Boldness: The Forgotten Ingredient

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turn with me to the book of Acts I love that book because it makes Christians nervous Jesus sent people to a place to be filled with the Holy Ghost and I love that acts 2 and suddenly there's a sound notice that the Lord is not quiet most of the churches I went to were quiet but Jesus is very loud he's very boisterous in fact when he's coming back he gonna holler so loud it'll blow your grandma right out the grave no grave I hold anybody down the Lord's coming with the trumpet with a shout some people say you need to calm down when you get in sure no that's when you need the shell and I enjoy being at a believers privilege ladies and gentlemen preach revivals camp meetings and you name up new 50 revivals a year 51 actually camp meetings and conventions and I figured the easiest place to give heals that a believers can mention the easiest place to receive anything from God is that a believers convention because everybody is believing now usually when I'm preaching I'm cutting through ice and doubt and unbelief and Pharisees and everything you can think of but I don't feel that here today so I'll tell you what is the rapture lobular come it could happen today would not be something I'd be preached on some food sucked out of here and they ran that tape on television there he went hey old holes all over Tarrant County Convention Center I was preaching out of Bob ecologist the other day and this theologian came up to me with his homiletically hermeneutical of philosophically theologically way of talking and he said are you one of those escapist I said man I'm going out on the first load you better no I he said what you're gonna do when you get there I said I'm gonna keep your food warm - i'ma do I'll just microwave for you want to stay and let the devil kick your brains out go ahead I'm gone to the matchup of the land while I eat it shop painted hot and God's Word but there's something in the Word of God that has been forgotten over the centuries and I want to deal with that Acts chapter 2 I want to start reading excuse me Acts chapter 4 I want to start reading just one verse in verse 24 let me read a couple of verses here it got a bless you I am of the opinion that you can believe in faith but faith without works is dead what I mean that there's got to be some action to what you believe in I believe in confession bless God but I believe what you confess you must possess and I don't think it needs to take a hundred years to get it done because in this last day God said he's doing a quick work and Acts chapter two church has been birthed it's not a very big Church is 120 people but they've got something in them called the Holy Ghost that the world hadn't saw in that magnitude and they begin to speak with other tongues I had a good Baptist theologian friend of mine said why do you speak in tongues I said well bless got it's the only prayer I can't mess up cuz I don't know what I'm saying it's wonderful sometimes I'll just go stand in front of the mirror and watch the Holy Ghost pray in tongues inside of me I just look and watch I say that's wonderful I don't know what he's saying but that's wonderful he wasn't long ago I got so excited I need to hear the word of God I stood in front of a mirror and preached to myself for 45 minutes spit flying gave an altar call and answered it praise God I enjoyed myself I just did hallelujah I did I just did I love everybody let's go one time I saw old Robert stick something good gonna happen to you and I turn around said well who's he pointing at I didn't know that it's something good did happen to me what was it a revelation of Jesus Christ this accent we're gonna get to the word the minute Lord God this is an hors d'oeuvre you chew on in a minute praise God hallelujah let's read verse 20 here the disciples are the apostles have got into trouble why because the preaching Jesus is named and they says this now I love this verse 24 cannot but Speak the things which we have seen and heard so when they had further threatened them they let them go finding nothing how they might punish them because of the people for all men glorified God for that which was done notice this the world was glorifying God over what these men were doing in the power of Jesus's name for the man was above forty years old on whom this miracle of healing was showed and being let go they went to their own company and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them and when they heard that they lifted up their voice to God with one Accord and said Lord thou art God which has made heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is who by the mouth of thy servant David has said why did the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things the kings of the earth stood up and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against this Christ for other truth against thy Holy Child Jesus whom thou hast anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy council determined before it to be done now I want to get to verse 29 I notice they begin to pray this way and and now Lord behold their threatenings notice they didn't deny the threatenings my god they will want to kill these people they didn't deny that but they said this and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word I want to deal with the word boldness today as the essential ingredient and get of getting your faith moving in the line that God wants you to move sometimes I call it The Forgotten ingredient I've made up my mind brother as long as there's a sinner on earth that I am in there people ask me why I preached so much because jesus said go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every creature I'll preach the dog if you're standing there long enough it doesn't make no difference to me I want something called boldness in my life and I'm not talking about religious zeal but I'm talking about a god called boldness in the word of the Lord it is the Forgotten ingredient I noticed this they prayed for boldness if you keep going on brother boldness needed to be done because the next chapter Peter had to tell a man Satanists feel my heart and a man they bless God right there in the church you keep going on and because he prayed for boldness he had to meet himself but it takes great boldness to see who you really are when you stand in there and see the flaws that are in your life and God sent him to Cornelius his house and the first thing he said he's a little prejudiced he said you know I shouldn't be here because I'm a Jew but it didn't make no difference God was doing a new work and a new plan and I'll tell you what he's still doing that today so I want to deal with the word bonus notice this bonus produced the tongue talking Church of the Bible I don't mind speaking in tongues in public I cussed in public why can't I speak in tongues in public I danced in public why can't I dance for the Lord in public I don't care where I'm at brother you can't embarrass me because I'm a dead man and if I'm a dead man dead people don't get embarrassed they don't care what they look like bless God they're dead it's not me that liveth but Christ that liveth in me I'll tell you what I sometimes I get up in the morning look at myself in America oh yes you got it boy you got it and I'm not talking about the knee but I'm talking about the ability of the Lord Jesus Christ that's ruling and reigning inside of me bonus produced the tongue talking Church of the Bible I enjoy attacking the devil he's been attacking us long enough I get up in the morning I say okay God let's go and that devil says ah now he's up again never know what he gonna do right I don't know what I'm gonna do in that wonderful because if you made a mistake you wouldn't know you made a mistake because you don't know what you're doing you are walking by faith in Jesus is worth so boldness produces the tongue talking Church of the Bible what does that simply mean that simply mean this after you feel with the spirit after you've come to our believers Convention brother this convention is not here to tickle your ears it's very it for you to grow in the Word of God that when you go back home you've got the full armor of God all and when you get there that devil a look at you said I thought he was small but no you heard the word of faith you're coming back Miller with a bigger helmet with our bigger breastplate with a bigger sword you're gonna cut his guts out because of the power of Jesus in your life boldness produced the tongue talking Church of the Bible I don't know how anybody can get depressed when they got Jesus Christ in them I really have a hard time getting the press they got to make myself I'm serious I got to get in the flesh to do it but it's not me that liveth of Christ that liveth in me I enjoy ministering the Word of God I was on a plane one time sitting next to a doctor I never forget it and I just looked at it she was a lady doctor and I said do you know Jesus she said who I said do you know Jesus she said well I go to church I said well hardy har har that don't mean nothing do you know Jesus she said well I'm Lutheran I said good do you know Jesus I'm not interesting what affiliation you in I just wanna know if you know Jesus she said well it looks like you do I said yes yes I do she said man there's something about you she said I like to know what God looks like and I'm booking my seat down said look he looks like me bonus bonus I had a man tell me that they who do you think you are I said how much time you got boy I'll tell you who I am I'm a chosen generation I'm a raw priesthood I'm a holy nation if God be for me who can be against me jesus said I am and I don't care what the world says I am with Jesus said I if I spit on you it's the Holy Ghost don't worry about are you here listen I got an hour to preach a three hour sermon I'm hurrying up boldness produces the tongue talking Church of the Bible don't I look younger when they get closer to you come on man ask me today how'd you get that young woman yeah I'm only three years older than that woman what are you laughing at the difference is I don't dye my hair like she does you know why cuz I tried that once my sister-in-law's a beautician she put a rinse in my head my head came out blue I don't want that my hair isn't God so why he turns blue if you put another color on it that's all you'd hear the blue headed preacher that we need enough of that young give me bonus Lord boldness produces the tongue talking Church of the Bible notice you have to pray for it I get up every morning not knowing what who I'm gonna walk into who I'm gonna meet what I'm gonna do what situations gonna happen but if I got bonus locked up with the faith of the Lord my Allah no devil in hell can destroy anything God's got inside are you hearing what I'm saying so that boldness produces that tongue talking Church of the Bible I'll tell you what some of you ministers here you may be having trouble in your church well let me just tell you what cm Warren said if they're bought ready to run you out of town and they've been marching you out of time get in front of them make everybody think it's a parade and you leave them alright God you just leave them make them think it's a parade [Applause] man I'm sweating my makeup off Florida the lady said don'ts don't smear it just Pat it I do a lot of television work myself but you gotta wear makeup I'm a mary-kate man myself I got long bag I got Monica one time I forgot to take it off with me lunch I just finished doing television production I forgot to take it off I walked into this restaurant this man said oh yes one time I saw schambach preaching your hot schambach fries won't somebody come on run around let's check some on summer and boy he grabbed this and he did like this and he turned all brown and shamrock said Wow I used to preach against this and throwed it down boldness produces that tongue talking church somebody shout somebody that's powers in this place I don't see why any of you people take it here today if you can't get healing a believers convention bless God to tell you he'll know where he understandeth the power of Jesus's name it's the awning of God different vodka doing that's got you the money [Applause] hallelujah cheese's what I'm saying is this bonus is that forgotten ingredients we forgot it we have forgot it man rather when brother Copeland preaches brother Savelle preaches it stirred me up got a Copeland gun in a smell people say where's that magazine he's gone he owns the suit be the one bought it and paid cash for it too blessed guy boldness produces that tongue talking Church of the Bible I like this stuff oh my body's taped myself are you hearing me this is not a show this is the Holy Ghost inside it's being let out it's man in a christ-like state I love they're gonna make that devil one time me and my pastor my pastor call me he said would you go to charity hospitai from New Orleans Louisiana I said yeah he said there's a girl tried to kill herself three times he said would you come help me pray for I said where's he that he says he's on the third floor I said that's the crazy Ward he said yeah that's why I called you I said okay had to have a ticket beginning it and I never forget that man in the elevated don't lose this ticket but they got people around here nuts a lot a fruitcake but they look sane who are you thinking about me halleluja of looking for this excuse me so I went to that place and the Lord said today you'll have boldness of such a degree it will shock people I said Frank I said God won't do something today he said when we going right in the middle of pizza my months are insane nuts Devils I walked in there bless God looking for this little lady and more I walked in and had people's hands tied than him said had them all you know them all what they call us like a furnace they used to look like an accordion steam looking distance they had him up there and it was hot I thought these people need air-conditioned bettin anybody else they were just time to themselves some were vomiting it was a terrible place and I just looked at that and I could see Devils I walk around I mean there's Devils they were you know I said Lord he said explosion gonna hit in about three minutes watch out but I walked in and I said we need to talk to this person and this social worker said I must go in the room with you I said come on mama come on we walked in and there was this little girl up on the seal on this windowsill had bars on it like if she would just balled up like that I walked in and man I walked up to her I said little lady and that devil said I will tell you Jesse oh you know me by my first name does the devil know you by your first name does he know your name and he'll he said I'll kill you you don't know you want when she come off that windowsill grabbed me spit flying rolling on the floor the social workers going oh my god oh my god oh my god my pastor going at her name of Jesus I mean I got this woman in my face I mean we just I mean spit flying Scott I mean we witness casting never the horror so she went oh and I bet never came and that's social work you say what happened I'll stop the devil came out of her and I don't know why he's going you better get out of here and she though this produced the tongue talking Church of the Bible hallelujah I guess about now you figured out I'm not a faith teacher I'm not a teacher I teach faith I'm a preacher I'm an evangelist I can't help myself show me a sinner son and that is a piece of pie to me that ladies delivered today we forgot listen I come out of any was people the Lord said caused a ruckus I walk in this room people full of demons I stood slapped in the middle at room I went hi only Olas in the name of Jesus a barn every demon and devil in hell that's in all these people morning that was gone we was having food it was right it was wonderful I forgot my ticket then I tried to get electrical locks I've never wanted us out so bad man saw we tried to open the door and boom boom beater and the ladies trying to get the lock down she was on the other side of the glass when she said I'm sorry did that work here come on not a fruitcake blessed God I mean insane they said you want to leave you want to leave you want to leave you want to leave I said yeah she went things stuck a finger oolagah and stuck her finger in that electrical socket he went in the door open up get out of here get out of here get out of here get out it went into that elevator breast got Nancy way your ticket I said I forgot it he said hide I know you're not crazy I said about Jesus he said yes sir I'll put this thing get me auditor boldness produces the tongue talking Church of the Bible you understand what I'm saying now the book of Ephesians chapter 3 don't turn to if you want to you can't he faces three verse 12 says this in whom we have boldness and access with confidence notice the next two words by faith in him well you turn to that and I'll read it again you know I don't live by my faith I really scripture Galatians said I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now that today live listen to this I live by the faith of the Son of God have you ever done a study on the faith that the Son of God who needs a boat when you can walk on a walk by the faith now my faith is developed each day don't misunderstand but blessed God to get the things that God wants me to do I jump up on his the Lord loves me ladies and gentlemen he can't help himself he does the I when I pray he'll say come in come in sometime I just go to pray and I say listen and he always ask me what do you want what yes he wouldn't I go nothing hello hi you know I just come to say hello what's going on you're my father you're a nice person just just thought I'd tell you that then sometime you wake me up in the morning three o'clock in the morning I said God well what do you want he says nothing hello how you do I just want to look at you little bit that's true see I have more than a relationship it's called fellowship see me in the Lord of 1c I'm not interested in publicity I fell out face I've heard about that God can't seem to get him who is it I go in and I go out blessing God I don't want people remembering me why well for one thing less god I am a servant of Jesus I'm a big man what do you want to remember a dead man for I want you to remember this Christ that's in me see now Ephesians 3 are you there yet listen to this boldness is courage and confidence of free access to God that scripture in Ephesians 3:12 says in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by faith notice that by faith in him now Paul was talking about the church said the mystery of the church he says brother when I come to throne I come with bonus I have access to it I know I've got confidence in it because by faith the Lord will accept who I am and what I am bold let's say so boldness people ask me why he's so happy all the time well bless God I'm loved in heaven and I'm loved on the earth I'm not talking about by this well most sinners left me I'm on I'm on secular television let's God I III preached the Sunnah though and they watched my program I make him mad oh I had a homosexual so mad the other day I didn't know I mean I was out of town they called in my office and I tell you what let's preach I'm not against homosexuals I'm against homosexuality Sam against sin God and boy I mean he called my office up and says I just did y'all just ruin my day just reeling my dick I had one come up to me one time he says I think I got a devil I saw I think you do do one time on an airplane the Lord spoke to me a woman went I want my went right by me and I see went my just happened to look up at her like that and I saw that devil in her Jerry I saw that devil so I didn't say nothing I just said that's on the Delta I was on Buckhead seat there and the Lord said what you do it said I'm on this plea I'm going to Seattle he said you just see that devil in it lady I said yeah he said what are you gonna do about it I said nothing I said Lord I'm on a plane he said I know where you are boy I'm talking to you he said you mean to tell me you gonna leave that woman demon-possessed yes I said God I'm on a plane he said I know where you are nothing will you do it listen he said I use you you my hands see ladies and gentleman the heart of God is the father that face of God is the son Jesus that force of God's the Holy Ghost but the hand of God's the church a hand the gods the church he said you mean to tell me you can read that woman possessed I said I'm on a plane I am buckled up he said you don't have to get out your seat to cast that Devil out listen what do you want with you he said rebuke that devil right where you are he said you don't even have to say it out loud I said okay I can do that he said well start that devil's been too long in that woman she sat three seats behind me in the center seat fool plane man so I just bound my Uncle Bobby to do so come on but she could got a book or something they said pardon me I said that's the Holy Ghost talking excuse me all right time to talk it's mad I just prayed in the Holy Ghost then I said I mind you in the name of Jesus you devil from hell I ain't you I called you down I did Julie but Jesus Christ of man that sometime I like to use a little King James lot of fun born I was sudden this woman going yeah I went let's get smart it I just kept home this man now sitting some kept look he said somebody going nuts I said she's got a devil I said and I looked and I knew he didn't I said right now an exorcism is being performed now what happens boldness but notice it's done by faith boy after a while this woman's twisting and that said hit come them stewardesses what's the matter what's the matter fine I could I said she's got a devil him stood his money woven yep yeah I'm deaf I said she's demon-possessed I said but there's one greater than the devil hearing it's not me his name is Jesus Jesus I cuz I looked at that I said come out see what and just just went limp man said he killed her kill her she was freed going to Seattle it got to the captain he come back put it on automatic pilot he said sir I said listen I figured you didn't want no Devils on this plane I'll get mad at me I said it ain't my fault I tried not to do anything about it I said but I can't leave somebody possess you don't say he just looked at mid smile I thought oh god they go had the please wait if I'm going to get to Seattle he says he takes now never been in a cockpit before he got more boring I'm looking at all these little machines and thatäôs and stuff he says I don't care it's manic I said I don't forget that man I Delta Kappa he said I'm charismatic I said you all he said yes I think let's pray in tongues it was wonderful oh and I went in sat back down the man next to me says is there any more like that on this thing outside it I didn't see it good I said does that bother you he said I'm a Baptist anything about it is Baptist that's what he said I hate me give me bow holding the slot notice they prayed it lord grant unto us boldness that we may preach this word let me tell you something man why do you think so much heat hits brother köppen brother Hagin brother Savelle why I got mad I'm a television evangelist I'm from Louisiana look like everybody fallin in Louisiana I heard somebody fell in Texas there they are shouts at thank God it ain't Louisiana I mean thank you Jesus sometimes I get on a plane people say what do you do for a living I'm a motivational speaker no I would say that I said I'm an evangelist evangelist I said yeah I had a guy tell me this year they want told my tape man the same thing I just had this day he said are you preachers are just in it for the money I said how come you not in it if you I get that much mana community boy here [Applause] and I dumbass a stupid question preaching the gospel don't make a lick of sense intellectually to start with think about it if you don't take care yourself you can pass the church for 30 years and your husband died that throw your wife out the parsonage if you don't take care you'll sell taste of my preaching man I mean it's a tough job we got to be plumbers presidents of corporations dealing with the IRS which ain't the easiest thing in the world got to be an administrator a counselor a psychologist a psychiatrist he we could just discard - what would you do come Sunday morning your pastor wasn't there he said what is it he said I just put a tape on I didn't feel like coming that's sometimes you do that too I don't feel like going I someone told me this Sunday you know I used to go to those believers convention I said watch it and this and they said you know brother Kenneth glory really stole great seats great seeds in us I had another person tell me the one was really a very very complimentary of them but this other person I would happen if he won't said well I used to go he said but you know that's not you know that movement went by I said what are you nuts I think come here boy I said and this I said Genesis talks about it started in the very first birth and you know it started very in the beginning God created the heaven in the earth and the earth was our form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of the Lord moved the Hebrew word said the Spirit of the Lord fluttered I said notice he was getting in the faith now knows he couldn't do nothing till the father said something Jehovah said well watch this bill and that whole ego for waiting sow call at the creating factor of the Trinity say God Jehovah talks well the Holy Ghost movie that's how I got saved in that bathroom Holy Ghost was fluttering over me just like that and God said just say white B not Holy Ghost it sound good to me they went inside of me they got remember when I got save I had hair I was a rock musician I had hair boy it would just flip I could stop walking in my hair kept going I have had I dyed it black I dyed it strawberry red one time I afro did but that was something yeah it was just look weird there was happy bit yeah you ever said smoked enough dope the pollutant foot worth drank enough booze to float battleships but I had a prayin mom who had great boldness she said it's your tough luck you born to me you get to save whether you like it or not I said you could get out of here woman bonus now why did she say that she had courage and confidence of free access to God by Ephesians three twelve she said I have boaters and access the confidence by faith in him I got the promise of my family my brother I was a devil from hell I was a heathen and a good one I was a professional sinner my mama said the bars are set up he drinks he runs around he's terrible I never saw an ugly woman in my life I like them fat I like them skinny ugly black white green yellow purple people say fat ones man a fat woman to give you heat in the summer and shade in the winter it didn't make no difference to me so I just didn't care I was motivated by the devil I didn't care about nothing else but sin and playing music knowledge to bunch to mama Donald I know mama and girls going and young people that's your mama doing that the successor though made a lot of money I have been rich I have been poor rich is better I have but I never had anything in my life until I stood at the throne of God hallelujah there's such a thing is that God come into my life I don't even know if you exist I didn't know nothing other than religion see but I had enough sense to know I could hear mama saying you come to the throne of God God will accept you and he did wash my sin away went the church and freaked out everybody now remember that I went to church had on him broad ring and I used to wear a lot of children hair people go oh I never could get saved in the church why because they always tried to clean the fish before they caught it I couldn't get saved in the church hey they cut that hair boy I said you need to grow some now get that dirt off your necks on out tear Waldheim let's go and I knew what was wrong with me I need to know what could be right with me I couldn't get saved to the church I don't know because everybody was judging the Lord spoke to me I want you listen to this boldness is courage and confidence of free access to God feature 3:12 in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by faith in him the Lord told me something you know I can understand the heathen wanting to kill us Lord woke me up doing an Iran war I mean the Iraq war there saddled him saying all that stuff he woke me up was about 3 o'clock when I said get up put the television on show yourself I said what put the television so ok God put the television on what and this guy I don't know who the reporter was says we just had a tank hit my friendly fire you know most Christians are not hitting by the devil they hit my friendly fire we're killing ourselves the Lord's to see that that's what's the problem with my church city shooting each other with friendly fire he said you got people that won't come to meetings cuz they've been hurt by some other Christian bombing I'm missiles he said don't you ever put a missile in your hand to hit one of my people I said Lord someone messed up bad he said I know he said but I saw all their flaws and I still saved them I said okay get away from friendly fire you don't have to agree with everybody I don't get what everybody I don't agree with everything or Robert says let's shock you I know I don't agree with everything RW schambach says I give you one better than that I don't believe in everything I say that's the truth sometime I'm preaching something come flying out by faith I go no no bring it back bring out no the Lord said stretch to that like brother copal said last night you hear you can't be a hundred percent right he just keep preaching give me boldness look I'm gonna get my husband saved not by beating his brains out I had a late anyone since I want your pray for God to kill him I said I can't do that it come to give life and that more money if you live with him you'd kill him I said that may be true but I can't do that I can't do that Jesus Jesus couldn't go to funerals ladies and gentlemen he messed them up he try to bear somebody get up never want to be dead anyway just go home yeah a lot of junk in the body of Christ but don't get friendly fire out let God handle it business let God handle it business when you walk in the light of God's Word boldness stands and total victory when everything is falling why does it stand until the victory because of faith you know we were poor people others poor child we didn't have much growing up here's the main I thought boy if I could just get enough money I guess I you know I wanted success for that reason so I could just come out the dregs of life my mother was a 220-pound Cajun woman you don't mess with that kind of person say don't unsafe especially been eating Tabasco sauce since they six months old mama was a big one she'd beat me sometimes I said look I new new let my mama meant to her 20 pounds hit you that's a lick she is fat I'd run out and I just grabbed & Seek myself into that fat I'd go mama she's just cook to clean up and she'd hit herself I get up on the one in rose gold I got so she wouldn't bust me up I'm serious she hit herself by three times turned me loose I told you that's where I learned that heat and shade in the Simon winner I get cold I remember as a kid man go chug get go I just get up on the mama's get some eat that fat they're blistered up help me up mama was heavy she didn't mind she enjoyed it didn't bother her at all I don't know if it bother daddy wasn't allowed to say anything he wasn't allowed to say nothing my daddy was the head of the house but he wasn't a boss I'll leave it like that anyway we lived down in Venice Louisiana my daddy worked forgetting all company I don't know forget that as long as I live I was about five and a half years old and we lived on a place called Chef EU lane a man and only the own Sheffield's cafe up at the front we always lived back in the back right by the Mississippi River above the levee and he had a big compliment call it a big complex but you know some little rent houses and things and me and my brother would play we had a friend that we really enjoyed playing with and they had another kid that lived in the neighborhood and only lived actually but or maybe two Lots over from us this kid was an abused child because his father was an alcoholic his mom was on call this boy at six years old with smoked cigars and that would freak me out I go wow man smoker he want to hit and I hate to smoke cigars any parents didn't cage dad I've seen I've seen the father meantime fall on the porch drunk mama - please come down there pick up the kids keep him for about three weeks and I guess give him back to them they'd be back but this little boy his name was Fred and Fred took a butter knife and stabbed one of my friends in the back put these back this deep I mean the ambulance had to come pick up my friend which made me mad man yeah so I told my brother I said we're gonna whip Fred Boulder bus said okay we're going with him and I said look I want you to get me we didn't have an inside call it we had a outside had a three-hole ER that's good I mean no but I'm talking about yeah I had three hold that daddy hold her mama holder in the baby holder you know it was three hopes and usually a hotshot you had a three holder it's that house way out from the houses where it was so I said I said I'm gonna lure Fred in that and that in a outhouse I said when I open that don't he coming you hit him I said now throw him down the hole that was a bad kid how about five and a half years I've had enough of Fred Fred done stabbed our friend we're gonna bust him today so Bush over there man old Fred come on that smoking nice a girl then forget it I say hey Fred well you are huh I'm Jason I'll show you something I have it's cuz he ain't nothin I wanna see just to own it what has my brother behind the door and I was walking I said you see him here cuz here cuz open up that door Bob when he walked through that door boom Wayne hit him blessed go when Wayne hit him I hit him to us staff really just beating him up when I'm trying to throw I put him in I put his head in that hole I'm trying to get him down down that blood stuff he's going I guess you would - you don't say I'm out I'm throwing down that hole right shot stabbed my friend I'm in a half years old this boy is screaming from the top of his lungs we trying to stuff him down that old man but the problem was I had a head wound hold he's laying there and there's something in between you can't get a minute I want to cut him and have drop both halves in there but Scott I was so mad at him cuz he destroyed my little friend you know hurt my friend he was a howl and I heard his daddy mom he out the door I ran my brother ran Fred come out and then that nice or I'll kill you when he said that I froze I'm five and a half years off rose and my brother Wayne said Ron Jes a rock I'm gonna scared me and he was drunk and he had a Stillson wrench y'all from for well you know much about Monkeywrench oilfield pipe wrench he said I beat your brow kill you boy now I'm probably have going yeah I didn't know what to do I mean I couldn't run I was scared of course I was wrong we try and throw his son not a hole but you know I wasn't saved so I'm sitting it and Wayne screaming wrong rod Oh Wayne we're running all of us said he gets it from me to this monitor said I'll beat your brains out he's drunk all of a sudden her something pick up I turned around there was my momma standing in in the doorway with a 22 rifle pointed at man's head she said you touched that boar not kidding you boldness came upon me boldness of such a degree I let them said you want some of me [Applause] for he looks like that I said shoot him mama I said come on man I whip your son whip you to mess with me I'm gonna have you know pop mama says shut up just shut up she said you touched my born on kick by that time my dad had come driving up he sees my mama with a 22 rifle this is the guy or the rest like it and I'm going come on I had boldness because something was behind me my daddy said my mother's name was Velma he called a villain thou don't kill that man that man looked at he said you think she would he said I live with this woman she will kill you could you touch that boy she will kill you my mama had that 17 shots in that she'd have put him in his head buddy you touched my born or kitty boy I had boneless you know he said he called my mother mother to sense let me call her mama he said mama put the gun down daddy trying to get people say mama trying to kill him she said Paul I hadn't crucified my flesh yet you believe in raising from the dead we'll see how much power you got how must him in a second he touched Jessie man the man dropped the wrench in the backed away like this I'll never forget this for hours and then it happened mama said come here rapture now hello let's go because I knew it's Judgment Day I could see the Terminator in her that's a true story why did I get bonus but there was somebody behind me with a gun let me tell you that devil may be coming up to you brother with a wrench right ready to bust Joe head oh man you may have done something and he just don't like it maybe he did some wrong maybe did something right but he comes to kill steal and destroy but all of a sudden if you look back you hear this crap you're trying around that's that whole ago say you touch that kid hallelujah wow this produces that tongue talking Church of the Bible you get the point you can you get the point it's wonderful it's the Lord behind me I don't remember this when I was two and a half years old I picked up that 22 rifle I don't remember I told me this I picked like it and he was loaded I picked it up I got in mom and dad he was sleeping and I was barely could pick the thing up and my dad woke up my head the gun like this and my daddy he wakes my mom up says get kid I don't know I don't remember how this baby that's just like the devil see you got something some of you don't know enough about faith and do anything but you got the machine gun in your hand you're going and the devil said get get get get watch him if he touch that trigger we're in trouble watch him get the guy get the kid the Devils are more afraid of you than you are I have [Applause] somebody shouts come on it's an ingredient they say you're trying to put on a show now wait till I get to heaven I'm gonna be worse I'm gonna slide down them streets in my socks oh man I used to do it in school I can't wait I've been there because I don't believe it you never been there I saw him I know what he looks like he put his hand on this show he's between five foot eleven six foot one the Lord weights between 180 185 pounds he's got hey I thought it was white till he turned his head and I saw it was brown he said you go tell my people I'm coming I said they know that he said no they don't know that they don't go tell my people I'm coming I said ain't nobody gonna believe me that won't think I'm a fruitcake he said it don't make no difference go tell my people I'm coming ladies and gentlemen you watching my television he is come on he's bad he's bad you gotta be ready to receive him he's coming uh-huh but give the Lord a hand clap do something bonus a little your cheese's buy something first John chapter 4 turn to it quick hurry I got a few minutes left y'all enjoy this how can you not get healed in a believers convention yes well thank you I'll say that you know what some of you pastors ought to do believe God for enough money to bring your whole church to believe is connection is your church up is your church full of a bunch of believers well yes well break them to a believers command this is the easiest place I've ever preached in my life this'll believers convince you I don't have deacons going back they're going to tell you one thing no no what we gonna do I've been to some deacon possessed churches I'll tell you I've been to some deikun possess boletaria on fire here bless God that's the way we do things around here oh yeah I preach in all different types of churches God has given me that ability to thank the Lord favor that I walk across denominational barriers I preach a Catholic Chur I've preached the st. Francis DeSales Catholic Church and not Siana they told me said listen we like you but don't touch the altar the altar is holy I said okay remember that Cathy I got out there and they don't want to say spots on a Sunday but hold through the whole thing I understand that cuz I've been Catholic I got up there and start preaching I preached on the biggest quail hunt in history 20 billion 400 million quail bit the dust in one lick God can hunt well right in the middle a mess I got excited people were shouting like you shot in the Catholic Church the Jesuits behind their video on it Lauren I listened what are you gonna do what you and I just walked up on I'm so used to walking up on a platform my god I said into altars then I went right and I slapped that altar in the almond whoa then I went I'm sorry I couldn't help myself but holding this I didn't want to slap the altar I couldn't help it I preached it Episcopalian went church one time they don't have a pulpit in the front they got it on the side you go upstairs and sit in the stall stand up in the stall close the door I said Jesus gonna touch it that glory and I kicked that door off the back up I know forget the pastor he said you can preach it down here if you want i preaching back the church that don't even believe in the Holy Ghost I asked him I said why do asked me to come they went we like it that's it we just like you I've had min upset I don't talk about in tongues I say and Lobb will come out when I least expect it I ain't promising nothing it's the Forgotten ingredient bonus see you can be healed up today you can be saved the day you know I got people come to believe in convention that even say you know if you walk around town going people to follow you I was I'm a jog a little bit NIT and at the hotel I said I call see y'all have kind of a jogging track anything the Hawks are I decided to run 15 flights like to kill myself I ran 15 I got to the top I said oh he said I see you I said well carry me if you see me 15 flights man now people said you talk to the Lord like it yes why he's my friend are you there at first John good I love this first John 4 verse 17 I got three minutes five minutes the Lord's increasing the time race go all right first John full verse 17 herein is our love made perfect orbit or why that we may have boldness in the day of judgment but does that mean the Bible said we go judge angels who you're gonna need boldness to judge an angel well there's that in the Bible yes where is it go find it just go find it it's in here it's right here he said your judge angel left in the day of judgment oh you can have to have boldness standing looking names and said well that's what the Lord said boy that's rocks you gotta read the Bible it's good book hearing as I love made perfect coma toward that we may have boldness in the day of judgment now I love this next statement I wish the church believed that but they don't because as he is so we that man said who you think you are chosen generation a royal priesthood holiness peculiar person steadfast immovable abounding in the work of the Lord final my labor not in vain in God not wearing well do it in due season our Reaper for faint not God be for me who can be against me I said I don't get mad at me about that I didn't say that about me God said that about me I just bought a new international headquarters building there's a miracle of Jesus they lent a million dollars on it we bought it for 250,000 dollars through the federal government then that amazing and you know this Charlie a first one 750,000 for it then they first tried to get 500,000 and the Lord said all from 250 I okay they said how much I said 250 think what you want me to do I hear the federal government man was a big S&L bailout think federal government man and vice president of a bank he said sir this build is worth way more I mean the bottom floor the bottom to sweets is worth better man I said I know I agree what you're saying I said listen John them if you can change God's mind I'll pay whatever he says just tell him to tell me I don't care I'll pay whatever he said I've seen that vice president you can see in their face we should have went to church we should have what the child it's over to church I bought it I'm putting my television studio sub-section it's great some time I went there then just I just tried to hug the building his 11,000 square feet you can't you know I got some gentlemen across the street of a different persuasion they hairdressers they nervous say did you hear there's an evangelist bought that mill and he lied to come to lay hands on us I shocked him the other day I have a balcony on it looks like a big plantation home us how fair they walked out anyway Oh [Applause] I shocked the woman yesterday at the hotel I know she wasn't one of the people in the Bliss convention you could tell I come down rounding at 15 I ran went up then I went down easier to go down to this girl so I said I'm not going anywhere I'm gonna go back up on the hell of it so I got Nana sleigh says would you mind pushing my floor say yes ma'am so I'll push the floor I said you're here for the believers convention no I said should be but what do y'all believe I said Jesus Christ knowing him well I go to church I said what so does the devil that's true she said you seem to be very strong in what you believe I said later I quit believing years ago you did I said I know in whom I have believed I know I know I can't help but that's why I'm full of joy I know I'm going to heaven I know I'm he goes listen I ain't looking for money money looking for me I'm sorry I can't help it and that's a baby say I'll tell you what you're so easy to beat man I preached for two dollars a week but all I needed was about a half I preached to meet one time told 300 miles and they gave me a dr. pepper dr. pepper I drove all the way back into all I said Kathy she didn't give you an offer I said they gave me a dr. pepper my wife is one the village here she says well thank God you wouldn't thirsty [Applause] I got 30 seconds one more I was believing God one time I said God I got to do this special that's gonna cost me 20 grand do you understand this don't let you know that he said don't count pennies looking at own impotence I said okay but Annie 20 grand that's coming back from Houston Houston Hobby at night I thought I need to he said look in your pocket I said ain't nothing in my pocket I said listen is it coming in the mail tomorrow well I hope the mail money's good tomorrow we need that $20,000 I got to be at Cox cable I got a big production I got you know all over you I gotta have that money he said look in your pocket I got angry at God I stood up I said look I ain't got nothing in my pocket look that's nothing he said look in the other pocket oh the other pocket okay I mean and I looked and I felt this lady as I was walking out handed me a check she said put this towards the television mister I thought it was $10 if it been 50 out of shot it but I said $10 I looked at and I'm sitting for play and I open it up and the check was for twenty thousand for wait wait wait 20 that don't hurry I got 20 seconds don't take my time twenty thousand four hundred dollar I went yeah I just hollered couldn't help it my wife pick me up that night I got to the house I said Kathy give this that off is telling the ride on my tax-deductible receipt this goes to what television money television ministry for tomorrow here and I walked out like yet and Kathy took him and I walked in my study in our bedrooms on the other side and officer I heard got to go I walked in I said what's the matter with you woman you ain't got no faith then I heard that powerful word yes it repent repent repent one quick thought forgiveness is in the soul but repentance is in the spirit Church knows a lot about forgiveness but very little about repentance turn from go the other way if you understand what I said you'll have the Forgotten ingredient called boldness give Jesus a hand clap brother Jerry [Music] [Music] hello everybody I'm just at a planet and I'm so happy you're watching this video today if you're enjoying our Channel please subscribe you can hit the bell to get notifications as each new video is posted so you don't miss a single one then you share this video to your friends your family so they can be blessed by it and I mean that said they'll be funny there'll be a hilarious and I promise you if you watch it by the end of it you're gonna feel good because I believe in bringing joy into people's lives I mean that sincerely and I tell people say does anything ever wipe that smile off your face no and thank God I got good teeth it's the Lord so watch it and subscribe today thank you and keep watching you'll be blessed
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 95,016
Rating: 4.8782201 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: hHjd0tFKnlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 4sec (3424 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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