Your Power is in Your Saying and Believing | Jesse Duplantis

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Unless it's an all knowing, all powerful, invisible flying sky wizard. Then, and only then, does he care.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Ramdog19 📅︎︎ May 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

All theists have hypocrisy and contradictions in explaining god exists you just have to listen for it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zoidmaster 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

this guy is another money con artist,,,what they call the seed faith type of preacher

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RakWar 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
back of my hair is it I wanna remember that in fact if I don't see it I don't care about it's just is such an honor to be a part of these conventions all these years gods have been so good and gracious to us and we were talking about the when I first came but actually first meeting I actually did brother Copeland was a motorcycle rally way back when and it was just such a blur then it was at the Eagle Mountain motor sorry it was a full gospel motorcycles association I think and it was just such a blessing little did I realized at that time that God would be in twining our destinies and it's been like that ever since I want to Minister tonight on something that it's very dangerous when you got Kenneth Copeland and Keith Lord Jerry Savelle I'm gonna preach on mark 11:23 and 24 they don't squeeze them and drop out that sucker I think but a brother Hagin preached on it over 60 years and couldn't get it through so I I believe you're gonna learn something tonight so if you've got your Bibles I'd like you to turn with me it's at the book of Mark chapter 11 we're gonna be ministering on this wise and then we'll be going over the second Kings chapter four and we'll be dealing with that as you're turning to mark chapter 11 verse 23 I was ready for him to glory that God on New Year's Eve 2012 last year I went before the Lord because I believe in direction from the Holy Spirit I love this scripture howbeit when the Spirit of Truth has come he would guide us in all truth I don't struggle and I don't mean this in an arrogant sense I don't struggle with decisions in my life whether there be spiritual physical or financial because I stand so firm and so strong on that I believe in st. John 16 howbeit when the Spirit of Truth has come and he's come he would guide me in all truth not some truth were all true but I like to know his mind I am an avid thinker I mean Kathy says Jesse don't have plan a and B he got a through Z because you got to understand there are a lot of idiots in the world and the minute you think you got an idiot-proof somebody creates a new idiot and I don't like hesitation I like if you believe I'm the kind of person if you say you won't do something you're burning daylight let's go do this so I went before the Lord on New Year's Eve my home because the next date would be New Year's Day and we've been doing this for many many years meet Cathy of just ourselves we're going out dining room and now I have a chapel I built a chapel for God to reside in like the Old Covenant my home and its course it gets pews in it nature is beautiful and I said you know if you want to come in here with the blue smoke that's okay with me you know because the next day we would go come before him with Holy Communion me and Cathy and thank God for all the things that he did for us in that year and what then call those things would be not as though they were for the year that we were going in the new year's called New Year's Day we take communion but the Dec the night before actually early evening I said Lord what would you have me minister on what would you have me do in 2013 and he gave me this wonderful statement believe the unbelievable and received the impossible then he said this statement if you're not believing the unbelievable you're really not believing and the more I thought of the Word of the Living God everything God says is unbelievable and impossible but it's doable it's totally doable so I have been majoring on that theme and throughout my arm on my ministry if you drive around my ministry you'll see those signs if you go into our church which I'm not the pastor of a fact pastor Nathaniel Wolff is now pastor of Covenant Church they're around here somewhere and just wonderful praise the Lord and doing a phenomenal job we got these banners believe the unbelievable and receive the impossible and everything I've ever done in my life has been unbelievable and impossible I think sometimes people think I lie about some of these stories but I've lived full life and next week Tuesday imma be able to fulfil Paul McCartney song when I am 64 I'll be 64 years old this Tuesday coming and I've lived a very very full life I hate to say father devil and also for the Lord before I became born-again own doctor said I wouldn't live past 27 years old because the amount of drinking I did as a young man I would have cirrhosis of the liver by the time I was 21 but thank God that the Lord protected my body even though I was stupid you know because young believes it's forever you know that kind of stuff but when the Lord came into my life I made up my mind I would do what he said no matter what now there's some things he said I don't particularly care for I've always been honest with God I said I don't like this he said I didn't ask if you liked it I said I just want to let you know I'm gonna do this but I don't like it but I'm gonna do it with a good heart and I would do that because I couldn't see the end result and then when I saw the end result then I realize how dumb I was to say I didn't like it because it was unbelievable and it was impossible but yet it was doable so mark chapter 11 verse 23 first I want to say this most people have never really heard what Jesus said they're heard ministers with commentary oh and homiletics hermeneutics philosophy theology I'm very interested in what he said because he can't lie and I have convinced myself that he can't lie so when he tells me to do something unbelievable and impossible I said okay I actually it's just literally that simple and he never checks your bank account when he tells you to do something everything God tells you to do is expensive I asked him one time I said can you tell him to do something cheap he said I'm not cheap I said forget what I said everything and I remember when I first thought it was in a couple of dollars three nights in the Midlands I got an told me nothing to do that cost less than two or three to four million dollars and everything I've ever done and he allowed Oh millions and millions of dollars just just that quick and I say that's unbelievable but impossible and I realized that I'm not that good enough to generate that kind of money but he does so he does his job I do my job and he gets done said Mark chapter 11 verse 23 it says for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say under this mountain so notice we supposed to talk to mountains but you see what has happened is through the body of Christ the meant the Word of God has been distorted and I called a distortion genetically-altered Christianity they never asked you to talk to the mountain they made you become a mountain climber instead of a mountain dissolver see and you can spin your whole Christian life climate actually climbing a mountain you should have dissolved get almost to the top slide down kill yourself Nike grandma going down at the same time so I decided never to climb a mountain but the dissolve it he says reveille I said to you that who sheva so sailed for this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast in the sea now mark 11 verse 23 if you look at that verse God's not in that verse Holy Ghost is not in that verse Jesus is not in that verse the only thing in that verse is you this is what Jesus believes you can do when are we gonna believe what Jesus believes about us but we're gonna wait another millennium or we're gonna wait another century when are we gonna just flat believe what he said we could do he says you can do this so if he can't lie then it's amazing what I can do it's amazing what you can do if you believe what he believes about you so he says verily I say to you who should ever self say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea so notice he also gives you the and then tells you to tell the mountain where to go now I don't know why you have a problem telling the mountain where to go because you tell everybody else where to go you ain't got no problem telling somebody else where to go why can't you tell your mountain where to go now the only place you can hide a mountain many people have said this is in the ocean or in the sea so in other words you should always see clearly now I know you see liquid through a glass darkly but that's people is not receiving the fullness of the revelation of God you see they're so far in the homiletics hermeneutics philosophy and theology and traditions of men that they miss the wonderful things that God has for so he says Valley I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart it didn't say anything about doubt in your head everybody in this building including Jesse Duplantis Getz doubt in their head thoughts coming to your mind uninvited you didn't ask them they just come flying there what should I do bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of the Anointed One in his anointing well how do I do that by casting down imaginations every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity so when I get an ugly thought and sometimes I do I say that's not my thoughts my thoughts are lovely just good reporting period virtuous I shall think on these things and beside this is my mind and you don't have a right to invade in my mind are you hearing it oh I'm gonna do a little preaching in teaching if you don't mind I'm gonna body tape myself Lord Jesus I feel it coming on so I've learned that I may get doubt in my head but so as long as you don't transmit it or transfer it to your heart now how do you transfer doubt in their head to your heart you do it by saying it the minute you say it you own it and I've said this many times if you have a wife or you have a girlfriend and she happens to say honey does this dress make my rear-end look big do not answer that question because you're gonna own it for the rest of your life you understand just say it looks wonderful but everything's fine go to God and then repent later but let's this just this don't answer the question see because the minute you say something you transfer you own what you say tile of this message tonight is your power is in you're saying and believing so let's go again verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thou cast and see and shall not doubt this off but sure believe those things shall believe those things shall believe those things not believe the words about the things but believe for the things see a lot of people believe more in the confession than they do about the thing they keep believing believing believing I'm believing I'm believing I'm believing I'm believing I'm believing but you're not believing for the thing you just believe it you believe in the words about the things instead of believing for the thing now why did the church will freak out over things God don't mind you having things the church world does the secular world does people get so mad at me because I fly jet it ain't my fault rather Copeland's fault he's the one that taught me to believe for something like that he's the one that helped me bust through the barrier that blessed God I could get me on a new car and get to an airplane do you understand that and all it is is the transportation tool to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus it may be luxurious I guess it is but to me when I look at one it's work I burn up I've owned three jets blower that God I just burned them up for Jesus not ready to get a fourth one why because that's what I need to preach the gospel now some people get mad at him jets call 20 million 30 million dollars yeah they do but you know they don't they don't get mad if some preaching for spends 25 million 30 million dollars on on a sanctuary that seats ten thousand people and you know why because that's what he needs to preach this congregation but since I'm not a pastor what I need to preach to my congregation which is the world is the aircraft so why would it be wrong for me to have that ego criticize the guy to built the big building because that's what he needs and Cathy didn't want to explain that to me we were flying to rob porcelain and I was thinking am i spending too much on his plane look gee that's a lot of money and Cathy said how much you think Rob partially paid for this place I said oh God at least 2530 million dollars he she said that's what he needs to preach this congregation you don't need that kind of building what you need is this kind of plane now thought that's correct I said you need to go with me more often and I'll let you talk to those people for Valley I said to you that who shell versus saying for this mountain be thou removed I'll cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe those things not the words about the things bleed those things it's your thing do what you wanna do you know say things things ain't bad God don't care what you drive he don't care what you wear he don't care he I mean when you gonna do when you get to heaven and you can't find a trailer and you can't find it uh-uh you know a beat-up place the hood in the hood in my father's house or many what makes a mansion a mansion one word big have you seen the trailer mansion hello a single trailer mansion let me roll with a trailer I'm not being critical of that but I'm saying you you won't have to make up your mind that you are going to live in a big place well when we get to heaven now no say that genetically genetically is distorted Christianity his will be done where where then what are you waiting for to get to heaven to get what you can have here because you're climbing that mountain instead of dissolving that mountain let me start again verily I say unto you who she ever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thou cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall bleed those things which he say it shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith my watch distorted genetically-altered Christianity here that's right if he is real ah no no no no no ain't talking about his real there he's talking about your will he ain't talking about is what he said what you desire that light your self therefore in the law I'll give you the desires of your heart pray like the psalmist David the Lord's my shepherd I shall not want the Young Lions do suffer lack but he that seeks my face shall not want any good thing and what part of that you don't understand you understand what I'm saying let me start again verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thou cast in the sea and shall not doubt any sort but shall believe those things not the words about the things those things which he said shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said it not then i'ma the next verse is so powerful verse 24 therefore I say unto you now brother Hagin said anytime you see a bear for find out what it's there for remember brother Hagin saying that that's a connecting word which means there's more to come this is part 2 so therefore I said unto you what things not know say we still dealing with things soever you desire who desire that when you pray when you pray believe that you receive not when you get it not when you manifest I heard Keith Moore preach on that but when you pray believe that you receive now I want to stop right there and you shall have it let me just give me an example in 1978 I was I started out in full-time ministry I've been preaching that I did my first message January the first week of January 1976 and I never wanted to be in the ministry I was not interested in everybody you know they I had a testimony because I was a rocker and they wanted to heal and that kind of stuff you know what I got born again but it began to develop and God put me in the ministry so I'm driving on on the street on highway 167 I passed my the Lafayette Municipal Airport now you got to understand I was driving a Toyota and gas was fifty nine cents a gallon and I couldn't fill up the car and it had a ten gallon tank now before I worked for the Lord I've made more money you can shake a stick at but you see I thought it was right to be poor I thought well you just got it before I was willing to be poor cuz I was raised poor now I wasn't ashamed of my mom and dad but they did the best they could and that was because they did not have enough knowledge see knowledge is power but you got to have wisdom and the ability to use it so you can receive what power will bring to you so you'll be superior to that powers that are driven by it so you got to have wisdom and I was connected together work it so that you don't mess yourself up mess other people at the same time so I thought well when I got out of the music bin I was making money I'm down talking I'm a hand-over-fist I'm talking money here you understand because I'm talented ask Jerry Savelle you he's hurting me played guitars and just you can do some I can do that oh yeah I can I can freak out some kids they call me that oh cool dude I read yeah that's what I did for a living I made money for God's getting out that hope you got to understand at six years old I told my momma I want to get saw I saw a black man we were poor the black people live across we were too poor white trash and there was the poor black trash we live on the same street with much of a street they call this white trash that's what they called us trailer trash might try other things you know but they call this that Kosta never was a real concrete rose gravel road not just the way it was it was a trailer with a with a room built on the side of it you call that your living room and miss effli live across the street and she had a tree Hayashi thought what's wrong with that woman man somebody must have scared and it never came off of her just just high voice but her father was oh he was an elderly black gentleman he must have been an idiot so and used to go out on the poach they had a house with no air condition I mean you ain't had no air condition even day you just sweat just sweat and he come on Denny sometime he didn't have six strings on the guitar you might have one didn't have no teeth and we'd sing it strung come flying out is not gonna climb again yeah there you go yeah and sometimes you just could look at it just listen to the sound okay I'm gonna put a little human it's good I'm reliving this as I as I see this and he go do it everything with the Blues cause everything with blue hey nobody had anything I mean you know thieves brought stuff to our house watch this now an eagle to do to do to do to do and here this little white but five six years oh yeah boy I mean I just begin to fall in love late so I go that's Miss he say he trying to be black when Miss Elton was living today I said if you knew my family I might have been black I look wewe just took whatever came from the hospital that's all it was yeah we never argue about nothing fluid I got it no telling what you're gonna get it's all I'm gonna say about that cuz they're all in heaven now but anyway well it gave me that was that opportunity to get better the air was preaching about I want to get to her now you can understand when you cut it you could cut our grass for 50 cents I mean you know and so I was I knew my daddy when you won't give me no money and have nothing I'm just a small six years old kid so I said mom I wanna get off she said we can't afford no get to her so I had four dollars and sixteen cents I'd say even cutting grass I said mama I want you here I said hold his phone I don't know what I got to do to get her gets her she said she could push that money back on the kitchen table we didn't have no dining-room table we had a kitchen if everything happened in the kitchen everything happen in the kitchen lordy I mean you got happy in the kitchen you got mad in the kitchen you're cussing the kitchen and you praise God in the kitchen everything was in the kitchen she slid that $4 $0.16 back to me she say you you keep your money Jess I'll get your dad and do it I said well do something mama do something I mean I used to him arguing for about two weeks and you know that it costs a little bit mom mama both of them will say it but not to Santa fide so they cost a little bit you know they say but it wasn't the five I don't think they knew was sent to five men I think they thought Santa fried or something sighs fried I don't knew that word Santa pie so that cost a little bit and I learned of course I get myself finally daddy some take you downtown New Orleans talking get my dad you stalk again I'm gonna tell you something bomb I take you down turn the wheel on user more buy you'll get on high I brought yourself over here right now so I brought myself over there that's a Cajun saying went down then down on Canal Street and that's when I encounter the first time in my life Jews mama said look Jesse that's God's people I said what are we she said we're healings so mama said that's exactly what mama said I said okay I wouldn't care about the heathen I just want a silvertone get talk I said mom I'll Drive you nuts with a cutter you better learn to play that guy said I'll play it and of course dad got it I don't know where he got that $20 $20 a lot of money in this I mean given idea how much $20 was a scoop ice cream was a nickel you can buy a coke for nickel a loaf of bread was 15 cents a gallon of milk was 18 cents so you got 20 bucks you had some money but when I'm my house so proud man I just begin to play you know and I go overnight let mrs. efforts father teach me a few things you know and boy I mean and then I thought I was I was playing with him both of man and I would strum a little bit he said take the leads I said I would leave what what's the leads I hadn't why there you know and he'd begin to show me things of rhythm and he said no you can't yeah yeah little too white you got to get a little black and I said well what does that mean you said good the you know the white person comes down on the first beat and the black person come down on the second day see the white person is this black person sister secondly he said you got to move a little bit mm-hmm home some that help you and but you see I would learn it I want to I want to do what he did because I figure I saw that get to I said this is my way out this hole I figured I'm gonna get out this hole and I'm gonna use that guitar to do it and to make a long story short that's exactly what happened that guitar took me out the hole and you know I begin to play music I mean I was a pretty good musician at nine years old I mean I mean people throw money I'd make quarters I stopped playing it grab the money I can make money on this man so I play at school and they throw me their lunch money I doing good because I lost it we gambling two or three times you know but I mean till the priest caught me say you're gambling at the house I gotta say you need some now I'm saying all this for a reason and soon as I figure out what that reason is I'll let you know no no I know where I'm at you tell you something I know exactly where I'm at therefore the things that I desire that was a desire mine and as I'm driving on highway 167 to go preach a meeting and I had done with the gospel said I should do be poor gave my money away me Cathy came home gave all our money away Lord Jesus and as I was driving I want you to remember this story cuz I'm I'm gonna take you back to toward the end of the message I passed by the airport in the Lord and a citationjet flew over my car and the Lord spoke and I heard it with my audible it was audible to me man I've been over he said look up and I looked up and I saw this jet he said I'm gonna give you a plane and I thought I'd see know what I thought I can't fill up a Toyota huh I'm gonna get a plane you know the way I could get a plane and God gave me one of the greatest statements he ever gave me in my life it's still so strong with me and he said Jesse Jesse I didn't ask you to pay for it I asked you to believe for it see genetically the started altar Christianity tells you to pay for it Jesus tells you to believe for it when you pray believe that you receive not when you get it not when he manifests has nothing to do with payment has to do with believe it I want you to remember that so I got so excited now I'm a young preacher you understand I'm 28 years old going in a full-time ministry I've maybe been in the minister what two weeks three weeks I won't preach for this man and I couldn't wait to tell this preacher who had been in the ministry at least 15 years and I said you ain't gonna believe this and I was right he didn't believe it I said God said he gonna give me an airplane a jet he looked at me suggest you can't fill up a Toyota how you gonna get a jet you know I didn't ask him for any money I didn't ask him for a dime I just asked him for belief but his believing was not equal to his belief he didn't have belief system much less I believe in system I didn't ask him you know man I really kind of hurt my feelings but I I put that on the back burner I said I don't care what he said that's what the Lord says now that I've only three Jets that preacher for the last 15 years men want to fly with me I let that fool get my plane will crash for sure remember what I said that cuz I'm gonna come back to that state okay I didn't ask you to pay for it I asked you to believe for it are you getting that so therefore what things W desire when you pray believe that you receive and you shall have it now let me tell you another story then I'm gonna get into the scripture I very seldom ever go shopping with Cathy because you see ladies you got to understand something about a man let me help you when a man said let's walk the mall that's exactly what he needs he's going in the store he can walk them all then when he get to the end of the mall he go on the other side tomorrow and he walk now you want to go in the store what you want to go to store for let's walk the mall and my right man it just wanna walk tomorrow say well one more on the women try on I look at stuff that don't even fit them no they pull out a tuna for dressing their leg as a 16 dress but they go in the hole you know I don't know if they believe it I don't know what they do it well Kathy likes nice things that's fine with me so this is really nice store in New Orleans called Saks Fifth Avenue you might have one here in the Fort Worth area right in Saks Fifth Avenue on they got Escada and and Chanel and Louis Vuitton and care they got an array of person that would just make woman's mouth just drool I mean she got all that stuff okay that's fine so she heads straight for that Louie Vuitton section that ain't nothing that I want you know yeah I don't carry a purse yeah but you can have a man purse your mama I ain't me I'm not I'm not homophobic I just think handle purse so I'm standing by the Louisville tonal section and understanding it all of a sudden I see this black ready to go but she don't know me I don't know her I says she looks as she goes and I look at her I said oh she must like T's lube for total purses and stuff cause it's a beautiful display right there you know she was and she just walked off and the Lord spoke to me he said you see that I said yeah he says I want her to have it I said what you talking to me for I forgot it's a viable question he said you know why she's not getting it I said why he said she's trying to figure out how to pay for it I didn't ask her to pay for her I asked you to believe for it because what things is a Louisville Tom person thing yeah well things ever you desire but see to read much he ain't getting it cuz she's trying to figure out how to pay for it instead of believable so I'm just then they still waiting on Ken all of a sudden he went by maybe 3 4 mins later here she come back she look at it again you know black I'm very expressive it kind of got that head I shake that head you know forgot that little switch snapped that thing and then she turn around walked off again I had made up my mind I said that woman come back here I'm gonna buy her any purse she wants I don't know her I don't care I was so glad she didn't come back she didn't make it Ching come back why didn't she get it she's trying to figure out how to pay for it how many times you want to Saturday with your husband go drive to our nice house and you go oh now you're not believing God for the people that are inside the house forgot to throw him out in the street no but you go and you drive off you know why you keep coming back that's your house don't shout made that one appreciate that's your house but the reason why you don't have it you're trying to figure out how to pay for it when God is just telling you to bleed for it see it's unbelievable it's impossible but it's doable what things have you designed when you pray believe that you receive now you see what happens is do do through through distorted genetically-altered Christianity they pick up this when they read that scripture that when you pray pay when God ain't got paying on his mind when you pray believe that you receive but you're picking that up well yeah I don't mind having that sit behind I'm gonna get the money to that that's not your job it's your job to have a desire to believe for the thing not the words about the things not to pray and pay but pray and believe that you receive and you shall have it so every time God tells me to do I don't try to figure out how to pay for it I used to do that till they told me that statement I didn't ask you to pay for it I ask you to believe for it so write this down quickly if you don't mount and you know you'll be blessed by this here the whole of scripture has nothing to do with what you can do by yourself the whole of sure has nothing to do with what you can do by yourself it's not you it's Christ in you the hope of glory when God told me to buy a plane I thought you know planes cost money he said I didn't ask you to pay for it I asked you to breathe for now you know I am a businessman I believe in that I believe in budgets and all right but I never deal with the budget but I have a budget when I go preach somewhere I don't say it but nothing wrong with that but I realized that to me this is the way I believe but just cost you something vision bring you something so I deal with my vision and the budget is just that's gonna come I ain't worried about that it's with the vision see the vision because what vision really begins once the budget is met because they eat too many people giving away buildings like this for free cost money that lights everything you can think of it's all in the cost of that so the whole of Scripture has nothing to do with what you can do by yourself now everything God does watch this God always challenges us to believe with the natural mind and the senses cannot grasp everything God's ever told me to do is beyond my natural mind and my sensors to grasp it but I am not believing with my mind I'm believing I'm transforming my mind I am believing with my spirit who is in total 100% contact with God you understand what I'm saying it has the revelation of what God can do weather weather break off is is when your mind is not renewed at I preached the other day it's conformed instead of being transformed that's why I says that you may approve why do you have to prove it because you've got to transform what's up here you don't need a heart bypass you need a head bypass do you understand what I'm saying here once you get this then everything God tells you to do well I'll just give you an idea just this just this year he's I'm believing for 78 million dollars over and above my normal operating budget of just the plans mr. which is millions a month 78 million dollars that done more by the God in the man mode he's the one come up with that figure I'd like to just slide a little bit I said listen if you want to slow this puppy down let's slow it down and he just keeps cranking let's go then I realize he's in the hurry because he's coming do you understand Jesus is and sooner than most of you people think he's coming I'm not just saying that to get you excited I'm telling you he's coming now when will we believe what he believes about us because once you tell somebody what Jesus believed about you you can hear this who do you think you are which is the how much time you got sit your worthless self down I'm gonna tell you what I knew I don't mean that to be rude you see but God tells me you gotta understand some everything he tells me to do is beyond my senses and beyond my mind why is he telling me to believe the unbelievable and receive the impossible why write this down because your future is worth saving you have a phenomenal future if you'll understand what God's already done quick trying to become what you already are see once you're understand what you already are always struggling life quits and things begin to take place your future is worth saving only God's Word can give you wisdom and strength to see all desires come to pass you've got to have God's Word to give you wisdom and strength so see the desires come to pass and people said well that's greed now it ain't greed it's growth can't you understand it to grow it's God say you now developed enough that you can receive an aircraft without get in a big head be called a prideful you know we call it the big head in south Louisiana you know you can start receiving these things without just trying sable to tell you what I got all that kind of stuff because now you're able to function on a higher level because pride is no longer a part of your life so your futures were saving I have a beautiful future I have a marvelous future see and I've learned that the quick trying to pay for something but just believe for something and I'll never forget that he said I didn't ask you to pay for it I ask you to believe for and when I got I got that and all of a sudden I remember it was as I begin to develop one day I got a phone call and it was like it was like Ronald 11:50 10 minutes to 12:00 and this is years and years ago and they said Kenneth Colton was on the phone I said okay and I caused the hello brother caught me said yes it when can you get up here I said what he said when can you get up here so I thought he was just joking or something and I said well Delta Airlines got a flight at 1:05 and I this is 10 minutes the truck get on it I just think I found your plane he said fly here now since about to pick you up because they were gonna go on my plane go look at this thing man I said okay broke my hunger my said Kelly I said we go on the Dallas she said I gotta go home change forget it woman I gotta go to the bathroom no go we got that goat oh I mean we ran to that plane I mean Delta floors that we landed at DFW brother called mad Somali Burmese min speakers up food we came to hit your ego Mountain got me spray and flew out to Canada and sure and Brittany brought his up mechanic with Darryl I think he's named Aaron something and he was looking over the thing and I'm when I saw that play I said that's mine it's unbelievable but it's impossible but it is doable it was my first jet I was so excited and I remember when the Lord I said I don't know if that was a physical jet that I saw that's that jet he said it has begun you now able to receive you've taken on the responsibility of giving but you've struggled with the responsibility of receiving see a lot of Christmas they can receive little stuff but I thought my big stuff I'm done my big things you know Sam I'm Sam and I looked at that and that plane happened to belong to mr. Harvey Firestone junior Dan I was excited but when I like the way that man did business nice way back when y'all saying I'm saying he looked at me I got to meet the gentleman I said we missed the flash Donna can I give you a this is my plan can I give you a down payment of somehow a deposit to hold it and he looked at me he must have been in the eighties he said is your word your bond I said mr. Feinstein I tell you something you can take it to the bank he said shake my hand sure I did that he said look me and I look him in the eye he said I don't like lawyers I don't like all this stuff this is where we used to do business Wayne's yours I thought okay I said well when do you want the money he said I don't want to dis you this is in November of 94 he said any time in 95 I said January to 695 because I ready to get into that plane Lord Jesus I saw he said that'll be fine because it we had to get it registered out of Canada get it registered in the United States and showing of come oh I forgot to tell you this so now it was two hundred fifty thousand dollars more as he walked the thing there was a it's called Eagle mod which means it carries more fuel than the normal citation he stopped and turn around he looked and said that Eagle might not add at a price of $250,000 more on that aircraft he said I give that to the Reverend as yours I said but Jesus I'm buying Firestone tires for the rest of my life do you know going to purchase an aircraft I had a quarter of a million dollar gift given to me not in cash but in the plane cut off it was such a blessing and we flew it now watch the still don't know till today 95 we flew it and I brother Copeland told me about a guy said he said just you need to put Jessie and Cathy in there sorry I said what I'm doing she change that the interior the interior was nice to me since then but you want yourself in there you know I said okay so I flute and you know what and I said how much it cost it was twenty thousand dollars to do the interior back there oh yeah you got to put the air-conditioning I said man go to Walmart and get one in window air-conditioned $400 and just glue it on the side the flame hang got a fiddle you stupid didn't have any sensor could you imagine seeing a window unit on a jet but you see when you hadn't been that well you don't know when you don't know people you don't know you don't know do you know the man called me and said your plane is ready to come pick it up this was a Mississippi man I was so excited I said okay we drive over there when I got that I had my check for $20,000 I don't know somebody had paid for it don't know till today the money I do know that the money came from England still don't know too that they still been trying to find out who why so I could at least say thank you but I didn't it was amazing I paid cash for the plane I mean everything and I just flew it flew it for nine years and then Keith Moore got that plan how long did you fly the year if that much maybe not that much I don't know just three years yeah and then the Lord moved on brother the placing have to call Wells ministry my first plane is still preaching the gospel am i right happy that's right you probably flew here at that point it was just it's so wonderful city I've only three jets at all three of them are still in the ministry believing the unbelievable and receiving the impossible see because your future is worth saving I will not let any religious denomination or religious person limit me when I am unlimited you understand I realize that I am unlimited now people say that guy got so much money Lord gee I mean if you if you hear some of the people talk about me anymore you think I'm Bill Gates Jr so I believe with them okay Bob said the two of you agree I agree with you no I mean I ain't broke by no means I'm far from broke if Jim Jodi said boy yeah yeah yeah you mommy just do anything yeah now where did I learn that from you see brother Copeland sister glory actually preached poverty out of me because I thought poverty was a blessing when he was nothing but a curse you can't understand I met brother Copeland in a elevator and fine he took a acent he's going to the meeting I said yeah but I didn't know he was the guest speaker at John Lowe's things Thanksgiving Convention and when he walked up I said yeah that very day that just that quick what 10 seconds hello I'm kind of hoping I'm Jason but that's it doors open he went to the car they were picking him up he's going to meet now I didn't talk to brother Copeland for a long time after until Gloria came to New Orleans in priest of the place and we went out and eat dinner and gorsek in would like to get with you sometimes I said oh that would be nice you know and and that's when would I would a couple three years passed and that's when the motorcycle rally took place and I'm standing on I'm saying this for a reason standing on the platform brother Colton got my hand I guess in Jerry Savelle zone we pray it and he shakes my hand looks at he said would you pray it by preaching woman my believers convinces I said I can't he said what I am loaded to the gills I got a high I can't I can't do it I can't do it this year I said I can do it next year he said we'd love to ice parking only do three services I said I'm loaded up on preaching every day well that would be fine and that's how I started thinking I preach maybe one at the most to it and that would be nice and yet now that's become like well over 20-something years now it's preaching all these conventions see see it was unbelievable but impossible you know with some preachers told me you'll never preach would come of Copelan and I don't forget the first time I preached that believes man that priest said told me that was sitting right where you are you this young man this young black gentleman and I want to go in there but I did I didn't but I sure thought of it she was unbelievable and impossible to him and to me but it was doable because my destiny was tied there but this it wasn't only just so I could preach it I had to learn some things I didn't know how to play till I met Jerry Savelle and Kenneth Cole I didn't play I worked they told me you don't know how to play I didn't know how to play let's ride a motorcycle I have fallen all over Colorado on a motorcycle I've fallen off her cook gotta pick me up God and glory goes yet boy he does he know how to drive him up and stuff yeah but when your legs are short and you can't reach the bottom you're going down and I went down many times but you know they were courteous and kind they have a wonderful people Jess everybody's doing it difference is me also you do it but I got them all back we've been on some great motorcycle trips me and Jerry at Denison happy we stopped at a store one time there was some pickled sausage you know you ever seen something and pickled eggs oh I'm saying man you eat this stuff you knock you kill a mosquito 30 yards with your breath oh boy I said brother köppen you want somebody say yeah I have a piece of that I said dinner remember I said you want some ham ball so we ate two or three new ball days sizeable got one that more than all sudden my stomach oh oh Jesus Oh Jim Olsen Kathy goes he's on the back what was that I said that roadkill that's a roadkill I said old dead animal we passed there true story don't laugh at me cos when we stop to the bathroom Dennis was running like a Olympic champion I gotta go that stuff a kidney man negative confession but that literally happened I gotta felt pleased about it make ya'll laugh it neat blessed got me falling down I'm gonna lock the bathroom door you're gonna dance around this baby well I mean he be beating the door hey come on I'm behind it oh boy we do have fun sometimes faith is something I like to call spiritual eyes common sense write that down faith is something I like to call spiritual eyes common sense you see I don't think with my mind I think with the word so when God comes with something unbelievably impossible what do I wasn't my mind think Ephesians 3:20 now one day him was able to do exceedingly abundantly all we can possibly ask or think according to the power what power saying to that mountain be thou removed meet our caste and see what power according to the power that worketh in is what power you're saying and you're believing not you're praying and you're paying you're praying and you're believing see so even though I don't have this this this this is much way and I got a pretty nice size jetblue God I mean I think it's nice to me since then but I'm gonna get get something bigger do I have it physically yes it just had manifested because when I prayed you taught me to keep believed that you received I said this mind it's it so I bought the number I registered it I got the in number you gotta have an in them I don't know what the N stands for I've owned three JD got to put it in why not al why not a W I don't know just in its way it works I don't know I've never been that uh you know titrating they said one you want to learn how to fly no want to learn how to land let me learn how to land that's all I need to know those boys pass out then I ain't saying it's gonna be in great shape I might say that negative confession but I believe I can get it on the ground the other day we were coming down and a deer around across us we didn't hit him but we scared him to death we aren't there we almost landed on his back I saw the white his eyes man I'll tell you my paws much I've had Canadian Geese come upon us man I've heard him say poor little Airport there's this big goon I think this goose come on the side of my plane for me to you sir that goose like you off and I had to win the unit on a jerk that awful grab that goose by the neck I had me a goose right there glory that God they seem to like airports they'd like to get on a runway that then and then thing a shudder jet down I mean they what they wait 35 40 pounds something big geese all kinds of things that are nature yet God was with me God protected me they said he'll never have a plan oh yeah they three of them going for the fourth one keep living long believe we're gonna live long and I told the Lord I want to see my granddaughter's baby I want to see her and I want full capability and capacity because my granddaughter made me grand but this one's gonna make me great I'm looking forward to that I'm looking for and I'm gonna do that I'm gonna believe that doesn't mean the devil don't try to hurt me he'll meet you it doesn't make no difference he can do what he want to do he like I told you earlier they uh yesterday he can't walk on the water I just stay out on the water he stays in the boat and just screams from the boat I just stayed by Jesus so I said don't listen to my van I'm gonna listen to you and I ain't looking around at the water need any use trying to figure out how I'm standing on top of the water it's by faith anyway so I'm gonna just keep my eyes on Jesus you see them said actually I'm sitting eyes on Jesus when I look beyond Jesus's head I see all the things all my desires all my needs on my wants coming to me like a tsunami and he's got a smile on his face I'm gonna shock he's never turned me down one time I have to watch what I say because I just flat get it he's made me rich see people that I know I'm gonna say that I'm not bragging he has made me rich I'm one of the richest men in the city of New Orleans you understand nothing I don't mean that prideful of God is not cheese I mean he adhered bless me I got Thunder mixbit flight your mouth when you look at I own two plantation homes I got a small one that stuff 70 300 square foot on that word that's the smaller I got another ones 40,000 square foot and my telling the truth happy now happened Jeannie calm Nordic I got a bit so how you gotta have a ladder to give me in it and my time you gotta get steps Florida God we got some stuff boy I'm not bragging on that God been good everything that touches his prospered no I got to watch what I say but could see they were the desires of my heart I happen to go to Paris France and I went to Versailles and I saw that I thought a ball from a trailer eight foot wide 32 foot trailer I wanted him chandelier I got two of them only the two left in the world one way to let 100 pounds the other way 700 pound goal or his Browns overlaid gold I had two Russians Collier they offered me a million dollars for my chandelier my fire I said think bidness want to let Mary to sell it she grows up themselves she'll get 1015 million for it I said if you'd like to look at it get out put the light on figure and I remember when I bought it oh you crazy are you out of your mind do you much money this it now I didn't pay that much money but know me I said Cathy I'm gonna build lemaise on that are there I'm gonna build scarlett o'hara's home I'm gonna build that white staircase I need that chandelier and I and I gotta go she ate it for four years I was dealing with some wonderful Jewish people and I told him look I'm adopted I don't pay retail I'm in the family I'm Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Jesus and Jesse I said I'm with you man I'm with you you understand I'm Richard and the other day the owners of that came to the house and so they just couldn't get over it he said my lord yeah Gloria came and spent the night she looked around as you guess Jas this is beautiful Jas I said well Gloria picked the sweet you want happy calls he says I want the blue one I just know I say fine so when you come to my home you pick the place you sleep bishop keep Butler saw it you should have seen his face he walked in when then he looked at his wife he said I failed you I just I heard about the I'm not bragging I'm giving God glory for this what am I giving him glory Deuteronomy 8:18 thou shalt remember the LORD thy God and it gave me power power to get this and to establish his covenant did you get criticized yeah I'm so glad why because the gospel is coming to pass right in front of my eyes they call 100-fold with persecution but you know what it's starting to change I can see it happening now the ones that of Chris I said boy it must be nice to live in something like a I said yes sir it is but you know what Kathy heard Kat said that they did to a person Jesse could live in a tree house I could I ain't here to impress nobody you know I came out of some of the poorest things you ever seen in your life I'm thank God that my momma never sober but my father got to see it before he passed away he couldn't get over that he said right he said roll me around it he was in a little small wheelchair roll me around this big boy boy he never called me a man in my life I was call me boy boy you have done some I said dad I hadn't done anything he said this is unbelievable I said yeah impossible but it's doable I said dad this what God will do if you'll believe he should take me upstairs you got an elevator I said yeah took him in an elevator he couldn't walk up the steps and coz I mean it's the it's the Gone with the Wind staircase yeah barbar on him he goes boy I'm gonna tell you something boy and he never told me what he said I think he learned that from people in Texas Ted you what and that's it that's all you're getting out of a Texan they don't know what it tell you what [Laughter] that's it they just told you faith is something I like to call spiritual eyes common sense so I don't think with my mind I think with the word now go with me to 2nd Kings chapter 4 I don't want to hold you long tonight I want you to listen to the second Kings chapter 4 and I find brother Copeland that's just the Copeland in this passage of Scripture for me not this when you pray you don't pay when you pray you believe that you receive now remember I told you about this story but that preacher now he's in this chapter 2 i'ma prove this to you 2nd Kings chapter 4 verse 1 now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha save thy servant my husband is dead and I'll knowest that thy servant that fear the Lord and the creditor has come to take unto Him my two sons to be bondsman now we have to establish something in this verse this lady's got three problems she's in bereavement she's in debt and she's in bondage why why is she in bereavement what sin did she commit well we don't know kid why we know she's in Berea because her husband died why did he die why did he produce these things in her life at his death he's she's in bereavement she's in debt and bondage in those times you had what we called debtor prisons they're coming to take our sons they gonna take it in I'm gonna sell them kid watch this and the creditor has come to take unto him my two sons to be buzz' and he likes you said unto her I watch this this man now has been under the Ministry of Elijah what did he likes you preach what was it Elijah's mouth he was the head of the school to that prophets you see a man that's in debt Amanda's got financial trouble it's not going to say what this man said and verse 2 and license editor what shall I do for thee tell me what you have in your house my wife says it stop for a minute does that sound like a man that's in there he don't care if she's in bereavement debt nobody said what do you want now I want to ask you the question why did that man leave his wife in debt why he should have never left that woman in debt because he was under the minister of Elijah Elijah was debt-free cuz when he can tell you what shall I do with thee most preacher would have said well sweetheart we know you your husband I will send some flowers we got a little widow well you know account they will help you out for a little while but that's it I'll I didn't say that he said what do you want what shall I do but he tell me just name it but you see that man who is under that man's minister all those years that never picked that up you can have a lot of people under your ministry but they're not hearing what you say it they heard what you said but they're not hearing and hearing he left that woman in debt and he was under the ministry of Elijah when I heard Kenneth corporal said oh no man anything but they love him you know what I thought is he out of his mind how you gonna buy a house without mortgage and how you gonna buy a car without financing but when I came under brother Copeland's ministry I receive and brother it's just the glory I receive what they said and I'm debt free I've been debt-free so long I don't know what that is at all everything I buys cash I answer I just pay for it I don't care what it costs he don't make no difference why because I received the laws of prosperity in my life from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland this man got under the laws of prosperity but never received it and died and left his wife in debt because he see he made her climb the mountain instead of desired the mountain bereavement debt and bondage is on this one and he's under the ministry of Elijah so I asked him got real man not long he said I guess you like that Copeland guy get you debt free I said yeah I don't even know what my credit rating is I don't care I'll never use it I told President Obama you can have my Social Security too if you want it and I paid a lot of Social Security my life I ain't gonna live with no limit you do what you want to do I'm gonna make millions and millions and millions of dollars to the day Jesus comes or the rapture of the church it's gonna happen there ain't no other choice it's gonna be and I don't mean that pridefully why cuz I got under a minister and receive what they said and hearing it and hearing it and hearing he said have just heard it if I died tonight Kathy can live for the rest of her life my daughter can live for the rest of her life and she's 42 my grandbabies five years old and she can live for the rest of her life she ain't got to work a day in her life and she's only five years oh why grandfather I'm not bragging on that with him I when she was born I set her up for life now I'm gonna teach you to work I'm gonna show her how to work I'm not sure I wanna take money and multiply I'm I called the anointing of Jehovah God you understand I'm saying I'm gonna show this and you money does not define you in any way shape or form you are who you are because Christ says you are but I'll tell you one thing you the world will be a servant to you instead of you being a servant to the world see that's what he lacks it was telling us but that man that God did not get that so when brother cook when I realized that I said he's debt free I'm debt free he got a jet I don't mean that driver I thought wait a minute see I have if he is preaching the right thing it's working ladies and gentlemen do you understand what I'm saying if you want something kind of funny the first time I preach to this believers convention that one of the first times I freaked was the Forgotten ingredient give me boldness Lord produces the tongue talking Church of the Bible and Chris Lord Allah was not on this front creflo like you could see it a panic he was way back there like this and I never forget the day I write that bill where you were sitting creflo was sitting in and and he leaned brother Cooper said crap I believe you all to preach this service and I hit him in my elbow I said your life is about ready to change big he said you think so I said I know so brother and look what the Lord has done through his ministry was a blessing but why why because God's a respected person why I have it why did why did we have that why because we better than you know but we received what was ministered we refused to climb the mountain we dissolved the mountain we took the unbelievable and the impossible and we made it doable because the person that was teaching us said could but that man did not receive that from this guy named Elijah who raised somebody from the dead when he was dead you couldn't put nobody in the same hole wouldn't mean they just come out alive this guy had stuff in his bones the next verse he says and then I said verse two what shall I do for thee tell me what you have in your house why cuz God always deals with the scene she says this but I handmaid have not anything in the house ever Potter off I mean I got enough for pancake look what he says wow they impossible the unbelieving impossible is now in the Old Covenant here then he said go borrow the vessels I brought of all about neighbors even empty vessels Bart not a few get every pot pan 55-gallon drum bucket anything you get your hand on cuz God is about ready to do the unbelievable then possible he's what he's saying is my powers and my saying and my believe it now I like this woman now verse 4 is for me when though I'd come in thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons notice that and she'll pour out into all those vessels I should set aside that which is full in other words keep the fools outside keep the idiots outside don't let them get in the house then I'll destroy your miracle they'll destroy your dream that we wear the dream killers see you know why I won't let that guy in my plane ain't like I keep that ball outside no I ain't letting a fool Wow because you gonna say I did I can hardly believe this is gonna happen ah she should shut the door don't let nobody look at there's always some meeting going what you coming back the rest is for your stupid you ain't got enough to fill up a pancake Milo shut up woman stay outside just keep the fools outside that's walking in love because they will destroy your dream and dreams have no expiration dates I don't care how you older how old you are tonight you can have what you believe but you got to say when you pray please not when you pray pay you understand what I'm saying keep the fools outside here's so many people right now I said no I want to come inside the house because when I needed you now I'm not going against them I just keep the fools out there destroy your dream from the inside so just let him talk they don't get tired you understand he said shut the door don't let any idiot get in there no doubt and unbelief whatsoever at all now he's dealing with her I don't doubt he totally like the whole husband but he didn't receive it but she did next verse so she went from him verse 5 shut the door upon her and upon her son's and who brought the vessels to her why says and she poured out and he came to pass that's my favorite phrase in the Bible but just did you get healed came to pass read just did you get that plane came to pass when the vessels before that she said unto her and I said woman get excited when she see manifestation bring me yet another vessel he said that there is no vessel there's no more vessels and it all stopped I want to ask you the question how did the oil know to stop because God can't give you what you will not receive write that down he will not waste anything he's Jewish to you it's a fragment to him it's a basket you got to realize what's around you you may think it's nothing but with me around you maybe all the answers to your prayers but it's in fragment form instead of full form pick up the fragments that we have no loss to them it was just junk but to God it was 12 baskets the oil stop table will not give you what you won't receive he will not waste anything your powers and you're saying and believe me so I don't waste money I don't I don't do silly things my daughter said there's so many times I cut my thumb you buy some you always thinking investment I said you better thank God Jody you're my only heir she goes oh yeah glory to God I said everything you see blessed God you get you and Meredith you sit up I said but I'm oh I'm not working for y'all anymore I'm gonna work for that great grandbaby I'm not bragging on that see people said he shouldn't be talking about that I am giving God glory I remember the LORD thy God when I walk around that house I remember the Lord that guy when I get in that plane Friday and begin to fly I remember the Lord it's my eyes still swell up with tears I'm getting that playing Lord Jesus and it was so nice to have AI dis Intellivision brother Colton he said just let me walk in your plane had been an ant awhile I said yeah in Kevin and he just he said boy and I could see he was pleased why well he's the one that broke the barrier you understand when I said and I was there when the citation ten came in you understand we were on a motorcycle trip in Montana I'm a board of director just so happened Jerry did wasn't on that one and I tell you when success the flew in that plane I am brought up that as a guess a test run to see brother coca sitting I swim Stan I felt like it I could see that dream come to pass back his eyes I thought God look at this but he put me in a rock and a hard place you can understand when you work with chemical you better be instant in season out of season cuz he gonna do something you ain't got time to do you okay don't get ways that don't make no difference here the guys came and he said would you like to take her take her and flower yeah he comes up like he said boy Jess I love this plane I said huh I said it's beautiful he said I just say I'm gonna fly this but I want you to get back and pray and when we get back on the ground tell me what the Lord said see if this is the one now why did he say that because I have the responsibility as a board of the director to understand the vision of this ministry KCM you understand what I'm saying I'm not just on there just to be friends we are friends but this is business this is sick so I said I couldn't enjoy the flight hence Kenneth ink Lord I'm back that oh and the devil said you're gonna miss it I tell you we'll tell you I got Lord Jesus and man my lord I thought well maybe he forgot cuz he got so excited you know boy the plane landed out to he Tara what the Lord said let's pray and the Holy Ghost here give it to him by prophetic utterance a little Shih Tzu I said Bronco this is it he's out new it is mine and it was that very day now did they fly it out that day yet it flew and I'd do whatever did he do but that day was his I walked out that plane and I thought man I was here when the first preacher that I know I bought a brand new playing another barrier had been busted and obliterating and broken and I was there to see it I got so excited I went to a place we went back to the hotel I want a cross I want him hungry i with the some fish and chips I can't think of I said give me a piece of fish I got to bite something Lord that was so excited I toured that Fishman they said oh you hungry I said man I just come out of a jet of what yeah give me another piece of fish I'll take her I want him hung I just bite in the fish Lord Jesus man I was there unbelievable impossible doable but he always said it his power was in his saying and in his believing I picked that up both of us of bleeding for planes at the same time I mean it was amazing but I mean we wasn't racing to see who gets it none of that because I realize if God's won't put me around a prophet of God he expecting me to listen to what the Prophet is saying instead of just having a relationship now why did that maybe get so blessed she trusts God's person and she trusted God's power now one says when you've been in poverty in bereavement bondage and debt now she's out of it I mean do you understand the oil industry start there's Texaco Chevron Exxon that all ever when did you notice what Elijah did look at this verse seven she came and told the man ago he didn't stand it away to see if the miracles gonna take place he went on she had to go get him she had to go chase she came and told her man he didn't went home he wouldn't say no Jesus if you don't do this I'm gonna look like the biggest idiot that I was in shoe leather or shoe sandal oh god help no Elijah went oh she had to go to his house she said I take now I said when you've been in bondage and bereavement that's so long you don't even realize you have an answer she goes what should I do I love you like Sally all say no they are that's the opportunity sale they are why would she have why could she figured that out for herself just say uh pay your debt and living you and your son for the rest of your life now she got a two-generation full blessing but if she'd have believed the Word of God a good man a good person makes an inheritance for his children's children she could have got it three funds do you know how many years that is in today's economy that's 240 years ma'am you have you sir that brother have 240 years a financial blessing in you because you see your child should never see you have y'all married but do you want to know this woman listen I don't know girl your man okay you know hey I'm will try to help the man out yeah ha ha vote watch this my daughter will never spend her money she's gonna spend mine my granddaughter is not gonna spend her mama's money don't spend mine a good man my good man cut leaves an inheritance for his children's children the average person lives 80 years old 75 to 80 years old Abbot's why is that because nobody's holy ever preaching the hundred 120 years of that say 80 times 3 is what 240 is right 8 is 24 watch this you know we start preaching 120 years people can start living 200 20 years but we preached something that was wrong I mean I didn't but a lot of people said you know God gives you 70 years and by reason of strength 80 that was done really as in rebellion but the lifespan of a man's 120 years I leave this Genesis 5 of Genesis 6 but see nobody you can't have faith for something that had been preached to you you couldn't get healed of somebody preachy Lentini you couldn't get saved to somebody preach salvation tape you couldn't get blessed of someone to preach prosperity to you now I don't care what happens you are the person that makes the choice not God you you he's up with for your life and death lesson Kirsten Jews live please now you don't want you to choose his death he don't want you to choose curse but see that's all within your power and God will do what you say but when are you gonna do what he says so I got 240 years in me now I'm teaching that I've taught that to Joey and I'm teaching that to Meredith see so by the time if you truly understand this they know they're not gonna by the time they start spending Jody's money and and James money Lord Jesus will probably already calm don't you did I blow your head off right there I think I blew your head off right there yeah I can see you going that's unbelievable yeah that's impossible yeah but that's doable I remember when I I couldn't buy a five cent coke and when he went up to six cents I said that's it I can't ever drink a coca-cola again you remember when I went up to six cents anybody remember when a coke went up to six it I thought that's all I got to nickel I got a bit I got a drink kool-aid now can I say something that sounds arrogant I guess unless I bought a business if I just want it so I'll never get through my money let me out now I for one bar business that's a whole nother ballgame but I'm just talking about stuff I don't get shook up when Cathy go shopping do you do what you want I don't mean that prior I'm giving God glory for this I am NOT through the laws of prosperity of sowing and reaping don't get mad at me if I obeyed biblically what God said I could have who do you think you are well I'm telling you who I am now some people say that's arrogance and cockiness no it's not it's it's physical manifestation I've had many opportunities to fail I just don't take any I'll never forgive this if we want you to go on a motorcycle trip go buy a motorcycle what did I do I went by motorcycle honey said oh dear oh how much a motorcycle cause that's just when I said I like I blew it give me that one right there wash it the other day somebody sideswiped Cathy actually I was driving the car I mean this woman decides she gonna get it what she knocked the window off Cathy got a Mercedes been knocked it off like a I got out the car I'm standing in the middle of road people I forget that people know because I'm on television a lot in New Orleans hey I will do like the cops all right we're walking come on man you know finally come to Carmela Consta and and they're trying to figure all this stuff out and to make a long story short I said Cathy they said we can fix that I said mercedes-benz dealership right down the road I'm gonna go buy a new car I'll get this one fixed I was just I told the cop drive me without buying a car I'm not being braggin on it she goes oh no Jesse you know what we gotta do is change that that the mirror and all that kind of stuff I said well whatever you wanna do I say you want I'll go bite right now that's right I said it's two blocks down the road I say we're waiting on the guy anyway just drive no without by your Brandon will drive that one take that one and I'll get somebody that I call one of the staff and they'll drop that now bringing they get it fixed okay said oh no no no can't do that that that's just too much money until we got home then we got home say it's think easy getting things going would you find me a new car I said yeah you want you said do you want me to have it I said that's what I live for you want to cook we'll go get the thing I said we hope now a proper clothes I said we'll go to market today she kept thinking right she said look it up what would I do with this one I said what you want to give it to someone else sell it wait I don't know whatever you want to do I don't care she goes I went too fast on that I shouldn't I said no let me think about it I said fine I think about it you make your decision that's fine and I bragging on that I know I'm gonna get some ugly letters on that I didn't heat it right no I'm giving God glory do you understand thou shalt remember the LORD thy God for it is he that giveth thee power [Music] Nathaniel Wolff he's here tonight him and his wife Michelle wonderful people I said Nate I'm gonna tell you something cuz you around me okay you getting out of debt you know I know that without a shot up and out because I kind of round brother Copeland and he said you can be debt-free oh no man anything but the loving so I said okay now that doesn't work on Wall Street because you work money on Wall Street I understand that I I have a lot of money on Wall Street I don't watch that everything Kathy always on what are you doing i watch it don't watch it yeah you know I've invested in some of those things and and people always say would you invest in I ain't telling nobody because if they lose some money they mad at me and if it makes them money I don't get any of it yeah answer hey you do your own betting I'm gonna do my own business but why said he's and I know that's not the normal way people deal with they do they work other people's money go to banks and things I know why not you be the bank Jezebel priest said I could be the man with the water pitcher you preach that I thought what bless God said it why can't I see once something's preached to you you remember you have the faith to receive it but if you do like that men and beyond the ministry like KCM and not receive what they said the day will come when you're gonna leave somebody in major trouble but if you just do but I'm not just saying that because they're we're friends if you just do what they said if you just do what Jesus said this is what he believes you can do he believes that he just believes that it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life and the same thing with grace I don't know I never feel bad about myself and I close with this statement and many all know this because I'm in astir this at the minister's conference devil I mean devil gonna try to take me out last year the week right after Thanksgiving and the Holy Ghost folk to me said go get yourself checked out you have any sense tingling so I went to the smartest doctors in New Orleans they said they ran me through tests real quickly and they said there's nothing wrong with you I said Holy Ghost poke - now will you tell a doctor that a heart surgeon when they look at the Union lost your mind they said you know you you know you know what you just did on a treadmill we took your body we took you up - how old are you yes it's out 63 he took your body up to 180 beats a minute running and you passed nuclear test you passes it I said doc listen to me listen to me something me write something right well you have chest pain no do you have shortness of breath no you have suppose what no I mean that nothing something's not right keep keep looking final I said is there anything I have it done yeah with this one test we wouldn't like to do it because it's a what's the word to use it's a it's evasive invasive yeah and showing them when they did that this I was born with a cross Daughtery I had an order that was crossed like this I didn't know it maybe somebody might way back when and she blocked here and she broke it I did I don't have a chance to call everybody tell me but I said well how do we fix it I was on the table I could see all my insides on this video that's really something to see your heart going and I thought about the coffee Sanka commercial and I heard these two doctors you know if he was a normal man I say excuse me what do you mean by normal well my god if you did have a normal job but you're in that plane all the time with your under pressurization oh god I didn't never thought about that all kind of things he said you were probably born like that he said if we could put a snap then open it up but we don't know what's underneath here I said how do we fix this he said the biggest operation anybody can go through I said what's that you ever been on time I've been in the hospital when I was born they slapped me as a baby I hadn't been back since 63 years later I'll show it back up he said open-heart surgery I said what you're doing tomorrow he said man you make fast decisions I said what are you doing tomorrow he said I guess I'm working on you I said yeah good thank you and no fear no nothing they told Kathy four to six hours to do this two hours and 15 minutes he's gonna be at least two days in intensive care five hours I walked in and there's the heart he goes my god you standing up I said yeah never had no heart attack nothing they fixed it he said we used your mammary artery I said you did what I didn't know a man had a mammary artery I always thought a woman had a memory I said you used my mammary artery yeah he said we took a vein out your leg and I looked at my leg whoa don't think bad about this that every time my foot itches I scratch my chest [Applause] it's not that's a joke yes but nobody took it out my leg I picked it but you know who it affected more than anybody I had tubes coming out of me and I mean sound as a tack I am a textbook case they're still talking about it no pretty nothing I I mean I just I'm doing 17 miles a week when I tread knee up kicking I got treadmill him in my room right now I can't go down to the thing that people won't let me work out you know they want me sign there Bob it's hard running to sauna Bible now I said I mean they just can't get over that they just can't get order I told him I said the Holy Ghost you understand God spoke to me they sensitive when God speaks well it's all healed up and I mean all that kind of stuff I mean it's amazing he looked at me says Reverend you could eat pork every day for the next 40 years you're not gonna plug up what we did no I'm not gonna do that I said well thank you I appreciate that he said he said we made you 20 years old inside I said really let's say Catholic amen I got my lead back brother what's up baby hey she says shut up you old fool it's it's been amazing but I listen to the voice of God just listen to the voice of God that's it unbelievable and impossible you know who had affected more than anybody Jody my daughter she saw me with the Y's and the tubes so I'm just sitting there smiling like and I see it going I said Joey what's wrong she said dad you are invincible cuz anything went wrong I said a fix it take care of it you got a problem a ticket no made no difference okay somebody mess with you you mess with me I take care everything just let me know I did that yeah you got no problems it'll shed that you don't take care of it somebody messed with you to mess with me we may come on off or they don't refuse I mean I went to school son and I shouldn't have done that now I mean I got mad one time and this secretary would let me push to the side tell your husband I did that we don't call the police I said get an ambulance we're gonna need that too I reached across that desk to the princess I'm gonna tell you something I'll say this one time you understand me I don't play no games you mess with me and I heard the Lord said what do you do for a living I'm a motivational speaker I didn't want to say as a preacher but say that was my weakness dare that oh you touch my daughter take my ground oh well you know she said dad you invincible I realized she had never seen you later so I waited about an hour and a half she went home I called I said Jody this is dead here dad what you want I am invincible to worry about anything I'm here for a long long time I said that that sometimes if you get shook up and you think God ain't coming to you rescue you thinking but GOP's invincible just wait a hawa so he'll call you and he won't have tubes coming out he will say I am invincible did you enjoy it tonight [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 1,834,335
Rating: 4.6500425 out of 5
Keywords: 2528816532001, Your Power is in Your Saying and Believing, YOUR POWER, SAYING AND BELIEVING, YOUR POWER IS IN YOUR SAYING AND BELIEVING
Id: 7L3-gEUOe3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 49sec (5089 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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