prior three phases we report the slab for the church that's the big because the TV studio was also a part of it not part of the church but a wing of the church and that kind of slab yeah you got to be able to get under it so we'd have to pull or slab on the highest line and then we would roll and eat there to put all kinds of wires and you know the hook up stuff like that you know that's expensive very expensive to do especially in Louisiana because you have to drive pilings you see it so it cost more money for foundation Louisiana doesn't do in Texas you got drop pilings man I'm a 45 foot pilings keep all the dirt washed away went rate no difference that piling is holding that slab see he said okay you know so and I saw a bill and I came before the Lord and said Lord need to ask you something he said before you ask me I want to tell you something he said if anybody ask you I'll tell you that you building something tell them you're not that I am and he looked at me and I heard him say it he said remember that so every time somebody comes in boy Reverend y'all really building something nice I ain't building nothing you're not billing nothing no I said this is God God's building this that's all I said cause building this now I always try to do is good business as I can so I said give me at least three bids on everything so we'll know you know what when we ran all the kind of stuff well on the stucco for the executive offices which is huge it looks like oil John Hagee say it looks like the pantheon there's just columns all around it just gorgeous anybody ever been there it you know am i telling the truth I mean it is it's beautiful if you like that kind of flavor look so this man we had I said give me give me three on the stucco Porter I said get me three bids well they found three bids in this guy that was was he was very expensive I think his was a hundred and but there was a 120 $8,000 bid for that particular piece of stucco in a 130 mm and 140 41 to 43 thousand and so ray told me said I'm gonna tell you something that guy 143 he's good Jesse you can't find a line I mean you don't even know way started away stop that's how perfect that is he should but not a cop 120 it's a good bit see just because it's the cheapest don't mean it's the best and just because it's the highest don't mean it's the best so you have to learn the color work that thing out I said okay he said you want to make a decision which one you want I said we read you the contract what do you think he said well he said I'd love to have that guy but he said I said the other people aren't gonna notice suggested he said now I am as a contractor but I said okay them and I had I had I wasn't supposed to go out that day to the worksite but I just had fluid and I went out there and guess what the man that gave the highest bid dries up in his pickup truck walks out he goes how you doing Reverend I said fine he said I'm the man that he gave me a bid on you on this thing here I said oh yes sir I said my contractor said you the best stucco man in the state of Louisiana in Mississippi he said you're right oh he didn't blink son he said I'm the best you ever seen you ever have I like a man with confidence in his work but he's got to have manifestation I just talked he said you know you keep me up at night I said how do I do that he said my wife likes you and I ain't into this God stuff but my love my wife and she likes you and if she likes you you must be a nice person but I'm not into the god stuff I said well I understand that I said tell you why thank you for watching he's taking you by earlier time you said you come on 11:30 at night here yeah I got I can't he said man man like me gotta get up early I said well you got to talk to your wife about that I said I'm not changing my time he said why I said your wife's watching Fannie ain't broke don't fix it huh and then he says this man are you really building something nice here sir I ain't building nothing he said what I say ain't built in the gods building is he said Who I said God's building this sir are you standing on holy ground I don't own this this is God's business and I saw when the Holy Ghost hit him he went he said you know Reverend I want to do this building he shouldn't I gave you a bid and he I think it was 142 143 thousand he said and I and I'm I've already answered he said I ain't never done nothin for God in my life I'll do it for $40,000 that was less than the material way less than it then the labor and it happened like that on everything I didn't ask him for that he said I want to do this and Ray goes that was on that now when we've built the first one to production distribution center what's all sufficiency in all things being enriched I used American steel this many years ago so when the trucks came in with the steel I would say you gotta tell one of the truck driver you're going back to the office yeah we'll bring this check to you're off and they couldn't cash it you know it's made out to a company oh you serious I mean it'd be a $250,000 check so the president of the company couldn't get over that I'd do that so in Phase two the steel on phase two was three hundred and eighty nine thousand just for the steel so I gave the check to the one of the 80 Willard guys well then when we started building the church in the TV stir just the steel was $600,000 I mean you don't even see that part said I'm saying so I'm in that what I call the contractor Shack he called it that you know and we get a phone call from the president of the steel company is the Reverend there and racing yes sir put him on the phone said but he put me on the phone he says uh I said you got me a he sent me an invoice for $600,000 okay at the six on a raid was about ready to give it to him he says are you gonna put a six hundred thousand dollar check in that truck drivers and I said well yeah don't don't you want your money well yes sir we want our money that's not the issue well you know you could mail it it's 30 days to pay for it I said well I don't doubt you don't need your money right away he said well yeah we do I said no so I said in your but about five minutes I might have my director come over here and she'd gonna hand me a check for your invoice of $600,000 and I'll give it to your head there was 26 18-wheeler trucks see what I'm saying 26 of them and the head guy you know hit the head got it leading all that stuff but it looked like a convoy come up with all that steel and he says uh do you have a factor Evan I said yeah and now and we all speak of all I said really you got a fax they said can I have that number he said I want to fax you another invoice I said oh I said man what do we need it no he said I just want to do something he's saying go take long take about maybe no no 3540 seconds for a fax but he faxed the invoice and as it was coming up he said Reverend I just cut a hundred thousand dollars off of it wait wait wait wait wait and I came and he said it was five hundred thousand stead of six hundred he said I ain't never had to write a payment like that you have a nice day Reverend ray Chronicles I've been doing this for 40 Spain and never seen nothing like this in my life and I looked at him I said all sufficiency ray all sufficiency in all things so he said just tie up the six hundred thousand so I called Tammy she was walking across with the six on I said Tammy turn around I said and destroy that check why I said the man just cut a hundred thousand and Tammy loved that she goes she's Baptist I ain't never seen nothing like this and I'm a Baptist I'm going back and cut a check for five rooms she's looking back at me and I have the ability to sign it my signature on every signature card in that Bank but I didn't sign I let her sign it because I signed a check for seventeen dollars and they turned it down [Laughter] so I call the Mike I said I am the CEO they said would you never sign a cheque I said what my signature card is in where we knew it and we matched it but this can't be see if you even see that it's true you won't believe it sometimes but you never sign a cheque I said I don't have to but I have the power to do so so now I'll let other people do that you know and and thanks because if I go to sign a cheque use I get Cathy or something real because get this on their check you know something like that and because they'll go hee-hee in sign the cheque in 20 years but they got the signature card and I keep them they say how do you do that I said I don't the Lord does because he said God is able so you know three major banks in New Orleans came up to me said Reverend it is amazing we just thought for sure you needed us but it looks like we need you now Jerry Savelle would call that favor and it is the misunderstanding but what is happening is that's a better testimony to them than me walking up to them and say would you like to meet Jesus Christ is Lord of your life they just can't get over that the sessions don't affect me in 2008 when Wall Street went belly bust y'all remember that or people going crazy buddy we grew 30% I'm the only one that Chase Bank that didn't lose any money that's what they said I don't know what they do their financial gurus said you you you didn't lose money but I did what God told me to do cuz when I have a chunk of money comment I said what do you want me to do with this and then I asked the second question is this my money see he may have given it to me to give it away he may have given it to me to place it in someone else he trusts me and I appreciate that so I said Lord what do you want me to do with this one more quick little story this is years and years ago one of the secretaries came and said we have a fifteen thousand dollar check just coming into the ministry what account you want to put it what do you want to do with this and and it was acid and I have a I was writing some stuff I said we just put it on my desk I'll let y'all know in a minute I said just give me a little time so I'm all of a sudden the phone rings and and and it's our reception since that bridge se brother Copeland's on the line I said okay I'll take it I said hey brother come we can do for he said yes mr. Kenneth I say hey brother Copeland he said listen man the Lord been praying I've been dealing with me by buying Mac Gober an airplane I said okay he said you know and the Lord told me to tell you that the Lord spoke to me said God Jesse will help me I said the Lord told you that Jesse would help him he said yes I said that's good I said well what does the Lord want Kenneth since he said I would help him I thought that's pretty nice that God would say Jesse would help me that's pretty nice thing he said well he said we want to give this playing debt-free to count to a Mac go but ministries and things of that nature and the Lord said you get $15,000 I said Kenneth I'm looking at a $15,000 check you said it's mine it's for Mac I said it's in the mill so I hollered I call I said while he's on the phone he's talking the girl cover that said FedEx this to Casey yeah boy didn't you just cut one check out and handle all that kind of stuff and purchasing that gold was plain now watch this I went home feeling so good so I said Lord you said I would help you and he said yes and I thought that's a nice thing to say he said yes it is and it's not I don't say it very often I've had the Lord tell me two times I've given all my money away twice in my life the first one was way more money whoo that was the easy part the second one was the tough one that's when I'd given all I used to bet I made a lot of money in my life and I gave it all away because I thought you had to be poor to be a Christian so I said I've raised both I'll be poor hey that doesn't change who I am you know and so I gave it away board it took care of a lot of people in Kathy was glad we didn't but the second time then I had the mortgage I had a mortgage on the house and a finance a car note and all that kind of sudden the Lord said Jesse give me all your money first thing came on my way Silas just like this well I'm gonna pay that house note I could hear that in my mind I won't pay that car note and not when I say all my money I'm talking piggy bank I'm talking everything I'm talking me and Kathy got zero everything we have in a bank everything we have on a savings guy everything we have anyway plus change I poured it out I said I'm yours to command Lord he said you get ready boy he said and he said the same thing to me then he totally a brunette when he offered up Isaac he said Jesse because thou has done this and not what held one dime one penny even from the piggy bank you get ready today I will release finance to you like you've never seen in your life I will make what you did as a rocker nothing compared to what I will do for you as you my son I said I'm yours to command Lord and you know here comes the test we gave it all away and somebody call and said hey I want to go out and eat dinner you have a dime I said are you buying yeah I said we're gonna eat let's go crazy they said why I said just gave it all the way your wife just gave it all the way are you serious yeah why is that so hard do you believe God will meet you ah ah that's the key now I'm not telling you to do that don't do that because but Jesse said that that has to be a revelation knowledge to you from God Almighty not from anybody else and today oh Jesus compared to what and I did very well as a rocker that don't even compare it's not even in the ballpark it's barely a snow cone stand compared to what the Lord has done for me today but Yana and I don't mean that privately beyond my wildest dreams and he's still doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it and we just believe in God and in 41 years of full-time mission I've never laid off one person am i right first you've been with me 35 not one none and I've set the whole staff to Hawaii twice and their wives some of them that had kids how many y'all want a job with nothing it was fun it was great I'm not bragging on that I could brag more with that money in my pocket yeah why but this I say he was so sparingly shall reap also sparingly he was so bountiful it reap also bountifully so I've done both I've sold fairly and I've sold about me every man according I except purpose prayed perceived empowered so let him give not grudgingly Norma Sesa tea for God loveth a cheerful Giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work he is dispersed abroad he has given to the poor his righteousness remaineth forever so he was met as a seed to the sower ministers bread for your food multiplies your seed sown increases the fruits of your righteousness being enriched and all bountifulness which causeth thanksgiving and triumph to God see when you understand that you won't have financial trouble anymore so don't expect it don't believe for what it happens all the time why because you believe for it just because somebody went through something don't mean you have to go through it learn from what they went through you see what I'm saying yeah that doesn't mean the Devils might not try to hurt you if you don't pay any attention to him he walks away he gets really confused easily he's the author of confusion oh you can make it mad as a you disturb it just don't pay no attention to him that is so easy that it's hard so I expect to be blessed all the days of my life I told Cathy by the time I'm 33 years old we will own everything I had at 33 years old buddy I owned everything I had but I had to put that goal in front of me when I was 18 and people thought I was stupid and most of the preachers that told me I'll never make it they all retired and sick I don't mean that in a bad way and I'm still running and I got to make financial decisions that I never thought I would have to make concerning where what and how so when they want to attack me for something that's a thing I said well they just attacked me for being biblical how many of you get my magazine on my bondola you talking about me raising money for that plane did I ever write you for any money for that aircraft see I'm doing something I've never done before he said this one will just come one day you gonna hear me say this mark my word I want everybody in the world and listen one day you could hear Jesse Duplantis aiders ladies and gentlemen I have an emergency and if you don't respond today we are in major trouble I need to hear from you today please don't send me no more money we just got too much we don't know to go with everything we've got I just cut the cheezer's we just got so much we don't know what's going on I just need some help and I please that sound crazy yeah sound crazy when I built that ministry debt-free it all sounds crazy because you're dealing with the soulless realm of who you are instead of the spirit of who you are do you see what I'm saying so I just believe that I've had many opportunities not to believe it I just don't take any mm-hmm I ain't afraid to die because I'm already dead I did that and I got born again I mean I've been hit by lightning in an airplane and he went purple it's my everything I saw it was purple I was thinking Jimi him Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze what is this I mean everything went purple and I just walked up to up I said did we just get it yeah I said Oh Lord Jesus man but that didn't stop me from flying I'm not gonna let fear come in my life what if you lost everything you had what would you do start over see you can't take what's here this all this stuff is just stuff and I know how to eat escargot caviar and I also know how to eat a cheeseburger any I can go to McDonald's and just enjoy myself and say one more story kid come up to me at five years old remember that kid Kathy at Burger King I have a beautiful home it's pretty big you've probably seen it's all over the Lord Jesus people come and they drive by my house it takes a while to drive by it is this little boy I come up to me at the burger team and I never go to Burger King but I believe God want me to go to Burke I just stopped at and this little boy look like when he says you Jesse Duplantis I said yes I am just at your house I said yesterday he said that's a big house I said yesterday he said I'm gonna build a house like that - his mama said shut up boy hey cold leave that man long you can't do that and I looked at ice excuse me ma'am I don't mean to be rude you just said something totally wrong I said when I was five years old I was in a 8 foot wide 32 foot trail and everybody burger he listened to me 8 foot wide 32 foot trailer watching a movie called Gone with the Wind sitting on the floor in a black and white television and I saw a Scarlett O'Hara go up that stared I turned around to my mama I was 5 I said my mama build a house like the movies she says shut up boy you're sleeping on the floor you understand you're nothing but a KJ you can't do that and I remember he kind of hurt my finger I didn't say nothing I said ma'am I was 5 I looked at him I said son you won't build one bigger than me he said that's right a little five-year-old boy God gave it to me at five Catherine not long ago she came back she says Jessie you done so much for me you had this beautiful thank you and thank the Lord from I just thank you that's all I can tell y'all ain't telling y'all no more it was a great day I said Kelly we built this together I even told the contract to end the do whatever that woman tells you to do because I don't if I build a a dog house that dog won't get wet now Cathy knows how to do that stuff my god how she can do all that stuff and I love it when Jerry and Carolyn come Carolyn says do you mind if I just walk around I said kill it do what do you think you want and how many times people have come and slept in at 3 o'clock in the morning they were walking around my house and there's places you can sit down I have places outside and they look around go look at these things oh and I say y'all y'all need Samuel and we have a food station upstairs if you up there you in an upstairs Suites you know so you'd have to go down to the kitchen we get a little food station care that's all that stuff and I said ginger I said me costo su casa whatever you want they don't make no difference and they just had in Gloria came one time she says I'm gonna stay in the black and white room I said that's great girl she goes Oh Jesse Oh Jesse oh oh look at this bathtub Wow it's what you call like Kathy a slipper slipper tub she said oh I gotta take a bath and that I said enjoy yourself let me out of here hey it's a beautiful girl and she just came it makes me feel good it's this real oh it's real it's this a real that yes it is where did you get this see that's one side of Justin friends nobody ever sees for 30 years better I've been collecting artwork storing it all over the world but I don't have anymore now stored it's all back now in New Orleans because I knew I was going to do that when I couldn't buy a hot dog but I had the idea and I just had to work toward that so when I went in the ministry it was exactly the same thing I said this is what I'm gonna do and I don't mind working hard and more brother Copeland stimulated me yes sir this is cough I think I just found your plane it's 1994 can you get the get here quick I'll have somebody to pick you up at the airport we're going to Canada oh man Calais we're gone she said we had any meat lunch that's it come on woman it's 12 o'clock we rushed that's when you're gonna have to go to go through security we rushed like crazy because they had a flight leaving New Orleans going to Dallas DF debit 105 we made it better code me had these people pick me and I mean when I got there he was in his citation and man the engines won't he said we're going I think I found your plane Jesse this is it Jesse well we flew the Toronto Canada did we have fun me and Kathleen Kenneth in glory you know and all this kind of stuff and I thought man we landed and met mr. Harvey Firestone jr. the Firestone company it was his plane and he loved it and in Kenner was so kind to us he brought his mechanic so they could look over I don't know nothing about that stuff you know so born there Darrell was his name they're a really nice man he said but but just this thing is an exceptional shake and really and Kenneth looked at me said if you don't buy it I'm going buy it I said you ain't buying my plane and there's the gentleman with a little of cane and I said Mr Firestone it's mine you like it Reverend I said yes I do I said I miss the Firestone he said well I don't want the money today in this year because there's too much taxes on it can you pay me in 95 now this is in November of 94 I said how about January 6 he's a you in a hurt I said no I just want to claim me I'm just ready he smiled he said it's a good plane I said yes it is I'm thinking I'm talking to Harvey Firestone Johnny old man so he looks at me like this and I said can I give you a check at deposit to hold us and he does this is your word you're a barn boy I said yes I give me a hand he said look me and I he said that's the way we used to do business when I was young I can't stand these lawyers up behind me right now he said the planes yours Boston I said yes sir and he walks like this and he gets almost today to walk out the hangar and there was an eagle if this was a citation Eagle Mart it had a modification that you carry more fuel on which costs $250,000 he stopped his the door he stops right here he turns around he said hey Reverend you know that's an eagle ma didn't it I said yes sir he said hey and he's talking to his manager he said cut the 250,000 dollars off the price give him the Eagle mug is that all right Reverend I said yes idiot [Applause] that was in November January 6 we took possession of it flew it straight to a place to have the interior done it cost $20,000 that's nothing today but then it cost $20,000 and it took I don't know eight weeks I guess to do it all and the man said your planes ready so I drove over there to pick up my plane so we could fly back you know and and I said give me a bill he said it's already paid for I said who paid for it he said somebody in England I said who he said we don't know they want to remain anonymous I still don't know till today who did that see God was ahead of me how could you do that all sufficiency in all things abounding so when somebody tries to criticize that I laugh at that I said you have no idea what God has done for me in what he will do what he's done what he's doing in what he will do so just let him do it how many of you will be so blessed by next year you'll come back and Deborah bring a friend and pay for everything to eat and the hotel I mean you'd like to do that you'd like to do that cuz next year the southwards were believers convention it's gonna be a phenomenal one it will be the 40th year that's the celebration in itself think about that that you would be able to bring a couple of friends and pay their hotel in that room and I'm not hurting at all just enjoy yourself and go to reales and eat them on your ring so you can throw them like a horseshoe I mean anything your blessing think about that I want to thank each and every one of you to allow me a portion of your time I want you to think about this little simple message all so when the devil says you can't have that God says I can have all you a liar and God is God so I'm not gonna pay any attention to you in God's will on me hello wait a second thank you lord one more thing if you're caught if you're a college student and the Lord says this is the Holy Ghost if you're a college student you've got college that if you're willing to believe me saith the Lord I will cancel your debt by December all you gotta do is receive that hallelujah you shouldn't you should never have to start out in debt after you've went to school and you know and studied and really worked hard those things are not easy I'm telling you if you believe God while high is gonna do it that's his business I is going to do it but I promise you this it'll come from a seed you sow and a harvest you'll grow killing my mom our Kundalini sowcarpet thank you Laura I'm about ready to say this he said there will be 387 people that's in this congregation in this afternoon service that will be totally debt-free but next year [Applause] hallelujah I said Lord there's more than 300 he said why he said those are the ones believe in me those are the ones that are acting on it those are the ones that have giving and they needed the money they gave expecting to believe expecting to receive listen to me I'm not telling you something just to make you jump up God did this for me if you do it for me he'll do it for you he don't love me anymore he loves you we just believe in obedience now the believers convention is not over we got tonight and they got tomorrow I have to fly out of here in just a few minutes and I just want to thank each and every one again and I'm gonna say this ladies and gentlemen come September 29th through October the second one of the greatest things is ever going to happen on television we're gonna have a victory thon do you hear what I'm saying and it's gonna be able to help brother Copeland to go to every available voice and it's gonna happen and all the broadcaster's that are on it are coming that's never happened to start with and we are gonna give God glory when it's all said and done I believe that victory will be as big as ABC CBS NBC MSNBC Fox [Music] you see what it is it's a beginning and what did God say in the beginning you don't want to miss this put it on your calendar September the 29th October the 2nd I'm so excited about it because this couple Kenneth and Glory has been so gracious in coming the Lord just said it'll speed up my coming oh man it'll speed up my coming look at it there it is it has speeded up when the gossip was preached of the world the end shall come another Colton 82 years old most people are done retired quit went somewhere some most of them have died not him not Gloria hear what I'm saying maybe we this last generation just maybe Steven you're the last man they're gonna pastor the church you Pastor that's up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane no it's Steven where's he going think about that ladies and gentlemen I pray for that every day oh Jesus convoy nothing I'm afraid to die I mean wherever that I just want to go on that rapture I can't wait to start my work in eternity I will stand before that throne I'm yours to command give me a job Jesus let's go there's a universe out there he might put me over a galaxy where you gonna live New Jerusalem why beam me up Scotty I'll get that you won't travel by this speed of light that's to slow your travel by the speed of thought you'll think and you there [Music] [Applause] thank you I'm still on the fritz again I can't help myself spinning on into pleasure please please be praying for us hallelujah thank you hallelu remember it's not over the best is yet you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 205,088
Rating: 4.7651992 out of 5
Keywords: 2019 southwest believers’ convention, abounding, enriched, inheritance, jesse duplantis, needs, purpose, rich, seed, thanksgiving, things
Id: 84ptozMwRc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 55sec (4855 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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