2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Increase Day - Partakers of the Anointing (9:00 a.m. CT)

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that was something that the lord directed me to touch on this morning before we get into the message have you enjoyed bill winston's messages have you enjoyed creflo dollar's messages have you enjoyed keith moore's messages have you enjoyed jerry savelle's messages each of these men's ministries flew them here in their own airplane amen amen now what's the big deal and it's huge deep it isn't the luxury come on it is nice i have to tell you no it has to do with getting god's job done efficiently it has to do with the protection of those in that airplane amen now my first day as part of the flight crew for oral robbers and i'd only met him once and for those of you that i don't know where you've been hidden that hadn't heard it yet but anyway that my first day i just registered and the lord instructed me to go up the sixth floor i went up the sixth floor and i when i walked up to ruth rook's desk i didn't know what i was going to say it's just blurted it out that my name's kenneth copeland i just enrolled in school today and i know this this airplane this ministry uses and it uses aircraft and i'm a commercially rated pilot and i need all the help i can get thank you turned around and he'd walked up behind me and he said i'm oral roberts i said i did that i really i needed my driver's license to read my name he might as well have said i'm god i mean it hit me like that anyway my first day on the job my captain bob dewis walking around that magnificent airplane oh my goodness i know god's goodness i never had my hands on anything like that before and um anyway it was a a restored um [Music] made into an executive airplane of a united states navy medium bomber wow 4 000 horsepower now here's what i wanted here's what i want you to hear my first day brother dewey said to me this airplane is brother robert's sanctuary [Music] don't initiate a conversation with him if he wants to talk to you he will this is his sanctuary to protect the anointing in which he walks i learned something that day because i had flown other airplanes for other people and some of it wasn't all that nice but this was different and the moment i walked inside that thing the anointing of god was there it was there now i'm i'm not putting down the airlines thank god for them but yes thank god for them but they're not all that anointed you can get into some pretty nasty stuff aboard there i know there's been times i've attempted to believe god back before we had an airplane that was international we flew our small airplane to california and uh or no this time uh this time was to the east coast and we were anywhere wherever it was doesn't matter and it had been a long drawn-out trip and i was already extremely tired i had a lot of things on my heart and a lot of things on my mind and so we have a uh yeah yeah it was australia so we were coming back coming back to the west coast now that's a 13-hour airplane ride we taxied out and they made the announcement that this is captain wilson's farewell flight he's retiring after this flight and everybody you know well i just settled down i thought oh glory to god i'm going to get some rest well he walked back through the cabin and and he he saw me and he said brother copeland well i said you know i stood up shook hands with him and talked to him a moment about his his flying career and and discussed it with him you know and and what little dab i had compared to his was chicken feet and uh i mean this this guy that had some you know somewhere around 20 25 000 hours and so i shook hands with him i thought well glory to god and then he found out since it's his farewell flight his wife was with him and she came back and said hello to gloria and to me and she sat down in front of me for 12 of that 13 hours her whole testimony well it was very interesting but not at that moment now i'm not i'm not putting her down she was excited about god i am too but i'm tired now that's that's a good comparison and i had this come up what does an airplane need and what does a preacher need with an airplane i need to go fast and i learned and and and saw the schedule oral roberts would have had to have canceled 35 to 40 percent of what he was doing because the airlines didn't go where he was going because he was already traveling on the airline that's the reason all of us do what we do and well jerry said it last night the airlines just were not going where he needed to go and i just knew somebody needed to hear that this morning praise god and it's you the partners of our ministries that have through god and and your benevolence and your faith that we enjoy that kind of efficiency and safety [Music] we have we have the opportunity and the privilege to choose our pilots they didn't turn in and come in drunk [Music] you remember when that hit the news here not too long ago that is very rare in the aviation community because i mean professional pilots are that they are professional pilots and and they have no idea about killing you in an airplane because if they kill you they kill themselves but there's been a couple of times when some guys kill themselves twice that i know what now brother copeland you're just scaring the way out of me good that means that you need to hijack that thing in the spirit when you get on it [Applause] gloria and i used to do it every time every time we'd come aboard that airplane i'd put my hand on the on the side of it i say i say i take authority and possession of this airplane i have a legal ticket for it and that little space that i sit in is not going to crash ministering angels take over see to it amen now if jesse had known how to do that and how to believe god he would have been killed more than once because the devil was really after him now i have something else i want to say to you well i just don't know oh jesse just talks about all his pretty stuff and and all his money money money money money he just talks about how talks about how god gave it to it and he just talks about it well you need to know what if you had access to the rich young ruler and had an opportunity to speak with him and jesus looked at him and all his money and loved him he said i have kept all those from my youth and jesus said you only lack one thing didn't have to do with the money yet he said you lack only one thing give what you have all of it to the poor don't stop there that's right that's right don't stop there come and follow me now he missed an opportunity he missed perfect replacement timmy perfect replacement for judas brother he could have been an apostle of the lamb but he walked away grieved but we know who that man was it was barnabas who started all that big giving in the church barnabas barnabas was a wealthy man and for while he outranked paul it was barnabas and saul and god changed saul's name to paul that was a covenant name change and it became paul and barnabas amen praise god so the all of us went into our ministries with essentially nothing amen and god taught us how to prosper i had an i had an advantage where airplanes were concerned because i knew how to fly and still do you know but but but i didn't know anything about flying in a ministry until i began flying with and for world roberts and that relationship began to grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and then my dad went to heaven and oral roberts was like a father to me very strong relationship until he went to heaven we were so now evelyn roberts was a planner [Music] and um she already had written down that i was to do her funeral well that came as a surprise amen but of course you know by this time gloria and i were just like family to them and [Music] anyway that that morning at the graveside that did the graveside service first and then the memorial service at maybe center that afternoon at two o'clock billy joel doherty was doing the grave service ceremony brother robertson immediate family was sitting right in front of me and i was right in the center billy joel's right in front of me and brother roberts was sitting right in front of me and he said billy joe i could hardly hear him i leaned over to hear what he said now remember this is the man that had a revelation of seedtime and harvest before he entered into the healing miracle ministry yes amen he said billy joe i leaned over he said today i am sowing my most precious seed that revelation was on his heart and mind all the way through and they said now i thought about it it had occurred to me to ask him that afternoon if he had anything to say and um they brought a large chair then up on the platform and someone came that i'm glad they did because it it let me know that it was okay they said you you might ask brother roberts if he has anything to say they said i don't much think he will because at the graveside service they they almost had to carry him in there and when when he left he they were just holding him up and so he sat down on the platform this great apostle of god and i spoke for a few minutes and [Music] about life and miss evelyn it was just a glorious ongoing day and i turned and when i turned and looked at him i knew i said brother roberts is there anything you'd like to add to this he said yes there is [Music] and he began to talk about death he began to talk about the jaws of death he began to and i mean it was just like it is in here now it was just silent and it got stronger and stronger and stronger and he said if you think oral roberts is going to just sit down and do nothing and he grabbed the sides of that that chair and he pulled himself up he said you have another thing coming i will preach this gospel till i die and he did and so will i [Music] [Applause] glory to god forevermore now the important things concerning the kingdom of god especially in the earth the blessing of the lord and the anointing of god what does anoint mean to rub or sprinkle on apply an ointment or oily liquid to to smear with any liquid to pour to smear with any liquid to consecrate or make sacred in a ceremony that includes the token applying of oil he anointed the new high priest [Music] to anoint means also to appoint that anointing well what makes it so special to you and to me it is dr jackson that anointing comes on you in that operating theater and god pours himself on you to do surgery yes sir the anointing [Music] of god to be anointed and you could hear uh apply appointment to it of course because terri mice you were appointed by god as an apostle to the latino world amen so he appointed you but to appoint you he needed to anoint you with that anointing to do that job so to have working knowledge and understanding of what the word anointing actually means to get insight in into its [Music] uh specified heavenly purpose now my mother bless her darling heart i'm telling you i i guess talking about her and i i miss her i was an only child because of of her condition and oh i tell you she was a praying woman thank god she was because i tried to go to hell and she just wouldn't let me go she just refused she just stood in the gap [Music] anyway and uh now my mother was a naturopathic physician and chiropractor and really good at it until and she had her own clinic when we were in lived in abilene but then later we moved to fort worth because of my dad's business and she never did go back in in practice anymore she she always she always wanted to be a doctor all of her life and she was she was a a healing minded person she just had healing the people on her heart and mine and she would well i mean she watched over me of course and she knew all different kinds of ways to get you well and it's because of her i learned things like the the power of vitamin c and so i didn't i didn't come but i just didn't make all that up and then i know men like dr jackson dr colbert dr weider and and dr shapiro in new york city and these men have helped me develop the supplements that i take it's the reason i stay strong and healthy that's the reason my immune system is high all the time and learned a lot of things to do after you get sick and symptoms and so forth and and just just know how to pray and just kill it well i'm not here to prescribe vitamin c this morning but hey you better find out about it and all the things that it would you can get in capsule form tablet form powder form amen i mean your body doesn't produce it so you have to have it as a supplement and i'll tell you it is so powerful amen well my mother would anoint me when i got sick not with oil vic saved yeah you went to cleveland you've been there you smell that nasty stuff [Laughter] just smear it the fix must have been invented a hundred years ago because you know i still have some of it in my cabinet today and there's been times that you know some nasty something like the flu come along well i know what mama did and just she would stuff it up my nose don't be doing that and she'd rub it all over my chest but it worked and so uh all these many years later just rub down the vic sag and go get in the sauna you know fix and sweat sweat and yeah doc said yeah yeah yeah you better learn how to do this yeah you're going that's right too yeah she said i gave it to you i thought you look like one of them kind of oh man i think dick sad was made for mama particularly country mamas because it's a long way to town [Laughter] glory to god thank you lord all right thank you jesus increase day is just that now we learn from the word that increase is a spiritual thing first it's not just hard work now hey work is involved i it it bothers me to know that there are people that had a whole lot rather take something from the government and set on there you know what and claim disability and oh we're so poor i don't know why i weigh 285 pounds because we're poor well somebody been slopping you you all i was come on i said brother copeland are you talking about uh i'm talking right amen now i i can't not being way overweight too bad because at one time in my life i weighed 263 pounds now i weigh over 100 pounds less than that hallelujah but that's my own stupid fault amen my first day in the army was like and i knew better but hey man it's like you know this is my last day and i had to report and over top came by how many of you been in the military you know what i'm talking about top soldier and he very soon became one of my heroes because i wanted to i wanted to look like that tell me i want to look like that man so bad he walked out there oh son six stripes and a diamond in the middle of it about six four waste about that big around a black soldier a real soldier walked up there in front of me and laughed he poked me in the belly he said we gonna let the wind out of you and he did we're gonna let the wind out of you i couldn't run for me at that front row without me to pass it out thank god those days are gone forever thank you jesus hallelujah all right [Music] first scripture luke chapter 4. oh there's a couple of places where my bibles just fall open there one's mark chapter 11 and the other is luke chapter 4. yeah glory to god thank you jesus now jesus in this first part of the fourth chapter of luke and he went into the desert and was tempted there of the devil i really enjoyed the things that brother keith had to say about that boy he can paint the picture can't he and uh and and of course that that young preacher that followed him up that young bill winston dear god i don't care how hard i try to preach like him i can't do it he could make a worm excited i made the mistake one time i made the mistake one time of watching a bill winston video just before we went to bed gloria went to bed that night we put in a video and dear lord before he got through i was standing up in the bed looking for some place to run glory to god amen amen yeah wonder why nobody don't say flow to me you know somebody say flow i say flow who oh nobody hey no nobody does it like winston does it and what a magnificent human being that whole family they're like family to me he's a tuskegee airman did you know that [Music] flew f4s in vietnam now he won't tell you about all this but i will you go into his study there's a picture of him standing on the wing of an f4 so i had a picture of that and put it in my aviation office amen fighter pilot what i always wanted to be and bill winston did it amen and all of the commendations the decorations [Music] whoa he is ain't that sassy whoa hey yes sir that that big sassy grin on his face yeah he knows where he'd been and what he's going to do today praise jesus [Music] thank you okay turn it all okay now jesus had just come off that temptation situation he had just been baptized in water and he when he was baptized in water the holy spirit came on him like the in the form of a dove john the baptist saw that in the spirit well brother copeland why didn't he speak in tongues he didn't have to he could have by faith spoken in any language he wanted to but he did groan in the spirit at the tomb of lazarus he groaned in the spirit and then he said i know you always hear me [Music] you could say the same thing crop i know you heard that i know you heard that because i prayed it in sincerity and i prayed it in faith now jesus just simply said whatsoever thing you desire when you pray believe you receive it he didn't say when you pray in your known language he just said when you pray that's right that's right the apostle paul said i will pray with my spirit i will sing with my spirit amen and you pray in the spirit in tongues praise god amen oh a divine secret a divine mystery between my father and me in the name of jesus that's my mystery that's mine he brought it up out of my spirit to pray it at that moment and when i pray for my partners in the spirit molecule now father i believe i receive that for my partners and whatever they need today and whatever they want today wherever they are in the spirit wherever they are in the world i thank you for bringing up the exact prayer that needed to be prayed for them right now at this moment in time hallelujah [Music] because you can you're limited when you pray in the natural yes amen i don't personally know you but we are together in the spirit amen amen we are in covenant with one another amen and i go through my study a lot where you are drifting by and i can stand there and look in your eyes and i can put my hand on it just follow or i can stop it just down there and hold it [Music] and pray over you all right with what the anointing now that we have a a mental image and what i like to call working knowledge of what that word means and how vitally important it actually is now what brother moore said yesterday in and reading the word in john 5 30 jesus said i can do nothing of myself well now why couldn't he heal anybody when he was 29. he's a man he's limited he had to come just as limited as you are and just as limited as i am amen to pay for this thing a man fouled it up and it took a man to get it back [Music] so that so important and this is what christian people have trouble with but really if you think about it a minute this this is the wonderful thing about it terry the word messiah oh yes what does it mean anointed what does it mean to christen to anoint christ greek translation of the hebrew word messiah come on this morning this is just growing on the inside of me hallelujah i depend on that anointing for protection amen amen and because of the things i learned from oral roberts and kenneth hagin from the word of god and from what i learned from my mother and what i've learned from from these medical doctors that are so powerful and no god and david weir chiropractor that knows god these men understand the power and the value of good nutrition [Music] good supplementation of that nutrition [Music] and how to stay well and not get sick in the first place and i quote gloria if you do what's right in the natural and you do what's right in the supernatural you can live in divine health i didn't know that was available until kenneth hagin and when he first started talking about i thought can you do that and he started talking about the fact he's just never sick but now and it sounds like he's just kind of floating through the line no no no no what he was saying is the devil's never been able to keep anything on me all day long he said i've never had a sick day amen get healed before the day's up take that healing and walk in it i learned that from him praise god wellness is better than being sick and getting healed wellness now that's what dr donald colbert is involved in medical doctor yes but he is in to wellness and has written many books on wellness combat sickness and disease with nutrition and good health habits but now there's something else available and it's called the anointing of god every time i get in the airplane every time whether i'm flying or in the in the back seat i lay hands on that airplane and i lay my hands on it i plead the blood of jesus over this airplane today in the name of jesus for protection against every evil thing every evil person every evil plan of the devil is bound and stopped and thwarted ministering angels lift us up in your hands lest we dash our foot against a stone and keep us in all of our ways today according to the 91st psalm and bless our partners all over the world beyond measure every flight not just one flight of the day every if we fly three different legs that day i do it every time i get in many times i get in the car do the same thing i learn this from billy brim and and billy i i use what you say i say this car will bump nobody and nobody will bump it and there are angels all around this vehicle [Music] i was preaching for a good friend and well hilton sutton just one of the early mentors of glory in our my life and um there was a time or two when huda health and sutton stuck money in my shirt pocket i hadn't said anything about it but i didn't have any food and he just the one time i remember he just stuck 75 in my pocket i thought oh glory to god we eat tonight you don't go around oh you know brother sutton i am so hungry for god and for something nothing to eat you don't do that and get down on your hands and knees and make sure the holes in your shoes show wear your holy shoes tonight so somebody see that and help you with some money you better get out of my sight that's right there's no place in the body of christ for a con artist [Music] no place amen put on the best shoes you have anyway his dad told me now dad sutton was not all that hot about going into the ministry and his dad was a pastor and they pre-preached out in other places and but he drove him and this was back in the day when the roads weren't any good and and you know and you wanted didn't want to stay out after dark too much because the lights weren't all that hot and but this time they're coming back in the dark and those old ruts in the road you know and he started hearing music well no such thing as a car radio bill larry invented the car radio the man that invented later the learjet he benefited the car radio wow so anyway he said he started hearing music he heard it in it with his ears and he said his daddy had leaned back there with a big smile on his face and then the lord opened his eyes and there were angels in front of the car angels behind the car angels on the fenders and they were singing for granddad sutton will work till jesus comes will work and he's just leaned back and let the angels sing to him amen amen [Music] well why not you that's your heart that's right we haven't been aware enough of our angels we need to talk about it more verse 15 he taught in their synagogues being glorified of all and he came to nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day that was his custom go into the synagogue on the sabbath day so there in nazareth [Music] he went into the synagogue where he had been brought up there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written now i understand that the common practice is we have a reading this sabbath and then we continue with the reading next sabbath and then the next sabbath in order but jesus took a text [Music] in the 61st chapter of the book of isaiah he found the place where it was written the spirit of the lord is upon me he came upon him in the jordan river he was the spirit of god was in him from the beginning but he wasn't anointed for service the spirit of god came on him for service this is the reason it is so vitally important for every born-again believer to be baptized in the holy spirit with the fullness of the spirit the evidence of speaking with other tongues and step over in that place where you step into the to that place of the anointing for service and i was speaking last night about witnessing on the street and witnessing to people oh that's where you need that anointing for service don't you remember what i read last night somebody was led by the holy spirit to go back and go to that bus station and the man was there the man was there glory to god anointed for service and receiving the infilling to overflowing receiving the baptism with the holy spirit that's the easiest thing you ever did it's a gift jesus was a gift to the world the holy spirit is the gift to the church for service amen that's the reason the devil has called us every nasty name he can think of i mean you know just give reproach [Music] well so what people call you nasty names all the time somebody probably saw you coming in here [Music] what [Laughter] but have you realized that the devil will lie to you he can't help it he couldn't tell the truth if he tried there's no truth in him jesus no truth in him right now he's a liar from the beginning he's a thief he's come to steal kill and destroy and devour but jesus came to destroy the works of the devil [Applause] and one of our great weapons is to be able to speak under the anointing of god in the spirit out beyond our natural language i don't care how many different languages you speak in the natural you can step on out there in the supernatural glory to god amen and just get to where you just spend a lot of time doing that yes speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs praise god so now here we go the spirit of the lord is upon me now listen to the anointings he has anointed me he has come all over me now think about the woman with the issue of blood by faith she touched the hem of his garment jesus stopped and said who touched me they said what are you talking about the people are throwing you there everybody's touching no he said somebody touched me now he's god why didn't he know who touched him no he's a man anointed that's right he didn't know somebody touched him absolutely now king james said for he knew that virtue that that's a really bad translation it's it's translation of the greek word dunamis it's also friends and that that word in its different uh forms uh diamond it's power we get our word dynamite from it explosive power this is miracle power for he knew that power had gone from him yes amen what power the anointing but he didn't even mention that he didn't say anything about that he said it here but he didn't say anything about that he said daughter your faith made you whole. now faith that spiritual force that spiritual creative powerful force of god amen amen amen flowed out of him [Music] her faith she kept saying it she kept saying it she said it she kept saying it if i but touch the hymn of his glare if i but touch that prayer shawl i'll be made whole and corresponding action demanded that she get in the street where he was and just touched the hem of that garment and when faith came together with the anointing power glory to god now let's just stop right here what happened on the day of pentecost pentecost just simply means 50. so 50 days after that high sabbath traditionally it's good friday but that's scripturally incorrect incorrect it would be good wednesday and the apostle john points that out that it was a high sabbath that started on wednesday instead of friday when jesus was crucified so what happened 50 days later in the upper room [Music] that same spirit yes that same anointing because as they saw him go the angel said this same jesus [Music] will come back but this same jesus is here today in the form of his spirit amen he is anointing today if you have not accepted the wholeness of the spirit speaking with other tongues just do it now amen amen he's a gift don't be frowning oh no no no no no fill me up holy ghost now brother copeland you can go ahead with the message [Music] oh brother copeland's not that easy who said it amen hallelujah the devil said it's not that easy thank you jesus the spirit of the lord is upon me because he came on me just a few days ago in the jordan river because he hath anointed me he hath come on me he's been smeared all over me to preach it's shocking how many christian people don't know jesus was a preacher they just thought he just kind of walked around you know oh look at you she got the lucky ticket [Music] well i must show my divinity be surprised how many people believe it right that isn't the truth that's right well he just healed everybody no he didn't he healed all manner of sickness and all manner of disease he didn't heal everybody he healed everybody that would receive it amen very little record that any pharisee or sadducee got healed that's the reason they were so sad you see because they didn't get heat [Music] yes and there in his own hometown right here we're about to see where they didn't get anything and it's recorded in the sixth chapter of the of the book of mark and there he could do no mighty work save he laid his hands on a few people quote with with minor ailments and healed them amen so he turned to the laying on of hands when nothing else would work well that's your hometown you want to do good there he did good they didn't amen and he got ran out of town moved to capernaum [Music] but he didn't move to capernaum because he got ran out of town it was prophesied that he would go to capernaum the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and to preach the recovering of sight to the blind and to set at liberty of them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the lord which is the great jubilee they could have had a jubilee there that day and he closed the book and gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened upon him and he began to say unto them this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears that's the synopsis of what he said we don't have any idea how long he preached to them and he's talking you know i can tell you what he said he said poor man you don't have to be poor anymore i'm here amen amen sick man you don't have to be sick anymore i'm here i'm your jubilee [Music] i am the jubilee in debt you don't have to be dead in debt anymore because in the 50th year the great jubilee all debts were cancelled and you can walk free of debt today [Applause] release the faith for it it's an anointing of jesus glory to god [Applause] you don't have to be sick anymore you don't have to be poor anymore you don't have to be down-hearted anymore you don't have to be sick-hearted anymore you don't have to be blind anymore you don't have to be lonely anymore you don't have to be down and out anymore you can be up and in glory to god instead of down and out you don't have to have any more back pain you don't have to have any more ear pain you don't have to have those problems anymore you don't have to have it year it'll be one year ago tomorrow last year in healing school i walked over in this area here and there was a woman and she had dark glasses on and a young woman behind her and she was just sitting there in a in a wheelchair and and and i just walked over there and looked at her but i heard it in my spirit yeah i said may i do what jesus did now i have this scripture on my mind she said by all means just so sweet and kind so i took her dark glasses off and handed them to the young girl found out later i think his daughter or granddaughter one of the other very attractive young woman and so i went and just laid my hands up on her eyes and just held it and held them there and held them there until i received a release in my spirit no pressure just just held them there and i took my hands away she opened her eyes i said what do you see she said i see you [Music] [Applause] i was excitedly [Applause] come to find out because she came to church sunday morning and pastor george interviewed her is she here today are you here anyway and she had double vision it's bad that she just couldn't make out anything anymore and uh so and and pastor george interviewed here her then then that sunday morning and she could see everything in the auditorium there and she told him that that her vision was just so bad that she just just she's legally blind and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] brother george said how old are you she said i'll soon be 78 and i'm going straight precious precious human being oh glory to god now then he closed the book gave it again to the minister and sat down there's an act of faith now he closed the book at that specific point and if you go to the 61st chapter of isaiah you can see why anyway he closed it at exactly the proper place [Music] gave it again to the minister and sat down it doesn't say how long he just sat there began to say to them this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears and all bear him witness and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth and they said is not this joseph's son no it wasn't but they didn't know that it's hometown that's all they knew he said unto them you'll surely say unto me this proverb physician heal yourself whatsoever we have heard done in capernaum do also here in this country so see he had he had moved his headquarters to capernaum and when you see scriptures like he was in the house it was his house the man born before that was jesus house and that was not a hostile crowd that was there they were not in a synagogue they came to his house to hear him they got sidetracked when he told that that man that his sins were forgiven him and they missed some things when they said that when he said that but they they they came to his house to hear him amen that's the reason you couldn't get in and it was a big house when they excavated that first they thought it was peter's house but then the evidence was there that it was it belonged to him because of its location and so forth big big place well brother copeland wasn't jesus poor you want to go wait in the car no he wasn't raised poor why was he born in bethlehem well it was prophesied that he would be born in bethlehem but that's that's not the only reason his household joseph was a businessman and very strong spiritually and jesus was raised in a good business and they said is this not the carpenter's son now just to be a carpenter in those days that meant a lot of things that meant that they made shoes they they made furniture they didn't just fix things or build houses but he was a man with his hands anointed of god to do things amen he was not raised poor at all and the reason he was born in bethlehem is because joseph had to pay taxes poor people don't pay taxes that's right that's right no use in them going those those shepherds weren't in that tax line amen come on use your noodle amen a poor man doesn't need a treasurer [Music] and there was so much money in that bag he was able to steal it and the only one that knew it was jesus if peter found it out oh boy there'd have been the end to him yeah you'll mess with this man and there was not a poor man on his staff amen peter was in the fishing business in partners with a man named zebedee and john and james were sons of mr zebedee [Music] and it's very important when you realize how the anointing is working here and they were walking in his anointing and and the power of god was in their life because their the anointing that was on him was working on them amen amen john peter john and james the brother of john the big three what does that have to say about mr zebedee he taught those boys how to work hard and be right and to love and whatever you do do it with all your might and so that's the reason they were called the sons of thunder don't mess with those 70 boys they'll get on you and peter well you know better than fool with him what a team oh i tell you heroes of the highest order praise god forevermore so now then the eighth chapter of luke please verse one it came to pass afterward that he went throughout every city and village every city and village say it every city and village preaching showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of god and the twelve were with him and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities mary called magdalene out of whom went seven devils joanna the wife of kusa herod steward susanna and many many many many others which ministered unto him of their substance these were partners that were traveling with him amen amen [Music] amen amen glory to god thank you jesus let that get all over you then let it get inside of you they were traveling with him they were giving their testimony can't you just hear mary you don't have any idea what a mess i was in and this man this man right here this one is standing right here he's the one that set me free [Applause] my god my god now come on get yourself in here and put some money in this ministry because i'm telling you right now whoa and the wife of herod stewart now you know hey timmy crawford you know she wears something and she go to a husband and say come on come on in come on give me some money what are you going to do you want me telling stuff on you oh you know how much i don't know i'm making that up you know but i didn't make that part up they many others what does many mean well thank god they didn't say a few we know what a few is a few is eight yes yes read about knowing you find out what a few is glory to god glory to god many i don't know how many but many as many [Music] his partners were seeing to it that the bills were paid so he didn't have to put any time he didn't have to use supernatural power to do anything except feed a bunch of people amen amen glory to god thank you jesus and when much people were gathered together and were come to him out of every city he spoke by a parable a sower went out to sow his seed and he sowed as he sowed some fell to the wayside and so forth and so on and verse 7 and some fell among thorns and thorns sprang up and choked it and other fell on good ground and sprang up now he's preaching and bear a hundredfold well there it is bear a hundredfold and when he had said these things he cried he had to there's a lot of people out there that day but he had supernatural vocal power but he came down on this point he that has ears through here let him hear why because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god [Applause] he did not just in in most cases uh brother moore took us into the the place of five colonnades five porches and the spirit of god initiated a miracle that day but that was not the norm the norm was they came to hear and to be healed oh don't you know don't you not don't you know you out there that watching by television oh 297 000 times 4. [Music] don't you know you want to hear him again i'm going to i need to hear him again come on myrtle we got to get over there yeah i know come on come on come on i know that donkey's wore out but that don't make any difference get another donkey we can afford two we hear him we can get a whole barn full of them come on come on let's go let's go we got to get over there i need to hear him again i need to hear him one more time oh my heart yearns to hear those words as if did you hear what he said about faith did you hear what he said about healing did you hear what what what he said hey murder we don't have to be poor anymore we can go on over there let's go on over there did you hear did did you hear what all the women had to say about him and you know there's some fancy women in there come on amen i need to hear him of mine i need to hear him again i need to hear him again well i don't know bobby joe you know yesterday they had 51 000 people over there no i'm earlier 53 because me and you were there i don't care how many it is i got to hear him one more time i got to hear this man one more time those on the road to emmaus said didn't our hearts burn in they set their hearts on fire just to hear him pray over the food preacher of preachers lord of lords king of kings and you and i are so magnificently blessed to have this book [Music] we get to hear isaiah we get to hear elisha and elijah [Music] we get to hear moses and we get to hear jesus and we hear the great apostles oh the apostle paul and barnabas and silas and timothy amen young preacher a lot of pressure on him the apostle paul had to write and encourage him because he's young pastor and the apostle john was in his congregation and sitting behind beside him at all times was mary the mother of jesus that would put a little pressure on a young preacher [Laughter] but the apostle said don't don't despise your youth that's right don't think of yourself like that that's right because you're anointed amen now god knew exactly the man that he wanted to take care of his mother and that was john hanging on the cross he said behold your son behold your mother and heaven already knew who their pastors should be there was young timothy and he had a marvelous teacher his spiritual father yes the great apostle amen paul and we're going to get see them all [Music] we will be allowed to walk among them soon and very soon i'm convinced soon and very soon amen but we can walk among them now in this book that's right that's right hallelujah oh thank you jesus glory to god now then [Music] let's go over there to the book of isaiah chapter 10. thank you jesus now of course you need to read the entire 10th chapter uh it starts off woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees and write grievous which they have prescribed you know judges and magistrates and so forth now come on over as you read down through that that very very interesting particularly the 20th verse and you come down then the 26th verse now notice every time you see the lord of hosts stop and think about it the lord of the angelic armies the lord of hosts and see if you can figure out how many angels there are look in the book of hebrews an innumerable number of angels you can't count them god can count them but only he knows how many zeros that would take because he named them all right and he named all the stars named all the planets he knows them all by name and he didn't start out with twinkle twinkle little star i wonder what you are he started out with twinkle twinkle little star i know who you are because i created you and i really like you the magnificence of god and that same god is dwelling on the inside of you amen amen this great god of power this great one of anointing is dwelling on the inside of you he knows you by name he knew you by name before the foundation of the lord and that book of destinies that was in heaven all that time right that book of destiny out beside your name had nowhere in it that you would ever be sick nowhere in it that you would ever miss god nowhere anything that you no no hell is not even in the book of destiny amen amen and thank god for the mothers and the daddies and the brothers and sisters that prayed and prayed and just stood on the word of god i just so glad my mother i i finally i i finally found out what she did she got she could have done this in first peter chapter five just just cast the whole care of my salvation over on him she she wasn't led by that scripture but she did it she was led of the spirit of god to do it [Music] she was in the kitchen and just threw her bible down on the table and said i have prayed over him for the last time if he goes to hell it's your fault [Music] gloria got saved two weeks later and i got saved three weeks later [Music] she took her hands off of it and i just hear the spirit of god thank you very much for letting me have this i've been trying to do this all this time now you need to cast the whole of your care over them there are those of you today that maybe don't even know where your children are but i'm going to tell you in the name of jesus particularly you partners you're going to hear from them within days some of you will hear today praise god this is part of the things that we pray for you and the lord of host stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of the midian and the rock of ori and as his rod was upon the sea so he lifted up after the manner of egypt and it shall come to pass in that day jesus said in that day you will ask me nothing but whatsoever you shall ask the father in my name he will give it you now that was at the last covenant meal in the middle of the night in that day which was going to take place in hours he changed over till this day amen amen jesus crucified went to hell took our sickness disease and pains into hell yes amen he was never sick he bore our sicknesses he was never in pain he bore our pain isaiah prophesied of it i went through it again this morning before i got dressed isaiah 53 the king james is a well it's it's not wrong it's mistranslated he bore our griefs and carried our sorrows he did that he bore our griefs our reproaches and carried our sorrows but in the hebrew text it says he bore our sicknesses and carried our pain they did esteem him smitten stricken of god and afflicted but he jesus was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our shalom our peace our prosperity our well-being nothing missing nothing broken was on him thank you jesus thank you jesus and with his stripes we are healed isaiah by the spirit of god said that now we know he is talking about the wicked men of his day but who was behind that wickedness the devil that's right that's right amen that's the reason god had the the prophet isaiah to say it and that's the reason it's in the book it shall come to pass in that day his burden the devil's burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder and his yoke one place says a yoke of iron shall be destroyed because of the anointing now other translations say because of the fat the oil the anointing oil you see what it's referring to it's referring to the power of the holy spirit because you come over into this day after the holy spirit came into the earth to stay on the day of pentecost amen he wasn't in the earth at the time isaiah spoke these words he was available to the prophet and to the king and to the priest amen he still is are we not kings and priests unto our god [Music] yes amen [Laughter] and jesus spoke of john the baptist and he said a greater prophet was not born but in the kingdom what's he talking about in the new birth in the new birth the least or greater than he because every born-again spirit-filled believer according to the apostle paul has the anointing to prophesy amen now that's one of the nine gifts but people think well proposition means you're going to tell the future no no no that's to encourage exhortation exhortation and comforts that's right any believer under the unction of the holy spirit can speak comforting words yes but now the word of wisdom will is a word of god's wisdom concerning the future and things that are happening a word of knowledge is knowledge of his uh his knowledge for right now the word of knowledge i've had that one work in in my life ministry more than any other then there's the the spiritual the manifestation of the holy ghost the holy spirit of speaking in other tongues a ministry of tongues and people have let the the devil foul that up do all speak in tongues no well wait a minute it didn't it said it was right in the context of do all have the operation of manifestations of the holy spirit to speak in other tongues to a congregation now that's where it was getting all confused and found confounded at corinth i'm telling you you couldn't shut these people down once they got speaking in tongues i mean that's all they wanted to do and the apostle paul said now just hold it here man and he had to go to great length to to describe it in the book of first corinthians and also in the book of romans and and to just just settle down here and let me divide this up amen amen why the anointing the anointing the annoying thing and some of them were anointing themselves yes i know i have done that and it doesn't work no praise god now that and one one place that talks about the the neck getting so fat with prosperity that the yolk is just torn off and some spanish bibles it says because of the fact well referring to the oil but you deer hunters know what happens to the neck of a book when the mating season comes around i mean his own neck gets so big and of course you know it's girls that get him in trouble brother copeland do you shoot those little things yes graveyard dead [Music] i like the meat i enjoy my job i just don't see how you kill one of those little things well don't do it i heard one man say oh bless his heart it was the voice of ignorance if we don't stop this hunting animals in the united states it won't be but a few years there will be none of them left just come out of our ministry and see right all over it [Music] at one time the [Music] largest white-tailed deer ever killed was by special permission in a park in chicago there was so many deer in that park and and they they were looking for the daddy of them and slow this down and they gave permission if i remember correctly they gave permission to to an archer because no way you're going to fire a rifle in there that's not another thing to do and he got him i'd like to have seen the size of that rascal [Music] well why we have dominion over these things i do not mistreat them amen take care we take care of our deer herd out here on our property oh the best we absolutely can we have feeders and so forth and every so often you know the game warden has to come out and go through there and count and count all the does and then see if we got way too many does now why do you do all that why do you regulate that because if you don't regulate it they all get sick they don't get half of them don't get sick they all do that's a reason so anyway you needed that no i needed to hear it well now what did that have to do about my message nothing yeah flow that's what's happening i was floored because of the anointing the 11th chapter there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of the lord shall anoint him the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the lord and that spirit lives in you today bring it on over into the new testament [Applause] first corinthians 1 30 for jesus is made unto us sanctification righteousness and wisdom one of the scriptures that i pray for you partner colossians chapter 1 9-11 let's turn over there i think sometimes i i quote these too much for you i want you to see that colossians chapter 1 i'm telling you that first chapter colossians is loaded chapters one and two particularly verse 7 of the of the first chapter as you also learned at ephras eprav ephras our dear fellow servant who is for you a faithful minister of christ the anointed one who also declared unto us your love in the spirit he declared unto us your love in the spirit and for that reason all we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you i do not cease to pray for you and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that you might walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god phil with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding i heard a man say on television he at that time he was part of the fox news channel and i don't i don't remember what his name is now anyway he said something about the will of god and then he stopped and he said but who on earth can know his will i said get a bible buddy that is the will of god that's his will amen he didn't say by his stripes you were healed but i don't want you to have it bless you thank you lord so now we see these words concerning the anointing luke chapter 4 luke chapter 8 isaiah 10 27 now let's go to first samuel chapter 30. the first partner service that i was ever in in my life i was driving the car for brother roberts colin steele who was the um manager over all of the meetings in the tents in the auditorium and all of these different places colin steele ah what a man of god and i can just see his face in my mind and now i can just see it because you know i was 30 years old and he came up to me and he said kenneth now you're a grown man he said you know i sometimes like to maybe have a student do this but he said no no no you're already in the transportation department you know on the flight crew i want i want you to drive the reverend okay and uh this this this is really where our relationship began and he said now remember don't be talking to him first if he has something to say he'll say it and i learned a lot of things in that car one thing i learned how to shut up and one day we were in oklahoma city i still lean on this today and he would he would sit over there in the right part of the inside of the car and he'd just put his bible up here and i never knew whether he was reading or just just covering up his face not to be distracted from anything and there were times before we'd go to a service and that he and and miss evelyn would come down for dinner that she would sit over at another table he's just too tempted to talk with her that he would prepare himself from two o'clock in the afternoon on to not speak or listen to anybody but god in his spirit about what he was to preach that night about what the services would be like and we're driving on the way to the venue in oklahoma city suddenly he said kenneth amen i jump yes sir i'm driving people will always tell you you can't do it and you know that's right jerry was talking about that last night well people in their attempt to keep you from being hurt they'll tell you everything they can think of why it won't work i don't need to know why it won't work i need to know why it will work we can work out the can't later yeah he said people will always tell you you can't do it do these three things you will always be successful number one find out the will of god amen that's when you ask your questions that's when you get in the book that's when you search your heart and get before god you find out the will of god number two confer no longer with flesh and blood number three get your job done at all costs i couldn't hardly i could hardly wait where i could get out of the car and write those three things down [Music] and i still do that oh there's some things i'd like to talk about i know better than to do that now and i know the ones to whom i can speak and thank god for a team but there are times that it's it's too soon to to tell even somebody else until it's well settled in my spirit now we will find out here i learned this in the first partner service i was ever in and this was one of the things that really nailed it for me it came to pass first samuel 30 david and his men were come to ziklag on the third day that the amalekites had invaded the south in ziklag and smitten ziklag and burned it with fire and had taken the women captives there that were therein they slew not any either great or small but carried them away and went on their way so david and his men came to the city and behold it was burned with fire their wives and their sons and their daughters were taken captive david and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep david's wives were taken captives and so forth in verse six david was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people would grieve every man for his sons and for his daughters but david encouraged himself in the lord he encouraged himself in the lord his god david said to the priest i pray thee bring me hither the ephod and he brought the ephod to david david inquired of the lord saying shall i pursue after this troop shall i overtake them and he answered pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them that's important they were way behind you will overtake them and without fail recover all so david went and the 600 men that were with him and they came to the brook be sore now this that brook is a is a bad english word to use there it was a river it never was a brook to start with do we have the pictures of that guys there now that that thing when it was up go ahead and show the other pictures of it that's actually it now see that bridge going over that gorge there all right go ahead and show the rest of it there it is and that's the shape it was in then now you have to realize what the king james calls their stuff was their quartermaster all of their food was walking around on hooves cattle sheep all their goods following that army and they came up to that river praise god were those that were left behind stayed or they're not gonna they're gonna run those cattle off in that in that river or i mean even if it wasn't a torrent you see the cattle down in that gorge foolishness somebody had to stay behind and take care or they'd just scatter and then they wouldn't have anything to eat that's right so the word brook just is a river it was either a river or a gorge so it was dangerous on either count to run all those cattle down in there so now notice this david came to the 200 men which were so faint they could not follow david whom they had made also to abide at the river be sore and they went forth to meet david and to meet the people that were with him and when david came near to the people he saluted them and answered now they went on a forced march they were already tired but a forced march is when you don't quit he they had to catch up and somebody had to stay behind and take care of that cattle take care of their food somebody had to do it well david needed all of the strongest men that he had and here was a group of men that this force march just took it all out of them and and he said okay now you stay behind and you take care of this stuff don't you let this get away because we're going to go in there and we're going to get everybody back we're going to take care of business we're going to wipe that bunch out we've got a battle ahead of us and you stay here you wait here by the stuff were they part of the team or not of course they were they were the same they were in that army let me ask you a question every pitcher's dream is a perfect game where nobody scores a perfect game is nobody goes to first base now there are eight other men on that team and he couldn't have done it without the catcher boy baseball is such a great game that was my favorite growing up and i liked football but i'll tell you i really like baseball my dad was a great baseball player great pitcher and but now listen and they get this big trophy everybody on the team got the bonus right the pitcher is the one that did it but he had to have a catcher and he had to have others backing him up because the time they did hit the ball somebody had to catch it somebody had to be there so everybody on that team got the same bonus everybody on that team got the same recognition it might have said bob somebody and the team because he did such an outstanding job david did an outstanding job here as a commander because he inquired of the lord he didn't just rip off after those people this is a lot of people he had to catch up with and he and he had to do it in such a way that they didn't turn around and kill their own kinfolks but he inquired of the lord and he had faith because he'd heard from god that you'll get it all back and none will be lost so his his and he just said we'll get them all back and none will be lost but we're going to have to catch them we're going to have to do this and we're going to have to fight like we've never fought before and we're going to have to use everything we know in in combat and god will help us do it well david came to the 200 men which were so faint they could not follow david they made also to abide at the brook besor and they went forth to meet david and to meet the people that were with him and when david came near to the people he saluted them you know what he said we did it we did it your family is here we did it not i did it aren't you happy [Music] their family was just as important as david's family [Music] nobody there that their family was not important and they went forth to meet david and the people that were with him david came near to the people he saluted them then answered all the wicked men the men of bilal of who those that went with david and said because they went not with us we will not give them all of the spoil we have recovered save to every man his wife and his children that they may lead them away and depart we fought the fight they had to stay behind they didn't do anything oh really they didn't do anything they did a good job of what god ordered them to do david said you shall not do so my brethren with that which the lord hath given us who have preserved us and delivered the company that came against us into our hand and here's what i heard oral roberts say and it struck me it hit me like the guy said like a freight train coming through a tunnel i mean it got on me for who will hearken unto you in this matter but as his part is that goes down to the battle so shall his part be that tarries by the stuff they shall part alike and it shall be so from that day forward and he made it a statute and an ordinance for israel until this day and i can just hear oral robert's words he said my partners stay behind with the stuff so i can go and preach this gospel and i thought i got to be a partner i had to be a partner and then he said and i pray for my partners every day i said that's settled it i got to be a god partner me i don't have any money i've got to be a partner oh what was me that's right and you've heard me tell the story but i'm going to tell it again because this ministry actually started with a wooden pencil yes yes and we're in the deep south and he's he's always i'm the driver he's already said and i held up my hand i'm going to be a partner and they handed out these little envelopes little vanilla envelopes a little pencil on the inside and and i looked at that and he was talking about ten dollars a month i don't have ten dollars a month but i wrote it in there anyway with my pencil yeah and i thought i don't have maybe i can cut a button off my suit or something no no no oh this pencil is mine so i stuck the pencil in there and i put it in the offering container and now i've got a hustle because he's headed to the car and i'm supposed to drive this car and i started out and i heard hey hey you yeah you i walked back over there she was sitting right about there and i keep telling this hoping someday she'll hear it and call me young woman of color and i looked at her wasn't me yeah you the lord being well wanting me this whole meeting to give you ten dollars i said oh lady gave it here whoa and i stuck i got the the office i ran it i got to usher and got my envelope stuck my pencil in my pocket and stuffed that ten dollars in there i'm a partner glory to god i get prayed for every day and every soul he wins i get a piece of it his anointing i get a piece of it he talked about the same things that where do you think i got all this i wasn't smart enough to come up with this i got it from oral roberts amen jerry was talking about the dream i have a dream i'm still dreaming of a million partners glory to god and it will come to pass god said it and it'll come to pass [Applause] hallelujah oh thank you jesus and i got home i was so excited man i sat over there in the right seat of that airplane and of course bob was at the controls i just said over that thing i'm a partner i'm a part of that ten dollars a month i'm a partner he's never dawned on me where i'm gonna get to ten dollars who cares who cares and i got home i was so excited that little project house we lived in oh my i got home i said gloria oh of course i'd tell her all about the meetings and the miracles and and all those things and we would just sit and talk about those miracles and she had to stay home with the kids you know and they were they were little and um and oh she longed to be there but she's just stayed at home and listened to kenneth hagin tapes and i'd come home and she'd be all excited about what she heard brother hagin say and i'd be all excited about what i heard brother roberts say and what i saw in the invalid room and all these great crowds and all that and and i said gloria we are partners with oral roberts for ten dollars a month kenneth where will we ever get ten dollars a month and i realized she hadn't heard the message so i preached the partner service to her i went through those scriptures i went through the same thing there in in first samuel 30. i went through those same scriptures went through all of that and preached it just as just close as i could get it and it was fresh on my mind and i told her you know about the whole thing about the the the ten dollars that woman gave me and and all of it i told her that and finally i got down to the end well first i said sit down here girl and so she sat down there on the couch and i just went to preaching preached that partner service just as close as i could get it and i got to the bottom line and by this time i was just as excited as i am now i said gloria we can have oral roberts anointing for ten dollars a month she got excited i got excited and from that day forward we started having ten dollar a month miracles [Music] and oral said it'll come from unexpected sources well all of them were unexpected [Music] amen and i've told you this one before i'm going to tell it again we went to oklahoma city to preach and all of the money that gloria and i had was in the gas tank and it wasn't full and uh man i'm praying over this ten dollars i just oh thank you jesus i want to thank you lord for that ten dollars it's got to go to brother roberts and you know you you you get your part but then then brother roberts and so back there then it's just two-lane highway going to uh oklahoma city and uh but then it it split up like this john and kelly were in the back seat daddy we're hungry when are we going to eat i said any time now [Music] anytime daddy we're hungry what are we going to eat and you come into oklahoma city there and just fast food alley oh man the sizzler bread big hereford bull standing out there in front of that brother that sizzler well now we ain't going to eat it's coming by there i saw it blow across the road i said money gloria said where i said i saw it blow across the road so i got over in the left lane the gun right here but came back got over the right lane driving real slow cyclone fence winds always blowing oklahoma city and there it was pinned up on that cyclone fence i got out and peeled my 20 bill off that fence [Applause] two dollars for jesus ten dollars for oral and back then you could do well at the sizzler for what we had so we went to the sizzler and went broke again i said where do you want to eat both of them all at the same time the ball so we went back to the sizzling glory to god [Music] we never missed a time and this ordinance and statute was the thing that thrilled me saw now turn with me to the book of philippians the partner letter oh i can see it in my mind today it's just like it's just burned into my memory that uh that day brother oral and sister evelyn had invited gloria and me to their home to stay all night and i i was so excited about this whole thing and it was so much fun we laughed one of the funniest things you had to have ever witnessed in all of your life was oral roberts trying to tell a joke and he'd get fouled up in the joke he was funnier than the joke and we were driving on the highway going towards hot springs where their home was there and we were trying and he's trying to tell a joke about this talking dog he got some fun he got some muffin folded up on it that he got on a floor on the right side i was driving and he's over there on the floor laughing he had his head in the front seat he's laughing so much he couldn't finish the joke and evelyn's in the back saying saying or why don't you shut up you can't tell a joke gloria and i just i mean you talk about laughing until you cry we were we were weeping and we were so funny just precious people and but i'm going to tell you something about oral roberts he was oral roberts the man of god 24 hours a day he laughed he had fun before you get through talking to him he'd talk about seed faith and healing you couldn't keep him off a seed faith miracle and god is a good god oh he'd say god is a good god something good is going to happen to you today expect a miracle every day for god is a good god [Music] precious times precious moments so we stayed all night that night and we finally got to bed we just and and of course i wanted to hear all the stories about you know them like my kids i was the same way back then i want to hear about the old end time come on tell me about all of this and i hear the miracles and their their life is itinerant preachers when they didn't have any house they just went from one one [Music] and how that ministry started and really what opened it up he was invited to he went to tulsa he was he was pastoring and eating at oklahoma and a little church over there and he went to tulsa to visit some friends and there was a friend of his that had a tent meeting going on in tulsa and he said or why don't you come preach for me over there well yeah and he began to preach and this maniac walked in the back of that tent with a 30-30 and took a shot at him and it went over his head and through that tent well you can imagine that was the shot that was heard around the world all of a sudden the whole world knew about this young tent preacher in tulsa oklahoma that believed in miracles can you imagine anything stupid as that no wonder the guy tried to kill him and everybody knew who oral and there we were that morning he said i want you to help me write my partner letter in the morning yeah good and so we sat down there and he's behind his desk and i'm over there at the side terry and he picked up his bible he said kenneth what is that i said it's the word of god he said what is that now i know you know i know i'm i don't know what to say i said it's the bible it's he went letters only he threw it a lot harder than that i mean he hit me right in the chest with it and i wasn't expecting it man i mean it he just shoveled past it thank you he said letters and they're just as anointed today as the day they were written [Applause] and we went to the book of philippians this is by the great apostles own words a letter to his partners paul and timothy the servants of jesus christ to all the saints in christ jesus which were at philippi with the bishops indecent deacons grace be unto you and peace from god our father and from the lord jesus christ i thank my god upon every remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine for you all making requests with joy for your fellowship now that same word in other places is translated partnership in other places in the bible now you have to remember this also then in older english a fellowship was a partnership where two people would come together and form a fellowship to do business a partnership that's what we call it in the united states and that's what i understand they call it now but this is old english but that same greek word was translated in other places when he called on their partners and they came and filled their ships same greek word for your partnership and then he'll use that as he as he goes on here for your partnership in the gospel your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of jesus christ even as it is right for me to think this of you all because i have you in my heart inasmuch as both in my bonds and in the defense and in the confirmation of the gospel you are all partakers of my grace partner you are a partaker of my grace you're a partaker of my anointing i became a partaker of oral roberts anointing and i'm still in partners with richard roberts today i'm still a partner to oral roberts university today i'm still a partner to oral roberts changed my whole existence i know what this man is writing about [Music] i have you in my heart and i cannot express enough encourage you to take advantage of that partnership that's what that's what i'm talking to you about this morning man i'm thrilled at what god has done in partnership around the world through this ministry and like i said i i didn't know anything about partnership and and you know and a lot of people talk about partners and and that's all well and good that's good but it's not a way to raise money there is more to it than that and that's the reason that the lord instructed me to call it a covenant partnership because i'm covenanting with you to pray for you every day now you can do whatever the lord instructs you to do but that's one of my that's part of my uh calling that's part of my what i'm called to is to pray for you wherever you are and whatever you're doing to hold you up before the lord in the spirit and that's the reason your picture is so important to me and that your picture's this big going through my study that study is a little smaller room now my main studies larger than that but this is the one where i have the monitor and it's my flight planning room and and then and all that and that big tv monitor on the wall and that's all it does is just bring you through my study and i can get right up in your face and your face is this big then i can see your eyes [Music] and lay my hands on your head and try to see what that is behind you in your bookshelf and one woman oh i tell you what and if you're hearing me today you're exciting woman you are exciting to me and she's she's standing there and got this sassy smile on her face and her t-shirt says amazing grace i said yeah grace you look amazing to me i don't know whether that's your name or not but you bring joy to me every time you come through my study amen and i get to see what's on the mantel and the pictures on the wall and little kids they're just this little guys big guys and it's just amazing what it does to our household amen and i want to thank jesse duplantis for dropping that vision inside me because i saw it in his office and his office is just right there close to his house and you're in our office and you're prayed for all day long every day every day there's anybody in that office every meal i eat and i think about you every time i fly every time i drive my partner's so real to me i have you in my heart it's just amazing and the day is coming it will be one million of it that's my dream and it will come to pass because god dropped that dream in my heart and i have some other dreams also that i won't discuss right now notice in my bonds now this church by the way is the only one that supported him after he left the only church that continued to support him his partners kept up with him and and and you'll see it here in a moment they kept supporting me he used the word joy in some form 16 times in either 16 or 19. well let's see 19 times in this book and he was in prison when he wrote it talked about joy 19 different times you couldn't steal this man's joy didn't you like what brother jerry preached about that [Music] i've used that and for a time or two i gave him credit for it i got that from oral roberts and then he heard me preach on the name and he said kenneth that's a good sermon brother and i said well thank you sir very much he said i'm going to preach that he's no he said you're going to hear that coming back at you i said yes sir and he said i'm going to give you credit for it i'm going to say kenneth copeland preached this a few times then i'm going to say and i heard the man preach this and then for you on your own from then on because it's my revelation from them amen glory to god and it's a thrill when a preacher hears his words coming out of somebody else's mouth i don't want credit for it i don't deserve any credit for it praise god i got these things from my mentors ahead of me amen amen and something else i got from him and i believe it he said a sermon is not any good till you preach it at least 25 times and that's a fact you preach it a hundred times it gets better more revelation comes while you're preaching teaching my men my bonds this is the church where paul and silas were in prison in a dungeon at philippi philippi was a little small town it was a military garrison not many people there but it was an important town because it was a military town now our property at the post office at our property out in the northeast corner of tarrant county the post office and we get our mail in at newark texas it is not very big and it became it actually grew up around that military base that was a naval air space station operated by the marine corps and god gave gave it to us and and i was like but you know like the bible said coming by with no money and i did [Music] because of a godly man that heard from god paul pewitt he was 89 years old when i met him and he owned that property he bought it out of the government and we're on that property today because of his his love for the the work of god amen but i want you to see that that's that's that's a good illustration because the town of newark was just just really nothing but that military base came in there and that base was was head was built to house 19 000 people and somewhere between eight and nine thousand well were the maximum that was there but still to have 9 000 people in your back door i mean that's where it will that's where it is some of our property is in wise county where newark is and there's a big piece of land down there where the next sanctuary is going [Music] and a very large construction company and big time builders made the announcement they it got slowed up by coveted in 2020 but they didn't stop they decided they're going to build 10 000 homes right there and look it up rome texas just right there it's lit this little town and you come you just come out of rome there a little bit so i found out where all these houses are now being built and so i drove from there just driving a speed limit or a little less all the way around to eagle mountain international church now and that didn't take but something like five minutes but then i went back and drove it again to the property that i just spoke of and you could be there in 3. so all of you partners have got a hankering to be a texan they're building your house right there i mean it yes and they're nice homes nice horns praise god and i'm gonna have you right out my back door glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord jesus anyway in these three areas in his bonds and in the defense and in the confirmation of the gospel he was there he was in jail there with silas that jailer became the pastor of this church that's the reason he was so eager to see to it that his people in his church kept on supporting this man because he watched paul and he watched silas in the middle of the night they'd been beaten nearly to death their hands and feet were in stocks and they're still shouting and singing and praising god loud enough the prisoners heard them and he was impressed and all of a sudden there was an earthquake that shook nothing but that jail and the stalks fell off of their off their hands and feet all of them and none of the prisoners moved the glory was so powerful read it for yourself in the book of acts that place lit up and he was so frightened he wanted to kill himself because he was in charge of that and this is a roman garrison he knows they're going to torture me to death i'll just get this over quick the apostle paul said no no no no do yourself go home we're all here how did he know they were all there we're all here and that man i checked this out with rick renner and he said oh absolutely and then of course he took gave me all the history and everything he said yeah he pastored that church the congregation was a prisoner congregation they saw what happened to him in his bonds they were there it happened to them they saw it and the apostle is writing this church they're his partners and they're the only ones that stayed with him and i have partners that are incarcerated today and they i'm telling you they stay with us hallelujah and i'm i meet them from time to time i met some of them in this in this meeting glory to god thank you lord partners verse 19 i know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of jesus christ according to my earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing shall i be ashamed but that that with all boldness and always so now also christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or death and for me to live as christ and to die as gain but if i live in the flesh this is the fruit of my labor yet what i shall choose i know not for i'm in a strait between two having a desire to depart and be with christ which is far better i believe he made this decision while he was writing this letter you don't just write a letter like this in the same time it takes to read it he's thinking about it and praying about it and he thinks about it day in and day out and he remembers the things that happened to him there in philippi and all that's going through his mind nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you i need to stay here and pray for you every day amen i need to stay alive see that's what he's saying he's through his party no no wait a minute i oh man i'd like to get out of this mess they've beat me up so many times i'd just like to just die and get out of here [Music] nearly drowned i don't know how many times i want to go home no no no no i can't do that no no no no nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful to you and having this confidence i know that i shall abide and continue with you all for your father and joy of faith and all these precious words you can read this little book in just a few minutes and then he begins to instruct them and he said and he's thinking well yeah now here's the reason i need to stay here for it is god which works in you both the will and to do his good pleasure do all things without murmurings don't get into disputing that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of god without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world holding forth the word of life don't be looking for a way to get out of that job whether you're the only christian come on stay there let your light shine win the whole place to jesus [Music] quit griping about because you're the only one there think about it i'm the only one here this is like the beginning of the world yeah i'm the only one here i'm going to start with my boss yes i love him i love her nasty thing well i i love you man i love this guy i love this guy and then i think about the little guy that kept witnessing to feel good [Music] phil now i've talked about that last night and he didn't tell you again he would not let me alone he just kept on just kept on hey phil hey phil hey phil little white guy hey phil and phil goodell was the enforcer for the black panthers and he got enforced on himself and this this little guy just just loved him into the kingdom hallelujah thank you jesus so it's time to close this let's continue well you didn't get it i said it's time to close it i said i'm not going to close let's continue [Applause] i'm fixing to begin to close that third chapter in that tenth verse this is my prayer i prayed it today i prayed it yesterday jesus that i might know you and the power of your resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death if by any means i might attain unto the resurrection of the dead and you come over to this 13th verse brethren i count not myself to have apprehended now listen in that greek text there's no punctuation marks and no capital letters the word i do is in italics just put a little dotted line through them this is in italics put a little dotted line through there brethren i count not myself to have apprehended but one thing one thing i've i've got a handle on one thing one thing forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth under those things which are before i press toward the mark of for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus forget the stuff that happened yesterday it's gone anyhow roll all your cares over on jesus he is your caretaker and the next time the devil comes up with that kind of care i don't know you can't just tell him you have no idea how much i don't care amen because jesus has my cares and i'm not picking them up i'm not going back there repent and go on amen confess that sin call it by its nasty filthy name whatever it was if you lied tell jesus i lied you knew it anyway it wasn't my that problem of mine and i was shocked one day i was struggling with this in a meeting that was well anyway it came time to go to the evening service and i said i'm not going and i heard the lord say why not i said you know why not why not i said well because i and i told him what i did i got mad at this situation over there and no i didn't cuss i wanted to but i got delivered from that i got close and the lord said you did confess that before me didn't you i said well yes i did i learned that from brother hagin you know you don't mess around with this you confessed it i said yes i did he said kenneth when you confessed that sin was not when i found out about it oh what a revelation in fact if you think about it there are things that we are supposed to confess and supposed to to to say to him and ask him but we never have informed him of anything he already knew it that's when i got rid of it was when i confessed it that's right amen and got it out of my life he said now you you just get up from there and and straighten up because you're going to preach over there in that place tonight i said yes i am and and in spite all of it i'm going to preach again tonight and did and i got blessed then in verse six of the fourth chapter be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god the amplified classic says continue to make your request known in praise and honor if you go back and pray the same prayer over again and ask the same question over again the second time you prayed it you prayed in unbelief because you didn't and think it did anything the first time but you can go right back in there glory to god i just want to thank you that you heard me and i want to thank you glory to god that that she's healed or he's healed and i'm healed i just want to praise you glory to god that this thing is done heaven already has it and i thank you for it and i'm excited about the results my dream is coming to pass i've never had a dream that hasn't come to pass except that one but in heaven it's already come to pass because jesus spoke it to me gloria and i were taping in television together and i got so excited i had a tea cup sitting i got so excited i knocked that cup over and i said that's all right we clean it up later and the lord said i'm going to give you a million partners and you'll be the biggest holy ghost gang on earth [Applause] i said yes sir that's it i got a million partners i have a million partners glory to god a million partners million partners i have a million partners i have a million partners glory to god partners raise your hand you're one in a million [Applause] glory to god and you come down to this classic verse in in the fourth chapter i can do all things through christ which strengthens me i can do this thing i can do it i can do all things i can do it through the anointing and his anointing one anointing one of his anointing which strengthens me who jesus christ which strengthens me it is just as easily translated who strengthens me but he didn't say jesus he said jesus and his anointing which strengthens me and that anointing in jesus is on me and you and in us and we can do it amen we can do anything we can do anything we're called to do we can do anything he asks us to do hallelujah glory to god [Music] oh and look at this i can do all things notwithstanding you have well done that you did communicate with my affliction now you philippians know you know this also that in the beginning of the gospel when i departed from macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but you only for even in thessalonica where my granddaughter lives today and i am chomping at the bed to go see her i've never been to greece but i'm going you sent once again unto my necessity not because i desire a gift but i desire fruit that may abound to your account but i have all and abound i'm full having received of epiphanitis the things which were sent from you in order of a sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable well-pleasing god but my god shall supply all your need according to his riches my god jesus said if you receive a prophet because he is a prophet you receive a prophet's reward this great apostle could have written but god shall supply all your need but he's writing he is writing according to what the spirit of god is putting in his heart and mind my god shall meet your needs according to his riches in glory my god will meet your needs on the level of an apostle amen now june the 30th 1976 saturday night at williams center in tulsa oklahoma brother hagin was giving the invitation and he stopped now i i had spoken during that convention and they were the speakers were up on the platform this big big platform and i was sitting right behind him and the lord said i heard him here get on your knees i argued with the lord i said no i don't want to call attention up here to myself now he's he's he's giving the invitation he's just praying going along he said get on your knees now and just as my knees hit the floor he said uh yeah uh-huh yeah that's right yeah i understand i understand more yes yes i'll tell you ken copeland you're gonna have to stir yourself up now you're going to have to get over into that healing ministry a little sooner than you thought you would you're not getting out ahead of god you're staying in step with god and whether you want to or not you're going to operate in the ministry in the office of the prophet the seer the seer standing right in the pulpit it'll roll up right before your eyes like you saw it roll off on a television screen and you'll see it in the spirit and you'll be able to minister to the people june 30 1977. i carry it in my notebook all the time i have a recording of it because that night was recorded and it's in my phone hallelujah and from time to time i go back and listen to it amen and by the authority invested in me as a prophet of god i minister unto you the gifts the anointings necessary to stand in that office and in that day you'll have much re cause for rejoicing for people will come to you and say because of you i saw the light well i just sat there on my knees and just shook and of course then when he said that that and i stood up and now on that on that recording i can hear myself moan and [Music] oh and then i had to go back and listen to it on the tape and wrote it all down praise god receiving a prophet because he is a prophet you receive the prophet's reward amen amen amen so all of these things as partners with the prophet's ministry you know you're not just in partnership with me you're in partner with this whole ministry and for for every this is what hit me so hard with oral roberts for and i realize then that every soul he wins glory to god i'm part of that i it's accounted to me just the same as it is to him because i helped him be there that's the exciting part of it amen and so many times over the years things have happened to other partners outstanding things that that was reported to me and i can just think of a lot of different a lot of different ones and different ones that people have said that things happened and what this one i'm thinking about right now she said well you know we were just getting by but we came became partners and and we just got into more business more business more business more business well what she didn't know was our ministry was growing and growing and growing at the same time amen the one that's two of them that stand out so much one was a woman in dallas standing at a signal light and waiting to go across the street when she stepped off the curb she heard her ankle pop and she knew she had broken something and she just go home thank you jesus oh glory to jesus glory to god jesus i set my myself in agreement with the copeland's ministry they're praying for me they're praying for me there's some of them on staff probably praying for me right now and i just receive it i just receive it i'm healed glory to god i'm healed i received my the healing power of god through that ministry and their prayers i receive it by the time she got across the street her ankle was healed but she took advantage of her partnership and there are people that call into prayer right now and say look i'm a partner with kenneth copeland ministries and i'm standing for my healing now let's get together here [Music] and more than once before the prayer is over the healing is manifest amen because one can put a thousand to flight two can put 10 000. the other one was in venezuela i had come back from the morning service walking it through the hotel and this young man uh hollered at me brother copeland brother copeland and i stopped and and he walked up there to me and and i said come on walk along with me he said i'm a partner he said i know you pray for me and he said i want to tell you i my little boy me who he was he was very sick and he said i pray for him i start to pray for him and i think brother copeland is my partner and he has prayed for me and so he prayed for my little boy and he said brother copeland i started to pray for him and he said i lay my hands on him and he said you know why he said he was healed what happened the same anointing of healing it's in and on my life came on him and when he touched that boy the healing power of god hit him he took advantage of his partnership and i was walking out of a prison one night and just this is the walls unit in the state of texas and this man had hit a big coffee table bible his only bible he had and he we're walking towards that gate he woke me just as far as he could that big gate is as polished brass and we walked up to that gate and he said brother copeland i want to tell you something he said i'm your partner and he said i've i'm freer in here now than i ever was when i was on the street he said i'm a free man i'm a free man he got that big bible under his own i'm a free man he walked me just as far as he could go life sentence and i checked the warden at that time was a good good friend of mine and spirit-filled man and i checked on him later i said what about so and so ah he said kenneth he's out and he's preaching praise god and he said he's just he's really getting the job done but he told me he said i'm your partner amen i'm your partner i pray for you i can tell you how many of those testimonies [Music] take advantage of that partnership and believe god with me thank you lord thank you lord jesus father we praise you and thank you today we honor you and bless that precious name i thank you for all of the partners to this ministry hallelujah in the name of jesus glory be to god you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
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Id: MSr_29Ob-74
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Length: 169min 4sec (10144 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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