2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Opportunities Are Not Accidents but Maps of Direction (pm CT)

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what a blessing galatians chapter six but before we go to it if you remember my first sermon i preached on or first thing on untrodden ground that you this year you will get to you will walk in places you never thought you would walk in and that's what god is telling joshua in joshua chapter one he says moses my servant's dead now get up this jordan this promised land belongs to you now how long are you going to allow satan to spend your money how long are you going to allow him to own your house how long are you going to allow him to own your car i think that's a valid question so if you don't mind i'm going to do a little teaching speaking tonight a little bit different the lord told me that in my hotel room and uh because you see god wants you to have everything he said spiritually physically and financially a man asked me that they said you don't want nothing i said the law is my shepherd he said what did you say i said the lord's my shepherd i shall not want i said is the lord your shepherd he said well i guess not because i shall warn a lot of stuff i said well you need to become you need to let him become your shepherd a shepherd is a person that guides you takes you to the places where you're supposed to eat takes care of things see spiritually physically financially and let me tell you something about prosperity it's not a money message that's just a byproduct of it you see what i'm saying so he wants each and every one of you to walk in places you'll never walk before because you already own it he's already put the boundaries out there for you to walk in it for you to claim what is yours of course it used the word claim and a derogatory name it can claim it and all that blab it and grab it back all that kind of crazy stuff back there and i never paid much attention to that i just kept going on doing what god told me to do now before let uh i want to just give you a little update of that we're going to go galatians chapter 6. you ever asked yourself why satan showed up in the garden why would satan show up in the garden what was he looking for an opportunity if you notice when god elohim would come and walk in the cool of the day what was he looking for an opportunity to speak to his creation but satan too i want to minister tonight on opportunities or not accidents they're maps of direction write that down that's the title of it as part of this thing i've been flowing with opportunities are not accidents you're not here by any accident you're not listening by accident they're maps of directions in galatians chapter 6 verse i want to start with verse 8. excuse me verse 6. paul writing to the church of galatians says let him that is taught in the word communicate so what you are taught you ought to be able to communicate if you believe in healing then you ought to walk and heal it if you believe in prosperity then you ought to not be broke busted and disgusted you ought to be able to communicate what you know to be true let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things so we should never teach bad things like this you never know what god's going to do that's a bad thing you read his word if you want to know the will of god it's so simple the will of god for every one of you today many you've heard me say before is genesis chapter 1 and genesis chapter 2. that's the will of god for man and the last two chapters in the book of revelation between that is 1185 chapters of killing stealing and destroying by an arch enemy called satan but jesus is coming back we're going back to genesis chapter one genesis chapter two and the last two chapters in the book of revelation and we're gonna walk in the cooler today so like spock says live long and prosper you see what i'm saying when you understand this i'm going to communicate this message to you tonight let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaching all good things be not deceived why why because if you deceive yourself guess who's gonna get all the trouble why would you deceive yourself i can understand trying to deceive somebody else but why would you deceive yourself because you don't want to catch the trouble be not deceived god is not mocked for whatsoever a man saw it now what does whatsoever mean to you whatsoever right that shall he also reap for he that sow it to his flesh shall let the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting and let us not be weary i want you to underline that let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not you might want to put a little a kind of a little space there that says that verse effort just remember the word effort let us not be worrying well doing for in due season we should reap if we faint not that is talking about effort now verse 10 is the way i want to get to as we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all now the word men and and the king james is italics that was they added to the to help the translators but it means all people then it says this especially to those who are the household of faith the reason why i love the word of faith is because we're special we are honestly wonderfully we are special we're not better but we're special because we belong to the house of faith now you got to understand the difference you got to know what special means see you can be special and not be a nice person you can be a special gifted individual and yet your life may be in torment one of the greatest men that had one of the greatest gifts ever was a man named george herman ruth they called them the babe look how long it took to break his record he had a terrible life growing up in ballrooms and saloons didn't know how to control he had no discipline whatsoever at all in his life he was very passionate but he was uncontrolled discipline that almost destroyed him in fact did eventually but you can't say he wasn't special because when he walked to that plate he struck out more than anybody else ever did but he hit more home than anybody else because every time he swung he swung with everything he had that is special are you hearing what i'm saying even though his life was not conducive to what you should live but he was a special individual mickey mantle think about that he said he said this if i'd have known how to live this long i'd have taken better care of myself but he thought he would die at 25 27 years old because all of his family did you got to call him special he was an alcoholic you look at some of these sports figures special even though their lifestyles may not be what they are well i find that in the preaching circles too there are some people very special have giftings yet they don't live the way they should live in some areas but jesus said that the household of faith especially those who are of the household of faith or as we have therefore opportunity titled his messages opportunities are not accidents they're maps of direction see when satan walked into the garden he was looking for an opportunity not to just fool her but to better himself to better his kingdom do you see that now we may have lost the garden but we've gained to heaven but the god's not lost it's still up there god took it up so you're here today not by accident but this opportunity that god is affording you he says cross this jordan get your promised land is a map of direction for you write this down life is a great opportunity that produces an education it also produces a duty how can it produce an education and a duty because it's born with an inward principle in other words love in his purest form is discipline the problem with moses he was very passionate he had uncontrolled discipline that's why he killed that guy it was justifiable homicide to kill that egyptian because he was killing that jewish man but that was uncontrolled principle let me say it again life is a great opportunity that produces an education and produces a duty because it's born with an inward principle see when i got born again i made up my mind that i was finished with the sin world i am finished with the world i don't sin every day i don't mean that private i i don't i have a hard time sinning i got to make myself i got to get in the flesh to do it but if my mind is meditating day and night like god told joshua in one chapter one verse eight i don't have time for that kind of stuff and i ain't the ugliest man in the world i get hit on every once in a while can you believe it that to me is so insane i'm 71 would you 71 years old you're going to lost your ever-loving mind but they think i have money they're right but that's not my money that's kathy's money and she's not giving it to no little hussy now she i don't know where the hussy is but kathy don't like hussies i didn't say husky that's a dog i'm talking hussy life is a great opportunity that produces an education and a duty because it's born with an inward principle now this is the problem with a lot of people that are missing this write this down if you're looking for a more convenient opportunity you'll lose the nearest one to you write that down if you're looking for a more convenient opportunity you'll lose the nearest one to you there's opportunity all around you but you're trying to say well which one is the best they're all good you see if you're looking for a more convenient because opportunity is not convenient at times see but you'll lose the nearest one to you so the lord told me to say jesse there's more money outside the church than there is inside the church and the wealth of the center is later for the just when we don't believe that how many opportunities do god has to give us that we say well if i can find a more convenient one and you're losing the the nearest one to you which is a my god a stepping stone to where you want to go to what you want to do and see these little things the lord told me i'll never forget that he said there's more money outside the church than his inside i had a friend of mine i'll tell you something i mean this is the crazy my friend just went to heaven not too long ago and every time i saw him he laughed at me and i and i deserved to be laughed at he called me up me and another guy named george he said hey let's go get a cup of coffee i said okay and i happen to be home that day good friend of mine so we're sitting there and i'm not a coffee drinker so i'm just drinking you know some water or coke or something like that he said listen do y'all want to go buy a piece of property with me and i heard the lord said listen listen listen i said a piece of property yeah he said come on get my truck all of us can fit in my truck i'm gonna show you so he took us to a piece of property that was the trashiest property i've ever seen in my life just jump a squirrel wouldn't live there rats said oh no no we're higher class than that we understand that he said they want three thousand dollars for it i said that's a piece of trash george and my friend said ah yeah man that's just a piece of trash now listen i had a thousand dollars in my pocket he said well i thought maybe we just go together let's buy the thing so i said do you know anything about this property no don't know nothing i was just driving by and i looked at it you know he said now you hear god's voice more than i do jesse but something touched me i said to myself i looked at this seat going by what you see i said i am not going to bother i'm going to look for more convenient opportunity so i said george you want a buddy charles said no he said this is trash man we gonna waste it he said well if you guys don't buy i'm gonna buy the thing myself we said help yourself i had a thousand dollars in my pocket all right he buys it it wasn't two months and he didn't know nothing about this the state of louisiana came in and decided to put an overpass and a road on top of that property and they paid him three million dollars i would have made a thousand fold on a thousand i'd have made a million dollars and every time i saw him he'd go i said shut up man and i looked at john john's going can you believe this 3 million bucks and george had a thousand on him too why didn't we do that because we were looking for something more convenient opportunities are not accidents they're maps of direction that's what god is telling joshua joshua across the jordan the promised land is there look at me man it flows with milk and honey come on man you want out the desert here it is so if you're looking for a more convenient opportunity you'll lose the nearest one to you write this down opportunities are active in nature and are constant why they do not weary in operation let me say it again opportunities are active in nature and they are constant they do not weary in operation now i told you a while ago on verse 9 and let us not be weary and will do and for in due season we shall reap if we faint not i'm going to jump ahead here let me read this point first opportunities are active in nature and are constantly do not weary in operation why because effort is the seed that has the power of the future effort is the seed that has the power of the future in other words let us not be weary and whether that means you gotta effort is your ground to get what you're believing for you're not god god's not going to send an angel you're laying on the ground dropping grapes in your mouth let me say it again these opportunities are active in nature and are very constant spiritually physically financially how many times god told you to tell somebody something or do something you didn't do it it was an opportunity that you missed but it does not weary in operation and god said let us not be weary and well doing for in due season we reap why because you see when you're doing something that's producing effort and effort is the seed that has the power of the future are you hearing what i'm saying here so when you understand that you ask yourself this for what reason am i in this world why am i here the answer is to do good why did god place you on this planet out of 7.5 billion people he chose you all you ministers we we walk in the executive branch of god's government the apostle the prophet the evangelist the pastor the teacher why why did god choose you so you would do good see because he would give you an education and a duty to produce the effort but if you look for something more convenient you miss it and that's why so many people never attain what they want is because they keep looking for something that's easier has nothing to do with easy it has to do with effort write this down again effort is the seed that has the power of the future so you ask yourself for what reason am i in this world the answer is to do good so everything i do i must i do good i it makes no difference what they do to me but it makes all the difference what i do to them i am a very heavy tipper i like blessing people that work hard let me just tell you something man and some of these waiters they work hard you know and a lot of people stiff them you know and that's wrong to do that so i like to be a blessed and i don't think everything 10 15 20 22 sometimes you'll get a a bill where it says you know uh 15 20 22 i think oh see my tips are always bigger than the meal all the time all the time we got locked down ladies and gentlemen i had to call jerry savelle we could new orleans is known for the greatest food you'll ever put in your mouth it ain't healthy but you gonna die with a smile on your face you understand what i'm saying oh lord it's good the only thing we could get was wendy's mcdonald's i don't go to wendy's i don't go to mcdonald hall ever eat so when we would drove up to the driver when it because you couldn't go in they said would you like a large size we thought me and kathy thought that was the drink so we said yeah well that meant lord's fries excellent and man our toes start getting fat we eating all this stuff i mean and that's all you got so we went out i said i said we gotta cut back for god's sake she said well let's go to chick-fil-a that's a godly place so how many nuggets you want she said give me 30 of them jesus we bought 30 nuggets and he never made it to the house we ate it in the truck going dennis plus the french fries my belly button was getting thick i took a shower leaned over water fell out my belly i said this is ridiculous so we've been on diets so we could put some clothes on at the southwest believers convention what you laughing for you fat too see we seize the opportunity i got to tell them about the ice cream cab that guy helped but she doing good now kathy loves ice cream if i was a gambler man i would take jerry savelle and cathy duplantis and put them in an ice cream eating contest with anybody else you are going to lose between them two people i ain't never seen people wipe out i mean kyle's looking at him going mm-hmm we got a really good idea i mean i mean jerry can eat ice cream by the pa kathy too kathy actually believes that some pints are small i said it's a pint kathy no it's not well i like to be a blessing to cathy so i hit the mother lode at the winn-dixie it said butter pecan haagen-dazsy she loved it i bought 28 pints i didn't tell her i went upstairs we have a nice theater up there and all that kind of stuff and i put it in the refrigerator so cathy goes uh i mean all you could go is to the grocery store i mean that's it or mcdonald's or whatever i said go go look and see what's in there she said oh my god i said i hit the mother lode the lord will bless you she ate the whole 28 points i'm sorry mama it just it's just too good not in one day but 28 days later it was gone she sees the opportunity and then i can hear her spoon scratching about you i said i said kathy there's no more in the pot she said this is a small pint jerry savelle just is bad too i mean just wiping that ice cream out i don't see how they sleep but all that sugar we all don't die she's lost weight now so we all right at least i got to thinking when i wrote this point for what reason am i in this world to buy kathy ice cream because she likes it opportunities are not accidents they're maps of direction so where you going tomorrow what's going to happen next week what is set up for you how much of the promised land you're going to walk in how much of it you're going to possess not just confess write this down the body of christ must be constantly thinking of our duties rather than our rights see you're going to miss opportunities if you're constantly thinking about your rights the body of christ must be constantly thinking of our duties rather than our rights i want to tell the government here it's not your job look at me look at me it's not your job to protect my life i protect my life it's your job to protect my rights that's what every governor should hear president house of representatives senator yates your job to protect my life death and life's in the power my tongue not yours but it's your job to protect my rights not my life i'm jesse duplantis and i approve this message are you hearing what i'm saying you're supposed to protect that constitution that we all swore by when we became americans so the body of christ must be constantly thinking of our duties rather than our rights or in other words online they owe me that see that may be true in one sense see that may be true we said you're thinking about well i deserve this and i no you need to be thinking about your duty and then the opportunities will afford you things it's amazing some of the things that i have accomplished by accepting the opportunity and i thought if the devil is looking for opportunities then i'm gonna look for my opportunities and i have a lot of times opportunities to talk to god that i didn't have time to talk i thought you know i can just add a little extra in here hey jesus and have a wonderful time around this throne you see why because it's my duty as we therefore have opportunity let us do good that's why i bless these th these uh waitresses ladies and gentlemen i don't mean to sound private i'm gonna just tell you this okay i didn't want to but i mean keith told you about the bentley so i'll tell you about something else i like that bentley that was good so we couldn't go out and eat we eat out twice a day kathy don't cook she's been delivered from the bondage when you hear the word cook she thinks onions and leeks in egypt she ain't going there and that's okay that's fine i don't care you know it's just me and her anyway so we got locked down march the second week of march so we started eating mcdonald's wendy's cause everything shut down you know man and i noticed i was saving all kind of money i mean saving money go to wendy's how much i owe you seven dollars seven dollars that didn't tell me that it was seven thousand calories but it was seven dollars i didn't know we didn't know we never eat french fries eating large ones so i started counting how much money i saved in tips from march when did they open up where they could open up 25 fifth minute holly uh lori i remember may 15th from march to may 5th i saved 15 000 in tips i thought fifteen thousand not no i give away that much uh-huh then i thought now i know why i don't have to stand in line at pf changs now i know why i don't have to stand in line at the cheesecake fact i walk in and they said it's an hour and they go oh reverend over this way over there they just have to say who is he uh he owns this place they lot they lie they don't care they want that tip 50 gary 15 000 i'm not bragging about that but i thought what a blessing that i had the opportunity that i'm able to be a blessing to those people that are working very hard that i was able to do it not showing off he said you're just showing up i could show off more of that money in my pocket than in this you see what i'm saying see there is no problem of evil there's only the problem of the human heart there's no evil has been done with where our problem is is in the human heart you have an opportunity to change someone's heart and put them on a map of direction where they're supposed to go and it's it's amazing what god will do when you're able to be the blessing you want to be spiritually physically all financially it doesn't make any difference you can do all three or just one whatever you want do you know never get under condemnation or anything you just do whatever the lord tells you to do and when you understand that how god will work those things there is no problem of evil there is only the problem with the human heart you see when you do good let us do good as we therefore opportunity let us do good to all to all to all what does that all mean to you to me that second corinthians nine and six all he was so expanded he reaps off his family he's so bountifully reaps also bonfire every man and calling isaac purpose prayed received in power so let him give not graduating on the necessity for god loveth that you're forgiven and god is able to make all grace how much grace all great i bound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound every good work you're dispersed abroad you've given to the poor you're righteous it's remaining forever he was managed seeds of the sower minister's bread for your food multiplies your seed so increases the fruits of your righteousness being enriched in all boundless which causes you to say thank you to god you see if it's not in you it can't come out of you see i have an opportunity every day to study his word i even study the genealogies if it's in that book i want to know about it i have one of the greatest libraries am i right jerry you've been in my home i mean i got a library to blow your socks off buddy i mean billy billy's been billy loved my house i have i have to go on with the win staircase in the foyer i i saw the movie and i sent the video to the architect i said build a staircase exactly like scarlett o'hara walked in that tank and i'm gonna have cathy come down and i'm gonna be rhett butler that's why the house is so big so i asked billy i have an elevator in there too i said i said billy would you would you like to go down the other or no no i'm walking down this master staircase man billy had to lean on lord jesus it's like going back in time not bragging about that just did it that's all so what you see what i'm saying the lord said bill it and no limits i had no idea what that meant i said kathy build this thing no limits i did ask her one time how come this place is so big she said yes you can't put a 12 by 12 room on the side of a 40 by 40 where you got that staircase it you got to keep pulling out i said that's fine just do it she said okay she said well i'm gonna put you your workout room upstairs no i don't want it upset i want it downstairs you drop weights i want it on the concrete so you don't hear boom well that made the bottom floor bigger then i said i don't want to hear sound people walking up there on the top so i concreted the the second level but i forgot the concrete the attic and the other day cherry and carolyn was that at my house sleeping and i said i gotta go check some i bought me a led flashlight i was excited about it i'm not mechanical but i like that led flashlight you can move it like that i said i'm gonna go check the attic out but i forgot and i was trying to walk and jerry actually heard me up this he said somebody's up there i said y'all hear me i got to think now how can i concrete that attitude again if you walk up there i don't know why i i just going to visit he said what are you doing i said i just checking out my led flashlight cause it's dark you can laugh all you want son that was a big thing for me when he says as you therefore have doing good must have intention and exertion in it which produces effort remember to effort is to see that has the power of the future if you want your future to be bright spiritually physical financial it has to be developed in effort be not we're in well doing let me say it again doing good must have intention and exercise which produces effort in other words what you believe in you're producing all at the same time and it doesn't take long to do it it doesn't it's actually shorter than you think you know you can lose weight quicker than you can gain it look how many years it took you to get as big as you are don't look around here i ain't telling you to look at nobody but you can knock it out in 90 days you might backslide 100 time but you can knock it out in 90 days right you just got to get serious with it doing good must have intention and exertion which produces effort so people said why do you work so much well i'm not wearing well doing everything i'm doing i'm doing good as we never have opportunity i mean i was with jerry savelle just the other day i mean here at the convention some little beautiful young little girl she must be i don't know 10 years old i mean and i think jerry knew her he says hey sweetheart how are you doing and i'm standing right by jerry i don't know this kid from adam i never seen this kid before in my life beautiful little girl but this tall he said i heard your birthday but when he took i think it was a hundred dollars he said happy birthday i thought i have an opportunity so she turned around i said excuse me honey come here i said give me a hug she gave me her i said here's 100 you can see in her face i love these men i love them well jerry because of his kindness afforded me bill an opportunity to be a blessing to a child i did not know he wasn't saying i'll wait for a more better opportunity you see what i'm saying that child will never forget that that's right it was such i said go buy you something nice okay thank you i said you're welcome so i was so glad that i was there watching someone do a something good that i could be a part of myself see effort is the seed that has the power of the future now i gave that child a hundred dollars was that yesterday i got eleven hundred and something dollars give to me today go ahead apart i know it's freaky the reason why you see you're nervous about that what are you going to do when you get to heaven and you see gold streets oh jesus i'm not worthy i'm not worthy you have a trailer no i ain't got no trailer because in my father's house see you're afraid of that that's fear but what people might think you don't anything make no difference what they think you do what god tells you to do you give what god tells you to give you receive what god tells you to receive and let the chips fall where they live effort is the seed i love that that has the power of the future so my god keith what i'm going to do tomorrow to produce my future what opportunity will god give me now you don't walk up to people and say you know brother i'm believing god for a watch just like this one let the lord lead you my brother you know what i'm saying that's a lot that's a that's a con artist that's no effort to be be a beggar i had a mentor he said i don't sign anybody that can can become debt free i said the homeless is debt-free well your light just came on didn't it the homeless is debt free see not only should you be out of debt but the amount of money that you were in debt have that in liquid in some financial institution now you believe in god for something so if you're a hundred thousand dollars in debt how come you can't have a hundred thousand dollars in a bank or if your house let's say you bought a beautiful home a million dollar home or whatever how come you can't have the house and the million dollars because no one ever told you that you could but there's opportunities around you every day of your life that god is opening but you have to not be weary and well do it you have to put effort to work because it's the sea that has the power of the future right this time great work done by many hands is better than just philanthropy by one individual great work done by many hands is better than just philanthropy done by one individual do you know that jesus was a philanthropist kathy showed me that in the scripture i believe it was acts 10 38 she was studying one day she said jesse come look at this how god anointed jesus the christ of nazareth who went about doing good how god the lord jesus christ tonight with the holy ghost and power who went about doing good if you look at the word good there it means philanthropy jesus not only healed the sick he blessed people that's why i follow him financially because she had no financial deficit and in 44 years gary i've never had a financial deficit and i never will i don't mean that pridefully why are you there for imitators of god as dear children i'm gonna follow him that's what he said to do that's what i'm gonna do i don't have the supposed don't work syndrome no no so great work is done by many hands is better than just philanthropy by one individual that was everybody coming together and getting something done quickly that's one thing i love about the jehovah witness you ever seen in people you ever seen them build a church they'll build a church in three days nothing out there they got that thing down to a science boy they got the concrete coming in they got the plumbers coming i've watched it i wanted to know something about the jehovah witness i like the word jehovah i like the name so i said let me study the doctrine i mean i i studied a lot of things sweetheart that i don't even believe but i mean it's good to be able to talk intelligently about somebody when they come up to you and bought a jehovah witness was in the neighborhood so here they come three ladies there was a man that was helping him he said now you'll go to that house so they knocked on the door i opened up the door i said yes we're jehovah witnesses that so am i coming in the house they went what i said if anybody witness for jehovah i do come on in here i started talking to him about the lord they quit talking and started listening i'm changing their theology i had an opportunity the man come up he said i got to get you away from this man this man is changing you and i said if you hang around here long enough i'm going to change you too i said you wanted jehovah witness i'm walking down the street hey i ain't got no problem with that they hadn't been back now kathy's a little bit different than when she witnessed i tried to be nice kathy's pretty blunt we y'all only said 144 000 uh going to heaven well that's right what's your number and the lady where she said don't you think there's at least 144 000 that's already done done it man you ain't got a chance i said back off kathy for god's sake man go eat a pint of ice cream you got to calm yourself down here she just eat that lunch you ain't in the number i said she's my wife she just needs some ice cream she should be here well why do you want to be a philanthropist moral dignity write this down philanthropy produces moral dignity because it produces kindness i love that to work miracles and to move mountains philanthropy produces moral dignity because it produces kindness to work miracles and to move mountains i have a couple in our church i don't know how many homes i've paid off i don't mean this pridefully i mean a bunch of churches good god i don't know how many i'm talking about some major i don't talk much about that but i felt a little of the lord to do that you kind of changed something into that keyword captain told me about the bitly thing i said you know maybe i need to say some of these things well i went to church and i was going to preach at kathy's church she's the pastor of the church i say okay and the lord said you're gonna pay somebody's house off today i said fine i didn't know who i didn't know how much but evidently he knew i could handle it because he told me you're gonna pay up somebody's house today i said fine so i wound up preaching went through the whole service got to the end of the service and i said you know god and i tell this to cover the church all the time god wants your debt free and you're going to have to start believing god you got to go from owen to owning now watch this there was a man he's a fireman he's leaning up against the back wall of the church and he says this i don't hear him i'm way in the front lord i want my house paid off this year lord i want my house paid off this year and then he changed it he went no god forgive me i want my house paid off today and i say travis and he went i said come here i didn't know he was praying that i said travis how much money are you in your house what's his wife's name angie right they don't mind me say that i said i'm paying your house off i said cathy do you have a check she said i always got to check i said pay the house off the place went crazy and that was well my bragging rights well it do because he got already figured that out well i don't know what uh four months later i'm in the cheesecake factory i got some cheesecake factory stores buddy now i'm eating lunch with these people and they hand me a red envelope they said this is for you bread jesse i said no i have everything i i thought no no this is for you the great opening i never seen a red envelope you know it was a beautiful open up and she said when we sat down to eat the man gave me a money clip with five hundred dollars in it that's pretty good you get a money clip of five hundred dollars and he gave cathy a beautiful purse his wife i said no no i got to give another please no no you know but they did so anyway they said oh we want to give you this go ahead open it up so open it up and i look at it and it's a check for a hundred thousand dollars i thought they said this is for you you've blessed us so much this will go do what you want when it's yours well in the car cathy looks at me and says you know jesse you've been so kind to me all our lives why don't you take that hundred thousand dollars just spin it on yourself i said well kathy i don't want nothing i i don't want nothing but see this was an opportunity here so i said well why not find out what i want i'll do it that was january the 15th february march april may june july august september october november december i hadn't spent one dime at that hundred thousand dollars it's now december i hadn't spent one nickel of it kathy said are you ever gonna buy yourself something i said well i don't know when i figure out what i want or something i guess kathy said jesse this is the last day of the year you're very seldom at the church would you preach at the church i said no i don't want you to i'm trying to i need a day off i want a day off you ever heard of that a day off so you're the head of this ministry i said oh you just figured that out i said all right this is new year's eve so i finished preaching i'm about ready to turn it over kathy likes me to turn it over do the announcements whatever kind of stuff all of a sudden i hear myself say mary mary's my executive secretary okay she's been listening to terri savelle foy on this vision board stuff okay i don't know what it is but i'm just a vision board i didn't know and her husband is at our book and tape table his name is roy i want the big beard that's him you can ask now she's my executive secretary i said mary now and she always run to the back and get me some water or throat losses or something like that she comes running and i'm like mary how much money you owe in your house she said what i said how much money you owe in your house married and now everybody's real quiet like they're going and i can hear people say you're gonna do it again he gonna do it again lord it's an opportunity it's a map of direction it's not an accident i said mary how much money do you owe in your house they had been believing god to pay that house off that day and i believe that i might be wrong there but i believe mary said jesus this is the last day of the year she said we owe about a hundred and seven thousand dollars i said kathy you know that a hundred thousand dollars i said add seven thousand give it to me and pay the house off they went slap crazy now you don't need a problem please please no no please it hasn't it was just obedience i don't want anybody to get excited over obedience yeah but it was on i realized that the hundred thousand wasn't for me god knew that i he could trust me he would i would do something with that do you follow what i'm saying see philanthropy produces moral dignity because it produces kindness to work miracles and to move mountains and immediately man they just went to shout and blessing god and they were able to bless other people you know and roy and mary just really great givers to the work of the lord as well as blessing people and man he's giving away motorcycles i mean it's just amazing see we teach people these things don't wait for a more convenient opportunity and watch where you sow because the soil's got to be right now let me say this opportunity write this down is the seed bed of the future effort is the seed that has the power of the future but opportunity is the seed bed of the future you see it's the seedbed how many you want your churches paid off come on be honest you want your church paid off stand up if you go to church you owe some money on they're not not not being embarrassed about you want it paid off you can believe god that you've done this year talk to me you believe it how many want your houses paid off stand up yeah come on let's seize this opportunity and if you think that's going to break god you're living in a dream world how many do you want say i want my house paid off i want my church paid off i want to pay off my grandmother's house as well as my house i want to have enough money after i paid off to have the same amount of money in the bank so i can do it again give the lord a shout for that bulk now sit down let me finish opportunity is the seedbed of the future as we therefore opportunity let us do good to all now that we are here in this world what are we going to make of ourselves what are we going to do with ourselves i prayed that this morning lord what without having me to do today now that we're in this world what are we going to make of ourselves what are we going to do with ourselves i pray every day for money to give away now when you say stuff like that people try to you know i don't let people take advantage of me bill i don't i don't believe in that you know what i'm saying but i mean i i told my staff i said leave with me for 200 million dollars and i'll double your salaries i told all my whole staff and my foreign offices and in australia and england and the board of directors in england the board of directors in australia i said i'm taking all y'all in hawaii and i'm gonna put you in the hotels i stay and i'm gonna pay for it myself they said i said huh huh i said this is not your vacation i'm gonna still pay you like as if you're working i said i can't shut the ministry down so i got to take 50 of you for a week i'm gonna get you back for a day or two and then i'm gonna take the other 50 oh i'll take the next day they were wearing hawaiian ladies at the office i didn't tell them when was a few months later it was christmas and i said okay we're going this year they they had a wonderful time it cost me quite a bit of money personally and the lord said because thou has done this i said lord don't worry about you've been so kind to me he said i got a surprise for you boy well i took the whole both sta well the one staff but i got them back they were telling everything they did and then i brought the other half and i mean i i have been hawaii a hundred and five hundred five hundred six times i get preaching most of the time and i i i i can be a god we're walking we're walking we're walking this way we're walking i can just do that you know i mean any island you name it i can do it been on all them preached on all of them except one near robertson island you have to be i think an original hawaiian and it doesn't have electricity so i plan on going myself because like a little air conditioner you know and you you have to be invited but to make a long story short i flew everybody home and as i was flying home the lord said jesse just said jesse i said what he said i got a surprise for you i said what is it he said well if i told you you wouldn't be a surprise with it so i got in about 10 o'clock sunday night i went to the office on monday about 4 30 in the afternoon that monday i had all the money back plus and the lord said what you think about that i said that's good i said that's kindness he said you know what i like about you and i close with this you even do it to people that treat you wrong you have an opportunity to be a blessing to those that even hate you and speak evil of you well they were trying to kill me with abc cb y'all seen all that years ago i mean i got attacked by inside edition at the southwest believers convention how many over there when that happened y'all am i telling the truth they come at me with everything they had this is my point let us let us do let our doing be beautiful even when we're dealing with unlovely people yes sir it's just me oh okay and i thought it was god talking in my left ear jesus i just sound like brother copeland forgive me jesse you know i would never interrupt you sure um without the word of the lord coming to me and this began well that's the reason i came out here and said all of us started with nothing right it began right then and it's just been building and building and building and building and knowing amen there are those who have said they just talk about all their money and all they give to people what about giving to the poor we did that first yes sir that's right and you need to really really be careful about that i mean i'm not talking about being careful about giving to the poor i'm talking about moving over into that mindset because you're quoting judas hallelujah you're thinking after judah's thoughts and the bible very plainly says he didn't care anything about the poor he's a thief well that donald trump just makes me sick flying a big old airliner this serious business yes it is why has the lord instructed us to deal with the money problem so much because there are many more many many more people that can't accomplish their ministry because they don't have the money than they do because they're sick that's right that's right i agree that's the truth and that just it just kept coming up and just kept coming up and just kept coming up until i could no longer ignore it it's very very dangerous very dangerous jesus himself said you always have the poor with you but now you go back to the book of deuteronomy here was god's viewpoint oh gloria and he said you should have no poor among you that's right that's the around 15 yes it is you should have no poor among you that's right why because he has given us his heavenly economics jesus so that you and so that i and all of those like us praise god can get together and do something about amen and we're doing it we're doing it yes it is we're doing it this this this little restaurant that that gloria and i would go to and uh we just kept going to the savior's little apparently applebee's it turned into a ministry um and these little these little kids no way little waitresses we would we'd come in and they'd just all come sit in our booth that's right and and they wanted us to tell them stories about what happened in the miracles and i brought a whole sack full of many books down there one day a whole sack full of them and to give them to this one little girl and they they wouldn't they said no where's mine oh i wears my many books amen that's the lord but one little girl bad stuff at home wound up without a car a really bad husband and we led her to the lord she said what am i gonna do we said well first of all we're going to pray and i just sit there and i thought well that's not enough yeah that's not an i said and so i said well how much money will it take to get oh i don't know brother copeland had you know maybe 2 500 likes you can't get anything for 2500 you know that so we just bought her a car you see i learned this from you but you see what i see that she's poor she can't do anything right i mean she was helpless we didn't buy her a new car we bought her a good car amen hallelujah glory to god and then a man that so good in that restaurant it's a great waiter and we we've he he he knew the lord but he didn't know anything about him he didn't have anything working in you know applebee's for tips so but he started kind of getting sick and and he kept getting sick and we prayed for him and gloria and i prayed for him and well he can he felt a little bit man he was losing weight make a long story short he died of brain cancer his little nine-year-old daughter bad situation at home the mother was gone little nine-year-old daughter so so timid she just wouldn't hardly say anything and so he brought her over to her booth and i gave her a hundred dollar bill and she'd come over and say hello and she went to school and and the teacher called her dad and said you need to do something about her she lies what do you mean she lies she says she knows kenneth copeland he said she does know kenneth copeland he is a very good friend of hers really that's the poor yeah that's right and when he'd when he died his mother is going to have to raise that baby he had bought an almost new truck and they didn't have the money to pay for it they didn't have the money for a funeral we've paid off the truck and paid for the funeral amen amen now that's the poor yeah right i like the fella said i'm just eat up with this it's such a blessing that's that's the reason our there are callings i didn't understand this for a long time uh the lord called glory in me oral roberts my father in the faith and then just days later kenneth e hagin came into my life and we became faith specialists praise the lord that's what we do that's it that's it bill johnson is a praise and worship specialist hallelujah and he's good at his job and that's the reason the glory falls hallelujah that's the reason yes sir he's a glory specialist hallelujah this is one of the reasons i was so interested in his being a part of what we're doing here amen i need to hear this man amen i need to hear his specialty amen well i got something wrong with my car i'm not i'm not going to applebee's right right no no i go to a specialist that's right and i don't want a lumberjack operating on my on my back we're glory specialists faith specialists and god has had a center up on heavenly economics that's right how it works and it works by certain laws of prosperity that's it to prosper money's the least that's it that's so true it's paper yeah yeah that's real that's all it is but to prosper yourself is to prosper in your space then prosper in your soul and then prosper in your body that's right and then you begin to prosper to that place where a prosperous person is one who knows how amen to get other people prosperous in their spirit and in their soul their mind their will that's their emotions you remember that time me and you and jerry when we were preaching together there in honolulu and you were walking down the street and jerry was behind you and i was behind you and you just stopped and jerry run into you and i run into jerry and you said we got to go in that restaurant i got to go give somebody some money you walked down and everything i mean yeah i mean we actually bought against it no so he brother copeland turned around and started walking said jerry said i'm following him i'm following you let's go and we all walked in and you blessed that preacher and he was about ready to give up he was just finished and everything and i don't believe you knew the man and you gave him some money and he was working as a waiter in that restaurant and and he he couldn't he was a broke preacher yeah and you blessed him and jerry says well i'm blessing him too and i said i'm blessing him too i mean the man could have quit the job we just blessed him and what you and the reason why you're so sensitive in your spirit so sensitive in your soul and so sensitive in your body that you don't have to be in church service you're just walking somewhere and that opportunity affords it and you all automatically comes out of your spirit into a renewed mind into a physical body and you cause the blessing to take place you know and i had a deal happen jesse you all don't mind if we visit here a little bit how are we doing it's still it's still still dark man they don't they don't even realize that me and you played the same nightclub you know i thought about that this afternoon i thought i'm not going to bring that up it was at a different time yes we wasn't saying a place called the top hat jerry and i were together and we walked out this restaurant and this young this this this young young black kid and i when i saw him i just some just rose up on the inside i fell in love with that young man the moment i saw him and he he caught me when i walked out the door there he said uh uh you see this diamond ring i'm gonna let you have it for 20. i said really i said i don't believe i want that ring oh i said i'll tell you what i'll do um here's 20. anyway jerry said wait a minute i got 20. here's 20. that's right huh and and and he you know and i just held on to his hand i said if you ever have has there ever been a time when you um made jesus lord he loved that hand's trying to i said no no i said now's your time brother he tells your time i wouldn't let him go so if i hadn't had 20 bucks i'd lost him that's right a man went to heaven over twenty dollars yeah he missed that get this sometime later i don't know months later gloria and i came home we'd been on the road for several days actually several weeks and there was a yellow mercedes convertible parked right in the middle of my in front of my garage and i couldn't get in the garage or anything before it's just sitting there i thought i wonder whose car that is and i mean this is this long time after that incident so i called and said there's a there's a yellow 500 mercedes convertible in my in my my driveway they said that's yours i said no no it's not mine it's said no it said it's yours one of your partners brought it to you what now here's the key there are things that happen over here the body of christ spiritually knitted together amen amen and i went before the lord and i said lord i don't get this i i didn't pray over that car i never asked you for the car oh what what in the world is this he said all right number one don't you remember in my word where i said if you'll hearken to my voice hearken hear ken he said i like that that's good that's good that gets my attention he said and all these blessings would come on you and overtake you right i said yes sir he said you just got overtook praise the lord and i said that is not even good english it should be overtaken he said no you've been overtook him with a yell of 500. now he said now listen if you hadn't done out in front of that restaurant because that young man's mother was praying for him night and day then i couldn't have done what i did with you over that mercedes that's right see that's what money to help the poor right then the blessing of it came right over here on this other side it's become a habit i tell people i said i'm a giving addict and the lord oh yeah finance is my habit that's good he just wait a minute i perceive that somebody said well i'd sure do that if i had it we started this before we had it that's right that's true yes sir that's truth that's true i mean the first thing that jesse the first thing that that came on those tips you know i just did it like everybody else right yeah and the lord said you really want to be blessed years ago i said well yeah he said don't ever tip anybody less than five dollars i said no wait a minute any time he said i don't care if it's only then i don't drink coffee he said i don't care if you just get a cup of hot tea you don't tip less than five i thought hey this is gonna get good amen this is gonna get good that's right and i noticed like jesse's saying when you take this back to the days when we first see we talk about this now like we started there no no no no no i'm talking to you about the abcs of it right that's right and that that's back when you know five dollars a pretty good chunk of change man and and i i bought something 50 cents and left five dollars and then it became 10. yeah and then it became 20 and then it was just we off to the races but then we began to prosper more amen and more and more rapidly and then it turned into a ministry yeah and then it turned into more than that and more than that and all the time there was this young upstart gary christie and he's a financial advisor in those days and he couldn't handle his own finances just borrowed his way to the top and now he's teaching others on the victory channel fixing the money thing for christian people to get out of debt hallelujah and have the financial freedom that it that it takes to be a blessing on youtube hallelujah lord now and i i just i've had this on my heart all day and i'll push and get up and uh brother bill johnson was talking this morning about being so aware and listening to the spirit of god and just just just wearing wearing him it's just those of you didn't see it go back get online you can't miss this you cannot afford to miss the illustration that he gave about the spirit of god the dove coming on jesus and he just took his pocket square and laid it up there it's just still all over me amen but he didn't leave him he's a very nervous little bird ah that's powerful and i was thinking about this this morning bill i i was i was i had a meeting in las vegas and this is back when wayne cochran he's in heaven oh god i love wayne and you old guys you old rockers remember cc ryder oh don't hush it no don't get me off no no and uh and wayne he was working in the sands and he he led the owner of the sands to the lord hallelujah and and he said wayne i need to do something for god and all i've got this old hotel this casino what what am i going to do well he said i don't know he said do you suppose brother copeland would come have a meeting in my hotel and that's something and he said i know he would so wayne called me i said when now i didn't ask some of the local churches if i could come and one of them sued me coming into his town well how come he hadn't been down there yeah i'm waiting we were there we were there a couple of weeks and i'm waiting back behind the cotton waiting for 7 30 you know and it's a it's a stage there right in the uh in the casino and one of the blackjack dealers came around stuck his head and he said brother copeland i wish i could i wish i could come to the meeting tonight but he said i'm working the blackjack table but i can't come he said there's a lot of us born again blackjack dealers and he said we get together he said we're so glad you're here we're so glad you're here that's true yeah now jesse i was walking i walked out of the casino and and i'm and i'm dressed nice i mean i dressed the best i had and um this very nice looking couple walking down i remember i'm very conscious of him i was thinking about this this morning and i'm very conscious of him but i was financially well enough off to fit in and i sang well enough to fit in this nice looking couple coming right straight forward toward me the lord said i want you to speak to that couple for me okay and i said excuse me please i said i'm a minister of the gospel and i believe the lord has a word he would like for me to speak to you may i do that of course and i spoke by the spirit so i don't have i don't have any remembrance of what i said and i got through and they said thank you very much and just walked away oh well maybe they'll get it later you know and i turned to go to go on where i was going i hadn't noticed this man he was so drunk he looked like he was holding up the wall you know what i'm talking about yes sir heals this like this i heard what you said yeah you pray for me i shall pray for you now i had to be dressed nicely in a casino to be there right so he's just showing here so we went in the men's room i'm telling you jesse he was so drunk then he's just stumbling around so and when i touched him oh dear god hold on oh i'm telling you the anointing of god came up in me and and and i restored and touched him on the head and he just went he was cold sober right immediately my god man he said thank you thank you i'm a backslidden pentecostal preacher thank you hallelujah jesus that's god because you were there you know no one ever witnessed to me you know have these big christian conventions in vegas though you know we played these places and i they had name tags and if anybody needed to get saved i did that head out in the hill you know and not one person ever came up to me and asked me if i'd like to meet jesus christ the only person ever witnessed to me was kathy and of course my mom but i'm talking about when i was in those clubs i often wondered about that why if anybody needed jesus i did fear just yeah they just wouldn't do it i guarantee you there were those that thought about it but they're afraid yeah that fear that's the reason it's so important to have somebody take you out and have you demonstrate nobody will turn you down right yeah yeah they need they need christ we were having a meeting in lubbock for three weeks and the people stayed away by the thousands nobody came fed me we were there three weeks we got down to the end of it middle of the summer and i said lord what are we going to do he said call a real estate agent and have him take you to the poorest part of town so that's what we did and so here was our deal we knock on the doors don't mention the meeting is there anyone here that needs prayer we're a people that have learned some things about praying and we we do you need prayer not one turned us down now we had women working with women and been with me so gloria and her partner this woman said wait wait wait wait wait i said don't leave don't leave and she ran back in and she took a quick shower and she changed clothes and then let them in and that's something we had miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle that's the way you minister to the poor that's right money won't do it that's right poverty is not a money problem it's a spiritual that's right that's the truth go ahead all right but ain't that good get a little handclap for that and uh don't worry about it it's seven six minutes to ten before you save you're just starting to drink right now and you had to go to work the next morning too you know it not know it stand to your feet these are not bragging stories we help so many people but i've made my mind up that i'm going to obey god if god told me to go buy bill gates a car even though he could buy general motors and ford whatever or bezos who owns amazon i don't care how much he's got i'm just going to obey the lord i don't talk much about what i do for the poor my own board of directors get mad about that i like to protect the dignity of people i just do it and uh but then god will tell me to bring up some of these stories and some people misunderstand it they think i'm just thinking about the money is nothing it it it's nothing and you know but it but but you need money in an economic world so i want to leave you like this thinking preaching should never supersede thought it should make you think so what opportunity that you're facing now that you can grasp it could be spiritual it could be physical it could be financial it could be all three it could be getting saved it could be healed of stage four cancer you see as we therefore have opportunity let us do good to all so take the person's next if you can't if you're afraid to touch their hand touch their shoulder whatever would you please just do something like that and i want to pray a prayer and i'm going to ask god to release your spirit soul and body and your eyes to be open to these maps of directions i mean think about it joshua spent all his life and he never got all the promised land you don't want to do that he said joshua you're old and there's still much land to be possessed that's i guess why i work so much i i said god we just got we got to touch this world me and kathy work seven days a week almost 24 7. i got to build her a studio because she's doing more social media and i need studio time i got to get enough and you know and people say yeah but you know y'all need to relax to do what i am relaxed i'm about the father's business so would you let me just pray for you the way i want to and you just accepted father in jesus name those that are watching online as well as victory or however they watching what platform they're using and those that are here lord starting now open their eyes to see the opportunities that are around them and let them walk into those opportunities spiritually physically financially and always give them more than enough lord i don't know lord maybe when we tell these stories i should tell more about when we first started out we had nothing but you know even when we had nothing we had you which was everything we were just willing to obey you so father i ask you now if there's someone here that doesn't know you here's an opportunity for them to get saved there's a person here you have a bladder cancer the lord's healing your body your opportunity is now for healing you don't need anybody lay hands on you just accept the opportunity lord i ask each and every one of them but what i would love to hear oh god as all those that stood up but their homes being paid off in their churches then when they come next year there will be a flood of testimony and then once before some of them get home you do some unbelievable miracle their homes and churches are paid for lord hard times shouldn't be for the body of christ even though i know we go through hard times and and i understand that but lord when you're so in love with you it doesn't make no difference what the world does we're about your business so bless each and every one of them and let them see their opportunities and let them know without a shadow of a doubt that they will all be fulfilled this year in fact i'd like you to do something for everyone listening to the sound of my voice that you gave a prophecy to kenneth copeland me many years ago on his platform it was 1995 you said by the end of the year everything i was believing for would be taken you'd have to dream a new dream pray a new prayer i remember when brother copeland gave me that lord i thought he's going to have to god you're going to hurry up i need a television truck i want to open up foreign offices i want to do all this kind of stuff and god come december 31st going into january 1st 1996 i had to pray a new prayer because everything brother copeland said through a prophetic word to me was done i had to dream a new dream because everything i believed for had come to pass in those months lord i ask you to do that for all these that are standing here and let them always give you glory lord never take it upon themselves but to give you glory and i thank you for it now would you lift your hands up as an act of faith and just receive that today you should tell them the holy ghost just sealed and sanctioned it for those that will believe me oh lord jesus he said jesse there's gonna be a very busy night for angels it'll be a very busy night you're not going to go anywhere anymore when you see an opportunity you're going to think about this message that this is a map of direction it'll guide you in every part of your life it'll guide you into your mate if you want to get married the right person the right time the right place i would have never met i'll say this and then uh this myth i would have never met my wife kathy i was raised in the streets of new orleans kathy come from a little town south of new orleans oklahoma mother my dad got transferred to home of louisiana mama said we ain't moving at home we're staying here in the west bank of new orleans my dad told my mom i'll never forget if i don't take this job he worked for getty oil company he said they'll probably let me go i honestly believe i told that to kathy last year that god moved my dad to homo so that i would meet kathy and god saw this ministry because we were not leaving the west bank of new orleans and i met kathy at a swimming pool and the rest is all history and god saved her and i became her opportunity even when i slept she would cast devils out i couldn't even sleep put her little fingers on my shoulder and cast the devil out and i said get your hand off me woman i'm awake then she found out about the holy ghost she said jesse fly me home i flew from st louis to new orleans and said meet me in chicago in two weeks cost me 346 for cather to get filled with the holy ghost that's right i met her two weeks later in chicago she walked off the plane looked at me and said i got the power i said you what remember you remember that i got the power you're going down and she was right she didn't miss her opportunity caleb thank you lord he said they will dream opportunities when you sleep tonight thank you lord he said and tell them i would like them to keep me busy all the days of their lives by giving your opportunity upon opportunity upon opportunity it's going to happen we don't want to miss tomorrow i know it's a little late yes lord he said just tell them this when they go home in their hotel wherever they are just get a little piece of paper and write down what you want and before you go to bed present it as a petition and a supplication with thanksgiving it can be spiritual physical financial all three and watch what god will do for you it'll shock you before the end of this believer's convention if you just let it you love that give jesus a hand clap you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 225,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Jesse Duplantis, opportunity, accidents, maps, direction, money, blessing, poor, weary, effort, seed, power, future, ground, good, people
Id: s2ModNZ5Ayc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 54sec (5634 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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