Listen to Your Engines | Jesse Duplantis

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it says paul an apostle of jesus of christ by the will of god according to the promise of life which is in christ jesus to timothy my daily beloved son grace mercy peace from god the father and christ jesus our lord i thank god whom i serve from my forefathers with pure conscience that without ceasing i have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day now i do that for my spiritual sons and daughters too greatly desiring to see thee being mindful of thy tears so timothy was a crier that i may be filled with joy i had the opportunity to go to the marriage what they call i think the marriage uh uh some what they call it yeah and they played a couple of games and you had to read it you had to read a poem to your wife or or whatever and it was a really great dinner wonderful dinner and a blessing of the lord and played a couple of games and when i read that i thought about we have a we have a crier here in our church and his brother joy lord jesus man so he's going to read to tennis this thing and he goes he's the most i cry i said what's wrong with the boy he's going to have to suck it up man come on son but i'll tell you what he couldn't get through it and it blessed everybody including me well would you do that never look at god but that was a wonderful thing and he said he said he did say i'm a crier and i thought oh you know i've seen people cry that's all right but it was really something and i thought about when i read this this morning and i said if i was writing a jar i'd be mindful of his tears that he's filled with joy and course tanner's just love it see she's looking at her and said do it again again kind of hit me in the rib and said learn something [Laughter] i mean and the men were singing to their wives and lord i mean even ron fortune and he he's saying man he sounded like a brother he really did you ought to see anybody i said get down with your bad self right i thought he i thought he i thought he was going to sing a country song hank william you know he liked that country he said nothing wrong with that it was a blessing then this brother he's saying i mean they were singing it was just amazing it was good but i thought what a nice thing that people love each other don't you think so give all the married people a hand clap in here lord i've got what a blessing of the lord so joy we are mindful of your tears i want to go to verse 8. now he's writing this he says be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our lord nor of me his prisoner but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of god who had saved us called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in christ jesus before the world began you ought to underline that in your bible before the world began verse 10 but is now made manifest by the appearing of our savior jesus christ watch this now who hath he's already done this abolish death and have brought life and immortality to light through the gospel where unto i'm appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher of the gentiles for the which cause i also suffer permit these things nevertheless i'm not ashamed for i know whom i have believed notice that's pastness i am persuaded the that's past sense that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him against that day and then i'm going to read one more verse can you remember or do you know what you have committed to god in your life have you ever thought about what you mean you may have given your life you're born again but what else have you done to draw closer to him now verse 13 is where i want to get to it says hold fast the form of sound words of the pattern which thou has heard of me in faith and love which is in christ jesus hold fast the form of sound words or the pattern when you speak in 1974 in indianapolis indiana i went to the indianapolis 500 car race there was 300 000 people in the stands going all the way around the oval track and one hundred thousand people in the center with their rvs and trailers it's actually the biggest place that you can have a crowd between uh you know the uh bleachers as well as the uh you know the the ins the inside of it and uh johnny rutherford won the nd 500 that year i never forget in 1974. i got to walk into gasoline alley and i met aj foyt mario moretti i think i think it was his name with all these uh great car drivers but i heard a a sound and i heard a speaker or an announcer say gentlemen start your engines i want to talk about the engines of your life i want to talk about the words that you speak are engines so ladies and gentlemen instead of start listen to your ancients that's the title of this message listen to your engines because you see what comes out of your mouth is who you are you understand and he told timothy you're going to have tribulations but hold fast the form of sound words in other words the words that you say will produce things beyond human reasoning because see these words are the engines of your life and we need to listen to them so when you speak you need to hear what you're saying so i want to deal with that so title again is ladies and gentlemen listen to your engines now i want you to write this down point one sound words produce and uplift and is the foundation of the welfare of the church churches only split when people start talking nasty words unsound words people start fighting when unsound words begin to come out of their mouth sound words produce an uplift and is the foundation of the welfare of the church or another one when you speak sound words it takes care of the church and it lifts people up if you see someone sick you look at them and said i'd like to pray for you because jesus said by his stripes you were you are you are you am or if you're in south louisiana you is healed we're not denying what we see we're not denying what we feel we're speaking a sound word see and that uplifts people and makes a foundation for the welfare of the church when you understand that that body stripes you were healed or for god so loved the world these are sound words he's saying timothy never speak nothing else no matter what's happening in life i've had a lot of people tell me brother jess in all these years you've never changed let me tell you why because i won't go to unsound words i stick with the words that are sound god's word is true write this down sound words are the center of doctrinal unity sound words are the center of doctrinal unity to the church why because it exhibits the truth in a consistent life you must be consistent in everything you do your wife wants to consistently she wants to know that you love her consistently even when she doesn't have the makeup on that's right even with everything going wrong that don't change anything let me say it again sound words are the center of doctrinal unity to the church because it exhibits the truth and it's consistent in a consistent light the word of god should comfort you in every area that's why i believe in the rapture some people don't but i do why because paul said comfort yourself with these words these are sound words see and when you can believe in something that's unbelievable because you have committed to him everything in your life it may be unbelievable it may be impossible but it's doable because it's founded on sound words are you all enjoying this already these are the engines of your life let me say it again i'm gonna read the first point sound words produce an uplift and is the foundation of the welfare of the church the church sits on sound words sound words are the center of doctrinal unity to the church because it exhibits the truth in a consistent light see when i built this place i refused to change my words i read something in the book of romans said oh no man anything but to love him so i said i will build this place debt-free no one at that time in new orleans had ever built a church that free or in the new orleans area not bragging on that you know three banks said i couldn't do it they couldn't because they were looking at my finances when they should have been looking at my god but i kept saying my god my god shall supply not some not a little bit and i don't need your help not wrong you know a barn man i got a problem with that don't misunderstand what i'm saying was i had committed something that i would not say nothing but sound words and i listened to that engine in my life i had many opportunities to fail i refused to take it you understand what i'm saying and when you understand that i exhibited the truth in a consistent light and then they the dollars came out to see what we did and they said that we can't understand how he did that why because you see their engines didn't start the engine's battery was now wrong but my battery was full of power one because of the engines that were my words you see and it and i don't change my doctrinal center because it's popular to do so i still believe sin is wrong let me say it again i still believe sin is wrong i believe if you're living in adultery or fornication that's wrong no well i lost a few right there did you hey well my lord if you want to have sex with a woman why don't you marry the woman then knock yourself out i don't care if you fall down after that don't shout me down when i'm preaching i'm just taking these sound words i'm not criticizing you i'm speaking your truth you see now you don't hear much about that anymore there are a lot of preachers now say you can drink but you can't get drunk that's totally contrary to the word of god i said are you a preacher yeah well the bible said if you're a bishop you're bishop which means you're a minister yeah then you can't have any what you doing sucking on this and sucking on that oh they don't like that hey i didn't write it but i certainly live by it and i refuse to change the soundness of that do you understand what i'm saying see it's a doctrinal it brings doctrinal unity unity in what me and god see the church should be in unity but it's not it's in uniformity which means i hear you once a while i don't know if i believe everything but you know whatever but unity says i got your back or like locos on austral the mafia says i die with you which means it make no difference we're one do you see that write this down when you speak sound words it is spiritual stability when you speak sound words it is spiritual stability why because it always brings you brings you to a rallying point having done all the stand stand therefore let me say that when you speak sound words that's your engines of life now it is spiritual stability it always brings you to a rallying point when i tell kathy i'm gonna take her out and to a real fine restaurant i go to the rallying point it brings stability i did something first you don't you know i i do things you know i just i had christine help me i'm not a big valentine person don't get mad at me uh you know i kind of think of it like a hallmark day you know but i mean but you know women like and that's fine you know i i don't mind taking people out and all that kind of stuff but uh uh the big long story short i was preaching i had to go to uh florida i was in florida last week and also well and also uh willis texas which is a suburb of houston so while i was gone and then i told christine i said get me some flowers i said because you know i see if i put it on my card we only have one phone it's hers i don't carry a phone so if i charge something you know i guess you know i guess the banks do that i don't know how it works i said i can't do that so christine said you got any cash yeah that's kathy's sister you don't see it i said yeah i said but i don't want them delivered until we go out of town and we had to go to florida uh was that friday or thursday thursday and she said well you want me to put him i said put him on the kitchen thing there that's where she normally goes what you're going to put on the card i said i'd never write a card i never sent a card never and i never will why because my signature is all this big beautiful arrangement is one white rose in dead center look at these women see that sound but it kind of confused at this time because no one might give her roses and things like that but uh christine did you get her any flowers ricky you should have man she said maybe kathy likes her drink her drinks drinks fat flowers i said well do whatever you think but i said i want some pink roses i think and stuff like that but make sure we got one white road dead center she said okay well they did the beautiful vase bars whatever you want to call it so we came home i didn't say nothing you know and uh she said i'm gonna take my makeup off and put on my pajamas and all that kind of stuff i said okay and so she comes walking in she goes walking and she sees that but she sees the hydrangea yeah then flowers have a hard time with that and she goes it throws her off she didn't see the white rose i had a bunch of pink roses with her so she's looking for the card who sent me this because a lot of times people send kathy nice flowers and things you know you know and then our eyes lift and she went oh that's all i can tell y'all i can't tell y'all no more but it was a good day it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood see that's stability that white rose is stability she knows because i have committed to her see when you speak sound words it is spiritual stability it always brings you to a rallying point you see what i'm saying so she asked me because they were heavy i mean this is a big raven she said can you bring him to my bathroom because those pink flowers will match my the decor that's in there about i said sure man i mean they were heavy i mean you know brought him in and she just likes it so much you see it brought a rallying point because it brought stability write this down sound words are given for your sake the church's sake and the world's sake let me say that again sound words or your engines that you speak or given for your sake it tells people who you are for the church's sake tells people what you believe and for the world's sake you will not move off of it i've had a lot of people say you know i'm not into god i'm not even but that jesse to plant us that's a nice man that's a fine man if he ever tell you something you can take it to the bay he gonna do what he said i don't mean that pridefully but i'm just saying it's the truth why because you are your word if people can separate you from your word you got problems if i could separate god almighty from his word i would not be a christian i'm telling you in the beginning was the word the word was god the word was with god i'm going to see this him and his word are one and the same let me say it again sound words are given for your sake so people know who you are the church's sake and the world's sake and you got to be able to take the heat or what people want to change you but when you know something's right come hella high water we've had that in south louisiana hurricane katrina we had hell and we had high water but it didn't change us because you're still here there are a lot of people move wouldn't come back but not you don't shout me down when i'm preaching good why because stability you're not going to let nothing run you out of town unless god tells you to go see that's sound words and you need to listen to those so if you uh get hit with a sickness or something like that and your body's saying i'm sick i'm sick i'm sick speak to its sound words if you're having problems with your marriage let me help you speak to her speak to him sound words do you see what i'm saying it'll bring stability in every area of your life let me say it again sound words are given for your sake for the church's sake and the world say many you've been following me for years notice i haven't changed my doctrinal point of view why because it's the bible it's about some have called me old-fashioned but if that's old-fashioned i'll be old-fashioned i used to drink old fashions i drank everything way back then but you see when i got born again i became sound in my life oh you're hearing what i'm saying and boy and i've had a lot of pressure to bend on something and i will not i've had some partners leave my minutes they say jesse you know times change i say they do but god's word does it you see what i'm saying i never forget uh pope john paul ii they were arguing with him over uh certain things about the catholic church adopting women to do some things and uh that only the priest could do and he would i forgot not exactly what it was and normally he you know he also was a man of prayer you saw him he saw him walking he always said he said down prayer but this person kind of shouted out a question to him here in new orleans when he came and visit saint louis cathedral and i love how he answered that it was just the most amazing thing and they shout out something about you know letting a woman do this letting women do that and all that kind of stuff and and anyway to make a long story short the pope stopped and looked up he said i will answer that of course everybody freaked out you know what i'm saying he said if you can show me or help me or tell me how to change the word of god i will do that and everybody went see that was a sound statement in sound words and he put his head back down and went to prayer went back to praying nobody ever questioned him again on that because he said what god said now there are a lot of ministries and a lot of religion say things about women that god did not say that's because they are insecure you see what i'm saying i believe a woman can hold any position shout ladies i just set you free i mean i have no problem with that because you happen to be a woman i mean i can work for a woman i've been working for one for 50 something years she works with me i work for i mean i don't have i come from very strong women my two grandmothers were very very strong my mama was like general patton if you knew my mother man myself you talk about tough my wife is strong cathy can be strong boy jody my daughter's strong even meredith strong i mean i am surrounded by strong women and so i enjoy when a woman says this is how the cow eat the cabbage or how we're going to do this or we're going to do that spiritual or physical or financial i have no problems with any of that you see what i'm saying why because they speaking sound words so sound words are given for your sake the church's sake and the world's sake now write this down sound words impress upon the hearer a image of virtue sound words impress upon the hero a image of virtue a fixing of soul a rule a model that is pleasing to god i know it's a long point but i had to put it in there sound words impress upon the hero a image of virtue a fixing of the soul in other words your mind is not conformed but transformed a rule this is the way it is a model follow this that is pleasing to god that's why god called abraham a friend he had a fixing of soul in his mind he had a rule of virtue in his mind he had a model i'm going to do what you say and you got to understand he was a heathen of heathens did you know that and god told him to leave his leave his family leave his house and go to a place where i will show thee now he just picks up sarah and everything he's got and starts walking in the desert which makes no sense but he knows that god's word is sound he's listening to the engines of god which is his word and his own engines let me say it again sound words impress upon the hero a image of virtue a fixing of the soul a rule a model that is pleasing to god and how do you please god faith that's the only way you're going to please it i remember talking to a lady not too long ago and and uh she says uh when she would date you tell tell some guy you're not getting any of this do you understand that why because she she had a model she had a rule do you understand what i'm saying it's not that she's not human it's not that she may not have felt i don't know heat call it what you want i don't know what it is but i'm just saying but this is not going to happen until you sign the contract till death do you part well one hand clap thank you i appreciate that lord i got that you see that's virtue oh that's a fixing of the soul that's telling your body if it's screaming shut up we have order here that's a rule that's a model and i will please me and i will please my heavenly father you see that's what i'm talking about listening to your engines because your words are your engines you see what i'm saying so when you understand that that's why i haven't changed that's why i will not change my mind is fixed according to the word of the living god sometimes i don't like it sometimes i want to do my own thing you know sometimes i don't want to even pray about it i want to give god some work what do you mean this guy is bothering me you believe in healing lord yeah i'm going to give you some work i'm gonna get a baseball bat and knock the knees off this boy or but yes you couldn't do that yo mama that's before i say it and i got to watch it even after i'm saved but some words has brought a virtue of his word in me a fixing of my soul it's produced a rule in me a model that's pleasing to god you see what i'm saying that's what paul's telling timothy and he's writing this from prison now you know he could should be discouraged that he beat him starve him he's freezing they don't care but he's bringing such great revelation because nothing moves him other than god saying paul do this paul do that write this down confidence and sound words take large forms and produce large expressions confidence and sound words take large forms and produce large expressions they take large forms when i built this building i want you when you look at this this campus i'm telling you this is a lot of money i never signed a contract i i never signed a contract on this with the with the with the contractor now he went and ordered all the steel so he was held liable for that as well as me but him still his name was on it all the sheetrock on the uh the carpet electrical stuff there's over five miles of wire in here all this stuff pillars you know columns um lights ceiling tile everything you could think of but he had confidence in my words his name was ray chronic he came not too long ago to the church him and his wonderful wife and he said jesse i never met a man like you i said ray i will pay you everybody thought i had all the money you see god has fooled a lot of philistines they think i am so rich well i sure ain't broke but they think bill gates ain't got nothing on me and i ain't saying nothing because i can believe that kind of wealth i can't i don't mean that private i just can't but you see when i told him i said i will pay you i said give me a bill at the end of the month and there's never been a lien or anything on this paid everything let me just say it again confidence and sound words take large forms and produce large expressions let me get to that point large expressions see i've learned something that people want their money when they're in business selling you things they need their finances just common sense so when we begin to do the steal that's a lot of money this is many years ago these 18-wheeler trucks began to come in and if you look to the side right they see that's a big steel beam it's covered with sheet rock see how it's going out like that and it's locking up all this stuff up here that's all steel it's covered with sheet rock and everything but i mean it's it's thick this is big watch this so i had the steel company that i was buying from and so the last truck that would come in i said are you going to the office today going back yes sir i said and i had a check i said bring this to your office now he couldn't cash it because it was made out to the company when we did the uh production distribution center that was 400 000 worth of steel okay so i gave him the check well evidently the president of the company found out that he'd give the truck so he thought that was pretty nice he didn't have to wait 30 days he didn't have to wait a day it's his money i know i got a 30-day invoice nothing wrong with that but i told him i would pay i said and because i told rey you can count on me ray all right well when the steel came in for the second building which is called the executive officer you know with the columns all the way around you see over here i think it was five hundred thousand four five yeah five hundred thousand dollars something like that so the last truck i gave them a check bring it to the steel company i just freaked them out but when we started building this this was the last this was phase three now watch this we were in what we call the contractor shack it's just a little trailer way puts his stuff and you know and things of that nature and ray had a fax machine the president of the company called all right and he says is the reverend there yeah so we had a speaker i said yes sir can i help you he said are you going to give that check to that truck driver now this was 707 i'd say 656. i mean it was six or seven i came around six of my guy i said yes he said you're the only person's ever done that ever in the history of this company i said well it's your money don't you want it oh yes sir but my god man you're such a man of your word i said i am i said i am my word and and ray said that's right he said i'll tell you something else this is the only job i've never signed a contract on he said you got you got a fax i said yeah yes sir he said you see that invoice because the man the trucker had brought that info show he said tear it up i should tear it up he said i'm gonna send you another invoice so he sends another vote you know how long it takes to do a fax what 20 seconds 30 seconds he cut a hundred thousand dollars off the invoice that's a lot of money i said what he said i ain't never done that before in my life it feel good so i want to sing a song i feel good damn it was great why because of this point i read confidence and sound words take large forms and produce large expressions in other words it makes other people express things they never thought they could do that's the engines of your life i can give you testimony after testimony now this is a point that is simple but yet is profound write this down you cannot hold on to a good thing unless you have a good understanding of it you cannot hold on to a good thing unless you have a good understanding of it see i had an understanding that my words are me i have a good understanding of it you can't hold on that you want a great marriage you got to understand it you you can't hold on to it because you don't understand it you got to learn to understand your wife and she's complicated but so are you we're all complicated but that doesn't make any difference we're walking through life together you know we're walking through life as a covenant church that's why i named it covenant church la familia family let me say it again you cannot hold on to a good thing unless you have a good understanding of it you see what i'm saying ladies and gentlemen listen to your engines because especially if you're born again it's going to tell you what to do when to do it where to do it and how to do it when satan attacked pastor ron let me tell you something pierre has some sound words she had to understand an understanding of ron he ain't going nowhere without me and she said devil get your hands off my husband it wasn't it wasn't like it wasn't feminine what it was a fight you won't jack a fight you gonna get and i'm german we almost took the world over you understand what i'm saying but she was tough and i'm walking back then she hollered at me jessie my god man i thought for a minute i was a husband what tell me pray yes boom down down we go and i love how all of y'all were wham in other words say you you attack one of us you got to fight us all come on somebody shout somebody you got to fight us all and that's that's what it's about so i don't care what color nationality or creed i die with you you're my brother you my sister i don't care you covenant that's sound words that's good engines oh jesus you cannot hold on to a good thing unless you have a good understanding of it it's pretty simple and there's a lot of things i didn't understand so i taught myself i had a person tell me that but jesse you are self-educated you educate yourself on all kinds of things on artwork porcelain paintings french furniture fine fabrics the reason why i wanted to understand it i had to pay for it so i noticed things like that and you know kathy is a good decorator and i shall and i'll watch her do this and watch her do that and it's amazing how this woman sees some detail you've never seen if you'd ever come in my house we have chandeliers coming out the kazoo but kathy made the doorknobs match the chandeliers when they brought when they brought the order over to the donut paper he said they said who did this because one side of the door is brass or gold and the other side of the door is porcelain why because on this side of the door if you close it if it's closed there's brass or a light fixture or something and on this side it's a porcelain or what chrome or what she just switches them around we have a black and white room watch that you walk in one knob is black the other one's white when you when you're looking at it you go oh that's just you go on the other side is that it's a different color and it works fine but the guy that we bought him from who did this and kathleen didn't say that but i could see it in her mind just shut up and feel it because we ain't changing this sound the way it's going to be sound words hallelujah now why didn't she change your mind discipline write this down sound words brings discipline to your thoughts and makes you a disciplined thinker say sound words bring discipline to your thoughts and makes you a disciplined thinker you see that's that fixing of the soul kathy was very disciplined on that now she asked me to pick some fabric but she shut me down fast not because i wasn't good i was too expensive i know nothing about fabric i just know what i like i'll show you how dumb i am i picked the fabric she said jesse that's 500 a yard wholesale i said this is that expensive yeah and this is in my uh study i think i think it said my study i said but i like it so i said kathy work it work it kathy work it look how much you're buying for this house and work it okay i'ma work it i don't know what she did but we sure didn't pay no 500 yards that's my show she worked it we had a person that they say uh because we bought so much stuff from if you want to say uh can you do a little bit better it's okay we don't got them convinced that they're saying that to us and they're cutting their own money i sound words sound words bring discipline to your thoughts and make you a disciplined thinker i am a disciplined thinker i don't mean it private i just am why because you see not only do i have to take care of my family i have to take care of you i have to take care of this ministry i'm the head of this ministry i'm the chief executive officer which means if anything goes wrong with it they come to my desk now all my staff have bosses we go from uh directors which is the top echelon directors to uh supervisors tell me if i'm wrong on it supervisors assistant supervisors employees am i correct all right now why is it if something goes wrong the the uh supervisor will go to the director of that department they are directors are all over more than one department see like ricky hannah rick is director of engineering with anything you do with engineering and other things you're going to go to ricky but now he has rick rohmanger who is a a a supervisor he and his people go to him so it's a chain of command okay uh uh in finance the director is wendy i don't know if she's in here not but uh wendy does that and then the uh the supervisor is pia in the back and they so they're all talking oh everybody works good works well well i just gave my staff a ten percent raise okay just did it all right all right now watch this well i want to make sure they got it i didn't know you know because somebody cut the wi-fi lines there at the airport and shut the whole place down shut the banks down shut everybody i mean for two days or four days two or three years whatever it what i mean it was a lot and then when it came back on kathy got 38 emails just that quick now watch this when it comes to money they don't come to my office i mean you know they go to their directors directly or whatever but when it comes to a lot of money jessica look at this i promise you they never come to me they'll go to their directors they'll go to the they'll go to their directors they'll go to their supervisors their sister supervisor but if that check is not good they're at my office then kathy's chief operating officer they go and pass up because the check says jesse duplantis ministries i could say why don't you go to your director because that's not that director's job that's my job to make that check good and all i do is say lord you got bills you could you got some mail there jesus when you get these television bills i'm going to tell you something you pray in the holy ghost and you can be a baptist but you speak in tongues when you get these big television bills and things of that nature write this down the pattern of sound words neutralizes false theories the pattern of sound words neutralizes false theories and produces a protest against error the pattern of sound words neutralizes false theories and produces a protest against era i just saw something this weekend that i thought was uh we have two u.s senators one voted one way and one voted the other way for the state of louisiana okay now i ain't saying who's writing who's wrong i ain't saying anything that that's politics i leave that to them but they they are they should have been on the same line because they represent even though certain districts they represent that's people of the state of louisiana and it's kind of odd to have one senator this way and one senator that way don't shout me down and how can you make a difference when the constitution expressively says this you may not like what it says it says freedom of speech now i want to tell you something that's not the easy thing because some people say some of the nastiest stuff you ever seen in your life but if you have freedom of speech we should protect their right to defend with defend ex even though you disagree with it you protect that right that they can say it i ain't saying it's fun i ain't saying it's right but you have freedom of speech now i prefer to hear the speech that i like because sometimes kathy says some speech i don't like she has a different opinion but opinions are transitory forms of life they fl they float on the ocean of life they change with every wave the pattern of sound words neutralizes false theories and produces a protest against era so i'll say kathy i don't like that now we don't argue she'll say well i don't like it and then i present my case what's the same thing with god telling me to do something the bible said come let us reason together i said you got you got to think about this jesus i present my case that shocked you because it shouldn't because that's the scripture see so there was a a protest i didn't say i riot a protest somebody got a revelation with that a protest see that's what the pattern of sound words does it neutralizes something false that you think it and produces a protest against error till you find out what's wrong and what's right do you see what i'm saying write this down when you believe wrongly you act wrongly when you believe wrongly you act wrongly let me just say this if you don't believe in healing you believe in wrongly so you act wrongly you sick when you don't believe in prosperity you're broke because you're believing wrongly so you act wrongly you can't find nothing you can't you can't afford this you can't afford that that's because you believe wrongly you're acting wrongly think about that for a second i'm not talking about falling in love with monica money don't love you money is just a tool that you use in an economic world you know sometimes i get very irritated it takes so much money to run this place millions and millions and millions of dollars millions of cheese millions and i'm not griping about it i think good god is there anything cheap i mean that camera that that man stephen's holding on his own i mean my lord jesus that's some money that right there let me just walk over to it our wonderful partners helped us build this we bought this let me start from the bottom this is forty thousand dollars this right here this is two hundred thousand two hundred and twenty thousand dollars this piece right here this is a quarter of a million dollars this is priceless [Applause] his name is caleb yeah we don't get rid of anybody named caleb if your name is joshua caleb you got a job for the rest of your life here buddy do you see i mean wait that's one that's two that's three we got another one somewhere i think right i don't know we got so many cameras around here and we got steven i mean that's not counting the cameras that we just purchased for kathy's studio c that's got to go in there kathy's so sweet she caught you she said don't say it don't say it she comes up to me she honors me as the ceo she knows that some things above her pay grade oh that's a fact don't laugh that's a fact this is business here this ain't this ain't husband and wife nine to five we she works for me and she will respect me and talk to me in the manner that you talk to your boss no i mean i go home after five o'clock for a while what but you can't you can't be bringing matter of stuff because you got to do business here so she called me she said come in my office if you don't mind justice i'll walk and i said what i know he was talking about studio scene we're putting it all together man and i think caleb you don't want it ordered all the cameras or somebody did i don't know who's doing it maybe it's hard whatever and they're getting different things and building sets or wanting or getting ideas and things so i said what she says and her lip quiver a little bit oh i got a little i got a little quivering lip here she goes i ha how much money can i spend what is my budget see that's above a figure that's mine i got to make this right i looked at her and i said well do you know what you want oh yeah yeah i'm looking yeah i see some things this and i i said okay let me set you free because whom jesse sets free is free i said you have no budget [Applause] i said watch this not what you need what you want you know women like certain colors and want certain things she goes oh jesse i said you want to kiss the hand no that's a joke that's just a joke why see because first thing first i normally don't say that but i also understand that this woman is not dumb and not stupid and she's not going to waste money you see what i'm saying and she's going to massage it she's going to work work on that and have them and it's amazing how she can get stuff she can cut a deal on some things you see but she because she don't believe wrongly about herself she believes rightly about herself so when you believe wrongly you act wrongly now let me say this in close sound words are the engines of life they have power to get you where you're going see sound words are the engines of life your words are your engines and they have the power to get you where you're going problem is do you know where you're going because if you don't know where you're going you're not going to know when you get there and there are a lot of people still searching let me say that again so you can write it down sound words or the engines of life they have power to get you where you're going see i know where i'm going i know what i'm going to do now i'm going to say something sound kind of arrogant if i get close to you i know where you're going all right i don't know where this church is going i know where jester the planet's ministry is going i know and if i give you a word from god you can take it to the bank and if i get close enough tell you where and and you know i'm able to speak a little bit or just i don't even have to be know you very well but i but without anointing of gods on me i'll pick up on that in a second and i'll speak as the lord directs me and guides me you see what i'm saying tells me to do those things so i know where you're going so i've had some people say what am i supposed to do what do you think well since you asked sometime god will tell me something about someone but he doesn't tell me to tell them until they ask or the time has got to be at the right place the right time doing the right thing because you see sound words never bring disappointments what sound words does is opens your mind to the truth i didn't write that down but you could put that down it opens your mind to what's right what's wrong it's there's never a maybe about it i don't know for sure no when you know in whom you have believing you're persuaded he's able to keep what you commit so i said that to the marriage people there uh thursday friday what it was now you can disagree with this and i could be wrong i don't think i am but i look at the scripture he says do you take this woman to be your lawful order when they when they do this management till death do you part okay so i'm gonna put this publicly out there usually if someone passes away it's the man first if you've noticed that most of the time and women just outlast you i don't know no sometimes it isn't but if by god god forbid because we're believing god to come in our lifetime we're not afraid to die by no means i cross that bridge if i get that but my point is there's a whole generation won't see that the bible talks that is it us i'm believing for that but let's just say by some chance kathy goes home to be with the lord and i'm still alive now i know you can't say something you walk through those things i understand that but there's some things you do know and this i feel i do know but jesse you think you'd ever get married again no why till death do his part yeah but since the cathy went home be with the lord that includes me too even though i'm alive now i'm not saying i'm right but that's just the way i think in other words i'm with you with you you see that's it so she goes home there's nothing wrong with remarriage i have no problem with that because everybody has a right to be happy and i believe it and let me tell you about the scripture it says you have a right to remarry and i won't criticize you because you remarried ah i'm glad you're happy i'm happy but this is just between me and kathy i guess you could say and i don't mind telling you this is it you see in other words if she goes and i go or i go whatever what you know i asked i said well if would you get remarks she said no i just go to meetings that's what i do got to be at meetings like you ain't never seen every night somewhere going to me woman love church boys are going out well good but i'll say this and go this really shocked me about my wife i got to say it guys it's just so funny i thought i knew everything about this woman i've been married to now going on almost 51 years come july june the 6th of this year 2021 i'll be married 51 years so i've been knowing it two years before that we dated uh so 53 years now before i met kathy when she didn't know me i didn't know her i was engaged to a girl she was a beautiful girl good lord jason she was okay now if we got married we wouldn't let jessica we wouldn't the last six months there's a lot of lust in it too you know what i'm saying i ain't gonna lie a lot of lust in it but i did like a lot all right well that busted up you know what i'm saying that busted up and then kathy comes in well a bunch of other girls between that but not engaged but you know um man i'm digging a hole here i'm trying to get out of it and say anyway i meet cathy at the swimming pool and that's when i had a that's when i had a body boom you know okay well i never thought kathy would uh even remember that girl i told her we have fact we have some pictures of me and the girl that i used to be engaged to we went to proms they were at the bottom of the box they had the bottom of the box you know but i didn't want to throw them away that's that's not because of hud it's just memories it's your life you know what i'm trying to say well i noticed that sometimes if a spouse passes away and i think it makes some of the kids mad and let's say that spouse lives in the house that the the wife did often they remove all the pictures of the spouse and i don't think that's right now this is me i can't i mean my god that's history you were married to this woman you're married to this man how come you can't have the picture of why would your new spouse be mad whether man or woman because you got a picture of your husband or your wife that's not one hombre the lord but you know i know well watch this so we started talking about that now i'm going to change this girl's name to protect her and me too i'm gonna just i'm gonna use a different name this is nothing there so we talking and captain was so kind and i said you know kathy i said um you know if you died i don't think i'd ever remarry i said in fact i don't i won't and i don't think so now she comes to me she's realized she said jesse if i went before you i don't mind you remarrying that that's not bothering me in the least you can't but if you bring that harriet woman in this house i'll come back from the dead and kill you what did you say that's not her name what did you say oh she was i mean the fur's up son the furs up i was shocked i said do you remember her i said why were you why are you so mad and then she said this because she had she had your heart all right i said yeah that's right i never thought about that her name's not harriet i said she did not know more i mean that's all this water under me that's a long time ago but i thought why would that bother because see that wasn't just a date that relationship went a little deeper you see what i'm saying i said well i promise you that won't happen she said i'm gonna make sure you're gonna die first no she didn't say it i just thought that was funny no i knew i'd get an attention on that she was like [Laughter] that was a joke people y'all pray for me because i i may not live until tonight i don't know oh jesus don't listen to that engine boy it's missing keep your word sound and you will stay sound and people will think of you as sound come on that's good you see and it'll never change as long as you ever live i'm jesse duplantis and i approve this message give jesus a handclap to god did you enjoy it thank you what a blessing
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 40,629
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: PdFR3eYmr3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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