What In Hell Do You Want?

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I'm doing something tonight that I normally don't do but I'm gonna do it turn with me tonight that a book of proverbs chapter 26 proverbs chapter 26 I'm gonna go back into an old sermon that I preached ten years ago I don't know if I can preach it exactly the same as I did its own tape already but bless God we just I felt led of the Lord to do this and I believe you're gonna be blessed by it proverbs chapter 26 some very familiar scripture here and let me start off with saying this and I don't want the title to shock you a little bit but I want to get into this sin will take you further than you want to go it'll keep you longer than you want to stay in a charge of MU and you want to pay sin is a killer and it's amazing to me how many people get out of sin give their life to God dedicate their life to Jesus and because of challenges by Satan to their faith to their finances to whatever to their church whatever they begin to fall back into sin they begin to begin to live like they used to live and I've never been able to understand that in all the years that I've been saved I got saved on Labor Day weekend at about a quarter to 9:00 on a Saturday night in a bathroom in Boston Massachusetts in Boston masterji in a bathroom and I said it before every time I go to the bathroom I just get excited I think about where I got saved well there was a throne there so brazen I got saved and I have been saved since 1974 Kathy was so excited that I got saved you got to understand she lived with a heathen husband never saw an ugly woman in my life I didn't care if he was fat I didn't care if you were skinny fat women give you a heat in the winter and shade in the summer didn't make no difference to me I didn't care if he was black green brown yellow purple I was a sinner I was a rock musician I mean every kind of woman that ever lived blessed Godfather's rock musicians but when I got saved and born again I drank a fifth of whiskey a day I smoked a little dope a week I snorted cocaine oh I like to like that cocaine PCP I put PCP in popcorn machines people that eat that stuff that go whoo enough to hurt somebody full of the devil hey even boy made a lot of money made a bunch of money made more money than my father did my daddy was making $100 a week actually $75 a week in the 50s I was making fought a thousand a year playing on the streets playing music doing everything I could got involved in organized crime got involved and everything you know people said were you in the Mafia no I wasn't in the Mafia because I'm not Sicilian but I certainly worked for the boys and knew all of them but what happened was I everyone that I that told me they were Christian everyone that believed in healing was sick everyone that believed in prosperity was broke everybody that talked about the love of God was mad at the preacher of man and somebody at the church now that didn't make a lot of sense to me and then remember this my mother used to tell me all the time especially my grandma I had two of the best grandmothers any man can ever have on my mother side my father one was four foot nine the other one was full foot 11 I had a two shortest grandma you don't seen in your life my grandmother or my mother my father side her name was Julie Ann Luke that was her maiden name was Julie a new planet she was a Frenchman she said Jessie I don't want you going to hell I said I'm going I know you're going but I don't want you why don't you marry one of the girls at the church and I used to tell her I'm going amongst the Philistines take me now Lord check now it's a taker Jesus take the woman drive me nuts about this Jesus stuff my grandmother neither side said I love you you bother you my grandson but you go on the hill so fast I want to see you in heaven I said well look at me now I ain't getting there she said you drink too much and you twelve I was full of the devil my mother always introduced me as a heathen which I was because sin it took me further than I wanted to go kept me longer than I wanted to stay charge me more than I wanted to pay I've been rich hangul I might I've been rich and I've been poor rich is better but it will not give you any happiness he won't give you any joy a lot of rich people committing suicide and money so wonderful why they die and do you understand what I'm saying further than ever but I began to notice Christians finally I decided to take up my grandmother maybe date a few girls in the church to make me feel better because I was such a heathen so I asked one of these girls one time would you like to get a coke or something to eat I was at the church she said yeah I took a them glad to god so you know me I mean you know you know when you 16 17 years old your hormones are kicked up pretty high especially if you're a little teenager boy like all that I'm full of the devil you got to understand I brought my teachers people teachers that taught me could not get into the juke joints that I played on Bourbon Street so I bring my teachers to Bourbon Street let him see what was going on they said man I'll tell you what and there were girls so full of that where they call that stuff if they fell off the stool they'd bounce 6 foot everybody's all made up with that rubber stuff you know I don't know what they call it but God whatever you know make a long story short I I was such a heathen Honus was so I've decided to date a girl in the church this girl was kind of pretty and I thought well praise God I asked her out so I said you want to go get something drink something oh yeah and that woman hit me like a hurricane in the back seat of that cook talk I mean she doubled it blocked me like to suck the hair off my head I ain't get a girl I said wow and I pushed her away I said I thought you as a question she had just been speaking in tongues I say she had her tongue all over my face I thought wow this is one hot mama hair I know that sounds kind of crude listen I'm preaching tonight cuz I'm getting out of town that confused me I thought you was a Christian he said but I like you I like you too mama but mom I said don't you don't you know God yeah I said really can you do this stuff well no but then why do you want to he see Isis was asking an honest question that I didn't understand then I thought all Christians were crazy and I noticed that the next Sunday she was at the altar forgive me she needed forgiveness and I remember walking up to her said if you want to break it again my mom I'm available I was filling the devil but with the thing I didn't understand was how could you do that title of my sermon tonight is an oak sermon what in hell do you want what does he'll have to offer that people will be willing to throw away God throw in the blood of Jesus threw in the righteousness of God the power of God the love of God and go back to hell what is hell hell is hell and hell is hot why would anybody wanna backslide what in the hell do you vote thank you I mean what does he'll have to offer that's better than Jesus what I don't understand that how can you say I can't help myself when you've been born again if you don't like the way you is born try it again get saved from what hell cuz hell is hell ladies and gentlemen the way I can say it you know the devil don't like hell he's gonna be enthroned the leg of my watch it's hot you think i'll gustas hot you can see that do you get the hell and the earth is not hell ladies and gentlemen and the Bible says in proverbs chapter 26 verse 11 as a dog returned to his vomit that's kind of weird to say that but as a dog returning to his vomit so a fool returning to his folly let me say it again as a dog returning to his vomit so a fool returning to his folly I have never been able to figure out how anybody could get backslide when they met the lovely Jesus I got saved in September 1974 I have never back slid bless God I got completely delivered and drinketh I got pletely delivered a women I got completed to live it all that stuff let's go I've had more fun being safe than I ever had as a living as I heathen from Hell hell has nothing I want and it means nothing to me and I've had some preachers tell me well how blessed God brother Jesse I notice a lot of women follow you hell yeah a lot of do but that doesn't bother you no because I'm a dead man and a dead man can't do nothing I've been crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God to even live my own faith I live by the faith of the Son of God and he had women around him too but you notice he wasn't going to bed with Mary Magdalene like that dumb stupid movie The Last Temptation of Christ said he did that's ridiculous and decide why do you always look at a woman some sexual object to conquer she's more than a sexual object she is a creation of God ordained by God himself are you hearing what I'm saying yeah what do you want I mean why I don't understand that I know it happens all the time well I was tempted beyond my my me bearing lie you fry the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 10:13 there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man you ever look at that such as is common turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 I'll just read the first part of it there hath no temptation taken you such as is common to man that simply means ladies and gentlemen the devil can't use anything against you that's not common to you or in other words if you don't know about it he can't use it so if you already know about it didn't bless God why would you walk in that why would if me my lord you know the temptations coming you know the problems happening and yet you say I couldn't help myself lie you fry I had a preacher one time come up to me and he grabbed me somebody just talk to you I said what is he come over here and he brought me with it and I said what he said come back over here and then I came back now all the way up into the flowers I'm I'm over here by the plants like this you know we behind this bush you know stuff like this and I said what he said I have a problem I said what's your problem he said I got lost in my heart loose loose I said you got less than your heart I don't know what to do I said he said what should I do I said tell your wife she'll stop it this tell your wife man your wife can handle that stuff you got a prom another woman tell your wife look at women here workers women can handle it don't give me that stuff I couldn't help myself there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man in other words the devil can't tip you with anything that's not common to you first Corinthians bless God 10:13 so if it's common to you you already know it's coming why would you do it if I'm gonna drive out tonight to go out to the airport and brother Ralph tells me brother Jesse don't go down that road there's a big hold on then you'll lose your whole car it would be stupid of me to go drive right in that hole cuz he told me the whole is there what in hell do you want what does he'll have thought yeah but she looked so good she ain't that good she ain't that good that you spend eternity in hell for are you hearing what I'm saying and beside all you're doing is using each other see I don't believe in those marriage contracts why sign the dotted line bless God if you willing to commit yourself to her you oughta better do it spiritually physically and financially well bless God see that's making a provision valid just in case you don't work well then you go with your money and I go with my money no I don't work like that marriage is a covenant glory to God everything I got belongs to Cathy everything she got belongs to Catholic it all belongs to Cathy I belong to Cathy you know that's a covenant Cathy told me you ever mess around on me you ain't gonna have to under repent I'm gonna make sure you go to hell boy and you know cuz she knew what kind of man I was I was just full of the devil as a dog returning to his vomit so there's a fool returned to his folly I've made up my mind and lived like Jesus now how do these things begin to happen well the beginnings of evil start with an impure thought see the devil gets in your mind first starts with an impure thought well you can't control your mind but the Bible says casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ don't give me this hogwash you can't control your mind yes you can throw your mind how do you know that because you have the mind of Christ that's burden removing yoke destroying power for mine so why don't hell do you want but if beginnings of evil start with an impure thought and unholy ambition and an evil imagination impure thoughts just rebuke oh right out loud you get an impure thoughts standing in line at a Burger King shower buying your devil people to back up you get your hamburger quick brother Kenneth Copeland's granddaughter is such a blessing John Copeland's little girl praise God she was in the backseat of a car and she was driving with her cousin max max is the I think it's the first grandson of brother Copeland I may be wrong in that but know me I know for sure but anyway here's brother Kenneth Copeland's grandson Max and what's the name John Koeppen yeah Courtney Courtney so anyway Court is in the back and Marty and John are in the front and Courtney and little and little max is in the back all of a sudden Courtney's mama here's Courtney's mama here it's Gordon sake shut up devil I said shut up devil now this kid then was but went 3 or 4 years old so Marty looks back says Courtney what did you do she's I told the devil to shut up she said why cuz he told me to break Mac's leg that's what he told me to do cuz not getting laid but you see they've already taught that kid to tell that devil get out of my mind my mind belongs to the Anointed One in his anointing and that a blessed night shut up devil I saw you got to see if you stand in line see some woman you go would ya look at this mama just say this shut up devil and your wife so what you thinking about I don't forgot coroner God saved by casting down imaginations every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity don't tell me the devil can deceive you when the Bible says in first Corinthians 10:13 that no temptation has it can take you less it's common to you come on no insult God's intelligence much less your own but I couldn't help myself lie you fry yeah you can help yourself are you going to just tell your wife to come in you out of your living mind Jack I'll tell you what she'll stop you she'll stop you and preserve your family or vice versa if later you having a problem with some hunk of a man tell you Oh she doesn't it between men and women is so so obvious now I'm talking about from the sexual standpoint of view I see a man if he's walking in the mall on some fine-looking woman pass by man stupid ego check and the white book shut up close your mouth honey you drooling all over yourself but a woman's exact opposite she's not she's not as noticeable she'll walk buying some good-looking hunk but she'll just go [Applause] they're more subtle about it you know then I'm happy the mango see men are like dogs and women are like cats yeah I've heard me say that before haven't I just come to my nice true I was watching dogs and cats that did the Lord and I thought the other day this is a few years back and I thought women and men are just like dogs and cats men are like dogs always griping women and women alike cats you notice you can't touch a cat till the cat's ready that's the fact you know this you know you can touch the dog anytime you want Wow cuz men are like dogs minute like that cats can't get up cat just look at you you go to touch that cat woman's the same weight then all of a sudden that cat I just get up walk over to you by your leg oh hello dog [Applause] the beginnings of evil start with an impure thought a unholy ambition what does that mean trying to beat the guy next door blessed god I'm gonna have a beggar Church then him that's an unholy ambition I won't have the biggest Church in town that's an unholy ambition you don't want that church for God's sake you want that church out of spiritual pride that's in your life that's our unholy ambition trying to compete and you on the same team is the person down the street but this is how it all starts since that people begin to backslide the beginnings of evil start with an impure thought and unholy ambition ad and an evil imagination well that's something let me take some the devil plays havoc with your mind see he you got nonsense about the devil he's not a faith devil he's a flesh devil you noticed that if he says something it don't mean diddly squat until you say it you knows the devil tries to get you to say what he says because what he says don't count because he's a foolish stupid ignorant devil you got to be a dummy to think you can win a revolution with God you got to be fool think about that but you see he gets you said hath God said like 'hey-- toleave notice it the Bible said death and life is in the power of your tongue not Satan's you can't die I'm gonna tell you something you ain't gonna believe probably one of these people that think their watchdog old watchman of the church so you can't die unless you speak it out it's appointed on the man wants to die but death and life send the power the tongue not Satan's tongue not the genetics of your family it's your tongue it's in you your body is designed to regenerate itself now I know that we all get old on you know wherever your body sags a little bit less like that but you know what scripture said the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells didn't say visits dwells and you quickens what the word quicken means make a life make a live what your mortal body make a life your mortal body that's what happened to Abraham make a live your mortal body I told me that my daddy not long ago my dad 7 therefore he said boy I'm getting old that I said well your mouth making it happen that he said something get nice and all I said Abraham was 99 having babies he said man that's encouraging see you got a cast down that imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God well you know you got to die son kind of wait well that's true it jesus answered why do you have to die sick cuz you've been told you had to why can't you give up the ghost who told you you have to die with cancer when mama had cancer and daddy had cancer diabetes runs in our family uncle friends hunting dogs had to take insulin you know da beat it just runs in our family won't you let it run through though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death it didn't say do I stop build a house and canonize the place though I walk through you see so the beginnings of fever start with an impure thought our unholy ambition and evil imagination I couldn't help myself but oh yes good the Bible said blessed is he who in do it's intention he said blesses it he who enjoys it let's face it some of you made in Georgian vision don't lie to me some woman makes missing a God gets about 45 to 55 years old he starts unbuttoned his shirt and let his white hair hang out off his chest because some young woman say boy you look good for your age that just regal he thinks my god I still got it your wife said no you don't still got it I know you boy you ain't got it it's the truth but you'll believe a lot blessed is the man that endureth temptation did say who enjoy it you know I told a man I have this preacher who's having problem with less than adultery I said let me tell you what your problem is he said what I said you don't hate sin he said yes I do I said no you don't you know most people don't hate sin most people hate what sin does to them they hate the wages of sin because that's death but they don't hate sense if you hate something you don't mess with it President George Bush when he was president of the United States hated broccoli they remember that he in mama made him eat broccoli until he just couldn't hardly stand it he became president United States he said I'll not have a stalk of broccoli in the White House or on Air Force One get rid of that trash and the broccoli growers of America got mad at him he said you think I can't you got a quarter call somebody who cares ain't eatin your stinking broccoli George Bush said that on CNN he watch this I promise you that George Bush can drive by an 18-wheel truck of broccoli and not be tempted why he hate it you see if you hate something you don't mess with it so I told that frigate you don't hate sin you hate what sin does to you you hate the wages of sin what in hell do you want because sin will take you there the ticket to hell is made up of the substance called sin so if you hate something you don't mess with it is there anything you hate brother Jesse yeah there's something in Australia called Vegemite I hate that stuff I told him I thought my god no wonder y'all talk like that he did Vegemite it's yeast who wants to eat yeast yeast good whoa there's something I eat just about anything but there's some things I don't particularly care for there's some things Kathy doesn't like you know not much because we Cajun people we didn't you know we eat crawfish we suck their heads make their eyes click that's how much we like them we've taught our crawfish to praise God just pick one up his hands go up and if he's a cage he goes whoa come on ba ba ba ba he know he going he said it's over we can't get it all by sucking we stick our finger there jerk his brains out bless God we just live crawfish y'all call it crayfish ain't crazy it's just crawfish I had a Texan one time South I wanna thank boy you Cajuns are so stupid just looking at this was years ago my miss you dumb Cajuns boy y'all just so dumb and he was eating crawfish I said really dumb one he said I tell you well yeah I think you Lisa you sawed Louisiana people ain't got much sense I look to him how much you pay for that crawfish a pound he said seven dollars I said we really stupid we caught it in a ditch drove it to Texas sold it to you for $7 a pound we ain't as stupid as you think we are we picked it up for nothing he hadn't called me back so the beginnings of IVA stove with an impure thought and unholy ambition and an evil imagination let me say it again the all the anointing any man ever needs is in his wife that's why God said it's not good for man to be alone that's what God believes in marriage it's not good for man to be alone see the church world thinks that the highest order of life is celibacy that ain't true that's frustration you ladies know what I'm talking about you men know what I'm talking but don't let that freak you out you know people go oh he said yeah so this that's the highest order no it's not God said it ain't good for man to be alone and Jesus talked about they said he that can receive that statement let him receive it whoo they can't you don't have to it's just that simple well I'm gonna be closer to God well you can be close to God be married Wow cuz you come together but your wife said I am separating myself unto the Lord this week this whatever I want to do some praise God it's a common understanding say you understand what I'm saying yeah it's just that simple you know but they think well that's the highest sort of like no the highest sort of light is to be married it's called Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve Adam and Eve that's the fact it's not out of misty I've said it before why because Adam and Steve cannot create I ain't Katherine like me to say this but it's true I can't I did I can't I didn't say they couldn't fall alone each other man can fall all over the man I mean I don't know why he wants to that's I promise you that's one sin I will never commit I can stand on nine thousand stacks about day no man that I won't like that who wants a hairy leg looking man to start with got read on his nose boy helpless but I know it has happened I'm not gonna deny that but you know I don't deny the darkness I just said like be well I was born that way no you wouldn't oh yeah well I know you what you trying to make that work in your life you know you wouldn't born that way well mama because my mama loved me so much and and petted me and that's why I was like a no affection doesn't turn you into a homosexual there's a devil out there trying to twist your mind you see why he don't want you to create he wants you to get out of the image of God and make you believe you can live an alternate lifestyle no no no you know I mean there's time I'll say this and I mean it there's some men I love that's richer I love Jerry Savelle he is one of my best friends I love Kenneth Copeland but I don't love jessabelle hums it but I mean I'll not watch this ah I love Martha Kennedy I'm serious and this she's about opposite sex I love this woman but I love Cathy that's happy mom and Ramu think that what I'm talking about see there's a difference so I love some men that I love to be around them their friends their blessings I love being around Dennis Burke I love being around Oh Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Sevilla I enjoy being around those men we have a lot of things in common you know we enjoy each other and I love being around my brother-in-law jewels bouquet because we all act like blue soup they little it with 70 kids you know I love being around him and I would do anything for those men and Jerry knows that when I got his and he told me what y'all have just as yours brother comb suggest anything I got yours I said brother comb anything I got yours why cuz not only we respect each other in the ministry with personal friends I love Gloria Copeland glory would come I'd do anything for glory I'd be a blessing to her yeah do you understand what I'm saying but there's a difference between love and you understand what it is a vast difference in that say so what happens is you can love somebody don't misunderstand but you should not love it take it to the point of an evil thought an evil imagination or an evil and mission see I said that to say this a religion without love is a religion without power now ladies and gentlemen 1987 I was on PT L I was preaching the gospel people loved brother Jesse I had brown hair y'all don't even remember I love y'all see my friend I had brown hair Wow I mean bless God than Jim and damn it Baker done messed up the whole ball of wax made me mad as a Hornet I was gonna fly to Charlotte and rip off Timmy's eyelashes and stick them on her heart I was so mad I was so mad why didn't you do that my god it was Donald it was doing the scandals called the holy wars y'all remember that I got on an airplane sat down by this man who opened my Bible read my Bible tell my message what in the hell do you want a religion without love is a religion without power what's this I believe in forgiveness but I'm sitting there and I don't know this man from Adam or Eve or Steve or anybody ain't never seen this guy in my life he's sitting in the middle seat his wife sitting in the NC in the window seat I'm sitting on the aisle seat this is before the Lord blessed us with a plane of own make a long story short I open my BOB and he looked at me says I guess you're a preacher aren't you boy I'd say when all those scandals hit was used to preach of people people won't spit on you you know I said yes sir and right in front of everybody he said well you think about swagger that's where I gonna just bit the dust - I'm looking at everybody went yeah you're kind of heard the word swagger I said well let's talk about your sin for 10 minutes and then we'll talk about jimmies he looked at me I said have you ever committed adultery sir have you and when you see adultery on an airplane inquiring minds want to know everybody got quiet all the way to the back I said answer the question have you ever committed adultery we'll talk about Jimmy Swaggart sin in just a minute bless God but let's talk about yours have you ever committed adultery tell me have you have you I said it that loud I was holding it and his wife going terribad he could not talk I said come on let's talk about Jimmy what Jimmy did was wrong wrong wrong wrong when Jim Baker did was wrong wrong wrong wrong have you ever committed the dog we'll talk about them in just two minutes talking about you have you ever committed adultery tell me and his wife's mad at him he never answered me we landed in Dallas he got up is what can I miss right behind him did you ha ha ha one for the Lord Lytton you're gonna attack somebody for what you don't I reached up at that he put the top to get my briefcase I looked around it was a bunch of people look missing he did it yeah get a unite kid get out a dog did it well let me make this announcement on television it's forgivable see a religion without love is a religion without power it fails amid the temptations and conflicts of life that's what Jesus went to the cross for now I believe in forgiveness but I also believe in fruit of repentance I believe you're forgiven immediately but I believe it takes time for fruit of repentance to grow and if you truly repent you won't think of yourself you'll set yourself back and say I've sinned I need restoration you see a religion without love is a religion without power it fails amid the temptations and conflicts of life that's what Jesus was on the cross he went to the cross fall so that we would be forgiven and don't lie let me just get point-blank but that television by my face any think I've had people say you know what mess me up was prosperity no no no no no no no insult my intelligence about faith let me take would mess you up Jessica Hahn that woman in that hotel room mess you up you understand it's it's not it's not hating sin it's hating what sin did to you prosperity don't mess you up bless God it's your own lust within that messes you up you crucified that daily good or insult my intelligence money it's not bad it's the love of money the root of all evil you understand that's the truth ladies and gentlemen so don't give me this hogwash that prosperity messed you up it chasing women messing you up and having sin in your ministry messing you up or you understand what I'm saying that's simply the truth you see but I forgive but I don't want nobody lie a religion without love is a religion without pop well don't you forgive people I certainly do praise God I honestly do but I believe in fruit of repentance what does that mean takes time to repent prime example you give you a car to your 16 year old son he take it out there and I saw like I said if I dad most men knowing I'm gonna say he go tear that sucker up rip all the tires off he comes back he starts crying you catch it boy give me the key said car yeah he's never driving I caught a long job live he looks at uni truly repents he says that I'm sorry I blew it I ask you to forgive me and you see this forgiving you saw I bar forgive you do you give him the car back why why don't you give him the car back fruit of repentance take some time you can't just say I repent I forget what's go on ah you have to restore trust that takes some time that takes some discipline that takes some love love and his purest form is disciplined my mother used to get so mad at me because I have only one daughter Jody when she was living I gave Jody everything she ever wanted my daughter you know me you only have one kid don't cost a lot of money to raise one kid you know some people 5 6 4 5 cost more but it's a little better when you only have just one I gave Jody me Kathy gave Joan everything she wanted and mama used to get mad at us my mother she's in heaven oh mama say you are spot on that child I looked at my mom I said mama you can't spoil a child with love you spoil a child by not disciplining them that's how you spoil a child we gave Jody everything she ever wanted but we beat her brains out three times a week we disciplined her now something happened to me when she started dating I didn't expect my daughter to start lady not my daughter I am her boyfriend I am el shad she come jump on my lap dad often these boys begin to come over I know what they're looking for I've been a boy so one time this kid came over I'll never forget this boy he's a good boy ever saw him I like his head look like a hatchet I mean Maya he look at you straight two eyes on the side you turn like a head that long you know but I thought my god he ain't getting I ain't having no grandbabies with my head look like hatchets I knew you was up the devil because he drove over my grass rolled up on my grass my guy said that devil from hell's on my grass he said I want to see Jody I said you can't he said I think that's her decision I said let me tell you something boy you on my yard on my grass don't let this white Hef fool you you want some of me leapfrog you think you bad I'll go back to what I used to do I make you an offer you can't refuse he got out of there Jody come down to stand said that it was that for me I said no that was not for you I ain't gonna have no hatchet head grandbabies Johnston I used to tell Jody she'd get so mad she'd go on a date with a boy and I'd sell it Jody what in hell do you want she said my god daddy ain't gonna do nothing I said just thought I'd ask the question I said if you do anything God's gonna tell me she get so mad tell you one thing I can't do nothing without good dinner and my son in laws in that television truck and gods told me some of the things they did I just didn't tell them like a Catholic shut your mouth but Eddie they married praising as a blessing but Jody gets so mad she'd come and she say all right what did we do i saute exactly what you did oh yeah what gift of the spirit start operate me I said at 11:35 use over this place you ordered something you ordered this I said then bless God y'all didn't have enough until you drove over here to go to this place and it was closed say you decide to go park maybe do a little smooching and then you thought oh my God God will tell my bad she says I ain't going on no dates no more watch a rocking look I love a seller what in hell do you want girl how'd you like to live with a daddy like that look at a gun he see but she was a good kid she's made some mistakes why cuz I made some one time she's 13 years old I'm sleeping you know I know a 13 year old cause I've been 13 have been 13 I've been that terrible 13 you didn't spent I'm sleeping in the bed daddy's leaving the Lord wakes me up says the girls are sneaking out she had slumber party the girls are sleeping out sneaking out there's some boys down at the street waiting for I got up I got him in the room I walk out I know they go on the angle go to the front door cuz Bois Jacques won't let me know bow shock was our dog which bed Jonah's yet now Johnny's getting out don't getting out you know don't tell him oh boo shock he's in Hell today no no praise God but anyway Hays in hell you know he had a problem with he was just a little heathen poodle that's what he was I saw him gonna say oh my God thank you Cathy says no he's not in hell I believe he's in here okay that dog got to be in hell I caught him you didn't see what he did he's in hell got oboz up so I walked out of my house in the back on we had a patty this was the house I had a few years back there's not the one I'm living in now and it had a patio in the back so I walked out the patio and they had some banana trees and Kathy somebody planted there something like a Rena and I got inside the banana trees it's one o'clock two o'clock of the one who took like one I'm sitting there waiting because the Lord won't get off so I see some three little girls I let him get out of the house they walk past the banana trees I went high they could see me also the Lord God speaker City lead back in the house Jody said it's God let's go back and then she noticed it was me ah yeah I said y'all sneaking out she said to God tell ya she's 13 for 13 12 13 years old deep down to me bless them boys so I had my pajamas on you know and Kevin used to get so mad at me Jesse put your clothes on take it ain't nobody at two o'clock in the morning so I'm going down the sidewalk in my pajamas it's never people say how you doing buddy that's it good man what you do I'm looking for boys you're looking for boys I mean how it's another story in the newspaper I said yup go on the worth pot and I saw that car down at garnet down on one on North Korea and I can see them going good I can even talking do you what boy the girls are coming yeah yeah yeah I come walking up like getting the wind it was halfway down I said how you doing boys Oh mr. Jesse I see what you're doing they went praying for my beau Hazama I then you lying dog go and bread waiting on him girls I say what hell do you want nothing as if boys y'all better go home I caught the girls you can see him a religion is a good boy kids it's called normal you know 15 is 15 13 13 where did they say it will not say 13 will drive you crazy because they're 13 man then live bodies are going nuts especially a 13 year old boy he's so hot you can't touch him yeah Jim he like bozo Jacques what the hell I want y'all know that and now we're think up all right Cathy said don't say that about my dog you see I remember no boseok from hell I guess who's hot anyway praise hell is torment the rich man looked up and said he I'm tormented in this flame don't tell me it's not there he said that's coming from his mouth not God's his sin Eliza he's still trying to tell Latin what to do what do you think you are still trying to tell lads go get him some water see hell will never change you you hear what I'm saying hell will change you heaven does in that amazing and listen to this the snare of covetousness will cause you to sacrifice the noblest part of your nature no one can harm yourself can harm you but yourself I realized the only person can harm me it's me Lenny right hear me I determine how I live for God what I received from God and if I get into covetousness you know preachers are bad about this and Ralph I don't doubt since you're north have been givers all your lives are still giving I I'm gonna assume this and if I'm wrong you correct me I don't doubt that probably been some people over the years that you've known the Lord and some preachers proper said you know Ralph I am believing for a coat just like the one you got on you want to give it away around if you have people did it you know we're believing God for that piece of furniture that you got in your store just like that good Ralph I don't know Ravi got such a good heart more than father give it to I would say well you can have it for 11 95 on sale you see them said that is a car that's a car you see that's coveted miss the snare of governor's will cause you to sacrifice the noblest part of your nature no we can harm you but yourself so don't tell me when the scripture said they have no temptation taken you but such as common to man that means the devil can't use nothing against me unless I know what he's going to do and since I know what he's gonna do if I go fall for that stupid thing then blame me for it because I know what he's going to do now me and Cathy have a wonderful marriage but it's the funniest thing well I had more fun with Cathy sometimes and I'm wrong but you know I guess I'm a jokester I'm not the easiest man to live with and I fly now I come back real late at night sometime 1:30 to 3 o'clock in the morning Kathy was sleeping in her bed and I thought she's in there not certain did it but it's funny to me you know and the doors have closed and I'll just open it up a little bit go hey Kathy wake up who that Jesse I don't say nothing I just stick one eye in there yeah like she's bound me like a did you double is that you Jesse my Kathy gets mad when we go to bed at night is the funniest thing it's kind of a race you know because I can sleep with the light on I can sleep with the radio blaring thanks leap with the television I can sleep with people screaming Kathy can't do that she gets into bed for she said like we raise a little bit I said no I can sleep with the light on I hear over the team I say you're speaking in tongues nice figure the time hey fair Jesse you wanna check out the light I said I could sleep with the light on the Bible said let there be light but cafes got toenails that I cut steel boy [Applause] kathan got the most powerful tools of any one woman ever seen in my life I'm telling she can break for cons with her toes I'm telling you that one we got a set of toes on y'all hurt you son she ever pinch you with her foot you gonna hurt I mean you need healing you need Benny Hinn to pray for you Cathy pinch you with her toes what's over there what's over there Steve what's over there Oh sister Cathy pinch this person with her toes bring all the hell can't they get tools all right like a vise I mean we're worse than a crab trap I mean that's a the other day you'd be starting work I was sitting on the couch they say they gather I think I had my shoe but that's it hand me my shoe he stole with a leg got that sucker with a toe flipped it over the man I thought my god throw the quarter over there pick up that quarter but your toe Kathak whoa pick that quarter but though she can flip that baby around that toe boy that girl got some toes one time bozo coming out room she was sleeping I said get out of here he goes I pull the sheet off of shorten Cathy's foot he was took off she doesn't wrench that dog with her toes that woman got a set of toes I never seen in my life ugly little told you ever see them babies they're like that no okay not ugly they pretty feet mama pretty feet look at look at him feet look at him little toes I tell you what they dangerous so man I could feel I could feel him toenails coming across the sheet like like saber City like swords you better take that light off boy she missed me and hit the wood cut the wood blessed God no she didn't cut through sharp enough to cut the wood she got the most and all I think our whole family's like that I think they had toe fights when there was little something I don't know how'd you get the most powerful tools I ever seen in my life how many of men your wife's toes are like that don't lift your hand up man for dinner oh my god what in hell do you want you might ready to go to hell on the mama gonna send you to hell yeah you know everybody's just kind of you know I don't have them kind of toes it's something isn't it Cathy lost all of her arms even fingers you do anything with her toes then they wouldn't have nothing to do I gave her a fork I said Ben that got it huh powerful toes I better get off this toe thing real quick blow the guy it's just amazing but you know the funniest part of a toes it's when she get a charley horse she get a cramp our toes going oh I say suffer baby suffer suffer you devil from hell you pitched me a left I said no let little something about laser you learn that defensive into a crap mmm but sometime I can feel it in a fetal cool she said my feet are cold we'll get him off my body go wrapping with something but you gotta put them on my leg out I mean let you make I'll do that I don't like that how many men have done the same thing look at these dumb men they're gonna lift the hands up how someone why will a fool return to his folly because he thinks sin is better than grace the devil's lied to made him live a life of flesh instead of a life of the Spirit I say this enclose a tree may be withered without being cut down a person may be uttering fine words and yet be rotten to the core or rotten at the heart just because somebody's uttering fine words does not necessarily mean that they're pure in heart forgive me I repent then you catch them again you find out they're doing it again what's happening here come on let's not be foolish and let's answer these questions head-on because the world wants to know what's happening here you see what I'm saying so what I'm saying is a tree may be withered without being cut down there are a lot of people in the body of Christ a withered inside rotten to the core yet they're uh Turing fine words raising monies that should go to projects that don't go tell people that they love God and go behind their back and cut their brains out you know heavens full of hypocrites or is it no heaven doesn't have hypocrites hell has hypocrites you know my mother told me she said you have to be smaller than a hypocrite to hide behind one and if you don't like him here Jessie you can spend eternity in hell with him heavens not full of hypocrites I said that like this if I catch it you went I saw your mind go no no hell is full of hypocrites so if you don't like people here why do you want to spend eternity with them in hell and what does he'll have to offer that's better than Jesus are you hearing what I'm saying what does he'll have to offer that's better and grace so I made up my mind that I would live a life of holiness now let me close with holiness didn't know what holiness was Martha had no concept of photos only concept of holiness I had in church was negative holiness 30 years ago most of you ladies could not be saved you got makeup on your faces you bunch of Jezebel's women couldn't wear pants it was a sin remember that how many I remember I'm talking about I remember you shot was raised a Catholic boy did my mother father became about this and then we became Pentecostal went to the Pentecostal church I'll never forget this in my life this is funny but true so they asked me to go with the youth we didn't have youth in the Catholic Church we just had catechism now you're just catechism but they call the different things Baptists call it training Union Pentecost is calling well whatever just revenge this kids in this room away so we went on this trip the boys version of the young key they said now Jessie we don't believe in mixed bathing I said we neither do I like my own water myself how many are used to have to take a bath in your sister's water hold your hand up come on be honest didn't you hate that I said mama where's man we ain't got enough money for water I don't want to take a bath in my brother's water I want my water my brother don't I don't like he's think I don't need to put four or five kids in one bath of water how many all did that oh you hand up that's called pour oh your hand up yeah we all did it what they said no no young you don't understand no we're not talking about taking the bath he said girls and boys can't swim together I said why he said well we don't allow girls to wear bathing suits I said praise God first time ever said praise God my life I went praise God he can we go see where this woman he said no they can't wear bathing suit I said you mean they can't swim in bathing suits no I said well what do they use to swim where they got to swim in their dress now what does a dress do when it gets in water lifting holy hymns and to the law I bet you got to be kidding me are you serious they were serious I don't even know what I'm talking about you lived through that so oh you had enough do this people think I'm kidding you it's true couldn't where you had to wear a dress with this address do it praise this God when he gets in water and preaches wasn't that stupid whew y'all caught that glory to car you understand I couldn't believe I said are you telling me I remember asking the preacher and they usually you mean to tell me you can't see a woman in a bathing suit without lusting after that freaked them out I was a heathen and knew hours I knew I the heathen but they were rotten to the core they were uttering fine words but rotten to the core I said you mean to tell me all you ever see is a woman of some sexual object to conquer they went I said you mean to tell me I said let me tell you something I've seen the women in this church ain't nobody gonna lust after these women I said you won't see some women you come with me jack I'll take you to the 500 club on Bourbon Street oh I thought you said you could see Linda Bridget and Sandra Sexton not that it's a woman something that'll make you want to go to hell enjoy it why are you going I had enough sense and I was a devil from hell but at least I spoke a truth in the heathen sense to them I said you know you guys are just like me but you got a front on I said I'm finished with this joke and I walked out of that you see all my life I was looking for somebody that believed that God was real that God was true that's what freaked me out about the girl I thought she was at the altar well then that made me think none of that stuff works what in the hell do you want there are a lot of people thinking that today and when he saw the preachers fighting each other on ABC CBS NBC just so they can get a shot on night but they call the thing Nightline and all that kind of junk I thought how ignorant you have to be you've got to be ignorant to do that and they were it was silly and stupid you can live a life of holiness I'll say this in closed house Prichard Shreveport Louisiana pastor put me at the pier the Sheraton Piermont Hotel beautiful hotel I finished preaching that night was a Monday night I was soaking wet so he took me back to the hotel he said progestin would you like to go get some lead I said no if you don't mind why don't you know man I'm tired tonight I said how about if we eat breakfast in the morning would be okay so I'd be great so I walked through the door I'm soaking wet I just had a hole that goes pop back punch and kickand me I walked through then there's a woman standing there she's a lady of the evening she's a hooker she's a hooker she says hello it stopped me you know cuz I'm not a rude man I said hello she says hi I said hi you know I'm nice she said would you like to have some company for the evening I looked at it I went I'm a dead man she went oh I'm sorry that's okay she said how long have you had this problem at that time I said about 15 years Oh have you had any medical help I said no I enjoy being dead sack words she just looked at me I said lady let me tell you something I got a lot of company tonight I got God the Father a little louder God the Son and God the heart of God she went oh my god a preacher and took off running and I'm gonna taste some of them hookers they can run faster than those short skirts I mean they just hate going across the parking lot they say that's about as far as she can go get that skirt Zoysia so I tried to catch her hey hi wait wait I'm gonna get her Satan see I won't talk about Jesus if it's detective and ho tested look at that preacher chasing that hooker that's the true story I come back I couldn't catch him while she's gone I come walking in and that crazy detective in the clerk there the front desk and I said hey preacher what would you have done if you dakara a nice man you know there's the ego mmm I set out a cast the devil out and set her free I said since we talking you going hell so you going here you need to meet Jesus they went listen preacher we got to go we got to see you there we got to go man I put the Word of God in him boys but when I got up the room a thoughts come funny I called Kathy I think Cassie's hey Jesse she said I was a service and I says great power God moved people were healed and touched and bliss wonderful I said me tell you what happened she said what as I was walking through the door and the hooker made a hit on me she said she got quiet she said what I said they're hookers lady and even a prostitute she looked good she was pretty good-looking I knew that was gonna could see it I couldn't see him because she's a new author I guess she is going I said I'll tell ya what you do I said well I chased after but I couldn't catch you what I thought I gather the devil out set her free bless God but I said I could get you I said you thought it's funny I didn't have a flame then next day Cathy flew up she caught that place then Kathy goes do you see her where's Jesse Kathy was on I'll never forget that I say honey you never have to worry about that good there's nothing in hell I want but in the mournful weeks later I'm sitting on a plane going to Dallas this lady comes with me sits beside me sticks her hand on my leg just grabs my leg I say woman they got Holy Ghost on that leg Oh Kathy I think Kathy lady grabbed my leg now Kathy didn't care if the letter grabbed my leg she just want to know how long it took me to tell her to take her hand off my leg see women want to know how long it takes first get your hand off my husband leg one more I was on the plane flying to New York put my side I was in the aisle seat bulkhead sitting there at me a USA Today night read something you heard me say this on TV in three there's three guys over there sitting next to me not in other guys just reading I get this beautiful woman walks in but I don't see her because I'm reading the paper she walks right up to me and I hit his guy looked at these guys are gonna go whoa you're not man they get stupid whoa whoa so I'm reading I just kind of looked like it but I stared Xena she walks right up to me takes her legs go she bumps my knees I mean I put down the paper and I see this lady and I'm thinking I must have her seat or something you know sometime airlines make him say so I say excuse me she says hi I said hello I said do I have your seat no she says where are you going and I thought you dumb woman you're on the same plane ma'am you don't know what a plane going and I'm stupid I got a mine I can think everyone she said everybody she said if you have time I have time these three guys oh they look at me when look like Porky Pig I looked at her and I said you devil to myself you want to mess with me I closed my USA Today miss excuse me man back her up a little bit and I stood up got in the aisle this is a beautiful woman yes that and all the guys going bad soon I wish I was him I heard him say we show us on I wonder where she is and I just looked at it and smiled and she had told me that she says I like your hair oh it kind of joke you know and it's listen yeah I stood up right in front of everybody in God pointing my finger that woman and I went three guys where's Babylon they wanna know where Babylon is gonna go cuz that's one pretty baby coming out of Babylon I ain't never seen her since i sat back down took my paper what are you saying but the Jesse I closed with the statement if you do not embarrass sin sin will embarrass you embarrassing put it down and you're never fulfill it and that's how you live a holy life and you can still I'm just much a man as anybody in there I see a beautiful woman I think she's pretty but I don't want the woman that's how you keep your life in line you embarrass sin so sin won't embarrass you so if they would have done that 1987 doing the scandals we wouldn't have any we wouldn't have any at all and if you messed up with a woman if you did all messed up with a man whatever if you would have embarrassed sin you would have never had that problem don't shout me down when I'm preaching good what in hell do you want let me tell you nothing give Jesus a hand clap sorry there go give him a good one God what a blessing stand to your feet handsome man I hadn't preached that in 10 years I enjoyed that myself but turn though still dark why did the Lord warned me the end this meeting here with this message I had to go back into mine before I came I had to go back into my repertoire of sermons and some old books and stuff that I had to copy this why because he gonna tell you once again hell has nothing to offer you and you know look at brother Jesse does it look like I have fun in life I really do you know why cuz I'm saved and I'm not in bondage and his Metz's I joke about Kathy and you know I use alliteration I honor her and she honors me and you see if I would do something like that I would hurt you and I would hurt her and I would hurt Jody I could I could hurt Jody I couldn't hurt Kathy but what's even worse than all that I'd hurt God let me ask you a question have you heard him today you know you can hurt him did he ask you to do something today and you said now I don't just know about him I know him I'm just something one right everything was working perfectly did it hit me I said Lord he said what cuz he wasn't acting like he normally does I said that somebody hurt you today he hesitated I said there's somebody disobey it hurts you today I said Laura I know I'm talking to an Almighty God so lack of a better language in terms it's the only way I can talk as I'm human if somebody hurts you today Laura I'll make you feel better I what do you want me to do I just don't know I could sit but I said I know that's so limited talking to you I said but I don't want people to hurt you no more Lord and I don't want to hurt you I just want to obey you and you know for lack of a better way of saying it I could say it better in tongues well I would say it this way in English he felt better he said thank you for being concerned he said yeah my children hurt me today I asked you did you hurt him today did he ask you to be your friend and you'd said nope did he ask you to do something you said one time with your head Bell if you don't know my Jesus tonight you'd like to get saved for the first time would you give me the honor of walking to the throne of God with you it would be such an honor but I'm not going to stop there I'm gonna take it a step further maybe you in this building that I know you're not back slidden the hell but you're not living the way you should and I ask you the question what in hell do you want and you need to draw closer to God some people call it rededicate I call it selling out for Jesus burning all the bridges would you give me the honor of saying Lord they may have hurt you but then I would do it no more there's nothing in hell they want they've been fooled for a minute but now they're coming back and Lord the drawing 9/2 you and you'll draw nigh into him would you make that commitment tonight every head bowed please every eye closed if you don't know Jesus you'd like to get saved but the first time or if you're not well you shouldn't be with God you need to draw closer would you lift your hand up hold your hand up when I see it and acknowledge it yes up in the bleachers I see your hand yes here on the floor russiaís if you see a hand that I don't see help me yes sir up here to friend I see your hand by lifting of a hand way in the back I see your hand yes I see those hands all over this building thank you ma'am you may put your hand down yes sir I see your hand up in the bleachers you may put your hand down right here yes I see your hand yes I see your hand way in the back back there see that hand I seen his hands on the side right here you may put your hand down by lifting up a hand you're saying I want to get saved or you saying I'm not where I should be with God I need to draw closer to him could I see another quickly don't miss my Jesus thank you Lord yes Lord I see that thank you thank you I see that hand yes I see your hand yes I see your head you may put your hand down yes I do yes way over here in the back I see your hand up and up way up in the top let's see your hand thank you lord look at the people in here we got a crowd in here tonight my god I want all of you to look at me but just another lie to you you know they'll never be a scandal on me because I tell you everything I live my life before people I haven't done everything right but I've tried to I've made mistakes and I've hurt the Lord and it it hurt me to hurt him I asked him to forgive me I said let me grow stronger because she's been so good to me I want to live for you I really do many of you lifted your hand up and top here in the main floor by lifting of a hand you were a person of integrity you said I'd like to get saved or you said but Jessie I'm not where I should be I thought for a minute maybe hell had something to offer me I don't know but I come back to God I draw closer to him I'm gonna ask everyone of you that lifted your hand not some of you every one of you that lifted your hand get out of your seat and come stand here in front of everybody what's wrong with that Jesus hung on the cross in front of everybody he walked Calvary for you he walked down the Via della Rossa for you get out of your seat right now and come give him a hand clap as they come from all over this building [Applause] [Music] what a blessing what a blessing look at the people come and give him a hand clap as they come [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're the reason why we came to Augusta so many people want us to come God if it just had more time in a day I just had more time in a week I really don't like being in my flesh because it has such limitations to it Oral Roberts told me I'm 80 years old Jessie and I still have it in me it's burning in me but my body gets tired get to see that fire god these bodies limit us so much spirits willing but the flesh is weak that's why I want Jesus to come so I can start my work in heaven and I'll have this new body that never gets started and ladies and gentlemen there's things out there that you don't even know we've got great things to do for God after we get to heaven the gifts in the calling of God are without repentance you have a destiny in a destination here you have a destiny in a destination there it's wonderful pray this prayer with me will you it's not a prayer feeling even though you feel things it's a prayer of faith I used to think if I didn't feel God he was mad at me I did something wrong you know if I what's the use you know but the Lord said if you'll pray by faith whether you're feeling or not I'll save you I'll bring you back I'll change it I'll forgive you I am the God of love most people think I want to judge people he said if people obey me and I'm not a hard god he said they'll never see my judgement side just like your children if your children obey you they will never see your judgement side in that amazing repeat this prayer after me say it with your heart and confess with your mouth everybody in the audience pray it together let's pray together Lord Jesus I asked you come into my life and forgive me of all my sins I confess my sin before you this day I denounce Satan and all his works I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that Jesus rose from the dead I am saved write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life and today is my god day but the Lord Jesus Christ no longer will he'll have something to offer me I give my life to Jesus and for the work of the kingdom heaven is my destiny and my destination I pray this prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus amen stand right there for just a minute give him a hand clap you made it a simple prayer one simple prayer pushes you into the kingdom of an Almighty God one simple way you know I asked you people out there to pray that prayer because if you have a problem with your body like cigarettes things that you need to get rid of that part got in that prayer if it can deliver your heart from sin it can deliver your body from nicotine it can heal your body of cancer it can break the poverty cycle in your life because you've been redeemed but I can't quit quit saying that you say say this I have quit your body I said no you have it you don't control me I control me I'm a spirit house than a sole clue than a body as how it works simple just that simple my ask you to do one more thing I know it's late ladies and gentlemen I gotta fly to New Orleans tonight so I'm not gonna get better get to bed to the like the RSA do we I was of the morning and I got to get up and go again I want to give you a free gift from my ministry whether it's a first time salvation whether it's a settling out for Jesus I'd like you to receive it your friends will wait for you this will not take long brother Corey is one of my associates here the anointing of God is on his life he's gonna pray with you for just a minute give you a free gift and they'll return you to your sea to return you to your friends so Corey if you do this with both hands everyone see that man waving his hands I'm gonna ask you to follow him and go get a gift from me to you every one of you please start walking that way give them a hand clap as they go bring the children with you give them a hand clap boy I just walked this way yeah go receive a gift come on somebody shout yeah hello everybody I'm just at a planet and I'm so happy you're watching this video today if you're enjoying our Channel please subscribe you can hit the bell to get notifications as each new video is posted so you don't miss a single one then you share this video to your friends your family so they can be blessed by it and I mean necessarily funny there'll be a hilarious and I promise you if you watch it by the end of it you're gonna feel good because I believe in bringing joy into people's lives I mean that sincerely and I tell people say does anything ever wipe that smile off your face no and thank God I got good teeth it's the Lord so watch it and subscribe today thank you and keep watching you'll be blessed
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 135,169
Rating: 4.8541665 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Hell, temptation, Deception
Id: PsCO-OjWwQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 58sec (4798 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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